'j aà - of .14 athed. wet aet MW WIh ranan bt agi 10,fld lu- lt0" olsbtti&gfacei that nan imat ~ ~. ~ ~a, .. hithe hairtfbide"utelh" tm te men a th 1W. bte ~~g0f oeî1te. bdyutart a bcadtle bis bit browu baud, but be turnei sitht of It' sta il'n'ts»aweO»me. quIciyl-and epened the C&fflgedSr.l. 1t.1088life belton hlm-a*Il thé strange "Mr.F-ISak l0a &t1ayton.a," Bel- ~g.feeling, sm uitraugelY, veriied, ubatt mont sali.. an bix master springla WOUlI have a grim part lu hie lite-ait attr cral..su thn.moutlg ti.the added horror of tthe weird. grimt box. diowe offadtet au h. dsthe workbefore hlm nuow swept up over bo.ld aow 01 a tntanth . b«lts ey 7soul 15tu naimnt 0W0W19U5teW ou alwil -' n dIntihero iWlthin the. earrIMMe lac ,hl ig1l tameour etbbis uter loue- arn aound he grl. ~î~ ithems berett even ot the beloted being arlose tetle -i'lg i an dre berwho for menthe baid bera bis constant clsnfe r ateute uIliwth h ourl cae. silene fr it t fe lwaithth Be pullel bimeit togther. as Itwere. frm tuet rribeanu t adweer obisamgmental effort, and looked fblcbthé terrible around the. room. NoV blank 12 looked whie Wb"re"Bd wuau »h- ad yet bew lerribli lute- Se shiv- lut. e bsprd tiat wu red, T d g deatbly pale eai he Odeep-drawfl breaîth. "a911mla, and -"I amweak 1" hé muttered. ln tIerce iu »hft7. oh. te da r um self-accru. "12 umuet b. doue. and at and agony of ail thons pu weks1- once." Lcace li I cold but ' W 10"d e passel outbInto the corridoir, lie- Lu an e t1Ir scul utrig bav'Pred Ye tenewi, and atèle lto bisown &part- one ansof sfféint1"' rok fr m nent, turnig aulthe gas Up Into ful ol htiemetal2. eubsdblase; thon lane crossed strslght te pasIn t lovenlu the womn'shad the iers closet, unlocked., and drew passon f lve I- te wmana hert he.ealbox outbIntoe hvrou. went out to hlm; AIt VOs the wlio Wt stamoment's pause he un- weund ber ellnglgra about hl% toclic the1. an sd threw t back with neek ; she whe coverei lhW cheeksand quîickened valse. lips with kises. tasting for the O s A soit olh sbawi was aillhis gaze time the ectasi ef belng_setbelj restede onlà.covering the entire torm n d consoler. wbere ber heurt Vastien fce, being pinun under the bead. realing tutti' the exqUisite lo o be Sweet, thougbtful Rose!l She bad lug, ail ln ail to, tAe -one being Who o t' su» d sparei the. *bock of bis was ber 2aIL. She 'VOS bin O eiteirst seelug the death-lke waxen Image as heévwu bers. of bis love lYbIglun the narrow case -Mi' lert'S treasureMr LanCee 44 that imagination might Well transtorru softhy, and ube nestled te hlm, neither intô acofflu*.. The womanly lore- ,of tbe e7alngor miiiYlI t 2thougiit veut te Lanc&'s beart ln 2ha2 1 gbalteoesoon. 12 seemd. hetrying heur. gIe r tilgts atend tld Lanue that He wolild notpause, but Instntly tbey were. near te the place Snd Urne put eue rm under thé bead snd, ot »artlng. 4old, the other under the middle "Tiiere in Rayton Zuanou" be sa551,Do!the oyttelA p, sud laid t on Deto part us fer a few das ; but wvile the. bed at full leugtb. 'fIxes be boeed we are .still atone ."-h. drew from 213e sbxawl., threw 12 off, and uddenly bis fourtb inger a ansiliet da- shrutik back 'a step, the bteod surging moud sud tub ring tbat ho bad »,ver back on his beart. the. celd drops of woWIi 2111 t@-Iikht. aud Put 12 mon ber moisture standing ou bis brow,. au bis ilnger-"4 wear thia betrothal-rlug fron t trained gaze rested for the third time Lance, mi' darlnr for no* Yu cm on thet lay-ligure, stretcbcd betore him And now onesweeSIt arewêtil beoe VO lu tiatfamiliar white robe, the wbite reaeb--moSr banda tolded *on:the .bresat, the gray' He foiedl ber, te biseeart--Ome cose pRiler ef mortatity, on the fair young embrace-one at .clingit kime-alil race-» tlke, se terribly Ik the .dear the carrnage. stoppei juet bey@iid the form aud facèeot is darling, aud yet gl«M et. thé station llghts. - only a grlm mockery ofet2he desth .12 .,Neft "aou mi. tbouk .Neaym M1"waa 2e slmulate. mail a fâmilier voies., sd Franuk tbor'V As lue muet touc I 1t tae that 11f e-j epen -2h. e or. -Y*11vas. atulihiau. Ips smiltudeîtehitohm'arnnsand bear xons, ubmgb! knewr yoù 1vouin't be t into those now desolate reoma into Deor h Frakl 12. ailhi hheb. bai se otten carriedCanal Dea Ol 1 ran Ia al ret.10,, ie. couldi teel, bear the. mad bielnÏ 2he train laPet?"',of his'h*art asbe atood. 1Standing at. X& 1 platfolu , 5 O But t muet b. doue. snd Lance. re- eau take our plce&" solutelyi nasterinig bis feelings, bent 1111 be qulck. off sand back, air. over the lay-flgure sud litted t In bis tiien." sali Bemnt;Ilthe Ila tofts edrvegan»or witb wbst mental effort hobutea ýthethik Vil oundberbrety toue -In heý,ded1ystilinens of that weird as a Précaution. and 2he-tkre Quietll midnight tin. b. bore bis aweiorne went tbnough th big deor ensts th burden through the corridor Into »tttrnm. hebe téod me (coch ¶woasdemerted ehamber. and laid awaling the lt wtgWet-COUitIT trainl 1 caretully' on the bei. shicli Dore- tixat was te take tbem oun te the great tliy bob prepared riea.dy as for a wertd'a capital-London. corps.. By love ! t looks Very' -lke an Frank volid scarcely bave known elopenient, doesut i t?"vhlspered his brlgbt-Xadcap Lance ln the stern Frank, as Darreli openéd the door 01t selt-supbresaed màn atooping aver that a fIrst-clans carrnage.- batîful torrn, s le drew c loSe aud "O. rnk !"l reproacbfuily frem. tal e ti creamy fois ot the robe, Ccva; but wckei Laànce added: . snd tA.d lUgütly under the molded chin *It must be wlth* yen, then, my dbar and over the golden lochs a fine lace felhew, for you are carrylug ber offt Icehlef et Ceralie-s. now. Ah,, tiiere le Bel apeakiug te 2he Then h. veut sud shut the windows, guard, snd -lndicating 'ths carniage ! drew dowu the. bitnda, and partially Invaluable beug !. tou wos't le- botb' drfv the sulîhes curtains, no that with erel with ani' eue. .Tump Iu, iveet- the new day oui' a very subdued beart ; you mustn't stand longer. And llght should enter the aeeming cbam- there Ia the . mut bell.". ber .cf deetb. PFiallhobethrew a The- guard came, aient, Ioed 4the w bIte sheetover the bcd., ud scatter- door wlth a-littie nod andi "ail rtght.- cd ucarli a bottieful of eau-de-calogne air." te Lance, vie atood by tbe door over 12 and about. bis face lunsadeAw, sud passel on. Hie torgot nothlug, but as. atutely neimnt came- up as thée second bell flive te e'ýe rydctail of 'realisut. rang, sud a ftev pasnera iuried Th«e. be turned eout tbe cas, and 12 Waa- J152 alter m daiigit b. «'le once more toun'i hmmeif boe@M «»» I Voam ethan tfoothb, t. b. se windoWs; h. paw Ua2 he e P tn1'**i" he miatterM -;t-but, great hewered lu the bouloir m Ila-bu lfsvtm twbt anawttirmgl1 à%*9- dowvu; hé plcked. *»U the O5#iW'uplob di1 a" tu th15terWible o h02r> éd 1. uni la aute u qte U on * Me WSUd tMi e d 2h. l'O0n»M balconi'. adIdrev U'p he, leIgb. »hocuww0rt tu 2. log 12 ancm4mthe raahfl ap rteqb whule h soe.qu Ou hOsof li pdt Lu. bu jI tT Tue MILE te louns the *vem nwb'ô, 25AIltu- ttetaand pSIpons, was Coilah ube* Wrrtomfs lay on the-. north aide t the manfon -1but lamee qulekW 17e'- versed hley.aî4orUw i * i*d- 80uil faceeset 9-4 sterm uow au ohlSel- éd.' u1arbie, ne -.ýZuti-g Inu hImpor*- tiebad tbat knoched at h« be iwioe betore Iliere vas *&Y. -Seund vIthfin. "-Coenl, Ellsabetho" c«31" a. drow- ar ole. 44 t. aet yenr MaW&, but 1-Ljane Ne board a stifled tile cri', thst vas a 2nge lmIugllug et expeotaucy' tar, and- triunmnh : thon a hurriel moe- ment efft est se the carpet, sud a busky' vole. at the dour. .t qib. quck and JeAn you lu. 2he ncxt moont Watt there" The. next room was ber boudoir, andI for once lu ber lite Aldytb was sot tes minutes.lu gettluir on clethes aud an elegant robP-de-cbsmbre. 'fln-, ner deor openci, and alie came lu hur- rledîyi excltcdly, towari the mn awvaiting ber. "«Have yen core te tell me." she gaspel, ' that-that-" "45h. Asle eai 1" sali Lance lu a ic-arge ubisper; but lu bis dark cycs flaalued a tierce lgbt that she reai ber own way. IlShe died at nildnight. Tt vas uselers te ameiue asf7 me, for Dorotby bas doncý everythlng., Corne wltb me, .Adyth ; yen muet sec ber."' But Aldyti started back witb a cry et tear. - Se. ber ! ne, ne ! 13ow ca 1. wbo neo bat.sud dread death. hoock tpon But Lance must test th3e secuity ef the. subterfuge, and bcyond, that necesa- sity there was a flerce. burntng satiq- faction ln the. power to e-.,I the blew te the. cowardly murderess, and force lier to look on her victîi. H. strode forward and grlpped ber wrist. DBy 1leaven, You ohall camne!" be qald, between. bis teeth. *"Do you think 1 will bear ail the. burlen and yeu only stand by-you whose guilt la one at leset with mine, for you have Pltted ttus deci fer years ; aud if 1 did t. you tcnipted me, If we ar-, partners lu crime, t uaal- be shared tbroughout. Corne wlth me t,"' She vas terrified-cewed as 23e -sav- age, animal las cowel by lts master- na.n. ý You frIghten me wbcu yen are se cruel !*" ah. gispei. «1 111 corne, then, If 1 muet, Lance."' H. made nu anuWer, but only losed hMs grasp te put ber band en hie armn and leal ber frein the roem to that other chamber. No need, h. knew. to fra.r ber touching. much less kîsng. thée white coel brow of the (seeming) corpsee o ber vlctirn. I shall heep the roorn bon locked." 13e whispercd, as hoe Put the. key Au, and openlng tbe door, drew the qua'vPr- Ingt guilty womau Inte th. balf-dark- oued apartmnt. lehe pansci beside the bel sear the feet. almost as white as the seet Darrell's baud threw hait back, ne- vealilg the palli, exquisite face and tolded banda of the. lay-tlgure ; but as 13e stood with tolded arma as If Iu liard endurance, hls owu keen eyes covertl.y watelied bis trernbling but remorseless ceuwDanlen . 12 was the supenstitieus, vaguely terror-struck shrinklng o! the. murdener from. 128 vie- tim, which le penbaps the tail te Itacif tMat conscience exacts fi-cm att but the ceai-sest, ment callous clminai ; beyond that, 12 was that beathenlah klnd of dialîke te the mere presence et deatix and nsortalty. which nmuet neede belong naturaiiy te sucb a wo- man as this, for %liem practically the present le ail aril the future a blackc, unrealilred mythos-a hînd et diehiloe that prevalled conslderabiy, sund no wcnler. some elglity yeare or more ago. but ls ln itis ay enly IndivIdual or belonglng to the gleemlier secte. But An AUdyth's face and strainel gaze the main who.qe matr-hlcss suda- eity bal achleved this giAr roclery saw not anc shadov et doubt or sus- picion ef thse reality etftthe stilI toi-m. He bad thse darlng te whlsper atter a moment: - ItAleni-ar cight heurs mAnce ehe dîied; do you see any d1tternce ln her aready-any change frem what she was In lite ?Il "I-i don't think se, unIes-l' "Lnless what 71, he sald, under hie hi eatii. Uniees. peiliaps,' >Iiyth addcl, ti*c.muloualy, -"12 is a ittle eider she louk8à. I fat'cy 5., Lance, Intensely relieved, answered bldIV : "lAy, it la net fancy, but ulmply the rruit etf natural effects aiter detth ; that wvhich makes the oh pnesently xwearthe. aspect et mucii ies yeans *%%-Il otten adi on snome toe ari' youth." As h. sai tht. be nepacel the eheet wlthx a emîle et bitter Irony. as AidytIs Instautly burricied-ut luto the sntc- room. Lance teleowei. ocklng 2he bonr agaîn ; botli breathed, freely again, but tie bu*M<t9 t eIs-rbn. t .the retoa'-hp et telus ondes)'Of mtl fer 1and, t1r le uevboy i liM.alra = %oeu dbol ai,. deC 1 vent liai IUhisailti eung mams fe lng a mien', 'wayte brsie sa. pletMdila trut% trick hlm into ma>- utg a iepl t arse. et Our beautitul see fr the. deéd. But I2 balt te bo rdone, sud b. di 12, And vent te 2h. registry aoe andirgae the due notice et MASt Ouls's ieth asbeiug oue pre- senlt, aud bie certiicats et the. cause et desti 1&àlier inedîcat attendant. Tbanh Nfeaven, that vas & ail uh s bai expected. asud with 2he seçeasari' papen rein mthe re4ltrar lai hi peeket, he once more tii-uv luiscît Into 'the saille, As he dii se he vaé stantlel by a »ound tbat b4omed eut deep -and heavy over 2h. coimtry-4-bnOe strohet ot tie great bhoU lis2he lotty tower et the cburcli-he couid hear: the claug et the tougue sud deep uniertone, as 12 rang that catI et a#tention te the mes- sage oet ieatli-th*'eequlch strokes, tIsen a pause beforé 12e volte gave forth tiosne eghtees-Sb, oniy elgiteen strokés; another patase, sud tien coumc, 0f that aad, mleste bell ;"9 that awesome sotand, ievel' te b. ton- gotten, neyer moi-e te be beard vîti ln- iifereuce by the heant that ban once heard t for some loved eue, and breathed for the. passing seul the pnay- er et talth, *'Requiescat lu pace'1 LanceIlistenel wlti strangeiy con- fllcting feelings An his heart as b. rode on new. headlng Black Prince for the Hall; but before h. bial got fan ou the rosI a ver' different souni caugiit ix ear sud made bits dra.w relinapI;' sud turn lnAhei sd41., ,Mr. Ds'lI-etop-pleaSc stop air!" An u i-tiSng wikh ail hie mlglzt. qulte breatulees as 2he telegnapb boy trou! the. station witix the famfiiar coloned envelepe Anis.hani. 'Tie bioei swept te Lance'e cheeh, "For me?" lie sii, quiebli' stretchlug out lits baud, "Yes, ar; Jlst cerne, sud I vas a- tahlng 12 oun wlie Tom Blagnove ses vo as along bere. i-"ý «IAUrght, boy. Catch tus," ne bastlly teok the. telegnam, tosel back a shilling (2h18 -POOt doctor), -and noie ou; but the minute be got int* the Park ho cbeccei Black Princes pac. ad broke ffie envelepe. "IAU lb;weUl. That waes aU-Z-1rbm r-au hhuev- bis dean alter ego. - Tbe nmsage bat beeuS iven luaet 83% et lgb treet, S John's Wood. .SBoFrank liaievidently stayel the niat t Cleinatis VUilansd thîs vas the mornung nêvo et Cenai. Tbanh Heavet ! al ast «vet oui ate wltb ber,. Ho cas seni a etter hy Dorothi' latr lu the dey, for ho huew tbat the. girl woldenlie isabsence have carrled eut ber part et bis programme, by wbîcb ah. vas te rejais lier mie- tres st once. lirs, Mortimer bal Sakel bits toem»n te tIse hbrary ou bis returu, sud as t aulted hlm te se. ber, Lance Vent there ut -once. "Weil -" hà* salI, ,alerîy. as be en- terel, "Ais ahle ate--at!. setteci?" "Te," bhe a*waered shontiy, "and 2h. funerai. as I *ld-tvelve on Tnesiay; sud 1 shail leive bi' the 3.1."1 *1 y Lance,, my dearest love!1 vbat shall I le vitinut yen even for a short tOrne ' That look aud, manuer of bers, bell, fi-ce, blaudishing, sîchesed theean, al- ways. adsud mt nov t vas tnbearable. 1«This la neotUme fer hove-rnaklng r' i. sali, almosi rougbly:; ..keep ta the. matter-of-fact business et the heur." "YeTouion't love me as 1 do you !"' ahe bm-st eut, hait sugnirhbOt afrai of hlm. "IDon't 1, Aldyth ? if ail tIis busi- ness does net tri' yen muchl12does me; yen torget," wlth covert ii-ouy, *"that yen bave hai yeas uta hardi-n lu-I only veeku; ybu bave ivel se long with murder-I but a short span, sud yen muet bear wthmi' eahuese." qAiyth làokedý,52 hum, her clieeh red- denlug betty, #er bande liit e ut- etretchel:. but s»he dared sot throv berselt ou bIs breast, sud cry eut. "Forgive me. " fer somehow she bai an uncomfortuMe Instinct that est. now he veu lepel any suob leman- stratien et pas0on. Bbc droppel her handà, cowed, Sdslquickly : "Yen yese, de r ogtthat; sud I amn puttlug e*rytiugon yntee- inaklng you .as iban ou httie nervous 1aghD ataiready as man- ter bere.: WeL,% ,etold lir. Meti- mer vbat you sggemed but bimgo- lÉg dureeuuystr b.funerai te ta ton, 2h. pneme hiiebs arried iaugbter t Bb't, miebas vnit- tes te ber ; 1 4u m d tai h.ehag vil) be gool ter oui viat be vi psy *v1i - belp or0f ourse ho muet ie uitb boetrtb : .iot7- thiug - vIli h ràmue4 -iterodean 44«"T,sai oaut¶el- fn ,slow)y stiegR#,.-,tatoàsi rpp 001ti Mifas he00%tumie -ame or' wo ofthme then vomen touehal tie coi vwaxes bnov t bof eu toai; no dii hbeatfreely tm ba4rphoeith. e «t sud once ue àeo lthbteon on tiheloy-figure. 11m n lu 2he attenocamine hwOs parturé.oet Doretbg' ond the.luga. Mud aft t2h51Came aluth, 2hI2 us- stable, blash sonne etutter oelu for Lsae-b daasn, bisuusae et :mouthu., vms goe &Mfren bioade theugb Kooaveuu huove net fenbig Oluorge Mid everi' tbeught. That eveniug, about hait-paut aine, ho sud ohlinMr. Mortimer vere ait- tUng eut on the. tennace smoking, ani the latter tslklnc about bise vaw daugbten, lins. 1Penfold, vies Mark- bain .ameete tbe wlndow tnem vithln. "Pleas, lMn. Darreil, Mn, Blagnove lnseif bas breught--haa couac, vlth his nou." Lance rose quletiy. "4 xcnse me fon a Urne, lir. Montl- mer,"l ho sati, Snd vent la vtUxthe BbaOu they carryr it np the bock stairs, airr' ahed Mrhhsem, buskity. 14Tes,- te the.sterooin" 1 Nov anel"Ongei te be ailete ad, "Don't grieve, Coral lhîves 1" But h.ý bane liet. int lt. for th.e ld servantsa joy would bave been toc ýgreat to b. quite conoealed. Re offir tunned away te the grand staincase aud reacbed Corals roen,, and openei the chamben-door, sud igitel oeeburuer oet2h. chandelIeré, betere the twa mes cutered wlth tueir burden, placed' the trestie, snd the cornu--a haniseme oak one-upes lt,. and then turnhedteward Darneil. "Yen sali, 1 thlnk," sald tiie chier insu, lu a hushed toue, " that, yen were te Iay the-the cerpse lu the SoMm ?"9 eTes."$ 44 'm strail, sir, You'lt findit12besvy. Can't I heIP jeu T" ",Thsnk you, ne, I muet tulfil the dear chihd's last wishea," Lance sai, gently. *"Seud youn son cari' to-mer- nov, as 1 tebi yeu. please. That le -He couli net f..i bie secret ate until 2h52 lii vas ucrewed lovn tlght ou IPather and scia bld hlm goei-oveung. and withdrew under Markbam's gui- une. I'ben Lance nerved l hirnactotee hast task, ani fluug bock the sheet Once more, hls own cheek almnoot as pllil as the face os vhlcb b. looe, as bu lited tie figure and bore 12 te 2he coOff.LNor couli ho reprosthe shud-, der 2hat shook hlm au b. laid 12 bock lu Its gni e netng-plac-a ghaStiY moekeri', indeelet deatb. -2 vasw a klnd et horrible fascins*iO* tiat mai. hlm stand ton minutesa Su gase beys on 2h.esihiselîc iefotures m0 strangely lihe bis* Oora's ;, and tien witi a start he tii-ev a baniherel over tic face, ani laid 2he lii lu 1ie place aud 2h. white sheet over aIL. Then.lie put eut the gas andI bu.- riel frein the. recin, loeking the door, and veut down-stalns again te lir. Mortimer. For hie tue vonat vas over nov' b@ bal only ln 2he mornIag to s2sU~ hi' sud see 2h52coffIn-li screi ova --dowu on the horrible lay-figure with- ln. CHAPTEiR XLI. The trnusvept off, scs nleavins Rayton and Lance fan awsy, snd Fnanh, glanclng leva at the.beauttfu face Sud qulcchbeavlng besoin et 2he gi etisasde, sav that ber lucsr vas very full at this tiret partlug sud under sncb palutul et-cuestauces. làhe, atond. petting eIder brother, «h. gently put bie si-m round ber,.sud drev the prctty bead dovu ounbhs breast. "I 1inuit take cane t ofuce'.spre- perty, jeu kuov, dear," h. mail, mU- isg. as she sestisi 1ke a tired, cou- fiblng chldIla"sd Tuesiay wili soon coe.round." IlIts snot that osty,"1 came vltii a h*it seh. I"Oh, Fnan. he h.trouble ani! grief te hiM nud ail et thein. lest for me 1 Audilt seerms ltkç deertlng* hie." Ah, ýtiere vas tue suug te the vo- man's heart A ah. coul net bear tu leave ber lever te utfer pals sIque. "1 know bey yoi' ten, bear; but 12 le net se ieau'y, la urny ai; sud lu a very short turne every oee vbehba gievel for jour toss vill b. reJoichig over tic trUtb-tbé Wrbole tuh"ba Praiak, arhly. touchiug 2h. ilamoal tIngs weh ho b"as aIOume oticab ou Coral eelSOr.4but uunlîci 2.0,sand, w»thpretti, bait-msut» nibprObe heli er baud for hi e témec the ring -Nelu ltit t. à@theestWrIagete- UIuai mmaleb pvriasilinow.- -m- --- - ih*; 16 aeray "le «h »mV MieGuies.l c. MW0 ýy« oir ljauoes nuain--bte- COral. stticie, Ilambg up. ou e"0 t .M I wusto e ucael "Té,, tb* a W& mi Poiv7 me; uw>« 1do W»is t . y Dos-I 1- - I t -aos o tiiNm rocs" 3 Sptawe . ICWO IMiurc@wo SIGNATURE -OF- Io ONTH WRZAPPEIR or- EVEY BO!ILEO0 t m soM la bilk. Doa't âmAls.'ayrnet. m- ouradt " lu m the plus or il'"'ibai 1 î« mu sC~ o .jl asu a v ar m«e'v7'pu. me.' ibu ~esgel -A4.-T-O--LA atm- ADYRTISE in tho WMIBDEJI jk drop of ink -n1bes millions- tbiuk." If olrenUltes ini the béat homes. In resd.by t~he most int-elligent 1?aders. 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