m-ta -ut SI POP A.*n~m I & Wish lhefr of o~o mum~ o AS HAPPY je RSPfmU NE W VEAR. The time to.-make ChhtuiaasMad Nov YeAr'Bmeleoionsis now very short; stili v have y.i, a d'ne: uuorêrent of. anfu sd servioembh OIutiuanoveltiios amiable for promet. whih v ame offaing ai t e prie«. thM evu befote quoiedfSr réeta If you.are stitin. doubi WKÂT TO BU:Y sud! WHERE. TO BUT, lake alook ihrough Our immense stook. Tou vi be sure te'fLndtheuigh* artiole, sud ai a mlaoh lotpa han you expeot. ar 76 emd 78 Kent: Street, lLindisaye Wanto4in Idea S gfria44L Town Property IforSl5j lEv EA ONN imtd "ol dvnu1 Bo"ano ns 89 ent sud Willimu"rsiiopry vauei mon mmffmme- ADAM BOPPEY Baac nagl m ouS h. sui"jma n00 ut 'ZlaCeral. OUNISION BROKERa. »»w4 aemaMd Provisons Lossmame on lv tu" mnVi oig6 am on nIe M qor 0 oth&ie re-mai laÀflS~mi e rivate Wlre.t. ov York fa __ &" Mmaun THE RATHBUN OOPIu" nï M ole ju win teddEsno olg Windseor and wc.Ia%'8h Thse buet qualIiU riuma r"l.»be *iot, DRYX3 he ui ft~ .~ s~. ns. u~ et ~aUf5s As poilons: MIN$av .,, -',0 IMM ' qiWgu abtliguiî.W M~af &wons Bue-J5 w au-4mta * -& e :axa 2&. Ilm PERS i. !l"emm. .5 S 4 s Qomes but once a peur, andl when If ornes k brimg o h« hi etv semao 'a s abnd snd the West End Three S3tores ane prep.?ed vith the ehoiceb goods for the holiday trade. Money i. mare ne doubt, but nover in the hiotory of Ibis fair Dominsion did a dollar lo soen uch buying. e are giving extra values during Ch.e(Christmsas season in ail sur diflerent linos. Be sure and am. what vo have te offer before you do your Christmas bseyinS. R Y PAncy Orangea, Ioo, Fig.; Nuis Dates% C R 0 C E QY andies, Raisins, Currants Peels, etc., etc. Fin» Oramberries 3 qte. for 25 otm. Bambse> Broomf made apeoellly for ladkes sud ourlons, 1416asni strong, 25o. eaoh. BOOTS AND SI4OES&iLaes Button Boots, itegalar, 82.00 for 81.65. Mon'. Velvet Olippeus, fancy vorketi front, for 70c. a pair, rognur #1.00. Low prices in Rubbers aud Overahoos. DRY COODS FineSlk Handkrohlefrom 10 cents Now. Hue of lien'e Tienansd Suspenders, choice gootis, I*wpnos W-. m. ROBSO-Nri! 1-mt Wcvest End 3 Stores. Ochristmas aPresents, That are useful,.suoh as Ladies' Companions, Qeniemena Clompamnos Hait Brulhes, Hait Bruahes, Miltary, shaving Muagas Rand mirn, Pet urne in boxe§, Per fume ini bulk, Parlor Lampo, Hanffg Lme, Higibotham 1 Ns,~mw ILNo m. OI*i l eps es~~~~j po- "lm~.ffl,,~ Ira TrOu, Ente Cie u i~ usieion~4 L¶~ B~foP1I~2mai ipeM~~ I ion mi OWUt h le pave pnpmtl. an aEw Bm 15, fOL-Il-I. ~ mn"' iii w. s. Bas. OL. WL-SU I ~ Drug Store. I Note... i NoBles la lsanêy4lwshimt ail puma. iuhq i usisiq.iaeesssi.. I ~ ~ lie emulero i Cia lai vif iCi e. n lies. lie îles BIT O UDUAIT, 155<, s mamanS mav*tag visa Cimi - mmi alun mi Euh gmioulmss et Cii eMmat mi lie ail asala. eacCbi uaseeml ut.r Cie 505 msniemsi~. Noe.Ine. ~EE aoaisY, Bas. O, SOL-Il-S. I ~ imi-uf mea. ine mI mp pe 0a Omar et . muai. t.umiC*saumL adme mat.'gose 7«joau pslvaWalpItube CMe P<floPOu.mIvet mi tg jean vola m w eamZ ptià% t ia *isa ipbgu aami 5 ucl bai ~ it à". e. M 1 n..ro.om »48is ne.. i liqtm et fl ge *0iebut et mpi M va the unml aipa i et in ur.Md, mo p.. t Oneumon.-aC Cie rouai. a numbin i m WM 1 a O have d t u ogit mymmaifa eolt e.lita 19. -784. owe C farUeimn DoivisonwN et CccteCmmi.t OauLsw.-IaL«nnu masate SoRfe saf au aoandldaaefertbe above hosme so iUSe,I mi.b5 epr mut t bave beau a zmomabar_4Wif sha on Gommit fer. ton py@@&% %breeasueDeuy-5.cO. savonya-si Seeve aanaeao I1have &il. bai the basr S rora-nt ie utp sa. Wadeo.Aliter My eegl eupaeae. UÎL COunCv Gommait agape I1lelt 1 m .511e 1 &-king pour support. ami If émInial vi duobargo my duty te theb bsci mv a&41#ypfor the bo utriie.th se Oeunly and paruiary fer lii divWite& ul Py o, rmaen 'fouts moat vscSutLt. Dia. Id, lm .-4 . 'T. S. McQU&Dz, CoUnty CMOUnid District 1N0. 2. LaNUgaà»na nmr.mu-at tic oatn aislla- p vabs tO 1have ocsaaW tec heamea mn- <lef. No. ! s, 06oomwrbg 14 %anet JIpa mdm the lsboru 15eTvalpiOa oaaifor t5h. Ce oat f fio or th le pU. lm 1 .Ibave bai .cmlderabe malu-ul exer ame la tu«, t. vuubip Md aeUnSv counnusau peefeollf aiied e.louve Sy putl record for pour iaumeidoaloaIf eleied, 1 iIlnleai la My povan te avrve the boat intareate orf the ouaty gsnenall sdeu ybtro. o29t larulàr WIOI.g poa mnryhristmas and a bapoy 1New Testar,rmain, Ood- 0,ul ROBUT E TAXI COuty Coumi Divmson No, *UN!LK.UE M Aua largo namboer epayar in DivluIo. N.#..8, have boeauakit1i me, a oudi. daSe I bave dooid dteciferor usar 1huuty Ceuit Divwson, 10h o. ,imortmag ea- perdes ofCMe eoa t cf<poe " off the Seugogrieur. the Town- Four si a vmudinfmflei. Ibave bas& a membar ut l*a .a eoumu enilfor the pas v earou anMdIf nab l»neumi viii do &ais amv pewvatemc m 90i bu&S tlaetate of Diviston ]NO. 3. and the cocun gaomily. You@ tsmuly. s. J. v ox. DUPItso1ve ioje. Orgaus, Panos '-AND- SEWING MACHaINES 0f the beb imikers, for Lbe leaut money. (On'" price only.) rner Sums-x and PeeIl st.,, -205-l. OX 415, Linduay. Notice tb Croeore. lis Me msaus et«Ia eat4 Of DA TID OQANEIJ aie of tMetoeemhp et OSa paruum51la lie evissisinuaw 1 calanuis lm »M la I sbutebygise.. liamalpae olammpecsgaaspfe aiae m 0 f the Md &y ofom dj ovember a »DIMeSr rqueiai t Mieh er en Sa de looma s a048W, vi an m ie, Landier solitose kt Sa" Seueatile e it t I'à;uy aMiD"14ii oaui etim iaTobijuia OP.b*a mi.- G0oa et VWioolajemus. Uzeouro e0thfli iiet 5h. ali Davis Ocueil. deomA ona.or bdotaos eFOUS. TUMME DAT ON JaMULt, . i. ii, aàsimt. as Ilavvilbg di léri awvua d aidrouftadm St! vosshu A sithair lalme aun e alum oii er Aim me a el aCsmiC~stlia atilai ýmsiaai «t« *0e ma"Ezuoes iWi proe.ei1 ibwuibi"0ieui&m m aiu desameai afommo*Ci »am Md e sali asm We iin tbu romps.- obé Oe a mo rsa r.jpaiS lmn me ihabUMa Ste me pu a. et chasoalaSs neoe " ai ubem bms. emis a uissa o i e tn*t iau 1h biSas. 0Md. lm-la8O& 'I I. e r r a s OANADUAP4 PACIFIO RY. wosCHRI8TMA8~»NEW YEAR'8 UOI~KDAYis Vil fosmo LaunS tsi, !Csiic e. lalisma: *uugaaAL PUELIO N~ie hainin me, SOL ~ ~mi.siul.mtpIg5ichg aibI wve b il 1 -sm NtIW%,» Aw. 89,11M" ?ITO Cie - M mal tttUsp, dqfv zen - ibesue,~ * Vd1i- m e n am a 1114 S quo et .. la boww awslhLuv Oq In e. fis"a the la à hm s >uiÊp Dmà4IaI . Cie aI le inni OU Ie asa 4i ai *sat i _W84 aa-Piephby MUwé Dari ebjaeshg t e bing ohasusi gm une popaity se ie amm« C wauit bae Mas eslIMM*troMC Cet hb" eitot. liane.mmitmes mae.tas. FME im onai cem fer vo] roem WIF rmk# abm .horia trou pplg poi asnexW l e d bua*pqfag Cie~~~ teamisi e t é, mmsliewm e ésdaraeluo ~ vépniasvumieai dte n py .tiSer lmtllam. M nomtm.e l'o. Ithé IMMe te ié,Ceealmuesrt. 5 ltu C*at Cia ..laslaet tea hi8n ea oheai toum £W&a soiet Jtaboom bisi ho <tie trousanr) saietitb- h.lm aisf . Viime.o, asaIbo Ci.1mai CMe an sa faèab ni. E ffl baISsa lit ao mas@> Promse é. Sine . ihe -à, am a voln mlfg sLai00 soievii iat11% tu-usai fheoda fl g lsemm-the.evesi Gp slaaiomeste -M .rrmgemsfaà té. maa g beuNdes lame bateesa CieWCemi dCoedip, lAi M &%a "lbe. Anspent iemU»eNa lartasslei leputatlen aemilph. wu Ureame. ta *0 fat om"oioS hv; Ch. doputate. e eoived uarm au ChaI s nul iew wcu ila aIl peiobithftp bhoefal imd y.Hie(the gilea>expoacvM ers8, MlLap'a 8o0, Kr. BrymOa' oit hoisdefrayed by the *gi- ounterai asey Pnmiomailtas. Tac tolleaiWngets as mraid: lvuii50, Dr. Bilean, Le . Geoy On moshe, Dr. PamiraMni t]Cieeail nrfmai le. the meumtat&,Goigm on i leias fa hymisml iieds, Caté Ch. eplams lvi y Dr. poek s6. notIen vu pamaaihstChose Cires Ooaunta lii lu. Gram Mai Cie repartet Cie Ia.. omm.ccteru auedn Ci sy of fsilelbmcouatea:W. Besais,88;-Na"~. neaaiOs.. on 76:. ILBryam àAVe,,.819go; tc.8; F Inpovi. ,00.tageunicpal w8a2;di Igeoaudisr, 880; 1.0C. aToiaxpmm La oeumouiou lth ie loet Jlairââlvs ImatlCpt 8on; pile bary aspar vote ie- omnest8100 1%e esmilse roc.mead Chat ie peCition ef W.- C. cfigamI o gatad. ha aie roquas tofJ. J. Pam shobel mt .abtal. se. lithaett es -et Niates nMmd M"e. iam f-onrote»mdtum Sias e. abt aume propsrey os@raetai"upMase et tf Ci »«@~say deolrt" ea nrequtridby -ibeniy Lawr, but chat ne maCo. osib tda arecard Ce thfir Park 0lotppfly.-Eepoot eioptsi. Mr. Sooeuona pmasatoi ho régeit or -t» taun propaîty oomrnlstOO6 statfmg shahon «imijinthe. leov ah pice .f«r wil lot numbâte i4 Mat I&on- ssti agide oe tPei a-refo nid b. purcouai for ua 46 for.lot 14 end $650 for lot 15; tieoucamttto e ai SVay roaunableoEil C. tégît alover figure but have beenunable tod, . Ifth*l. coclý dnimtie.5 purobue. he propety I ilsi h méestuéry -I negiuothe oczamittué by résolu. tion ct tbe canadA it C his mfttfmg.sas-a by le could be péce.ta epotalmsetigof councl e i e olifor liat punpobbeate Slet 1a1, The lova uolieir ho rabu ic attention te the <aCltat thé o meige egaest Bannae cOaho hla larrouandc eaisd furtInstmuotcasse eté chat stops they are to tetinatheMouCntRepuot MicPU& Bp nIt ef streC tonegenWalonrami,& Cie report gave the em»of etelrlai sain tho "imiakte Ceeais, nimber et amlie .1W sun, auit et obtUelm; lae e UsI ir - thoraaéce7 ud[eo mrlcerll83ln" mî t. h. gum ert 414 iehéCeli 0un i bn se0 tu81437. w t: esw nmber et roisinitaMunM& a idCie' Aster @«Madhowi éoispant vasaW" ed te ho Iplat. i3. Pi" pesastuiCeho ai t poio osmutus; Ce ra as taise Bell ho OoleianMd Nfainba of l OU 0, i h 1ai7awoo boamunt iaiiosl E.3ré,a tiO on motie. obolesM&ilke, ., mie et1 L XL.--Whole No 2075 am fine iaui amy tfortlssimq the §mone x0fei by Uv, Cunioa. Oomded by 1w mbabni-thhï rti.ii#b ks. .t sud pevu = bumyhar qoned to have tiheoe.*es tr- Cie gune tampséoarir on Chahs. "0 Mmd scmsl.enaB oxe moraing Nr. Uethnà uehd for itotoms trou tueeamaS o e e ."iR»'»& Mhcabe mor.. vi.. e 1 -i. modb,, r.Ut. L ussaigi bKr.Je"n e Oai.e., tuat te.Major «Ai eh.keb@ Wi. eh. oeprepnrty ommitta u"nvise sris. ah.muid b. Ctaen mad te ope 4e*ai. psull meeting et oouaciL llm. uswinait. o<ad . C e vias Ci nul mating of ous -cil wouldb. i.Jd, -seh pmeh,. of Ch*petit ..b.. propoe . Cihave Usb e r hvpassaibefore 31«s tact, vit am iselisi sadjoura te Touday. 2Stà SMd. Tlm* W..fler. zlmpel he. auk somdifSatnrday saigt Dt. Ms, 18 heIr.Ladamy .barvawi.- ........ ..... ............ ... *U.i ..... - ......satnrda 'Wmmmufa. mm .et. 8403......Snaday 4141da . .0 de 18 8 ..... tudayý âata files 1Uap Tel ab Md n .d anmev0.19 The ouum vlvofeNothiOn tario bave dame vlîu aplaag Chotmadard-beasin f tie lad for-te .loglulasîve a.,.m bly. The ulian of Mr. W. H. Houe, nova c f Oaa- mt... aMi pua, grand master of the iads. pimit, oder of oddfollova, te au exolleut eoioen ad ho vifii saa an abl. endiadmit. able adde, onMý e CiaC oanousry the xding fo th. e aav*I,.party. Mr. Hoyle Immt 4dCve psaay; alwaIay it.n.d t t.vh 1 taia".;bie abwq haima ado hlm a amna faverile viti mau,aMd v.@fuia slikeC hat ahmw hc ho eioàad, iSého is ii, Chat he wMi porno. tha mateialîinterees cf the ride Ila Wmaap vya.- Cavingtc aGleana. Iàndmv à[odet DohooL XAM NU or UucoUnnaLm OAI5IDA?. Ne o mtllestua for 8 jea".. Aomlwmg JaeaN JK ampb.Il, Aunais Diacivl urtn etin, Mande E BowinOlier Graten, Ma bel Besk Thoés D Bilhwlra.Minais MâaCC, Ruth Maripu, Berthe Iuvfre.Waler ackansI., Matfada (YNd% SIleh Sherman. Jouise Pnsa.a, Arthur emit1b, Eniomia FPel JosapIH 9 Toe. Sarah Ana Sha q4ea a rwd, Ena R W«,1aau, James ,fiWloao, Anale E Duci Raote 1 . love) Daella Neo oaCllte fer i loir. Emmaval etlfetecfor 3 juan. Bp..... Poetr Komnan, Jeumie Staglés, Ejaut Kennedy, Aunis Thoium, William kérr. Bar& WoaLirt, John H 0'Lesry. fiiaty Coppi.aton. 1dm BSmith, Men& G Atis, Anl Buttolà susacun . Ransval odulfcati for 1lyear. Zmnader, PiedE CJrlllotatmded for i yoam. Bllvawogd, &bort E la future &Il candidate. for toneval vii b. inmledlapractical tiaohîn. esivaîson &rmy Notes Ad jI. Ray. -junior aodièra, saaetmry of thé &A.. eh. vau te have. bees at the barracke lut Sundaty but vau net abi. toeon .occuiC et ocaCrasUag a vory sesure cold. cil ill ie i popentmenl niatS tnndap sud Sunday, Dmc 1ani" AU ane oordlalla ivil ttattend The o iiwa Cidatin aappui ha@ boom Loai ip adjutant Atadrovaet Ch. locai corps : .Saivaul s Amy, Ltadaay, Dac 2iat 1896. Dasa ftom. -Alev me Cc cf. yeon put imsa£Md VU«. aaet uh. aaauem, btn Tom e!-butsla roui omoy Christmas aMi "b tue bapplual, ollalsud met »al ov p a b eu hhteoY. As u aie v4l! avar the pusaut ume.la aCime of ahovicg Our bip aMd Rond al iby giîing of prumual M tohemi etMéfM afpov allov mo te mai voM emadermion Ior Cie irer tChe B.A. s l LniYoThiýngi mlcham mi adv e m.c m MaIM s Smme., vis hweek, narions Maide. - vhsh paaisemMymet Cie Wei"toi. 1 iam p mod by,11 vI.Ou-- te nIh.pmfeel bm anVisa au, ss vigor a ="naolte sa#0 u d Chantons vea ~ sy, baIes~MW My mv eigaroe termom u i a ""m , Iau I veIIaWagelvu fe0f 1", bl u i Mipa - maite m rn ronsChon- 'ebU5e Mt mome et Mu» *sd~Ifyevllme moye - pa s ai lias iuoiràab TOUQ»oàv. ope. Din. 0. h. ism-78.tt 1 -