Way $2501.000 VPHGVEO oin NMOTES 'ValaNilqi I 11118' Soi i CASH oaIE FoIi smi& .1 Sa sbdt gtLoume *to lemmn«Aiethm Whiam'O dedreusf ohoismag lii.m gam md lamlag l iainltairdumd bI the Me',loya mtst&T.e tM d a a 1!l nk a «URdhWdby ül iedofln la »fW TEAT HOUEm Umm" feu ha*v, lie oppoalualy to bovoM Ionuwvaut ai le redmdsek »ml.Do pVooesàlns. but maieloué sýaf a"I Ouidrea BOOT8; are 'bis mot nae nnueou "0 *tmm arnise ÈS PVUUR 00D M.,H. '-SISSON, -B- g SOf.Ian hi MO0IENNAN * . 00*1 flU 8~INGGODS. Gk&wed Ber .Pie Tha (Istabeatil tion - oali lflmai aiu sPimes Ral Ratats Bought.sud 8oId XOLENN&N 5 00.1 Eavéumn, hbb OtI. s d Oies on Cmiso ,-, - FALL, GOODS. QENEÉRAL INSURAt4OE AGENT, je He SOOTHE.RANt Banker and Broker, n I KENT ST., LIND8AYsONT. and I.a1 Heide PANSI 1. - AMMUNITION. àmrm Fibor Building Papes' wder, eughr, tronger, yl i ut longer, uOisis Ons aterprooif, viii not fali b pies wlbh Qum, Ells miRcvvere, 0g. If von are ereotîng buidîaop jrelit. b b. .heeted with >ser 1VamO mp, viii pay you k t ue hua. 0eil-and Ir get 0amtD >& lezIdom fo P. lingea, Dulst, ightrîLing Kelly ___ Âxesave hand zmade, baud grmd, WA ADIA hsud teoepeéed, and 1..t.d, sil.sel. ÀA 1F£C Wé bave Axes 10 piesaS nta prices froin 500. t10$1.00. l ~T x -DftI'UIS continues to -b.d them ail. Do L I*» ntb. vithout oge. >i 1 K*RA la 613 EDWARDS C 8&0T - ~~~~wos. C.4 m& ~ .. Lesther Poti, eeCae, Toile1t caes14 àMtm i Iou04 wb l Manionre 8.1*, WE eb"t h by sle mm*ti e mas Carda, UcokIMlU, m'iiba&y eam et &sw*%es.. lm dlendhumla mb4 Books Of aul kinda, 1.À BEOf. A. LITTLE'8 BIO* sud Sbslloo a u opp. Put 0e01lstUt,0%~ n iia m -de Se *Md-" 14 bAulbtI »* <olà h na oig* i Laf m lbpbmbo* of mpW vieS, aM& siohm Dem Leopa al bcl id-evf - lmt lmai oham lie Io" uoi. mmm Mse bauat a qi a go t t"ym i-t neny B er Adtan w omwrs..e m n lie sî bil. sImufliMd aenu»mleûlmpshlea lm ie.aa sae," la the Jaaasy le M mosvIuPlust fa» u" et .1masy AmU4 àkppreulahi. Sd sdiq se. Ils 8oe. ïet lcf m e h ld vuleoeee d aniim e t g**uhsom app.euat o -lbh 09 maa hé..nu mabltpea agsoilvit. 'isu . easbh kh Ils th ac uht lIe.mmi.&taiUt.Aibmu Halalet teva visimlte O.k. ls"m a. esde.s'd Mmmli telshie ag .pasout nlMdl basin cea .ne di lbh Mmd baebur Alkiao stIet duaais iubtae bbo*ttg moaletis séMaiw. Ho 'cabwb.mE -Md ube mutu ob'tm ,pi apothe le"@lsgodm tien a -adu vm m n*Ommi M, mh i- mi wuw nus i.wevu~ s i~!~-NsftIu~ t. i sel ue~ nImetsmmué- . jTsl4~~l.A paIllalima bonlmpaà*laas A-16,R -UdtgMmmlu n sbes sud le My q is 'd~~ Imm&~ ooe tsoo bumi sna ions miomai lie m te t"a a I ieooivi lsaaasaut es ma l es»0col ée« wbaUmam deislboter ié mlm t.elmont n Temis. etigf4»lm e euSii ibum n 11wtmy iaitiý a-T aytlma t se. tig imws, O*al hm» Mifft t'h UMMlb SMd à#elio etmbco0.AfI bom %halmahtéso.Md ehU6n klia pr u. »é an ex uu le- the tMeram90otup.ts.ime Steài u maies EiIempire aMda»là« tomm à"tie ti Sel p i isd éin i »b th.Ti ".1.th atto, bono h.aifmeo0401,iiagtffls -a eé tumS i lbm <Iepa.vumai te al a, s t as bum i m onbeft&".Chamovu ud. globe boa i".ISIthse " lbam1.11 b l - * _km -a *n'ma IkUStffilthe DOAIDUUh Glbe Ud. bna Tme gliansl bw imytouemina g st Ibun f M» lte e . aaiaI NmmS a %buIpuoeaa-SS.l bttg usfali eue toaiu -i é mi b slehlat.fora.aviosto > à; l e v on ioPeulj T.ub dhées ~'uaaami il Ta Vàmmu ume l etlth eVatvata"t. net sie b las lOua nmm msbeau mv7ylen titim% Us5.& masM t t h Dba m & O'. emehi atmhé 88 lute m 0" ISI!la a W.kaiShê uam teameh MM Dz. Diue&mp mwlel m -ibadm uo-lis-ut e w t a». mb*omm*gt OIii Md euoslieT»mmi ea«muniug angles te om DaIsMa.uml t oglie mwo d tbheul Ul. vallis atm ator ee blleMO Ira eau have h -iAi pLAs fUes l ou al. I he t nM bd; ULA-410 e munabu hou a bnelb Boeh mlii0.,bye olmAgle a IeouL"siobla Milem ogefNs. m Be mm teiMy et m miibc hemtout lhé.. atmmliib e p=fa.. rosI aa tseiyaitn r louI mmm ie is., bu lIa epuoviae haa rlieuton i 1ev ate et b ilaKent a0boubfle8 "et bastionm.&Immtogdlmg. ute pM, alt h. 0tamaviti bai u oInet, ét ass, mon2 ive m uspol lbta oa ouaSinclairasdepu'"tt **hiM.ae.-hedi. bMitemncomepositiobaunutétte bt pe o 1>90lu9ou isr. W. liphm "asIBA ieh ana.1@11»dk mb t th@ia Timivin c 8 dogt rk copétiion tu m mjod" Né. MslVU n liaiil. nlnk mtsloi*0bpoue laistme. b H%@orié ec&tbey ýu"pMh w rs Manie.hé ew arit. Brtadonhl. offeg mAccme. u"TZWhsamCOOet "&!bO is- pMdse et *100 islua .tu h Poie haIe1. sud ail au l ot@ i os*a. nde das hl lIntiuon sud at ulma gaqo poadsiely lerhu» va out 4 bn bue ln hou. spoomu& t ob Mhabond. 1o uua, ibaMM nal ue ave'v hemoa thon mge. 570 coauteltm0 -@t.4Gimps sunIr"mmsmll asglu1.halette espav4 îe vls Tm siee amuis 9 Yniteau 'Mava Toutumi g, matvu as;do boltouai su-m70 bit 9 phde out Tb@ Ua; iS boybmnu vlvat T» iDe al mat baons .gsaWs. Ainetpbsdtuga" pet eab limas. as dac1 3eem" .e làa¶sabova tml mtymgaèe."""0"t shmt ota ii<. me auoMdonet th. tuieusao i, h i be mmm. bue, ivmda icul 08 ps* omuldIpo oes Ouoaiaae mvima elir. nia 8Wpid2 forpltu; le ale.iaymets.mIlacoatin Moule ~ . »odmmGf hiadephe, f pdail et Ils soummhi. zuni m- esm thé di. prohaoy udalbuteo» goaIpendetet mTy liyba, Y ri& Sai tecvai- t,âne uamy teta by O 1h. beauo. -t 3.11 .-W 13.màjoà Tcopéta ile itifihlste o od MmîleFATLv"OIDmm .-Bâ tisut eis i Il.1 thmlt a70ooitt&D ai itue-x.Dtm lesî .catbq on uuhtem»aFa »tumd., id.m i D1«4 u ua 22 Ycou l e v alalvausia oulrdamaSst fdo toae runbdavandSsnbda22 mol& l puroos hppingstss beusbey holu ia.tiei holluaun t.a th ortiît hamaunu samsM @ h m »l it'ol.n hoall MU -utapama.maua netàttit baopoit llb po o o blmmleM debea k lobeute oepl vlaiJourlime Do.mm@ trouble.itv ,mmt ceseso ws mi li wty r m. o Bd ~ nbffl sud@y"l n làaIr- i nubi l etlandae * honmi te#an tecl-m tu a.smpt ni t Up: M 'l m taulgm meaét hl tmm* ce onfnS h.te I as li afsme lta s u aes wb ul vagauoalai ,. lia421peuple;s to vraImodeat.m h, mes o eibà@me mot MyAco; tehbat as mets. Th tetiti 8pte dace n i lsrte»d i 16,su psoethépla b.ay am nususeWla taplmanaai rbls.iofmiak ove600 eleai mrda itien 1h.rkot a lb. ao "tai VIr ath ire r-po1rofpuatbue.la ua ileîey 21 M . lm .-« ms Its bL iema iota lot a acsl rne obl ota tes.Ioesd asfru y aatointtil muolhhtaiottud s le -aà-iteubn 0 satt ventmia . a amli sn Pied ibmo-aal t îe lesiuumelplll am ai hoisa. Tii toetas e mula shrt te toma ,Tlca iauelpyanele4-t. sd o a. telle mmd ofmilce notais. knaIbm Se a la. Puolai1 uloa m vleas tIeBndaie menton et 1h le causal i im saud h@bleaff"i rla.u boma lIs aerom, 5 ha a un h Otwb. bleseyta tim pcees ale thésmie bac boit. . t anme eamesameL 0 ..eus a ho shA l OANio ua a leul.bcive bIwfh tbis vieot tne bb hem lMd àe e on npagfst, lm data, t vItal an b. aoli a» t~m hs pattisloe, la-aimevu W»ite "logtalb. Ivsridn .1 lmballtm ha tono ttanu a mie l sy 59,~ ~ ~ ~~~~h m.1.Oileleuo.ttrapeil »dU. l e *0 Pelbeya pu kTo lp asm xveMAtCose T oiu Z. uose etlie ohp uloametstisThe ou suboodl et ta uaetylutemie - camyn un paeile asumd vu omg i s te ed tethe ntr m«t d a a" ut ai ot om telmondétbu ou bilt alonent vsdih ae vu l e au btas arla l ouethe p lanlb s)sof t" "0*U bal te n psIpu5luta -TeBOS ome l t~il.s Mmm.te ane iomay Rwu lb lawItatIbM o wtsutinud, Venotwgi @ha o umueme TMdA gelfo mip éa mR uvaiet thlle qlfe mta vite &%tha eSdddte OU if aS oflomet ut Il nu shwuelI o ualsvtmeiy tm cseil tbe l cal pIlul bpaias Md dt a aoa Te recette$ votme b ath oula loallymtaI B 1P11 2 teiT ' «daista dellr San.m thé9 & all inLO Ram mie haesa no adied al b uSes.1 o é er o n imple e s md,,as m"s.Jumlag ety vIi <oeue thoa m h»ofetVIth* Sl munWi@uo th aealgît tI LO e naisSeh la te aei n edl i lal on 0M uhv smv eneli sofd. Tiim' s*eumtduesinsud bcnitet hie *opD555«o@.a 95 et iLm O RMa OUSretIersact.ueAt s ylim um-teal In Tsbuci mmsva atn isiesmoa hommek tffettuge n Suvont*11 Vodueoday Hetiy liUmhsohmInho- " U. su Mss D. i ppmai is havebu-lavaguhar titi id" te 51 l ageti 91 y " eon sd i musha wumiosuiae liVIa mu.a adme sytes Ut »om e pssce, îlk)e y59 vitusaplateoén eubmUseoibapt a me. 18 aetorselet aleues, avut ei i à@lie mita le, cauni m eM vaio Ai& rulin mli s nie.-Thmlttl en. ago reon u b ddIm b llimb tBatai lest le nu avss tesbu« m uxi vttad51ut ciau% vit u apo uds ca outltaiagsbkmaîeeli eealu e elataen ven ma i *0sraa tly.fo *11 enton OMM alb. rt= bys' halltsheNA haimllaei talear ea ie veoset butug ofy a nus vPt msu ft.I ove u Utqamb. nuiî ions, mId e airlitioe.. hbaudera bu «»uoecrmoil Sadpeem ol iddf ta avilis the l lpit e iflb bta a ébéoai"zalo th us a»vToe th elepai allIleeu ft vu.o er h. pssaia01% tomea.m- aatomo.a& h.L01s G*. MULLETT, UP TO ,DATE @q&DI w * helaw ite,- tIow FO« THfE [Ready: for Christ mas. Ready -for, H oliday Shoppers.6 This wek, hoiday t&a". wfllmake a good start. Borne will put, off buying. untIl l>ter; but knowiug- ones have alreay oommenoed. xve bthe -key, 'VY stoue of à vommua hIfe. Ber foudest hoe est uaffl thibs tn er godle-; bu highest pijde i l er es siyth avakeas the Wb"nlcimaies à haippy vif.;ber mobleii ambti o . become a lovél sud le'i mekthetr. Any veaheusor diseage vhich inca- pacittes hr lufuilul lb.exataIfonction of motherboodlab the saddest blgbt vhich cau cone upan a vo- mm,$ life. But there la no tes- mou iu nature hay hiudraucea orde rangements of this klnd sbould continue le exist Niuety-uauie lime i b uudred they aie completély overcorneib s perfectiy maturai sud scieutic waj? by lhe-use af Dr. Pierce', Favorite Prescription, which givea healthy loversa" capscity to the special organs; retuforces the nerve-ceutres aud makes naturel, beaith motherhood possi ble, msie and campsaavely easy. It makes thec caiig of baby almoot ftee from pain; gives stireugth sud cheerfulueso to lie mother, sud coustitutional vigorta the child. It -is the ouly mediclue lu lhe venld devised for this orne purpose bym educatedphysicien, a skflled and exberi- enced specialist in this pasticularfil d et practice. *I caumot my eughin lu uise ai Dr. Plurces Favorite Pnesription. as It e doue me a worM .i and bas, undoubtedly aved my tifi.," til. Iî%Forence Hunter. or CorteY, ae Co.. Ark. " 1 dmlsarrled fur im. cuitu mudWi le lme amy goal. 1 oetdel to try tht ' Favorite Preecrlptton 1 and after tak Dr. Pierce'. Pleamst Pelleta: Oue.jeaa laxative, t»oa amui cathartie. Mr. 8- 0.HSilsy . of lnham. wva tumu M TuffS&Y eatis w1wmmios huMu Ut.Wp ha~et But... la t I tDoL ime of Bprmeujêlaad. mn Id L0O1Ibore vls la loi. Wdedmy.. à tun»urLàià Dy ltaaDr. Nealauls. Shat, )-emade a.hWaaa eoaful S4ile afIiit .lght ut@ oft estti mal a Tooto aut eïissvko-19 if. I léti mot ham« ml atookiaga up- 1 veiy eaue. osou mar! lit"astues lane t.damt lem. Ils H milol t Hmaha.impetn et pabUe ohoolatii.. n.. lu ten u sey atsuaba l. fa ofi th apheonut ary Taon Ta. dm.ad'.put me Ian is is Ur B.11.1 ett.uaitag the MaLton publie sud AIiroue voviHO-Fat a holiday pissent buva B aîyeuthmurn pictaro ta" oSs. 8 -dto utae la ssi yor @bemps. Au "ha, Ors sali about a haudiol pltur.. lofe sen te Sw os se asta seurnornt. RIlasa lb isgathui snd use. posta. The. PleauatPoiul »a nSoudai sshael hll lust Prudsy .vamthelb mm nemaa a te. tatmegt tu ta bitSw. Tba oil nu 1.11 te the sébool houes% %b* Piscaboilas nondel te *0s duta. NKr AoymMd NMriJumean Kealy.m. o teao u slbol« dlatdtlet. nov p aosatdma id anèmuéle the soie. m"t 0idte *e&if adir th.e mauol ortes mo uauegemest bau I bMs ttaim g sialsIt uid ofluprovomot. Ail Isdep.flm.sesebava basa batllond =s ]aly the adltoila. Mac h é re c it fa, ibsavolves msUrN. Brlnly. formarly of tbe St. Thomos Jouial, a genimllsuswoni humons t. mmmppedeasud a lbaoough ail touaI ronspapotus Thonmhubia ua outhmosaf dIbihhd lu3 Ive or lx diff«Onoltaoaboipe le the moisi- S paotte asud the adjilalaotumles, The d Se..I tasd dIretitt he lmlo "n. boliu whiehate, hava boo senit te dusf.homes, sud thus tb. lnagiIen apo taisteb totenuhpo e l. & The pavimila ho"alithhot. ha"sbienadiloal ai h. otale of affala. sud heve t"iesp-w iomtsasso te tuiaI"V fihedev.opmosto The Inub esmps hava bom dilltiapac»tal, sud munpossible .promatlouo taies. The ononnefet mipa hae hed halde ty la thé "Mt a l 08M817sIv mgla mpr m u e i. u ami viiM s daubalie ;non cavala thei isams. DhIh"ta ometIntg M11h st fis;1l vtain a litait~ and lealatol It M h. oselmed # le Is a aet "1114 Msd eau bu smaly eautrolied .-etubo ZoaMe,. HURRAH,.. XMAS 18 OOMINGF A Boyle SteinWIudWatub, vemtoli 1 A prettyWatoh for telF. aewusatsd, FL A NNELSa% a v Grey Fluel 15c, mil-vooL Grey Flannel, heavy, 18c, ail-wool Grey Flaunel, extra heavy, 20e, ail-mool. 1!avy Flans.) 18c., vorth 25c, ÂAmy Fl. muet. 25c, veabi 30. eY bssVY. White snd Scaries Saxony 20c, 25o, 3SOe, 4Ue ÏAil voel plaid single fld l2joa yard,,vorti 0e 1Another case le band oontuelebated 7,o FIsuneebu SjjAWLSýFor, littié folks, 35c, 40c, 50o. SNOU wtn SHA Satable for elderly ladies, 7bih 90c, $116. G-ccd @ual., lies. are vory nicelmool gooda. 2 ply Fingerinx Yu, 50oe. a lb. Heavy FaoboryYaru, black, 40c. a lb. Wide double foNd Serg, Blac, N.vy, S8ai, G&mens, 12jc, Ibo, 18.; 3 Naders. Bisci Nar, Se), G U-wueansd Eleétifo Serge, su-yol, 23c. Extra beavy Tmeds, verti 40o, for 30)c. ine Nvy à Blaek Serges, 35c, 40c. Fi ne sssortainut PFan.y igit Veliteenu lu Bubtercup, Pale Blue, Pink and ean, .ultshlq for lmicy,*ork. .1k lui i, 500. Lovely China Bih.nva 18. 5. -akrneBos 81 bvr,4e Hàudsome Bleck is su ad Satins lun »Va OS& e', very suilable- for Holidsy piementa, 90e, *1.20,$1.40; 3 very deohable vains, Lighb Tinte in Crea Pin k, Biue, Boit. rcup BâtUna, 40o.w orth 550. Single PolSkiai Liningu e, cýTo, lu Double FoNd Suirt Lininge Sc, 10c. 12c. Wslmb.riténig10. 1, Io, 5...Dauto Me b;e l6ebut. 3Spoois ýTbreaad, 10e. job lot Dresi M mu eutala,2 doses fou 5--. RanImonssuoIntMMLadies'Oné t bI oliday rie.. 4Jhilrmus Ulai te10b. ouataI, 8.0, 850, Mousd«o th iee paie. 'Our Mas'» hesVy Frfra Oveososbai $L75isn ithout exception tb. mont onatlbàrgain coumeU a u.Alsg publie.. Kam's, Youtba'mal IBW Suitsi Nn, ie ' suW d YoutW O 0 " Oals %*, 81.51.50 te 80.00. apet0 [sLae Onéim. O ImnNs.mml ibat esi uaw Wl 1wee 10-s.' i Shopping with use, . mid. - Specials This -Weok inFurs., AstacunCaperineu, fine qtly, vorth822.00, for 81M.0 Grey7 Lamb Ceirines,-fine quaity, vori815.t1%, for 012.50. Grey Lamb Collars, n-ortai 5.00, for fo Grey Lamb Rufa, vortai *3.76, for 83.00. OppoSun Collais, 8200.083.50. Grey Lameb Motsa, *2.75, $3.25,,$425.> Greenland Seai Cape, 25 inchl, Fu-Satin Liniug, good uweep, nortai 22.00, for *18.50; 27- mch, 822.50, Worth O*30.. Elecîri.. Ses] Capes, 30 iuoh smeepï vorttai4.00, nov *$33.50. Astraoban Jockets, vorbt 824.00, no M *800; Worth 828.,00, nov *$21.00; Woti -835.00, Dow $".W. Grey Lamnb Capes, 19.00& Worth 425.00; *24.00ý,wôorbh 831.00. Meu'a Fut Cape 81.00, 81.5 1.75, 42,00, 42.50, #216, are ju marvelloualy cheap. Oidren'. Grey Lamb Cape 01.75, *2150, 3.00. Ladies'e and Gentlemet u' rPair it Robes and Men'a Fur Coats. l'eo o ur ssortment1 and get our figuares: YOUM 1bUY: at once. Ladie' Bisai Cashmere Glo1ves, 20o, 2&,5c, 3 Sapeciali for holiday brade. Ladies'OaCamee Gloves in Tan, Navy, Seat, Gar net, worbh-25c a pAir, 2 for 25c. Ladis' olord L Gloeslacing studse *1.00; the best dollar Glove in thle trade. Men's Lined Kid «loves, «"extr pcial 50e. Fine Kid in Cola.,, 'lbe, worth SI. men'a Mittu 500, 750, 0L1.00. Býoys'14ined Mitte 50c, 75c. Linel Gloves in Ladies', aUR leaders, 75c, *1.00, *1.25. A fine'ausortmeub Ladies' sud. Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, suitabie far weddiugu. HANDKERCHýIEFS,. PLAINte. WHilTE AND COLORED Ladies' and Children'u Bordera, 2 for bc. Ladies' Hemsbitched 5c. Ladies' Initial 10c, 3 for. 25e. Laiée Initial, extra, 15c, 2 for 25c. 8 m Esubroiderel 20oe, 2 for.35e.. Fine Batiste Eabroidered 20a, 2 for 40c. G-entae Pure Irish Linen, Tapve Berdered, 18., Z. 1or 30c. T...dieW' Heoetiîched Sii, 10a each.- Ladie' Heumtitcied Initial, 2 for 25c. Ladies' Cream, Pule Bine, 'Pink, Hemstchedi, Sii,ý extra fine, 45ceasci. Lawa HEandkerchiefu 2.-.3 for 5é Làadies'Fsncy Silk Hand-kerehiefs 25c. Latdies' Remstitoied, for the. neck, 25c, 35., 500. Boyse 811k Windsor Tie 2 lor 25à. Mn!s Dark sd Light Tics mad. up, a bi~sgai,1 ixra Finel Corded 156, 2 fura 25c. N.nifu tl-bu Tien 15e, 2 for 25e. M Mes Tifor Weddingu, a muit completesasrlnont, .25c. ÂAk for out l2îc. Collars. Mon'. Mstico Braces, Fine Web Cromu Made, Kid Stsyed Bmck, 45e. Meu's Elsabie *Web Leather Stayed, 25c. Gocd Sensible Braces 1bo, 20c. Meu's Undervear, asU-nol, 35e.-eac.. Mena tYndrwear, ali-vool, eaiy, 45à.cci Men's neva, R-ol extra havy, 50b* oaci. Men'a «Union tJndervesr, extra ieaîy, 22jo. oseN.ý Heavy Soz 10c. a pair. - ouevier Soi 15e. a pair, 2 for 25c. Very extra* beavy -Sor 20c. a pair, 2 fer 35.. ::Vg. X M ~C> iv l e Ribbous, Baby Ribbous, a&H uhad,%2c. a yard. Colored Satin Rible.1 inch, 2 ymasforb.. Riblons mitabie for faxnoy no, 8c, 1209 1bo. 9