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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Dec 1896, p. 6

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13Elý £j z' Sod." gldbe ugbfd but aellhAi aiready epd forward sud oPened bher &a. @"Core te me, my motherless chiRd t~ it was thé one teucli toc mucli. Corai actually flung beracif on Allce's-brcut, and burul Into a Passion of lears tbatt ek ber eliglit form from hciad to, 1foot wltb aimeut convulsive goba. 1 RHush., my darllgl'* mid lire. gy- 1 aut@f. presenftly, witb a motbci"5 ten-î dermess ln ber loviliS voice, and band c ,on the wavy loch. "Tou are over- 1wrouight by ail that bas liappencil, i preclous cbld;. but you muet net do1 yueIft.barm, you linow, for Lances1 Wel abe knew the 1 potency oft Ilati piu, snd btegirl g«eW calmer by de-E greca. - "Pieas do torgive me!" elie pieUd- cd; then, stili tremuously: "But-but-- you arc a&U tee klnd toa trnger.",. "ýWhose own kltb uund. ki would .bave stil," was tbe bitter contrast tbat bad made their loviug welcooiet break ber down eompleteiy, they .aw ; but liMr. Kynasteli putted ber head, and sid: O"Net a atranger, pretty one 1Il and1 ]Roue tbrew ber.arme round: ber, wbie poor Frank, wlio bad lookedtulrly scared, whiWpred te Aunt Alice : 1 "I wieb Lance couid corne ounhMm- IlMy- dear, it lwouid bave made no1 difference. and she *111 ho the bette for thie Storm. atter aucli a long, terri- blc suppression ; the reaction was ln- evitabié. New corne and bave smre1 supper, botb of Yeu, snd Iben to rest,1 for you must be tirci. And, Coral"- as tbey -uilonrned to the salle, q[i ugttoquarrei villi yon. by the b"a.11 "7Wltth me ?" opefiug wide br bIne1 "Wby, yee; yen bave robbeci me of amY sweetbeart Mlrm.Darrell to be.' *'Oh, no. no!" crled Corailei colorng1 -and smiling. "Lance, sent his iest, moat adoruig-luve jo you."s «Then, myde ar,"lmuid lir&aX3yn&a' . on. gravely, ."wI udn't bave b1mý, for be la a very faitbiess lever"9 .Tbey were not long'at supper, and1 thon AuntAl ice eommanded relire- ament; &Md "god-ulghta" were ex-1 Cbangcd; but Cor4a, acter M»t. Kynas- ý ton bai &guganfondljè embracci bher, turned te the old #entlemau, ne, t1., tolded.ber te hlM ln silence for a min- Ute. '*My darlîng cbild ho" le ad, 10w and busklly. ilyon peor tle nestlng, flung out by the cruel., unnatiul cuekool But yent bave falien itb good bande wltb our Lance, for lie viii nover fail you."1 She kuew that ln the v'ery decptbs of bher proud,: glowlng beart. tow they aIl loved ber, Lance !, Ho'iv ood th07 il were te ber for ltaSauke !-It never occurred te ber that it was for her own winseme ake tee., CHAPTER XLII. lb le suid truly tbat. "the 014 must die, tbe young may dl," and certainly, bowever foreseen and expected, tbe death -of the Young aiways coies with nomething et a ebock ; and so lb came te al Ibhe neiglibood cMà f Saxleby. Notliing cisc wss l*lkedet bt the dealli of Corolle (luise, and, lettêneof coudolence poured. lnu on "poor dear lirs. lortimer.1" wbe wag tee grief- ÊtrIcken and unw'it te me. anyGile or ..Oh, of course," répHici the la&; "but 1 heur Ibat lir. Mortimer la go4ng toetaay witb hie own tsrrlod dauglKer Iu CoruWali. sme Wa videul Mmire.U mer le. prepared te 10 turned out. rm uaid that latterly-jierbave frOua bot 11-ealt-Mi ls Gue muet bave gt- wcii. rather peculiar.8,' 'Ah1 Wby ? akeSd Lady PelbMN quickly. "Wby, ube seema te have Ieft M vcry aid wiabea. T»le f uneraliM * .abaolutely alprivate ont, YOU ai no eue e t flow, flcxtt.r.éd= Miortimer sud ber isoer, lUr. DàI aud ber mi, as MurulBM MM »s service -lu bh.c cure st A --au o, l mid aI Ibm grVa." ý "T»e a. yMa&MssleU. ut wibb tisir Very #pAn;odsir umwa&* IjaDrothy at tIlt seosomi» TIhaikReave 1liat was- MO 0013k, fot, f or @ho "acor»e direct front Cort a ndi vUi bMr somnsmessag or letter, and tance poSdIdaisowEL SittingréoeIUjawatug lth. 4*ilu a restless iippatims 10 ete hh alllues vasimposgsie. ?nuat sheouli make nmre excuse 55 gel away sud se hlm prl'vabely lie Was crtain», uni Wliei sure cutougli, thb',do«r Quitiy openci and shaI, hl ielment upruni.10te mc lier. -'Dorothy' lic ss»i. Ioclig ber bauds ln bis," *you dear. girl 10o omne te me se quldkly; bow là my darling? bave yen a lelter r" No, air, because abe would ses yen Ibis evenlui." sald Dorothy, recover- lng herselt, "but abe sotbler deuresbt love, aud Sir Hubert was pertcctiy Surpriucd aI bbec-change lu ber; lie says iI's wondcrfiulî sud Il vas ail yeur delug.- Lance buruci aside for a moment wibh heaving breaut; %vhuî Intense re- liot, what deep joy te the man's lumeet heart. le heur Ibis, and fremn sncb a source for Fenton vus eue wbo sald whal ho meant. unies. sometblug very exceptional for bbe pattent's ovri gooi required leo tplain Upealting. Iu a minute Durrell turued again. - That ln goei news Indoed, Dore-, thy . but 1 muet net kcep you longer uow. fer Ihcy wifl b ewon comlug uow. We shall boîli leave bers by the saine train, so yen will go -wlth mec; ouly te Paddlngton, et course, h lieadded, witl huit lflaugli. "'Ib'a very kind of yen,.àir, te houer me se mucli," anawered Dorobhy, and wlthdrew. At huit past* eleven thc churcli bell began'.te tell.-but long betore the erowdn of people frem fer and! ucar, geutie and simpleliait gatbered fromn the park gales birOugh Whlcb the fun- oral train muet vasà le tbc churcli- yard, the gutes et vblcb-usuaily open -the rodeor bai elased dlrectly atter mati ns. Zvéry shop was closed, every blind druwn devu fer the lady eft he mianr rand ovcry bead was bared the momient lb. epeu car appeared. the' white .11k pall over Ibo coffin lllcrally belig coverci wltb wreatbm. 1At the cliurch-yard gate car and car- niage were left -a»d bhc wallg pro- cession formai.' The colOn vas berne (by roquest> by lisrkbam and tliree o'hPr old sevante; Iben* came Aidytb Mortimer sud old Mrt. lirtimer, am representlig Henry Guis; Ilicu La .nce thcm bbceieder servante. Headed oDreladDrtyMrh n fet course by bc rector, lu caseck and Wurpice. bbc procemsion movet! low-, ly round i te bcine old famully mauso- lenni of bbc Gulses., betere bbc entrance et wielithec erviçe w»val ud. Many, as the procéeson psmd *long, neticci liow gîernly Sgraund ieathiy pale Lance Durreli vwas; but Il vas only tbc prie»t wbo notlced uni te-I calîci afterward Ibat trom tireIte last lie nover once saw, those dewncauî eyes ralsed, neyer once heard any res- pense fromnthome ôclose-set bloodicas Ilps; ansd evea as tbe uncovered coffn n'astberne dowu bbc stops lmb the .a,% t. sd laid, beelde that et Louis Charles Guise, the priese ert uclici wlth the blieuglit, '*Afier al, perbapai ho love« lier, and ltsheurt la broken." . ol that, but Il vwas heavlng willi pain and bitteruess as Ils volcelees cry iyent up. ."*Hea -ven- forgive me this meckery I E ut w'hat couli 1 de te sare it ?,, 1 Weil, Wei.. lb vas over ut laet;. bbe vortI wa oVer now, lu IbIs terrible famce- 'thls weird f ur-etai ef a lay-fig- "Poor Mr.liMortimer 1" muid morne et the womet). au the carrisajea drove off uni the crowi dlisperscd; " 1«poor thingI did ye heur ber soliteu Loctet Darreil put hon Inhe the carrnage ' If bbc .good 'dame who thus wasted ' ber pity couid. oniy have seen tieth te library, ut the Hall atten luncheon, sho wO'uld'have doubtlese been edifiot!. Thé wonian. sod vith, cvii. glisten- lug InàeYes,: tul et triumpih and boid pas- sen, flxcd on Darreiis liandsomne face, lu wblch Cotai Wozld bave test!. a 1world oet»Pprestqd. tierce. passions that rnust not yct bave way te crueb 1the tigresa ; but Aidylli euiy sa.w the (laahing triumph ct guccets. "And se," abie eald, *1the actual part- ing bas corne, deareït;- but onl o short lime. 1 Muet ho lu tewn Ibis "Se mclibthe bellot. Where t "I shail laite apartmeuîs; but 1 viii 1c et n uknow dinccIly. Wlere shah i1 write ?"1 ah. added. .. 1shah l b ic vii rnI licathoote lu 1Pîccaill>."1 " 'Ah !r' shc paumaid, hen reddeung.lr muiad;, *4We ucci note 1wait long, dear Lance, surely, If we are marlci quIet- ly lu lova."1 Nlq up ourlel, but lie uu1&. eolly: " YO o tegt, Aidybl, bat îaI pre1meot -Ou .. m ,»za .Luw e s toe le more bitld> prozniasi.te btell me t i: bt bush "'fe "vl4baeutIr u M'W. Ma*. ne mentl er uili uMd * i h*t thurn nMWvYom shuli cruel er CBÂPTEriXLMI. Maliy of usa, perliaps, bave experlene. cd thal corious peychologloal phase la wblcb we are lortured with a mâaddcu- lug doubt oftIhe vcry evideuce of Our own nefinems,that Iesltirle Ite aliBOl- utc fuet et somethlng w. bave eur- »Ilves acbually donc or accu only a tew short bours. ago ; a.pliase more or lens conuequent on the recoIl from the heavy pressure, of an overwhelming mental etrain, and te whlch naturally a vivid. blgh-wvrougbt Imagination, andI sensitive, hlghly strung ueri'ous tem- peraiuent are empecialiy open ; tbe se- ber, coritroliiug forces of plain rom- inon sense and streng wili r.re loosene*, aud Imaginations sud emeotiens run wiId riot. After long and aiment ab- noruiully severe tension the strongest mental powers cari net ut once quite realize the fuines etrelief;, aud It Ibis strange phase of miserable doubts, unreai as fantastic, Lanen Darreil on- tered as the train whirled hlm on- ward. How long ego last nlght and is1 mornlng seemed 1 Was it only, then, a week back thal lie bad laid that lite- less form i lIs cofflu and maw bis Corul'a loeked, stli face upturued? Had hoe drearncd or fancled that lt was oniy a mere iay-figtire hie had ttaken tin his arms and laid ln that grirrn coffn? or was it farey that lie bad put bis dari- Inm safe into Frank's rure days &go ? WVas that roui ? or this terrible funeral to-day. with ail lts. surroundinge of grief aud awesome qoiennity ? Hea- veut! waà that ail, and Ceral dead- dead'! "Dust te duat-ashes 10 ashes!"t It was aIl so terribiy liko truth, there wae no detail ot realism, lackiug, se that nt the time, as lie stood there., It crushed hlm wlth lUn welht. Waa the living Corai ws'tcbing, wul-atlrg for Mnew ? It muâ "be-lie had saved bier ; it couid only be Ihstt lay-flgure they had laid. lu the cold. grim vault ; snd yet-yet what -mud-mad tancies haunted hMn! Would thie journey et torture nover end ? Dorotliy. ut biesqsde, glanced furtive- lY froin lime te lime ut bim as lie Bat wvith arma tolded on bis lireast, bis fine face d*eathly pale, as itliedt beeri ail day ; the lion sud teeth close set, the straight brow contracted. but the dark oye. buruinq il sprae o- citemeut and Impatience. Dorothy won- dered sorrowtully wbat hie wus thlnk- lug of telok 0k se cmasd troubled. and ieuged te teucl inlmand speak nmre word et cemf6rt, but alie darcd not. ."It's net my place te speak firme,"# ahe thourht : * it wouldu't be respect- fui, sud bels se iprend and reeerve!, tee. under aIl, that he wouldn't llke me to notice even If wc were alone."I 1For thera. were twe ladies at the ether end efthIe carniage. But like aIl thince. even a railway Journey, muest bave an end. long though it may seem te fiery young bIoot! sud throb- bing. tempeut-tesuevl heurt. At a quart- er to.Itve -Paddlngton was reached, and Lance .quickly transferred bis comparjion and hiniselftot a hausoM, gav.e bhc direction sudthe- bribe et e:. ra tare for speet!. and off weut John at aRuc that wooài attainet! both Cie- mtis Vill]a and! a brIght hait-crown. "l've b(,eîi a sluainiefully bat! coin- panlon," Lance sale, wi-th a taiut sinile, as lic baudet! Dorothy out and rang ; lbut yen u ii orjnivc e ibis lime. 1 know."* '«Ah, please don't say a Word. air ! The gale openet!. and lit the bail- drior stoot! m.9ry. beaning a weicome, ail over bei face, but neoCone else, snd no voices wîithin. *Are th*ey -.il out. Mary T, qaid Lance. blini-,and!uhillcl. "Mro. lCyîmciton and! Mise Rose are, sir. They exî'becited to bc home beforc' you amnivet!. but MISS Guise la Up Ini thé boudoir. tand! IIgo-"! INo. 1 will."1 H e p asse d ier l'y. un d! i a s uT) th e etairs lu a s(eond, for hie knew tbat rorim iWeil cnougb where thei iay-t1gure hîad been stretchai like the dead t!,iT erIbered xîniselessiv, saw a giU.cefuI. droofflng forrn gittlng on that ver>' coueli. saw the young face turn with a quick atart. In, that second the ma sprang fer- îv«t'rd and flung himeif beside bier, wrappIng bier te his breast ln a pas- Sion et wild relief and ecsts.sy tbat bctrciyed. th(, lnîcnsity ef bbe agouy 50 lrà-g revressed. *"Coral V"- came ith eue. déep, al- înost convulsive sali. ' My darlung! oh.,rny da.rllng ! Living, arid sale ln. mny arms once more I And oiy the horrible luy-figure buricd, away i Let me toc! everyr bbrob of your bet agfaiusb mince.und amy li1s on yeursl Ah. Ibis lu buppinesil, " For alie yielded bermeî te hlm, eluaff te hlmI lu aIl thc passionate love of,- me. Uied ta, Mi, l ntI qpak eorlt 51*701t a asue .w okao'W, %plbokia lb uaI bave boom : but lie.eniw lisai 115 piumtuý si m Mw4st ,p Ibm 4014, nO thbe ey, what 1 Ihat lie liWai. 19VO Wi v In th* fl ment 1liai Omco n o lasUai the living poai u bli orelitriai buart 1 leogvere o ee e prte& =Yrnyoe Iresure?' liewhisperei, '"evea If I liai net n no <sefty suCeco"dby 5h15 rum tua gellimaomplete pover* te forces Adytl'u urrender." YeTun-bave--oh, Lance Il' "Ay. 'dearest:*.I1mmv lier before -1 left lunlthelibrary ;'I ma. ber admit lier gullUlus et your murier, sud Ibis admission vas everlicard by DorothY by my arrangement. Af 1er Ibab, wheu amy f4ithfui coadjutor bad goe.,1 maie AJdylli tel! me ber secret dlaim." "An4xi, IbalLancer'" sii Cotai, breathlessir. .Exactly wbab I bai suspecîci, my dear," amuvered Lane:;"bbe promoe- lion ef a 5m ud dlater vm 01 Four fatber'm. muking ler-not 1EenrY Gulse-.your hait.", "eThen aie begnllei sud tuveold isib tuto i il, "excMamed the girl, fiasg out lu hot ndAnatIon;. il eoveu neyer bave put ber before bbc maie hein, for bis eue regret vas Ihut bis only child vas a daugliter."# 913e la net mine, theu. mweteart." afliLance. smulig, lefer vherc Ilion would bave boom amy wite ? Bat yen. are tlgbl. for site admittei Ibat she persuadei hlm latterly. abortiy before his deatli . but I Ihial "1-nov bits face darkened uain-" that ahe bai maie up ber mini le de no, aud gelt id et yen somebow long before l i ed. Wbeu v e ailU ogether this eveulng, 1 wlIl speak tully of thl is wi11and ail luîended course of action, fon nov 1 think I bear-yes, 1 de--a&<eur voice below."$ 44 cm. AunulAllees. Oh!I Lance, let me goi>-4et me oo l Wlckcd fellov, hhe l ber cloue Mi klmed the flusbci check sud softt lpo uïgain ami aguin befere heoepeuci bis armeansd IcI ber starbt rom hlm. Sbepeo outlde aid thc penlug door maie him sprn up mat! forwari. .4 My iurling boy! my boumie Ljaucet' Il idglil have been mdcci Ibm mea- bruce ofnuother sud son. close sud mulent for a moment. and thon ha ss6i& a 1111e brokonly: "How oan 1 cver Ihank you for your, love le amy Corai r cR% ush, huaI1 Sec, there la Itoue enrno.pa" Vrnka" ui=ay bambOU ab* Ict hum us. N Aho tnrcoi ulek- 1,, eIlia 1Rsa'a]ups "Dear =I-umy i eaiuyen sot" le ssii. vith a smile tlut brouglil the pretty celer to ber fuir faoe .Il "moat Ktauk yon eller, for your geedue'., sMd Yur loua ot Fruakagft ToT« shail bave lste lsd kver>' soof." I know ; I knew yen woiiid lake esteofet I. lr.-I mean Lance,-"addi Rose, Iaughlngly; "but, cone, auntte, Iet uns-have soe t ea, qulck. tou muet have arrlved bcfot* vo orpeci ed O, eWel" sailira. Kynantou. aroblYs 44It ather thal 1 di not burt>' back, 1 tIblk. mince Cotai vas bote te PlaY boules&,#. .." "lOh. Aunlie Aile, for mliame M" crici 0Oh. Aunîle.Ailce, yen are a Jevel 1" laucgled Lance, bisc li riche, bOYls And s sicvas a Jevel. CHÂPTER XLIV. 1 ceuli bave lauglic at bbe cemedy ef t lbain badit mot becu aucligrIm. trageciy,» mid Lace Darreil, Ibat evening, I"but I have won the gain." The dravlug-room vwas fLooded willi Ibe rtcl.i, elev utet-glowvf et bc.TIy aunset. and tIc gromp vithin formed *a pîcture ut eoe suggestive of '11e culiatter the atorna. undi[n the speak- ora. faoescertainly of alronug unier- outreuts b>' ne meaus reulful or quite ut peame. Corsle lit reoiidou -a couh. neur bbe fooet fwbleb sut Frau aMd Rose. UMs& Kynaston liai taken aslow fauteuil beside Coti vili eet simlie. and cureeSnhg »t ou thec unirl boa vite Lance, 111 e b pivileged spOil- ad telo -ho vus. lad Ibtevu hliiiaei ut berét otluirngue atm fir ucem ,t a, perfectly uucousciem efth bb esy grue hWeatbit liude. ,Wén igi M.Kymuston lok wtth benlabmmi uaIImton ou11msgr a willi- Un tllrcesnob perfect lYpS O 0 tlie Ores* s aaivok-tlio beautiféI garlla "Ibai lamsh et ber dOntr IMuY 110isvlp eba» «r wlomet .m ~y19 »avaM 2L tvr<iugolb w *sd.ue bm b~ ave umpme ton~~~~C -ebS po fliabews 0 0rlbf Iêsi.by gs» .c »s' PlULLS us' *0e on«s wb.ou noÈIDIle 8.vahub& W «»more f ach "emm crnefevard sui Si ubloy hst Dou'. KldiY Pill *Ar t ho mier thr aoslallil CURE for rlney Dlfetue Bladaler and XrlnMzy cijficultieu, Lame Dack, sud the number- loua reulte of dluordered RLdnys le Dem'a Klduey Pilla.Be ureom geDot D'L L flo fty ents per boxFor si by IW uk .by E. Gaom OreLua-Live Pll r4éken ahap~ duelug b0 Isle *lit ctre C0 pllton oft. vo4raighoudéob en cd tlnoisuAactonecf %h. bavais Leze Liva, Pi. Jo;«» no umpleoa mter ecfae.- 63 If. alrlo o& Pille Ouo LIIOV Ifil& T hor Oie soi sudd mtlv oneled, Mur@e la .fet ead vemmIto0 Me. -783t TE Tm OAA* &WADUR. L4ieae, -- et lb. ..L a& M às~~ i.oM la mod - m etmoi.mt. " "m oqa»m.,.. I - " wn&............. m m0 a imbma la **dm nel14 le 1-tem um méWhoUm mm U.Us -Umm *0 am. t *MUN,* t.'. à. 0mb nm@,V ) te mouota eP«Que M &OOA LEDUULM SOfiSJUW j lu - .U., 9814im& mor. ~um Mm bISa £"h, a&nL0. m1» a Md cm& MgmU U ýas u.1UuM, moi éAge mn. yi. lu*.Uhg iVfSa LII a- et'. mm UM fauim m - 4t. i 1élU t- r tbld NW& mJ =7s'y pd~ - ho bhomm'b L~*hmELé~u= En SIGNATURE 18C ON THE WRAPPI3]R 0r EVERY BOITEO0 Mec s"iimtnse oet Omaluala put up lunsus-iu lblesody. lb a* "u ain lbuILkDont aliowl anysue te mun w SIl du thé lsplus or prmise tbm t aim SW n ma ',u Wvii mw Oe Verpu- oua." ü Sl.Iblym i -1-----I-L Ralien ADVERTISE i-M.eWARF0 'Âdrop. of ink zn&Iel millions think." 11 LOfrulates in the bout homes. la res.d-bi the most-Intelligent ieaders. Ita EReaders are 1BUYERS, ADYE]RTI-SB lu TUFI RWARUBR Turns- Bad Blood Into Rich ýR ed Blood, la sprm Tba..cet Pum 19B0"d by uslng B.B.C. r;o0other emdpo Sss sc perfect cleansing, heaflIng el nd 'rfyi rperties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It lît Oii leanses, internally, but.it ho"t, when applied extcriialH. -.~,res.i ulcers, absccssos, scrofulous sores, blotches, erupîîoîîI-. ,0 c,.,.,ingthe skin cloai and pure as a babe's.. Talkeni:i inr- nu>il re!tnves ail morbid 'effèe.co waste malter Irom ic svsteni, and thonoughly regulates ail the organs of' tîe l1-(v rsoigthé stornach, liver, bowels and blood to Ihealh\ aci t,0 lui iis ;way the sick become veli, he weak stror.i .antt- î.e Swlic have tFit tired, worn out feeling reccive ne- vù:r ~i Sb;io'-iti lheaîth and spirits. so thuit the fcel.1flke lrX e <>arpétite is pôtit.,yotir eiergy zone, youir ambition lcîýo'. 1i 11' '5wM rrntiire voui to the full enjoymet fhpv0'rv t, '5 os et $ t, e 4 4'- 'i b r VICTRIAPLAIN~MILL Opusit.K sDIsSo~a Lmbea rd. amoi SUI4 Dm% w* 1hhNNuTurninp etc.. etc; Catil ia, ila9 M pries beore you buy elsewbere. go î-tf F tihe ed. 1ivi f- ioo] dar knio Wr Lot 'r r gcr icru obs the th, T ax pu d"c ai irn 1 tho Kai jhea the thc 0lýf affi In 'Wn trii Ini' C-OM th. e 'th, ow off t"r, in tiit orr tht- otrc poil thi the RE Co ys MKakerU co A&M llqb ;v ;à COPY'01' vmppcn.

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