"WI4Y F PI % L e 4,a lu the U ut'e *$É4 e o»Iuc dis&tu Tm Dr. h d the imaak -tdeC 4 _O -9.1 se Kime taW4zg ,«# f-& self to be autb*r?, ,~ Inth e alsuero wicet there is Sa ik ObmB4-* IFOP Meditinés ha..e tàUe&; j"1 ~ y~ ÂhlI~lb.p.l ~#r~~tIP Ma eeIn ynudo Uived- long eol e hm«1Pttho 4uemud.or popular and yet homu I 'Ownn~of r 4maiyo aoni e i.trWL-tul Aid"be te beySon -thlnk or Dealh çomes up ths, bruad.ialeu. the palmce and Swings bac*tb -vie-~ tbp.~r at the et the sickroc.m of rc7aty aM *4 g >K go u hm rwftthe looking a&t 111edylng prince wi1th qiauomtieu to dart uplifted. "Wicked Zèrob'xioSm mo,..tm knows that he has ne right toa a08k amy- » 4 wwh ieb ie thxing cf the Lardinthe way of kln&. I umtplil ' r "nwommad ad- ness. H k0o9sthaL 1heprayers tn _n_ l_ Imt~,ln would flot be ansWered, and so he y ~~ OU~~.t OI3wlt Oebde ie WI êhkttih >I-nî«gwhe Ucdultswfé on the deicLte 8an 1 apip,,. whee tender mission to th*e phoh'et of the ~ard, .w*O:-,. tArd tni'i o tha liord Inlf3 h 1 h. Puttiing aide lýer dak e .v "wu"_ ir t-ytn nt- oyal attire, she pute on the. garb tUt ;»tu& ' tdytlt pt.~ 0,peàsant womnan-and 5arts unth tw <uvoIe p tlfflg thîmtrwt hep ,roed. Instead et oafTying g the . fer vuP -- r Dr«ng h yu'iu 1to gema 'as she migût haVe oarrled tramtnetqt 4 G,,dn' 'adtu te the palace, ahe Ce.rrles only thn9ç t, irut.. <W>,' tnil« t e,. ab gfts which 82,em ta Indicat tW" 5 0WA ts 'ieq- ét'-b* cf belongs ta the peaantry-ýa few1:U Iý.3h of-vt ,.av~ete ~q Of bread and a feW Q@'tkie1s and a crtî.-n &fv-r'MuI trreid s9." A y «Muse of hcney. Tonder ishe goes. fuelnifyoeudy tohva #aoded and 'vêled, the *r,atet lady wvre n-I yWl m-bld MY *3 togh v la ailjhe kinigdom. y«t paaig un- lota", If 'w, cIall ber 1's<rc ta ve1ir Observed. Nlo, one: that m-ts ber on yo",,r r*m' ti t' ithé p,4ernpq,, with tReraadway haà any Ide. that she is *hirh qsh, * Én uký y,1 wnd 1 Ithe flrst lady 1In ail th? 1.1d. jhe i wiUt11>nom " th-"w %rYb" wmul o Ui a queen In dasguls4e. Fowl ths4tc"u be" gr've, cryin«. The tact te that Petr- the Greaz. 'iIfhc' o'h-!" Ah1 he wan the w'okng In the dry docks iut gaar.Iari, queen! T'w ather knlewi. o kw the salor's hat a"d- the oiuwrlght'âs I it wm 11-quebuf the queen ax Save hlm rio More théorougit di- in' dislr' The wo-Id dici not re- gwuisnan v the r tthe peasant j Cgize . vemn gveto htqu ",tl firzah. 1 ]ut th-re waa a grander disguisniz. But the prophet De the Laord sav the The tavMite « a ài.wqc"t hanse, loolrm- deceit. lheough hie nhye.cti eysghlt Out Of ti he v&dw iethia palace, and lie à"d talled, te w&B divinely Illamined, n.w thttt the. people ee c8rryinIe mmd at one glane louke:-i through the. heç,vy baûrdefi., and that me of thein fnmpoeitio-n, and he criij ot: "we ers bobbllngon crutebes. mmd he saw ln,thou wtte of Jrrabm! Why feignest soine lytng &t the gmts exhibittng their thou thyqelf ta *ho ano'êh -r? T boxe lore",@Md then 11e hourd their larnenta- deVil tidinge for. ue GWt bock f0 thy tliane, ud ha. ,d:«I wil just put on boeuse. and when tby feet tomh th the Oc <*thm e those po peOple, and 1 gate of theC oiY 'tiec hili @;hal, die.!» iwill go dowv and ose what their bor- Sic had « ririt toa-esoir »'tbi re- rows are, s»d 1 wlfl sympathise wltb -ôverY Oet lier son; mie .i,mmu Imgbt th=and -1 viilbeo neor thim, and to Practice an imposition. Broken 1<-I9vii>.dpthemi--." Wel, the day came Jherted 1n0W, Mile qt%.-tenl on tht w1Y J taihlm to.s at. Tie lords et the land the tears t alling- on th e taor the resme taos» hlm off. Ail wio could -road ail the iway troi bim t.) lr7ah; Isg, 3oined- la the partlng song, which Býroker% heartednoir, she is n.Dt ký,etuI shook.t, Oie i and woke Up the she!' - amy more ta 'bide tvsùiqueelv gaIt htds. i'-fIa ewntba i and mariner. T-ue. to the prophey; buen sleeping with the hotliers amd the the Mnmint- her fteet teuv'ei 1the gale came] drivera for no one knew there <ef the efty lie child dles. The @"17 In wïaa akig Ir, toma. Ne vent amoeag the palace Is Joined bv lihe lammen-th. e doclor orthf l1w, asatfdng lion of a nat rion. an'! autlhey carry thema, for 'without any doctor's gown He Oond AbIJah ta ifs gravei, ne %Ir leicnev mors la uian ny doctoru. He Mtled witli the voie of enlng-y for th i sld witb the fisbenwn..He smote departed- yoUnt4iand the grüan nt an w ith l amier In lie carpenter'a siflltd kingdom. alto». NeMae ra.cors out*otthe fleld. Ile for no lnaenilfeaut t UiijOt at ridfr14hkoUn e lanulir ithe Gen- Y vreýent you tVie thr!9llnsq eto.ry of , aari. IHe w»' boçled at by crazy thie texL.'In 1the, rl place 1 iearn people ln the 00mbà..He vw a slalied that wlekedness, involve.- allieri, lry-, eOt ie suri t hie ses. A pilgrm with- .mg to make thein Its ilime"t, ts aille.s ontsamy piliow. A alck mna.n itlhout and Its scapegdats. je-oboarn proposed and mïedclnent. A mourner with nio tai haedwink the. Londs prapiet. RO'w empathette'bosoi la wiich He could did 11e do It? D'd he go and do ilhePour 1Elo. toas. Diagulse complete. 1 work hl!malf'? No. Nea sent hie wlfe kww h&to<eassetouey Hie divine roy- tn do It.Hers the peril bfE ipjsrrt'-. slty flehed iout, sas ven In. the storin hers the fatigue ot he wty, lbers, thLm 1 o Galle, ai n the red wlne at the ex. cution ot the plot; hieflolblng. iweddlng banquetan -uhen Ne fleed the Iniquity le a brag. bltit l18! a great o&a<Wed: demnoulmc, of Gadara, as when corward. Il laYse PlanIO.andI gCtsIge.timed a vIoleohool eofiai litto srme i<e el-e te execute It l:uits donn. i the gulipowdcr train ait.! gelgs o thenatete idsconrawcd boatmcil, Me ~nPcla latnuh I of: rciutrips !~.wben lHo throbbed lité lIe UicheshrIv- -eiîlf q e ts muh off : ra' ri V elw- - a a=et: thc paralytlc, but for the 4-4ýf ra etsBore t Wc"k part Ho vas ln diguifle. Ne anne it: it.arts. a lie and! gets somco ne cise mav the KlaWB jeweila nHie sandal. fnc efrc'h e t. LTw en.-y a'il lite great No-ense ,:hie rt>yairobe ln Hie Plain crimes et th- world il -1t f aunil out oeaL No one k1ev that that sielter- that ine Who planne'4 the orson, le CIItowneilu t. mansions in thp mTurder., tht' tlaef,*. thefra=1 go wh h te i«Mr-oiU > ofba.ve» had ec, vile ,those wbo..weý'e ,dpecyed jhMatco ons kn.ew that that Un, Cfýte P14 hion-M<i 1 nt te 5it omiau. theolive thogalows gvet Md lil thekurveste wulehc Aaron Burr. wttii heut Oufped villi ook hsirVe on -the. liii!ofet ed Irpurity and ambition, 'Plots fthe u.-I Udi rn 1me- th at« Woutai0 ovethowofthe Unied States Gev- '- oue lb. pw a5 the. eminient and gets offviWln j4 ftuw C 0'WR cin heahs.. ce b bandliec tireats and a lit tice esur-t, ville a MY.1 ti. Xu Neba onek lhlenucri a8sett, 1the learned ihienner- a IW*0 1 la . -va.. et a1i.N lhassett.lihe sweet.temprel Benne- k»WUlst ~ te. gs" "damous and hassett. le decayed by 'ilsufr3rn themm Md miâts 0" omtllationB orrhard&q, and tic laboratortes a na gar- that maced ou. a Mter age wereI dena. mad- thehomne :on the ban> f o54-f m oprdItL k uRis ietime,. the tic Ohio river, and hie fortunê;; arc »rbl e . froy O -Wsnmmer ulght. mttered, sand hc le tirovubinto prison. $o tIonehs so laDenlho-' N fLTd14 'ma amlly, brouait uoI up .1=rvy '«Mg i3 utheeha*d-wo H-t1 Oe. _3taI ad uunfadlag 4WDI«titur id 4*4gtnJu.- ,Ivear te Otn and erfy 4»dpouilice and 14U haÙtees '!DTh"are ail rady Ab =gt up y schi iliumi- tlm. 1, My flcss o >ot ho 5l50ég ooidupa.?D Mt eft--te part et SperSans Ihev* boni 4esorîbla s«I mi ckfrMS Ï& eciiaanry. tmi anl lmpe.?uoà. lbey *tw pats SuCh oit, 4er lansim. hi mp-rear Wini lie amteien le roelm rne day. ", vu» the an ose h - maOI of Got witI lwait , dbém. M i W.IhOethe east day viii abinc Iha-ougit&a uch subterfuges sudwMtla. volce ouder th1m iIut vISit c ometa bis hbposl- .tio n a lIextmaI: oe I,. th0u wlfe et Jrobom. Wiy fegignet tbu thY- self la lic mnotbarr WItb a vaSe Ioul- er than thuit Gel viii huuder down Irilomidaigit darteaena' doom and dealh ail two-açd mes, and mel ChRr- lataan~ a ai kuave, sud ailJockeys, sud ail viadiem a. Ehitl 1vtuhe poop . e put on lt.- m&61%, upd beffid bow th1e LouE mrs lien ! My subjeet liImpremois me vith ltow precisead meourate and-Particu- lar are Gkd's promie. .Tust at the moment th"at vss eutered the oitY th1e chilIdied. Jst asi eau w«Prophe- sied, no il turned Out, 90 It aàwvays Iuns out. The event oSurs, tic deah takes place, tAie nation la bora, the. du- patisin lu overthr-cet th11e appointed lime. Gol drives the uuiiverse with a uiif rein. Events do flot jilat ilappe sn., Tiagdo mot go slpaiel. Ina ai the boclkor God'. providences tiere la flot . o0M eU"if.Gol'. providence are neyer eSugit la dishabille. lb GaI there are no suprse, ne disaPPOlal- mente and ao ack.ente, The maitln- aigocat event ftung ent lntUi ca ie tbe oonSting llnk bekveen two'À gree,t, dams&-lie clsa ofeheruity h>eSt and the culula M etenty 'ta coerne 1 ] arnn âta-t abut 15*iould d howno- ple-tely vrstched if I did ualt fel 1418. ail the affairs et my lite arc ln God'e haumal la" Itperbains to me and mine, s a at uoe-aRnas Maul theaffaira et " is vomnaitIh tI, m Ibischild ofth lie 1m I, - Iing ofthîe tait, were ln God'ebamud. you May aak me a hundred questions 1 OeMMOt answer, but 1" shahutil the Imo M my deatl bellote liaI][ amn under 1the unerriag care et Gol, and 1the havnsma-&y tell- sud the vorlM&YburD, sud tic Judg- nacats may thunder, sud etea-al akges may rail, but net a haïr sall fail tram my head. nol a siudow »hall drOP On mny patiiDoit a sorrow haîlltranfixl mny heurt viOmut bming d.ivincly ar- ranged--arrmngd by a loving, symipa- theloFather. Ne bOtlèb O ur lears, lHe catIches aur sorraus, sud, telte arphan He wIii ho a Fa«ther, and tl> tie widow HeIlbe aih a aou, and la lieOOut- cash Ha wil ho a inspe, mnd tte cMost miserabl; e efth Uîa±tAmis »dàY era5-ls up eut o et icdîlit is abomination crylng for mecy Newvii be un alr pardoning Gel. The rocks sahl turn gray with mge, sud lthe reteSshall 13e unmoered la thc lest hurricane, ad thc sun siail chut ils fiery cychil ad the stars shall drop lÙ<e blasted lgsand thc continents shall go lova like ancli- ors la tuhe dcep, sud the ceean "&iIl heave ils Imot groom a-ad iash itseif with cxpiring agony. andthe world shIliI wrap Itseif lu a vi.tldlng sheet o-f fia-me a-nd leap on thec fdnerai pyre ofthUi judgment de.y; but Gel's love aliall flOt* dji.. 1h ili kindle Ils sun aler ail other lits have ge o ut. «Lt wil bc a bilowy sou altar thbs hast ocean haa avept ilseit avaY. Il yull waa-m Itself by the r rco oaBSumIf<wrd. Il vil sing ile the archngels trumnpel la poéling forth and the air ie fihicd wih h U crash of b.roicen sepulchers ald the rush or the -wngs of Uic rising de"I.-Oh, mmy Gol coifoot a-I tus peopIe vlth 1111e Cbrigtim aetiment! A Kaanirmrmers TrIclc. A tact ven i In to farinera la hhat the rve tofgramnsMouan MWarf0f0Mr are alvays aven in number. lucr may lic cigil, hua, tweive. fourleen oir sixteen r-oe, -but nover inme, éiaven, thirteen or tittean. This tact "d lihe kuowielge of il coulsteveral Kausa 1farmers very- dearly. TJIi Atchison Champion emys l tat a armer via '.cabes, a amali cop ot cura, sud vie h»as lvaye beea regarled as of ra-Iher veak intellect, concludod* liaI 11e sais a chance 10 make So90ie t&s. Erlu l thc ouon becmretuiY.eraPel tram as- ido 11e femldeceelie ouse r-e- LlIee oils, âuthS rmId1s, lisea. i Mnov ta ie se« emly gsaa maises ort rock mmdý bolâcler., between 'imilhtzliekel ltt1e. thrtpàsa- c ,,- fl- c he larger ti5 a iuy weffai ro-utl utream.» Tue vr.îtcr aias tels etpeople Cross- 1= On ciict, sud wgh hurses sud ca- r1S, the dry beil o«.thelsriver;ad atyls tIées Msne vu-atee belov the fml1% a Mo*, Impossibile ocoarronèe. Ne umYil8Ibis Ocourrmd la lie latter part of *arcb,, 1M4. Thse be.? athos-ihytIe be obtainedlnl liais City-the <>11.1 living lna8bitSIilS --ay tbst tt* fans bave not a-un dry viita Iheir recoilosion.Major S"oli M M. Whitney, lic oudest living linah- itsut cf Ibis olty, sud Oiediscoverer ot lie cave of the vinds sixty yearsago. ln disounathe, Matter, M id: «'I vel remember lhe lime liaIthc atary. refera le, and 1 vas anceaif1thé fia-at te nulie he 1M o f vater lin thé river. 1 know il vau April 1, bocàuise -wien I rlated the tact ho-athers onl titday Uicy though t il as an>41U Pool' Dmi joke. It Was early lanthe* Maraiug of April 1 t.bat tie water bel- Mn ita recedo,amad ln a short' tinte many rocks appeared above tie sua- face 1118* hidnever been scen before. Tic Ameicaa fal, 1I hiuuk, vas thc loweetI ilalimeor been, theug Itilwae vory taf airfoaabelag dry. Tic Norse- *hoe Fal vas lov, butut cnormous vngume just Uie sanie. Tic alatement liaI lias sametimes been made tisaI la- dies drovet la carrage. lwe-thirds of, thc way acrocs Uic river la taise. Tiare vas nu lady via wonld havo donc such a tiing. Liaies vere tirnid 1.110e "Thc cause ofthlie wm.lcr gcttUng 80 1ev, I remeanber, wvansu e Jam up the river somnewiere racar Buffal. "Nov about viiera the tailserau dry. If yau -walk ta 1the heawd ut Goat Isla~nd you wiii notice that for seramIindred teet traâm liseBitre up the river lie botlem cgthe river la very Close to, lic surface. It la a lelge ot rock vhIch extends eut toward lie Omaadian shore te, a- point beyond the. liird Sialer la- 1ad. Wiien i.e vasa- got to, ils lowOUt point ou liaId&w liaisledge et rocks was coanpleteiy dry, and a mn named Nami drove aeroos the Goal Island bridge aldup to, the heal ofthe Ilandi sud tromnt tre vasaiale la, drive on 1111e rock around to lhe tha-d Sister Isaud anti back. The valer had stOP- poil.filaig bclwcen Giml Island and, th1e Tree Sëster Islande entlrely, and it was polhtiingbut black rock. Thatl is thie nearest tte ialle ever rusxnlng dry. Tie water a-t lie point mentieiied la alvsys siallov, ad at limes the rock showe lImaIt nov, but uicrer nosu lci as on th1e date refera-ed ho. As ta the Americs.n fs-il, there -was lots of vater paming over it hé U lme icterral le, but net su rnuc4 mp under Ordin;i.rY ieaâ. Table rock vas voîl uncovered. I[ remember, but a-t no lime d14 cither MaJor Whltncy's account la corroler- siel by Julge T. C. Nulcîl, wia bas lved ici-c aver since 1834.-l3uff ale Times.- ErIefly Mentioned. One inch of rami alling upon oe bkuare mile la equivaient ta about 17,7 50,O00gaiba>ns uofwater. SA machine for vrapping boxes and securlng tie wrappers wxith glue ha-i been inveu.led by a Brooklyn muan. 1h la stalel that Lieut. Bc:-alser ofthi French navy bas lnvent". a ccmajýs whiih stecre. vessels, auto.mà.tiCallil«, & oursme tby tie navigaluir. Electrie igil 9gbes are now made viti corrugations2 on oas-haît sud clear glasa on thee tier haithlic urruga-tel aide refleclUng tirongi lie plain glaff-. Accardlng le Minet narnmahi. quantity ot suipide et zinc a-lIed tho le Dusuai salutian of aulpiale of zinc for zine pla.ting, wyul give a muci amOre <tam- pact, deposit. Tic itoenîgen raya have a nov spiiere ot .uaeetnegs. 13y their a4d chalk eCM 13e delectel in floua-. brick duait la Cmi'- enas pepper, aand ln splccla nd MsziY allier SImlaDr aophisticatlofls. Thse Bulletin d' Apiculture eta&tes t1Mi heles can easily be driliedln glasvih su orllaary drillIif tic spo-t ls molateli- cd *iI a fcw drapa. cf a mixture coin- posad et 2à parts etof aml- aio d-la 12 parts of lurpeutine. Keep .lillhy oor-keti. FloatinSbeocf seaveel, wiich are oftet met vîh la u9l-ocean, have beeca ecil as rmb.W laper 810* et b.voe hoi8 b. v.llooerid la 'Màf*uibè.vy a411 wool oomfortevg Ri" ltBe£uoted orne hunlred oh.o bkkeeof a »w, fanq check pattetit podmusd te 60e. per squareyrv. Are bsa#y, toft *bd. warm, and as-tho u.11a1 s»d workmaaship is the bot,' ve bave Do heaitatiop in aaying &"St vith good care. one of t heme bliamkct vil give oervioe for flfteen yearu. t&mIJ,*h* t iL he..nnn Su * ~ihoL ale u~ 4ai ~tb.onbtefore yon put au inferi2r blariket ami vyour steed. TO PRCVK#IT HYbROPI40IA. O-81M1MIM fclA. Wb e1>0 tu Ce» .u Are Eltea by a- 31 sr B ? O, Dcor ouffer AMIMAI. C ;, Ae 7tWrv en-a u lhe Immedlate ~ k e 1v *,IusyWee us trIrein e ases oet log, bit e eU Pehwb. acceptable at tIbismsoui. -t a f ,H fte - econsolaon ut Misa' XITGHlLL'S etrVous or linsil peuple, lb.e bile'of a dcg-evea If il provel la or 1Daul--i I la L I IT H Y" R O M"e Rot aocessarlay resuit In hydre-' n-O MS Pgba, hugi ltInlucertaJnly advàs- 0c U .OMBL'8GtCRKn.I mble teal evcry bite aI once maloè uI, . APEL ROEY et-t ta laIs cvery care to prevent cvii cea-. W»en you ar-eallackel bg a ttuomLirger assortu.eit Of Trumed IBats than ever before shown. dot Il la vorh remernberin$# lt iaeis sdbssflsoko ressdMni eaymd ate a Instinct. prompts hlm la always a tIi largeu Qeuiu dkO Dfl dNate(oods e, d-oeMne n amy uncovured Portion of aur body: no, Tnimmiffgu, just opemecd eut.-(YAL AND lb SPEOT OUR If Ycua have presence et minI, you eau 00B do 2omethlng lovard sa-vng yourseif bY covcring up your ian-de mal pro- Drees and.Mantle M&Mng itheL es ylsadD ig . tecling yonr face. Tic reacu la liaI gi.-e-aes StlsadDsgo lths dogs saliva contaias lie peoa âud f is. eeti bave to pas. hireugi clotilng, lie.probu-blhlly la liaI lie M S I C E L flaterial vil vipe Oie leti elea le-FfEL I for tiey, enter te lc P an taxIlis________________________________ render the vound vcry muci loea dan- IIUEUIEIN8U geraus., Nevertieles attend! ut once- to a bite given la anger by aliher îog TipTjde~a h ietRecvi h Or cet, for a ver-y -fliu+e quaatily of Te inst-ency n -h 11e~~~ posnlaaoui it.I vud _Worl[ for al Affec- le suflictoxil 10 set th le diseuse Itf Cures i tonolte17rac: POIOnusgerme le permittel te 0elow Coughs.- mucourseatni Ti, Griîppeý, 9Croup e b cahrefolu It c "rdnari fier-store. WhoomDpin or lu ta slop t lb: ctrrulat'<>n neai- tie ImaUUm-mau-----ufuaamuwM -uuuBoum u ts"mamhgIm------ flggddfl vound, by mnaking t bleel frcely. If______________________________ Passible ho do se, tie n. strtng or lign- ture tightîy en 1the sgodeofthtic ouI careslta he bean- andt set ta ol Warm voter le bes+ý bu+ If thére laj H E P O U O A E none imnly, use c-id. If far avay u fr wa+e'-. 111e bit,-mi%-lib- suelee. '5 D é ATMf UL T R pr»videl tho ra are ne c" pIrq on lire or SU WWOUT& wuwww w w u w1 nicut. 1Tht.m-thol of 1nd'lne bl'-e ï[e le. hovever auly la b- used wion RUI31BERS9, ovERtsII1ES AND aO T une etesr la pracficable,. Shoul il aPA O O R ST A 0 0 timMsble le obtain me,1le,) ussielanceF " Y O ,ls, à% . o î, vifltin a r-ea'-nabla tis«mp801150ptié Pickod up in- quiititW ut aweek, Stick IIeew lgfflar Prlees, a-e reeamxnm'd liai ltae wo".nd le eau- te-isel wtt a r-el-ho-t v're. a Peler Or nov on sale. soin. auci tbtng. But If a dectar eauMn' e -wFiziiaro "cilg <7*Q - f b- had. yru need onlY entc e enlirmee 10 I -Uloero, aye g lstv$ , .t 88 ad 9. bai-le 111e sw-t untîl i. a-ives.- Monte heavy Tweed Suite, opocial, ut $6, $7. $8 and 19. Waohl~fon ues.Boys" beavy Tweed Suqitv, Ospeoial, Mt82 up to $5. AnitSetirely new ti-tul teeti lias Tise qualitv, worku»anbip and style of tbis clothinq oi bea- close. comparison beca inventel vitici places. artilcial mmd i tthe"e pries CvCi!yeeIsa gentue bargin. Al aizes la slicalors vithla lie reaci Ofth11e stock. Larre varlely, toe lect from. imues. Thc inventer and manuj£ac- Uàer -le a vali-kaowi N.ewv Tork den- Men'a bcavy 1tubbm n d Sooka sois] at $125a par. tiât, via maye tu-tis s sroea ojim 9 r vill enable hlm lu maIr e nwpo Bey-' fle quhluty UOv Orioe,- special, at 81.00 a pair. -of excellent' teeth £t>r $Lb0 or $2, sud Boy "Rip Long Boots. sises, l to 5& epecial. at SI125 a pair Ie Ivinl e atru e omMen' fine Wateproof pi ogBoots, speolal, st $2.75 pair. snyhla heeluoro intoduel Imen'a long Boiote, 18inch Ieg, upecial, at 82.50 a pair,, moderni denlistry. Il consista ut s complote artificlal sel of tloch. maIe IPull stock of Mci'o. Wcamea's mnd Childa-on' Rubberai, plain sud vool Iinod, entircly ut rnbber, lie base, or pla-te. andi eve-ahoee.inlalaet qualities. In thefr manufacture an Ingenlons me-hol aempcyel viiohs nulG O D only inunaes a correct for-. * CH RISTM AS mnatlon of lie artificiel nmaetîca-tars, Lirgo sorlasent of nov Pancy G ode,* Albums, Plumb Cases, Pictura Books, wier-eby liey ar-e made lu clomly re- siemble aatnre's p-odnct. but ae Toys, G*mee, Jt-velryi Xmms Carde, Banging -Lampa, Vase Lampe, Muge, simplifies lie procesa cf viat te callel Ouips, Sauoea-a, etc., at 1ev pr-lacs.* Choiceet qualftioa in Grucerles d"àelting. lie tloch un,." A iellow, flexi-«« ifetier-erC is agT de ble matrIx. wl-ih obahInlerually and ~ i ofclieyIrCrsusTae exlsa-naly reproduces tbc formation of lie maturaI tecb, ls.mqde, vici, Wlfledi 0f lie. gre- a nd v' o- aeiest- eO~ R . ed, pa-aduces a pcrtectly formel set et- IR 0o avrreome vas lie sbadIng nfthle au-ti.A W D -ber locth, but this lie Inventranu ~ 1-O accompm>hid 1v mearq of a ahemical bleachinir preces. Ana-bpce. but . _,sa smtsfa-tary process et siadIng. le by lie admIxtureo f dlffereal-ooloe ra-b- bers. Trozm a astlsrr stundreint, tlie tub- ber t5eli are Ip-rfe-t there betnw rno ~ joints, a. la ail otica- forma of artificiel deulureg, l in i lii.' ser-PmIiOteo tise moulus m="yfinI loîgment. J O Tisere la eue beauty of living la aà vary cl oeiiiirY. EvorY i'hie csloi msa lietraceld, a somnettmg Pic- iturea40. Have yen 'ever la-ven aicmg the Mngliai r-ïad-levea-y cne keeplf -OWbMeAuatr a ff t Of &Bn déuoept1ong -neatiy and Promp1tly th lieagoù maa viIn ld',n limes, viiel talk vaIkel abot badly 11<11.1 ed ne Smt tear- and ia-ebling, vIth raLPiers t an W me ofli . tImEr>oee, vry country'lad -the o ea "T> W udr ofo mmm. ruelp.Ie., ho k- -P 1 te lefI,130 The stOo ce Melto 'ne vlth-tise tactt int'- î" ak soý"i cf G et o* tiaci q» t'onmdt b ý» ,,s- .1'R 4 -s .~ l-~ d45 iL.