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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Feb 1897, p. 3

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8. ?DII Give Th~e oly fd tho that wifll bOU Bal3v a ea k cons- titution > gradu- O Chancealbts s ~Ca rdinmlFO a 'plc, scientîfic ard.highly «* lutriti' e preparatiofl for infants, delicate children and invahids., * ~ ~~rY ASOT4 àCO, UPUEOI. FRIDÂX, FB1UÂRY 5. M0. hum E, moka e îeol 'g Whcn things don't go to suit you. And the worid sema upside dowli;, D)ont waste yourtime in fi ttliig, But drive ayay ta frowa; Slave life is oft perplexinzg 'Tis rnuch the wisest Plan, Tb bear ail trials bravely, And millIe when'er you can. Why should you dread the'morrow, And thus despoil to-dayI For wheu ou borrow trouble YOU always.have to pay. Rt is a od old Illaximi Which ashould be olton xeaced- Don't cross9 the bridge before you Until the bridgee i reached. You migbt be sparod much8ighlflg2 1, if you would keep in mmid rien, The thought that good and-evil Are always here combined., - libère nmust ho sometbing wantlug-- And though you rolil nweeItb, That prioless Jew.-healt. J Lt. And though yo're trong sud StUu YÏ you nay hâve an emut pusse, (And enrth bas many tii Whicli 1 consider wor»e.) But whether joy or sorro W UV, in 'Twiil make your pathwybithter., £0 mile heue er you cai. KILN uoùnw uu=41. to e,t Cotse from IZou wetJ AIE laL Report of West Vietorilaumeus vl. Beport off Bôbeygeon and Woedville PE.Fyromn Obldre's Aid Sociey, gaag - F~Ions theieoft Iheomvoy tSimm. chool tmamliiag draft ef memoulfil laolm<lsla- ~~tir Suc u.sbly, relative t. the Vittoria ARIO Fvom Iboolek et théoaonly ai Webb- __ voeu issuuoellhîng udroit@o0f pétisto d 104 lth legilatlve sambly,, praylmg for fenea rndmhu e lb. elsel i, Jrom tIhe simui ofithe maly of FVus- louat tusmiting deau oet "soluion for a emariasi b Ibm Domlul govumusi uspsotlu h. duto on e"sluares Me~ ~ imoîll umiPla.su Aol a&d Ionai fsCoanaâtve t. vàdusmd 1%k Ilousiet fprisonsnue&is1 Fionslie eamewsy of Outario p~ Oo esattîy "i&"$ttu naiv Prom W. Tý. Iled Eq., applylmte epponmt et a sdlloi. on mollesoetMr. Shavu moomiol y Mr. Foi, Ibm tesegoing documents uné mien tusma thm somnuilstleWhi" li7 tepetiely b.lauge. Deu m Mr. Foix pueseulmi ths p.ltlmof shli à municipal comuail off 1h.township et Ope, i sauil pualug Ihat the eoumty assumàe sd e bui Estross. ouses bridge Pétitio. s.aolvsd and îetmed eod asaiMg su mîte.on ronde aud bridges. Moisi by Mr. Baélley ased M r.7 Ellisi hal tbm standing sommitte u flcamesudnd somemtlbe liituosi h labo beotideuatlon udispoît ou thé advsbllily off building s loch op -abi*0 village off Ooboooi. Cmii.- Moîoed by Mr. (JamesOm mtemsib, t Mr. Blle, Ihm tlb. stauiugc onnltlsu an mouds and brigos b. lusmtueiih tai. to sousidoimIlot a i ipoil ou sdvis&biRty off makiug a -upealsi peut 0s $50 lovrards ruosJrtiagtle, bridge a&nM the asuova of bled Lii. lu lb. owmsbl et Cordn. Omuied. k1t Moved by Mr. Auilua mouded by Mr. Lllhgowv tliaithe.sanading oommMttsom reuds sud bhicdges b. in$usled te .h luto considération aMd -report os lb advicabllly orf granve e .sun of $20 tevaids the eoouslueotoetof a bar amse.Barat river,, usasWassou'aeuoei es lbe G.T.IP., o eou io oueualeu lu as anByuou.'s"0 a, l he t ownshp0 Sonsouvlo. Catrils. Mr. Bryant, liaItlisa&dlg s@OMM"h * ou ronde and bridge@ b. lmmIuukit * mahismit, vin a:ulssm mi8»4a«s» ftéki aiu.èevii.vu is, Vet fhie tmMM usiby Oh. duffoumm "â!u 0&s moioas of Mu. A*$"lu aoom Mr. Johuauthal hyla 'No. -~Iit appont suiboua eofaoommie fo th *dWaultallosaofi juliest VOSml uhe * * 'Cumotion off ut. 19lVasaU meeluà Me. Fox, byla. NN. -tela ppb auditor. off enay mososte, vu -asitui THIRD DAT. Th# Wwudsm *nid am#liba êemiss Fmavo Me'§la ». mi hé Esporls et the F7»0"sa lullsu 4 19 ?rom pubIou&"bim uise.« :9 Pneuli l oie u. i saup tmgi»"" lIet'lM.*m oo au .amie 1 à ~msmlS Volé! refmslt.ltLi * ~ba~ku% mm ir isi Ibe atal ugo mit uppeuê* So Rme- b eu" enas behai f e b id soewsy. Moved sud à au" i.. amiouumeul mpot ou vwlaty off fflpt te * Ouiimus Id mal la ie buds of the àl imm *IbmW..T.U..- m o- ie maug sdothet & te IDamia m aimau- Moitai by Ne. 111h, nemielby Mr. F034 "thé' éteiésugoommil.OU biaume a m a'emmt* b. laum o rmporsa OR imlbliy cf malimge usual , Instilutes. ,. il u. S 1ss sdi sthb.e émil ou thémiee 0 o th le oom Muos k rm Dau,. midBisonS. BubMUltelthe- Moiic)v M i. Camma, asoMii by Mr., lezx, Ibs th. us&ainsd bMdg. somau4teose ret.iport on edvtiatul o f p.tîttomlgita hémimstui of viallwajOs Md esa i onsimet Obhbrige ovis Sb. Trent Vali marai won l seuofeà" Md udftbplaeu 1h.o- L *mmMd amssasemommola vu lomt e ispoit os dvlullly off m &0 imM mmipm t e Vi oVu" Nsosi hy m Autesumdeiby Mr £11,Wliai lie Lssesand aumimml oommitte h. lufuWit.le hie ltt eoodustouiàMdeportou the adîlisbl. 1lhy off grimug thé mmm ai $50 -saa B&WYIoujia esmU'ty ou.t ae ueh o1 thé vulsnoomoli lflaesa th. eoamly 1e"& issa vlag> a lookuD houae ciblu 1Wlsimité, Ibm ssii soettabsle e b. appoimlOl os a Vps ent& b y 51tals tweutyfié, ep.yof thle thlae b sli malamite bu psu quaréiteoyos osim sigied hy t1h. omaly maslmute. The e port ofsuimoo«mmllloo ou pulmling va dopt& , Moved b. Mr ugméts eondd by Mr Littgow, th*%lbth aimg commitbeono uoadusudA brigusbla mst ote lt. oomudaidou su-d report oau ie adelibIlly of as.llslngthe Ont"u goeummsul ah b -mé-seasmion oet th. Légsalatie Amabi. '-ylg ibWSmeoh a mêorU It.l the mIMml cipu Sad b. ersie Mu nis...te the bocadéry rmais mml bduilseasmiai r lduuiMbàtahe tesi kt Ibridge éluIhtEtvoe et lie vaineuo0f ma- amait on. le bsuui mdtel a oMIY h- - 0 ýlb."'401aaOhe NI t h gi d08bisi amii OU li buuatLvsJ $liemmbs Ur *$*u osa iu e bolosIa. Ous. TW sprtof 0-mm"£mommllt. The 91 amon-ami vawu m ube ta uemlos svlssili etotU u *4iemmil £MWsat.thé vulou publie lless lb.0bouuly 7OXJEM DAY ThUe lbtum ouli W f eport off the namm. epot or Obklmnu'sAld -Society. Rleport t a Itgo luisIPublie Llbmay ?iem Ibm semine? of lb. i Uay La., Aaedatlm, appwyusfa sitt. The. tsogocg dosmest tmfo nieus loe b epelin esmimIttoaste vhleh The oemmmllon ou smtîa svau.u be, s pplubte b b amies oftruute ot v b. Iamdssy oogsls issblt. sud Ib Q s» the Dseaofaipmmsomappolst.i amismefs et theboet ffamlusu à poiole ObRisZzalleum the G owtmai.IDOI.peapim tlistas appos P pilait.. b. mai.fer l*6 lmpeoyomesl 01 *0e mevigmIlasoff l0 Booam iver st * mii t.aullIe tar premsual. Tiesa nWauss Ètmd *0ie somil ho bu~ nétui aamassage èten le euni leo .tbe aouaety.IP.t nu.h,14uifomnfl 4 hlm the viiole .ll bn ai auappoint- lm ed a 4.lsgauss t. 'mil aets*b.àmnion of goflmuk Md imgi.atmtlsuallton or Ïie voi . .et uUOteIm .010Trsât Véàaéy Osut, mai uquefte lista dole ,l&Ivu rude aI Ib be fta iudmt. lte Imm Mqo. t heu e~~~t t9~ u.ihlS tete à eàinusm 0 v sa EMu. j Js.a$ a" hll b " a bo«4 ly rtoâFale es, m4 a" of 0 im..au v ,eaiamuii bb .pu e 0iumie iba fu* *0 T.V . Imm idut. tobel buaumMi lfor ssMa.. Greater Tkhan E ver. JANUARY VIOTORIES OVER' DISEASE AND* DEATHOI The Grandesil Record Ever Attained in One Month, Paineà CelrCent poudthe E1edlclucs. The »knov ob. pepl NOf=«l thOSr der ese.s Po sem rvn e c..ithe m - The .Uovlmaegop sa miord tu r .t put«. day a le. O otiyon . vus. tMy jpluoehitrois Ibm grave sud m'Med t.axioce nlaity Mad tu. la Ibsuiful, bumulng vouds tb. youug sud .11 admitlmi Ihst vlhbut pains Olssy Gomspoundmi hes sssevouli baâve humn quIte hopeu&s Sumell. peau sumou, Ibsta huffiaeu preofIbsiPalus O lOsposi la am h& mutyumseovnthougb i6 b. seriou n sudeduperae-shlet. giva Ten the Dovwlte u $e muai issu. Tiy il ooa sbtti. or tee evau vorkwuos. Item, 0o1 t lerosi. Froua lis Ysu BokWbsi w. listho faovlug la hlai esim usagius ooaavmu 61 e the coud lieue ae 284miim --.pluopu-an 181 ue Millon m h"g.t .11Mn"i..iomm otbolmlce i mallien (omsuy) Pm uensulm 9 alion baptltu, O6umillico gI isaiss ô1 adllica fue thlia.er% 21-1àcmMORaou vells mata" mi16 5 off D m eul- ma*s Us tu ; at usothle laiasloto aml booem tlb. lmaulusiet ppr, le" u liasé. ylsl*4ielac vu t. mimeM JMmlordi900 od id sft balilu th es scoureiisi ff he4ml.- ima tSa M UWmamlsely USJUIte de m&, lRWbait.e lui 0 oils=s, f» vin ams utuaMt. te e t dete am "Mua, dmin lu taiti aNC oiss.s esla et MtsmI tahe. bsm limmlis IuzssM poli. the uuIS le h unle -t li*levaM Md ùs lamloti le a id le ou*et lUd Veu& The put oàS e lpuulasal oeliam I.Iste l*. fut I"aitle imlss sucpwmlt b.esSiM t. lis mm d iot hout babna toseni t. ths déemi l.ta mé aMdithss m mgsu «slpspi o ed Wbel.et 511.a hié fail off delivny te l*9 mdis. peevllithey beau upon the lm eor m b .c * zmre Mda s msseot lie mmdu..Requ i ltts.mum umuiei lhie e theo bmpetisipd"CUL$&Mmd Isîsut viii the usms sud sddiuàMlymith le ed of tes vSaia.Tins Its lm mettmîjeal ta MTy teu pos eU n u»Md te ls v haus Mie lua lsacme off eIm slgmmh nsuffuss puepati, vîmliêaulglnsl matine ilu ooued. Doila lu .lulngosasi by lfU *=l off uud.lieedoouuepmeaaste ld 5 letter lmé, c all ce atis pavmentt0ettlté isimuma 11et«emfte,, os affaodl f iePublto cul laks ailiaetthsof b e gMm bo eiuti lurth. Mmd bais th*imares sd aiduom uulisud psu sI lettom mmlii. Eighty Tmarsgo.. Bighty roamgo thoro wore». No ew g achines. No steam machtnery. No motos cars. No Lucifer matches. No pueumatlo cycles. No pneurnatlo tired ishioles. No bn No Etri lgil No eleotrie molers. No ýuflmau cars. No dinnlng cars, No 60 moiles an heurs No 2.ketstaea.. No fros educalon. No breacki.odn«.Vuai Nalady 0hu1t. NO Iady baibeus No i1whteu rNe o=-- bimm No iipps No »mis Pu 4 vmD. ~ Ypimit a mm34L CASTOR lA Je, I~a10 mi O Iwon 8" e~ tammnS M 4~ Bd 77, 'Da-%. OVII r S»"» MM&M Thevn lau.. msllabth ownship of EdaldsbumgWho la bott e s Itm Mr. joba Bttuâmnla e Il us et the mut OaimSdIDS hset.L l e t a the Amieulues rebeilIlu, 3j thSW.7m etf the Nort, su4te Ibo NUu sMd haidabipi Wb"oh ho maduring tlmgb living sMd puellous 4iMe, doe. ho ove sa long veauioff sufoulUEiklSwh hau ma uandeous. 'The wuiloa memb.uu mose lx>g me. Sheman a tsw jean mOgo vbe h.oa wus0eippid U hilktlmmta il vas impouuible for hlm gotalk iei d havlng b heailia mebainbossetant- 03, d.Ole i 'o %0lavmmlimlO b. mler for bimusi. When u II oaiehi malai a me. eomum' omce hé* fondhm m l es. yard humihug n e :'Mdiâaoppima wood like a yaune mom, ami ho tomai hlm ao quite vilan omlitae hbibeuys uxpeulenos. .C4*1bals auffusi viii uheumadlm for i1.0mW jea,.," msal M. i Sheaums 'band I hasdooi.d viifour ifferent daitous aMd joB I kept g.lllug vouassud. vore . Iw os edoubl vith *0 Pain inmy baok a»àboh Ion yon me aru Up ibaiIwu -»ht slualghtmu Iom., mailfor oms omhe vhui 1vstd to ou &boutI1bSd t. do so onMI amb dl uhuées. I INISI mamy msdlolmes but*gos m» bern Msd 1 héai giton mp il hopof being ahi, et. viii &tain, Oàse of-My snt1usd t. purmuade nu asDr. Wdllama' 1" Pa!. hl oufM e tais aMy Mon meilulne. At late 467day My uMghé bornethiée #«o f thoeplia. 81mi a CI, t.ybai be~ml b oa o ever w vooe 1 *$,laut eo~euWtet "i Ilium, but sol hoamas I thongit ley would -do meai»,y pod. Buta,. lher vous goue. hoWsem. I meuh eEélý tlst my bauk vu gW »Prslu M d 1ai eould mlumlgtsfl m>eIt uquid oI fouther smuaousso to et me to take the pilla, ad tien that meon 1 bagou la gst botter. Umtilm o wivth.tbm @id of a llghi Omuo, I c al lu il eu the fIm, got la sMd eunto01a buer. and do Most off the. ahaes round the bouse Mam an. I feul tysut? Tuais 400guri MdI on. aider Dr. Willim.'Fiai Pili. the most vamdieful neIs lom huum in l thé whoIe rvîi. I bogma thom ocly Io plesse Mu Md slvma -moit agiée able --d amlo emevies I louai MY lmlmet a l book puaimg mev *treneih. 1Iaorn reeuly vusommemi Dr. Wilame ii PMilla he . ufférsg ubemmatlas of lb0.vid. Aa atldui. bous Ihat Dr. lfhais piPiM 111 'alm inl a oileud Iemm MaMd hb u temuoawyt 89vema uisteodnervis. Thor are a uM lIu stoula pillli a am nM&dnoà L mteal&. ehum a y eMod.mehn 1",fMdse&eUlem mlpia., Tbey bulliop the bleai, sud nts e s. low ofhoWtl te plo MdSllo bVlu" laI mf~~on bto offilal dwaou m ase 1ma fru ontuai voit,,s MuvSk ou r 1 c8 f vialeruelo. Dr. Powlien Ext loff V94 Si-visa um DlibeaDymbau?, Omups, Oms. Choias K. lUa, C iu m. md .an lo ofimUe t ibovela.Nnyettaidl vith lim huit Mmd MMsum u iàm 0l&2"i by »u m q asft U.As, o too;f» pi. latin, simmmus l.blil" lai ooomas, ste., sne mes qizm i i-m' HonMe'd MW" .pill=e fod, v.IW. bv..Yim lb. neuesmal uiabg the huait. Thuym-é, lm m Mdit'a«Muo roum wcuMa.Lo.lues W=Sypmiluai Letters Corne. llteru corne day 0 ~been ciredofds ,'îÇ~ popi that person oJ'~ f Bad Blood, and another of Head- ache, atillanother of Biliousnems4 and ye othersOf varlous complsiasteof lis. StmaolI4 Liver, Bow.la or lObd, aBUthroffgh ,the inteligent use of Burdock B10od Bitters. 1 is thse voice of the. people recog- nizing thse fact that Burdock Blood Bitters cures all d1seaits Of -tii Stomnach, Liver, Bowels Mnd BI"od Mr. T. G. -Ludloc, 3» CeolieStree Brantford, Ont., usys iaftirlng umie yeava piaf te 1886, M my re a u i the tbme viti violet bddàchsm.Hue bomi cuasebotl ual tsl&a Ibmmali ap. Sb$ miW» W14 , sut, d m feeblo tint " .could badly 4o auyllg. an mi e svomtatailws bmdd*alObtUviS ber. Nlgbt ar day dm. oouI m*rut sd life w cm 1e7toer. K *l ais et medldaua sd lnatns<fo barkite ;h m Àie e s.4iiy.twoom ma IllbOi!S six betW soflSu«" oUa Skis frM C. eSt son t4 i5. et1 ~.4B0B.-U*. TEE WG~KA WAEUES * -,~ -e 5sb7~~fl a media ~iu ai moins w- lA!U 0V £WU& * >ua1 L wmu-.b si,.....a n hI-eu... a l W ua ii ............ * ~ niu.,. . . ....... am mie i mâ mple g lhambee,.otime.m......O m -MMORtenlamuiM Ui......... lais l. 084Mow Aomeu mitwaaomirlbmi Oues vaisamai usa M.tsnt Or DB"6s2«. eNau mpl, et A.IL Mob il twmuni aaf u'l Ué,the thiuiBMa.1a et svceu. r.llbé. . Pma*,Lus* of MW iam, No suit. Usé. i. BIL el, a" meln ImnaBMsu ines cekM% o.Mm um Uai Wmiay fla mm f M&a" la Mmilmm bon o e mlac En. usi ea usnéonhl; I. s. lWlOlMr. m a te etMd.. i. moTeulacmlscuaitumm WetiacuW 14 . E. Baib, lun IMM la u. ai. lse, utaIW. 8,mu mai lblmi of émi sa mlla a bs lie baU liJai doWs Soccelmévl'.mme. L 0. 0a. a. o. MMêm me, Gu&W a lIe a. Bru" la 'S- Mt ICjrclaé mmli 0Ir.dgO doaIs, ovr».imo'.el Ut ors. Mu. thé, v=Mmelube Woéijum NhWumbal d $rda ' m mmtb. Wum. BIset. E.Qhen P J. a Usoet Galie$. B".cifleii. Kw 15 musi ni louslthéTuaI, ci né mlof M" Mo raIt em Ii' us à"cs M.A L 0 . IL ,gm% ceb O.Mal mm, emimai Nb mi s oli may"civum M& i mm. * lai,0.1;noblGe% éel u m aoni -u wS W~ M iseW. ILMm% Usf v -u US m h dm ~,moku MM mm* la vou w Mms a it, AO= . mu boi ««mud ,uI, mu Vessbdus W. E I. IL 0. .-8tmrm Grm CM im~IiS klm igs tm- mu Luomibe Ikm mo t mhusues. MUca a Of llhmeai LiaiM.La I= osO i LIPt, ma a cise W... hWaiufeocummme @ROMwela te seel f saivS w.M. mAmê cms i TmK31» nit oami 0 IUM m mm~ - a, 1 np... Tc.a lm. O . . isaudffWedamiayMO@*sviq mLIS kM av"J.OsMMM.uluis LmuAi v en u es tof tibe 2Dowe01S auys sudL»Iver, ayngoff gradually. =<it weakening the >raem4 ail thé impuri. oand foui humors O hé secrctions; at the amo timne Cormet- ing Aewity of the fto,âm 0 rlgDIII- Remuet. sp RIa4aesDznblma sla, Drymeus cf l - So hpp iueÀn of UttRiug afIls Oig W. . Kmba ]R0CIHESTERý ýRe tail everywhej 17 Pfrmt PieJ ~arettes Il- & Co49 e PACKAGE. Umm. umw~mmq DEADLY SPRING! IÎ YOD SOFFER FROM- uSin Co pait , e CTT'S SAI PARILLA. It l i bs t anrmu Llýt meiiet had anyvisere. Bcott's 15 pleasaul tO taie, Codngnstipani ation, ScouaGrpIndigebsoti u on, DSpia FemalO4 Troubstpt, eroune, LChri eIdiget, Caarh o ep H ead Throat and Stomach; Syphilis, Skin Diseases arising [rom impure- blood or a disorganized -sstemi and, catarrhal. Somach -Troubles. Mr. joseph Morrow, Merchant, of FulI&rton, Ont., mrites: '<Williamx Cornish sa ys that Sctt's Sarsaparilla is the best family medicine he ever tried.. His sonWilliam who works. for a farmer was laid Up and unable to -work. Hlis 'system was generally run down. One bottie of Scott's Sarsaparilla, cured him immediately." For further fiàcts write either Mr. Morrow or Mr. Cornish, personally. Then p oscols Srsa ril atJ #eZ 100 per a4 7 otZe- on geapoonfua a£o m USE scoTT's SKIN SOAP FOR rHE COMPLEXION 1 If you want to purhase a firat-cLas Piao, Organ or Sewing Machins w@. wuLOC.AN.Ç General Agent, Lindsay, w WOODB Load.m the processuos lu Furuace Work. lisIlo l.g m" thi e usai 117laHuinen a r sto ia u zIecrleIn oi"p bG aU.b OsMietabar sua t BtOm m Nu . gi, a m toiev, vo lis ~ ona lmu uldg, g cemasUim, baut» . Neis, Oey bot airo., dia, mml.3. luby.G' umij tir. vou& mul m u at!i.mm oài mv, uaà"OnWuHOIBWood.IO., umsy 1toi màubatcool. a1isa. w anyibotvmiWod ce ilb, lOU bw57iat w Mdoui. E.Biouniaàm aiv.cod. MlIméU sIINé. idXmmh . lutta.boumt* oaIod. icuhOM 1milml lss dmv a.NUlsO,. mbhâim o, ornat O.~ ~~ ~~ mi" baim uad v.r auajba vInscul à. Onw.ak taiO.UmmiMho vain ual. hie M. luq'.* tim, «%0. 1- CnSuaihtivaut.mmi ---. Suq hi m.m mml On ~~ ~ ~ o 111 hnOU. meit un hi vom. E~sUusv bi ne noS Jub* sWt ai . . Eply Ouaot mW. mi W~. wdu~ mal. mo iseu uot a&l, eot lies.hm MUoa OMM bMW tsivm 8dI W.= . Imam uusy o aUml 2=016 am i Mt 1y04 filu Et Mr ot mli, oal. Ou bai *m vasé. la' . Iiait us o vaa?, oai Sm. ~ ~ ~ ol 1e1WtiS, hidoees 1. EawdesOtup gtoi atin ml lis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i !!nik -.,uh t.lu.110 tgi s t e laemgo. Giv. W.r W(Ml»> ti >otio of à"SIg your lifo a cooefot th t. ai pou~ fl1 * I e m z7o Kent St.,West 1 1

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