EFFIOACY 0F PAIN- ins ut the BavA.' VmS. ing L.c*4 jeu. Therohave beeft UehoISté venturd the assertion ta et Qui Lord Were uuueoeuaP it waa a ehitikt wut « blood and agu ibu$~ end were te b 'reah. lt Prove that M good rsut ou dieu the ecarecter et God la e&. andthe univer. mu" bujorent and de»n"AtS7 it that tho Father alio'wed the ot Hie only begott 9ou. 'W mire the. brave aux huadred oecibed, byr Tenayam o ud" the confilet when tb*ey - k musat die sud knew ut *the 'ht 'Some, one hmd blUU& we are abhorrent ot th* mGa1 the bluader ad who cased Acee ttos brave men for W 1 Sali show y7,m4ie ithe tue me, thla morn i«. that Sor"I ..buns Christ went through th Iu otiier wor'ds. "L'behioved 1. Inu-theftret place. 1 r«e Chrla'aIs ceratIons were because mana rcue viaea billty. except by, the payahu greet esScifice. Outrsged tudered aguinet Uiquity die uniensa £ ubttfte 4dm tbat ieath. ILetg* ne. Ire 1ose ;( angel, àtp frth. eIwor Roman ctisen. no'Athenlai Inthian.. no reformer, no aN teered. Christ- then bared ,te the pang. Ho PaId for ou tion ln tears and blood. end feet. and scourged shoulder% brow.. "It la d<mne.». HeavieDL board the ea o t tii. pris=o1 ceased to quake wtb wratk ,ment that Cavary .boan, crutlflxion.- Clirlet had suifer eas ainoe man, "I don't 1ikg trine of su4stitution; -lot e bea.r his own burdena. and own t<'ax- and fight bis oçwi ~Why, xny bt-iotlei, there la auffering ail over thie vont ycour par ente sufer for *yoc flot suffer somet.lmes fory l'eË? Did not Grace Darling the drtiwNning sallore. VI-t ferlng on ail sideal But ho cant compareýd Lth this soi eue eoufferlng. W«i t for -orimea that I He groaned upon the; 1&mo.xzing pity. grace unkzu And love beyon'd degré Chribtit suffer to pa. of, ouuvredeimptiofl. EL 1 i. uâL reuark aga.in foring u of hrk.t were nec crdèr that the - vorid'a £ight be roagsed. -Men are1 tiglht and gôud through tii thies. The wurld muât feel fore t can oet erlght. S0 vieasoloved to ho Ufted Nwords sympathies mght1 Mden who have been obdura C-ruelties th--y -have- enace tna.eaore they have inflit borrors or whth tbey-ý ýguilty, have become littie the presence oft this dylni .Wbat the swori could not Juggerns.ute could flot au wouvded hand of Christb Pllshed. There are th-la w lions of people held under tha.t one -sacrilice. The haz struck the spikes Into the beken the roeke heart ort Nothiug but the agonies of deith-throe could- rousest 1 rrimarlz gain: "t beb to msifYor," t..at t.he streng, stnuof the' divine lov dem,ýnstrated. Waa8 It the the v(îrIf.1t iat liiduced ('h C111'1nie fr m h. avn? Wff il!ivr~ 'asat H:q feet. îiaI,! IHii for PSis v 11 u : , 'I th. lrs of hi gl\*,, up her thrcnc. that she a misent-I re lu Africal i vJ'ii C!nl-t.on the tI iI. deafeet ear imuaet hou and umale, wayuIde ta» interview, ail the. monea &il tiie uffering et Hm m beycondcontrovessi thatý girtoe erth Gel yeerned w au, inetlnigulmàblt love. But, 1 ark agama: Christ to suiser, th" th human ugulit udiit b. à 'Phae linDot a eoamm-m the. bons.to-day M ui thut the machlmuy et a of goar, that the hum tbe humn lieart are dio. MSwethinuw oùl!ht -to b. du rlgbt away for tm rpuirè uhet. But the iielht. suý )Muth: 'snd bremAtb, #»À reicâleamnem. and ntg hunmn hart tac mtie bem de.r<o.wst*d if a ameinlaoàoft eett e m»t been butis tauonie1 ChrIst wu. 0f b ut a beeu putbt e 4I.TIM ixuns, beore XU te tiiey liad their w thoîr ibis. thuoir whn th mo bc*ved At tbeilomq A4nu»t godtU, afrojaint Yfto% ft*l bven. What wus h ovgses aimai- y"teln»efl &tan&SU Uited uBlaU«dAreY loi edme s ol. m - aven'O" *Uni- eseha tic am,06o.'tftoniott Tf Ae yn gfftlgè. m I men de-~s St 46i tos ale- à Ca flm* i ?h41e"Mtmr rdewlnow e gse mea mt ls ce , t! boe iltiiags stit Ile -, m ia lte a e t ietin- aarh. tim t â the Xei irondthooreç hui wmsur Pk:~ r s e kmet nA1csr osibad le um à1dafflI..strZe la iug mmoS l#ylbe tet *Meitli i EU or' vûý He W*m.' ChIst lu18e1Me- 'but e 01i round te eor1 tics.tW1 thave geld v« ta pie Udtoet *0 Sbuy latue ad ;"ptande*,provision fout"'myat he tSffi I*.»Ifls 1 1" fulosdilcela Sw m- Te monketi-hemos. wto 1 ari to 3«« PIt leuat esaitb't «Kwsa,"su un ii. isUpamplerto mhe top-vi "th wouadaedoedh mm *nw uToaet "lght and the ul mn ocha l'y <ithe tra-n mu artlm b.wqg #i li pileuis noesmm*10the hus etd acowue t b6esr Biai asva- f h f tms m~ra-, Meor yo sn i ar&ud o sr hbu Ipsi'- fr,*a t ur ai. Shonw ea8ny O «r4- S asrtmdt m tmiw ret nohme l ctia. potea mL » air t h ue B rfle lcbu idiag l e lve ea tiai0- uo tt e Cou rancbu lu rengd he tcfte &y.Of<i lwr O mani7minât tm, etAte»nh? Jenua Other e i.bidig b lch niJi M ,iS.igvbhesemn ibet htV«7tIiib vlieiiiier up u*ebld "th cet t"viee sb»ekîgvb a sepan rhaaaagthyboiln mdeis va ci.su i~~~~~~~~~~~' vtilusamrugabelam irStohw i th to Bot viim nt mn 5 al.e » or h- ~~ tomnhouuaui insut InCbthe Tem-ynome Mnhoaes hsu euidnwbave bre SUfo? - le" ho et**u iia vee euenmaiaonêt dpoeisuion £r t ilmmy the. 1 l busgalfi. su e ~ u" obl h yul.àdttin e -- wTh o .W ofie. t"mmetçed Ue eop 04 ol hutrV hnderis ani&ousad et n oTetratuble is nredo ete »toep- d wo vi. be'e chula TowweitWi ht int e of p. veum oi swings c n- si d ou mg%"e.u gned ther, are a hu io tOua.the.bu omil faoni thenduraio L nerthersi m, whitbthe Pbuteuu.hot ees cithe lldlugas m e dck as e t baoSna « ver, v*«I thpe ut sud det for ssCorbe&mlound up o eka. tii.onl 1 the~e su d OStlmflb_ they me.ay ho îueu -4w" baother. LiaImve &tlaSUewbe Sed. 4*b." inte mou ot cItC Ire af yInate sfid ulb u h oe ce tbeisuto- 1b. kdtaeshiir'w e n aI auto in part T eoftra the Bouleracr eeymanluCOetiem i i potd xUonos oiipeitI athe s Inf.tb oation i19Yt 1 yep bisa onki ing , Do hm ein, rubel t& hon',ibet wh cfbekl op Ine ui- wou btte amihI vila tii ykingwiiatheirnlut eY S n he and.ee sthrv laun- vIart o' qulokly t", udnthr op wtnom Mn n I aibt Il. A lia ti. ie lfotlumett miny et na. The U. db li e t s ols wuorhe r ureauIm h.o i aro t ad rgi m eueecit n v u meny .i o-the uOh ato en id uelk ith at er. you el tof e, "or@d umsm In llhtrsud m tho nhariveniiteuihloina. plamg o g.sfe fort aeowg;my e-lltryer tm,~ye netMandasy vo one abio hi'a.oblnori tlu su£- he110. for bs roprtyand bgsethe*Wlo neS -her ii whrbra ovd w l@UMn_ lncneels, ad _ W, sow Cauin e 1 e(wat ossibles. ilt bthat o k.At ettenthat t at lnger oug rai' h ~~ t bt m oahe. Corn lit , tCrfrist d cul T2e flb lnswby te acton ~~t ~ do io e.h oeguasdpi, cr etcflteh e t.-uidu. I asme e lc boall aahde, ti vr me nthlaron. Wodif eedImdpugn a' edt .rpstd canotwne Ple.Up I av har Bt f lIn eplg helo -tdhae mindut Lom ent r'Vii'ots. I hve e -tIi> beein. ter uuede cle iibrtu ythe. spn cf u.e ad6DUmsus, f I la .esogn - ton bltticav haarde t rcklu minent t tn plbutket-troes etelyardons aaaatrue li' adtez cros hav I vsAivromhe i fo Thybrov IfI ln.-N B-Wst Fa Buder. n : Th sur-bal mcm. gem vroteitétheitce ýcensry in ouil be ast hy erooWn. If I balI.W.j Sîe>as ematon st h onîutl' sepw hem, arj wl the ruee I u b t Anof t be etiu oe"As l i wone- CohistamundoneMI tetmhov myeif t hlenm vtiyes nèel ad.t e airs'lpa <ma tir symad wui 7e ,4feet.lod éss .,to e du mI l oe.'rk"To ent thle gratoe.,c e mrlght be No priCe I brand;trn weae:on"Thut "a.ga a ,o he iuseeth.imili'the Thy cJoss Imding. try eloI an onvncel. Ainp m A t be roued.uxenom, O usWhoeausaythi mon-so miatn' nds te ed wa.i watîr.c irit on ta hy. aii the Coul lie lant planet reer of pair., .VAClr of ap-, àeaveýn su,,,- yo.ur Quoecu ýe nlgt ule ? Wc.-ulýd tie throse (Y'Z the ir parrt If It Lp:)huts "a latlon of vaut the liarvets - Ittie world he glorle.s ef o ho'w whit the bard- vbo wheels m sud holds eon th-tlps rake ne ex- ,lo cot!d do. rieud, wa.t tl. unltmilted, aing, ltuilit, liaI Opened e star In lie ht polnting ,L rriped the ithaeia. liaI wh*m ~ChialaI Imo btthle st t" .crup- ~t teeQ IL tsad semell SetEU lUs. felr or in- ha meusymi -ma h m Thcu knuvest ail thi.g. Thiou kn%ýw,4t thiat A love Thee. pint 1 remafk agai: "t hehovel Christ te sufer" lihat the world might learnik >w vte sutir. SLUni dîn e Uple sutter hcauue lhey carinot heap ilen- selves; but Chrst bol in ki Lands ail lie veapous 10opunish is mencnles. sud. yct in quiescence lie eu.dured ali outrage.. He mgit have kburled the rocks et Goigtia upoin lis purs lera, Ho might, haveeleftthle earîh *un il lt ewa4lowed up Hlm assalauta; Ho inigiît have o-4led lu reiuftLrcmnt or takun aniy Iumderbelt from tie armory uf GoI Omnilpotent, sud hurlel it seý.thng ad Iery amour Bis tees; 'but He an- Adwered -net agalu. Omi'houer, bau there ever been lu t? M et theoi'ou wii.vrîcisucli au ex- ample etfoelurbg patience ae vo finci -ln lie Cross? Berne et Yeu suifer physa- -osi distlxemos m«orneetyou have long- Ufe imet., "d liei'make i'ou fret- fui. Somnlmes you thlnk tha.t God bas Vivea you a oup teo deep sud 10 blninUg. Sek«Metms jOU . sec lie vor)d 1Ioiqiingsd'rompipng on lie. ilghwamet lite, and yen, look au-t of lie wIndow whillo e.dln I lvaid's I vint te show >'ou ti. nrnlng one s via ovrso -pains lu lie heal than Y" b~ave ever bal viose bock *&d and - 1uoundeiulnthie teet, snd sufserei ail over, andl I van- thlaI ex- Slemple omalté-,i'ou M', "Father, nol mi' vIl), but ThtAne b. ,dozie."1 You êcVv* bauj mrbaili' pain, sud ffln'V6ýPI baewisi&'7bohiy pain 1h51 equilledl Christ'. torture. "1t ho. iooved chriette t ue.t h51 honilgit show jeU hov ,zhymmloly te suifer . Sine of eu amarpensecialed. Thert I bc, e, w .7! 'hey cr111- ce ii5=M 0e la4 te see yoe attaMble I1 OL lThive doue uaacoouttakile nUanees toward -you. S.maetlm« peu blmnr.Tou feel » asS yp el Idlie 1* retort. Stopi Look rier ls e Mi Plook at the. am U& ai och il lbhebeautlmulde- i aeyer Tho e omIs: 9eDer et heur e hbue up eand heL lew loferthey viii st. t eha ci 11 longer hie vii lî Ive. Ibelievo that s mn mlght live 200 i'eais If 1bc w4uld aleep most ofthle lime. Tint is wbyýý negroes othen live ho advanced oid age. hecause tbey slftp se much. t Is oald tint Gladstone sleeps sevcnteEn huors everi' day; that le vby bis fa- oulies are ai unimpafreci ln spite of bits gi-mat age. The preper wa.y te econoize lire, la lu aleep every Mo- ment tli Ilanet uecessay or de- simblo that yeu aboul bu tu.ws ke."- Phula.delphis Record. Par» COPY of the Koran. D)r. Alhem. J. Leon, vie vas Pro- tessor ot Arabie in thse Joins Hopkains University,. Badlimore, lias thse cidelt copi'or thle iCocamiextaril. t wa3 writtenbhi' Ail, bousin ot Mahemet- 'AfIor A -had PUîrChadit.1suàd he li-e ether day, -1 ha.d Il uaabmllted te Mr. Duugiaa, lie expert on Mahacmct.iii,, subjecla ufthle Brillis biuseum, asud lie 1us butli1111e doubt thaItihe wcrk vas hi' Ali. lie fire cou-vert le Ma- Dr. Leori Iraeids presenllng lie Ko- rau tue uine institutli ion ht viii cher- "lu Il uardedly for lie b-,eltfil t iu- dent&.- ne M sr Too0"Goolhoua"d' Aclergyaman sud eue of ilselderli' parihloeei'8 ve. vsilug hme trom ciibnreoeeyc'dlu last iWviet'wheu the old ageutiemnin UPP4id t.fll fiat on laWsbacIt. Tihe'mdnlter, looklng aM hlm fers&moment, iaidholng msurol tu&t Jwva» net hurt, *Md to -hlm: "Joàùe& aaimis aIMaibu elipperi The *Id geatloiam X»hedeiup à% If to »Msro lalmseet lorehétact, amd Mai:. 41 me* tiei de. butI1 oa'tY-4-At- Bit& -Ms" te.ne o UUvt. tmg tq taxe l trm e"Bl chu.~Alrwsit. "ou ea baveI v àe t jeu'll oSiy kep nm pegmasuls on it."-Scflie*'vtllc Je liaI dm YU&* 1060 il# AOL- R*V pydbu Dr th* etdBm iit ha tis mse@".#OéVestera Reservt, mg. rM «7 d « ummy Nol medea etoa. mire m fi>elcimthevasff limmll und tha eekIy- hWvotemrau ~ SIIlILthe ompk -a minuctr 00e seitheelogi vwmas afitt oE- Idesagot. Acor whyven the tev. hUr. Igo asi umel th, lutin of hms peatem teStu onounderatood b1t. hW tbsclOWas . stio& The bous wvi* à&. lit.germîl cliose soir h* ««Mon«uaoc10Pow en* eit th lanmark t t CliY. Atoumd St are now buit bm.*sblocke meveral stadSes lAhW l a two-toirey trame busae, upporIu tie oli-fashionel mrelve-pane v*emand lie, gable *oët sloptug , the street At liae Ofsent line Lt 0Supied lii'Ur. sud mmre J, P. , vie er. Lien Men*rs etfiist claurca. 1Ur. FShimimon vas 4ne of lie trustees wvie trlli the A.! MIt. Ingenseil. and h. Otil hois ta ollice lu tua sanie thurei. lu ,,Pporne At tu mail liaI Robert ingersol resem mls lis fatier. An msuner aa dA otloulre lane Somprleo. ?~à Rt. M. Igerseil s'aspssbultle,~~p sil rtii. He believe l=ii--- gbel-reéa&" un- lngfieted mie aidthon Who kaew Myi'ýh limiai*ous "Bah. " aite take mny a saoul hhrmahlu An the old voolahel if tie reer cetheb. liuse., Dlr. Iugersf iawu ahiablepreacher, liovever.,su d deverol mini' wlendlà sermons, the henes 0f vhici are me-- memberc hi' peons .to tis day. Ne Dftex addreosel audiences ln surround- tng towns and onoe conuled revival rerices lu thie aybrook Cosigrega- tAouai churca, Bye rmiles listant 8OSn aller hlm arrivaitic piesser toch up vAtAi the theory eoft1he "Gra- tasuifes," sund luiint httbe tamili' menu coaglat. e * Mt m sd ve- tb the. chAdomn s 10lth dis- Ilagumshel fahet, u taerrtsi avallel uetbàntg. MWbolevel<laIlir won too mnuci vauI n tic veorid. To ltim .fiue claties sud even miner ex- traveÀgances vers&ittolera4)le.. Littie Bol. is eider brotiWs sund Ive sisters otn enet lu their baro tedt until sa lahe Sa.ln e)tlit tmani' peeple re- rnarked liaI Il ;vs a Wonder liat tiaey 411 netot càsevere colds, but John Augersoi v*ag amani vie le-' Ilevedlnluchildlren luecaining hardee sud 1h.eopinionsu < lie people lunon oaace disuunholbis peso.e ofmini. For. ail Iii.lie te ld gentleman -cx- hihitel couslderablo prIde ou seineoc- cas'ons. At vas thle customi la hel a donation partiP urthc-parson at least once a year The laies of Pister Ingersoll's churci plarined a do- nation and gathoreci lu, large uumbers at bis res:denoe en tic appointed eyeuing. The'lr surp .ýe ^was truiy greal viien they were let aI lie duor hb' Mr. Angersoli, w-ho -exrrcs3ed conl- e'deraùle anger that they should niza!:z him the reciplnt oof dmnations. It ib needclée e.sy liaI ibis action ou tih Part of the paron caUsidolie 11111ee. c nrent iii Ch. hea.risoethe ladies intcrest-ed lu arra.ngirg the party, ýnd2 train Ihat tVrne on bis fnmnu e re: not a few. He was not a iran ef win- nlng ways ln any respcct. and be!4>rc lie close etis paskera-te a large per cent. ofis conym'egat.ion were aux- Icush' ewaitlng a ucw precher. De.- lng a st-cs nan be bad canelderable Influence, but en aýcount. of bis d!s-' pcsituion Il dd nolbhâve a Cool effec- upon lie coa-mnunlty.' Cencerning ik; saari'the tollc'wing reffoluttun wiuoe lime read be- fore the trustes_: *Reolved, TMI it w psy the Rev. John Iugrr-oll $353-). a year, proving vo cari ra.1se 1hat anvunt." SA tew ldays e;o a corresponden.t of the Chicago Record callel uprri tht elderl' Deacon RItlscn. As w. a lu thi.e ldarmn-chilra ho rendel ne lithatbihs vas lihe rgi'-m wvil-eh the tather oft Robert Ingcts>ll lovel letalt bim pra'e-r-roeu, sud tiat Lt ivmthe ut.udy S in i ho e reparel ils ser- muons. The ,room t.a otuatel iu - the front corner. ou thlie floom, vel) lgbtel by windeoo*eulng tron the tuer ID thl 1ev oellht1ad Ala issi but cour. .AiMe&. Ebmiluag 11 f e i.hep- peags f 141 o ë eId lie farc lié pulpitlu am coilbe or s t e ive1lai ma b w n alela *51.st vmâ TUrne DiSu*v be i itAe u .pr olsatecl -bat t, ain ous vidilgat -laàà ta the cmort tet.lte ffl égstfor athe frnt.amif areanmt, SS l Nodublqut1 effliib" sa Ioff Lrm iT" BLÎLI cas~~aM be uoiou a lo e on&a*co *OM .li-k.n cthe herrat lic&Dr=y bita W.uafi. hol.d osb1à. àf lara ent sd e, MS teepo, hn M".~ - at, Uwa e t M inu IBy at mime. it tevr liàtàerot o oma toerdgeldutW.amedoess ammuié,af feVéflaCS Sk b&l e hoai ttue andsu It la A O LL dmeàs S lii. evrrosa apron iniio T.e r Mm ëlab -aredeInbote habi t o on-ieg 51n mane <lma le uluutiAtforves î 10k»1 eofr mlttrYOude t upeek w~o er mtaltise= mh1 oe out- Sed land m eh roa I TImes snieaJWTlUtIlt Ure and by. e ut i sd .uo habte io- iytI N< wThW a vent ofan lnenacuitedaprond.r A d..ga'iVPJ weIftathe wet ae' en. N a ovAtn vol at o etaict semmohaoneeinut opent Intylng o an begrn vill a9 st jaM te n suetA uil e Uabelimur-Telzet folto fan ae i C=ob) sud e c 911i asl upongtha- Midnndi>strot - Ine li weyn, endcoursetehe pdoue rgat 10mae preead Ilsa uemiuteo cureut ltuseonIn atren vii pate tU Rese tves senwloul ae bushing Atgte tla oasigît tu -OUT PRC S FO theftncS osh]Xil clohing liaIO aenerkieliend otouse, oai le-m arog anduifeyne uela a malter et cnou, but ont. usluthe othero partsng eh S Seatet t oeCOLfi IE TU Gons ei t m os a' et ouener a a godWsanieh g Ie tAdne housepwlç'e tewOuld hae s nmbe- eisIr arch soeearan. dtbe sy lu ail liease- àoo etBkadÈibo àia ag mrznoO oreedematuNoer vtolnr ithouIfan ale on; sud. l you ues wor ithbeouitg t*0. pb su aron. the on ytou atrun O fret." er'. 1000 BOCk. long' dlkbu Do a u.is n-Mn thzekât YongMae.. ds t theuokemalleste wSAtos eo do uie, rnd ore 18 S- Wcm ae ndgie .tBo &b., pA sUU . Iloli visioan, 16fRo-iM vèabl whe icnfls wh»4 mononad apu-1.25 a pair viii& helatuiter cn bemere pao- owl steSm * ani Ob.iIdreuva baes.pltck nhnd ea aTIle am BUle frmer, adivso iMa- en' u a Conditionrifor latlls.cUe go tohaU a rwes.r traw& trainlieue nîs tendofed te h a"pe. ThnAe oredr. and esiionb eponhap.oalboead mucr'le frmiw tic& fandteuld butlii'eau go ing InJEiGELhghcasgod o oniion er ke diiing, n1h5ad 1.1e wne r uigten c lhed. Tor need, ngsdexhibitionr &eteelss o'tadhe a <ouI rangej 9lte-a-ett ance.muscle forzg~i tityhg ls od o 1 laer land thce mi' edeeloç Iheers-LCI~QIO wne eo uietenx ï adhelfltt. lAe vsionwoun o uIe r 7eteiapllets if rmt ate lti ie eofmn yeaugiteel. obne Dl. on aul.ar e lihee laos Cotrous bod redi mi l sate a 'bettehc. Tc d or n s layera sud hose in s,tedlfor her JSud exibio. hov ever, wid fntlehoe e fn.t ealtdfoest aptra wasn e - yar.-nonR telAalovlttonl.E¶ O G 3- R ( I> S C av Scurei' an ho d ntetban-d 921J-0 r of ian. But wiat a change 2000 ieara hm hreuht- about! Tu-day an uzg1Y -migmmi' iti an, oniMbenMaticbuncii et decayed whest sud a coe e oiuh lied i-te ils head-mere rodl ot tightly swali- glas case at lie British MUseuin. t g la Clec'patra, lhe once great queen, a Senuin luchann, bosuti' sud love. *"Te viWal boase ulges mai' ve net?" etc.- * S. su's agzie.of i descriptidoMna nmty and ,romptly Fioer armngfor Wolmen. Flever tarming undertaken hi' vo- Smen lasby ,nu o ns munlùcra.tivo. I L ave une friend whe las bing vil villa donea1t "The Ward« officai, -ea violet tsrm ani aPple erchard. Au-, le oterlayneoonger i'oung, but vith m. ladomitable pluck. conipéee hi le ebrcmalameea teimake ber own Ulatn, - te a iIHY tarm.lait summr n à zwoof ceunr village Iu Sussex. -I ' : jgw OW - Tm Pt 0 ymr j 1