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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Feb 1897, p. 6

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'1-AT THE ~4IMILE -oit -aw 617é . t i b. be&i i« bis bol." OMMees'vas sat te u*0s tim ,eusdm. l a aa l w mm U ib ho laid OeW» « ibm & Immediately everyoneae posm -lebis ftt but the coroner, hanllmg it oeo te the lerk froin Bobhs, la4ured, tf tiat vas et the make betom mmn- tone. Witboub beaitation he replirnO. "Tee, Smîth. & Wessen, yeosa" Osé tor yourset.,"aidRe preusfesito exz,. &mine AIL - "Whore dld yeufn Bai ibs pAtl?' mae the coroner et the oUest. minutic top drawer et s shavins table ubatsstalds ai lbe, bead o! lMr. Lesvenv-ortb!a be&d- hit ap tailgta * roedvet case ltogoter vit a box e! mStrtdges, oe oret bici 1 boint un a smiple1" sud be laid hit own bosile the *'Was the iraver locked?- "Teés, air; but tiéc koy vas Dci tabea hteresi bak nov rtesched its lin, A universasicry uvepi iltogh the tootu, -"la h oadcdt' - The coroner, trowniug os-lie aimi- by, with a look oft great ignity. re- nart-ed. *«I was about te asab liaIquestion myscit, but tirat I'muai request ordon. &n Ammediate cair fnellv. Everyone was tee muc Inlterested te Interpoe. ,any obstacle in lie vay o! Êrutitrtni bis onriosity. 'New, air!" exclaiméd tiecoeroe.] Tie cicr-k troan Beii's. taking ouit tie cyctinder,.hcl i h u: -"TRr. stn moen charniers bore, mai tRiy are &Ut A murmur et dis»apoint. foilu- ed tuas assertion.. "But," ho quietiy matd, ater a, mois- etary examinuatlon e! the tacse t the eycllnder, ."tihebave net &U boen oWA- ei long. A bulet lbas bus en e1 Siot freinomeue et ibeme OIIBPbem "a "How do yen knout' oriel oue cf tb. jury. "NRov do I baev? Bit." IIlabe, tura- bg te the. coronetr. -"vi i eu ho is aaeugb to. examine tlb. ceabtas et ti istoif' sund b. ban Irnt use t. tRat genteman. " rot B the bbmlb lutAste é an sd bright. you viii usi. snd shovs ne evidence of a buliet â%vy [nt pancd ixt eft hvery iatély; tRai la because Il bas been. cesned. But nov observe thc face et ibe cycndlet, viat do yeu mcc tiore" . 1I suc a talat inDmo et aunu. ar oe iftichecharniers."* «Jnst o;, show lt to-e egenuthinL" lu V.as Imrediatlty banbci dOua. *liait eint lino.ofemutnaIouthe elge of ene et tiechcambers -li e 1.1-tale, slrsm - A muet passiag out i, mtva leaves amui bebiud. The, man vho fired thbs, remuinberiug the tact ceel the barrot, bu t torget thie cycUnder.'* àni Étcppiug as"de ho foied hin aMin. ".ersaemr' apolte out a rougbi bcarty voice, "inn'i ibat venderfut" It wva, scouryman wube bai sieppei :111trom the street, aid uev tooi a&l agape la the ioerWay. Order being at last rxlored, lie 0of- L'or was ruqueate t desrie tie poW.t tien oftie stand, sud lis disanhceinm tic libtary table.. "The library t able la ta oneo roomaid the stand inanmuther. Tb roa the former trorn th latter, ose vould be - oblisud le cross M&. lmvoavorth'a bcd roin l a diagoum.'i dlttiii, p&Ms ibrongi tic-passage vsy aepsabting thal onu sipartmoi th me tber, ..Watt a moment; heu does this table stand lin regard te ibo door wbile als froma tic bei room Ittaie b -ail .*'Oe migit,enter ual lel' orDas- di- tectly round..tRie foot oethie bed t. tbm riai, Procure lie pstel mand crossbal! vay ovor 1tic hepassae vai. otibeut being n by, sayene ittine orsaid- lu IT c lbrmry beond.- "1101y Virgin!"' exelaimmi ihe horst- liel coobib rouhme Rber aptes *ver bt hoeas aaIft6ie hut out mroi vision , "anni uvet vostibave t"i ptuok'fer ibm!. aivo, tiifl" Bai Ut. GryS o&lyngoa beavy bM4 au »».,W*- MM terosi ber ba *bok"84e-. provlag sm a bmi' aeqë- "uâme tîne, viitusa-dmg1ug127*M *w -u voilons ie beboM -1"hbog ~ 4mjý sIte oriel, leprecatinsV to h aronad. "but ktnAvet w amb, The clork trois BOW& 'eft euoin4h rnised. M lWr«% ve *M "Mrt. NsrwolI" thlb. « -j SIGNATURE -CF- ta - th1a* 0 __Obfer th" a sospidost teWho imoet brft w«MuI sthe Ibo or: 7W »Clé-00 - bf', a6~A d.s.,g. . CIO1 thei OMM am- ý" et ntbo e o aim 1 Ibw*vd u u minAnd Vouurn trIl Mr- It t easMr 1oui *o b t om brue oovelk a1U m5 H à 8*0 S in e 4*11www700o. XMw- GrymCo~ ymRbis .ocieta tellS u u oo r fi Wba1Uw» h a n &'eS ,w i USUPOs rz»it o &-mo ONTH ma. thai t e. Lmv.wrw m:om A»tireWM - t mo le , thMot »rA out 8.1 dàfý ut U4Wromu".- Am Mr. slOfgthat teib o u igo It V« atb* vMo1h»A 40ONqUjw tille wbroient Au., wçfrt to wt himb, 1 te* - ibé e rtr oe looktug t"e 4oori t » ote &blea *Ur d cwt e gome M m -m. - .theWRAPPER sideot ober unele'. ifill~e l ytOtl7mubtm*e Otl iomm T8o. an ber band. Conetussiat MWy mdw : hm inaryho £ t tâbt, UOV itU w * lOO, solon. WE ot I*OLO, A wfrtteItr tu "sMg obmorvd, but ta vite, for Jut bh. imet b«t arnfloo10k. botb Ospt B WS 0 .T. Bn htbolght; ibat the vfthwb" o bvoufle asg~~z t"lb.twru toryt"dreamurr. Se M14ot look v« maoSUttelton s»e« BU tta "ibshorrible tragedy seomed about to "or eb t«m "%mmtowrd er oý hffutibor 6o.tblY peiole latheibmroom aet ibueet tltw è*JateS, if not entlrely withdawnI quie el1 me IVt, me aiU0"oM Sulous e0708 wm S fid upon à biace huoye7rhu a isre ta fly the mens. te ae adwnsastm, affl â»e 1 woffl gwith an laqulry la their dePtba MZ *N,5OU%" the spot. to know no more. Net 1that mot exp&Iai lbo pStefflto ber. CGoutte- glItiai te Uttermce or "Y7 "owiy whst occurl t hha"Ur E(Was coiug of any partlcula* "Or ins. la order te do go. I vms oblitWiC"r orffeuil baveberne. Kuowtng Mr. "elàrtbl occurred ata bail,' »» bis »wMgS... gogtebetray ze tak. h tla my band; and ibat, girR. GrYce S &B1 U41 i t that ».otb1flUremarkd tbiaty. bo»KThe colO steadinon o!ofbhm te the cuir- ether occasion uwon whlch couti promise verse or be More 018- --]d 4not the. servante. peu5 latrois» ftd ad lamav oune...l (lever sev o a&de IMIi.lieo t . aI omat thau ibiS UaiO tirmae il - ibebail, adyour conclu corne ontiw»sufficlent varrat n iatisef agait st tieVoawort." Duovzkbi ba M ho Iregard of one vbg aoemod t, M11 e bere mter ber revivalou ibtafi- tbe posalbty of any sno catasiro-, ~aii< ii tae@mibobte agitation for room vih ber terror. ÂnOi. atruek vtb Ing St thaiojg se ra ieBu the àexi question. puy, 1 forgot that Mary Le5venworth *igiî t f1or n»ehor The cooner, upon vbem the blonde Gukdle Fii ""WsmlsbotluoI.f -a* «k meFou tO endpitathe pistoi bad snokes. forgot ber very présence xexy Lea5Yo5UOtws eff Opn'loieilemof Mary b.d lmprem.ed- tlaitW abl Dutalo u to, ber; Wb"ido yos ma by ibat ?" IIn tact, and turnlng basiily awYMY ook e lmur'sapaet eriotwmo mii.r»tulo 1i0l8t m -.1 muà b onin" o & ityoatith- oe e tep tevard ber couii.ve* »ua i; u ba obig tbo isnyes aen dt rm eno t wer.URay " mthe puor siO---TO--I tai hs rethla-avain eforttoap-'Grycea band tilingon My 4Sm tl> "Ton emoam e,,that shebib ait funaffeted aiMi8i mo-ie.T pegr olm. irbowt, e lo& &lmand eped me. getatai .momeho !ie LO *MimaLesvenwoeth 110 eu e ddcome etuilat. bo Uftif tovard the vituos. wtth a look'ioe A jiash 1k.e tree sao gdden lght- Recalled to myse1f. I turaed my bock "Teai.",whlch, uhile rempectful, bad a iouch 1âML min, aet cros he ace etaUupo vbt bd m Itereto me.~ «Wth a ziaper la ber 4'of austerity lu mi, be began: prent. df while kt repelled, and torciig à'Pper" sd ie el.sddenly "Tou bave been an lumate of______________Ur._____________ 4.3r. Narieit" he ifflulffleia ti<i, tomake smre amri t a repu .tc. the snd Iooked ai ber an. "dliFou Levenvoth' ainiy from oChildbool, baeyou »uy thiag to ddtote fair créature betore me, offerei my «M bave a papier, Eleanore they tel me, Mm. Leavenorti? #utemeut yen have. jusi made r' aud led ber tevard thé door. 1 .mmetva bt sure "Pr<>m my teutb year," returnea site. Tbhe uecretaty sadiy .hoek hlm head. 1mmedIatelY the paie, proud ceunie- LOavenor0tb, vbo, et t irst mention Ih vas thI tiUmne I b.d beard er_____________________________ -ja. t.oyce," 1 here whisperienance or Mary Leavenworth sfttened Of thé-wOrd papier s, Pl - err oice, and It surprlmed me, Ir Vu a"m autobiag tiat peruon by the armsand 'aimoat te the point et mmiln-aend bote. oeptibly, »rose te ber tee at tuis nalve UkDiresud yet no unlike ibat of ber-ceai- iràgiig blm down te my aide;. *au- let me aay tiers nover vas a womai appeal, aud copeulng b lips eemed gin. Similair lu toue, It lacked its ex- clin muemIete, e- u ovuiwho could saille sud net antmllk Uteabout te apeak, vien coroner, wlt.h Prmvenee, If î1ruay no speaki. ousd M 11 t e WR nat let me finish. qary Levenvorth. Looklug ln my a strict. enue ofva vas reçula, lut wltbeut vibration on theesau n tThe coroner le &about te 5mbfote face wtt a frank sud aveet appeci lu lifted bis band wtb d n and sali: Deulng vlthout an écho. youag ladits, be quickly iepsd ber eyee, she murinured: j"You need not .8k ye cousin, mills; "Siace that trne yen bave been trest- c n ae nflo-tik' "ifyouOetretefui! ourduy t- Touaare vr ood. I do tee h ut let us bear vbai have to sa- ed 1ke a Oaugiter, they tell me& dropofik n eumW sth k" wards thon, b. ready, that'saIlV need ot support. the occasion la 80 bor- yournelf." "Tes, air. 1k. a, daulthicr Iuiced; ho rulilit my duty' lia. simple Wordà rible, and my cousin ihere"-beie IL Immediaiely Melanore. Leavenvortb vas more than a faiber te botb of us." recalici me to mysoît. 1 ImO'Wly r lsetuie uiearn of aiarm ilickered into bot sank baek. a pink spotbreaking ouit "Tou sud Ums Mary 1eeveuvorbi are- *aui upon domai belug Mode for Missl eye-"*im no very strauge to-day." un either cbeek; wbile i llgbb mur- oouates, 1 belleve. Wben did abe enter Mary andi lm Eleanore Levenworth, «Humphlr' thougilt I te inYsel!, mur tcmtifled tothee tcOMa~ tment et tbé tamUy ri, advm a n d a mli tai, as a IrleudOfn i et" lareIthe grand, Indignant python- those lu tbe reom Woewéemore ahx- O"At the mmre lime liat1 id . Our frUl1tsini the best homes tie tamlly-a pretty lie, bi1 Ihope eum witb the unspeakable vr&tisand tous te bave their cnr1aoty gratihled respectve parents voeevictime ôet be I wreaA ls, 4hemoti ntellignt14,.4 Win »t, be. lt lup agaInat mo-Ibeg- menace lu ber ceuntenance, wbom than ithe fermaetflaw S4heed id. @mismo âater. U Ih bai net -been for l ~p aa a~a fu m Gl ~aGS glthe prlv«l IrgoAgong tor ibm ta- 85w ien I Bat eaiered t lb » OOIi7Ssati~ i vth having doue bis dut, .sur uncle, vo ubould have beon ubrova, dies M soorUtla beis deWn.CouldIt ibe that sabe usatrYtng te s-uad disposcd te b.eas ,t ecar-elde sv truo i ol t edr r YERS The permissin.ougit, beng aimosi gulle un frein eutconJecture by ui<5 vtaon. th Ctoierepeeied NbIs atbe"-here abc paused, ber Brm inlps ____ h am eiU dey ac cord a, 1I Wv a peed ir l uti g l igt . et ber form er expressions? q e t o . "r R u , t y , j o s . i 0 ~ e k a a e a h i r m i - b t l e la lieo ban; my face a&"me. is> hart Or vas Ih possible tbat aie bai le- s *w»Y -h tibtI'ber ban&d" un the gooduesaor.mbbart, adeela be",ing wiih:excit.eumn a" ies elerci erseit no tor as te bellevelu *ooipm.moted. va ,~¶T N1N W worda -o!t. nGryce'.rinng in amy unimpwemeiby the we1'bty am», -tyo fw ec vi aib< esstahrma eU' J f T este: "Timid oot, réestroomt, fBrai doo titon overhube lmbu t a Mmenot M L A D V-nhn"e a«ibt .us fiert yU___in_______THE___________________ i thehuai ,ett lietsiTou. WUI àâBal riltIO&Lvaluable IpifSuor utei e ! «Mý tas v eR mete your couan-thaàt ho ihe yousg 1*41" exp.ctlng yeu." But Elosuore LeSvenvortb. honImg onteaOo h ettvei, nm & a>-mo ant loes ad»ur« Optsi you. De yen me"n by thai, 'VL a~orbe illmy attention. Si. bai t e- j't 11mmODuI1 Ub eufllBtbe ne- ont aurrouufl oynutth , gainaitla manDer aime by ibis Visr ne Qi1 gtâvO pressailuxury but gave yen te undot-B -- - ber elfpesessiu, ut entaireUy,' "Ka your unclo met a»Y stranee stad th"the emre aboald be eui s 'thdrScier, rear room, Birai boox aias hber cousin. Her stop faiierei as aie Iatoly, er re0etvolIaMY t lteie you acter bts deatb; lunabertiat4 thé besi o! tic stalialWiat vas I endeavored te walk, sud ithe ban u Out thie lmai tov lati ng ho tintended tote ave suy portion of bshW VTUrnS about id a" tiers? wblcb restied on bis atm trembled Ilike -sem la any way to It bi uponpoperty to you" 1?'"c Pausiag uy long enougi on the a lest. *"Would to God 1I bai uever'ibis Diystery?" "No, air; I vas fgivestàe tadtil t lj tbresbetd te compowernyseit for the eniered tht. bouse," ati 1 temsl1Tee as the aflgbmsiperoeptible trnna thefIrsi.tlti t bls property voUli '% dF B* lood~~. intervie, I lifled My band te oultc, Kndi icibeferetbbcexcelamatiouwvas hésitatiolaiber vstce as aie repiiet: bbequesthby iltod Oui- wben a* ricb, cloar veloe rosep oïnhait utiered I beomme couscieus of a "Ne, not te my iaouledge; I dett Tour, cousin w 5DO more noarly te- ~,,ht uhhm, aiI uadditicii'uierisecret rblinaantthe ougian knov et any sucbt"But bote, steailaff..tmo t. m than .yourwelf. Misa 1"'V- R ch Re1Bo d the ;;ýu eoid - i-1dontac use éotion, shallI1s»Y. et lbaukfulnes% a side<aneaiE e oeh*aieevldentl7 mort ,did he neyer give ylx amy our. baud, iioagh 1 knev feot tht I sud net suotier, vas the oee 10saw soet nethluiv:ba resurei ber, fer. r,«acs for bis évident partiait"' R c ë 3 o d otier WhIch weald er could have done break in upon ther privacy, everhear aie basteod teai-Nlone, but bis pleasure. air."* ii;btyeur heari, your he&sd, ou that algniticani remark, sad, eh"ilI '11 belleve 1 may furtier tisa thai. IRer anawcrs aP te ibis point bai ieS viii, lioee1Ide sud muet accuse tu my acknowlecige i, flov Mr. Gryce sud iand gay posIbively M y uncle vas inus airaigbtforwsrd sud satisf5*ctAiI YIiiSp4mgTUngot P eSodb sn ~-. secret mini ai llisnt ad t laWvol! ualtichetrembling, swayiugftigure of len-the habit etcon la nie, and 1 t agradui coufideucc .seerned te be, yeU aboula kuow v, hud IL" itepac fte ahru es N t Struck as 1! by a, tou, 1 stagwerei oe Lcaveuworth down staitS. . sol aekucu If anythin lnt o akbgti lc tUcrairncs oohrremedy.possesses such perfect cleansing, le.' ç back. Good Goil what depiba o! ber- .portante te hhmn c re." , bnts vwhihbai from thetBrat ir-IWandeanssi nbgýpOert1as1y Bu t healshenapBiette r . , rer manid pravty wves&bouite oopen MRY V Ue Questioeci u:o~re te Ranna11 b, boceldabout ibis woman on nosesud per p0r"Y ywg prperintes as , bu rdock B he 1ploo d i ter belote me! Shuddering asudstick. M I BV&gave liai p n bét o! ýcharts' mn.But ai ibis admission, utteroe s 10 n sores, ulers, abscesses,:scofulous sores, blotches, ertif,.. cêowered.there, aiy bandse vor my eara, R ave you ever observai lie effeet of tors; kucet of nbiag vlcb could iavis it v« lua a Inunimpaaalouieivoice, 1 vieW »udienly 1I &toabci os My tic sunlight burating suddeuly upon led either te ber strange diumppearance% mot Ouythe jury, but myselt. uw» etc., leaving the skin: dean and pure as a babe's. Take - arm,ý and iurulag, -uav1Mr. Gryce tic cath frein beini a a isusea v- or te fier conenciioe, viii crimc. Could bai uw mi htract reasen fer miatruft- ensllyir moves all morbid ifete or waste matter ficti :h ,standing close bealde me vi it s ln- ily snacharged cleuds? If se, yen can net aoy vietier obi. kelpt. aw oorpnitg ber, toit tiat sctini suspicion tu systcm, and thoroughly regulatesai the organs of the .c ,- ger on bis lhp, sud.the &tnSlicbering bave nmre Ide fthticsensation pro- et bai w yvisiters, euh kneevtRiat no ber e%» muai be very much shaken r;sboring the stomach, iver, bowcls snd blood to ieAlthv ao. , siadov et a fiylug emotion ftaig duccdInlutiai room by tic outrance ene witb abi'. sncb 3reermions came te before ibe utter lack cf motive wvîtu1b ti bs way btheick beèomew*en, ithe wcak strong, ar'2 -te freai bis steady. almosi cempasaionatoe01thétiee nbeautut ladies. Posseased, the house..Finaly, htn aked I1bon £blol reply ne clearly bebokeue&*s h aethtbrd ou u eln ecienw': ofaimnc. ta loveihues. Ibat vouli have been sic had a m Is #Seu h.plutilblcbMr. Meanwbile tic coroner continuel, "U 1!OUtf . 'Vaine, come," vwhispered bc; "I see onspIcuOUSIlu&aIt places sud auder &Il Leavcnwortb alvay eet la bis stand your unole dmd fer yenah a i yo Pl buèy3flihealth and spfits,ýË so tRiaitbey feel like work. i ye e'begls , ekuov uhai ini of clroumaancs, Mary, atiMRss If1net dravor. aie retuweo. Dot ome hes y, y«n muet have beoomé verx ukaptt spo.yu nrygnyu miinls.i.~ ~ a o ed yen -bave <et tta.Rousa.ber. leusstrlklng, liougb by- no moans day he bboctItAi, UlMaue, »m ot ber' staltuedtm?" viii-tetp orsotefl1 nômnto ap iott- icurse1t; remember Uiep am Ii iclus nteresllug cousin, ceuli never soAf, baVlug lie -harge Ot blIr uiCl,' "es sr, er menItti nya eih ui&njyen f apyvt rusi iewi mbu"have enirei am" anemblage vitioni aarteuts. o.otermtned curve. i110%00 - --" "tBut Who lea t? Who vas Ih liai dralg bo erselfthle venderiug ai-' It w iiitheonet ith ae bad salde "Nia ath, iben muai bave lieft ______________________________ spoke?" bentiln etfm&U promeut. But beralded as 1bi .even te a u=1a treigbtedm e- kOgreat osbock te you?" TRiai vet Sanl socs ec," exlaim oi ers by he mont teartut of iragedtei4 Min%, vouli aM eM o Pint te A" V ry; vezy Exeat "m at be abortIy. And vithout wvaitgte wbai cocutiyen oxpeci frein a c011et- Pi U utormitpccoýad -%u e tet aey meet mach lées. aurwer My apeshng tien ef men sach as 1 have stready.de- tlo lute deubitrheme aiooai "nui !lsi emk e m boit, he struck bi# baud' agingt lie cribed. but evermsstering vonder and lu, "lb"9 an arvsay, mas iey't elme yen didai bmt__the__ dotr ami Bune il vide QomIncroduleusadsmiraioen? Noltin, per-out- commen~t 1 'W eto!bai*me glmise yen bai of btsbodyl- EWMeoI&tauaneasy chair c ba'old- banssud yt>' etre t ai n VtMucbannem t bU Ms OMM ia sr "Ami yo te oieSt .prioe oerei »tlinbut rousia troisber hanit Uot !ammaemanDisd mSttaSotlI, uhérm a alàu bokbn,-AdytÏ om eli eaed reoumtlenlst ios, 2. lie eot ho vas 1 toit gay seul reçoill andifus. b gL i la lhe ut o!lanobhg a povort u- a- Mklntbute t. mmai MY MWu resai. But Il vwu iu» t ibO toï5uisâii, 'Preparei?' veclve I obul sgleieu vo5~ tngOOapSila tblu onoit etiroi pot i ur o*< te e SrVVuS bols" X., ~ue vécu" 1htatssl bé e sa gl tqe ama& lmC- wJU ma i . ar ~b a tw 7« aivbuegom"" mPir.mb d o«*, I Bg ;vlb OM tVI1W004Bb*b t> à Btils o hé tgau b ibi *jSjUh u o f ~tff t a nt m *su »ouac h b .s rot as unbr a a sia bau.«-U wb be siis'ui*iam ?~a 1Z i:uSiw o »e iiiàu1l *.fb w&4g riib fA ql - ~ *0 IRE Tl&, 0& 4 4 1- =, qpvw"Mlqý# 1 sè'E D

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