Lu u g I I t 'i I j Il i s B Mit$ ~; 0a simfple, scientîfic and hiiihy 0 putritive prépar-Itiofl for inf4ats, #deicate childrefl and itnvalids.' WÀ«Tson & CO., PAuopetKT>B. OBIDÀY FFEBP-UÂRY 19- 1897. A. Bnow- Dream. KblB l lt u'saBasse. Al the villeye wveodim *111heobblag Da?, iàe 0.1a the bille te ibmvld veublowB&w y4 my dregS 0? hosalwualolu Eàv ta id vheve IIia Mvele VovMIh De".. fa po, ila.u a arum E, 5*1 i. hosl Lagrippo metaisteb. agdaUil$u Itea5l ',onr and many areb -amd tea ufe herm Its proea. The letisem<ablo ée hr Aocaompaied by rae., ,honid dmontsh àll tO keep dry sud modrately waru and beo epeM 'an bh Inîttar eodit. .là the busy wi etO lUf, food la hurriedly and Irrve<BiY »WB- le.p la spu.nodloally i&xeca. theb. ath 1 eomoel réembemd ."4 the uaoAIUfl(et hê *body @cou baglins teCOUSUS -. e M sium a eUluet pana. Md sohe.. l9M5.13 Of mqiot et nu,,'.deosa s e. 18 la POlt >efooufoi -sa& loausvW b1bu gWeaeIy th "bail budy."- The osuail of theTombse >bwula tu"Sl met si tow daim &go te di«Laouee Oflis l of. the Ottava, Aroipto »Il P.aa Semd <ralway,. by whioh it- le -cieIu*84 ?.U whojeeali merchaats havé logit hOUdu CE dollars, VerIl. At presont it i. 101OËltin. mL-Ilé. puengere an iotf:lh% hem Toroste sud iutervent.u: pointe fat Puwwy Sound au ootpeled te cadergo * delay e.1-31 -ere& Suidl.. The rumit of .t laiS 15te "«à sa agreementift le te vQVly àb0di" lth cierchants of P.atry Soud md dIifitit. vI cléi of.bheinuuable-te g'd tl sPIIix , i M Wau esten 0.184. obu"I Mu tailetCM&etlm Mmtht vicaus m àToronto'Md aetm 4M Wii b. tIilul frem lTobete t10 U m M XotuiLelTh i lIeSeuwud - bU MW oit"m% em y .dq i m 9» MO po, mur.Y pu.1h Odu cmmite.ut a wu P40d m idueuma Who vuete aui o litmrîtet Iohet JUIF vsion T çà, -t 'h. Ibb Ir .v * ~ u k u i-il VARIED ÂQONIBS VOIR LONG XEÂ-RBU à Mau et Bevtnty- four Yearu Poêla, Young &gain. Pain,'. O.ay Caupouud GivoS Hic N~e* BloI, Aotiîityald Thie Great Medieîuo emama Troubles sud. Bardean. Bil ais O)ureVouco.d i1otSby auJtaSSo ot lte Pu o.. Md sii74 poire &MI fuit noiceithlb guavotrou ateibli se cmpllwloneofdi- easo-uslela fu 40 yius, 1bLlu ples fouS1pu7«,aMd"i mlle îbeaal.a 8f00 Mvu ai-v eum. is et omlafler ail ebsu eff a a ml Anaes eadlag lb.he 1inlg uotmUsl vouel l-ot bi -a J«" ofe thIm e os, boy cmn »Y sMi Mmm or vomiaentur- tis deublu ai -te Ihe eougvirtsa et MW$auh'e oc beu s ' I bovugmii"'? liw. Baxtsîv"les a0UOilO: 4I lucire tu . Mpou knowv aboutsnY Fior puelosemofbilae P"011 icelen vCotpoual. 'd1 vwu afflihetilby th»@i complainle that sale amy 11esM'a- wq a borhuie.. i bu el pîpsaier 40 joi, bl#MbSn plies fr l'i poU,,*Bd l sOlatimthainti for .veu à yesw. -1 ttledlté le s ud ma aildaset sailulse, but - eo>b.lp or relief vas affreddme, &Bd I ceull Bot Mli 9sleip. I vaisltec alviél t. s. Palm e'.Clay Ooupoaai, sud, oeh, vhta mObtMey ,thail Tho uiset, tiêiest &bled um e t sud-iloeps Md I âterurn Ing savec botélausIvu-aite mother uS;vual ei.ty oeb, aMI fe Fous« agmia. AI)libs h v'itlsa oea b. povou by uessket4. baoe, saglu oba id Te du" al l M -Me'. Gelet oomomdbonmma mlia m ofThos, lANDej»w ofTem uuu thleeo Thadèef e noiS elovas by bil l ITIS, - weet..tembdû" But dovu *ore heà sbmdvvilowm sitt j bord shope lu the branhes qulter, aid 1 seult h boueto e our bthufti% My Valenrtino. L>.sI Tear m uber xOaS. yal1ey tau 1896 vieas fllova:*- J. P. Booth. Otties, 11500.0 .m mt 1.11 LUmbel <o., 55000.000; KoLubil l 4e AmaPtioi54000000; ; roàmea 5 mêCo, cta.52 000 000- W. 0. Bildi UNs lokab, 43.000000; .st ýI. 1 1myIab Cà, Whtui 1 40.000. 000; lilsèBeu he dml. 35 000.000; Qilmour AHu& s. Exil. 30000.000; Stepbetd & ILeîeCoi.A ay EIbth25 M00 000;CamaIsLaber 0, Cislo lace. 2000000; R a W. coi DucIIBU 111Mil, le 006.WM. UMM.& Son. Otawa. 15000.000; Pembrehi Lumber do, n,0000;0t; rtaabei Ce. Cahuut, 12 000 00; Rue. Boi., Boklmiaaa, U1.U0.. Z~; oLtresU utate. Baoklaghem. 10000. 'p; * t. lock A&Co, Alyner. .000 000; end. 3i . Gilles, AcmPelO. 3 500.000; A. gae.sud *nCo. Plmmtmtq 8.250U,000; A. oed p White. Poubtoe. 2.400.000. Total. 614260,000. items Opi nteren.o it la reporteda that G<mier i Co, tTetsmo baire stopped making . qurst tmber sud viii probbly outi taieoa100.0W Gte 120,000 tet to thé QuéecomarIol. lte.' ,of 2W.000 fet, se orllii intended,. The etatiotioe pabliaiboîtb *Galts bureau of ladualiiesshow.s1hm% Gaai. te mote fetille or botter faumol lb..j of etk ulhde staue cfthe Ameiosa Ualmm adt "%alOba la taono forthia a»ýMy ut l*e prairie8Statu- The utlmate la besste tlb ibldd cf i sdWho"etpu snim Daa bteuelie ifIosvl * kap a reoeud, the oeqi usîAa 8il Imoe govatumnlheaappolahi lliV.5 . uluonste «Mi MtItorles la, go use arrche. The -vu" tthbules tiloa'ibulmies offloîtry sue'beomlm MM 4viseruy dey, . wmU vheosant soiese pluiesfor partisan @SMttbula" et à poltiien -Gaiutte. éection vat Sotefflm, pama Mmd aembt li the6o viasyMdlviotatilag rein ofthé :;Ibsrl cimm ttes.Thoneà a -hskvs. ons 1bait by a magatrato sappoW vt he 1h 110111.1 gavsnmeat, Md bu Mde hlme mmpe. = ornes tram the lîbeuai pro«. hov ieu cal tor parsit sMd pumaîtçàai foilo the promulgatien of bagum ebtiuen&,"8 cousevatie vorîuin lm stobs. The 801hi Brant ruarn;viehlpii ibrll ptlv bribery aal corîptloa. The big questidon beoretlb. giseatt- ment newte. vbel lasa bâe s md vhU 1 a tabbtllThora le, a couagetion for th. former irt aoue for thé latter. end mai, mou une mekinq informatio out . go the iffeuss bbutee e to a ulatale. The saue wwdle bée doided %hbtthé amimale of tbs.bie.ibbhi vhich doee it o'hange Ia oetilundet bal circamstsncm la a rabbi-,.an i ap h. 1usld ei sl tiîa, but lhebmisaignaiobchpute onaàme coat for lb. violer le a har%, d hrè lea ýIoIe esson for it. Irlhtir B. Thampion, Baudrsi 6"cales boyplà. the vorld," lu now smaktng a tour of the . rioPa iletsaofofetthe lUnited Br.tsm He . ualteadi viiftad Clàaai, OCluxbum4 >Tuledo, Phiadepbta. Ptoîidonco. Btone, amd .wi'lgo toewý'vYutike rhra qlea1 t ut âur cauloufrienda sud ho la mallagfi PXtty gôàd tiiafioit hoeuxhibi" I l Ilh tize âud hotgbt votuld onIp 05055 Our 10 baves ome aonosptio l theVu 5 .n puar o0 ibis Duéiniaz It WsaM b. EB&ILUU.BIsm ofE thIe pupili t: 8.8. No. 1. Xailpue,- for bOsmOntef0 [saaaty:-4lb ldmi- Luther lIsa O08or w 0s1slss-WOO -eGalâtm.Loul Gau., Eila. Beveni, Laureace BIlMUin lii StmyIda WIIeII. meiviloleelu, namneulai-Joh a nner y han W"lI, BEn oduma, Ber Cotabui, mda While. $rd olu-OovaibGileom, ohms. WI0al, Lorn@ DayIssu, Bdgit Wooldrhlge, Wailao. Davlaou, Z alla Gi.- me, Basait Blao.y, onaaStevens. Loeoiva Bil2.1 clam a -Elta Woskum, loba MeDousl, Eneuest Wael- fflne, Ogmnas bFers on. Mécigîo Fer- goeen. 12e.4dalias1-Staas(liOsea Oae.i MoDomal . PauîII-+MtGieon, amuit WilhIitU, Vimmie Lunny, James Bilers, AuotoshiBile..Part I-&ddisaî Gu»m. B«tais Hal, Violet Davison, Maugls WilklaamiHo vard Hall. Fauzu OONCML-OUilu oou is s-.luslly lceea 10 beeeme a uoallty. jlszsy Fax, th. o.4ebated, entoilalnor, wll Dol h ia l ttemlai, but h.oyUlm ol b. mIssel. au th« Programme vini be so luteruooa sd vaulel Ibât t& rcoed "ini" vooSilot 11qle la Ihe ebade. a bo in i Itselt,4h mil lie 014111*0 povei, MonIay migbte loëb. 22&d. *W. expeo 1talenl t ou Benys, Litlie Britala ami Uandiàp, béelén berne taelé. Bei. Mr INaikiro B.D.. eofKamIlla, viiieupr lbg 1obaiu., aibit eOudateFeb. aSad Bay tien pedieisa tts$Wmdlà MaI*la pwdib.DMUOS peMaum : éansulbhise lb.? mél sprofit 0o 1 htlit goo"s. Mals eao va em ut telb a tet ba fl ia MIdseU Ileve'p ohffl b peuo gel.IMMte«vul-Pmms v ite lget a 1 ih ou la budesie »aIdtte but metho 1% et, laoiessicg bIide«. ]WOtusetunil ina ami ui.bim.for lte beltermeatq - saterintemits u1thlb popli Xe@ 0 *M set Vua p âcddWtdo mmylhh a t à a amm *@bua 0Mma & uumethlfE »b et l = 7 u- To u la IWD ro gel a IL y l M4 ist te Mpi ans 40 tb@ 4w tiI luti de it et la ke 1O V5WW - _______ - I - I ~ I Ea- .84Nsve IA"'1 Tvo ye@go laitesat"ia, lob. 61h, ai GItOum Movat useevel pdobblv lbe moditemo lasalaeputatioci et pii leiouthal" ~ appe«Mcdbeâcehlm, aI la tepose le thh.i quset, p»Ilot la the mne .1 l. p pavillo meatOD "e a mels, po.luel te embuit la. lmUll of lth e satures jerlublellon re prohibition le, the 984hy soamoi amI, lamouess ail.ofet lélgislature .siter jclimenýt Iertoia shoul b. gtiveaby ébat body, laluolueabl ite provide lb. 1 ee mesocee oasgtu-lmal pibil Boa varraatlbyth. eulsion. on ml9b, 1896, or fittesa monthi al ter Sic Oliver's piedge vas çiven, lb. pruvy ou oil usder ol 1l8 juîgm et, vblsb. vile plasea ltee mtter oethit prohibition 0et mulaaolure Mdl Importa- dion vitiaa emal oatiol, ceognises a JaUS* pevevstol la lb. leislature te, eenlual tbe mal* aimout, il Det qui#%e, teb pointm0 et ieion. Thuusday,,lalp 16, premier Eaadi, Bir 011,cr b*vlng soeptud. efflu Mi Ottawa, verLavel thé plelge le amothet pavillon prohibitiooa oventlofl, sud solemaly-de. usula tghb is a s mpsrauis gonru. meut suld ii lake no basîivard stip." Tvo moulbi later, Sept. 28#b, Mr&. Thoimley, pruideut Ontario W.O.T.U., la ber &anmal. adls taobe îolnice oonîeution Ibsca epsmbW inlaPembuoke, spa 9setlte tellons del&?§ whIstbmhd theailIe pleblsil. md 1the csllumtlea of fée fruit, eau : 4It h beau oma vem wattl, but lbe fruit ofiSt l, usmfuit. Notblag bute dlihomow ltaI vo vwili mot foc a mmentu 44 are pou ltatoof ethlt melli prohibition, by lavr, ef th.imporlttion liquehs aiasbsagteP' aituted lbf. On. taule govecumeut lint lt.epeuple's tele- phone-the ballot box. Book esmo a thond.eua corusn et'W. m&e.' 64'But vhat if peu are?, gasi tie Iquai dlis; 'poufimin lune.teiitb o etit 1ev., Net if as honorablesogyecumi poecipied«d le oust pou, aboeait thoir sup, poulets r issionule, b. la povoî !Ia lthe goyecuseflt bil ht a oe panisl lb. pleblisls auttheb. legsiaur muid: Eieioteri, lu Votlug ";Teon tu question vili b. eonsideo ex OPiemltàl a opinion la tava et prohbition te tlb 0-x.toultse vbleh lb. leulît r t bi piotiD@e, Ou the PUIllmea t ofamai bac jurtfitieoUs a ap ho slsculaîbj lb. seuil et final msort. "S 11.5w mm bIsaishielast. on, théIBd of Februaty, 184, -vlth the Peopleý duuulof eo» lhom, uilterated thet .peuvieus premse, Md ixplicitly jatim 'siuthed b.deslelea e1 the plvy oouueI a a dpiobflOeyUlI, -00 a p»Mlblti bll es lte. i*lem vomi vasnmitaffl be iummmi, unisse th paillaiproblbitoci povotlaime limitel à lo e ineaff@tVieu a &tOmpOiuab "4Tii. prla eounaeeIslisubai eomi aila lbe ateil haol la lb mieOs liat dropplmg .ovaz, te bod etofte boom I)si 1sabamlquai traflto bas jut bsu ad1ed bypreîmietrsary. la îopîv te il l.mpetmfle beputalon et Jnly 16U1 1'Hue ae»ltsé pueulus: lteépeople' respoua. le thes; aBd Ibe déeluba cfi seuil afllaitt e"o,' îmld the l.putatio #Are peu lte govewumos titatmade lb. pîmgee , Weart ba umoegovmnmen vs vii lahe no bakvmib stop,' va. Il "Walâtla thon ou lutp vlltu peot1 tbé appuesshi'ng efsisaleeo ui proimeut pal"aeaî? W. mutI bî pueparil r o.oporale vlth eut temperanoo soolelié in pressing feruImebists îeglalatila.i the fulles% sutent 0ai geenmsml pledg, We mue% b. ready tl eareurut hffo nOUMaI? expouse. W. muet boilane Mud ceince filhlly saab persistent ta impresu Ibe publie vilb lbe thoug1 lItanyauj cosamefrtram bs goeamez 8ahort of a full rodemptiale of theit plodu a vill b. satoason te Piigbted fat th Ieve osnesomeaor clgbl 10 aioipal Et 46B!essed laho that .zpootath rmothîng, i ho §hall gîl iIl "lua ahombly puttinq ai at truth thsela Is qually he i..rover. * Lo usexpot muotà-thst ve mer get If v «'P'-bulvv O't consideraa "t.." dwè Are lte Women aM B&d &S. tIi Men? "oGel Inowa Ibal lb. vemen oethIis eounluy are as bai ltse men." WIth uet yords se thé»e Mu. JustiesBobert- son, lu Toronto, ontemoed tvo ruepst- siblyiro5iSl vomea 10 lnepri=mifet. W. havi busa akel sevoisi lmaet oflaà "If ve blot. I*0 vomeaaie Mtl g a4' ai lb0m mml».-jubilas to w».me. pa«pe5 i of sl e i u bso ms msbt oelblugla tlb smoomlaI tait, Ibo doublil ssnlud et sosaltr vtleh la usogmidsI alaé i veoîomia alvSps appeau mois vlekel lua sveman thon tea ma. Wby aboulîiei mFlaof Our vioen go »etrop? Wityaboul lby do so guemand dîsuoputabhi thUmi? iWhi se mdli bevals bemeelt.i? The rePly la .aily mde Ibal hougb Ibéee «oi &bns as ssupvomia aimm, y el comMleribly te of et tae r mml poualmt for. sue, amilte»aie mer. lalailite faon venia ttanmem- -6i1i the tast ioniS a féelatee mm] t ltesgowroaeaa mieorno- y lase md d t nL The Im Siw 01tP est vernis baeau t l a l ue ttlu etroui Bai"a*" ullau ir ewi~ lIts mi t nais la rnis- tailvIu t~~~e =" anmyl- ~ g.e «W 01. USse sa WmuIB $unme ln. Rthel b d ~ ~ ra . Ilsens be lal ia1 tes d. 1' a. .te 4eo t.a e. e t. buy i. r i t i v k i I i e a i 'f a Young mon Keep Touar OIM Il fig anolI sapleeg smoug mbool boys mad 0ols e in"t1he h.ellov vbo keepi bis nantI t je Ifialvayu the big mm; thal b. vbo dellbeîatei7ya I 11111equiehlp vin. for bimeoli the IMM@ foru vieos. Bshb talomenaire quitsei hue in tlie outer vorlIoa o se" ladogmes as lbep ase in soliego and 5 The.1 it pltoe lteé mlter hitea" If ian mpby p ou, s rie sal&positieoneo am i Imporlus, I the legs pou talk le evsuy ose thi maou. 0 @Mit FeU recois foursir, fou îhought.I falumes, fou sound veU.oouildotd epi- ias.& Beorsla nothing vibhnuuiaboy le have De opinions or -60 nmvau expruse ibis; sud lu fast Ibis '!vIîo silence" ab sobool md ooliemai lte, peuhapot' sovous' up an mspt mlnd a it il s l e..l visdos et Blins.. Thora la, hoeveou s geduuis te f ellow. vbiob aiy b.tes brlefiy le lbheeffoot iait Il la eloua ss» Util1e ugslil I~on tsi. lbououjibly made uap peut mind, mal tben not te bsuitate la ,veut eiatoments. The lomaptallon etf.the avouagO man lla suepise mnoOpinion at euoes,but If It esbiiguled ntr, tlb. lau torse a t ialmiopnioneins lest. Lot otheus do lb. vrsmglimg. Yeur opinion viliihave ail tbe more tleeeo Il Feuous eout etrong v i Ietatho clos. ai the dlsoussion, vhmolaitoDnly are tb. theceoensideusbly lm doubt su ta vht tb. dovwaut,,bt pou have aise boaltbhe àAdinutageet beaiog many aides et the 0 Thatntgb sy. ltaâIn your dlly behavior levaids *8. ottesIli chuol Il la wei toisop youi "taik" lu reiewve.Il inas habit emily soqulced, mml on. Ohet la the sud veule both vy.It a""abolh .60l0V"n 09 elle' eemmhlosdai Ilgem 0bvi e ballon omOM e M t *U aie esasemel, bisas. uespouMd? »aY a bit, tbalt Me bai the moe s se- sIbuslon-Ktpe'uRound Tabu. home la sitaaled neai a gsrlon towm laI Iielmnd, @mis eutla I nvltAtlom leO p-I tain Armstrong le take ten vfth ber, oy tut the#. uthe plrebeet, Osptiau £rmetroce'Ss ompsayle ]pUIstuili. requestel," e@M. Te ober maonibueut ah. roed dby amn .'dly la.follovicg mts: ' JOB«.sudm att" h;;; b... delule to do effld baBy, but the u.aM ln .0 ON*" . AiSloïo' emym OOpI itvu M U l m NOa gem- a P=e_ A. 1. M amady e. 0. 0. P.--aà»lnam 1et O aima it"m messeonmhm sd tfl tui ?s etMW&soimS tak lo*ero ioverneebaiha' Iomit& (enGue o rue M UCmiaus, Lii m et Na. lM EM'etlu e Psniiu laya'banl, ever Seiens Ilquor dore, 2hi ma4 «àThunimays ci more, mentil. Vieillotf brdtbren ai , 'vluim. va. mcWatts, ccmuiiaier.; ~. m easvsIl L.,L-guaetgon ect. letmaid cm ~i~ Ilis.UatuiudNyr, ~Ism nAqy, LU .8 B U«iomoffdàg6-aIet 10 p.m.fouet MM ~ lvyavslesme.-A; . LJaihean, hies.. 0. . VU. meSe2mi ondap of evsvmntu Y.a MQ cL oomtiv e m m a me L.L ME ev ahiade DSu uti U* odw i .. ocore, Usertm. &0.1. somm oflent aid Gabage awed,.Udaaeuvry alternateTiiumy eWin- tue e ic . "nom Pnmt, alaih lae ihoaa Uklmoa, Adot Swtaaoe. John Mmuen, Narme Imrn.v155 ou e hmAuTxAuNi, mais h Iris liseM14 , ona ment Md ai abrdAp 1 1 m t u S os.u d m b eutImaai'met o'cook Pm. «D, Jofle ff W;v. aueur toeeSav. BOX l Lunme' uIILLAnrYte the BErotbaniieod ci Ialroad Tram nu macla uTrmeBlue han.l, cofa Lent md Cm~brdgeitrelaon the momd Mmd iaurtb venaaoyi of oh hmonl t LU289Omlook pm.H rtht.1. ruoeime, Nuaas in A EXT. 0F or f40 YEARS OFSU CCESS ýýIT 1 A SURE CURE- DIAuRIIoEÀ . DvSzNT'RY COLIO . cqms - CQ.RA IFNri af'd 011 r i i I I IM I i 's, I I lIT CAPORAL, . 1 MW" ~ iiuiiléon l'o PAt b -m U1.mpmwi slw AEU Esheul -.jeu" The V.« . lR.Bashii la tal t d@4 moe m o. né Mmd tbho.te pobably Do patos la *0 Sam ou *OMMS eounty Wvtot er îk»Ora oMM' gb- 17 siteMul H. la a lit«of etthe m1.M* ssl buFM... 9 UnIi tetbumOhUch E Ie e. , vwork nadldos«gqultbleO Ihin-'* ve llé-. sit dspit' big adVS &Ràlag. But ho 9S"S ... ié *, vas» mtalvaysibs e t bluulau wà me...... . 9 li uedavest su tube$& thet ményMM A»Ieuw.erm vould teimlaale bis lits. To a rpolie-r N LSA O!à W h o r.em tly h aM d e vealV U t O io l ltb m m M n m m " , a hlm the nV. getlemanl gave tlb. paile- ~ uuz A lais et bis flîmeni m i' a u ' p i il 1 masi stan to *&a e thi itle i t publie. Th* oz m U«d www mht a ifum...........11000 au 104 b~Bei.Mi. M~!! I. al> aéuiiiipi1bi5'. 690 ce wui takoa imasudthe boor Wo v aim à"fl, P«la 11»...-_-l was Called la pmoneU is 'i.trouble Mat ...... t* ~ai alliok ofleguippe. He ddluet ppsi "aarumlb lecaotdleaU rip L U tte suldaàpseille mmd a .0084 oteusaÎz sa ll ed t a, b u t v ilh n o r t efa e to ry M ce t p r U f r £ M b er i n -o n ýl ueauite, »fsoe à 51 t&iv01 et alt1à,vmi cosdiswlamdl.. il tsiness igmWoarà»iMne909" et au ,eext uia. aeiteauê olsd the. see's in fbuboly g. , e ke ml ju eaamm b Uden d rtam o tO vi veaker until ai lau e a et hoO MM me busii sa t bdea i hagiseoqu hol piu f@e ouol net ait leva mor thse d j t* at ý p=«ut m Item a uttiog posture vitheut asîstmoe.@Im. ud Whou vitla ibs asisaoe ho gaine1 mss b "U '5orla du P5tou Ms bis téeS'h.oeuld bobbie but a tev ml911p106te cccothesuemlllen Whubho vas obligel tp e -.Pulla sa b ir la m &auils. Fer ive months 1h... agomizlna pusa v i lud. But at lai reIef iiegi"w o! lnommles. ien long delaîd sans. à friandl ugtl ahlm te hp Dr. Wllhmein lk Pilla.3He 'umauVsr opet s ULI Mista l em rn N111811, hlas- le*. 55th »d M!&Y c Vlelded to the sIvios sMd baluD0bis hm i lmag tbem fl ben lb.louged or t sa... èu.miL'h. as relirlet as otiSd .omlng,Re sumld, e.*0IMM i"?uiilogeme .13aai MoI Maiore emily, m"a tbe ioomemMd mei rpèles bu»t teflisIejointe. H. ooaa- Wedaada3rtua"mielM &la Orauge Mille ove tinuol tbe use a lite pille fto osme » Dmiion . Roertute nt. Pepur à longer sMd the 0025 vws eompleta.Se. urOm LDIcg. sMmaseoz me MuM&hea~ ileg M . Bmohhut nOW It vouil b. lifflOUt cievml menm «@ ov eulonm k l9 tthink oft biNs thle.ripplel .j Mdlu, 1461. Bll2.i.Immtuy J us MMs ai Sbése paiflat alp.. *11»d NenORaci melint Mla =imeB"m *Bmokhus le mev put bic 80111 per,but "BaU Z est «F oe MRebvairstore. M. ~~~' mel,"pî ail et D. WÉMO le ' ik& Jgetja lod- utaN.U. Pink Pâle I omm asible ne thos. mtoire06I t undd Tumdyci-Bé n.. ~ voafeLYeu sa imblî 2uge o thi rs e ban., core KMnt»aid n v --t b ell F U I laid o rt 1d. e b? it re us, ove Eaek v a astoe. atm » Wou tyrod ofmamMrtab. 'wocuiipZ fl ". N àfenostili eur. I agam edte ad v I. Buatint, sieun. 1 p.P. . NLSgs Ne. - ýmassbIam Md Ibird Prdai * esllm o ur la f t e tof D . W illiam .' xem« * mo * in m a hoo. M. Job Du. lIls'Pn il tlo Il.1i* .1p S maeUev ir .d«cubakgin s ool o et b. bli em, buvii I t .t teC Lb . P. . ; z = mruittl a.1 Iwo Layai fi.l=à. os aldm dma teing lt. pient 10 baita in__Irti E Q 81 g ud steuli. la esees et paralia, N0Jo.u r"-' e t"w -N l s ptual tueubJes, loooatalu, ile, Goar ausaY % T rd.r tànuui 10 u lmOtSDlSeteUOstoblens muSe h iL TriuecbailMcOMM ofi Let Mad la, e., thesépille sile mU#îitsu l ilother m id md Surit Tuaadm r h mo D$ben. q trottmiat. Tbep are @lia aspeolfis for Vilint brmiam ivaii ma"s valeMi. BMr A. thé troubles vblehputsae .liteO-s a N L SUie.,Be1=60em 0.a fMcesrt àMUTy vos.a barde», aMd speosdilite- lem sie isaestoo à"hvoieteti smoehoulhleW t b %0h mplemaS" mL' m m 'o - u* gosllov olseeh e. Iec keals dvis bp 11001ea MMIM4 u..usmessham M tb id o"emwck, vouwy or szoe, wil lad la Tiedffl t"* la nBm ie% isi.uB iPink Pilla soUSut -la Cure. Bal by mit *a- , m aOs.s,:LU& 4% m mn M dealers ou faut by. piB psipald. et boa. sng feof ! MMaa, " hl a box, ou six bOzu 14'2 00, by eliei d&r MwbJ.i i lus thîDe. WliIIari MlelmeOoMPsam.SeaUI18UsaIn u s * rIkls, On. me O BY051,. tudAsoiatiiio z, ýovar as* allegel tu e b"Il i s 1." 09 fl vos&Ueehdm . M% DEADýLY SPRING, YOD SUFFER, FROM IF Spring Coplaints, Use, iCorr's AUSAPARILLA. It is the best 2sorin eine to 'be had% anywhere. 8cott's is pe:sn to takep TroubFes, 1ervousness, Chronic Headache, Catarrh of the Head, Thmot and Stomach ; Syphilis, Skin Diseases arising from impure bloodor a disorganiied system, an& Catarrhal S.;omach Troubles. ever tried. His son William *ho- works for a farmer was laid up and unable to work. .His system- was Renerally run down. One boulen of Scott's Sarsaparilla crdhmImmdatl. Fofrhe facts write cither Mr.- Morrow or Mr. Cornish, personally. Then al, cuale", $1.OO pçr large boftte. netaspoontfut ia USE SRCOTT 8 SKIN SOAP, FOR THE COMPLEXION 1 Ifyo waatt purc1basea first-clas Piano, Orga or Sewing Machine at the lowest pricesp and on easy terms, cail on W. W.LOCANY Gene0l AentSt.iesa, w c7o enWSt0 est Loadsâ the »»oumhl* la Furuace Work. ¶~ie Oosity laD. Osm.ay Net val.' 5,dm., Goal. I Nie. wrsgbt. Ourney bot air. vood.L J. Neelanda, Gurne~ hot air, vomi., TIe Oasmt~'EstidI5gi, eut ou original evulsu, bot ilca. Sadiar, bot voter. wood, cominain i d r oamd v O m i. medg=t. uiPesw Oblot air racenMd 1 Psace Oomnlton lMot air ai ft. Audrme'a CU. 1 GumncY boSet in. MaIhotvOtt; SeuI wod Shoo, imehot01ib. eUs O. ~ ~ ~ s« hot.v sawlo ailme&l ilIL OmafStt 1aout Md DuItn.b ar»vel B..e eiht à% ,UO v[M Wrigh, Ourney bot atr. ood. J. Xiz.lama.Gurey ot voir ood. -Tos SaKlllbyGr hot ai, ood. Im JonDBaee, ury bot oter, oa! DadburnItous, urney h utr.a, ot rvo. L lO yGurny hoair, oa. Jo lin v7U, Gurne bot vote, col bEiAjpn Boe Gurney ombinalot o oo Ure. Maob ett h.,oturyot air o. ftza.Pu, Griy ot ote o! BolXàj to un. lo obtteroma! RugI Verieta , urnuvbot aie, ual Ihi.~ ~ MO hAts Or otvaser couL ~lDaaC~l, Oraybt vau«, iii b" ey mletonut. lb~ ~~MO hotBu.,Osmy ?air. uoiL. vs..' S e., evahobeair, mmmL. Debard yliecuoreyhot air, cou. W. E~ obaonBuck'. hot air, ca' lIce Reai, bt vter combine, on. Be»,b toer oomblnsation. rw. La QMac uny bh ot er, al. SioBgla Qurnoy hot air,.ool 13 roc asurney bat air. cooL ba;; ht a1. col R. Slveie, urney hot voe?,ca. - lutM 75e, umY bot vater, ooeL. O. . NphlsGSrio btot mer, MaL Va.Nolsao. irIel, urnybot vole. vos&. N. ME~,mmiMaay lbi ~mev-IbaW~ leamn h ~ e uuaev Oud et aer ye be e mi ~ M et lm SO al3*56 Wil t b., »d gaveenil tbo= bsa lm M utî i. 5ae» SUbi, - Mdme ar i plemeat uMdgale i. n l, M*0 onwittr. NEtuitbsiidfg =mu dufl Mistor e th",Sbm b"iSLte à"ladIt th* dal - caS461&i) hne lUI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ - Ilea. sUvmms 5d ahmratu a h lwage out Gfr. W GW W00D8 tli cotrtt making ýyour Mie a comfort I t lb, Lau - 0f BnY pB~ In 1he DISTBIOC -i. Ne"" Mr ". lU. KILN to 0 ilteilal tisales. ohool Bid. aml t i.4 I i I I I I I I NEW YOB mu. IDa Standard of the I s s I. r P. a 'a I I It:xx8? I NEW YOF CIGARETTES PFer Paeckage World. V - . 1 Il-- CiP 1