SEE IIaAT THE 1 «p corner. .eWhen Ilvas fouai Just DOW» ail lic chambera vee la Iustntly the agonIsailok Iqefbe oountenance.."i,01- hic-ý BIte dilt enisia, but put out. ber bandi for lie But lie coroner, .looaiha at ber"otaei ily, Continue&t!,"Ihlas been liteiv Afe off for il. Iat. Th!e bandt laI cleimii thie barrl fargolthie cartlnlge ch&a4i" ber, Miss LevenvOrh." Sic did net uhik icieai, but, a iOpi- les, beiplesa look sbovlY ett! over ber face, ans ic semet abouat te aIfli, bit mek.a feu hie rçaclti ncaine, and, =iftgber beat! vili a steady, gant! action I bave neyer secs equniei. Sic exelainaci. "Very weil, wlaaItien?" aTonamimeë, Miss L.57.UewOiti, UPOi the evidence given, viat liesi TOit? question obliges Me te aay liat -no burgiar, ns iohrci assassin, vouit! have umi tus pistai for a murderous pur- Pose, andi then tken lie pain» Dot -oniy tho dean l, but ho reboad t! ahnd iock 1h uap aaln 'In ticedrawer frei hilci -h. bai l aies t." Sedii nol reply la IbIs, but I saw. Dgr. Gryce maie a nohe of l wth liat jpecuiar, emplilosd of bis. "'o, e vent on, cris anôre grave- ]y, g"votai t Il h. osme kfor amy fcmi vi as net aocnaomud, h pansla sOot ai 1fr.* tmvewortb'a oms St al bours, te enter hil douz' no laIe ah sigitt. procure Ibis ptgtol fian t 11 Place of cosceal ment, traverse MeI apartient, aid 2am nso oley upf hlm b*a lie fislshaow te have becst ncceaTy-vltbout 'hlm atlit 10o ttuu is besi ta ose ie, vbich ln Sosieration of 'lie do«Otte tetuncuai, v. Cannet believe b. di" .-i Il v«a afrigit! i uggentIon, ast ve lochai la mec Emasore Le&vauioall reocil. But liat meien of eoutrr ei feehlsg w« s« for hi u««In 1 ubibîl. Stqrttu Jbol»mw g % hm oilMary est e ""0& miamn. berma" OPIUM*lw 4 » apùt. but EsCes, dofttWp unottonedte taer patient!.. andl W~ la a leandas! oboeaihbg voici. "Te «0 ot mmr, sr, liaIt tb vuWs" il My unie for Mme puures 0ofltm ews, bai fred the istoaioff ViUImy., lg -ussaY-Whîch la - .*at* pomhbf St, Dot Proable-'hbe lic reute ws onl be obscrvcd, a.nd lbheas=e o-.bcis "Mis eacnori, le-coroem veut on, "hie bail bas beeu <stract- ed froua yourunaes bea&' t o o 'espondia. wtb Ibos ln Dm eautrMdms fount!la n bitan5d-rawn, s-l ai li te muuedith b 1h1 Mer bcai l Pforvar'4. om ber ias, bier eyea oucht, ber vItale attitude eRipresumi t!lautMewlpaeaSe.- ing il. lb.he roofl ýgt105111lU r grave.. "isLen.veràw tb, M hin have nov aie questions la pttt 0i oncernhug last aigit. Wbere 414 yw spend the cvenlng ?l '«Alose ln My: ewia room. ..Tou , bowover, sav your imoebor your cousin Otnine thc cour» Q>f Jil1- "Na, air; 1i mv liao ontater lear lng lie inuier table-emcepl 'Piosu aie dded abfter ê& iloaent , "Ast! haW came' von te uc him r "H. came la brIsg me the cri , gestientan wio calle." "«May I1ai lite name 0et entflUe- masn2" A "Tice aie.on tlime ard-wss t Le Roy Robbina"- Tic mater Seeme t rtta, but- tic suiden Satrgivea lby thc lady ta mu'solde maie ime- remer Il. "Miss Leaveuvnortla, vien sate« la yout toom. are 701 lathie bhbitof leavlng yaur dbar opent" A etartlet! lok aI Ibis, quiokivami- presmci. l"Nalln the. stt, Me, i" "Wb19y dit!yuiae tae a nigite "ý im s¶i#.r." '~1>eU~5i' qui0* loket tbe t~ uusasb.o4s4se. - lia b avotti. m au lwývnwrtWeare 10W tf -l ith Four~ - Iffnmhon o teservanU t tget!d ~Mat VW#tb ais <bi' icor r.»mlat 1 a t nsh uhtmr; om èm noe IIdtct. ,l bcomne thOe.ry I"li aer~ -No. air. * U 31rt M. Grioe, 'W - t- -Who di4YOU irut lears of ber 1 0- - 1 d&.' ww finil st 1a mariit..dlagaeslfle fuz. Ibs a"kadbi«e trtouahl - 00t!.'1h& louse drllb.theawh t"range tien," be readmd liIl TsmornIang iMef breakteirhan adkerol îf voura la the bande of Molly met me la 1* belomuai asied îlte oM. à,*0ul4 b*Ye bOen fo3uDdth18 how Han a à Itioaaguh he tm- moring li% that zoom0.,ib.e qnlrv autyemge oi3% SqaShOi! Ti ill..1and» e & s wbll« ber. A momeat'. lau made tice0Sn- Mrvsfeoehar4eellu. Int0 cluin poutM *6girl vas gos.. setrong f deBpar,,, ,l«esO.hgtfu i<Wlat dii yoU lta i es rabeu- ber lips and, * o417 ýrtMiet!, "I do fsol Mame amasiro! f ti bi dt s'ec as StI@lgo50voeaIase. I vas 4-1 di sot bsov viaWh"1<> tilsi." liliaI room, Mt& Ibis mcqrnflE e4NO suspicion of foui play' crofflei Ast! Y" zt da'piIt lien 1 your mini 1" A distred blush crosset ber 1130.O ".No, air. shme did sot rePlY. **Tou d04 sot cosme e i ct WIM - Souiedin Ibis vay t" io vent on. tbat ofi yanr uncl's naurdet ?» 1"«11bnow notiing about lie, soi." i dii not knuof fai imui'der baL"What la l? let m ec." "Andt!a5erwerdsT'"In a moment; vhat Uc nov Wlis af ber knowlflg gontbifg ubOut It unies partmcnt.", may. have cr .osmet! My mina, I1afIlCt There ail uasnY Wmy& I mght oiMY . -have loftI il liert.,daymsa. I bave -"«Can vou 1.11 uO anY+hi5g 0f<bSAlaid y-authbat 1 vas la tic habIt Or glrl's past bislory ?" vl-wsiling bis room. But arat, let me 'I Mas tell you no more In regard té see If ItlabuMy bast!eroili." ÂAna- it,-" lisMy coausinias dane." sihe ldout ber iband. 4"Do r« brimwhvat made ber -11 D& '--jpregume so, as 1 amatoldIt Ihba nIglatsIn your. initialse embroit!ered ln the cor- Hor.Ocek flualiet!angrIliv; vAsIl 5't ser," i. returnet!, as 1fr. Gsvce Pas. bis to5e or ah the question 18< Nedi t ta ber. air; sie never coaâfde ber secrts t But ah. vithiharrWfet! vole Inter- my, keepiuli. nutptet! iim. "Tues. dirty spots!1 Wh" "'Pin yon couinot tell1un viere ah*e tbytbey look1k-"ý vauld 'b. llbelY to go uPan lvig Like wbat tbey are," sai the cor- tbis bouse ?" oner. "If you bave ever clemjed a, C'ertainly rsot."' pistai you must kaov ubat 1h07 AMe *«Mis Levenvorti, v. are Obliged ho Miss Lemvenwrtb." Putt -aoier questiS o a ou. W. ai'. Sic let the bandkem'cief fa» con- toi tint yen vwer. lie one vbo ordeW- vulslveiy f rom ber band, andstSdot ed your. uhle's b0d7 ta h. remoret! staing at It. lying before ber on taie froua viere It vas fOund. labo te foor. 'l bnow notblng about 4i, gen- nexe.rofl" hmes," sic saI. "It la M m & ali Obc bowet! ber L"a kerchief, but-" for »mrnecamei she 4,Dlin't you..uiov tlbatIt l1 a ro- diflotfinish ber sentence, but agats per. ta ibsturb the boCW cf &a «wm repeatet!. "mdedc, gentlemen. I1 moU bfush .deai, excerpIn th flapece @Md, nothlng about il."' Tila onoed ber under tie- authOir fthef b.PrOffl 02- îstîmony. licer ?"9 Kate, te oook, vas now eQ& air, In regardto t te sbJect, OflIY My andi asici tell heu en se aIsat viiet '«I did not aSSaIlI MYv XOwedethe iandkerchief. feelings" "Thisair; Ibis banikerobitTO "'Piu, 1 suppose It Vas your feel- dae Ibetis we, air," tairfflg a ings liaI pmffîled ! u ho r.eiitdeprecatory glance athber mistreaS. standing by tie tableat wvih o lieva' "Wat day ?99 murderet!, ind oif illflW l te *Weil. I vwih1 MM iforgelMiss body la nast seiag Il Pii'aei1Y - Eleare, but Ioan',L. Il la lieoudy posiec -9or perbamp' "obenteM WM on. Hâteflt In the bouse. Ivasiet! relemm 5uMoum. "71yeu vers 100 It dy before yesterday." muci ntereitei 31151 l. inthe "Whou dit! yotrou It"P plece of pager Vlmtohock savW. t10 ima Ts.da onn, la!km Macla 09 :hie isreWhles o! lie* » over tic vords. non__" r ,And vieà iM4 yutaks Il téO UI O~Ic*0r..I't" u b u e4 w»i r.m Ir Iç ailon.. 'W. ars fla Itu&lTe caai urew uer apront over lier a paoe cbf paver fucalie table?7 I am ica& . "Tterday aftersooýn viti lie W.t Ii1Uvba "ve»t eut of the cloties, Just befoa'e lin- " Oo w vit us OW0i'th" be er. Indade, I cauld nmghb l ilMiI sw 70u .be.dlag oreslithble WM eanore," viauaperet! aie; "#It vas the wtdfolitierse «lylatsereral papem , ruti." anotier, tht.I '@io ueMt 70yu &a E leanoe eleavenvortb frown1l. This minutes ltler ln lie lhall. 7011 t&50mev-bal ootradiolorvevideoce bili lifhe set* et puttng a picce of paper M very scnalbly afeccol ber; sn4 wben a your pocbet. Tic bnfereuioe feblGUi moment bater, lie coroner having <ls- Miss Leovenvoti."msstli In ure!lv s This vas Saa. oe .tirait and vber, ast! Inqulred If aie bai anythiant oob-edt! tasec nmrn we t af0< .1105, îm'lier ta s«y ln regard ta tilSemat- but ber ialfftv ip never quIvreiL tr lt!.ayo xlaainoréhr "Tou have maya the t er i lewa a eplnls ra"ir ,oo nasl provelie ~wise, abe tbrew ber biande up ams 'Piesaswvas sîatelbmM ItseMmif. mlodilay. siovly aboci ber heat!, ast vover ma auzirsedta e. 1tsand! vitiout vord or warn<dng, faintii cr oner lok a tffle b&ec; but re' quletly awmy la ber cbair. oavrinng imlusf, b. Mii dyo A commotion ai course iollowed. dur "NIas Ieavenvorua,1îmust alay u vwich. 1 noticedt laIMary dit! Dot agalba, wbet 1 er you 9di or dIdri asten to ber cousis, but ilift It- for laie .sny thlig frow .uat table ?» Molly and Kate to do wbat tbey could Bbc efQlded ber arma:s "I declise an towari ber resucelation. In a, f.wý swcning thie question," ah. sait! quleli. moments Ibis vas la mo far acconqplth- -Pardon me." -be reJoinet!, '"tlba18d, liaItbey vers enabei ta leat! necoesary that yen shoult!.". ber from the rooua. As theu' dit! no, Ber> 111)teck aa tillîmoredetermIned I observet!a a lU man, rime su"t!iolloi.w earve. «W"Wlan uoWMpii>iipaver ber out. la fjound luty -posesion. It vin h. A momentaru' silence ensue!, Kaoan lie enougi thcs, for me ta explsin braies, iowcrer, 1>7 an Impatient atlr boy I came by sW' as aur l1113e Juryman rose sud pro- Tisdefiace seeme t taqulle alagger posed liaI lb. jury shoffl now ai- lie coroner. "DO on~ resifse ta vgutjaurn for th, day. This sccming ta' Ibis refusai la fiabe tla ubleect volt t"baillunwltb the coroner's views, lac an- 1 bc ,drapet!ber ina!. "Isa afraid nscunoed liaI the Inquest vouait!stand thast 1 do; yes,. ag" sdjournudt! liitire o'cioci hile next 1fUr. Gryce Ilt»d blas band ad mt- id", vien lho rustet! &IL lie Jarors ly tvîledt! le tasmel ai thc vIsion'- vouldt!be present. curtais.' A gencrai rush follbove&thbat Inaa I"Ast! sel yenperMMM y"few miaules emptiedthe of ail 9ie aobmsolety ilianci lu reply. but Miss Learenvrorti, 1Mr. Gryoe and ~-81MILE SIGNATURE~ >T~NAUCOTW. Io ON TUE WRAPPCR or EVERY BOrrTLE 0P bel 4 -MWItended burgar. %,h X," orth ire Md Windows bl j, ~~Win yen telhe .Word 0f -' milbr m ewi ufailIbe upon uli0 **~ 7(leïe- "UM" l oeone of aXgagu* Who > ferwhè frb u ý *' »bau be*al tWr tvimig by breilglt n toout@% rusiairi« é tS" ma IlFm 0 oennot honestly sgt. ft hl 01 masi thts," WëlýýTUed ~.obe Y usl . mdo try Md ý conaïder snob sa X- ê1thaj ltily r 0-* if ltingIY. Lb. lu palWa as possible, If fmot h2W the ha# 00 arrIeit a*4 Jthe. uemtodS uelet the family credit, vby tjieu- *Wçha!.vèbeeu t 'ik. ber lu IisM&d Me.turned ber face vttb aOU ItS -ghiay *'bu* 1 Inhg te ber. fb hautr upft mine *eBs, meei heî heCrdt t. u<mi an ab ê equlte aMd 1239011 thau lobe ',ouuto. tt.* I1s br- 'ykV. ben for mime." s.0I W*J. B..ot 2-Nar1 flitlà ay 1Ur. Gryce turned tow«rds fflk bhodistlactly h.*ad IDa»&U 3st- eusmtg tep thIis way?' ire 91! the. room>-l'aif 1a111.111twre aàil- I GlU b escape front my prement POO&- bus taoonCeal mometblii<. 1ut ste lu lion. I baatily obeyied. neêt. i am SUsur hoe t. OLEl"Maole . "What bas bapened?" 1I nqa'ed. and I are mnt ,ood flends, but aIl I W. propose to take you tato 0- the world, could neyer make Me bL.- oomideÏe' murmured 1Ur. GrY» *eaa- Iloeethat Me h an aur more kn>w,- 117. *'o]xune me, 1Ur.fRaymnid* KMM ledge of Ibis mUrder thait I a've.Fobbs. Won't jmombody tl. ber. teu-WOiit 1 bowcd t0the ama I mmv befor. me, you-1tbat ber masser lu a mista3çe. lad stood uneaaly valin. AMdof tbt la15caiOuIs.teidto arousmumi-s i vasto know vbat Wun realm b clou. tàat it bas siready'due? h te ëri,1i aM lntulivelY uiirank r And, 0 tell ber fromx me-" a h.e *flt any communIcation wtb One R&@EmI on. ber' orob aune o &a 10w hisper ldoked upons a a y. aow-"vwbat voubave just said. liaI. 41 matter eofmorne Ixport&nce." co, circunits.itwS evideoe la lom aivaT' thauci Mr. Gryce. Mit la mlot eOeuuar absal le for' me to renini you hbatIt la la co- I suryed ibr, tb grOlIllt aqtOulsb- f"den'", lait?', ment Wtat au actrns bis Wom»fl "O.".. vas ! -1 teiagbl ioL1Ur. Fobbs o« mal --Tou request lue ho tell ber Ibhis," proccai."0 said 1; *"uouldnt St be better for you to iInshantly the viiole appearance et speak to ber yourmeif'r the mans- Fobbe cbangéd. Aasumlngm '-leanore a&" I bolidlilh or no con-, expresion of lofty Importance, beliril fidential commuimUOS,'? rePlied Bhe. his large hand outsprcad upon bis beali 1 couli oe.siY beUce ,etin't m"d el and commeneed: 1 vas Puzsled. Indee& hcre vas somq, "Detalled by 1Mr. Gryce ta vatebhich thnlupeengibleln bÈr viole movements oa iMsEleanore Leaven mannor. Not knowix* wbat elae to Worth. 1 left biai room upon ber de- waIrems-rked, 'lThat la untoi'tunalte. parture trous.Il, and foflowed lier sud4 She ougbt ta h. laid UIat the straiglit- the tva servants vho coneued iber. for-ward courselula » eet by ain upBaWre te ber Own aparuInent One Mcary Lemvenworth 0017 vePt, U 1r. Gryce interrupc m a why bas Ibis- awful troubl ecorne ta ticre? Wbere?" me w'bo bas aiwa.ys been msebappy "Her ovu room, aIr." before !" Wbere sltuatedP' "Perbaps for lhe verY reason thaît OThthelai cf ier shahs ." y.ou have always becs 110 baPPY." uTh5.ot berflot ber room. w» the ir ,"It vas flot eftouglx that demi' unclé e w"Noter oom? Tdhe Ui as i fi %bout&d cie ln this horrible meunier, msef upoBite." oeled e ap l but qbe. My own Moas fl ata-.r selfb"lOR te c. I.toucbed ber sami. and ti S cion «Exce e, maha f ys seemed ta recail ber ho berself. Stop- - 'dit!5emt, I parn tice o!me sloey plng short ea it 11ber b ddfotaparh otc e ui --Mi»S IàcawIworth." 1 *i Tdd. h, hougb 1 va rigbt bebini ber. Il uw« 'yausholi opefit1h.bc. uB- mot until' ah.e .d reacbed the bot aides. I bomasl belleve tuat y« arec 0f t§ýhois , ro~lCb Uedi dm im he dlutunMblng YouMelfaneccumri If Oimn"' i. laterdiamie e, rmahAll 8notbine fresiatransilce.a mare pre- 1adm i .dsl e evns varcahom r u~Je cman 4 yul t l qhplei consolons thM » i. aS mot à«MOU> to 4*.d LOpd a -tb .a JE ssi thà ~Ka. ii57~anr li ama ignty qlc*"'cl reasoa lud~t futus. Imn by am *xpremdoll etiaiuSaI amil, ewml4.aidranoe. athe valked 1lualuag Ibe ..Amy hbUUMfreuk? ow00U he oo ffl eubebli ber ID aOeuteU fectly Innocent ', .I 1OMMlimot hclp frownla& H oenet, QU ftddenly a tbougb± ileemei te atrIke ~ a,.ti ii a im ber. SD7hhig flgbt a sor smubjeot w~~ ,14r. Baymond" mabl sUe, wbeeling bal metrOvn. b.hofIeM" Il round lu ber seat Ml ber loVelY, psu- fumet! vrppcr bruebdimyknee. *X*t »seng sur mer Myret keP- 6"wby didWt tbcy &Mi me more QU Me- ng S nde m 7eý «dIhus pr-1 tIons?. I could bave tld tliem i JaI- f.rming, my iut7 cetlaaiLy,-except bW' nore neyer lefI ber room lest nifbl." .nterng, the room, . 1î»lovu! edér lM "YTou could '"'&Wbaâ-vasw« lutblthnk and bob a seat la a&reMMt e rum of Ibis vomas. aheBaed orne look a% me as 1 I t! me, «"Yes;* my roo*à a lular e az"d ad commesoi pacing the room lua af the etaire tb*n bers; to bave gone reesbis bInd of vay I'm mot aitogwher down, sic woul4 have bees obliged to unulbed to.'At 1IM àe stopei ab- pais ,My door. i 1shouli bave bear tpl rgtl i*mdl f b on ber. don't ou bea V'GeMme Ia glass of valer,' me ie pe; Ah, was thaI ail? Tm faint again-qulck! on tb. staid -That daeflot foiiov,» I answere lthe corner., Nov ln order ,ha get sadly. "Can ypu give no otiier rea- tlia I glas cfater tI àa eoulfry son ud m bîee ~ ate for me lu Pass bebIat! a dressing mftm ma" mie sawifee limaI - gtreaobet! almast t thle eilng, ami sary" se wigmred 1 naturafly besitate!. But mime burned 1 started baci. Tes, tbis vêman ant! looketa me, auat-Web. gléatWe wouldle nov to eave ber cousin, bad àmes, 1 link elther of vonpouli bave led during the Inquest, but Ihen I lusteuito do Wlli ile saaed; Or aI felt gratéful, sud, novIl vaS simPlY leaut-" viti a doubtful -loojk at 1fr4, barri lied. Gryoe-"bave glven youar Ivo iBis fm "Miss Leaveasworth," sald I. "nti-he. prtvilhge, even If Vou idnt Il0 isg"can Justlfy one ln. violatlhig tDeoaum ho the temptallon.» dictates ofaieisown conscience, sot -Weil, w.» r'exclimet! ]&. <kOFi even thie e f nt v. do mot a.3 impatieatir. together love." "I -am goling on."» »Ilie. "I steppel "N."returne th me: and ber Pun out et slt, tien, for a moment. but took a tremulous cre, Uic lvezy 1li smencilong cn@ugi for ber PMPeiS. boom bheavet! and ehc- soi tly lochi for ven 1 euerged 9»glasstabalaibe 5.WSi'.wvas neellng ettbe grte full Ove. ted If Ielanores boeuly liamàa 01on.-- natu.e spt vmbcemie ai%" AbMan zu'AGFWf O? VEAPPES. RIA ouba is uip@l ê-dboltSu uly. la nol MoUla bUlk, Dont aflo suyou tta un Fm m7ibged» o the plu or promi thst à la "Jum masgoo l Mat' v»m aver eyerpua. Mm»m -MI S staIym &gelC-1-3-T-O--L. Ému epee. ADVEBTISB 1in the WARDEB 6,9 drop of ýink makes millions think" It ofroulates ini the best homes. la reéd b y the. most intelligent ire.aders, Its Readers axe BUYERS. ÂDVF5TISE in THE WARDEIR s~ BBB. =fr - Turns 0 Bad Blood Into $ RichRed Blood.. la 6pr.,g Ut preBIosd b using 8.13C. 0 No other remnedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healin, and purifying properties as1 Burdock Blood Bitters. t not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied etrnfy *ail-sores,,ulcers, abscesseS, scrofuloui ores, blotches, eructicris, etc., leaving the skin .diean and pure as a babe's. Taken inter- ealyit retmoves &l morbid effete or waste. matter fron. the stem, and thoroughily regulates:al the ogn ftebd,~ rSÎtoring the stornach, liver, bowvels and blood to he.althN actîonI qb* In this wray the sick becomne weIl, the weakstng dth A i vht, havre that: tire&, worr but feelng receive neW V'901, ..nU. tiuoyast health and spirits, so. that thev feel ELke W(I --cur apet sor.yur eflergy zonie, your ri. i-ition lost ;b. WiII retoire you to the fulli enjoybent of harpy % ru ;e O~mootsEond, aVS Su' Lmbe Yard ïwm s.i.Dooss'Mâfdu, NMldhm u amiuuetc.. etc; cal a" llc Ll e4ý mi p primes before YOD buy elsewherl Ss~kcouguamateed. 'Sa. -2010-tfe .Q~o ITURI GiENT,L t0co 4IUOAY; XakolI k h a B, a a e' WomsCnvliossrif