ÂND SYMlff tVERY CIIRISTIAI I-KAS A u TH-E WAY TO. FI-HT. !lm*o laOaS la the SBI u.tgme et tbe wu& Ami m ubê ikre DvrurnluS Hnselue. *~ ~ ~ ~ tý Cr»il h i> yUi Mntdeis Pas.tortlioiibte MothCent'i- nel. yoU ae texte. -L our. et6»:i est ruine in t-be wori-th wmih- iheatr. The hee' bildnga elh t o u n y o u a a cr e . Y c o u d O t w la pahe arn. hOiO h the comat Cvas oaoe a-.ght or , te race r lnaid on aTI oes thuineath e erId bve Uer until you coult forty elevations Or galre.as 1'seall sec fit t-o call thetn, lawlc at the senators, * theklngs3. and t-be twen-ty-fivfe thousaiid erclted spectatoIs. At the asides of thle areus. and unde'r the gallerles, are the cages> In wbleh the lionsansd tigerés are kept 'wthout - foOd, -Unt4l. firnsled with bunger and thirst. they are let out 'Up somne poor victIi. whô wlth is1 avodond aiopie. Io econdemned to mieet t-hemi. I thint that Paul himselt once ptood lxi sueh a place. and that It vas mot only nguratively. but literaJlIy, that hoý 111(l fougbt- with beasts at Eph- The g1a-day has cre. Prom ai the. world thbe people. are pouring lut-') 7%-erona. 'Men.. woxnel and children. orators and senaton,: great Üna ana smali, tho.ueFlnds upon llioueaiids corne. iintii the first galery is full,. and tht, &&econd, tt-othird, t-be foýurth. the flfth- ail the way up to* the 'twentieth, al t-bhe -way up t-o t-hý- th1rtlet.h. ail thbe WaY up t-othý, fortleth. EVerY Place ta gil!etl. In niene~tty of audience aÈweeP- tlng thbe grent circle.- Silence! The tinie ifor -t-he eoxtet bas corne.' A Ramai> obfficial leads forth the victîIn ZIOth -e arena. Let hlm.get bis Éword. wtt-h grràf grip, Into bis iight band. The twelty~ethousand sit breatblessliY wate4in. I J ar the door at t-be aie of the nrcna' creik open-, Out pluniges the halif-starved lion, bis tongue athirat f'rblo:,d. and. with a roar tba.t brli#gs ail the galierles t-o their feet, lie rushes aa.inÉt the, owivrd oftht-e coifbot*it- D)o ypç know ho% strong a strokc *a Trwn will strke wbên bis Ilite dep*ndsR UpAu the tIrst tbrust of bIs biade? Th- wild bcast. lamne and bieeding,, links bogk toward. the aide of the arena; then, raliying bis wasting dstrengtb. lie eornes Up with iercer eye a.nd inore terrible roar than ever, Only ýto be drlven back with a fatal w0und, w~hiie, tii- combatant cornes la. vit-h atrolie after stroke until -thliemonster la dead at bis feet-. and t-he twenty-lfft! thOu- vand, people ciap their bandeanad ut-t-c a shout t-bat- xna.les the City tretable. Bornetirnes t-be- audience came te 8me a race :aBornetlmes to sec gladiators figlit eacli other, until thei people, c0fPBE- sionate itor thle falen,, turi t*rei thumbe dow au au aNmawes& t *& varquished be spare.!; and somethunes tbe cornbet vas ýwith i ld beaus. To one of'thbe Roman eapthea±i'i- ta udi ences eofone, bundred t-hou- amd peOple Pa.ul refera wlicn lic ays: '-We are cmpàsyed -.,bout with 90s gre&t 9a crowd of witrile&S" 'flicdirect rettrence l t-he lit Passage la-niade ta qa race; but elsewbere; ha.ving dcbioeêd tixat. 1 take now -Paul' favorite Ides or thre Christfan li. a a cmbat. Thé tact la, that ev yChrist-li ai l;a lion to fillt. ours luabi temper. The gates oftht-e arena -bave been opened. aud t-is tiger bias corne out to deetroy your sou!. t-it as lacer- ated yocu wlth rnany a woufld. e hivv been throWn by it t-ino. anid ain, but ln thbe strciigth oi Oud YOxU hav (-atiqen to drive Itback. 1 veril believe you viii conquer. I thik t-liai tute teal>tation ia gcttlng ,w,"ker and~ waker. Tou have given k se0gaa11 wvoinds 1t-bat t-be prospect ii t-bt It -m-111 di, and y0u 01811bail li ttOI t.hrough Christ. Courage. brother! Do :mot let tlieImands ot! thelierena. drinxl thbe biood Of YOur coul! . Your lion la t-he Passion fOr ut-rOs drink. Tou maYlm"bae ot-eftdOd &gainet It .twentY Ye'm: but It le stronir of body ai* ithy e «t m1le, TOU have tried wtuw t.K lwokén bou-tle or - età*y Nay! that la not th-be weatOd4W4t one- horrible. roar lic. wIll seize t-bee by the tbroat and -rend thee 11mb trou0 11mnb.. Take t-is veàPoil. shàa nd. ke'en-reeb UP and get- t-t ran GOSm e.rmory; the uword oethte Upitit Wttb t-at tbou mayest drive hluhac anc uyupat-ht-c èestn !t-the offS U1 ut- every Vlot-oiy gio-d tilUte0OUD domwn the t-humderlig appliS'Of Il -reat mnultitude that DO iian cmsa uni ber. "Being comaasac about w1tt- great a loud of! vitueusoS. On t-be tiret elevatbOn Of t-bMe ll ampitheatre. on t-le day oft oq0l"lS t-in sat- TIbertS. Or AMutt- S. tb ktegning kIng. 800, la th.eg« M et mpect-s*8tli. t w*tch oui v and l Ic fi -st-vdine s 041«7. m- ah lcal it, :ts Our Klag,meS On His head are DiaU7 OwuIb IReman ]Dpei'M <t Rishi' elI *4 conqueste; but oerI Ktng i* t-o Hi, place W t-Iaeboe ixeiled. and.tethoaa éw1pe t> t-be seuls redemed. 'flue. peror sat. -wti to16oiartn.&IOV ais ta whetlier hesormicr à lion beat: butu- ' K*UVS are ail vit-h lU& Nv. the. »11on«I7 o I. I. r I. s i s d atà Wt 4 éVht 9O àtà mbe etrkd te the skies rt-t MII T t ?è ' ct proport-lôd*ecw V"M with 4k W etSUUà6ë85 tb « averige Vit e uu*»w$ w__ mThe Ma.te tbl *me lvt- ta uie r atmhe__t e lem fr * 5t Ii5f l Tour ors.7etrem MO*t 1 o s h t réal Mdinerma property 1.te, D.uu vider e po« , paat-*ý bw Ir" e14eey8tigsau. *tb~<r 0ie5 fI# S «Olm. My, lu a cre et land »w *IL ro ey.iW m a.. ldet127 st ce.tleNesda- ~~ ~' Olas~st o -o -wnbîe i vhtW «é w ewi beksir l meil PafTwi býPort-lient quea- probeu* . t- be 7M 4nathle t.owns, If the'breaks «toett-bbulio s .bat w liUewordsd: a on t-e whlcl U rln. D . ý M K Plijh omn, tthe aoua net eosch ratura coul b. em> Ne w*lUg eSt- lionst bauva lt--l arai . fIbr lengart, eouus r* a rply gt nu>t- O $0an acre,'Or 10 Par eau ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ « rée;B ii asfru - . - a bat%.,man aletter publli lu nTtc Farinr' cent. per.Mnui n otheicproeat tarin &nk 0 = vàa ciA ed t-oe fi n ; Âdvoea* .: Vau e& Qoi!h i#Ibb t-bhferyU l A never-dylag sý o a s 111" caoli strve," 15»M Mr. MePiitt Aumà 4-gthénie, tbtatu by thle Bis~~ ~ eà m n u P ie t 8vi- a t t- for the ahI!son, 'to gve you a few detAi. tlst heI nte venion tof<3.v e ont, or- W vol ues. Ris bond Wvii d 1m l U& ýB e%@e I lo k sgsiii snd 1I nec t-le <sU eil Of resulta et w erk doue on m y t u sr 507'-pu t on I o M g O t h m ae t-bey Who eut- t- et-test in Ublut.' oui'depantedLl a. gaay of t-houe à.h i te n years ugo suAd l es r , and 10w Ik u ms tais -Pbo r a n u r ugersont-c 1 look agoI. -d sas*6 OWell <& et-ber gallovi.s va we hoard. On but- la don. . The naturie ad klnd o! ccli sgcta lno catSi nc~lI ser The x~ rd eyaeth0 e 0f Udmu. t< ~!and curldhmnut Of!lads, t-bis couuty lety Thra -be ar: ta 5<BIt-bt tboeevo knew. Oh! hew ufilIeoir la lugiat-and u!dy on t-be>out-h end, "daibeeu brought t-o.a par vIt-b Ur- swrgth c t-bat- Eck e ~~odln. g !Thoy emtat e- oi'tables, and vo tendlng t-oloin>, muid sud ay t- oMpluermng.arin fSr poodict-ve theeaîe Qte»d. u tru whtcb g aîkee t-o Uic boue O dd 0~Ila cm-vards thbe 1nort-l; 1usd bocut croppe d ~amuia t- bat- Hon., Mr. Flbam" thle t-btene o tht epland om i lpan. Rae tey geten~ , un? Thobe vit-h gaiTty ad aut-re trS>n 10 MdoeW ut-orasystoin 1ud est-abashd a. look* w y. orthe efie do laIn uf fatherms ud" in us at d inon t-he e sr t- vouen 85 eii Y si' «1140 m S*t fr C Aadian produce la tb tenble Bi. re -b guadin nges.road of lite. Are t-bey carelesa as t-o atu» t-vent-y uuad of inill cOWS , ii omarutet .tese vould b. t-h.eie- Tbet oee Wt-aed & Pa.dt-niro; this 0eue bat becomes of un? And t-hose chid- grow 80M t-e 1000 usbelsiaof grain -And ut, pigw wth hemr ptecte1d a c0kd i Th" t e bas e von,. do Uiey look on vit-h st-oi In-About- 40t-o 50 tons of liay; thmaiP hr olnge vt-m t-lieM ark pulima a selîOnt- ce tomupta5tioniil AU differenco as t-o vîcther vo vin or lamt vaine producedi d be About- $1000 O.T beg iodwoouldbc e lso!5a e U t-heue ar'* mensonger»se- light-t Thiom0t-litsbat-tle for eterni±ty? NaY; I smcansd the>eCash malesannually vould bho e,oaci. s. we, uld rdeWt-licMdm r.Ve tUic Pam" cbArmada On t-hothat- chili unnlng lt-m lind oven' your about $M00t-e 10eThis vould hotre la Uic vint-ci' 8,1655hundredweight,Oef rocks.L 11ii.turac<i Bonnacherfl'mliv- brou snd saylug, 4"F&t-lerdo fnot-fret; U.S5acresof clesaed arable land. Thce buttrreon22 unds of ltOd Sng lioesulit-ea beap or onie hundrcd "Mot-lir, do not vorry." Tliey re- crop produets sud value In 1896. ceebutt ter, r. Sing t p aitd104 Èmut-O and igtli-five . bouada copses member the day t-hey left -us. Tiey as toila-w: Illi aS-» aatured, 75. oine o!ebut-t-a r. S elugti.at 104 shl- llose, yonicr. chiated thle Christ-mas reunember thae agony of Uic last fai'Oý inlit zroduoced troin May ilt te-o C etuinge t-l4ic w. a ev stîane voi e carol e>ver Betl*.. utIl t-he chant- Wel.Thougli years la heaven Uiey tM.vS et.sn pounds; port prrt-urd ad$UIn62 s rk a wulvonal e awoke t-heocbepliei'45. lecat-ea.- know outr faees. Tliey remeabber o ur doed(e00plu ed -sud pastured On ni moldla suer vuliof$.30,W btrln<a tiens tod la thlebalcony of ineaven>. orrown. They apeat aur nmre. They Mix acres), 24,M0 pot-t-da; vomi calve5s ng for purcho-qed feed, mare, St- viii and erenadcd t-hi new-born venld vatch Uhim fgt-t for heaven. Nay, I od. 80;.Cured bay (froua 30 aàre), M) be obiomed, t-han t-be total promeutt WWiPPed lnaswaddliag othem ot ltgh't. sec t-hem rime up. sud eau over, an-d t-ou; cornu ensilage (26 acres). 750 t-ans;:itrfedn fbe Aid t-l-e, b olier sud mutier titan vave before un tueur recognitiont and gain(oatm sud, barley, 13 aCre). 64)cr.. val.. Wôlat-ier ding8000 o e AUl, la Mitcliaci, thte arcliangel.> To com»- encouragement. Tot- gallery la net- buelells (st-rau 18tu-l>'tgsu read. pa r vbul lel$1.00,0 m'orl e, matuian enrthlly bot gives dignîtY; ful. Tlcy ammkeopiig PlAM er iUs. The values prOduced Int-lmw y aresd, dtt-o cr ducai.e1.80p00wrofldthe but- thistol a oad ie'ertt-thetwOutY Att-ev vo bave alain thc lion, t-hey tabulated In a bu"sln-tike. Mtte- la.d~ -epoutv oe !th chuWlet-s of (loi sud o! t-hoten tliou- expeot- t-elicKng t-oCali US, uaYlng. ment and. ànae fCooerl muid time» ut-ext thoulganian«ela 1 "C=erneUp Mher!" Bet-veoitt-le bot UniranetaAtes @t Co-ope....tion.2 tink Go Iiit-e s Smlauge thtlie rah- fruem Inthebrou, sd1st-ud ot-pt-ae, Park ........................984 W0 In.Aaddition t-otheenorrnous addition suel ad t-lie et-tu.hesra ron-i m bow ad tadyn toe, Veaî caives ........ . ..........10040 t-o t-betort-uit-y et t-be scite groes lim, an te erahum.t teo»r- ei'Unt m riglit- bante d - out-put i-caches eight and a ha!! mil- vo. nertli e, oeaniaersgo fohm-tJi wbl In t-heu r o s ern ringlg iTotal frou May i t-e oct. 1 ...$2640 25 lions of dollars a Year, or a lit-tic bE!t- ven ear.he cmman, an go 6r.U tram lethe galbieycrylagi "o t-ho Ospaid for heavy teeci....... 60 094t-er t-han.$7000 a ycar for each 125-acre en thelie 1gbbehest.onteg-ey rin,"eto am hsepeetttlvlel Nw. br'ing on your lions! Whio <Oïn fait-lful until deat-liasd yau abai have TOta ........................ .$2040 25 tarm, $Wosot ent-0.< t wlot valed rcar? Ail thbe spectat-ors laint-he ange- a cioua!h"oa vleo h SY on ht h eunfr utrec Ili gallery are oui- friendise. He asll ib My licai-rs! shal vo dbla Int-le arena gTaentatai alue et t-lie ayin, btt-be rot-tira foMr.bueP-r xce iued s.e- «Ive Ris Angèeacharge over t-hec, t-Oor rIme t-o jota Our fricida la t-le gaI-gai n dt alu fthev va s 6,rkg,_-lie arsieraly Mi'. Mcherrons figures. ke-ep t-lie li alU t-b>ways. Ille>' aboi ler>'? Tbrough Christ- va rnay corne Iet val e ! t-le suamei'8 ve'k $6.- ie re bashcd upon heeze acýthof re heu tlie lilat-eu'lind, es- -leuoff more t-ban conquerors. A soldier, 426.25.& at-o1ît-r l aod deal o! tetna. wliicof>-ierd ýBumtotblmdeto!>2 i-Salir ot- agaIn, t- a h ste.ThOu dylug ln Uic hospitai, rase up la bei the ci'op saved wvus ues albad ceanh1t puio!h alk. ut- as- muat alalht ot agad lpOilt-le tone. sd addu;tleli- ootfn i-e,"ee ood -for uuproduct-tve ctt e edpanta f~h onya ato st-lea Oii-glon sdt-e.1drLagn suit- Hcvfl! e i ttendant-s put hlm back bOrSes. N6t- all, bOw"er, as a were oraazed\ todairy tai-ms tbnrr t-he Yunioanlend e ot." on bis plow.-maiasked hua vby lie net profit -vusderlved from, feeding wçyuld ho a fui'lber oc-operat-W.e sYs- ,Thugli Uic ucus er orewdedvit on iete"Hee!an" h hord t-h olal- cmtt-ie for beef, ftOin 11g99mund trom t-cm Invoiviig creai separators at Tempt-athe ,va haii, wtt-h t-ie sgelc aUofeav«,ea, uniOh!I vsolya-t-ele lo!f mik ,ot $2300. Maklng a sho rt-distances and butter ftact-unes lielpatikn, e, -lon dova theU-cnaéite u lgtomy naine!"'I vo-nier wlie- cash profit- tor t-le year a!f440. Inai- nean t-be. raiway bines. Tbe cost of Pro- hletrk ui'God sdon Intherfanst-b er, a tth-is bat-tle of lite laover. dition t- t-lits Mr. MePlierson deman- mct-ion %ould- be reduced t- t-be iowcst loap aurnaftea r ih aiil i u-srts -a leeal -i i aspeint. and t-hetai-mers' t-ernselves; carc*.05e! Ô bendlng t-rong aof brlght- -vriie -idproe u irfc, ho vouli deprive t-le trarn nuail>'ea! ould abare t-be prolits o! t-be Enter- anejelle faees, sud swiftt vînàansd and, vit-h.t-le joy o!rlieevea breaklng sabout $0 by i'eduelng l- otUtytbtpie ull esrvi-das llgit--uhg tet I ailyoi-,t-oday frin~a ui oul, v mxa-l c-y Hee! ucl. nv >' feeding JIl hi$S rps be t-be case with t-be sale of t-he pr(f -ie dtan f ti -hal y-ou. t-cai-er1 pna!Ourcseuleon t-ho tarin sud seillag anly ruulibeet ducts. It- wo-u-d lie absurd under gucb, t-he dust -an d u eo ft héea. heow', aUeor. iela leteaid. because O! conditiona t-o ba at- t-ho mercy O-f cOr»- thebopb Z-gtay ond.u ponicr? RWosae, A TALK ON TABLE MAN MERS. be&vyfooda purelassi aindi ed, a value petlng b de ePtI thelnli maget-s thoe Wht o«. p on#rHolaInfert-lUt-y eof$886 smumly. Thé arin veuispoeeofpt- la t-le agInsh mfarkt aU iJeroulali. and Daniel, sud IsAiali, iiinet- psy a osh i>dvideni t-he tiist- - ipb o rdce a en tier * sd Pli, u-i etr. ud oh s ens» for t-ho Oerbred asWU afttle tivo yea's, das ail proft-s sud sonne ad- andI n Ireiad t-bis.plan la entici James. Toore mt Noah., vaitiag for Underbred. ditienul capital vent la_ fotlaty a-fvi-b -li opa esute. a-, toolis. t-bd ail the world t-e comeintt-o icark: 1 couat te euricl t-ele andbut- a grad- lan otbco,p n thie ruabtuelsu maiM0~m WIt-fl thit-le ua- oi Thore are mou>' test-s ln societ>, O tly Increamed iidend' cu inov le saleo aoati -opo abllt-el 8ed, s iv;s. ud Joltheesna>. t ed gaod breediag. but- t-rt-ni>there is no vît-Miava, ixeldes adiing.t-e Uic fer- t-bat-under tavorable circurn5t-ioe lSt-&for tli di.Tesat-o i-e; inii John, msurr 0ne t-bSn that Of table Man- t-lit-y. The maximum erop valne sougit- euough could ho added, t-o-Mr. McPliOi- In ofreAoaIpc atll o i ie~ - ootaail 4 nar, d t-be 1of'5 sale pricea o!pork sud beef t-o -o the Ap-no!c apse-at-in orab!the ue aword as t-o Uioue t-cl-taie cs uoie.ie ru ef atallow a! t-le vast-t-et-abs ielUi lu.~~8 ui lngr.Qivia cashs T vr sudmlk $30 s acr tt or oregoing ostlmat-e being net- resulta benolngr.Gorou piit!Yewee Atbe o-cnos aît Pi vîYtbout- ieduct-lag froua t-e suin ladi lowled At. ye vere. etoaci.ye vere Altb oliO5tapirsiy xwodur eut.cat-c as t-le ret-un tor'but-t-ci. a pit- lpon! Toc>' have beon n lat-lits c let ocnefodtthmuh; Teigfi eofw titt-he knife vas flot at-ended as an lin- LqIMsae f lhrb h-giac fGV themmelvea; 1at-d t-le>' amealilwt-uh pliitecuves. ndtO icaou iet ofs Mr. iUc e ! -lI ltustat-y Ifentei' by th guudtancee! ov e[ Daniel tuova&I a.about- lions. Paul * ,ttit-13 anu uwrit-toa la.w that- mUn i etImthMe.tMcPturuSi 4Mta At-nie-s ton or >'Ui ers, xti->' for-sMx& fougit - wutli .beaest t-Ephesus. shouli not- oes«t-en roua thU O o!arisesfrheoatbe ct tat- t-t- e ias na.t- e-oi r-lanot lie rs vitinin mmxc Ia t-ho suaient smphbeitra.e. the iV«- the spoon.uand t-baîthUicuneetfa- tout--laci -e o Bt t %wbadvingcnOl ol a ndb h huad-e 0wna pIegot e a-itcit-bt -le> vul pck a-t-table la an abomination 111Uihe. bed. Bt- St-s futba'goa onxi-Dle --Oib't-etouaiinaa ere a b.e undscvmea-ood whenthaywcumd l isvius areb>'- the thonuagth lm ii, t'r wii about- tbi*vnthle gallcnles t-O the me; sgt-o aoltce t .Tooobieu aie At---' __________ : brai,4uitAet-tlb K1r nd0"uet. leave thtsimfor la-t-mi An -ï"- rearc so-calbid tleaeagsl aWtU 6 I-t-i t>' ptert- ch ast-is venld eut-!» ",FaiS bocti" "Huzaas! Huai!"ZRi-fa-tlts of etiquottequît-o as giai-- c-u--u t iib lBtbt-3 oe lgtl iau-gsor Cit-y liftet- Go la t-bat- 9mIlery, prophét-ie sud APO&ee àngIan it-hein "'a->'produced 115 t-onu O!haoy, Or >-96 tons uthe front- door o et -uc ariniometead. toe, t-bey ceanot- kecp their poaco. Who doos not- kaow t-le agon>' o! ait-- t-o t-le acre; t-be avei'ago croPIn luG1en- Danbl ciesout: "T>' ed iiide-ting at t-le table wtt-h onecWvot> vw <arr>'l1.1.55 touts t-o t-be acre, aud for livr -bc roa -le ou-l o Uc ios!"adible evideaos et t-bee omet of the provce 1.8tua O Oa or01IDLENESS ENCOURAGEO. - Daid xellun: "o vii lot mufc iei food?o-uni t-bis, perl'apm. la t-be s.n.ge328acrS«producedi 7W0t-ons. COr Lt-lu>'foot- t-obe move i Mlle alsOut-; Igravet-crime o!fa*"-Whotuas netouf 128.85 tons t-o t-hoA-cre. wliat'0a5t-haav-1VUr tapsumqeIdmrs mayi!" Fouiexcaime "Vctor' jone wbo does net-rolis. t-bat- Uicunj t-e -province ILSI. 1%c (Montai?>' av- -c.e "Farn F-oIun i- Ie ont l-Ific mbit-w ol>ei t-osit- i t oiy><je>'L4u 14.1, and for tb*oub o rd jasas Clst!e' Twt-i of tho baudkerolilef la a rite ef thele m ftr st-a s 14 biblS sd n Svlt-serlandbas attactaiUie Prob-, thrigh O e srn -ot-e s-toilette which requirem PrivacY aslu.rfey 23 bumbels. Iler e t 4ace A ! olsnad t-be provtàlii for t-arn fPobt.AdaOU an nlr h» mg ing t-eu ,t-o:1ÙM not ce sIi.l'eyutuc -b vikamueli as does t-le manineurng of t-he tunier thonMaurlauanAsmuinht-ifO neu t-lp t lolng erad bthelelali usil, or-t-be dxemaf t-fOCtt-be bar. 'have boeonor c-t-a t-b. Average >ieiîth abrn nu aa xide> e flut aaln~ sd Iu>ot-be <aller>' MLueruon, a perfect- type. alusys sudafr bot-I vo-ah bave aggregat-i 4 vl0a8r mni'.Iasliueo locoknatyt. Wi an t-t-1 uha ti-f urnion ver>' clncuinstance.of a .t-lue buabola- Mr. McPboTo t-anhhd 60st-at-e industriel usurantco, ment-ion 0£ - mtsur uu~4i a vuh flt -poo-gentiernan.bas net- dfliadInci ais The net- encouragement- Constvng uliliareorsfi>' beca mmdc.ROO-iV - er gsee tor -hbtru-Rpescbi uld se&Plic- cM>on "tners't-Ys>'a word os kept- t-betaai ila g <the ut-at-il > o sulreorthefi-an. Sv it-era ive I iedt-ie igit isoit swinging te Uic t-o table etiQuetto. '«I prayruty cer-j ttilty vastheretore a SUrpiu ven av' -b-otalse tbtpa. e wial>' ti 1 dpetelugt ret<a -- -i -ia-par.lon,', sy. the philosopher."'flit e eaecof !54 t-onu f et ls>. 13U3t-ana mheeO-f nrlg aent -i eso 1!escp--o.Wi>aeta-au> viabea for breai -t-oast me tor breai, oretcon, and 244 buabols o! grain, rt-".- bi>ont- Gvas ebut ght- et a c F femx U t-a-ndixho arei sd t rY- andIif lic vides for massafras or arme j sotint $1693On 79 a',t-e usO' nationl looincuit, but-s vas net da-- s t ix Th>'a-e tsix TIt-OliSand aiO tnv uic t-e ast me for t-hem, and net t-e thlng et t-le othler 46 acres, wbih Po- tue- d u o Coatols. Berne lane t.c 1 a,, heyan he heb - égin, hOhou ootie laplat-o As If 1 tnew ai- ducai a net- revenue o! $300lanthe G t-ri t-o Cntonah ern eY sud SL p, ded or he 181th. ere18 à lMerread.'wsumer onte.adoptai the plan ever a YeRr a90- t butin aid Sigt-ftr tbommai-e A<atu maYsthe sage: "The maien aet Asug.es'îom <>b» BesieZurlel anduiLausanno are vver? dre amdb4 o nms-l tle ouacutio bler tiret bail, t-ho countrYmmAnat a cit>' Raving themo i'esalt-5Ina ind, SMd muetat-eiest-Oi, but- bat Action t-bey c> eih fioclistondtfierséatins'dinner, beleves t-hat- t-lera l8 a rit-ual minitel.t-oe, t-hat ni>' a tew yearsaa W in takste la mo-et oya. lheBerne k O ocFletta. o! nde a Id aleracoorilg t-o vhlch ever> sot A-ni cea i-eIstsirm> vasonoeettheUic aer 1929%, Pian dmars essentlal>'froua t-l iat r cku Itqâ. W of ..lia>' vendngeoi-plumient- must b. ýper£fed -iior t-le M-. Mephermea auggests t-ba4 t-,cther It GaIL. lathe toi-mer Canton It 18 let g tetkli a. hile £1004 w«e i-sgt-erm. ng et-'mut becImt-ont of t-i> sparatel>' or la cornblia. thet-(C)O- t-o t-e le eti thUiclaborer t-e agune'Or Ithe Orne sou w too vhpei o deat-li b>'presenice.liater t-be>' 1)*Sm!thMtlta-- Od tarie aidDomiion Guovet in- not-sas le plusses; I La t- (au oacI a. neamwg'wj f ont a- t-: enue snd cbsracter mate t-loi oW ut-lt-ut-eexpérimnta alomgthe linos t-ha-t- ft-t-5t ure.lTe bltis of t-le Berne Umm=; aoté w a- Im oc;termes avor>' moment ant-ispeak or ah- le liasadoptai for, t-he ImpvoMut Or. ystamn Sa au, folIo-a: lThe olag pecb â'fuethr W» oam a ms At-'t->v.Thntle' t-in, tekle vine or refuse St-, ua-yor bis olwU piopert-Y' pie, lt-orer aMi pr'ofessions&meut are t; atre t-ooth artyr. > g-o-up lu boa-go«.ait-nla airm'or gmtrai vit-b chili- "Saune ia>' b. Inclidt-o sut t-le a n uijt-ci uid»r ouaneaies. el arc- amtoetder 18 Jat E raord, ulo iorn on t-be 00v. or ut-ani on t-hein question, Can thon i-oat-a be mode son insured pays elgbt-cet"sa- mnt-. i veu lidr àJhnB& rd m& ,or uliat élue soovft Sna ucu<etoansd beoaacmIt- b. 5c0ut 1150oCit-y Iat-he Canton contrlbute * sa inthut i ré. "Weabsoai Rtave nia-Alt-or MÀ adt-ha- tsroug lirluetip?9V li>' weu'r t»OsueS a& que.- «M *, fi-m M(135»Memberu must- lave Vitlan et-be a.l loekiug? Tolu a nl5 lIi- tTSI-t<G'la v alu ru W 1 'n fe t i, xauoe *1t-v aeer ,bs-et -icslut-a-tion Suif a-part o! t*0ucàunti>' O! KasI lu Ii sa't<Iva e c , "Rail! »snud eMW t1;l eompsed ê t klk.t he it.a .sv 1~ii mumce aat-bi o &Lm tbe r'Bive ' a] . )5ie~pua la tn St- uraen tbsnA"myter l m i g me a»her m. b" wre calk zMwE. beer '.t Min. 't seacitt-ehlos. M* tVlaS 5 5ut- 0 t-- kwy.MLar Ou a Moms m lathe lnmt4 WM rioit4 li l- et-- _ - 1Kiat.rj~5f*.i Và.uf Idnod te Woy opers yaro Am. hmvy, soit end waim, and seh xDabnisI s 6 oeu1.ip hinthe boit, We à"* bochstion uinm 8yisg uitt gSd m*e -om d, the.bbIàa&b vW sivo Msosfor £fteueu ii It te 4h. bout,* 1 ' th ie ob.sos»L leo tisa beoeyou pet au infenir blanket on. your steed. ~, w. a-ma- Il. iUL-304i madsay wnlmis. BARGAINS! Bý1ARGAINSI CH EAPER TRAN EVER, -00008 SLBEIOW COST. W . aiseé hou on bod a i s.tO *k f o s Mmai munti 00 o&1; sli@ --FÂNCY GOODS -- W.* aise do Drffal Na: imme Naktm ia t-he very>LatetstSyles. GIVE US A OALL The- largest Circ IfUit a n ULSTSR. FUl that you ame hkely to u1.9- 4ma JOBn w Tho Warder. au1ation of anv 'Palper in tb e Idland District. I GOGOS ARE MYOVING obey muaLt go faster. IR CAP. FELT BOOTSl u», nStaTHIN or b-7ANOD RUBBERS aesth ti.qu&lity. o*mn dprume OAKWOODU WORK 01t au d Gabom ' caanestly &ad promptly Lame st116"hWardoes Orna. 6,41 1F5 W*,, *AP .SFDP&S. Grsai Cuesud Saucera Gitg Pleinfer ChikUme GualTm ~pole, iPota. 4NPATIW >LS b a: 'J