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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Feb 1897, p. 8

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e os ~wth m ,. fIo o et 5.5n S nutoe ao lirs wheilti MkII iI Iro Lad It 1baî. VAWU4 th" aba fe 0&atbetrcktà bumlhod,* S& zwBa' Mdawar vabe .It W, a 0t* Aiiy.more than the flilnt uS% C«m% iiUn »traUwhat would 700,4. , 'or te toaià thir. h=ght00= 1hi 1I inc; you vouit wetl aSseat am lU&e Jacob, thre lielonau aibit le t break of dar It WOald oIOtO tsem-. Uba Muon you tàan votil ite. "daWhoit kcarne, O0 f, to ti»lI WIBat a sermoa t soalsi bel Iftt oulti b s higiras theretms= deil Aui&as deep ao tire le«. , * M; it wouhd @tir tireheRr t fthe v*Üth and WltJi a strange as wet unrest, "Ad.tierir ouls Would yearu for a glati te- tura r o tire things they knew are best. ânui the luner. tire.n lirtscour p.w, as sang as B man-could-be-, Sirould suidea teel, like a trohe et steel, Tiretrutirtiratwould maie i froc.- If he would but heci; and the meblng beart, O weary under -Its load,, Would. laugir and sing Ilke a crazy' thlng, For joy et the painful roftL. Aind thre Bunday paper should b. accurel, And thre women forget tirir whist, £md thre ehildren's play for tirat *ne day .Be nover a mioment mlsoed. It would be for ail sucb a goodly trne ÂAdth e stars -ln their courses kilow ,Vhen they a re al out with a l oyous shout, And the earth lies afili elow. But lt will flot cone, it wili flot come,, Tihe serinon we tin.woUld write, XItle evermor, just on before, If it Isn't waY out of igut; But better so thana to sSillng gor là thre way by the feollih troti .MM un do aur best with -a maaly sent, And leave the test to'Goi. * -John White Chadwiexf The ?opes Wousehold. Pope Leo XIII. leaa very carefil bousekeeper, and accordngly ire bas provided for the budget cf thre Vatican for tire yea.r 1897 long &go. Thre ex- penses for thre year wIll foot up fully seven and one-half. million lire ($1.500- M0). Thre «St. Peter, PenoeI e st5 idi one of the, large*t sourees ofthtie Papal Incorne. It le contributed prluclpliy by thre poorer cla.es ln the, varions Catholle countrien.;but. if ailCatholieS tu thre world acre te par jke etir exrpeuse of thre VMàcx mac 'thMre-quarteM «0<&a-« t ropi Swee luiir gufliclet o.Us MIDepartmeut of State," wht* le man- agedA by Cardinal .RampoU ~the Le- gations ln France, ÂuWtr1, an Portugal; the. minces ln mueBa- varia, ]Belglum and Braxl &ud tire other dioatie £ eem i o f thre. INoly Sec cout aet Ieat 1AO,#* lire. Ttc Cirdtnals' Coliege, omMmisthce lx Cardinal Bishops, 52 Cardinal Presta end 14 Cardinal, Deacons, coute 1suotirer 2.000,000 lire. This luctudes. bewever, tire Incorne of thre four CutIfitals In tbe Palace, thre.15 CaTdlnasib aioame prefecta of c<ngregatLis ad the.six Cardinale ln charge of Paval Cabinet ofices admintotries. ë rme item 0of cost te the hooaffl ppt p At thre -iead of tinsle -the .jërdci. then tire high cirambetiai, tie onr- * dine.! auditor andi the nnster-of-tiie- s a m oong fa trr igh charrges are thre secret = 181n% aliof whon tour are alWayâ on duty; thre master of aima, tire maeter eof c« onk4t me- retarles and pra-secretarlee,. aseors, chiefs of various office; thre enuployes of-tire Museum, of. tie galledesut e tire Astronomie Observatory, of the Vattcan lbrary, and thre Uwm Gurd and Palace Guard of, Catirolie Noble- mnen. Thre finance or Mew Vatioau are manageti by a bureaun narnedth ie Papal Ciramber. nait vWightew 'Wei ilapop)ulaiiy wippcesd, ul-General Boumu. tr traitirhe Interestinhibull S]rain l18 lagging, but tfie' case Indicatelhtia, If anytt Intereast la rmore Intense Tire remnuneraticin roceived tadores, front the figures1 ..per. to, rank wlth tirai the Étar operatie singeraý try. j3Drng'tire buil-figil 4ro Ari ~to Ociaber Zi ivere ee figIatS uSp valueti ai$M@0, ired, ai $2M00,000, bw rof maades thre pf l who killei ii uWm 1 wesii fortiroir oe Ïbout ru,00~elia lmaoe.rovfrs m ~a&. dot..ila t"ick - fhy wiletr the a0 acm w ied la 4 ielmonsA 1451 43 fines, kifeti U2bulleou A .vasml hi !smd qes viof e i.late p4m -x poêt ipt S t 1 osThy e Ue"UB UNS t< cfprosentini imeàsasto IvropiiîpSinlattir' auna la b>gIvýe em 'iciro s na& A lao3othveIL <ciao carefil expert Utaveom maie l In gla thire 1f ta Ioeo~tt! m 0traiMlle&~ orls-f w i lsl fikvil-" -<1-w- - ia wAr ubyc. -fS - - Ze eesAt .say t- 6luM lisi cml itieo ud aIf y 5.t. ei «essai eIeucles.by *Mt& .A k prvngti. eortios cfvate mat- ubM cm »am ~. sud theSatmouuibere about It "INN - sia b àm s. *M gcnet t.<0 If c» w . mt «dimetthe rire- aters èîma olti rs te. res mat me:U*4Z theS' 4 Oe *1. hisi *x dlffn'elaitis .a l dimi ve si dry, 4" owfi Un.inui aet tireeý 47itb ume baody iy 4wste motter, ISor sli gyar- 1=9 Puta ouai t~ ime emre 4vaod ai saoil mna th nivle m iM ot t4anl Wlire domesCleop&tr&5body test? out h rsunilopaten, bv éi Iscarcely e. laynin Who woold not au- tarem samt thie mm et it end I om-user: "«Why, lu Egyit." Altterh mended thre substitution or .11k. To- cajoleries, bier w$le&. ber lUe af intense mttala adry aturospheeaibouit tire If not exalted loies Ceotra*ra was body Iil là uoossryte c«n7yoff tire - Id l40one dthre looi sttoma hta tucisture exoreti irtai hé m «setshave ever been <asb$oard by tirhe.utid sa It l a roduffl. A"yrmai teratir 0f man. But wiat achaigeSM00 y..r absoils asi tilminates moisture re- bas brouchi aibeuti Toi yan ngly quctaftt-i anot mg table for akin cov- mumfliy with an emablematice h of a eriIig, white tire one trot moi readily decaycd sheat tuti e. co5.T5 <mb tieti aiboorba moature and dries mont rapiti- ta Ita ireai-mee rail of tigitly swai- ly la tiretuet perfect for tht. urOs. ed dirai-lies crumbltng I a hideoua While woo>l absorba moisture,,especial- glau case ait the British museum. Il. îy In tire fort of vAmor, alowly, it le Ciecpatra, the once great quecu, a irolda a large quoitlyasd 'Cries very Venue ln cirarm, beauty and love., ',To aelow1y. On tire other band, linen ab- what base uses ma.y ne uot?- etc.- orbe moisture amost Smmeliy and tii.Paul- Magasine. drles qutikkly. 81k. raulca next to linen- I irygenic -qulliles. It absorbe mois- îwrFvinfoWre. ture andi dries less res.dily than linen,, prln o 4mn ,but more rap id tan wvoul la' lower farniins undertake by vo- The ongr à ôolen grmet Wmen la by no means unitacrative.1 or-the loe voollen eI eoe; aeone friend who tle dolrtg well aurh for tre mre n,n-iyllit berometa; a Violet tari n d aPPle crcbard. An- it undergoee hI ashlng decreases more other lady, Do longer young, but with and more . hoPoproslty and air-holding an tndOrultable PIuck. comPelled by cspacity. .%Tie aIirokltinlu e garmeut cIrcurnataiices ta make her own Uivlng. la tire réaI protectivfe agentcosif- started a 1i1Y tarin làs asi suner lu a en tir te textures wiriob are mont remiote country Village lu Sussex. IE easlly Permeateti by air koep oue a3m gla.d to saY ese la succeedlng wSe. varmesti. For tris roasan a. porous derfully, and besides lier Cites d!»pre ien la more higeutetitan a simothoui f eggs. crearm lsirolts and other eue, andi a lihen-mesir £&brie la the gairenProdUce, witirout dlficuiiy. mosetdemble aue for underwear et 1 Anid my friend was a Londonr womnian sny season of tire yeux. Iwha irud hati ne Preovloua experience If women gonerally»coulti realie tire ln country .ways andi doing.-From the, beautlfying elteci of linen underwear Gentlewomnan. ou tire skirt it would ire universalY ai bteth iem. The sallow. lîfeles complexion. frequently .seen lu wearers et woell a- due te tire overheatilng ofet _____________ the oter sia andtihte Conséquent weakenig et its funetionia Thtis cona- LY f]R dition la coMmunicateti te tire muer ..OCNOEI.. skin. or muocus uaeusbrae. viricir la aE"iMoe dbS. omusoee4 egai.:ovm crontnuation et tire outer .sukn, anud OmiQ s n e% ns, In U Ls lias ailtir prthe à Vgns ikat- UMM » A mig e b" pâtet 16 m ever veakenatire o«ter &skia ti....SMW la thre botivlty qof thi and theciru ______________ culatiorn-ni b*g t te varia thre ir hi Itas camard passagetire ais ~pcol'ae. . stla i dproduces- si U1 P*mwi5ua sud. al i Saitenders vil b. e elvedtib he ilus of puhueusry troubles. Tes nde»4slanti th fe $ad da of àrb affections -la tura reoi upen tire skia &,D. 1197fS a, fie patof L:th.busines te ls turtire dr iimnt. lie tact tirat crredonudor theaSm naîuneruofaJ. a, estari .la- grippe and ti tier troubes WRDo & Co, aet the fo'wu efT Lndaas l et th1 is asIbave booum 'ore grevaient th1i of Y tVictorioon.sUg 14a, *Ince wool. hainbecome a favorite ta-écot waMtiDUry, i nlas ats, cua teria tfor lotlalng 'tire* shirtla sortby F%a aM y-biade lfm. of Considrutioan vieu glvlng tirougiri 40 C= te hIWlnieand unygenle clotirng. cB T &fW N - jr* mVENTEL Datai 80110fotr ExcakX. 164m« timcoter qft.1 FrTe0We o1 c im oni v sifctIts ]Kou" te MI*O tempemef e.If a iii. leouof i r Upon -atesunlight. t Saeir mm$ 08a= ds.a., e euov untier tire blai kplIece of p 4e Ua . tabme 14 &W et mvA. bocomms more ropiui ttan tire tSM, auoenjIew s.%àu r ea"u ivus s nos untier tirewhite. Tila la n1- B Lulwusê,a ai Se isu*8tdmà"-= lustration et thre ftuetiraitiak lb mgu0l O- W fiYSsetb- Sofli le" stnesamit ie.bé ~ a.t v wM..Mai l. » am "loimmet tire same way. tire .lsriethe coer 0tIlaum Ve l.ado-e, et.0e, a so11 thre do th si &imam" trecoeie armet i lo iTh.le dai k des. i. à m as u the magma c "olr of aoile la genersily due te thre M) ie t*t« 1premouce 'et décmupose rswanic ma*- amno.Uu bsS ter. HoMos slse ic In lu umus are'i __ 5h munu t gieerlly warm SOIlaS Flo - Mato lm @mm eto . au 5 âs. bav Mui. ~an.e- ms""*j.,IS am _Mthm eau as tu l ca .,-e vas a g una .10.anti ie a 5U SSeS , viSon àda :ry <ois ;iiii .O la i s tore thre oî"er y sndasaidte totire NaW 15h laja obhi., u clerk: "Ivo beeu marristi twenty-live jsas, anti IDever gai my wite a pic- ..sent, snd 1tin ougiri te celebrate Keep up hope. There are 1 eLa d wyM ifthme9th gouuandi of-Cam swherc re- Préen~t" h 9« h iehe stock rm ' : and ügflte mân thngetirai oulti proai ieue ie iri ie, but coui not C "cayIon8UIfptioI 1 uit the Ie olti i'iUey tire manr as beencomplote, ?lent :~on~.' ani l'l 4tirau4 of fresh air and a welt-nour- 1 ave M.y vite Mise me a WiIt"-<tBon- tua xnati.ashedbody vf check th- usaiUts -~ prorcssfthdheâc. tue m ottwo tfeoxe l. eoregit oir Mâa es. a th* *kOa*Cir 6=g iritiusf" d~are w el l mth*f wY>i btth bestfood of uil -turb thé. tooeach, anulthe bo4Wyscum the whole beâ*- Sw of tbeaoutu. mt M - - 1~bo le * m fq u a q ui l i <IEWELRY REPAIRIt4O Our Watchmakm. hamethe élU .aerg, ability and- fiae tools ta do YOUR WIORK* PROMPTLY AND WELL Our -Prices are Moderate, Givouas a tuiaL Whave pleaad thUada s eca pissasySu OMM&&eROIÂL.Mr LlndeavMlil M mflUS-. UtiOffl d $~-muomn de w lu 0Sui~0 Ofi la 4-ue faisSà, Mm- . a... u 6 0 - S U -i . .. .. -efwea OMM - - as, foeulm rift" 0*44ffl »Q* .* .~<,esw et@ . SS SSsh 1 -àL ass. a th. ý*m 00*1r éck* a gos, iad otho~ WtWbÏO" 1by Our Muoe beng tholz Say. ~kqsdsg* ovu ywhoe yopu ésu bc fi aiixfslurrs rebothered through Wd thmgIack Of work sud money, we go ituii4p*Ic.naidas we buy we oeil inj th., »Mae Rb"rui piril, GRAND OONSOLIDÂTE D Wage - Earnuers -Sale!i 510k .Mtg JE finlshedand -a -me pla9n 9 gnow for thé uext season's work. Ti, .no Urne for hstto.w.eo0't i.tow ait for profitable ieelling. The Overoo0as snd Uister, the Winter Suitsud Kurtivsbfrsn i Ht-the whole oombined sggregation cf stock ini aur greafi storemnst m t the grad bc-nce!1 Here are a:fe mgetto pnoes:- 75 Meu' Overcoatand Ulatets, madie NU long, tun beck, double breasbd, usual prie. $8 go nos t $8 56 84 MWe'Moeoow Bouvet Overcoat@, largevelvet cl- lits tweed llned, double bresat, neyer solt lma, tism 7, ill boaold durinc this ale ......... 490 43 Men'a Pricas Ulateoreut feunsud long, uaaally sold at 88, go now ut........ ................... 00 56 Flue Men's Tallor-made Overcoata, beautifilly quIlteti, sllk lined; these ceaie are made equal to thre best customn work, never sold leu tirait$8 jour cholce at.......... .............70 40 Hemvy Nal' andi Pilot Pea Jacke ts, wa!rMl 11us veli cut., they ansWer tire purpofe a *inter ovorcoat, never seld lesu than 47.50, net prie.ab fils sale..........m........ ....... ..... .. 376 100 Youth' Overco<ts, matde trot hoavy beaVo $6 tics. coats are sold for, bring yu bo &Itou vs vl fit hlm fo yeur aatWwfaon aItitsaf for......................................... à 21 1»0 Nom'. Buslneae Sotta, tire pries previeus te thue aaevas$811, go nev at....... .............. 600 40 Hsavy Tailer-ruade Scotch Tweed Suita, have' ony ob. showu t. b. adrlrd. vo have boom silnthem freely .1 $, j our oole. durlag fiasale for .............*.........«.-,.......60 28 Prine Albert DieuSu ifs. handsomely lined and trimniet, Impossible ta detect the differencé be- tween thes suite and those made by custom tallora, $16 tire price«, during this great sale your hiorce for;........... .................... 90 190 Ybutirs'Suits, ruade tram ail wooi tweed, the workmanship, la wurranted, the ct la the latet; they go at~ this sale at. ........ $4.2-7, $3.50, and à I e7 othe' Dress S ut,, made fram fine black twills, *âne farmner. satin Iined, eut lu up-to-date style; reduced-from $8.50 te.,....................... 4 50 145 Boys' Suits, double breasteti, madie trom all-wool tWeeds. New patterns of muterials, usual price 44, reduced te....................?2 50 and 2 25 78 Children's Suite, made froiniail the newest de- signe of ruateral, usuai prce $.50, we have doferruluedto alet thien go ut. $...2.25 $2 and 185 MI0 P"lrMen Tr'ousee1matte freim strong tweed, i"uaprlcefLO, reaucedte t................ Several brokea lUnes of- Fleeced Underwear, sold at 50ë, reduedt te .................... .... .... 2 Bos' Knicker l'ents.....à......... ............ S Ifauboyasks yon <'how wo do W' tell 1 hem "you don't knowl ad don't care on long lâ vou eou b. uited for bal prioe. aid under"' 'ÂLWAYS, GOOD AT GOUGH'S."P LINDSAYO W CAN GIVPOS1TON-opeoe. sim ple ofablly.Agmb4 Bok- XA*«14 bglm. PWm Wlbwa V7B woutb imom 01000to 05000,- b" a dbecome "Wlo ith U&a PF ,tI els u m fflm - « Q & luatte 61 " 7 al r T H LNSOT, saumTeaMUO, COur. iii heWoodedul Che.p Oohhiers, DUNN'9m-vgq « BAKINO-. IISRWING MAcmIeS 'r '0f" b"sfmkutuw l Otisl MoeY. I (Oir.e W- -a ~--~ aasuWu w Ciels le . PORT HOPE. a Kun a C O. nSe UUNN &600 SU .aiSvNe.w PIPES, OIGÂRSP TOBÂC01 IrOR EÉVERYBODY jEtmndreds of arlioles carefaUly Iu.joed o suit the limes and th iuuouwants cf My ~~ and I extend a luvilsio â il. Cao1 aidmû.your sloif '%%la years sumste About t v '1s Sf,

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