'4 6EEI TlIAT THI3r' 4 MILE - as'.- sud I V oilu; espcclliy iiiha visa Lesvecuuorth." «#A vonian'vho coul do sucb -a lecd seul e thc list t tbliniequivOOte adfaint," reetel 1.. "Give me the key; lI et rse." lb." -Se oonplaceuy put lb lu 1m7 baud. eIl la bhe one va vaut," usl ho. 'OI getling out ef thatl I reburried l. -If, ah. lecitxs ah. fa Innlocent, I viii belleve, ber." He aared wvlth great amazsenl. "TYon have streng faithlnlth1e venn." lauglidl he. III hbe yen vM iiive te tud Ibein vonthy eftlbv 1. bal no.repiy 'fon Ibis, sud 'a short, illence ensued, Ot blrokea by Mt. Mrt. Gryce. "There.* la lut eue tblng lit tW do"sailie."flo. yen vii have te request Min Leaveavoabb 10, -ome lovai. Doe. ot aiama ler, 01117 sec that she Co mcs. To bbc receptioti =lou," added li e bcman Inca- («. No scener vere v. lef t aloune Ilan I *ade a lucretIn t t Mary, but lie stopped me. : "Corne and sec lb ont," wbl*ered be. "Bbc viii be dowa lu a momnth; sec It eut,*you had best."l We bad scarcely entered the receptioii môoni vwhen Bleanore Leavenworth carne "I bave beensiimmrecd here," salI the, directinghlerseif excluslvely to Mr. l3ryce, "by an Individual vbom I tale to e b.la yeur cmplori. If se, rnay I ne- <nest Ibat you viii make veair ishes Irnowu at once, as I1arn qulte erliaustet ansd arn lu great uel of test.'# 'Miss Lcovenvort,b" rturnel Mn. Gryce, rtubbns lii. bauds tégether sud eanng In qulte a ialberly manner at the door-knol. 11 amnverytyrry 10 troub e yen, lut. bhc fact la I vlsb te asic yen-" But ber s Bbcstoppel blu. "An>- thlng lu regard te bbé key vbiob that mnu sdouIlles.toli von .me me Stop Ib b. ube?"e "Thee 1I MusI reffme to. alkawe amy FI*uctl.n PuOWlug t. x bave notpila te uay en bbc sub=etuiase tlaltblV' but f it et a. subsia Sat too-that le vas nlhb if h. tMil lmS Kbai lbhekey. lu bIdigc>b.tm sonand thal I attembCidteocss ilt la bbc*,ashes ofi bbc gt!t. But taeh ad airady vIlaaa 0 thc e or. "I pery ou te exoffle ," sasidshe. "?fe argument vo; 00611 ad- vance v ouid make amy differeauce lu rny debetmiuaoin, tbiere tors b ul be bta vast et0fencrgyou leur pete1 attempb aay." And ltb ia MIlba gtance luInMy direction, 1h51 vas not lithout Its appeai ath. qulty hflt the room. For a momnt lçr. GOrvoosI<1:S Ing ai tuber with a look cfor =-tmtr est.then bevlngaimntmbt10thlic reuna In bie bornage, he hastiliyfolovel lier out. I bad scarceiy recovered from lb. surprise occasonel by bide unexpecteI movernent, vheu a qulol step vas beard Iluthb. bail, aud. Mo»y,' Bnu and auxieus, appeanel at =y aide. 'Wbat la Il?" midailse, ' Wliat bia Eleanore been saying?", "Aies!" Iuavwerel, "she bts Dot 'al anythint. That ile bc ouble1, Miss Leaveuvontli. Tour cousin gewmrvea a retlcence upon.certain pints chat le vcry paiufui -le viUnesa. Bbc ouglt 0 unlerstand that If she persa l oiug *'Tat wvbat?' Thene vas noe aual- lIsg the fearful suleby that fremptul Ibis. question. "That she cannel avol lb. trouble thal viii ensile." For a mporent abe abool gazila t me ,,itb great, bonro-sîrloken, tIcrclinlons cyca;then ainilus bock labo a chair, fiung, ber bauds aven ber face wth tbe '*Oh, vby vere ve even honnI Wliv veto v. ailoved 10 live? WbV III v. net perilih wilh those ehio Mae un blrth? " In the.face et.*angulhsi 11hIisI1 conl, net kcep alibI. isthere no a cause fier snob déipair as Ibis. Tetrnémslob !daký'b« 1rnpenetUiale. Tow ur cusi Wvl )so. to mton, sud la explalalut-" But ah., deaf le mv vondi, aid agal nlsen te ber. icet sud atool lber e~ ln an altitude atîrnt apauefm>l "Sorne vomen lu mv position w6i go mal!" ulie vblspcred, "madlt ml" 4 $11am .orry te eave," I sali, "ai.' ot havins affonded yvon suy coudent. Beileve me Ibat 1 axa vewy axig te assist yen. le thèeno ne 1. cms seul te veut aide; no iouaufriffluam relative?lIt gs al te l"eve pa atom tn bila bouse et snob a bm. "Anud do o yn t pposet," mai *h,"tuai * Illul remaintugbea?*Wby. I Sot lIe.Here to-nwglt?" "t1h.ong ubullees2 doe& »1r veY t, tblý . - 41tla %u* a&4 luepmmw____ a biaul v"ls «ue'ew shoffle& = 7«n sionl do @me, Me »0 ne ntrIbst. Ur ba_ n~eaveSegto the fb. SIGNATURE i s I X2~~1~~UIi. '"'.4,. I l lent estugcrneabfrei *4 10b- u lv lXrvei. *%tomun prucc 0fr raube of the bouse. bbc aooMthtli oet ber *rd. boee, uv1 a MYMMf ouatinl-regard te tut mt bnots, o, é»u« thel to, Mnme u al toi, £mm the ba"ud o! nm* orn emoau.- I=la reitt 0f tbe lau m u va Vrst teIlef tom&u. I bA td farelvt »Oro9w >1d hoUp uase 08tht faua ~OF- t I t' Sto 1t r t.70 1 tvs et ivut* a-cme . oaluSi te the~I ~ 1 >L lufr*hieuI entreâtyte loo010k UiS»- i., b fr heC UIPritb Who cmmftt" N aamis out befQrc hlm. "It muSthave" oses snm* oMmmn burgiar Or dempe-. ado; c vo etot iaIut inblietho, te E *M .110e attitude vaà BDNo boclng, bor < ihole aoraaCe no, flwàm "5h. isquêb. M4 peallac& tbal K1s»WM. GOelV590M.be otb*bole tt, te% tenauce rI4m with supprim559d eUoiO1Oiiand theni wb4 w0tO1i though lis ee neer lett 2lb. cofte- 1bal orF ît 0 f k swiïïc" i anup ugos v lit.lub" xtO4t'itlt M oniy, qWV oj~tete - Ab.dAW bLer firit mpproach. 1 droppétel b.newp~j S e -Ton muet finI out-you oS." elle. îovnsstU u ýW.b=S hu,> . vent ou--"Naanab, tbc girl vho te Ileve, c et oUahVt* os fli top the tone, munet kuov ail about ILSet erbtelegrsp'bboy, wbom I expO«tl«V-017 tor lier, blica, ransack ti. vori, 10o moment vili a message roun 1fr Vi- anythJng, my property- lua t Y70 U W i ev. -By mnrne great go0.0fortune I 414, ,rosai. I1viii offert a rgc revrd Morand takhlg tbhetel$gian frounfiseband thc detecilon-of.,flic burglar wbc diII 1openel At ountliché st top. If ýWS tbis deed." from tbe proprieter of bbeliotlIMS Mfr. Gryce slowly rom ."Umiss Les- whlch b M.; Tey va#then stoPPlng enworlli," nalI lie, sud then stOPPcd; and masu m: thc man vas actuaI1y agitabea. 4"Miss wagngton, D. 0. Leavenvoft.h, I1 didnot >neel your Ver? Mr. Uvoee*ê an: 4Mr. Vceley bouching appeal te Incite me o Mr ut- labir inat 11W boffl DI.Neenot modt luty lu this case. Persousi sud iliovu hlm te^Wgr&;M, feartgiresits. prsselonal -pril. vere lu tlzenuscvesWildo so as accu as #alvisahl. suMcl*nt. Bât since ycu have hon«eelTROUAIS LOWORTHT. me litb flua expression or your vilih- 1 vent lu~su., Wlyi7 iesU» en es, I viii not conceal froin Yol thal sensation of relief on mv pat? Could 1 iali feel a certain increasel Intereat it 4e that i bal uuconuclously been Lthe sifair from this bour.' What g - rceraigaltetdedO motrtai iman can, I viii do, sud LIfu lniy toeu cbrlulu a atetr,ýQel"0 eue moablit'rom. thia day I do not corne coul kaov no veil the - scrt sPr~iag te yen- for my revard, Ebeneser GryCe, which governedla isfamlly? Wh l»m *la not the Indvidulua'I bave ,alvaYu coul so effectnslly put me upoIN bbe "Ake ul tob.. riglil track? Was lbt possible that le Evrttaymond. hééitated teo l "'Wc vwiii mention no naines," ail the truhln lu ny-case? No, Ibat shOul he,, sentit vavlng bis.-band 10 sud fro. neyer b. sald; sud sitins dovu a511D, A few minutes later I left the bouse I drev eoutbbthe moranda I bal m11aI sifli 'MISSLeavcuvertb, tbe bavins sud. iooklng tlic arcfully over, vrOle testifled ber viali that 1 voul accemt- jagaingt No. e thc Word musplclnila pany kwr ,te tebc-borne of ber frieul Igood round cliaracters. 1Therelno nea Dire. Gilbert, villi hom dibal"de- Conlsaatm, tiaioI asa. aman to cidel to take refuge. Au ve rollel . lide yï abvtbn ae rs saya lu tbe carriate Mr. Gryce bal seelus wtiat. la oue wviblrine daims 10 been kind enougli te provide for us, I1 comelilesa, ouli be consIderel at Once notioedi my companio*lea st a look of an almoet ladubitable evidence of guilt. regret bebial lier, as If she ceull aot And vet, aller ltvas ail donc, 1 touaI help feeling morne coanjunction at thi. myscif repealIng aloul as I gamel st desertion, of ber cousin. 1put thia cx- lb, "«U @he deciarca that she Il ne- pression wvas soon clianged for bbe aleit cent, 1 vIibelieve ber." B110cocUgcte- look of One vho droaas tesec a certain iy are vs ficte mtures of our ovn lPre- face start up from nmre Unkuovu, quar- dilections.. ter. Gi « gup asudlova thceeot.- ,ss~g furv ut. doorways as we p* si tartinu sa& bremblug va sud- *X,. dm~ Seure appeisal ou the CUi atone, THU suEMOI ahe di1 net-sceMa to breathe vibli pet- The mornint pae. cntainel aà MMr féit oaeam tu111auba lofele bbSvenue tuto bcmre~ta bilI dus sUd nterel . on'hht- uib.e thela ev.a* op -e mInt. hu S~5~over bcth ee ives et »Qibe @o Lgeatly toward me ibeaked If I1 h" -a thlic oe thnifI iGSLMdo ei ber. I. fortunatcly poMSOMese*b04. csamatresandsud sa mug& wvooc ro- ifaadtug thm te10 1cr Ivtiaci but mdabie h5ou"wAï s vs " et un- villa sorne lttie curloslty vhllc di ab u&fftfr; wus mublo es flic vtotc bye or .bbrec uines, vouderint OsIbh 1accompis>forbthemurderer, If a"e aboul oie... ach aO.tUme ad -tôt flievirtual assasin; but EleBuOre place for flic purpase. une v6m Dot so mucb as blute ait lu "A Ufftle note I viali 10 seu," ah. te- tis aconectlon. malioed, glanolng at tbc almoit llue- The fanal paraghraa he b Times ran ilIe acrvwl itb suan ewmouof «deubt. tfhui: "Ceulîn*t you stop thc carriage a Mo--Mmne cteotjves 1arc Upon fb. traok dment vhilc I direct ltM 'oftbc mlssinsg irL." I diI 89, SM la tuotCher Instant M ~And, ln thc Nerald I read thc fellOW- les" vMh:h " alorix from uv note- iug notice: book vas feidel, diretead n Ul m Aealel vitI a atanap vioh alitebal talEen A lberalrevardwviiie .givea .by tbc ber O eovu t bok. Irelatives cf HrtbleLeo.vcuorth, Esq.. deceasel.for aMy o 0,o te hc "That la a crszv-iooklng cplabie," saliteaboutse orone EunaiCiselmi anurmired, atsah. laid lb, direction peared froinbchbns.---Pli hl downvards, lu lier lbp. Avenue ince bbcevc gof MarcliL *"Why not vat.then," aggete.Bail girl vas of Irish etacin; la .¶1111 yoenarrive ai Fout desiain age about 26, sain uY le kuvu eb where :q. "a am Wrartprly tle5 iTo cbail diret y eeurusai lb ropensd sud sMonder; haïr dsi'k brovu im iha9 direc lb a vouricisue r' inge of ted; comexiROn freol; eO&turas 41Bees *use .1ama r uaste. I viali te delîcate sud veli m"de; baud@s smM ibut Mail Itnov. Look, thoera laa, box on witb the fingers mucli pricliel by thc the .crner;, pleaze, ak tbe driver te use eof lb.eneedie; test large sud of a Stop once more." coarner type tlisthe b isus. 8h. bal "$hall 1 not peut lb for you?" I1ak_ on vhen last seoc a clecflel iglaèiil ed,hodn out mv band. dreas, brovu suad wvite, sud wvasoau- holdingposed te bave vrapped hetflu But sbe shook lier bond, and v ithout red g blauket, shavi very 61l woltlug for my assitance-, openoded Bc Be ctheabove distinctive mûarks.ý dber on ber *vu aile of the c.ariag e ahlad upou ber riolt baud vriat the and leaped to thc grounal. Even then @car of a lae bta; almo a pib or she paused te glace up sud devu thce tvo of aai-pox upon bbc 1.1 btemple. erect,. before venturins be dr6p lb luto Th'is paragraph tunied me thonglita bbc box. .But vhen It vas donc aho lus asv ewdirection. 0111v enougli, I lookel brigbtcr'auI more hopeful than bal expended very littie tbeught ulacu I bal vet accu ber. And vhen, lu a tbia girl, sud yct boy apparent lil w» f'évnmmts labcr, #lbe turned te bld Ibat u@hovas bbc one tUpon vbosc tes- nie good-bye in front of' hcr frlenSd'a bmony, If glivez4 the viole case ini bouse, lb vas vith mimosi a obeerful rcallty binged. air she pub out]ber baud sud cubreabea At tbye ock I starbel frein my me te eail on ber nexî day a.nd iuforun oaice tea sttepd lb. laquent, but belog ber b0v the luquest progreas. Ilebtr on the Wamy, misselarriVias 1 shali not temPIte odisgulse from. t te hu" ntil aftw the dlilver7 cf von th. tact -f1151, 5jent aul blat long th. verdicT. IISVua dailsappolt- cvculug SWseing over bthe tlanou Meut t Wà mebeIollymas I Iiu m s gvnet thne hlem, cslsavorng t peub a*soacqâ viAt I1b»d Iimm, with i .>s i i te r by 1 Ob* ff leav. &" w " meslmedu J âër umi M i hel kw tueats oe bal fosuott@s, bgal Ubstd e*.o t,"Vw'Ig' r ii smured. "it 11cr. iLnY Ozatrar tCUsi -,f«r My do« se? T netu.bknow that Z I 00831 b. lu 'the àame lieus vibli alifo? 1101 domot lmow ±s,,n9r eau I stOP' t bdr thewld bbcquesBo. #ho lu Y6ul' cousin, làb bqcbrought up tW regard yen auas alster t làîîîanet 'worCIy et Yeu te désert ber, la thc lime et ber neealîy. Ton ývi mestba 410,'if younlIiiallov, yrs.lt a moment'& dis- passionat. bbouùgtbb." "Dinapalnabe bliongt lebarail pos-. sible under tbbchclrcubaee," returfi- e v1 Ib ia mle. cfbitter lroav. j tbefo Icould reply te'tbis, ah. sotteeê maldsaked if 1Iwvas verv anxlôut the abouale rebuta, sud wben 1 rerled, "mbte gme ibsa1IcoulEa MY." tremablel oandt.oked -for a moment au Ir aeewei'ebaL n "ed elteviod, but auddeuy broke ltite leam ro rng lt vas Impossible, and that ï wvascruel te &Zsk lb. *1 drev IboE 115.1 d, ndmore. 'Psr- don me," mIl J, 411I ave Imdccl brns- gressed bbe bouade allottel te me. 1 'viâ net le se &gain; Youn bave doubt- lMi many friends, let sme et thein advin. you." Ob. turnel upen me ail ire. ««Mie fricubis yen speak of voul ernge and. bev and urge me te de a 1 pîcae. TOn aioe.have- bbeCcourage te, coin- moud me te deoviiab la tishl." "Excuse me," »iM I."1 do net ceom- mand, 1 ouly entreat." Bbc made no rcply, but began pae- lus tbhermont,ber oyez. fixcl. ler bauds vorklug convulvelv. "Yon lîttle kaov *bat yen ailk." saI aobe. ..1 feel »u Ihougli bthe very atmomphere of bliat bouse voWd ldestroy me. but-WhY cannet Eleanore comn. hers 1" mthesud- dcnly Iuquired. "i know Mms.Gilbert vii he quibe vlimgasd I could kep Smy.reoin, aud ve neoi net mccl.% "Tou forget there ln.another cal! at home, besides bbceonc I bave aârealy unubonel. Te>-morrov sternoon your unole la le b. hurlei&" 440 Feu. poor. poor, us0Pl #TOU a"e th* 1.54of the boume- jbuld." . ventuned& '1sa4 bths projet oee MTb1 sUsuge 1 tric look ihqlftlàtru,". ubc muuanrd.~vwth a.grand ttu 6of ber -boty and a qilitaiW et deberiuablensi am boslreus of belus I vrtay et vont geIopinion; I -vini go bock te mv cousin, Ur t.EynmuL" r fuit. My Maitta ise a l11W.; I1fooz ber by bbc baud, "Mar tIbM coumla bave no need et thc oornftrt viob I arn nov sure Yeu vili net abilultrots glviag ber If neceasltv cals." .Rer baud droppeil item mine. 114 meu te do mv luty," she rssponfed. As I desecadel bbc atoop, 1 met a, certain tim and faabioualy dreuaed Young ma. ho gave mas a very sharp lokas be paascd. Asule v bis clollies & 1111tlee oconsplcuoualy for-bhc perfeet gentleman, sud asi bal nme rememîrmuce ef bavîngseaccuhlm St bbc luqueUt, 1 met hlM dovu for a main lU r. Grycéis emuploy, mud baut- en" on tovarda tbc aveuue;vbàen vliab vasm murprtme te Sund on tie corner Luother person. vho. vbile Pretendiug te le on thc book-out for a car, omSt upon me, as I approcobel, a furtive1 glance of Intense lnquiry. Au this lat- ber vas ualoultediv oa gentleman. I foit soin. annoyance, and velkiug qulebly up, te.bin, saked If lie fauad uuy counteusuce frniltarthaît bu erae- btinised lb se closei "i fuiibitsavery, agrecabie eue," lhe returued, M&l b&ag vibl a Chesuter- fieldimu grase, vseefrein me Govu lbé avenue. Tbe aummonc frINEBleanore Leaven- voullicarneabout .Ight Wocollu. bbc ée-aing. Il vrais brougbt Iy Thaina sud nmias follova : "4Comc, , O oe; 1-11blicre bresking off lu a tremble, as, if lbe pou u»A falisu frena ncrfftIeS hd. bIt iI flot bake me long ta Laud mv Ws$ te lier borne. Io ON TUE WRAPP!R or EVEY I BOTLE or RI.A, hêeILsptp ae-du sboulaeuony. It à* oala u D"I't .11v Bflyou b ou a aayâbig due m tb pies eorjuomia. 11sf i MM" au liai Z« s lot-A-8-TZOE-I-A. swm.g ton taiSovs w viSSamY suqlsely aboute, "D-ouIme- aIsss z tblsk th. v21Ms'hav. e s:% 12 "vrbadaw* nmeto baba." lAb,'l.returnéd , 1.""e 7«thon bffl li kéep fro»Un fb.vosilvWbu" la xk5 Me. 114 Dot suovi. * 2 Isf Lemvenworth," 1 vent -on.- 01 am tsI that vmt ou do nlm oomptiussd 700r positon. Try b o 01s«theb MM ý5 waomla nin.- flim ~tof a u u pueudIffl porson. tr'y to setfor Four- mei tas uoe.ulty et ezmmuan-P. «Bat Z osnot 0.paIu"se marns-' ;C: Do t know vhether 1St ivps. 1ti tome of my volce or flic word limait. but tbs.tsimple expression Mmcl W afce kw 11e.a blov upon fthe face. "0!"' Îbe Ortil l. abck, "you £0 not, cannot doubt me too ? 1 thougit. bliat you-" su ad stoppe&. #1 dil fot dream that 1-9, snd stoppeil sa,. In. SOuddenly, ber whole form quiveel-«0 1 nee," ubhe murmure& O"you bave mis trustel me from tb.efBrut; the appear- mu saanst mebave-been f00 atrong;'>, *sud the »sa n act. lost in the depths of ber sbame' sud humiliation. "iAh, but bow I arn forsaken," the murapured' 1The afpl], ent to my hcart. Btert- lut forward, I1.xclaimed, "Miss Leavea- VorIliIamn but a man. Il osnot sec. ySu no dlstresoed. MWy tbat you art inocent, snd I1 Win belleve you, vltb- out regard t0 appearances.1" Sprngng erect. aibe toverel upon me. "Oaa anyone look ln MY face snd] accuse me cf guiltr' Then, «sLI AW.l abook myliead, the burriedly, gasped, "Tou vaut furtber proof r' snd qtres- lng 11ke a suddenly .awakened ber, ah. »Prsug te, the d10w *Core thea." aducrled, "cor t« e eye Ilasblng full cf resolve upon me- 4rousel. appeifled. moved In sPîte of myssif, 1 croselthe room to vbere e setool, but ibe vas alrewdy la the à&& L Emutg aiter ben, SU" wMbl a Cest Z laredst express, I Sf001 sat am. toot et - 00 stairs ; ad. va.lbox wu ,-bu' Îes- . sl.nwlalber -» &à l*iee1 »w ber faim stand- bu eiect md, noble st the 10cr et ber wkies broom. eCorne r' sbe again orteil. buttls tIne la a calm snd revercaftiaitoe; Olugiug tbe 4oor open before â!t. she Bubduag fb.evonder vblcb I1 feit, 1 elovl *fooed ber There va« no llght ln thc room of deabli, but the lame of thé gas-burner atthfli fr eDd of the hallt shone velrdli lu, SM by Its glinmmerlng 1 bebéld lier knecia et thec alrouled bel, ber heal bowel above fliat of flic murdered man, ber band upeon bis breast., "Tolu bave said that if 1 declared MY innocence you veuld belleve me." ez- ciaimed abe, lifting lier licol as I en- tee -*Bee, bere.9" sud Uisylaber cheek agalnst tlicjaillid brow of ber deal benefter, abe kissel thec day- ol lips »=ft, wildly, agonizedlY, then jIngwto ber feet cried la a, suliduel, but tlirtlIng ton., "Coul I do that If I wèe guilty ? Would not flic breath freeze on my lIPs. tefl col conglI ln Mpy velus, tbe lfte feint avay st MY beart?7 Son of a fatber lovel a reverenced, cmu you bdlieve me to be a woman 'stained vibli crime vlieu 1 Snf do this r- And kneeliflg agalu sh. Caît ber %mgn over aud about that inanimte forin, looklag lu MY face et bc sae me vibli1t an . expression no m ottai toucli could Paint, u»r tongu. describe.. "tlu oldea Urnes," see ent on, uOthey used to BMy that a 1d. eadbdy veuld bleed, if liesmurderer came ln contact vibl itl. whst then would hapcne bers if ir.bis daugliter, bis cheisefl chi ioadel villi benecdts, enricbel Idth bhie jevels, vazm vibli Moses, should.b. the thinif theaOT,&OSeme cf? W.Ê thbbc 117of ftheout- megl al burut Its vewY a*uMdn Z oeui»t se ave;l be psese the t~. euets tu VER TISEin, the WÂRDPjB &#A drop of i" MMiaU millions think." Iun I by tho mo8ot int.elligent reoaders, li B.dasneBUYERSe ÂDYBTII4iiTEEWADER - Dc j3ad f a e- ~ Rich i;~ i. 4prIaT~. u.t I I I I t Be' B. Turns s 1 Blood - Into ~~edBlood. I I Nr ISd lay usng B.B.13 No other remedy posesses sncb perfect clcansing, heçaling sud purifyiag properbis as BUrdock Blood *Bitters. It flot only cleauses internally, but it heals, vhen appiied externally, alsrs ulcers, ab9cesses, ascrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc.., IeavîNg the skia dleau snd pure as a babe's. Taken inter- nully. il removes aU morbid effc: or vaste mnalter fromn the systean, and thoroughly 'regulates aIl 1h. organs of the body, restoriag' the stomaàch, liver, bowels and blood to bêalthy action. lu this way bhe. sick beconu e ll, the weak sbrong, and those wvho have that lired, vora out feeling, receive new viger, an buoyanb healhsds*nt,8 that bhey feel like work. 1If vo tir »ppete i aon oree gono, your ambition lost. B.. wil atore yo obcfl njoymenb of happy vigorous life. e $ s $ j $ 4, 'e *1 4, -- a-. P. Y"LETY~ vcimi FLNIi MIL v SWa~ Lumber Yard. ~ lDosuM ê âotMouidimgu. Tumingu, etc", etc CIOM& mac sc& wobsd pt pricu bbdir you boy elsewhere E. RLET. KIL '-20104Lf lE NT,LOo* y: lib'" AD lest ~ê mil led UIn~ N~ F~ uI~~ e M b or irib, * e