agef 1~I terni a ILC._____________ Ville à"08*- Xum im et vs iliumbobo u-w iva 'à wut "1"laveboss uIlw g* * at.mi ou& uMtum 'h T8h. e Wsat f Na U. S, lieD. 'mda 7,1, vai .gl aa. "la wlm- abt oNe tasbul J. P ed.h& b so it uet ut, - On.Eu t Md.kmt ast ils -aem, A Ooy",oâg dePut ata U. gau i * PIOleauit lm ava Wut to t S a>puu 01li àt" p nu-, 1h ~ $SWho lm im»bod a bu bue ~.oS otID"m PmiM Eu uy I. lis unmt k 01d9ég mia Sm $1 *0 m u liWvele .1 hm i lb mille t. ay mW. have mt et ., mnm if 9»Bu eli sale! t nseou e*Ss- Ie tsi.M T av We 1M ild e hu: vlàehmam Tm . wyuoMm f CMso k mà ie c m SeDBo. ha mWalm b umi ais él do" tu i Ptime lua-cmu Ti8v. =u aH m km §u 'o MaillaetaPMWla wlui -au, .u Te M.Apa uwuh pui Ofthe cmi ule ine ai 8*t ~e Jbon ab eM. vices lié mt lv&i wwm *. Thw Wbd mi uhea 1I miail ot 1 397ut love veaufme aalq, Bats m1uIby bhW <ovaw . 1 Ny ait. pois dure: e«rtdai. Mr. IL Doody, ef Oobeug, tut U p about 1,000phase of titbut fouies Gui4umeadty ManiHibuulom ulti.mnMO' illa Mi Ils pli« pbi t o usîlonis asdo pu 1000 mORlo Min. 1llieanu s avth.e% uambl et JalisaMEaltlUI i@OtesMtWs l -id» Ib"h lm ýv aupea mwmàe émt ul la tliaYMIMulloa et uS * ehu. dix hhiaa paute scs u te " à uilemmet uou. lve hm Y7"y mit. Son lis1".4.dewvs ladiffusaI lÉ bovimula 0 msaml ld b»à. imaay hW isaeK.. ëd Um .Wi2 witi lies la lie iemh ti vas mehme u,> ee[ 14 IIre Y15iUli i UStu efl am fid '.ti assola *6 e Omme e teiM ile s sIuhAtM* aivioe dvdin Met thé fin (4 batim' un M vus.? »M w um&sve.s.enw Tm mIIe éuo"ie, u * dl4 UeL Se h. éue, s " mEs orum la em t U IMM Tam OheTm Itumydm.U" niugj W~redfi of Peoplea m for work sud vages, anadt p4b>'Our store being their 8si b he *M.- Ituufaturen re ohrs ho or vombsi tkniugh laok> of work and money, we of the oahuwBysokent u ebu eoi the "Miberal spirit, hmlh.g -t»:sa . btmukt bsiaimts TW.m m*0 . botlu*S ot b id simg ' os*mt âi hm «MM -.WhitIq,; nom% t.Mltt Iul . ào" auemnuab h.. mo.,um-ebuet » b. .b q I. qla é»luli u vd gm oi t* a"& p et uet Roe OaMu bb4mtiý. u m wi, vmst 0i nes -md moUvm=i tasil lsplais. ne juy utumoi a etOsI ut mdunkdm1 Emgymbalase a ao pu> a~ssh w li Velatesil - lin p. .mom m y m itif li S u et Caot il' tie l«Wiunimm e P&Wjammset hnve tS ouat es ob lohLvlw Eain *Aaý.. ..3 !%=a là ~w W5 05.1KU5 WW IU - - mip AUl louas m»v en a oL. S Tb@buq pet Md RUàdba. P u maw" mv~ uio làat Tutu* vi m »b..M& hu hé..t.0amnvasti heve in»W& Yul -humOlu.m Pape ofesi mi o.1mm e "bsiu te base.mue" 1moi bils isi Gapy gaihu.m am m*u» otw al. Gius am iutm aw'&mavei."Y% sdoua m mil mr. Gti t et BTBIkB o -tb« h m .v te m ý d-" lii. ,oviau" toIlovfi opes. 'm s oshila ie Ouatm Ms gBda la I. 01b âme" oudb4mal laelismm. Ambe gueaasmEla 9b»lienus. Pr". uIiz om o * Tbe mev b o o: Tmieve.gtblag; tu e~bey The &alabo l um 11 -heonug sur pnv a V"y dbemlgmboomssuu te m Mses.M M*hbo.. T"anl, 1m oo..Th.psmi'o aet *0meMu mev h siui liem *a 1u"olTm laiyilso tavabW. leu le . ba f asa piosm mi mm .,lymlii so& aut s e amau . ais mai.k Imu haMLtesalui mivth mi.... Ouk lali lmsvlus i ass l 1kma èi Wb mpe amilslillMmaato et ait iuxemlIs. vi. 1.1dm luidu. au. a., e Mm Imese. ft km le.*@ lie~~~go lmmo umaist 1 atose oust% l lob lmh h et auisbe oa lolos BEPAMtNG FOurý Watchsmkm b ave thake M iy ibit lt> am tu de PROPTLY Our Pr! AND ýWELLO [ces are Moderate G i»eusa a L.W. bave leaWs thoummada. wcm. plosasy« 62 fiT TIT. rame!m aloi aW se f.aaiel M & . . - * out i um m ,m w oe- iu .O eom m - 0 * fa * 8 oie #*Olot 1 0.... su* a ~ 50 ime 4 Ode.** 01106618 loin5f - ~~se* e~nia,$. ~..e~~e.SêeIe** UlmSOi ____ fa il. Il. Wage IBÂND OONSOLIDÂTED- - Barners'L Btock- a inin ish and wite SIO plan g now for the next seasols work.- Ther uolime 0forheuilti". ' tello'sn* ord tb wait for profitable EeIling. The Overooatu and Uloters, thie Wite uitsand. Puruishizigs, and Rats-the whàle combined aggregation ofsStock m a ugmt, store ýmuit, - et -te grand bounce 1 Here are a fe, magneti. przoss: bokdobl b etdý md lc ego nouret la Si Kea' Kiomow Beaver Overopole, Imm evelvet e a- lais twedlled, double lrat, never MU bIm thn7wnlbosd duriagisul......5 43 mle'. Iiems Ulule. Mt feU aMd long. uempiy- sod et 4%go nowaet ....... .... 10 Vine 1M. Taibar-mdâe Ovuwat,,baml au l liae; liem ouatoa a" m. i oustom wu, u - silm .lis 18 yor cho"e et........................ ....'O t0 HeesY MN a d ut ..Jaket., wmm.ly13s& won eut, tbey anuver the uw s a lmm ovouam, noVer msa L CIJ 1, Mot Prima.8 th isae........s............... ....... ..37 lm0 Toutba' Ovecaat.Made fro bsaVY boavçu, P1 tlmmesoa"eau w sol bu ou ewSn ils to ou ub7001abm " fo ......... ......................sis m5 igo' Eéinus Suite, ths pdis prnsate i" '" ewu s51m ouwm ....... ..... ........ ou '0 ilesvy Tailirsade go" hTweed Suit,have ctesure ely et $M2yourechoie. daugn tua eml.............................50 28,Prince Albert Drens Suits. handsomely lined and trimraed., mpoeelble to deteet the difference be- tween tieue suits and those made by custorn teilors, $16 the price, during this great sale vour chouce for............. ....... ........... M~ Youtbs' Suite, made from ail wool tweed, the workmmahip le warranted, the eut is the latest; they go et this sale at........ $4.25, $3.50, and 3 id Y'ouths' Dresa Suita, made from fine black twills, âine fargner satin lined, eut in up-to-date style, reducod fm$8.50 to......................4 50 lig Eloys' Sulie double breasted, made from all-wool tweeds. N4ew patterns of materials, usual price 4reduced to,... ........ ...... .250and 2s 78Childieu"s Suite, made huom ail the newest de- igsof materilasuue price $1.5O, we have doeuMin: etoilet tem go at. ..$2.25 $2 and 1 K M a0 MenIs Troues.made from strong tweed, imàproe L1, rduedto ................ r loverai broken linos of Fleeced Cunderwear, sold at 50c., reduced to........................ .... Boys Knicker Ponts ........................... If saybodI ambs you "1how ve do W* ton tbem "lyou -don't know. and don't care so long mt Tou, osa b. si*.td for hall prioe and under." "ALWAYS GOOD AT ..GOUGH'SS" The- Woodoemufl Oheap loihierss LI NDSAYO. jIO ee &IjyfSr You& ut&"a Pmma bmume dolVihusM& 180OTT, mwTmoo,0. 1" t 000 1PrweT eRB 0RO0 ïe V-waSTT,-sEVEN TSoi" ans, Piano ' .AND- INIG MACfIMES PORT HO OPE, TRADE MARKS, OOPYRICHYS c à .10aimsketch uMd dmSlrption M&I ka" .ae or oeuring patentà igmtàromukMCo 0. receivO SOIENTIFIO AMERIGAN, au oo«lmew ote n M U N & C . PCPS GIGÂRS, TOBÂCCO IFOR EVERYBODY iaun&woduof artioles oarefnllj Mhooto bsuit the limes and. b e rons . mis of My mers1 and I oztend ivitétion b -ail. (JIJ sdumke jour seleotiolI f4,o ku "i pm m ie te villu hisMut lu mu lia li tule l w tlu"ollfms a ,pl ut e eumt i dm=~ 45w aa! -Sale! i f 3' 'i Il 's Oum., lape !CffloE k 1 aamr 1