age~ * 'i. .'~ Md çàOir pubi motbt Cm- ils to "ItL Md the aylaWhb*i eau bis elcart o as id oe idgbt i. behold. Tue ocupniatse t ti minatm and ÊutOpposoioul>onhe e *blu4 hie>'eta eeah it àa oz but, although 4IIpiJvSI moe t Mot .elya lt r t he pu- h miefor th _omui.ium et air Lubriceaut hoie eqhe 1ête «lOseaOrth1e )E.. e lIov hil te cou- osai a gaudviub or a biscuit lula pooket., but uci 4 bottle. A" bosutý- nIl. member nmmW lissea glass t mater, but, abS bml* h IWt mmb et th. oppoutisi bave lth. armtm» tral table ou Whieh tte depoeut h isasles of watO--Whli la motstp- poeeci ob b. qualiied 137 tbe latrodue-. «On of su>' other liquil, abem-Ibae prIvate member k expeted to bideIse gmlan lisbat. Il la reaily mtolbizWvbat an Im- Iportent teature the bat phopa ll. d.liwrstomis eturmegWmiatom s no 5 ivat. meuler mcalaim by rghglian>' Particular en thebBouse, .xcept Su a rkw csses whem ae mem raare <miti>' llovel to aplipriate certain oindta -of vatage, a bat . 5.11to,3e de temated be"frehaud as su tntimat191 that the seat la eotwed. Ou oriliier> migta set eu 1e retsimed b>' a eal o lzd nortd u In heslip pro$ld aI a lb.bao «Ch mo sat for lIat vurpose, - but wbeu a debte of luore than nuai Interes aexzoted the bal ltu themedtum mmpl<37ed. Dont fiA te rob> patent lealler aees partilculariy nov amas. vith tbePalm e te 1mai nW qufte wvu beore I>tUe ,où. sud t '«Mii prevet et- =4 ngsd cracking. Dou't Wear ovimslie UaM 1pro- tol th. uper Po" o r m meo £ho mIe mvg i t of r'vat duula mb omla> ursather. Ibis tambon la ouice te SolmkWeauls sud mma"s .tfestboc mtu 1l1rmW: Dont have fancy polatel lips ou j1Our Zboom thesé daya-the>' am quite pSsme; the proper kInd la a plain strelgIt acrees ceue, vitI mml & auge rowo erfoatiUOons mark the cige. D"ut polaI aSiftkin 'boss vlth ilquid dres.hg; it -viii crack lIem.. The paste that mon lame ln Ith Uüg, *.nd dont Put t»o mach 01 tibs on or t w-111 nrt polieh -noresdily leslie. rurtugV joUr dise. Dont negiet lu m the uppêrs of aohse dowuan sd Put tbem by an open vludow for su hou, or .tw<> b air mter vrn.It la more hysteulo, ecconou- leal and faatious. Dow'b ver &a alec in docviiutile 11100. Il la one oif lhe Ihinge chat de- tracta mont from the ulcel>' of a vo- Mari'. recs suad St viii ?ey o1 aoel! the the shoe. Dont Wear s Iow-priced a*0e; tbey are fot CbeaRps. oonornie on Borne-. thlng eisc, If neceamry. Good leather- eamot b1e bought for a aoug. and *00. made te oeil at a bargain am e sldas. good eiaped, therefure -net asmomtort- able, and certa4nly -do net vear as long. Deu't fail te take good cute of gooi 8110«. Don't Put theqn away eolied &mvi dusty, When »acking for a »ouràey stuf them out viý»th tiome paver, go the>' wil retalu 11dm s« and vraI each ahoe lnU tmue paper. e It vil acf. gel rubbed Or scratchi. A Spider Keeps Tus. te magie. At a. recent rbsralof the Apollo '>iale ýQu&rtet of O:oldwater, Xýich., a largo. spider -Camee bovi>' dovu b siliccu thread te about the belglut of the singera ahouldem. , vhole ung aus. »ned for a few muenls, lIera be»a to moye up sud down la. troat of the music The second tuior., "sho w» l ading flac air, 11aitioSd lIat me move- meute et teespider Comiepoed s -th the vuatonUSO t lia volas, Up .»d dovu theb.Weoal.nd -lu perfect'Ug.11 Ther -then beau a »eries 4etoxperf- mente, Sud fournI tha thle spider vould aacetud or desend *bout a foot 'fer evey oSta7e6.nMd Ibouh lhe nme- loI>' va&S crred ever no lichti>', sud the bamo. thonderel lu their .bevlat toues, tle meft seul ut tIe Iecelv. ed. but alwaja tohloel fIe laalug part acouratei>' sd 'wltthe *rg.eclson, Of&a diMreobors on.. Aillimadsecf«oý fo m '1>êwulu th b ouiei" to "lbe.kige" 'mr moue W lest l 11Ut Ifthevon- @the sho tim om tm-'-e obe. a bIs. b mule iimd tu for 0 ceesuf lvdmt lu a ua y h ukMob t t al tbe - e eIliio& Il IcLluISMea Valua t ed Ne ~6 mmii 11* I mbg I m -.l WUPIRLTIVUS IN 0miru. paae rme counatry liaStaoe lbe Cks fer ou. PaeulSmWDF r e m er. 1 bave run about ftheUnied taie fig"doal for lthelait lbltrýYOMe and bave =* e tmor>' notez of u ebimate poummlidu M ahawe corne ender my observation.1 l!Ie place boasylue 1vdot rangs «t tempomaure -or aMW' uil wbloh I am raruliar toi Fort Keogb. lu th* Trelownlone Valley. Not iufreuntlj la tic vinter tle Merour>' tumbles down to.50 degrees below sera, and' it bas beeu kkown lu summer 10 climb uu> bu 1M degmees above. Mere la au extrenue ange of 170 degrees. and jet people usage te lve very comfortebi>' blere the 7ear- around. Iu tle early summer the. grasa on the Plains sud bills turns browu sud yellow suad al green vanlales from the vide land- scape «cept vîcre a fringe of set- touwood trees akirta -a vaterceurue. It laas pecUlliît> of Uicex«tremelgh temperatumelu the arid restons lIait 'you do not perupire at mli-that le. jeu do uot seuslbly-persplre. The* moisture la al cvapérated from your ehlu as faut sas lbla formed by, th.etxtrema drynesa.of île air. The beat la aioi rarlsoppressive, it la et a temperature of80oSr go dugmaca clou lthe Atlantic aaboozd. If jeu are Indoors or under lt»ealadt et a lie e u are qut, comitrtable. Amy- bhIlgas lai iibreak lth e ucersptf th ab un ileufliclent lu idieve jom froni su- op5udeson from the blgheal tempemature. 'fravellngnme jears ago morscýe .bot billcwy' plain of the great basin of the Columbia wvitb a campig party.looking rap a route for a râllroal, v. came to a l uge colum- ùîr rock cf blcek basait, The day vs. Inlnse>' ot.W. stoPppai'the temmn. cul blrowlnge ourselres down on the abady aide of the rock. vs recalci Uie Phrmase lu the Bible about **the sbadow -of a great rock lu a vear>' Id ansd reailsed Ihat a ittle sl"e.meant sM as u1ol il. peop wlaU aRd amouil iea.-strI rvlr l rIAn Tue boilace l I Itel sttU kuuUetouby Dea V~.e inl 80u1téaemU CIlorula. tla I. bout 30 fem bea.u0vthe mea évêtsud-ma arImme& WoU" dmvla ck. lave Mountains, hB tou"I bote, but Ithme iugpro- osmmose essa lu be e.t fmi- eemmr. ' id mmevhorocf a pr> ce Whnio mteraI lb. ia"ala~l beat, ad.r.o0sm au tlair Hie" 17 IYIne a&l dmp lu lh. vater 0f a lit- Ila stress. lIai carne out- ofthe cmoun- bina and 'vau coon dlel up in lhe Berce ra" et th,&i. T.lh.>'weeogîsi te Obefp. under tbe coling alades or The nraueslaelu the Unitl lgaIsa là. NeoaES>as Il.theStrait t ZFuoslu lbe. BIais of Weabiugton. it Oatu*lbj relus ever> du>' lu the year, euI the total sanai greepitailon, 19 gaari>' 1M0IDue..- Teres laau Ilan eer"vation tuelb a>'.The natives bave a vesr prett>' knack et making Ornmemtsl lamInsansd crvlug vooden, bOWIS, vblch lb.>' decorals vitl bIgla colors. Thc>'. maIe liong. gracefu cauoem <roM fthe brunIs of cesar tracs. whstuil l.'iobw ont villu Inite SAleroai vlftb -theau l Ut ire. 1%e mooi remrabe cimall bau-der tu the United saiue helIaI or lIe Clascade Momulala uWaabingtcm uu winter lime the rm ravatinlutoila W lia. Mser stops c ets.eMontains betveop saMs ut suow bigber tha lb. roofs et the. wumala a long vindlne lane mxnoped -oui b>' lb.hear>' pvov. onc. Cwough the tunnel en lb. Nommr Pacil Or «« tver ia wftbbae onthe- Great Morthsrau, you Muddoaylm,*uai wluler lbSldyou. sud, shlruedoua the Western ebagme t the mountains, la Mm th» n su 7om Meu he Il f no0g5. l'.%t e lk grien. vale tout "lm M lb. rvera sud bal% the CrOvsArae holding Ibaîr esamne- tâons lla i rou.tops wyumuca- r, torical olamorMd- wvln jeu munie at 1aocma jeu O l te Lover bâcoam- . D a thludlb. rardu. The obsuge s»Ome MaglirÀ9u404 M mmgMe - sefltoa, eoum ei w %t = çf =-- -lua uJanai? ad mISvai te the Gulf et Sauce, yu the *iS o t&lan7M a ae ravumai4 1 tar - 5106 <bis voaerful timu.. Tt* ost ponn dm VIteWW6 SaUter k l ea lite . pAUhaM te ossla cm meaueoeudauv wrla lb. iami 1ai-erM range etthe . <oaies. l». aseulte osunasiai yult"b. fuil. 17t «"eluimtUt jsude:Pesa, sud a" 1 ohm arait. usera is artaI veaum. 't M0 oh. bewéat 1* 1 théJTea àou- rept kiosa tar oui tu ses . jmou tais e t V5aosyay l U Quoe am steeion bok froc. 5W. Tr5OWlla,5in5B, o im *0elam h DmfE#M deoib bdt amn , et ehI«4sîem* mse4OMMrie Et. n u isdIs *h AMI U 5hove toe mta - MI b bd wuMa " et I y ti"em Ovhs 0veryIags smba Mu ima-m61. mt, a«I enfle.11th pa.tmyatuia de MW UUl U e ais.O,, Ou.1m-NOktm ee *0 8*buN.. SlIM..» li~a ollua. om t Dou T R oge e imlutTé eod ye vuim "C oulbeete r os h a s pdIba. buteSce ble Veta te em th eM l is e ls, adh&bause juTyn - ibe Imm& tuaho&noi gi. fui!t d ami sb. tou sOuf""La1 Ndm clmé ieyla u Ln ey.amidssvaima "Va" edise db.,. hebm MONis MdWs se.gsllb e M I metl bPselaid o li se usliet118 mi av tk pumlinil. 1W. pu..b ey lmi Mr m .1 ml usillgesbin phmmF Ar s et as. mhSImd vuaiSuae@d lu . vuMazu ediage - xpelIrhm uesbd mai ÏeTpole hmar&M Md M. liau màbua.e ais o am E»d" éleng Nus&m AMIeai l ise la iS 'mu ah Wimte. &.1. D.tlla gru")ieiyak. aesru Esxs aa haiazete-:W. aa m boamifta.vssIea pprai .sIs, hm mi the yg pne . ravnetmai. garni nus - t1 a aial lttto 4 glasos l'leda h Fyobb M. r.i -IdthonaUd tlmsothe obear ceo of feand Th. preas eau ru covmboute lndoS usnssyn Sure 15 aS and aitalde n wtl a bre Md ngonc er o u, l a obe.a no l - ea g Eo sd uwheu 0» th e cor olb l had tb. ebe$ff hbo ane sd wouuadeup wïh scia luew n meio bis tbeand wla soltlbis parobteom sude a rsiltoad pas. m alapeer Btrd Aioutyhavu es u i ibe m en lmiehauge ta o b. btu 'muforh..dtorkMd or»dsetsud or sae ouil ifé Who yu es u aiie vth momd vtuhehlm. B.'! be 0. slu hie ww bilasu mogrcn« bIs aroos Thonb pâevhen joudl. aia havltAg ia emý v&e'tbo:r M r*sud ~leob~ rneUt or dwoo bulb ah. as l bn gandous v Fldovrwm ha&m. Mom y« la a vane-agourborIuliihnk »«eho- hu he rns.sdie -e, thnkMel Ieaisutb~ ouTala ourWOc Ih.baflet MM. asies. aiior oins bilerlie a estiSoariglos Ut ovu, sudlmel Os1.1* hokel lothe ........ 0»ensa bamdohg INO EPAI RING Oui Wtcburu bve the»s&il mWabW"My sud lue toolito d& YOUR WORI( AIDWELL., Our Prices are oderate. Gave s a triaL. Ye have peau. thomsado, we c l phae 70 Xughsn&C 0 S In0 sofa$ a ose a ~ i e e etes la te.i 1 ..n.. listezi O ate S a...e.. e** Fume i .*.** - ...... da.. faietos mous elq ~sablad putU,...~ a - 0'on ..aaaaee*008400 I drds of Péop1 ~or ork uad ages andotht am hI#abjy oui tore beig 4heir Bal. r t. pise o.gods go down anywlhere vou eau be a hemi &M~. Y aufs*ure sare bothered thro<gj voe wSrhMtbwogh lao& ofwork and mon6y,we gl erckenaMd as we buy weUeiù GRANDCON SOLIDÂTE D Wage ,-Barners' -Sale 1Stook4aking .is ftnihed, and w. are planning now tor the next saason's ,woak. Tbée is nlo lime for heejistion., W.e mt &filord to waît for profitable Eelling. The Oeoosansd Ulotere, the WintruilSm& ud puriehingea, and Rat-the whole omie sagglon of stock mt our great storé,must g@et the srin"d bouncel1 Here are a few maneiepucs : 75iMun'Ov«esi udd mu, kmaie Mb long, ai back, double hbres, nana!prices #& g ov wat $8 8 kastweed huai, double breasi er sali M u tbs$7, vii bes@ad durlur Wea sui......... 4,5 48 men'a PNIeusUlatsrs,oui fou ansd long, naa!> @aodant eao novat .............. ......4 55 Fine Rie'. Taiormade OvaecoatiR beatliy 'qUtIbmdauI un".;lIescoats are made eqPai te tb utotom w; =, nover »salm sth"n 1M your cholc at ...................... ...... 70 1) Heevy N sud PileSPeJacket., ariain11sd veI ontdbeymuser Ith ~e o awliter overoanover uold lesm0, tprie aS ibide................... 1........... ..81 lee l'oubi Ovenoo&ale, maie frasubeavy bovln, tbome cmteas a i dfor Wbiseorbo l va viB At h1m tojour ;Olu ûatb >tlire .......... ................... ......8 la0 Xe'%BalusIts, thsprice.preIlas.te ibI W m M aplgo aow at......... .......... 60 M0 Eaavy Taller-maie Scotch Tweed SuIte, bave ou b sown la be.admbrsi. va hve boms mmfflamtreely antP$M jour choIees dmlng biIsie 2.. .....r................ 4.........60 2B Plnce AlberS DresSuit., bandsomiely linei and Wiimuci, Impossible to detet the difference 13e- iveen tIse sut. sud those made by custom tealoSI 1 he prie., dnring this great sale jour chooe for............ .......................9 M00Yonlbs' Suit., Maie trom al vwool tweed, thc workmaus10pa rranted, the eut la the latest, tbey go , st .Isaest....$L25, $3.50, aiÏd A 07 ToulIs' DresaSta, maie from fine black twills, tlue fareSr sàatIn lined, eut ln up-to-date style; aednéid hom 1.50to ....................... 40 la Buja Bita double breaated,, maie tram ail-wool tweied.. espalemne Ut materials, usual prise %re d sto .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . $2 50and 21 7SGailde Suit., made tram ail the newest de- sIgna Ut nuterlals, usual price$bO we hive dei.mlueitb let lbem go a1. asd 1il M. léairsMen's Trousers, maie from strong tweed, Mai prie481, reducedi W.............. Severalbrokren lmes of Ficed iUnierwear, soM ai 50ireduced to ................ ;............ Boys'Knickè àts .......................... Toou ube uited foi hall pnée and under." "ALWAYS GOOD AT GOUGHIP9'y Tii. Wonderful Oheap Olothiers, LIN D8AY. LieUaI ce - m an 4&& erver l;s flne-Wbà" ak. Te PETERBOR O. DUN9I fIEc OGI EST FRIEN OrgansPao (O.Pd"s osy.). PORT HOPE. Aavuas e d a*sob Md deoepm UUfliaaatim.k...whe CO. a lnv n z2'. t -Mt - M=8a C. uot? au mau. iNw 4,f PIPES, CIGÂRS, FPOR E VERYBODY Ri:.ndreds of artiles carefOfl t leoted b sait the limes and theo numoeous wants of My I tom&s, and I' extenda e,.! invitation tb ail. oui anl sd make yonr asecetiol £IGGS'