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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Apr 1897, p. 6

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313 tT THii 0" lent over*emul - ffe h# ýW40q~* t " e4vorh s ram nome Sonse. andd let'a se.; that lu *an h, isn't tr" POInted te the oie letter Juit d 111e-on theulioUnien tue vend1 sThaoulthIlaulnse,-but dont g- "Ilt muet Le Ai h. The year 1 aud tlsi.ls net 15e termInation o ci January or. February. Dated MarcS lut, 1876, aid l sgidi-" Mr. Gryce rollel bie s ynu l ratory ecstauy towards tis, cellin "By Henry Claveing," T suco wltisout heutationi. Mr., Gryoe's cyes rcturnedi uwathed fingor-endu. "Humph! do Tou tîov Ibat"" «"Wait a moment and I wilI show0 and. tating ait of my-pockeltt wVhleh 1Mr. Clavenlag bal bande! an Introducitton at our laIe lut-e I laid Il undenneati tise last It vnlllng on tise second page. Oie i vas siflotlent. Henry Ritohle 0181 on tise carl; tobc h ie iuandwriting on the 1011cr. ftIbavering il l," sai Se, "vlh roubt." But T Baw Se vas mot "Aid îow," 1continued 1, "ton 1h leral tenor *aid. mea.nlng.1? And mencing at the beglnîlng T neamI tise iWords as they came vitS pi at. the breaks, soinethig as fol "1fr. Hor-Dear-a uieo.whom yo, too vis se-the love and truo-tin3 er mica-autiful, 9so.chat--as face ,fo-conversatlio. --ery tom * 11wrare lu no except-ely am le, char-tender,' as 'uSe u, e- Pable of la plWoî ho Ir -hear hlmto-Se a-honor-ance. If-t bellev-.her te- .Il reada 111<. a comlaint againul et Mr. LeaVenvorth's niecee," 1 and started ut my owi voila. «Wbsat lu l?",cied Mn1 . Gryce; i le the malter?"& "Wy"saldI , *,the tact t l I iscard tItis veryiler Mspeîof. acomPlaInt agaaft-oie et, lu. I envortb'hlees, lad -va vrfttm Mr. Clavering." AildT1taiS isb e Harweill's Communication Si regai tise malter. "Ais! then Mn. Haa'weIi .bai*béesi Ing, bas Se? 1 tbeught Se vas in onff ram goualp.» * "Mn. Harwell ail T have seen othen almout Ally for the lait véees," replled TI; "Il vould be îli Wf e Sud Uotbing le tell me." "And- Se sayu that h. !ias el bIeter viîten toa Mn..Leaveuvroti lîr. Claveningr" "Tes; but wbosc tattlclar ver< buas nov taorgtten'." -"Tise.fcv See may âaulul 5 recmllig the nest." "'I vould. rather net admit hlia lcnovledge of lise existence efthIis1 of evidence. I dan't. beleve ilnlW anYoe n mb ur confidence vissa Possible to teep.ont,". "T1 soc you doî't," dryly respo Mr. Gryce. Not a.ppearag te notie e. ing veyed by these vends, T teck up letton once more, and began pet. ut such haIt-formed Vendu lu t thougist 'v. might ventuçe teo euu the Eor yo-,ee-utlul--, har lOr-, Irampin-, pable--, er This done, I next proposed -the in dudtIon et sîch otisers as seemel ne sary ta tiese nse, au LcaVeuvoritjý -er HoraistI; Sirafler Dean;, have e a possible ycu, betore.. a nece; th atter isi, tu -the Phrase rose hma on, atter lrampling; vSome at. dlebt,- aftt. a;, yen, mter If; me atter belleve-' beautîtîl, aller r Betveen thesecouinaet wvengi turnshed, TI nterposed a phrase et'i bene and, 15r., tise vhole rea4img % donc au tollovu: Mchlot, lem Mr. Horatlo Lee.veuwerth, Desr Si: (YenÙ) bave & niece vbom Yeu ieue toc wbo seems wortw the love aid trust e other mai cmaea ifful, go cbarmlng laab$Il face form and oonvews0flw But every rose bas lse thoram M <Ibi rose la no excep>tion lv « sa aLeischarming, (asauhe 14là,. tosls &u ahe in, she la OUab çw trarnpllng on oewho trusted ber heart a -bim to wom ah. oW a am cg bonor a Age If you do#'tb*lW!vp'lue.4u ber, cruel, b.autlth* what la : or) bvà*4e servant Gryce, «"vé ha t* "«Ihe asamR*'1 -of it, and, tbaUhfin. we at"t4 bût la ar»> tbt *pe-116 bo^,*M r ~ iii .tor ber'te have put a i .%Pwi 105'oà sucS .palis to gaia possessio, 't;* Meoondly. fer àtoura" ,1htt Ihem uems were >wipsa if tuer bal lee ltaed 6r dCui!popoesor uornethlag 0 d-tisaI tiui; a tact bard te explai Lt ad 1 Your hypotheesls," eru- 1%e deteotive's è.3e stole lu the. direa- sa= len et My, neotctie, vhIob vas as near au Se ever Cagne ,to.anfaes, ltb'*au wenI, pU or f ,groat lipI.eouL. "oTee Ithi. are a brlght ose,"lI hOa&vi" i, brlght ocm. Iquite admire youM. Rayrmad ici. A lîttie surprlsedI aildnet aitogetiset - Pleased vilS I-bis unexpeotel compli- Lee ment, I regarded hlm. Ioibtfully for a Moment and then autel: hie *"Wbat te your opinion upon tue mat- r 1 er. ?I 1140, yeu n ie 1Ihave no opinion. I u," gave -uap everY tiS ettisaIt inI ard vbeî I ýput tue affair Inte yeuî bands."9 ev,* "fluaItiste letteretfvisicli tiese er Igemps arc lbhe remnait, vwas on 1Mr. nc Lcavenvortis's table ant-lb. time ofthlie Ig laurIerlu bellevel. That upon lise aue bodY belng removei, a papen vas taken tron the.table by Miss Beu- * a uOe. Leaveworth. luaise obelleved. ur. Tiàt wvhen hefounu ber c nbal leetu otlce ail tbemuhen c i t ?. tbis paper, and thb. key, ube resont- 'm e cin.asublerfure'la crder tlescape the Md vigilante oethe votcS thSt bal bein se set over ber, aùd'prialAicel vu- Ing ln Ser enciVor, fluug tue keY inta )n the tire Jfre'in llh tisese smrnemrpe b-. ver. aflervards recoverela lu is 1l knovu. The eonclimion Il Icave ta yeit la $udgmeîkt" « VerY wveli then," siI I rlaing, «"ve - vil . ecmluaslone go for 1e pieucit. .,e MY -minI muet b. acttledlnregard te re the truth or fluiîy, et a certain tueery et -mine, .lua eiler tist my julgunent ,e mnay b. ents hmuch on Ibis or any Lr maIvten coîUeeled ltil lie affalr."l 1.. Aid only vailg le geltute address ne ot bis subordinate, Q, lu came I abeula 14,unel &ssgsîauuce la my investtilleis. leotMn. GrYCe and praoecdled lin- &t mediately tb lis,'boumeetofMr. Veeley. lm TRE MRT o0r À ruANiRmG WOWAN. W- "Tou have nr ..5bard tison, a»Y 1aceount -efthte eirouimstaices vbSc tr leI ta bis matjiage?" LO i Ilàs MY pariner vho sokae.1 baih4 been* astla hlm le e«plain te me Mn. Leveauvorlis's vl"-lovru - ali- Mpatby te lis e glah race. ..I "fyen hRed" returnaci Se nousing O uaP luhie bcd-Se vmg no et !entlre-' 91 iy recavered tram bisie ues-"-you vould net u-el e t me fer this ex- a Planation. But iSt lu net uttange on bI are ignora te . alter. I louaIt If there are Sait a losen'penseas in Le. euistence vbo coul tell yen viere -Hlorallm evenvortb- feuil the love- iy i omau Whe aitenvards bcume bis vite, nmuëh loua give Youta ay Mealle a efth1e clrcimtames Iiu led ta -tue 19 "I arn verlit fenlunate then, lu beiig Jaea lb.hecuffdenceetoue one cau. Wh"l were tIBe circictac, BMn. Véeley?" Bd "«It yWlIdWyen but 11111e toeuer; but sTuc. you* leslie îî ou saaiL Nor- -alla Le.venvontlvhen a ycgung ma be vas viny aanbtlouà.S; se uct op, ISat *i &t on. lime he aspirei te m&rry a 1 veallisy l'ady et Pmeileace. But ». hancing ,te go te UCngltad, hé. there *,met a y'oîng va oumae at race a"i eb&Ma baisucS an effecl upon Mi, > tisaI Se neliaquliheiaSlUItoualut oethn5 3- ,Providence lady, tisough Il vas me l- ime butor e ho SUfac& tise pros- Lh pectof et uSyl 1 te oie vise 551 10 n, greatlY- Interestol bmau as h. »nt 8; euoly tlu the humbk« Iclrcmatsanceu, S; ut vas cemorel vitS a.chilI cou- k.cernIng visose paretage lhe neigh- loim profe"fel Iguoraice andShe Sud sa iothint 10 amr. But. au levery ase o. toS e the caSe lu ani afair lite tbip, m love aid Adnmtion soon gel the bel- ter Of vcrldly vIu"MTalklaiei fulurn hieI. bal, Seoffenel'bnst as ber huaband, viSea ime uuedlately Puoved iseUeif orthy et his regard, lv eiterng u neAt bs x ýPlanatomu ho vastee MC&S eta gen- tleman te lernti 17. "The. utary ahe bu vas vety piitL il Il a"me t tisue.va aM AnmIcan .bY la birtS, ber tAther huaa*Iz lena vu»- zL knewÉrÀ.iohtt«e Chiao. WSSle Se s) Ieved, bur some vas -«e e«uuty u Sm lt- us ce vas efsaVIBgIe . er Mhoo he l*&Ut *e at Sia <t funerai o.MM the .Ma dýestn te end mi&"I wMo a.o!m-e»-1 e ttr# er t i0veslief. u 10 ome bihou, 'a htvu\.O it te&bsr ,t a "l. Od "I~S r hlr. -viey poause utSid oe te", as "ebaif vorith Iokhor »Vse. "o th y Bder eqse inen a ecrib br Wbavmte w " wbb-. 1re»rI a ia h 4 Ne sueed a 1i111e adngilu e i tmyIoaded prl IstrSadIcu -D requl, e but owmmcdaIeysLO&- A li,. shot ~ ~tt us.eii vaws *a very. pale veinai; net atrlotly '*4. E mémos "0uSe t.leigli beautiful, but e1 a contour and e«- lu a chaugelý tomn, estmaIlae Pression of great cham. Ber halr wva eav*Yeu, yalt tsIy«- Y e wo rbrevi, ber eyes grey-" . going te mate U. lvr te re- "Aid very vIle aparti"' stoe me th My faim ostion betore INe nolded, looklng *UU more au-thue-world. I di not you te do »O teiubedL.- "Nfow cagne Yeu te ]KnOWT 1heu, nor do Ivwbb y te do s» nov. bav yo sen er curet'Cana yeunont mate compa.ratively, I dld net anSweth"I qufelïea. otbapy,.tben., by amu g me Ibat Yeu On my way lowastalru, I betbub have abaîdone #or IUt abandon a me ef a letter wblch I bal in My projecl seo.iupelss gocket for >Mr. VeeIey's nonF ed.aU It is impossible,--;.. ana Cbua u ijOa I4 Labéndon t. Muas grieve te le a Thse room ,vas unllgbted, luit a source et aorrow ta ye il lu lest you cheerfuiltire vas burulug lunbthe grale, sheuî kno*. tisaI I nover givve u~p a id by ls giOW IOBPed&aIsedy Oulb. hehope et r1gbting vhile I1t1ve. lag on the bearth whom atlrtglance 8h. put oefU quet b In a sort or 1 took for Mis. Veeley. But iPOfi&45- hopeles deprecation lnexpresuibly, vancing anl addresting ber by tisatt coiug te beold. Ln est vaning naine, T say My mistake; for the per- lirelluightBut I vas entless. son before me not oîlY refrainei tram "*i ahoul nover le ta lie quilY replylng, but rIsing aI théve s eui t< i My grave If tbroug any veakuems mny volce, revealed a formia ffl I I shoul misstise bic priviiege. of Its heigljitand consplcuous la 115 ffito settlng the vron ig band uavhîga thal aul possibllty of ils bing Ihat et noble woman trom uni led diagrace." the dalnty 11111evte etfiDy patner, Aid then uceing that aS'a etlk: Iled. ti.de e "ntIki *i ece that I have made a mlstake," la reply te bidrw p uarer aid said I. 'I bei your pardon;" and voul aald: "Ta there net 11111. klnd- bave leftIthe roin, but sometbing lu nons I can show Yeu, Ms Leaven-1 the generai altitude et lthe lady le- voprt? Solc ut uenmion bIefr fore me, restraiel nmoi and believlng eatcBremssg !nvU li1k it te b. Mary Leavenworth, 1 inquireti aen rman cto Ztrni bc 'Man Il be tIba la Misa eaen only a friend could do?', Worth?"r,1 Se utopped te tIit. "Na," ase sald;t Thse noble figure appeared te lroop» 'i have ouly oie request ta mate, and 1 thse gently littel bead le failiand for tisaI you refuse Le granai.l a moment I doubîci If -1 bal leen Sr- "Fer 15e meut unheillalt ot ressnm," reot lun my supposition. Then terr ndI urgel. uot bu."o bheadslovly erectel lisemneeves, a eott 8h. slowly so S eribd «'o voee spot. and I beard a 1ev "yes," thluk sa," murmurel use: Iben betore 1 and Sîrrledly aivaaolug, confroteI h1 xiiiepl, i couMi leslne ite f11ei net Mary vîttu ber g'.aieing, iever.u ao so mbvee gaze and scarlet, treuabling lips-but Wbt lutisa?" Elcanore, tbe vomai vboae ftatest "TIfSt aytimg shouhi transpire; a look bal moved me froua the tBrut, t1h. Aum shuntSlm.fuSaiOr-os* ir M7 veini isge butanami1Ibelevtel â- prèsenS Ula M* w ay. YeuvIli a self t lele ven *« Mmi , o qj net ktep à» à%Iguotea.1«I on 400= vi let me Im m go ,omut vestMtg Stumbllt galevly bacit, 1 murmuffl cOmea. w~ fi sametblag about Savlug bellevel It te $41 Ira" '..-- b. ber couslun ami thon, emslous *ayy "Ami n»W. gooi-migt."O ef tise oie vlub te fora premence z b- dared net encounter la my presenxi meel., tunnel, vben ber ricb, heurt- tubi velce rosc once more, anl I board: A REPOERT FLLOWUO BT MEo". "'Toi vIii nat leave me withsout a Wbcn, Ueretone, 1 feouil myscifthtie wrord. Mfr. Ra.ymond, nov tis acue next mornhng vils tise Visiter book 'n bas thiotevunustogetiser?" efth1e BotltUnies aI R - lu MY "WiII yoî net tell me, thon, nmre- bande. il vas euly by the stroigeot tbung oft Mary and home? 1 caanol effort et viii tisat 1 coud restrain my ast Mm .Veeiey; ohé la tiud, but Rbas. Impatience., The suspense, however, 01 ne real kuoviedge et Mary or me, uer vas short. Almeat Immedia.tely I on- dacs ahe- tnov anytblng et our es- ceuntenel Rfeary Clavenlng's name trangement. S5e thinks me obelinate. vritten net hait a pae belov tuosei and'blames me tor leavlng mir -cousin etof Mr -Leavenvot and lbisieces, lu ber trouble. But yen tîov that! unidvisalevenrnmay have been my erno- cciii mot le othervtse. Yeu nowev- ion at findlng my suspicions Ibis con-.i lien volce vaverel off Inte a tremble firmed. I reoognlsed lb. tact th4t I 1 and she diIInet ceadulde. w as In the pouacmlon ef a dlue wblch i canol tell yen mueS," I baslened voul yet leïti te lb..selvlng eof thé ta reply, "but vbatever taewiedgc sM fearful probleux vhich bai boue lm- IW aI my commtam, le cerlalnly yours. la posed upen mel. tbene anytbing II ipaitIcular yeu voul Hattening te the telcgraph odice 1 Ilàteo tasaa?" . 'ent a. message for tue mai Prouli ' i vouaiS lite te tnow boy Mary lu-T me by Mr. Oryce, aid recotving for an 0 Wbeth.en ah. lau veU un-and cern swer that beo coutl net b. vilS me bu- ývnadll'fore Ibree oclect, sarted fer tise Sous.01, "Tour cousin la net 11"I teturned, oet Mr. Moneil, a olleit et ours, living M "but I tean Ibat I can barlysay eho.inAR-. - P la @@upoued. Ob*la in great anguleh I arrlved at the lePet JusI a; the Pl Miss Lmsvenwontb.. BS. iu nat only jtrain came in. Tiser. vswu t ou* pa- M overwbelmed auth1e lkua viiobhSasq- senger for PR-, a brirS youns man, i fallen ber, but overcorne vils anxiety I vose vbele apearance vas ise ldit- ' for yen. Toi muet net tuint et ber' ferçît from vbuit1 expete Q'u te %I as belag athervise Itai troubled." I Le Ibat 1 *t once maie upmY'mmnd "Toua mec ber oflen, then?" znid mie. Seoceuilld e lis rna 1 vas leelg i arn assisting Mn. HarvellInh pie- fer, andlwvs thenefoe turaaig aay parns ug yun le's look for the press dieuppolntel, ison ho a»rpoamb*îed il anl aecessarily amn Ibere mueS efth1e b*Ud MO a-a rdýOnUvIleS vas14u-th -liMe," replIed L ucnibel lise aimai. character 0#60.", .-. 4eMy ies boèkl" Thse wvedome '"toutamre voa'ypntual; 1I lète Ibat." nV in a toue of lov Serrer. Ho gave aaotber short, quitmo*& M *T'rsislmLeavenvorth. It han boeu I"Gladi sir, t» glesa. y.'.Putetualty vend, tvt amfit- 04"é -#-&S-l t1 ioâ h u, fý» i& h& muiefo àa 211 SIGNATURE -0F-- PrVOie. afedt t,Soo mil for cO Io, ON H WRAPPER 0F VER B0~ITrLE 0F ma Mdh LOSorSu5Mc ëww,«Q, &îat û,i tm ineMe. ~ 151 alauule ~ u tbst I o pera lb. ieryt m aloi la asuMyreaaoamwiê fa *mldw. WM e , t e mut" - hvforauà qua.Imty et te WI 1 uuAldy do lot tV* h et-- a ome s lbe to»WI$wMa lIep4 cv.a E- lIy 8 117. Party consiste cr hrthemmives, ide end thb. glu MM"eltKaifail.Uicle remuned tbree affl".th" Ibeaet for a short. tour ,u$Ok, duriBg wblob ladle. were sem M m. or leu, wlIb lIse gentlemua him- el between un, but flot to an extug buffilent teo ecite tonalP or occasion .womrk. wbên salI gentlean leet R-- abruptly, two dayg arter unclea reIMOI .Date uly Il. Aus b hbts of ladies, more or leg s mala. Tbeây Mer alimy" te b. seen st plcnioe,. res.' etc., andla he .ballraomn. Lte est, E- consldered grave,.am towards -the last of ber utay, mcod. .11 Mu remeànrberednaw, tisI ber man- mer vasalwaye pecullar, tadthat 5h. vas More or lems hunned, by ber eOmmlî. A servant-fflrl nov inth ie hofri MY@. bow-ver. she vas t1sweet- est lady ever breathed. No partoezar- reason fer Ibils opinion. Unde. ladMes and serva&nt left R- for New Tor, AUgust 7, 1875. L. H.C. arrivedl at the hotel fIn]E- lily 8, 1875, ucnpn lh1r i Mys VadeMort, friends ef the above. Left .TuIy 19, two weeks frori the dar et arrivai. Little to be learnelfIn re- gard te hlmn. Remembered as the bad- Borne gentlemnan who vas ln the pe.rtli vWils tb. L Girls, and that lu ail. S. F- a oumaîl towi, soun. sixteen or seventeen mnile" froin R-, bhal for ls Methodist mirister In X.uly0ofItat vear. a mai who bas tne lied, famuel Btebbins by namne. Date, of deceaàe .Jan. 7, efthis year 4Naine of rmanInhemploy of S.S. aIt that time, lu Tlmnotby Cbook. *He hais been absent, but returned te Ir- twe laysa go. Cin Le seen -if requred. *Ah ba?' I cried aloud &t tis point In my aud.. usurpriue and satisfacton;1 **Dow. we bave sometbhng te work wltb!' And slltigt down, I penned thse !ellewinc riply: "T. C. wanled by ail means.. Alm "Yi evideluce«Oingte oprove Ihat IL end .IL.Lver. married at tiseboe et Mr. B. on my daW et JuRy o= u Immt isl. Wemî au ýlac ome thse flowxau "O. C. om the roal. Rem-emberu a Uaavt.ge.Will e wt you by 2 P. AL" At 8 9C'cl of etthat sane daY' I Utffl before 1fr. Gryce. "I'am bere. *0 hed my report,- muid. 1 The licereof a anille paued oves bie foe% and be gased for the iraI Ume au. Ide beuid-up fiuger eils vltb a soft- «lng aspect tuaI must bave done Ibem seed. "'mu ready," sali Se. - f0ýr. GWyce," I begw, "de you te- membor Ihe conclusion we came te at out 1raI InterviewfIn Ibis bousel" "I rSunember the oi* e u cme,*. "tWill. veli,"- retuiruol 1, a littIt eevlsly, «"the oie I came te, thon. Xt vas Ibis; tisaI If v could ndte visol Mesore lieavenvorth, tk ue owed b«r beul duty and love, ve shoulddls- auve wbo It va» that murlerel Shm -And do yen Imagine you bave escr- esaed Ibi?" 41 do." 131s ey e tole a littie nearer my face. 'WoIll" exclalmed Se, "'tiat la goo<; "Whea I uidertook Ibis business 02 bemrlue leanereLamvenworth fm nPlcldoa," resumel 14 .11 vasvilstheh pusmoaiticon Mat Ibis persan vould preve toi b. ber lever, but 1 bad no Mms h. vouS prove te le ber hus- 1fr. Orycela eyea fasbed lte IlihI- Mig te tho elebg. O"Wbat?" sali he, . 4912Wlover t Bleanere Leaveîworth la Ul»ieber huabail," I repeatel. 1fr. Clavering holtis neoleur 0couse0- UM t. ber tisai Iba.> . *ey have yoî founi thst eut?# de- maieS Ur. Grycenla a srsb tone It mUe«"d dlua.pitmmet or dlspleaure. Cauteds la put up la oou-duz boutles oaly. It l9 not aola ln buis. Doa't allow anyone tb ral jas uytJWe "eon lhe pils or promise that it l "ut as good Ilma " vili ansver, every pur- p as.9 Seo Ibat you n l0A8TORI main- er GO TO ANDESN, NUGIENT, 4&Co* KSUT -STREETi LIN DSAYB Yndeakeuand'Oabinet Makeru Md 04 - uf d.Né, t.ouble b uJiow àl ANDRSOU. -IJ0EUT a 00 le liT5 WDj --i. k - fi 'A. #srop,&s. 3~G Bauooes. * le ObU4~z BARGAINS.!.-BARGAINS! OHEAPER .THAN EVE£RI 80008,SoLO BELOW COST. W. aise hold on Lad a large slock of OPres@ smd Nantie Goods; a180 TIMmmimes fer sanie. --FANCY GOODS - W. u&W do Drem ual Nant iakmg in the very Latest Styles. GIVBI US A CÂLL. 1 have- uat oompletc<i a and am now prepared b furnil. everythiag for houme finishing in my Une as oheap msthe oheapesi. Everythiag guaranteed right or no pay. Cali mai iapeot work and get Prie. 5.. IYI I :1 i j' t 1~ Lo OF -2010-tf. Tdepbone IM

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