IDOU(ULL SMi' j*obzng PSAUY At GIVE M A C .1 ~ ~ "Vob= erAnm & v So&a Oopye ~~ITH Mix sN brjg ues ART MUBLINS OR 8 ILKALINE8 lu the.iight newv efecls, videWltb, 17eo. s!yr This se son'a patlerue, -but v. ver. offered il aI a ïpuStes 10lear, 'snd lin. cen give jeu a $1.50OCurtain fo;r $1. DoubIe.-fold American Percales, Delaine yatterna, lOc. s yard. (SumbVs Printe, noue better, inu m edanus snd colcoe, 13c. goode for 1lc. a yd IMSTLE LINING, Moire effect, 1Me for 10c. a ydul> IqxW JimEA PATTRgNS-Ths nevuew si 1uthe ides off aelliug a pattera EQUAL to auj sud surpssaed by NONE for lîjo. eaeb, To wry once- fue alvaja. ýWRAPPBIIS-Iiriua special facilitiei ýfor giving you nmatty, tylish W.irapjieas et moaxy.aving primes, vs bave opoe:up lpa deprlusul loi hem. he prioee tart at NliNETY-JLGKT QENTS sud xum up 1h.esocle t10 Two ollars a.nd Seveut.y.Fivs(Conte, It jeu hayonewssuM she., hy cous, WA Wanted-An àid. oiMmee l "i bom i. - iratMe.ra"* t a o .mi i~h TE & SOýNS :& CO'S OLD STAND. Wes.» a Mi ed iot u" .iIsenuIo SET ~X7E5DÂY LINDB*Y, O 5Iu~Ufl mw &I»- »M O M ua Organs, Pianos' sud BEWING MCI~of lis bMt»"aie aI rducelprioee,. pne uicet.alougr beav~U.hhq eyoetlaia lt. Iupouulbls t* GO(OD BLACE.TEA toi ôlb. 1. ou et Îlt.emu a.TrT Our Me. BI6a oTsda t'mif kt.nmot RodM .Irbmie y havebu &is rnlg.t or. IBOOTS AND SHOES.J mol me auguest you eaoi d peut sur goola Mmd pules4, ud, if pou ire net improeasi vth the vàhealue . s f.ukg--duxlb y. lu not partîcalar, le ocu. Gode ens 0FTEN CERAPER tien». pse. Partlouiarly fithist tins en e purchuer tha the tiicodaens bougila vlth a certain- amaof.un ortotaly sMd aellàbtty. W. have uo c"eP gooda altiog n ne adieputes the shespaes o! Oui pi... West End 3 Storms sdfirst thingyou knov you wil beinJo. SUTOLIFFIE & SONS: STORE 1lookg t lhe pretty thangs that, have just arrnved. Large, shîpmentsu &e -béing reoeived ulmost Nov don'l b. fooled, buy where you pies., maie your ovu esolion, 'but above ail thinge lok at our goode aud gel oui us.ensyou make jour purchaueeleeie, and if ve do mol ea e l te y"uil vii l o for vint of keen prices cuupled vîthreliale sgoode. Auoug the. New Arriv"airae in Cen vas oloIbs, (Soroil desigue) sud Jrsuob, Dreuden, Tanoles, vorth 90%. te 81.00'a yard, for 60c., ZANI&ZIBAR. LAW N ina Pluai, Blue, Mots, Nsvy sud Mued colorn, 15c. a yard. Pure. silk, in a nauaber ef shadeu.aad stripes, 20e. a yard. tamanattame. la -T of D l mlE. . kMI t.ý uluila kMdt ~ MD.ies lb. dbsle a a b oa kmt lIt ventoka md0 un" am Odin m ie.é t, - hichhlai.liaI Ib vnegdae te t bremgi then 001M4 ,al*u - bm eOamlu le n Ie viiieruiaumg eie l Ibsth ic oorezaulaatioasepu Mont Ibis b. foui%.l la au #iepig uattalmts, but và bes h-nmaie lb. bol. oiM » ---- m_%bey beomi» atualbiagbioki sweplg «Mom.5 theýt UtuLat, Tin th e -Ontario t.. lp? 1 damp su elbathtlv eart Ihat lheY mcie - ê ihn telilect or kaowlele 'h « le& acmt coait of atiaaglforved e viqeustos, oa.but lth teu sud s. on dmply migmi mmeu sd catohes, STht. bWax t. one videat, thht ka paepota fotoe lb. ezac leioer mass a a hts iela Asueral isovil"ge mau oit frthé ttzt. hooko. but la thei M» o Md les.gamd al ter te In colollvihà e ýcIorsa pf. téla tat r hmtehehothe esau.mbtlammo toe il e mue t W~uum.hMre tlornM veyatudent buvu. V "ies mthout rnumber. ho. bine iamIudstuall.d maumîlcie o b hv w Ib. Mfmnosrvice te hlmazoopi t 42 .t.etlrna Apita. the eoiltoua m»d ajuat ex. Nuaie& mothe l e tg 1: esareion vlth "bi la the ayatemm: Tii oie etthe atualeaxa os a certan"asoink lirth Viotenta, bu bceta of otbe a imêate Il. l'Th. pupil. elliel te pi thle »ses . end vm puoo.Th* thee Dont bosea MsinU" aIu a romNid lepoëltel the pioos u fus i SI ui qiL The pipeauvoné mu" Md lieterMaevs.wuecsm' ad à ma1" edit.. et ïuew5B 8.0i me atea ceisnoet euiabme uMd lb. otly ouoitoel y h aie Yenly hag badedaet fdomnam buali.. Pae la cm pupla kOntario. a'h. H -b 011t.e m m iogc lng ap a. cooelat IM dot loam tg à l pistilferaflghcoe"o nekwcornpublie m*0itoE eviuag MN lu t00 Arit -d"de Awgaut foliwe VU&S Nmb e u genefly bll duulmg lw tbe hue aya cd Jurn. Thse gxvs. theepe 'ebmfoufi meeh k la " te a thelb.manku;but knva ail hvbet nn,àihae.l avet eem1 hkv.laliarlme.dc ate tl h 0av duv mvsa tvehe .lipae obta.e& hié et te "S ettisMhe omuaunu. ,but Mtlb. leperîmieat.vloh aboml extepd l*e pulsdllovmd te appui) Wiet de DU lb.. evideaon et foui plat Wuo tI 1 Aue lhe ladicative eofsu houmo odelslomel &aiiate prousSte eduaelic. or a douete gesisteér ove ol ai Wavarice et du. eodrilce et edumat 1 0h oit Unl.Yonumsmulvomen vho 0ae e ufferis uMay mever ti. Thon t. ssouthhig sautousil .. og vlh dui aemboa domat, sud tao eduam- t"oiet aytem i fOtio. l'h.people huov Iî oeal lhe boy&anmd girlé vho nomd oui achoola ne ditiy suffisilai Isaea. IMon. cverii th. eot tl is o cusefor crmplitat. Ilt. lay nm ezmplc of hem &ffeiuaue memaged il Toronto. Lot tho poople *et. C'mus. ECOArOHET. UpillI. xcrh 19 1897. The deputation from the lovu concil te .0Ottaw, reput that tbey bave every receon te b.e «a .1 vth the recption ,they re- oelvedl, Hon. Mr'. Blair bavlng promised t e au nginefler te maie an estimate of heoos o te work roqulred. Il Io said lisp would have doue botter liadt the>' laken a representativeofo!the.prens aong TaE opmN I Am sà> CONCm ERT OiO opeel o Frday nigil vian lbeHarmony, baddaoreed sweel suian of music oni Kent et.. Phare una àlaueaudience sudi N urn VOL XL.o-WNhole No 2090 eteie Sv ie eét via yha m tiez"is Tkuiscedobalngh.rnk oeIel amaur e ii.m »T Mdli. u. & 1Juod u oan XealaMr Mdthiu John une of TavAag . ob ,limm X rn19n,016 ~ mau aibarn M ne LelIlrgIiIUIdS-à h The Y.M.C.A. football club reorganizod for the season, on Tuesday evenlng wlth J" fUwl~ offiers*s- Hou. President aBenr.. W. cMIlianB. A.; lot Vice Pro- Seo..reeurrC. A. Suther~land; Manag- ing~ Committ4s, Messis Martin, Brown and .Ewawt, Tihe club bas some goud materlal a"d will put up a fust garne t'his Bsessoni. A TzUmPEL&xcE HoumILMrf Qeo. Gain, the. old porter ot -the Benson kouse, bas mmted the hotel ownod by Mr. J. Duncan, aext door to Dorgan's botel, and intends te ke.p à a xsT-c.Aus-temperance house. Yard, stable and shed rootus free. A ~soecialty of the house will. be the 15 cent boÔt meal lunch counter. Hot tes and coffee. Times are bard and Mr. Gain in- tends te eut down expenses. Don't forget the "ame-The Grand empeance.Mous. ht wl fbe ready forebsies on the 4th of Mfay. Give hm aeIL45 00rmer Sussx and Peel Ste., Box 415, Liudssy. TH E RATHB6U N 0Oa WbInlser and Coleman& Sait in barreis. The buet qualities Portlanid Cernent "SBtar" brand. Plaster Paris, Albert Brand. A ¶usntity of Ear Burut CwelI Ming, *upeSrterPr«es4d Bzk, Mm Xlew Terra CO&0.1ta al for sale at a rednotion to, make room for other goode. Doru iSsb, Neuldinge sud other "nsde finish. Egi,. Stove, Nut and Blacksuiith. Ffrat*lau HÂRDWOOD, long and short. DRY MILL WOOD. The o. have but a large shed and viii be prep&red to supply, dry mill i wd dur- img the sunimer. Rough snd DreSsed Lembar, Shîngies, Tmom-Office, No. 77.- Mil, No. 78. DU RING*THE MONTH 0 f APRIL Our stock ie aivays enlarged. W. have just added orne very uic. Mantd. Cl.ocis at esecially low prices.. In a Few Days. W. wiii show am.ornurprîmes in quality and ppimes in ILVER WARbE Ladies' Long CMains, Silver and Euemeiled.Blouse Sets, Gem and Wedding Rings,, tLargest Âssortment of Bye Gises aud speolsolse. àil kluds ot w REPIIN oi limHe. WÂnything made to Order.«Ç Seu ourI adies' Oold Filied. Wutoh WmY *1O0.50; Boy"So"d Silver Watob, . Tj evITT IgIt Daly Emu, K"t 5a FBIA.Y APIL 9& 18978 DO17GJLL M.NCLIZR pqmte fh, mml*eus.tIiU mafflu " 8m laü» ut, Wme"S liýqe usual Ocrod penraubafale atreeta; iperbasa.*liepue.Wbe atusMoreu--I-«. the. bicycles vers outlalufuni foroe; lie baby Iwmliethdm @mem t e Woub.mai aquae cartbiges ere lu evidsuce and mii liaI I mAté b ofl Mtuecaulot. vas vented te maie l an Ideal snmmere8 '!TMi slai lbcl everymaimut ea evealag tend nigil vae -thi pening out eie a.iiorlieepismvlat aa lie les cresu stands viere lie yot1DÇ I ioceltonsi visMbengi be ml sb mam couli blow la is btstgirl... Up a[ a.irst hmWouuh WM theI*twn-Pak" he band gave a I"»mmto ma oBchay, The l duit 11ev la concert. teama- Ung codo «mà lMS0«« tMO u brother frcggles, vis ecoapli e lie' l*uet Tipmou anel amW mbtgma vantais plu--« on lhe bouliersloge culd desaa Md foai.. md thon vuMMgoal eus olier mieoellsneoue articles. ilg about. tfo opW&sî lh. e uhgoeil sould hais OaWT.-Te witeto a ou he ic th et hé ut salrvlb.heucmtag ibutas»elbumpI ma.marae Whttlie, idiot oet le .vu mile le iii> levathe eboiuali dut. J.. Whit"es, Eaq, s@4ltlaBritain on Whffl ily t. il te e ion ia iM Telaly th it., ui the cmm of89 pea. tikg.TM ceMOUI "UbUti tve lM . Féý org m anlieu LlveMem mWhbikesle ien me im, brlgbl amabi Md i. bl hé ea nodticlet ilcilpes, berltste ueam une atalaMouber ysuuiui galh &"bs~Maidbar couli gt ïte I lov inthi eilvu" blM orsthe mi tseut smla, the emcly tIls. tront lie township ofiIe 1 atvgei ehauci, viens le y bel aled come iae, mImm V ira ve, mtle aumssi. ae bautmue UtIcai m»wam Mdbvyala u te Canal s. le mma wýýitald. be-oamouler ef Jsdt bà bie.s.. t.isi onk eM lhe Chilsati nvoi, àIl Iot.treugi lie I y.vuj ast bu i u1aîmd hu a os. l takieilet Ob@ Md unisse humbau ti time igit, hi.epuINg* te partlé. of il sthé abudmk of thBué da aeiIljtlou *e-t. natlion ame t6ihe . Mmeo vent t e t"a Umi*. Feur chiu c, urvive neuag..awu* ticmmnMi wup i l uamey, IL F.*WToiec, mha issus.eoauIm.m 0 epée ste MMiiaeWou. XaIhàem& MLadErs, cal)Nia. Mlma D. t tuueEluml.Kuglm TJ. C Daxm ahudu. andOiM zlis islam 8"k lIé m le niomMd ie* va usleuliaI.; aenvttt ahInM ebi uukimnm - lu m4r'e*-t ~u~c;;~l1o4«MY .. " .0. à éonans e flqi m ueao u "W lla lib l lettheabu.à e sei a -1ofOsefimianla m5hé iieM. eah" a etPuiia Ch mOQýVbéMÏM vu and i 1W UPEona ltheI~ ma~iuu k0lh I -nu tseStu E, 35o 600. 35o, 40c. 3 00DS then at 50, o oursel'ft for Trick. iail widtha, Set. et' oc* DriVe; ARDS, rs. IAUES» Kv. J. a. Ouaegl% U . P., hi"7vOIIBe Mskty mombi. vu tu te» aatuiay. A à, eur lW o valuai -abippel Kad kW te glq Nen beu trown vaby lIMi mu - lýpvrt Ib K.Md U" Kaguo tso tvr,vflw o o k fée ma eam. SPtap New Tçk The loft oaduq. Kw. ev. mei&Mst. f ir l um Su ab oat*1m% rumia bous U". d&Y M a %buetht mache'buincs. utp Th.e--.vhch va.m lv mva LladasYt t voek vwa aiusobuervil lg Otilti Mdl .th, felgbborblsg tovua Grombha&gm poiw,, oute. Morts m ui a autusac; th"y mmvai u caeuo. t*tcloy tt lheueor aijone'lao "Wilson, of ?dtn.l.. uel, vall lauo o-Tuady of thta veek. .J5~ reeue ubludm ioeurkahug ta incs Tby end tebhavesouple eyiup foraaie et th@ ffler alet.e a ush befote i Iqi bMgu tc, ru, but tht. put Atappeu bal thbw have vite. K.W. Leaifo ri. .John Tl'ach endm MIn Trelevemil611 O amnuaý.loft fiut mmii for Daitieh Colambia. l'au W»m rvihua tIbsMaouesinkthéir Dow home. Kw 'c.Watton loft for Port Ide Tue. day. te le la atteadin et athe tunel of hie K. Jobn (>elier. jete fordmea of dm .vellay ehopo ther und lormerly of tht. : The onadition of Mif. Jus. storej M o tr l, vhoh beau omlaid Up mth. typhoil gaver je aoDu better at protée time of vviag.Mn.0 Skier offtoma,hie ..the, la in attoudace1 et ht. bod"ld. Who voold tak off Ilia sund th@. i bely bise uoff ainme mouthom a citattai the glontous lnviaouictbg veather va hava bâd1 nosntiy. la more mvalht»orne C»2"da t. e prlvil eSuâtry. As acon au maVlga" tcus m.Kr. jliDEu, for msY Fae a oag Llo.ys foimosl o bih... togither wvh hie tamlly. voiiiimve i for Maekl»aavad. Lake Humoa, vharethey vili numde lk f amie T'he.Dw evsuvion, beanqbul: et Boboey. b meon t. waptlycoedriticouploglo. b wu lsuaebed Sîtmwdoy eveslg sdD& à@e en vîne piacal %ht. viii Whoau plelilthe éeame vol b. ornote M l lan thlb.taln" d vibra, betisbails etonsumd obululiy put EliJé BRue t Mthe béitutMOttawa SURf Keuptll% l th iie ~ ofhie. misaI. lather. 1.Dése o f love, liéastoade thcecoflglat hmnefor gseordl lu, up liii lest saumon. Dusnl hi. altendeénca beovia. ore efft théicboolle tout populer itadeta. Neodi... te »Yoiy l h c id achool Mind.e und iequikh M i aebahted to me hlm, MV. C.A. Zaviti, sxPeuisiltftet epimatunel oegeGuelph. bm. jumelad okelr dssuuibing Ibhéaixteusttm vhle fmunmas kriviteil to moketht enti. Ail ustoel asu sed. viiilebu uppliaitirai, t,. ithai mltb deteile .diriomlg 1 ILL Zavite. et Guelph mouluwm olae. The » am wasvrnilt nh moue micitemeatd 4thei b.foat, mli @4supe the 11611 «Musa et WhtbY. usin Dny deu'. a@llilte la the meanlime mécv t fornra la ik caher oomal,. Thère vu MMst lime taeut Itlbae thlee primis. tIm this v.ek.. Th.te tu bag ofau editor t. ippimoletel ilttu desh f mot belore. A lavyev lest he toflovtag vorlae o sooletion to lh. vldow of sa ediitor: "Icimet tellyou hovueiid I vist uermthat yenhuburd had gos, te heeni. W. vonbouemx fieniabut me Revun mut ca." lathoa dey§ it te Wall te po in t yeu WMOi obJul »w thonlat. eaem"eoomplidt 1-o menihata about buvine troundepoil mentl@tors, md pet thon ne menehiata themulesiv Who vii boy for %huit familit poode. vhtoh taey me met hamdlb&- trom theu v.iy depntmmrtù ae Inapectol Stek, Mf the Domiatos daectivet depatîmenl, bhm zecevel a oocaterfeit ewmaty Sv* cuat cola, cdtée 1891, mode et su alaum ixaalley, aud bomlbe a reunkeblec neemblaoe te the gmenlt&rd"It te c lîttie dgit veight und trou thi t. l debecolin la counnetvoly ooy. Il cun leuneoognlz i. 10by s Peotw OUiF feelicn mellee hs. .rabba belvois lteu ia. Sy plpiWtcaebe.u beohlagforth lk loms. ef lalititt-a agiabe *arc.a l repnththe IbMM eoot0v i gt. Thor W* uluht purbaépe lu-prmienied"itIbis beutihalse, yol il a u aok Ma thet tb. jmM hmulpittbu iy t1he Du tgas eotuall ocuay, -aev mr.esmmm nJiaa, JOOD VILLE. ylgteg Otismetht. muai.a u . iWsrdr Mr auiiMl. M " mtà MliWoard à.pd"a 1 Nà. T.- Gaoos.. cf Manitou, Maulob% tb fiiid *.bm an tes06y b"sh ippel a car îo.d off Ihoveughbred oM;ek fios SoUiS M 5110(M MOO& . .hbne os. Moaip. Su last, for Maniloba cou- JEM..Boive . eLuhuju ps a. eshaz ag auot ber oft Mv. Joba Compb.lsa couple et day. et OlIsma ltâ . i O Shropchirc as» cu aL 3 hea eofatile; a sud lobe saeiaili. ttbaamlo. .yduable eWlie fvem IM. Divison, cf Mr. <lbanll Yoo% fonîarly otf pIrvulher aubhiara; 3 Tammortb jpIge Itm New Dundai; ffl Coe tabliabment, loet Wo " jar a Omo BuuubdmImmsl on nie Hawkfnu, cime a T«onstevinhoacbas sbured àgoid aiucta.. fins Duarmbull. honghî usear Iîbidge. and ;Royal tempfle. mlitoait la Quea. t ciii stock. W. vould lie Ituiose s 1ev eeh n iouoda,.. AWU12 . a geâbeiL 1 âa or e k.hlm oime cî car .Mn, Denrle < r--i -Au incber»M cie iusto t.b. pratHamâkinâ ha. adhie nover heosboer. FraI Important bahis.. *Eadolpi (8387) te T. R James.. ofCombrav. Wlt .,.~oo~. » ~T.111 g t. in lasul azoepilon the ftmeal stock With uiewoommau th lite laadl îho bug acr nbgeught tu thiae ouinty. umoibelW" it. - Ones mci, inowa dgy Mv. lame. deaervsliberil petiotige for bis noode Iru Mas m ean70 icI.on Sêtuîday Imu-t estia. se he pie as .pail jelarge. ho to op tu laus bayera. mrhail. a vaîy fine 5cm teuiup hlm Tmi latisslaoe et iç(adiotn Oddfollov compiny....Kwr. loin Gibbu t. aov tie hmai br and lul oftl . Mel. prosi poasessooff a fissue of mccl oiippoî tlawe. l oa w MeWeIa hie alveaItouxilhi ttin. m vbhips tbm beam et been c preumeu oudtcllov 1sad la tuat 2%j pantis, Any body that bhnasfises I. .oelety, bu hoalmy ofetis -gomatsud boistta, Mr. Gabba meuld like to hait from nous abs p la&c3 juinoh Cotamol nu A quesalon vhleb »,di<tlmbfort'd Ia.and a4 ~greet prizo visne. on the"i e mimd.Mnay necire,-t.m osb iu Ibis modem &ge aus.g ant natios? ORlE tsls e Th# Verdir. Umtm mKA i 4.ElSs(M Mi Timfit a i:a Mna on iy sud the lmu OfBib.. Bie., el"l«M . (amers are au b.gaMlagtu preaeei ii bsoei na aluea mjaede. Tiaten vhu0t.pron"lig fatriy, if len atneo.-1l70U. j le beligc lot eoved la thon parte. Mis. Kamhavua i juin hidhm Tum vonlarge numbordrove teLladmay 01 lIe 'amlllaeyeparuelmmtofprom.i d lmsu riday sud. Baturday sud oonsidored the etoies, bu. bon phlm kcaruse cILE B Iieltag gsoc. LIAU &k e. ulai oem. U Rli, Sués. Wxg. Fh m rhu otuiad fromi C maloever el ty mtlllniim u m lilas achel laat. Toronto. cf ter ttng a tire mathe' coure.ThecteilbaItjouais oldlie Au elgit wnua ffs.dly qaug but baiiteol the as f wM mamlil can odera Selven twê o emi U lea à luelm lova bie lime mcl ipet, ahonld ho noerer acalaid symamalm on Sslsdy vu thé mmm» o mt. go te Tunkoy orw-Greec. va mmthst a uldmWa. Twold tphenson »W ml int.bolas tomt pda libIbal a"s.plies, lovsanmd liatimbera bshug utilisai fow Mr. E. k.Hmy, &A., cf the cofuWtet msuther purpoee, sud efforde a apleulid matai amblaIse, omoîthe lbCambrige ut méth- poveore plèce thli for same lnînetiy. Tie kis chaieh plpl uzdtal, mfulagmati ale la tie pondu e t ish nov. Tie flour lb .0ephituïe l. tea t uâq b mlihem'bsea kept basv, vomi ot belag 4al e givmlysV"ry ai dIseoý.e The . b*lalufuel ith by ami fnShat yst . -.8 Hugab"sp -t'tu *0 *Mmîslaktin W.E.ILuimeN olre mieearie of20for Îsbd .- thsi le punie Wvo throwev tic m..tbreugii bis Tith itéIb mmmpa eu apeu MvId" &at hs ou lascodof o tthii pm.ahj o maia ipio&m aMdd y almdk it ii -net le viii Ion those mio puat oui ovmiM a.mrta.. pillm r ee ol. DeSoo n la bisnamy havi bâis vllig lpctluatly dimivsnto$W Mam diftrnoh annla hoira reprspanlag lii Mov te sen1MeàWY es bat tai @iildUhe ter mualoo eeptine holmoeiy sa i bogk - Wam-muih ne choir, a vaut muai fait Amj Ive ofburumapniru.a i a o na eigleotfor tbe village t5 et&-, Or 0lIt M15Ob., Or th.te Vo cagivolihacals T. J l'arsons bu boom1the lie mallel te »V lbhewld cm resspt meigh mer be r'bl 9iin .16 cl; cu.lieQees' juUsematas. 5~, B»zRoxe from tinoeyouag men vho loft mitie cm cslt . tulse Alie., t«afrpas Po~-ae ay thm onupvarde cf 200 Liri..18 S.Otnlàarst% aIcoorpsatera tho n apanait et vorn. om"0 Tins citizen.are los.-kirag favard &gain fer BîoHA*» NoUXof thebGrau l *W lb. cpm air ocort by outbaud. mon%, &bout tiresmilea vuoitettomn a, i"Iis J. 8mmvoo», 1the otine snd ororgetle Fer mélma usopie i.yrp eos a y .-taave umuagu of ar 'aechoiLuce ientituti" lu ~MUe At a mi ouetl epesesha bu pur. boss quit. auocoimfi luingottinae àlarge mmm. uhead amapemymp evaporator mith vièboi bs p nibrelled sud. lue la dbing a spîmadid miaabteite odaSe cisut hiy gaons morklu getting oui yourag men lu go snd lm- par Idm ieu. :po hou misideand beoomoe mlighbteod M. Freacilicci Md f&mllpr 0# pbut sIedo luet tesen eg ou aInsI ocansd mili peint lotby the mouatig ImbTa "y fer.toitani isuch botter ebanos off fillng nef ni the. Nontimt M. WTubé kan mâ cmuyae OÉb'Îlite. auIlmaly faveullma mitA iu egboeN toi oveus M off A upun M te nii. w- elu sintermf "JQ ALLmSis. mdmlis ii le louai elueviien ktus Spnsmilllnery ocng on îhe Sth, 9h luise. ami telloing days et Mre. R MacDaugall'e. A. .utIe ceMt Md s taMesais eclilduiAU au orllellv lnvlted, tu attend trom, Ioma n Caudge lei eo. Satmndy ovlag te Uheamd country. abyi m lubtlateahon tan& n m d K . T.Golls yonng tuai cf haras. bis vl, vais Ibwema«s nethoirbosstand feemimgeol, ook eartnslong Coîboane utimet b mutai Dri beegi lt Isyer dmod immthamula>, Avril lat, sud nauly ismdet unmoriDntJmUSOIubat bsPpily bcyond *a 10v9e1theauls. mi Mdia. 0Gocluia theamai. mimitua ap usabm rmu oM-uti Parbipa lb." more ettemplaig sun April feol'a Iii iIty onesoie.és.inauii.gltri* ou liem oner ndulif aoutaiedfor h. su>mcitola omaumsistetbuv aeut .uuel homilu Rasd cacpel vithout any, busa te &10.1 y.Uom dog liaI bu ber bug.. TaBMfmlnhmament gîvon la Diiseou'a bell kg om e testu i1iu. md hUas nete LiAn. cOnIrtay 1eyeatagà April Sud. by the i. L. cf Msy be'sther GoabnMd làe M ham M"CL Wm. v a aauea o ver'! miv. The PnUO a Md j" e lob .i lR Umm 01. programmewvs.goandl i aacld, tb. hoap M emi mdIit lyag ~ ïlledanc véry gool. sud the proue&d leuuaedtu lbtrty dollarsc, ë. A O 1Wty IM 6m. è ial liy i5w TEE repaira vici bave beau geligon st llvode«Mmm lak m Wu muwe ld palp .Mllifloitho èlm% t uh mon Md lb é0"Mi usm iilvu assrongbave osuplelsi lut vosi cul the mss bavabeu baîdy NO lasu h tM b ou y*% Tb@ lisoiafor lie promeat. The oqulpment; Ps.EaIàM apoke s a mme Whovihbu aic.s.awyfor liemulusg;ifthe mcmmîmiiil ixpimm lhieiasbaue . esliedaimwat. nsaenus lime-te bu put la place, sud lhe OYiN teadi", lue Del a Cbus"W =ihum msWvin iko hokeljt ch ciili ma *M etuk0Se *h' 'k.. Ta. "bIlli tati" delivted b lv im?19, *l'b. lebell swonmaien hmralW eytDls@.Pemerboo. zmaer i cftic Torinto hmt W**' fan a tem.u elag, LesT ViePI opiy c ondav svenln la PiSJIij tu b m *l » via u sa il tâ e t D;im' bil.maiVéry lmrgoly altended. te M" tbc vus uUt.siuI 0.on Iff tlcless. ms p aies luacm boum .vuirngtlb bulpie1.' M s>nafte M W# a'pam- humble ecoupndeat mai cat&uosed 9811meS esul m i SeM» net ias te "uacsl onts ama la uaahlcte - fus. -On Silmdsp She hon wu*. lasoihi lb terlalMet Saod ta meukg teea lu mnE&Ms A.Willm. Daishie abouom &e",heudiome OMMa pue %MbMmlWU&ii la alir &q deulehavi cam u tecvillage, bal une of te lii» iu e *a W&is rliai@the es; le eoi lu inaie, uarter 01 h 3r lii 8 h.ia et~sem«W A wdImmecuu jMey'emema"Mi. lie handacue CornaI âObot. RuI hske m l .aàuee «o»M 2 uefiealbheTorontoeCycleo. by Mr. Mlii t.akg ~ ~ fS a ê H.Dar".elu. èi.s aupatout beauty ad lia Tas.iatmsushu a mm t ca. d va w mi.b . e asruy e happyspin tbèeao. kit.PbeUaiap itei, M.. Péin LAsrFnlcy Ma. ylvrai me, . Icle vs. $Mg" a ps.nIa Md adiu. I lie$aMd MOMlth"ber josagar oM.Jb Seý 4hueie ~ i.v Bylu et le ahIm ea. adied of ia grippe BRU am6q ahi§ éeu miW. 1md, tA bmellOf ethl ugp, atta a 1ev icys W» wm m a-ubt lIaMygb m - Omiate ilas.. la the family bolh Wme IW md diuM mIo»ber P= . n.R L ylvesi, vonr ~ 'WBis~ M . s s'yai ~~ Iambl I.elbdtle tunelon Konas. lhW4 IF- MO I, O SMe2My O-Un M..&B. Silveiso illeal es3.Beyl. mcml 116 _' 'se6- g8tuw um« t loLkuSy Ms. iwdouatte tnd but vas , b e .l WM ath = m" e dlooao bu m oonu f lhs î la *8 baseuy.aiu. WkMMe,1hrhm t olie M a mmi 2 a . uwm faO1 *e" Toon Buatiay tu*id endti "116 ".& *à&". v.-John'-aIL-osIs-dama tro