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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Apr 1897, p. 6

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SEU a um -eo.Wb me t.àata<B- I offl <t b" es u *vli&a Ut Wlo .&» O«e te, us <bita a gltls acs e- JiovuS te b lftEsabObus bes et bOw et@ . mid eta cul Bone la-'du't s wt--"'-i lSa '7M àmge ah. vasla <hbalu -t c imt. JUSgWb" est U<how etel'Ih <lielilMus lsm 'Porti. Nov Il bas ltedybee eeumnei <bhat ahojetew< f- Y ork <be lgtoet the murdel, -tho- - lalliosi tliougb fer ,tipoit vwe have bues aMble te è. ýertaln, WO coador <tho matter Worth laquiint. "But-", "If dube la <er," vwernI en'-Mt. GOYty, "aolureew; kept V« on es. 1No me «noept the Sulorimoalba*ver seen ber, mer la there, amy supicion amenc thoémelalbors et ber lielug lun cW. "Nàaai s eerete« ta s rtula house tu. IR-? Wboe eboue ? Xelit.oce dovere4l VAwtli one of ,Wu gnlmmeat amilea,"'%e Dame ef the lady sbe's vthilaSlgiven la tho onmiunicatiorn as lisa: liMa.AMY "Amy BemG len séas fousi omidt- -tuSon.a iora enve)lpe iMr. lavor' 1mW. s'ervant gi l Lolour I mai e attempt te coniay mtWS facimes.Thon vo ae upus <hoevoY of nmreiscevery; -Providaeebli.a tertfd ne ami EemneeWini le Save&. aut vhen diieu :&ge l ?"aif "Lait nWglt, or rather this mona- lut., Q brouglt IL" ,litvas a messag e ute q r "«T«.es,<.rosut e ts ueoiage wbll in Bt-,I suppoe." -Who vws It sigiiedby ?" "A respectable <asmàAtii Who lIme "And ià <bs <lihet Brut ja ev 01 an Amy Beldea living laR-»- "Wldov or.vite ?" ..Don 'i ki. w; ion't kaov asything "bOut ber but ber name" "Btyou bave aiuea meut Q o- muko inqulior«7 @"e; the a-th isa aUttie te sertlu tut hlm te m&&% <bat la, I boti" trUstlng blrn aloue. A contlngenq1 mniglit arise vben brama VwouaIS le use- fuI, and <beugl Q lias cnouglu.of t<bu PrYlng sort.,lie la'net qguai te grosi occasions&,asd miglt fait just for thue1 lack ef a keen mini t<direct hlm." "lu n short-". "I valiyou <c> go. Simo. I canuot bie thora myseit, X knov.of ne eue el". sufl!clently up <oe<lie affair, <O cont Suci the enterprise et - asucoestul la- sue. Itou sec 1< 1< net onougli t.eid and identify <teégi. 1110 pruouut Con, dition oeth<blga demanda <bat- <lie se' test et Bo Important a vîtuosu as <lais ahould le kejat secret - If pwMble. Novw fer a man t a ak inte a etrange bouse - la a distant villageé, finid a &ti SWho la secreted <bere, tnigitui ber, cajo l ber, fotee ler, as thee out mtj le,A tram bcr buding-place <o a detectlvVs0 oDffice ýln Noe*Ycrk, -ani al vl<hout tie knowledgu of <lie nexi leur noilsb ber if possible, requlre jaigmieua brais, gonuus, TIien <th eimns ub t conceals ber!- Bbc muethave lberres-1 $ans fer doing 8e, and <beY muet le buovu. Altogeilier <lie aftalr la s Se.Ç hi1cate eue. ]DO'Fou tiik yen casI ma*nag-e 1<t "I1 vould st leasti hke te t'y.".' lir. Grycj.eie iie) s<i es "To tblnk vhat, pleaure 1 arn Josing on jour accotant, 1" ho mirmurea, gs.-a lng-repreachtully at hsWlioPisMa limbe, "But t.- businfsa. H-ev anu ma ,,u- tw"Ielel. dé"Gkoo 1 <bers lea strain lbaves the1 lepot ae1t1. I kte <bat. Oseseilu- fl...-1<ulbefor jeu t. e teraminée uPon smre muas fer makln m ir.Bel.- den'u acquaintance 'Pibout arouslng bier susplio»& Q, vho 0WS follov 700, vi» hl ehmucla lnreadimecst<o renieri jeuaMW, assistance jeu umwreluire, 'Orly t<bs- <lilngla <o le uaderatoe5- U as be U d»ou esgo ila Mtb5, 7«O arsre nt <torecogaie ise m mchlom ta<erfqr. vth hifl U Iet <li b, ~ ~ ~ ~ l Mlsm.ubv t i la M chmmlbemb.Jé~ uqtanee sumt. roqufre 6 wa1 &V.1 port ai countanes.: 1 -st even vht 8* omb bave bW UwUYr ~'*k . aa Sud » tb. .4rr10 Ir, togv.lE - .be - U-four part la 1<sotp9M 1 n.~ tf," re<350 Bd 554blW$la. I ug l "Ver bEPpe to Win b»sattectoff tenM ~ bal stbfit bl a re- tar t xti oW". 1I fiS hlm b" I knew uoMetfUM bl MMcae he. m nbre ansver. <bhat we bIà itivua <'ie around the <ovE berffl lie *W5 that be baisa Jetter . poa. 48,8 VAS an important 050é@ *% 1aSet lio'deisy, ve base t Oo" to he poot-Uce, be . entnl a.Javlng me oulside to watok <the ratlier meager s<ream o. geers aidcorxnaWho at <bat. tie ofd"y make lie put-ffioS or a country town their jUse 0« rua- deavous, Amnt these for smre reuS 1 especlilny noted orne 1mtUle'aet verns, *y 1 cannot sur; her*p55r anewas -anythnifbut rensrksble A"d PU wben t ubcnut WItb <VwO Jettera la ber lim&ione la a large u~n onbdu a mu nmveUaId UM80 lit. .my enebaa<ily irew <them uuier ber sbawl, 1 touai mymeif vonderins what vu as ber Jettersaund who obi coud be, <bat tlie casuaà glance of a utralger shouli upiialu8y aui* bier te an action 'so suspiclous But Mir. MoneiI's reappeerance at thesa momnent.*,iverted my attentionê1. dI in tlie intereet et tbe conversation <bat tollovul,. 1 soon .torgt botli the vo- man, andlber Jettera. Frrdetea'minui <bat ble abould bave no opportuaty Case>.1Iexclaimed witb <lie Bt oecký ofth<le wblp:. "Tere, I1 knew <bers vw «Ometbuaw 1 vanteS <tem«k pou. 1<la <bis -Axe youacquainted, wltb 8Mr0»0 ln <bis town tir the fmam. t eldon 'There a a vlio Belden la t@vn;, T dou't know 0f any other.11 "Ù ber firit name Amy ?» "en, .Mn. Amy Beiden.» "4that 'là <the orne," saMi I. "Wei *be, wb& akieami wbat la <ue ex- <ent o? your acquaSntance vltli ber' "«Wel»,saId lie,--i cSzno< cornoelre vby yo01 Abeuld lie intefested la suct an antiquated plýe t comrnnpiaoe gooduessaa eue ls.but seeing you, ssk, t have neo bjection te telilag 7« <btat she lsothe very reepeotahl reliet Of & Jleffeasd cablnet maker ofth<is <o twn; <bat xhe lives in. a Jlittie boliuse deWn <the atreet <bore.and ti <at If y=u hiave any teOrlora oldS ram»P te be lodged ever niglit, or any destftute f1.mily et littie eues to be iooked atter, abll iehéone togo te, As te knowing bher, I know herý as 1 do a dosen eflier .members et Our church <liere up over <lie b).h Wben 1 seelber I spesk ta ber, and t<but la ail. But vliy in<lie nanie e of woer di jeu ask?"ý týoqelness," sai I. "business. lits. Belden--dôn't mention It by the vay -bas g*t mIxed.up ln a case et mine, and 1 feit It due te my ourloodty Ir neot to My purge, te fini outso tin about ber. And I am nent satlsfied yet The tact Je 1 vould glu, smre- tbMnK, MoneIl, for thie oppor<unlty ot studYlng <bis woman's obaracter. Nov couldn't you manage to get me in- <roduced into ber bouse, ln soee ay <ba.< weuld make 1< Possible mand pro- per for me to converse w4th ber at my flsure ? Bueiness would tbanli jeu Ir Dl.vlng- up to a nest wbite cottage et bhomely but suMflcen<ly attractive appearanoe be s<opped. 1"This la ber bouse," sali be, Jump- ing 'te the grouni, "Jet's go lu -anSd see vbat we can do. As mli. bas ne ,servant abe vil coee thle Seor herself - ne be ready," ssiI lie as lie 1 bad -bè.rely <ime <t> observe. <bat the curtainq te tbe wijndOW at My left audde*nly Aropped, wben a bia<y step Maie Itself heard withln, and a quickibaud <brew open thue door, anS 1 e&v before me <lie vomnwborn 1 bad observed at tbe pont-offce, anS whose action wltb theleJettera bad., struck me, as. being » . peouliar., I re- cognized lber st finit glance, t<Juel thbc vas dItferently iressed and liai evidently pasci <roug ii -e woqi.7 or eXcitemient <bat bai alterci <the ex- Presslon oftlber coun<emaiue anS maie ber mantter uluti<à as not st, <bat <une, strained and a <rife uncertain.- But 1 sw ne reaison for, <blnklag <bat ube x'emeuubered me. On the contrtry. tbe look the directed tovarde me bai no<blng but, Inqulry ln 1,t aid vben Mr. Monel» pusbed me fSrwe.rS vlth IIAT THEI SIGNATURE Silý -i th ic el 01 bE w fz di ai o di 1 ti t la td al tg i 1 il sio t. nu,* *à ' wtom «tw 'te# lara - . i kt e b e i I6 5 ~ ~ I gouluS. Moretae t@b11 il eoià - rua# ue o »eW or e.e ~ u * hI -1 là m " " laa <ot teoss 0!à*% t h 0 ýe 'tpS = 'e wm mer ê7 m t'jo a a Very ? suff OudS.lt ta et the su 5h M~~U',' laqur,»Ober*mebed tbe street, go vieWa< patli, er rcaut7 854 hempua~U.I ~ <~ lus15 0 bus ing -vinI ani gmrft a sou4lg rqgd bu i vth <be &Mda1.Itbat lb. ,0< bin I *1, 05 t teéeOf NW5~uI~t. awalte frarm Mrom tua W* 1' IMSa ac. Rlolg8wslow "a elooffl out I 1 au»«i bte e a indw cpelp#g *" w<ba sfelgfs UMs tlie srmii 70r&, t"ren abm u t y"ei li>fr ereature leftre du. «l»Md~ma sePasaff teS &M rsthéoaber. Mo aijolnlng., be a Uduly 1OI@ep& , "poor <bing?' abe uuttered; "<bure oritIn on <lie glans with a 4baaaaoal18 a case for charS t. ic sure. B3ut peit a.rov of JetterawwkiM as ea 1- Iumaot do moch ber to-micht, «a1 oouldmaire outivetmuat for *Meefl as the 'wstoppeS at lb.o Mme ordor wordIRbut Wh"eblut- t. " Agooi su la au 1Icoa: gIVE tOry talle lunseOse or apparent eus- ieu.- Moetion. Butisupper Ivus nî<&Uahe alevntei. _N Atter a decent 10.* of time emploi- uU$~tug4$~~#' e 0&e". 1 bould juigo la mastication, I heu r h., vole. tisonce more Izo a Witat coru <boy mns? idly Ibae- "Th buta 'a1, Iboard lier aMr, 15E te rend <Umm lumoba b u hm -'u <o Puow "s aY plage wliere But mv te y.raulr anad Ju4ge I1oalie out et the vii." Andi e = V<'m ser s n beusait COmUhUuea loag taie et vent ani tbe recuit 1IMate t the isooveri <bhus dlseaap, ab piteu <o hear. <bat 1Iqvas maIe,1 tIdas t v o write amy Jettera.not M &aUlsur~ qsur'hea lmrm. Nidea 1had barehyiisbaael <he wàm, Palra oid me, upea e-mtaiutg bat ah. fiad- BelSa Mme ln v<b <the announce- eonse*ti& notwltbatanuilnglier Pre- Mut that supper vas ready. «" vieus e! - a to iov <bu vo- for peopr nomr," sai d se; "Ibhave Pr-ro. ast. hlie t h le kitèhua ire for pureS 'y owa tor your use, th»lakla <l iught., t vouJé h. more coavealeat for ys "8h.bas mucli es boneet cie," jiali to h. onthelieut foor." Aid thau- she, "anS eluirty la My only IUZU17i Lng open a deLor 5etamyaide, aheis- you know.-- PlaYed a emali, but coèmtortalJe rom, The interrtaptloa 0of bis incient et- ln whlcb I couli - imIy $e a bei , sfectu&IIY broke up aur conversation. Immense bureau aàtd a uladowy look its.Mr Behdea vent upotars ani for mg-lassla .& durit Old4taste so»M me 1rn I a luftimeJon<epoader frmne. over vbat I i ad beard, adetermine 4"l Uiv la very Primitive fashion," upon rny fut.ure course et action. 1 reamnedab@, lëadlng tho way tnto <hoebal juat rachued escrnhson<a Jlnilng>ruorn.-"but 1 mear. to le- cons- due 'euhoncy s alsion lie- rnable an& mairtera mnse." y gwo uld e feealIngs to e car - 'I bouli My <bat "onManiAi«0- strUCtlof oheb.pavers la ber chiarge, Seoied." 1 reJ1nei4 witb Ar, appreca. as t< e h. gverned by the ru les et lVO glanes- at ber volt-spa eaiboar& equitY I bai Jaid dowa te ber, vhen Bbcé amîJoS, and I toit <bat Ilii1hur ie taJbiydsen h &aved <h& o way t e o oun, la sy tairaand go out ofth<le front Soor. kivay <avoui e<recui e nyDitlisiul eofler Intentions I <00k up Once again sexted vifli lis. Noisa nMY' bat mai hastliy tollowod lher. Bb Wbo -1Itkaovcane Sdoya stain qvltli vms On ber wuy dovu <lie main street, n eaoty plate, ftr «M tt he Mt iyBrst <ought vas, <bat ue vas ktchl ofr a drink, I.caugUhm bt a bOitaI f.uornmeigbbor'ubouse or he aut et sstting i eA ntioas<he UN» P«"»sesftr »b OWIsltuelt; but <the 1 me p Mr ind e qait ffosettlei w1 lut@. wdh bule seon lo»Uablencu tbet tasetr vhat ablataiesilmu usisupaceesatisfiei me "ai t. amy, ami <hem. if e* d dau.<bat uhe bal soMsMme distant goal peuh, maire ai endeavor onmy wnlu prospec; ami b«etulong I touai Part t. get at lier secrp< mYselt passlng <lie botel vltl i ts ap- But tb. avovui vos nearer t#han Z Purten&ncu, ýeven the little sobool M[PuCtei, anSddifeérent, and broujgbt its boute that vasthelhast building at uWn train ot consequencesa vt i1., <bis endSoet<he Village. and stepplur "«Ye are a JavYer, I believe,', she out into <lie country'beyond. Wliat Mgau, taklng doua ber intng or CouhdIt1<mean? ritli a torced display Of îaîvustry.. But still lier flut<eriag figure tLasted "Tyes," sai I. "<bat la my protes-i on, <lie outilnes of lier form wltli its ion.", close shawl and neat bonnet, growlng "Perbaps yen may be villng, <len, <o taluter ln <lie nov uettled darkness Cjve me morne aivice. Thie <ruthli etfan April niglitansutili I tellow- m ln a very curlous Predicameut; one ei, valking on <lue turf e.t tbe aide Ibm výhicli 1 Sn't know lieu <o ~.esofth<buroad lest @oe ului ear my 'aPe, and jet vhlcb demanda Immt-- footsteps and look round. At lest vo iate action. 1 should 1k. Li tell yeni reached a bridge. Over <bis I cojli Lbout 1<, nmsy1?R hear lier Pans, and <bon everY oitai "Tou May; I shah bue nly tee liappy ceased. She bad pausci sud evienUty » gAve jeu auj adice ln my power.", - listenlng. It vould not do for me <o Bbc Srev lunlier brea<b vitb a sort tPause <o, go gatbering myselt tata as ft vague relief, <bougli ber ferebeai awkwari a shape as poesibleI saua<er- Ili folo bu Its frowa. ci by lier down tho road,but arriveS at 441t oa ailbu said la a tow Varda. a certain point, stoppeS d dbegan -te- b ave lu my possession a Package Of tracîng rny steps vltb a sbarp look aPors ,wbieh werè entrusted te me out for advancing figure tli 1 bai ar- )y <vo ladies, vitb <be uuderataading rived once more et the bridge. Obc hiat 1 should neither retura nor de- was net <bore. troy <hemn, wthwouth<le full cegni- Couvinced nov <batathé liaSisi- race and expresseS deslre of botlh oee ymtvefrbi&l e ortie, givn t person or vfrting. liouse, and by leading me frein it, bai rbat <bey were to remnain la my banda undertaken te uupply Haunabu v<b a MI1 thon, and that nothing or nobedi'opruat ouapIvs abotn beould extort <hem from me.'- Obastn back tesclie, Ibaeabait se "'That ia easy understood'SaSI natiocksij hef< ch-ieasrtr ailson 'or oli esteUed. s huard cut rnaY left, warr9sti me 1< cam ."But nov comes word trm ne ? rd t et nOflrP tCm he~ ~ ~ ~~ ' oais l, ue em ner f-lrn <lie banks oet<he puay s<trogm *e adIaý he netoo mot Iterst vbwicb ran under tlie bridge, and qvas a<the matteo , <at for certain regasens,Bc<lecekugta 04 ero "e Immédiate destruction ef <base Pa- l. vot-eut lingo lddoro pers la necessary <p ber Paso ad onoting esfneKmaem a "And Seo7001 vautt o know uhat jour au bout 1 ceuli, lowa thie uloins luty la intbat aserfield la tlie direction from wblob <lie "Ts"replieS sho, tremuloua>r. s"Und li" Caie. If Vasqulte iark I toe, I-oulintUlie-p-<, ani my prorees ivm slow; m%,mul Ze<e#27 1ONTH WRAPPER- t I buS or EVEET <hp#tU~ r et <o test îv u- ~ ebai -emm4ur w ~ ¶l butra mmletboeIMW~ me Ob* tame hou'"thne; utIbe. c essSba bur ltmam u.it teue ple m; um- O Vue laornd ues, ml J«4= abat lm bula M a nd. liai, bot omIl- Omo e aàwffl<bat .et <un, brokus Ai pooe oio&es. Onematch# ezaaimerolb<ehe =tzâ ftel sstiy eut I oendudl mot t. Vante my vs sorce, a.kielise duvla ho Saab-. SM&as,1 ropul fer<lie board.<ti«S M asS f6und 1<<o le Iloe. Wt'ening. as St wl<h mau My stwnth, I tor t &»re Md Cemat 1< a"i; <lies uhhtg s match look"eSlut. <lie hole tbug M*"s aeoiln1 Icouti Mot ton h vlat stomoer box, met mi' ove, but vib Z ruseheà fer 1<, tb. match, 8ev «or 0f My baa& -Depoug My care- nmssbut letwmuainul 8*alà aarie te amoare vba<t I bal ses. I lieS doua Mmenht bad th.e biet or My ouris tu Mribonduais. wuvas <b=iz Bagsimltng te i.hwoy Isttarfl st a brlak pac&. For nmre litIe distance 1 kept st up, aclther ovettaking. nS Meeting anycas. But puiderah at S <tao Iali e rosa 1 camne unezpecteih JupoR lim. Boldbn stanng la thé MmIde of th. paili, loobtag back.Bone wbat ilcorneertei, I haatened svlf<h hY ber, epecting et cou rse <lut sh verniS nake soea effort te stop me. But ah. lUt me pas ithout a vrordL Isdei 1 oulit nov, if ah, aven wmv ut huard me- Astoalsed at <bis irqat- ment aid stl more surprimei<t a " Mole ne, attempt t. follow me, I locheS backvlin 1I»w v vlmt < asa t cm e- chaino lier <o <lue spot, taIdmai" ber oo uàmliul of mi prevence. l'h. barn blihaius vas *oniMmr! .latantiy 1 reailui<at t v as the werk etfamy liais; I1liai roppoi a bait eztlinguished, matchà, and 1< bal fanoln uponnmre Inflammmble b- stases. Agbaflat at<hoesilt, 1 pauseS lum i tara anS stooi starlng. Higlierad bilter the reS f"mmamounted, bolgt- or ual grwgltur gloeeithe clouas Sb»Oe, <he strosrn beneatb; anS la <ho adsihet vatchiag 1< ail. I fgO lira. DeWdus.But a short agitatol gaopfrn ber soon recaihei ber pro-, mence te mini, aui iravlng n»"W.1 beard ber excilai 11lk. a person speak- lug la a ireanu. "W.fl. 1 did&' mosn <o do it;" len lover. aid vltlia certain satisfaction in ber toue, "but ita ail rlgb< anyway; <lie <bing te hast nov for goed, aud Mary yl lie eatisee 1 di uo< linger te bear more; If <bat vas tb. conclusion she liai cons te, she wauli net vait <liere long, es- peci'as <lthe sound et distant abouts aid ruuuning feet, announe <bat a cravi et village boys vas ou lis voj toe le cne of conflagration. The Bt <bing 1 iii upenn my ar- rivai. at lie bouse, vas <o a3sure i=- self <bat ne evil effects be.d foloed ny inconsiderate Sesertien oe t t te merde et <lite tramp she bai <aken la; <bu nert ta retire .<o my nom aid <ake a peep at <hoelb= I tound t <e be a neat,<U cafter, fastenud i vth a look. Bâti fleS tram 1<, vwelght <bat it containeS uotblng beavier tItan <the Papeof et iîcli lit. Belien bal opoken, I lidIi t under, the bei uni Veturbed <o th. uitting-roorn. I bad laareJj tabou a'seat and litted a book vhen Mnr. BelSen came UL- "Wel-r' criai she <aking off lier bon- net said reireallng a face mach flasheS Vifli exorcise but grea<Zi'relleved tla «xPressionu; "<luis la a niglt! 1< ligb<- tas, and thete la a lire somiewbere dova abtret manstegether St la per' tectJy ireaitul eut. 1 hope yous bave set been Icoesome," continueS dthe Wftb a kuon loch st mi' face vblch Z- boe la thle .lest vay 1I culd. I bai as errasi to attend <o, butdi'ta- peut o sar>no5long." 1 rctutned nome nonchalant reply. Mai the hastenui frarn the roorna <o flaten up tho bomme. I loAte"lh ut "AheIiinet corwne "M SIMMBR OPENJNG Beuifldisl of Summeir Millinery shown -this week and foflowiag.dayu. Rverybody is invited to inspeot our itcok, VICTORIAPLANIN(J IILL 1 have matcompleted a snd arn nov prepared <o fumish everythimg, for honse finish&~ in tuv Une as. ohespasthe.obuposi.Everyîkiag guaranteed right or nopay. L~u aMd imopoSA. ork smaget ipricce Téléphone us. -20 io-tf. Oheup FURNITUREl' ANDERSON IGENT, a Goi KNt Sl-BTR.ELe. LINDSAY- sud Cabinet Makera ~Iam a uonoL 190.twouble tb show 11. AWDESOU.tdUQNT A0. Adiertiso w Thé Wardor. Tbho Iwtst OIro"IaUcmo« anv Paper in the Btefligent zroaders. m~BUYIERSI ,1 -J 1: 1,; <q 4 1 Pie abm" D0'17.vaycniwl ~ ayâ m u %Sa pIsa rus.thAtun lawVa6s a4i " à@ euovry p"Umt . maus Pm, a". la m a 8Tl-14. pu 4e" à

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