i. PILLAR TO -0TI .ES8ONS TAUGHT 0V tI4 FUL PRMO0 AUv »w.mlawg LIU 14 MG.do Pi - Rk qualitle, ndnios ramue tue' o V ~shahi teUU 'De u land of Egypt. ami wa m g Lord. And 15 shall ble ire for a ieu snd for a .wlitemS" ter Ksalaii xix, 1%, 20.. ti 1slah no doubt hbe rf ci'beel great pyramnil at Gizeh, tire chie! pyra- foe mil of Egypt. The est sspOalSaM 5 1 ipllar lu EgypDt. andibisinthe reata- of est pilaxr ler 1.; and the text "sg »n S t ls to be aitt5he border of tire land, .92 sud this pyramid la et thre border of pu thé -land; sud thé extS aay5tirat It reg shall be for aï witesad thre ubJeet r et thie sermon la Su SellviraS thre pyra' i <de innd witresem. O W. had, on .~ mornins' of Docember, of, k.nded lu Africa. Amid thre hwiing 1 boatmen of Alexandria vs iraI coune ei ashare sud, aken Sthe rail baui tran*be CaIro. Egypt, along the barls ofthtie ha meosS thorouughly haruemsd river <f tire ab vcrld-the River Nil-e-bailaS cr011- w tide enteredtLeeie ly.MoutCra, tie citY dI, vire Christ Ivoit wlilte staylng Irnex -Egypt durlug the Reodibl perSoU- h. Stien. .t waS aur firat nigInt Iu Egyllt. .bh No destroYnig -agent sweepilug through e -sa once, but -aIl the stars vere oundud thre skies vere fIliledv ith augels 01 he beauty sud angels o! ligbS, and thre air hn was balmy as en Arn»r1cari une. Th.- th next mnorulug we were cari> avake snd ta at the, windo'w. looktng upori palmn-t ftees In foullory et loafage, sud uln a gardens of fruits and tiovera aS the sa very cvason îxhen our hoemes fax sway w-, -are canopled by bleak skies sud t1if, a lat lest ut the forcnt lias gene down eý lu the equlnoctials. f But how can 1 describe Sire thillf g( expectation. for to-day vo are Su se" s vhat a&U the world hua seen or vmnta di to se--the pyramnids. We are mnut- ti ed for an heur and a baf'a ride. We 1=8a on amid bu zaars sSiffed with Étg i sud carpets and -curlous fa.bis cf ahil1 sorts ram Smyrna. frorm Algiert. -freýtrI Persla. f ronaTurkey, aai4 thRrough i streets where*e. mecS people of QIl col- a q lors and &Il garba, carts loaded with a-i garden production", pricats wth goan»aci vomen I black veils, Bedouins lu long. a and aeemlugly, superuous apparel, Y Jnants-,arles ini jackets ot embriidr'i I and-utsd on Sowand tue- grest i pyrarnid, for Sbcugb itheeare site.T p mine pyramida stili standing, tue pyrs- b zrà aS Gizehla i.tlikrn onarch et pYM- f- Mids. We mùeeS camels grunting union ,j tireir boal, and see buffalces breving c Iu Pasture fields. The roaxI we travel la fer part olte the way under olumpa of acacia and x by long rowa o! ycainrre sud Saurer- .bolt, but after s whl.le It la s pati o! rýck -and aand. amd t ofinI w. have reached th-e margin ofthte det, tire 1 great Sabara desert, aud wv. 1on> outc té the .dragornraas Nve sesairuge pile et rSkcklomIin sii iglit, "DragomSii,1 vhit lo that VI His ansuor la, "The ' pyramnid," sud Siien lit seemnedlas if vWej ver. living s century overy minute.à Our Soughts and' erottons ver. Soc1 rapld, snd Intnrse, tor aSSoanc-, sudt w. ride ountI silence, until-ve cerne to0 the. foot -utfthe pyraznidsp<ken of Ind tic Sext, the ol"get struciture Iu al the eartir.-four thousand yeaxs aIl aS* least. Here It> le.ý We stand under t the èhadow o! a structure tba.t ahuta eut ail the earti nud ail the sky, sud we look up and stralu aUr vision Si> ap- preriate tic disrtant top, and are over-E vielmed wville e Mn, *'Tire Pyrazuld! The P-»raml.d 1" 1 iîad started tint rnoruingwththeSi1 tlet.rmtnaton eofuoccdiniiatue pyra- mil. One ot my chie! objecta lu goinIff -ta Egypt .vas .noS orl>' Sese. tue base( of traS gTànitic v.ouder, but to stand . en: top of it. TeS the nearer 1 came< to thS aeternlty lu atone thre more -rny4 çleterinitlon.w ac.alaken. te ali- - Sudeý to me Nvpit4 simply appalling.-,A 1 great height lias alwa.ye been Si> me uà most dsiareeabIe e anmtiori. MAs ne diu'mounted at the base ofthtie pyra5 raid, l said: Others nuay' go -rp. It but not 1. I iii satlafy mysear lt vit P. vIew troin tie4base. Th.e asceliSof i It wuuld be téanie a foolhard>' und-itin. Bu te1ha gIyen- al Ides of ascend-ing, I tordln> daughter vas de.ernined t~ oa!I cou id noS leS.,ber go vIti straugers, sund i ciaugel my mind and vs star-' ed. wlth. guides. 15tcannaS ho d0if! %vitheut tires. -belpem .Tvi> or tirree timen foohardy mcm have attemlated, it alone, but tiroir budos' came Sumb- ling down unnicognIzabteansd' lifelesn .Each- persen lu Our Partty bad tWo or tiree guide. or helpems One of tirer unrollel bhis turban amid wrappd It around ney iwaist, sud ho irelI tire oSier end oftire turban as a mater et safety. Mani>'outtire blocks et tone axe four or lve teeS igi and beyonid arn>'ordinary iumnauatrIlde unilesas- sIstel. But tvo Anals s b pull aud SwV Araba to puai. I1 foutu mayslf rapidly acceudlng from luigt ta iegit, sud ,on ta altitudes terrifie aud ut lait on levqà space etfabout tlty feet u a Tirrougli ek4e a'e tmosphere wvoliok- ed off upc. thc Gelat, sud off uPOR th irevlibt gNU% , sud ouf upon thi -_ - -0 i IsfetumM veatn- r, o oreevtrir bre oir tire:Ps.. e àA *i Sioeu, eip tmer roolm /ý"Zee -U - -- eothes' 01c M uneaplorel. The evie t or tire arel4tcct ms Se oake tus S ble »à PO.siblî fexploaton$aualtire dlgglng awdIai astina.. if 70u WO114enter Siresubi- pi rraneouU roins jeu oui go et hrougii a .Patoupi oly thre £pet .e leen Inch«e lhh #Md lm, th"nfour h eet wde. ' mco auof rsd rftiT M te stands dOIVU mldèn ti. mo=ztair'M 1 moiii7. Thére aC*Phagizs 0OÙ14i ,et rave ireen caftle Llu athe1>7z«la- tq id -wasbliltIt t znaS have b"eaulm ,t there betore the. structure wfts ti egcd. Probdably là thSt usrcOçliflpiCVp ore 1a .woodeu Coffihi co0ts.ning -% Pl [ad kini. but Urne bas Gestroyel Sire V offin aud destroyed the ýlait vestige lm ýfhuma refmalus. It For three .thoua[and yoe.rs thus *P l h iral vas unopened,.asdd would hftva >en untIl to-day _pro.bably unopened Mr ad nmot a auperttiou'Aitmpressl3ftS " ibroui that the. heart ut theire p e wu fled vtisilver sud gold sund d Ilamnâd. sud unider.AI Mameoun a?, Sl ccavatiggparlty. wout Soi> rlç.-sud Lavluhr bored sud blasted througli a hudred teet Ot rock. they foupi fnoE bpenilngs aeal. advoeeabout 50 glve 0 *Ab te ttonnutt vhen a wotrni&l o àesrd a& atone roll do'wu jute a seemt- a egly hollow place, sud encouraged by p LhaS they reiumed tirIr ork arr! a rne juethe Undez.rO drolan. 0 Tii. dmppon mnt utthe verrret v I fiuding t. aepiiaguaemPtY of ail li 81ler sud gldd iprelous itmnq 'Ip wu 0ugra that they weuld have asslnated AI Mameouri, vir employ- m ed thèrnlied lie not hld lu suotherc "art of tbie pyra.rnd as much ailver sudc Cold- as would puy, Shem for their wurk 1 at ordlnary rates of wages andI lu- E duced'tiefi therle to dig tili threy to r thein muprise came upon adequate com- ?e >enaatlon. Wms the desîgu God's ovIn? a 1 wonder flot that tuis mountinri c limestone.,anid redý granite had been. c lie fascinationl of achoasT, of scien- t hsa ut -intelligent Christians oft ailt ages. EtiJohn HerscheI, tiie aotrono-1 uer,. said be thought 15 had astreoflm! t cal algniflScaue. Tii.vise men vit accompauied Napoleon'e armny lut [Egypt, veut InSu profound. study <if the p>yramnid that they rnight be a-4 éontiuuoualY a« Possible close Su tire -pyràmid wblch they vebre luvestigi)t- Lug. The pyranid, built, more thon- tour. thousaul years *,go,' being a. cer-1 plete geeruetnlcal figure, vise men conl-i koIude It muaS have been dlvineiy con- structed. Man cerne tlirourh tbou- sanda et. yeaLru Stefine architecture, 50 . mualc. te painting, but Shis iras pereteS1 aS the wàirlde atart. and Qed rnuss bave directeil I. SAil astronomers. sud geometniciaiin3 sud aclentios say that lit vas .clentill- cally, sud rareaticlly constr)ictel betore ucleuo sd mathematics ve-. boru. Frornthre Inscriptions on the pyrarnid, fram Its proportions, tram the pointv ofthtie ompai recoguized lu 155 structur ,n the direction lu whicii 15*s tuninols rutroru the.relative pool- tien «t thireboka - tiaScampoe - 15. scientite. -Chirsttlnasnd lulidets have dernonitrated tiraS the being viro plan- ne& this pyramrid muft. have knowii the. vrorl.s iphercity sud tIret 158 mu tJ3n m'marotary. sud boy mnany miles '.t w-as lu diameter ana clrcumfertince,. 1 ud howmany tons the vworld velghe, and knev autviot point lu the heav- eusa certain stars we.uld appear at cer- tain periols et tirne .Net lu tire-four thousaid yeurs since thé. puttlugup out tat pyranrîl bas aI slugle tact lu aatrunomny or mathen.s Sien been f0und 5<5 cantradiet the via- dom oftt structure. , et tiiey had neot aS tir e vierithre pyramidlas . tarteil an astreflOr or an 'archltect or a rnathernaticia1Ii orth mrntkilfg. -Whu tien -plauued thc pyramid ? Who superluteuded 15. erection? Wio fro,1 ita- -firat toundation etone te 155 cap- atone erected everythIflg. St muat bave been Gtxd. Isalali vasrigirt vion le ý aïd in, my. text, *'A piliar airaI! b.aS the border outhtii.landl etEgypt, andIit sall he fer a aigu and a vitnes." Thre :=raId' la GMd'a freS Bible. Hun .resIf moS tiousands. et years before tie firut Ili ofthtie Bock cf Genesla vast vrltteu the lesom of tire pyramid .1Weil, eftviraS la tus Cyclopesu ma- eonry a aigu uni a witunm? Amorig otirer tiringe-ot -tue .prolongation utf huînau vork compared viti thre brev- Ity of brumean Ufe. lu ail She four tuouani 7051,8 h15 pyraId bis onU I lest fflgteen toit la widtb;-,one ie ot itS square aSt the base obwqged only teeS Sute eeabundred aud forty teeS. * ad tic meSoM thre ciglteoir titalc- eni oft: by architecte te furulsir atone .fer building lni the clty of CWaro. The meni vbo constiucted the pyrarnid v oilcel aM 15 uly. a tee yean sd tien' put dOwn tic trovel, anudiltire compasa. sund thre aquare, aud boverfd ,She derrick viei had litted the pon- broum 'Weigt; but torty entunles hia tirIrvSuk ateod. sud it viii ire geM. ftorty cenuries0Umre. mil Egyt h»lasan iraken iv ter-, rible esrbtqUkO sud lcties h&,ebecu ¶~ ~ CIMew by. ont tu naOU - tud W d bac br da" no ue eat %«1 e uto )as*Ué Meard.m auamed.coin- ci MaDed and tt4 la* bso" 1- W. l. t A' Madeot'ye"'. o4 »W ybaç »I ,hw l tuarTy .tothe atwaýment -cor tu- àbrelbe st&- -Ur hburu,tbM at u te sutobiogrsphy 0 orne bloc& of tbe pyraami. cheoglm dida't bu" dthe. st pramid. Bomreaussmaon lu the t mrlda twtllgbt- dtGut bufld tlx pyra- mid. Où* huridred thousand -mm biUtI it. and perbajis trç,u lireS to lst two .undred Shoiual mou. Bo wlth the pyramide now rWaig- ai pyramide Of elor Pyrsmtw of good. W re 3>yramida 0 - rnk«, *nriling ver since the tlmd when Nah got bu ranIr on vine, although Sheze vas ut ré dis Urnme u a sirpera.buudano. of oy water. Ail thre mauiite of the world, adding tireir ale caaksand, vine pltch- fk ers and rurn jugsta-unttthe pyramid oc overmliadows the Great Sahara demert of deaolated home.s ad brollen hesyhs G and deutroyed eteralthus. And as, the.Ji pyramld Ul R lrisea. layers. of hiaman 'V skunls pileil on top of humma akulls aud P ether mouatains Ot humn boues.. to j( whiten the. Peake reschlug iute the heaven% u, idreds of thousanda of people are building that Pyrarnd. 00 wlt thSie pyramid oftgbteOi5- J nees Mufltudes of banda are tOlllng en the ateepe, bonds infantile, ibands id octogenariaii, msculine bands. *male hands. utro<1g bauds, vesk, bands. Some clanglng a tovelmoome -pufllng a t rope, nmre reasiwing the Bide& LilY- ers of pam books On top etOf.veRI e.0 germon&. LayeraOf prayers00 top of layeaof sacrifice. And hqadeds or thousnds cominus dOvrato eleep o iheir ist aleep, but other hundrels Of thousaflds gong uP tO take theiTrr places, and the pyramIda WittlI uze tu rimeutil the millenniai Mingfl i1ds the cornpleted vork, and tire toi!- ens on those iieights shIl take off their aprons aud throw do"u their tovels. crying:-. "It la fluisbed." Tour bubinees and mine 10 net ta bulld a pyramld, but to b. cOM Of the. hundredi Mut toudaida who dball ring a trowel, pull a rope, or Surs a. erankt ot a derrick, or cry, Y heve1" ville lifting another block to> 155 de- vetlon. Though It be Bemnilugy a aial work. It lna s Ork trS 8118llast1 furever. lu the st day miny &a n aud womnfwhoe WrK bhas uever been recugflized on earth Wtll corne tu a Upecial honuir. Flfty million Methodista ln U lparts ef thre earth do honor te tthe Memury ce John Wealey. but 1 vonder if any of them thiuk to twist a garland for the UmOiy Of humble Peter Bohier, thei. Mvian. who- brought John Wesl*Y IntO the kingdum of GQd.*b 1 rejoice th& tl5he thouads b bhave been tolllng in tii. Pyr&aiiid et righteOU&u viii at laet be reCour niuiad drewarde&-IMe -mattas .wh brought ber ciruidren to CWiOithte~ Sabbatli teachtr viii>brougbt Lot olas.r to the knuwlledge of the truth. the un- pretcudiug mani viO uav~e. 81 9»" Tiien the trowel vUIi bemore bunoTed tisai the. ceptre. Ait a great battle vas golng on the soldiM wvoe r rer- ed to the front and e. mlck mn'a UMP' ed out oft.sunambulizlO uinwio3h he vas being Caried te tie hospitai. Tbe. surgeon sked hlm vha.t lie miiflt by getting outof the ambulanc en hle vas eUck sud airnost ready te die. The soldier auewered, "Dotur, 1 arn going to the front. 1 had rather die, on the 8.11 tbau dle lu the .mb>ulsaioe." Thank God ; if ve canuot ao tuecliwe cau do a littie. While tiere accrus to e b.10 raCtieal use for postinortem cous1derttO0 'laer than the tizue et one*sra t ru chldren. yet nuome vmtg to b. toi- gotCl a 50< as the. obsequles are over. This pyrernil.ièi ammr la a aigu aud a witness, demoniftrates that neithe r 11MtOfe uer red granite are competent to keleP une affectO]n.tfO ly werembelred ; neither CMn bronze, neither can Piali rusBzle; neitiez con Aberdeen granite do -the wôatk.. But there la mxuretilng Out of vhIch te bulîl an evetlsting monumnt aud that vil keep one treghly rersemrbered tour tious.nd.years-Jua.6 forever sud ever. St <tees lnot stand la nurble yardi. St laoriot te be purobose &t reouruigstores t Tet 15 la te lie found ln every Uclgbboo& O.pleuty of it uiraflgtlble 9quautiti.a ut 15 %5It te greTeat sgtuifr luthe niverse to buill Moum«iti ont Of'.'L efer to tiie merres 01 thOfe et IO w n v e man do a. kindues, thre meniories of th6se viose struggles vo Maa ikevl ste. thre MMDOrt"sMtioe~o ol vomay ours. The soldl.r'a Chiec. .à gmermi vas one evenlug 1>usy wrl* Inglng lu bis tout, seat a POO'l .&ter. wuhef a boin*uhiS frone thd ~w1meeue vu - £ubug et tlà ii. moi% -@»a"d is uiba'"% ..ma l'ioe là.s mkw -doffl 1I mp»wvs ql4Ii m . u»Dw mm&hboit, bI W»v bee te« a long lbm&ê Ny apéow 1 ssii, ail1Im-voadewfulp îuésied PMe vay l bly. m. I regt Iba»l me ffmdy eod bhave puor"m a It atres me ,pl«m» to lot other& kaow batthora le a uemody esuhIy obtaimd g whieh vMi oc»te ebsud 4thas vo,,l quhkv."(Sigm.d) lMma.Jas. iKcOate X&#Ont. Laza idver la ur" i.emslpalo bllomumu, amà hk head*M me 5.91U Organs, Pianos, Mud sirWIN MÂOINES of the but makes ab reduced prioe&. WOOL<- VERI&Sm q PETS siTRY CAR PETSe HEMP CARPET8.O Ordered Cl1othin g Departme nt WuIl eloeed vith NeW WOrMM ted.otch SuItings and TrouserDu& A cocd i t maft. orders matuated to a&. Compare pries. before pls g your Sprlug order. Hogg Bros, FOR INVESTMENT-- NOT SPECU LA TION. 4e rtaidtolleku sdo beonsta etlu thelu Bqe" ours Proor8. M.omrntr, wI fr ea Idtation of s tot Harmony baud. Prom W. Blolurs,. offerng Mbies ýtactIon. Receinci sud fyled. sud olerk tdtop ]L-l u d Y. 8. Wilene1 ileon sud parachute attraction. Clrk pqested ta repl sud baud nmeta my» EtCultural soolety. Tho tollowlug aocounta vere presemted nr paymen t and reierted te diffrenit Alex Grillon, 8125-Board of vorira. ko Walker,> $1 ,Da McGilvary, $LI rnc. MakIns, P.0O.-4ovripropet.Jco Wlson, IiM I LR.& RP.o, 4.- db.ic ommitte..Victoria W edtf, $11- À A lglntotham, SMO;M.Stan ~70- Baller, Damia. & Flavelle, OLDO; 1.11 i!elchoue C.,10.00,de 01.05; Aiez isher, 100; J. L. Shairnon, 4àts,; W A leett. -Finance cummîti ce. A report froor Mm. Mille, oharity lespooser forost vard, vas rouI and referred Se finunuecommitiee. A statemeut ofthie receiptir sud expendi- bures fer tire montir of Manir was read bY ire çlerk sud referted te finance corn. SA statemeut, sbowing Myon'seorsue aid by olerk frnot Jauu.ry te Matetf Isrch, vas nead sud nefemrd tu finance oMmiittee, Report of chic! constable-rosil sud erel dte tire polie ommit"ee Report o!frmarkret clerk for moulu ut Marcir vas nèad sud reterrod te police ComIttee. Tire report e! finance oomulttoe vas reatl aud ou motion sdopted.. Tire -report e! tire town apnoperty cern- mlttee Wsnead by theh Mann"sd on motion the report. vas amendei bytnli- geot tirat portion et tire rpot hAgl ire aurairce-du tire tovubuldng,1u leaviug it lu tir. oupanles lu vih tire inaurance irms een carried ou for tire puat number et yeans Tire report as ameuici wa dopted. ba' e ara a Thre report of tire bad-o ok read by th. chairmau, sud'ou motion tiraS part neferring te noeve Tcum'a ex- penses ibe referred .Se finanuce commitSe.; mnd tirat'expeuses S outlet cf severs ire rot more than $2L._Report as aned was adopted. Tire report cf pollue and llghtiug coin- mitteevas ré"d-by tihe obafrmau sud on- motion was adopted. Movei by councillor Malon, soondel 1)y deputy-reeve Robson, that tis council Inatru 4tire police comrttee te tale Itb conalderation tire advisabilit ft ppIDtr iug a man te look&fiter thre s=treetirlng. the number ef ligirta noS ligiteld duig each moutir aud date sud No. o! atreot asud ré orto tis council.--tIarried. 1 Mivedby reeve Toucirbumu, saonded biy deputy reeve Robsori, tbst tireciairman of tire-hoard of vorks b. equted to sdvertise for 100 corda ef fielI atone for the streets, u"so79 tiousand feet of, hem- lok planir for aidevslks-Oarnid. Mord ilul amendmeut by councilor Sootirerau,eeconded byceuncilior Butrovu, that tire hourd ef verka comlittee ho lu- struocte otako loto consideraticu tire sdvlslbllity o! purciraslng aatlty ef fied atone sud henilool pirru for tir. Use et tire corporation during, the prenent year sud report te the councal th.eqaMOtlY et f mach that tirey cousider neeSmarv.-Lost Movei by ocuncillor Hurn, sconded by coiuciflon Malien, that the police cein- mittee ho nequested tu, Interview the L.H. & P. company witb s view te ancentalnng tire bosSto ems viricir can ho made for a reneval efthtie oontraot with said cern- pany for. street lighitng etc., and report te the counell.-Oarled Moved conucllor Baldvin, aecouded by couuoWlor Robson, that tuas concil request tire bovu proporty commlttte ta taire Into consideralion aud report ou the adrlsibbnity sud uecesslty of proteotlug tue soed portion cf tic manIet square, lmoeedlately veut e! tire towu hal by a five foot feuce onoloslug tire nortirs sud hiri! ay &crn atire sntaide, tire fonce to bho eltrr vie, pallug or 01ose board, lu ondor to leep vebicles frum outn up sud dcstaoying tire grass&- Mordi bylAet depuly.reeve Ro1bson, seoondod. by 2ad depubi reeve Gillogly, brut tire cirsirman of ire boardoet vols b. justructol ta cal iis omrittei ta- 1gather at su eanl. date for tire purpoeo Ïhaklng a tour aud tire towu sud report tire noeuarvimprovomenta nequrelse earlvas co.veulent --Canred. Eig, Store, N ut-and Blacksmith. FIyntO1au BHÂRDWOOD, long and short. DRY MILL WOOD. The Co. have but a -large 9W d and wxilb. prepared tc suppIy dry miii wood. dur-' mug the summer. Rough sud Dreemed Lumbèr, Shingleu, Luth, etc. TELUPEoNE-Offio, No. 77i Mill, No. 78. Wanted-An Idea MF,, TheCANADAMUTUAL MININS- ANS DEVELOPUENU COMPANY, LA OFFICERS AND* DIRECTORS. PresIdit, j J'oUS WÂDDEUT, cf Stringer il Co., w boiesale prodacc, Chatham. LNDERKIN, I!.P, anever. I-D&. F0TmEENGK&N, Toronto. I F W.Hâ, EHq Brou., grain mer. Vloe.reeIate.chants, Listovoli. HMoey CÂmmi., M.P., (Jargili. Y, CARGILI, , N.. G. Y. MAlTER, MP.P., Toronto. LJOR $AM lm[ UGR , IK?,, A. J. EimwooD, M.D., Brantford. LdsyJoHN A. MooD-r, Broker, London. I Executive Board. X"r. Azux. MAOGiLLivE.&Y, Torouto. D&. W. X. HsxuiL4,Toronto. ISàuuz Hmses, 4Ez, Strabford. Tao&W. DTàâ'Toront. IL 0.ý Tsuuîr,,Toronto. STausTzz,-TfEE TRUSTS CORPOR- ATION 0F ONTARIO, Toronito. BàNMu,-TEI BANK -0F MONT- IREAL, Toronto. soluorum ÊisOAF, CURRY, QUNTRER & GREEN, Toronto ..O , H R E S . ROM 1?WÂL MINGN aLOPMBNT. 008, l$TRFïýT, TORONTOi IDR HENE NA DMV 1. W ÂM Il BA.,Da.îse. W-. Mar'. X6 UEE, .0. TIBBm, (".i BLihial im. Ashx. Xmaon"u, Tonoto. hm~fr..mnoe OmsraKE'BU*N»M, Toren?ýto SOIUImlRS UUU PAMUmiN £Bo,00.S s N7 US kiussa&Nom uu. 1N3.Mc, ... st DAM. BOPPE- mi I al the dominant o.aww her Mil ivas gray, but in 1,1 S = t ilven turne to a e tbirteeu acrsu tnul yez d anas carrlel vitimut fugitive parents, Tire stor=ue drencbeI t. it, flaslaeIUDnoa et as RE ~The, eue point vhich lhe Directoire of The -Canada Nutual deaire to impreas upon jarvesore ie this" Buy stockI~ n- he Canada Mutual Mining 4 Develop- ment Co. as an irnvestme-pt, not as speculatwon. .8o mauy Onlarii peope have fallen iuteo the habit of purchaaiug Iargeiy of tefrat issue of Development Companiei? stock fùrt he purpose of Billiug eut after the -firat or secoud tise, suad îhereby markrng an immedate profit, hat lhe Core Sussex sud Paci t, real value of suoh stock au investieut is apt to be overiooked, aud vhat iu -2O?5-Iy. Box 415, Liday. still vers, but littie attentiounia psid to tire standing of he compauy, its __________________________directorale, maaemet, etc., sd fiat issues of stock are bugiàt indiacimin- THE RATHBUN COUstay.11 pIýns, invesiments and orgaiaino WInIss auTolu as SalitCanada .Mutuat .Miningand Development Company. inu barrels. are all on the basis and wît hteie fpr aet The out uahiiesabiding work in its special fields. *It Ismanagersansd directors purpose lo amleé the profite for shareholders out - Portland Cernaent etlegithlma b lnnsd rieS eut et stock job'ig. "Sta" brnd. hereis no reasonr why a company, or anized as pluter Paris, Albe~rt &&Bd-. te .Canada Miuat is, should fnot, edminm  qustityef &ts so long. as minin remains a legitima~ Am, uaitlmy uo .gness z netkn supeior ramal 3ioka___ hiieuudubtely l."presf stock in The Canada Mulual viii contine and Hoilow Terra Oetiser 2- te tdm in prie viz each nov isue, sud tire bayer cf stock te-day Bt 10 cents.a 1 tuions, 1 share inu mrslub. able teo eil eut bfore many veek atasgretly enhauced li for ale at a reducian ta maie rcomB prie.. the rosi Value, f the stock cornes fram irte cr-etaisud jradicious inveat- for otbor goode. meut, tire mines properly developed, sud theilegitimate business of thre Company, - as~ demoibed iu ils charter, sud mrnaged b>' its excellent Board of Directors. Deors, !Sbg, Mouldingi and other isido'finish.- - am-b le eV week -m peot, oî1o-tL o v 1*.