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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 7 May 1897, p. 6

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is~ .4 U-4 i4 1-4 TTHIE )r" ne tha lm e If I- lot bi WL'bc:ev« mràX, be t hi 10hO&s "g .but I oSught. fer WS "O, iisSi began, but ahe, gave M Iuta ok JI i«PM noiberaim au. U Md4 Item bft siesi "I lbrve »tMoID M7teea n m, -a*. tre u a1. e, irmIfit res.'Os mot dot" nmec." Am vth a gat go e sif unali v -o flbg eber wt ent oui. » anau bout i pat creucbed on thé psai, juist vere she lilotilue. Ilu g veut te bcd, but 1 di net aRme- a Uglnk thMt aight. Yen can moi»u wksa, Mr, vonder, vwbeà viii lirai <1ow et thc earYI anrnnt licptt Mry, lok- Smore beUainul ibm over. caie gUnutLutup the ~ 0ani luie the r»M Whbore I va, iv tb -*0 liter for am %clvulut treflbanci la ber bam& "Oýh!" Icici a là oi suy d rll "O(I'imIe unieretani mo,-toun?" AThe gay teck.ou Muyarface turned to one ot rechuu oru. "«If you uffla einaore, yen. Bbc la iuly Iutia.e, blimma Bubbsrd. Knows thai I 1w.e IlE. CIavrtinS sud write te Mbm. 1 »thOut beep il secret &fier t*0 ate- take Pom m tsi -1g medu the nexi bestt ilg. tti er the irutil.' «'Not that you wereabout ta ho mat- ried? T "Certinly not. I w>'i betievetlaun- .IàeeSSary oon'rnictlena.- "lAnd yil ah. net ttell iir anale-T, Igasped. The nalve.,expresalcu on lmany'aface QUIÇklY chsnged.04"e"Isahbse 1. feit a beavy baud bot vith foyer, Ifitedfrem n'y hear. -And vo oSr etI» go ocr,? She held eut the leiter fer reply. The Plan agreed upen beiveema -us for the carrylng -out et Our intentions vWas this:- At the timse appoinisi, Mary vas te excuse b erset! te ber Cousin upon the pies ibiS te 15 promised to take rme te gse sfriend lu the nexi towu. Bbc vas thqn-to epnter a buggy'ptevloaaly orderod, aai drive here where 1 vaa te Jrombes. W. vers then to pmooei lumiad 1 U thec niulsor'& bouse la 1»"-% vkme vae baireaUVIn to bet»eve a Aud everythhug propared fer.us. Uit lu this plan, simple asit vas, orne thlng vas forgottn,an iti vasthe obaracter. of leauore'a love for lbu cousin. That aIe veu suspect soute- ibling vas wroug, . edi -nt doubi but that stie voud. actuaiiy tonew 1 bier up and demauxi au eiptsia&tiot -fej ber conduci, was wbsat nother she wbo4 knew ber se vwell, uer I It ioe u 1 botr 80 uitile, ever Imaglined WIbic, 'And yet.thai vas lust wbat occurred. B3ut let nme explain. Mar-y, vho bâai tollowed eut the pregram. te ie point Of leavlng a Utile note ofet xu15 on IBeanore'e dresalng-table. bad coïm te n'Y bouse sud -vas. mai taW'ng- off ber long leak ta show me ber dre«, when ilthecame a comman ding knock at the front dean. Haaiily puiling ber cioek &bout ber I as»1 to open i, là- tePnlg, yon m"ybe sure, .to Osmbe IMy Visitor wthbshort ceremneny vbua :1 beari a voice lbehInd me saay, "Qoi heavens, h l3 Eleanre !" sud glameint back, aav Mary tooklng. through the 1 wlndow-bllindupo» the percia 'Wiiheat. "*Wbst Shal I do ?» =e i I briixkiflg back. "Do ? wly epen. tbe dcc sund lot ber lu; I'am nont afrali o<e EleBiioei. 1Irlmmedla.tely dld no, sud euancre Lea-venworth, very pale but w1h a resolute Counteuaco, vsikod, l»tèItle houa. sud mie ibis r*orn=, êfzront Ing Mary lu rery nean.y ibe smine spot wbere yeu'&xte Dow Sitting- "I bue ,corne" sasitse Ïlln# a ftc imS1*oes expression Of mingci a-w-enesS a54 paver I could net but. admi r te ln thai. moment or appelsemaon. "10 1 «k yen-without aMy ex«Me»a*W y roquenti f you Vriiiaitov m e ne- Company yeu upOn youie driee Ibis rarning*?" - Mary, Whb ad dravu bw»mat Up 10 meetinmre vorfs of Mmmtor e. Pela., urnei ca"ele0s7yava tO the glass. "I arnso-ny," MI & si, bet the buggy-boldu -Oay ive, «Ami I abal be obhigei te refame.- "I vilI <et-a- «U*dagW&m "4But I do net -wib -yooeurg Eleanere. . te 0 U assiai 'tripOM aidosîre te go as vo lfve »- ourus1-wes1 -,&My mors e ano nv? 'qu <Navealiag dom »ft reSUA wmS male. MI supos4 flt. mèrfe t'a igait for wbat. mur r" mary'C s ew imsad smIe tutur- ed slowly &vmr. "1Wbat erery O @ tbo idOeSaimnder »ehb eircumst&flcS1,I supos.e. id <e- velpaxeni of more reamuabte feelings la an oburiate patu'm e ari." 11055cr. sghet sud a stori ailenoe euxsued,broken by Etesuore'.s uilr tatlIng spcn ber bacc.a CMicsplnt ber cousln's baud. , MaXry," ah.e sobbed, ber b&ugtlU.iusaitIlpMppeai- Ing lu . a gusti of vili entre*tY, "OM- aider what yon are dolngi tbtnk before st la te lte, of th* conuqumuces vbicb mnuait olto o suchaci tas ibis.Mar- nopge touudei upon decepios, oa noter - 1maito hapidnem a.Lva-.but hi ha not ibat. Love wveui bave ted yo elhert t have diami mdEr. CIaver- laxg at once Or to bave opeutly accepici the fte wbioba uion v wiit hm would briag. Ouly. passon steOps i. mubierfuge 15k. ibis. And you," cou- tinued she ring sud tuznLug iowati. mie Su-a sorit orclonn bogxevery tochlng te sec, *"you vbwo have borne asud brought up chiliren, vihiyou uee ibis Young moither Resu gili iven by caPrice sud aekuowledging .ne moral restraini, ehiter upon the dauk sud CrOOked path abe la Planning for ber- self, v.ithout eue word or wunahng sud appea ? Tel! mc, moiber Ot ciii- dIren, dead sud burici, vbai excuse .you Witn bve for Tour.ovu part Su -tbIs day', vork, WheII he, vitb ber f*fe marrami:by the uOrrova vhich rmaitoilow ibis icpic, oSm«tg «The mare cecus probabty," Mary'a voice bhoce lu chili sud aralusi, "WIIi y'ou wiS bave vben 1anale in- quhres -bow you cMre th ailov MC& 'Very tà? r v soeee.abuio iomi<"lim-1inabmsnoe; ibat ah. couli nttbelp berseif, ibiSMary- voffld gang ber &in goan d >very Ou. srouudà, mut aommmoiate thom- seives -te StL» Rtwas gâte a iraglat of loy air sud- ideuly lot lo0@e la a rom em tisp te fever Point. E.]MDor*,Btlffeaed bu- inchately.-sud drawtas bock pale and.I composei, turned upon ber cousin ith the rernarlk *"Thon notIanf e u more you ?" The curling of Marylas. Up vas ber oaly repwt. 11Mr. Pàymnlond, I do not vish te weary you vitx My feelings, but the lirai gret distrusi I ever fei or muy vis- doin lu pushnt iis màSter se £an came wvh th*tbI Ourf Ma'*3SP. Plalner tibm Elesuore'à wyens ishov-I ed-tu me 0tompe ti-th h hlevia entering upon the undertaking. sa" mitruck me vWlth mo'mnntsr dlsiar. I advancecit.e aek vien-Mary sioppei me. ."There uc-w, MaMMa ubtiard. dent' you go snd ackimwtcedge ibat you srq trigbtened. -for 1 von't bere St Ibave promisci te marry Hcnrp'Clarerlng te- d&Y snd I arn goint to keçamy vori -If I iou'i love him, she added vh bitter ecmPbasls. ?ban s minig upea me lu a waY ibat causei me te, forget evcrytilnig save the tact ibai abe vm golug te ber bridi, ste banici me ber vell.tote fsion.As I va'sding hi wltb very treclbSns fugers,"s0 sai. looking mraight ai&t man&«e% .'YOU bave.- mIxa-vuyourselt more in- terestedillu iuy faite.iban - have ever tbmught Possible. 'Wint you oinue te (11aPItayiat .oneer U iltic vayý to F-, on May I hope tRiai1I1 ea" 1 oe uiced i*dreain.upeace upon <h. siepvIxiIxaocea±n- te yoa, la about lu bar! "lion Î&àe c" eh aif ai om- sequenoeu ?" «ÇlF o wt you to p-.»' Eleanor weturned, 14laas a vhtueus ne Mora MY .clatOrly dulây ladoue.- "Tery*-voit thon."-Mari li, dlmp-iw mikg viib au*midon Myeiy"I supwos 1 318&11 bave te scept the altususua. (Aimma Hubêoid, Irarn sge sr$ i. ilmggOi po«. utthe buggyjust heud ttree- If you are goui you g"s lIe te Srst te pagesialate m, vhlwreI, vhm i com. benef». nimbe." Andi êluub beae I k» 1P, th w0h tab"ma..tbilmu a .lm. bugy ia Wvap aibiag 4tthe. &or "Coodi47.- Uh« maxi. *aVig ha Ibandi froua t. bu.0, " ~m mch I Y-ot M m e O- 1 'o. lU*0 oi go lemicyvvem lu- SIGNATURE garn, etfimga <it~~*4 o'ber *a.toos4aÊtsi tohv WW t68 ow *lIf oN e l i boer. *Wlata hêAw t fr mon D ouRd euRy chltèàa M.mime - sortevaMRSbe&g dhtIn7 eb h.On lse ad o wd S Ia.ta meber wb.tIar &015,VilfUbel«W Mer -. c e sadie dtb0f Jr.0 tbblua 08v110 molaneeS518-U* disor WIO»&r ar!dthm ebenlo aStt o erer bus f t trldiv ig~a, Ne m.tluglusib th tat o»aiNie-;t Paver tè mare- tavof Dosse fbai hum Ë1e coura dary cmilble 1 ~ i te1mcfB h j3ut hm l » bft o ihoin1 nouse T I -91Wlu tSbn etcMrli aai evr bl alog lbaclutin d os 80 17 . VASl» iorime dlarycfb mrmanins t confi nd votgin t labo. Iundoseqet-é be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t orr reIg ut e om.t f tar ie..by a 14W be l Ani beil iment ot entre.dery . tupl e veta r e iwars nohn Mt» thhI ae oe tayt bsteshow.leitPer re mehlm r. DYaero har t bai6 lma~eia a othe nt bcb wn o h eemsoiso I rpoellube. h.saa ha ho!tte rian Romark pos ae nve l ail therelto ae be reaso&W. for I opt.neud rai en*oug ola Meuty eh" e bs altauvlog ashatd rivol te. odeptou m becu she y o hors teckmuocouefnt If tat ftes whlcM& h. bai experenc- Mle eulytimeer1 aocue ber c res.-m41u7ai t l eneovog t gan oien cbth oughlm a due bis bppueha.shew 10 er olu publ ic 'prvt yafallre A ndom 0ises t kc e t tok e up, b t . wa c up e o v as rno b c w rd s - brt go< fvlaa t do!et théotustni.clh.er iu sOie oissionm aciensm!gla haber. aM y mm the in obeia ark Up is n e lBkî baade IaeR nec*Yer eelmatefor Ilby mekind' r« appel te»O unle en dIn case bas. ato oeam ber byt stnt lmborng, ieftultely udhai on-' théf ifu loeaokrevag vitout maoële, veint e Amy," e vrole d eerci unch e sta veroacuse ers.ofut ah.- ord Inauerleavorit makgsn. lieuc vhr oul im and hcieor dani eeing lu moe. If ul vriVet oa cf yur- br 80 Wto keht p Imugsed tiatslft wih e wuai bcwathe Ixempl mIxe shouh i sk ta do1e tomlier tcf ibr idipoitiomnato eî, aidet my ke hplne Wl muditlm a te ut erm ieMade ue itdet boustyou. a abui ted ibe uoesit lao usiugSt.caryyu off b ercdee f re;uan hae de1a nruck Mary a t b a kl.",INir~ns Iùay alt bevaa mucten moentcr14 h, "it i vilI uthmsuped, uvnery as ewis44 a1 m cirve ai o celu i beore *0swngartur tellme ornet oibnce. yI teanIr ekancrme W«ei reu ie. whippy wtiAmy"Be w. t ethlm e- suh wlaa soue am t Uell bi e or cosir the dtermIaetle ff bceh viseno ibaIva e ibre& ad seer apo ek. Neu tMet aofvag h y mch bie uplo ru ap. cf he peesetatselfa. atione uet 9OW4l ar theëape upee hudaknoeir ulciiux. i1-htaîo ne fbe pme sea lu lve.rs lat m Ie aOOteM uchtimMe slt rbt Uth cte th olo ecuandy ehou1d eutmasith et prosb cf arrnulo h ff orce¶wofcbmakes Mle arystruck aryten eosilbdi.: ý the ie bet*e Myathem abte."m 7ie criflca*e. averln'pumY lette r is Wbat neft Marupon1 hl aad mush aveos frAdo etcaore he ader fte I oaa conjectuisre. dlsi7ao frred oe bers maitt'r. h appy knwlAmy Batlu. let here- ---wa tiebaued oter t evIthe ar-fnier tr.he eenitis fonich mi I sht 1 wm ettav~ler a esrt*iu ChoesierceNo die ny door etaetuptaicbee St aes tain un aton. ceeo Iol hee Bpore Mora.Bede l5ad.sd blusb pblc nqi e.Iloe uddelrve" ungMw &_ pabutrasibreyst iet serve Mr L et meun vlh aWlM u viau the ft e anusn te cm-mae Mrt eerietheusii I&euheet. XXXIII.f the dertfict% Mr. wba ye igllattera 1 XPFX' eI T pouNT. an b.u,"bu eaway rmy O&DtW andbeiae pacodnjeluthe. dI too tasi box oui o! is bing-ace br Ailadkow l h th v»rds vere lia even lnsducitvrltbam taig te uaftM. lotenor, a«shot nt siaionlvearrc f rmd b. boed u de fet uin he r . It V5 &iIuMy gsowe i aw a aceta brCesten' by nnyadiecor myorne80 I o't thluk I ere bru u- font othe crrerfaiolhegaieu morastnbhed, et eve wbe -~metoie. beIng ced er a ms ber 0 anna'. zderti. "I10oraine toerv ew Manynoah oubvefo ah.h okimd Inlfich mai yndgh en rneSi e o ihu h thet e er tha vasburend i oldecftenli u I merlyn'noowai t u i r he ueRWeXsal se, "T vsaci sh e n u bcultne ! no ybetty e rsce n Bi sdeI ha d Io t tehcdesoin- lu n'y h booutforfe alnd tpae h.b e hdwwI luhe rooe of is-r oat nc-i g dne e verges the lg re. 0~tanEDtthog i1.0 -you caunt-fave he. cryi ae, "n-dtetcuae a ev k aoc ote vil- it la nowd 'vpance ai uothe haio! my. b.d.a My s oudsu regi avy Thlrnlug ha mon cf thenomeblo Be fcefusaddepr,berou yount o the lu 10v inUfd Jton moes," soali no vn hn1 odmy t oed t l hin,intieI. ktotdoomye bof couenaiic rden hastmp»eni t erted5. Hang bcu#mhve-koud iii, eaebec» plyiuso kinenrbaceIntoer og I bw«out vthe 1omèel meveail o ieItfr epe -.jni round e th ijo ts amy oq,, vit eets ancold b. a omer etr plafce Y? Dc."~ae.tpii pIn mvehuv for teahhrn a ato h Ton comsleeping I t O Mor bis ha mated-a mlan us hieete mi whn a &ud .bt qatto oa. t ecet nof n eergos hee.1-Z as ta. is hou a.g-i -t mg-Wva leu--" i d omoe er ai itou anea té badaofgMYbebd athU a e1 fupand oeut ued: Tnihe UQat kci cf te vaeig "Mar hbrn.umol -etao.» s. 1spkht. 'MassaI 1' I WW r, wbtOu -M aflu ted. Aeib 1- bowandbas d bgaw i i an.h "mVa aid 1.tte eas 1 bervbt mI lbas 0let*me'tuSat b i. *0 1evor 41 as ~- hveengk lo -r eang Vol. andtouAm1 no. meeat. ande mnarcstaged Parts, lu d L ghug ber.; s ai .svlus me. I m lb.t lie wihactaih otaz le ga rgbaiTonte mt -e t *0hm ane me lossu. vand DutmI&=*mae vrong»- ed,15 BA b" tel,"-40,101à. 1 Thé %-në t copoi bis.a ,Iw 5*0E ba4tr sf.=,"M Ibd la e"0 as lm a hm«ulsui toë, ad «e gwfi mes alahel.,O1 gre-w. flb. dWàýM, 'i te mu à f: .1- q5sêl 'Z ",m - m~~~bi, mmtev«i a r,~ __ vom' er bau-it lèie~b b. aire cftOul ber . h=& u4 for b&XI lue ber W aMr other mins, OMMi bave touai nerve fer-an &ei no ber-BOL tTE 0 "1MÉ. ciavering in the' MunT I to, aMi, O,%.r, ven you consider fluai ho A oflag? sali!,riifng te cou- m.miLsO S OI osai boy much, vas affectei by tibi By tmre indeinable Impulse Iv1li____________ immediately unaisiruaniiook MF g standaifie-vesierux wlndow 0et» wiSN WY RK 51bl w a us.ubottesouly. lb ftrge rom directly over MUn. BDolik ssi. la bl.Do't aloi aryon to etti Wss iutiedy imposslile to aud cvi -m uyddqdu te-i.pIeor proulu thatI t deeyet, thai Hcnry Ctaveriug vas, u wýVO d vllsw.0 pr ater ait he asasminuof 1Mr. Làefiu- Ltaj.gtO-ST---A 751104 vitb îite ibough, I lookoi _0' omm t he roomte thet cloiet wybftmoiuli Uy thie body of the. gfirlvho. accord- Mgt, to -anl probabfllty, bai kuovu , &0 iruti orthiis matter, and a great long- Ing sefted- me. O whxy S out ne* demi be maie te speskT Crried avay by the terrer Of the moment. 1 maie n'y vay te ber aida A.l, Gai, boyutil!! Whth vxat S rnocery the closed lips andtMdacon-~ ùýfrone MFydefflnhegaaze AÂseneouR STOi CK 0F MILLIN<RY US colime bccbOn or UlrSDn-LARGER THAN EVERR Wlth a teéllugitbai wMa inucai lke va« It I ny protrudiug tambencib' ber B»oiena vies.iy Chusbel ain bebiwevoo? FLOWER B ÂRDNEW GOODS tort"M "Vfn a MOM e1voey day. ia dlda i most below coait. MSovery -& * sopjt OUI as w. do Dreseanud kautie Making in the gret, gittie aud rew the tetter M u ea gitationot k, e Brek-Ulaoity1È0. iif T'have not.been here why lue U baatly open. I tock a glauc ai tu S utma.Good ,teavens 1 I vas the wso ft tibe girl herse«!ila~L L voeM ppearaom vas enough-te maine *b04 in IIOerA.Oarpbulls 81r. .ent PEreet, Ufluy, « Thia M wit wnvruiely Ï hi4o f10 se& -ppesEon iMe mi40det a sheet o! ommon vrhing payer:t 1arn a wi*d iut 8"I1have-buone tiubn &Ute UmehicbîIl ai T RI F ANNI M L t. bave toid, but!1 dinet date t0.- te the tani splendid loeking gentlemaf U I L <L lla i te black mustacb Woe1Imet omtug, oui t oMuWter LeaveuvorWa's rom ith s, key lu bis baud t i Mb 1fr. Leaveuvorth vas murdered. Be -Ihv ut onltda vas- se searci ho gave nme mener and made me go away sud con'.bers snd kepeverytlxlug secret, but I cau't dotI meono longer. Immen'te secm ise a Mtener att the timo crylus sud afthn I Ime If I vaut ber sent to prieun. 0"o< sd amrnuow proparul t fr" el vrythhg for bouse finisbing in my line as k nr rtu isîl. And ibiste hsie o daesp the cheapmut. evrything garntecd right or ne psy.- trutti sud mnelasi word.s ad I pray I teweryboi"'s torg'iveuess sud hopen- W Mlid imapeot work «ud get rcs boay vili blamo me snd that they r______ vont bottier Miss Etenor mny mOMO but go and look ater the bandsome g entulmian wvina the black muebaIL aZ. W . ul U.[AUVI. BOOK IV. TS POBEMBOV iàbat-louragassed.»T b&. GbTU. ad US Thusol wu phioh I bat every teso m l expout gr. Grrce bai arrive&, a"i Z mav lb. tornucf Mr. Grycl o bl*t, mat os t-w. s«ckm,, tut vory pauons ou onsemintgslo'wly dovu the atrosi ý M. 2w a- &tOkc&w voS. w, volt,-exclaisoed lXe -m Wè-MUai *0gthe. SM"ibis la a6 prettv! buv.Uye-io,'ImimayN. efa Ob ehua i .verytbinu tusmit the o ipm t i rew uu natur ble > a M<1m lb~ le bomeser, 1 aM - -~ h lir. Bedeaslaro,int 1 Obgla MNWDÈitra lu is wm-» t& ushmial *» la ws 05 bar w gbo 1MvI fotlUzst. IMM&to M- wqwlmhtl 1u à ditft~b e i *me,*t to t»~a e U eqI, m t. bmo l '"mUMM - éî e O16 ame u oi Tulophous1 IR& -2oizo-tf. Oheamp FURIF»TURE ANDERSON, N1GE NT, L Cet !Uýýýaud:.abineti Makera a u M* e.é o"hto show lès £DRSU. U~MTa GOo The Imeut iowIm* The' Ward o. or anv Paper inth uLt readers. j t -I t- 't -s i., I1~ t I I r.;~-tI t' dh swol 1 near 'wlng d Pnt Coli geng th out p000 'UV Phu Aug. te, ga m(ud Der and and .blit tol Titi ea and by can pom be fr0 that ed t: Ta rockl th-e ever or ! wb.ic to du men thie n tî.hu c by t: Vrait c the t tLhu s wor'i selve fourt sixty n.atul mnerdc Grea. great neai c.iljicý ever have Mas, boliri cryst ho-oLs foqrsa, to wx suggq of a. your oheet

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