'----i..- ~,; 's. t - ha S te -as--. - s. Biles'. ~7. "A umark6baeP&M etf S exolatmeiJ o ltota ne aspect of affairsIn 1"Tblhnk mc 1"rsauerOd heo bum; thon mllEt I itol astingt ut bu la ausmmnent, bis iner .vas nlit- O0S roel rwh vat 1Icxpeeted, otai im, sud si, ".TOU telme Ibal Yeu *uni Ibis ln ber bo0. WbherosUo la ber bcd 'r' * "Under bbo body et the, girl herseMf." returme L_%#"Immv orne corner of it protrudlng frcm bencath ber c#hI- oea, Msd rev t o."s Re came aMd stood butr. mne.*,Wu itoil or open, mien you IraI bois- et at ,t ?". 'Tieldl;fusbosolup luntilla mv- shie.?' ahouIn g lbto hlm.11 ne t00k st, lookel, at It for & Mo- mont,- and vont on wilbhbis Questions. '¶hsenvelope bas- a eyen cmrnie appeaflcs e R a. bbcheletter J- mir. Werc îbey go 'wl'.,7U ou ua ttlem dru "Tes, flot ouly c, but doublol up 48_70U150. *Doubled up ? Ton are mre 01 Ibat?. VUded, sealelid nbler u ilei V AdsM if -ber body bal rollel acRoSS St uPWe "Se. trtcker7 ab out Sit? No look sas If thc thing had been l1uatael Ibere aince ber deathr?" "'Not at à2I, I iboul rallier »es 9 *bat 10 eveiy appertauoe ah. bell It tu ber baud uvbemgeelay lown, but turnlng, over, broppel lb -ad bai tain upon It." EtOrY-ce'm oes eà ' hhabaiM5 VerY brlgl't o<minusly loudl; oit- dlenUy hobal been dlaappc<siled lnsu a nems.Laying tle. loUer din, h LIol d moslg, but audenly UIffla again, scrublniad theedogi et m0 Paver on vblob St-w"s uftteu, &W âart ii»me a quick bock, v w *âh tb lale lb.ebad* e Ct*» o0 tat. Nalue usa M <involumtmrlir -«n oms tela IMWÈl me bc. mllng:- t"Amuse yOUMrsmltvis dthabomtc IM table, vblob you bal uh *asna Over; sec If oerytbintgla 15e1 &a "Ordlng le Emm.Belleu'at~,u I Wmaul le hoby mymeiffor ma ."$ SUibuing rny atolhouIpre Ceeldd oeornply vttli bis reqUeut, ha maroely bal i ll te icneIet t* *«x liomie=%vses , hocaumehm- sflng ba.cK flung tbbcleter dcv. cm tho tlble vItM auair cf Use ««atu *scitarent andmIi el.: âDiiImey here bal nover1 enytlg b",ite &*cm Ib» m 1 f @Obb ? ItellPms Ibene b« s «' hée.u AnybbiMgOk. lbla W a~ Rt tu the nmest caeouo e Mr. BaJymOn-an ieise a l» is exltement, aotualp' Omt mine for Use âtlitme lu my experiçmole iiiiim O'Prcpare yourelf for a diapotMq- ment, TrhistetendedomtesiomlutC Hfanuale', lsa &fraul 7" Afrmud?", "Tes; fraul, t orgery, vitaIy0n WlS; the girl neyer vrobe itg" .Amazel, outragel ainmot,.1 boi- Qd frorn nmy chalr. "Hum 40 knov thaI?" r'eiedl I Dendlug forwand. bho put teit tube my baud. *"I.oo t a* le" mai s examine lb lowelW. Nown j»u visai la the finI thng 7m agem l "Wby, tbbc Mrit rg it h t mb1 mne, in that Iii. uords are çMftla- stmof w! rittenm, aerntng i* 3miglil h oxpo t m IN 60.i Irint tob aul acounts. "'fàat tbe7y ameprhited cm *tbea- aide of a. abeetcf odine ppgot-' "Qlnazy Paper r, "toi, a. ashSofo! mt lei thie od qmaàme. *Wby yes,1I@boumi mu nmm "*Lochut t lbos." *»etabetithem ? O I mqa ap cdose Ibthe P et lb. Pni. hors"m 1 au "4comier fhtne-estu bar re- latio tes Ct ~toc*k gM bm ay suer-~ Intntin ou te abeY." t. gave ummawes Lc5vmmtwrm <h bis. Impatm ybli* bu: falien MR- ble ab@ evil w uattmwtsl te e M liee mathi 0t -f bIngst. le dmmpUsm et a ia. uSwon dettty dO.OM bnu" a t "amnput boy""U doubt by 1the mmlles «t bs misla the vork, h« I t a poor uo t .girl. but 1 smre poin Who la atinsll le playtheIbm retfone, bas smonml&W fal)edl But Ibat la mot amiLa.Bel- dès, acearditig toeu.enmaintainU liaI Hasais 1011 beruou enebrlgtishe bouse, IthsMaery L&enevoth -mti btie there. BUtin,.Ibis docmentositae deleis Ifto 1have been U» eu t Black Esah. 01 bmow, but couil ,- ubey mot bha» botb been parties 10 55e transaotéfl? *"Te," amil Se, "Y« ttle la aiflUa aeuls ielroumstaace, visesthèrn la -Mr <smuoPeuqbw» bolv e Wm"tII ad Pokea deolsration of a pols. Baut vby 4d e.omIaIbere*f ooilir vison &s tev venu hum Ibis lira.Bel- den 7011 51kM n'OmuQbl about n preb- ably soîble lb vbole malter!"- "A fevw ords frorn lra.Belie:4" 1 repeabel; 4"I have bal thoffmamba from bot to-day, aSi 8m tho n'atter no nearer settbel th"i l io mglntinigs." «"YOu bave bal," mlii be, "but an« L Fetoli ber tai, lit. Itsymeud." lit. Grye vbo luaIe h« hMt nerlm of my a bsenc, bal sterel bft mood from lic, severe to Iboe: beuicent, te- o eved Es.Bfflu en tb ju t hsow o! reSpeelfulcourtosy likeby 10 imprel a ~Wou=, a" epesilaul. a s m4e6 upoi the go opinion cf othets : Abi1!-Ma hm usla lb. lady lua Whou bouse tbil very -dlsgreable event ha oemrrel," exclalmol 1e, puty riig la is ctus:iam o t ebo. liai [ eq-ueStlto tamt, he amel;-"t! s mltrauger May ho SAloed tb lake the lib~iert fiuvitinga lady te sit lu hof Ovu bouge" "It doa mnot seem 11ke My ncovu boume "uy longer" mid ii bbut -ta sa-ual rallier Ith,"au ait m-mâve toe; m ULas2 hab bisg en isi w flmilo upou ber. "Iàttle beîter Ibau a -prWs oner here, .I1 go sud comoi keep ullasc or sposil, juat as I arnbbon; ald ga becaustensas uugpwcreature, hom I 100k lu for lise mm unseiai ot mc- tivot ýs, umclimced l* ielu my hbol." '«Just 801" exciimel lin. Gryce, "t 1s verY'unJUat. But perbaps e vmaf right Mattera. . Ibave very resmon te believe Me cmii., This sudleà deah ought teablie esaily explainabie. Tou aMY you bal me poison lu tbe boume? f 4NO. ,Ir "And tbâaI the gil nver vont ont?" "Noqver, Bit."- *'And tha sicosne bas ever bsen bore toseoýeier? " tNo co, mIr.", "Be thaI se couldnob bave procunol "nY sueh thing If Oah. bal vimbed?" " No, r. "'Unlcss," . mîded asuavely, "abe bal lb vlIth ber vwhonah»,aeAoe ?" "Tlmt ooubdntbave licou, i. She brougTht -no baggage;sanda for ber Pookol, 1Imkow .every .thlug Ibore vau tu l, for I leeoked."1 'And what d yeu nd ithon?" BOrne mosiOY'lu billemore tIbm.u o voulhlave _expeolel ueh &a girl 1 b ave, nome boopo penes su d a om- Mon h'adkercbiL#fg "Well. -Ihen, It la proved the girl dlin't lic cf poisontkIere beIng ou tu the "bos." NoHemii t"-in lun cunviasd .a lone, s-be vas becevel. "Tht.la JuaWt u 1 bave lim ntenbhie . Rainofli," SSvtng me a ýtIuos st ook. "Muat bave boombortblacas e,"h veulton.- o my d. aie Zven Yeu- ."Tes, mi; or meeme leu."~ "Tbug nt obertul?" "Iid ntgay tbaI; *mem l "Wbat , ma!ào, Ibs gni"LIvintgM a ock. "Il omt uaemslanî bat. I 1 hOul i blailber amxety about thon She bai lt oitblfndlier la Ib l" y voul bave boots muougtb o hebe tien belag vry iseentL den; "but Iti ast m.oa *0a- t= mie Zn e r 05t.e ff abou iSsuaIm a.,. 'wbatî" eie e atabu i toteanoreW, ie mcin. , b O* 0 4lart kue# kt ibatlise eaes Z OUIIme he"D ite 0e us *» a.w. rh>roao15 Ias.t.mh' a"mai le, lm MW~ la 41 as r i.At an *.vmmt *0wue Im SUth - ui« Mz 0011m "d 0fo b« *M Idettet »W bl mm 10s Islm4 face wbm m tidwt, wmow 1'v NS uub aami* M , q vmu Ibemthe f» tsC s aiUt~ a 5a ym-. <ou,é "wbl*male bber th s uok : ahï ef iM1 unma . «'e t t Whviie v«@«. 1 ought t beb.ab*,_ goseau aule Il1. a 4. ail .. j ttote bb-linder amu% br a i eno- "W"at » çiOt. Ej&. Grime hbo e lb.UKVoqp1." a I rew out olt te 19os L "TU 5905k or be .Si. et du0rred aleta, o"U lbit le", me th opub'ehetuit. WIido yoa burtth"0the ret u adi .h t up., mUesu hi that?". 1'?bm tht.la kome uloklag berp1 -Xér désrs b lesta thingu ah. didan tfor wbaàt laItter çcotaIeO."Mad Immw , % *Sinstance, t ite and IUr- Gw<m% x.uWae mwaebo*wI amaie »"a writlag.nehOMo n& l ea <umslly "r'* Vit am* k te0ma Mr.ll<i* Peint; uben shOo ame haro." I tbocuUr et. Gi7o ouul taxe out pie pof mi atm, ho gipilno . [-" tIii-' sW î as utOl 1'Wbmeas cme* bote! Do you mess b me thbehosure, but ais bl to my tisâ ta"ce ubêhm . boss vilsme vben ahe firât, requested. me tu ven 8" bu b9ed o b vot?"teach ber how towrtethat the CX- "rat àdo'.1Iuni beet ber oop»ie. petol uch a lbIter, zl I <l<'t open Il v'bea t cae,%but gave fIl.te, ber Juat Iasi ivs. "WboM earnthmo apes" breke la *Watt!" ered à&. Gryce sand beckon- Mr. Grime. ubdung bis volce t te 5lut me Imb a corner, -h. bspmd, mont profoumionLaitoue. "Âuii whcre art "Nov comea lnu tht emperlgnce ofrQes. ber abtempta at wrtting? rdii k. 10 sec Wlilc you ane gone hmtbf bouse and »Me of themi. CaaWt you geltbornm for' before Mms. elon m« S annalb &gain. us?" ho ban a glimpse of Ibm gilbeuing -1 dou't know. air. I aivays made over somiething lu the corner cf ber lt a point to.destroy bbem ai soon,&M room vl'cb ,rmai very, fsily be the they bal auswered thelr purposé- I waabowl v. fouad there. Aller vhlch dudu't hke b ,have pucb tunE. yig l'e secs ber mvallov inabise mont ivelY "Olnd. Dut I vil! go se." way. a doue of ommtblug -jrom a bit "IDo%" mmi. l'e; 4I11tIl go itlh YOU. I Of paper. Wa" there àn7bhiug zmore ?" want to tule a lok at thtugs up staim #'No',"' soldI. anyvsy." And beedls 0f bis rheu- - "Very veU thon," crlidhe golng matie ftet, horome andipreparel 10 back b to .mBehdon."Bt-"P accompany ber. *«But vbonI vent upetairs te bed, I "This lk gettiug very Intense." I îbougbî of! tbe girl, and guirng tô ber wbtapered, au ho passed me. door openeditl. Tise lght vas exblrn- The amilo ho gave me lu reply w.ould. gulshed and she ueemed éàleep, no I bave mdethe fortune, of a fempta Iclosedltlb aan* u4came qt9 Mepbletopheles. ",Witl'oub pek Ir " 0f 1he ten minutes of suspense vhich s"Tes,.air." I enlurel lu thelr absentes,1 amy uel- "Di cu aolce o othie malylng?" lng. At the end et that lIme theY *«Not parbiUmlaWl. I thlak on ber returnel vith thoir lbande full of P51er back." boxes. vblch hhey flung dovu ou. tbm 'In sirnetlin'tuof the mume positio table. ln vhich *0 ma fcund tIIIumrnor'? s"Tbm writtgpaper of the houabohd," "tyes, air."- observel aEt. Gryce; severy uoap mand "And thal lea i Von 1.11us hait sheet whtch ould ho toud. But offSet Of ber let.'or rmseous before you examine itlook etaI INa. dee±h ?" And ho hohd out a seet et bleblal' 01- "»j, Imitatloon eft t tlime-voua Sw. «J» 'B0 ' Bou.'&' -You ko 8006 a"i y«n yUlb. haPPY i?' w à&b Ur. aav«tffl ytgviou e o"aNom "eaty meon fades-,» 5-Mdme lb?!, "3vilicomrmuncations corrupt 9006 "I do." mauners." "What do y700 tlk of "And iss Lmyeawrlb'a tisaI?" "Testsaie" "'Very neat and Tory legtble." "N.ov, whloh of lt.elvii vas upon "«Tbat la Hannab's latet. The 007U ic terenvelope of the latter ion, gave sPecimena of bot vriting tobehofonul. Hannal'?" 1Not rnucb 1ke orescrawis ve bave '«I <»uhdn't Mr. Ttb eas iJguacl a»en, eh?" bandi'ting an,& gltbaelio "No."that of eltber; bUtt I Ilk-", "Erg. Belden gas Ibis girl ban kuownu "Wel ?71 l'Ow te write as goal as thls for more '¶"btat lb vas more ike bers thu.n bis, than a vcek. Teckgreat prideSmnt, tOhogIt lweÀr'lt ke berselb" and was contimually ts.lklg about bow With a smlle Er. Gryce enclosel the srne.rt she w»." Leaung Over bhe confession in hie baud in bhe envelope WblSPered ln my car, "«Tus tblng ym ln whelt bl ad eeu fouu&. "Tou have lu your baud muet l'ave been remembert bow large the î.tter vas mrawecnmre lime a&go, If she didIV' ."which you gave l'er. ?" Theu sioud. sBut let Vs bob aetthIe "0' lb vu. large, very jarge; ose 0 paper she usel te write on." bbc th largest- sort."1 Daablug open tbc covers of Ithe boxes 4"And bbek 10P on th. table, ho teck. out bhe looae '.«'0. -Yes; bl'ick enough fer Ivo Jet- aheets lyiug Imalle sud scatterel tbern tenu." out before me. One gîsue shovel "Large enougb sud tbiak euougb 10 tl'eY ver. al of an utterlv dtfferent ontaiu Ibis r-" jaytng the confession qualitY froi that. use lu tl'e Contes- folded and envlofl #8 It vas, before sIon. "This la al Uic Duper ln the ber."- boume," al lic. 4"Tes, sir." givingkt j, lok otstartiel ."Are 700 sure o! that?" 1 emel, aaenm,"ag ~ui a bc looking at Mrs. Belden, Who stood lu nougb estaj1Ue u d al h a sort of mazc betore, us. "Waau'I Eouh ct. Gja'seysfrt a da bliereon. aray sheet lyimg arourn ondar. flaah$e arom 'ai Ib ror sornevlere. foolscap or sornething 1k. finally settled uponam ytae&lgm Ihat, vbich she mlght l'ave got bll *yoatalmeve. M 1 f and used vithout yout kflo.wluE it "oaaeeop-we ~me, lip "No,.ahIr.Idou't think no. I bal o ]oUIy ou a e d te , '. --- _ tisese kinds; besudea, H5.unah li" a5Whogn, Ibis m-eà oitêi wbolo pvle of P'aper hîke tisln luber cmsS- f, rOom, and veuln't bave been apt to t ~~ lasi a c go hunttng roundl ai er any sBtR7 ment Grimeut.b lg "But ye nsmt kbmw vat a ginrl 1ksbM > e atibm t lm ttam tisat I mgt do, . Lok aIIbis ose,", mmtd ~IS-pocktt ealovlmg ber the bsl a de"cfth Uic ' tlu m imU2« 46,1" TItek- oosslmon , "Ooudu't a shOoet 11*6 tIies. harJadlt"~y~ bave ooaaoP r m .evbm. aout t1h e ockqu ýby ' X 5 lm hunne? Efmla. st won; the. mst« or 'm t0 oint »WV IS la Imor'"" me« MV»b #oeen e -ha li a"ffel~*- ab-. On Otu. Ilan o t. lS m 1u -Umq à *MMC pmsabtm a *h Mo'.Gspo'bbaoèi~nt __ 't UM 5% 9 - uet b:» m hommom.froucme pdu. mu ~ll ~SWou t iu m7 aspclm- di. u81tse qtkwg lthe u or*m rpou. lt1.a is oeet e. the IbPue i*M «to fUerMr & oa1lb. ceî aOOO~Odth1miwu ebthmn om v0 tbu mi til 1quâee . -W"l d fIlm mpim h. 1Foeu Â:b mulri, I bti. end wa oobaeae.s, "lmut the r ui; r0 t oàulbt? 'is spe lon the oam soma entaEey 5rft ou tm. tb lu ber.i tir.mg"M 1e r iel wl'chIrasgore&o t Leavenwurcet u Md St for lm man- .moolpt1 orfTl op= t If lb VOUIa bave.- boom bod lhebisdlbr.ry. Bu Ku. you re7.tin, M lurdl sprt of com'ativmiihode, sud 3uhre nn u om fst d 'tths cufela ofthe WluW lookedatIlhad. 'wy a sud onthe5 came baokmit O ylbvséi oome Mta thwe r edy eaieut7ut testn, mdsuoher hich waSODmcOualit bae bee b.arnm ndtlnghi azybleuo àoot like tre s fl aen non ltrtuhMe "Ift o we ofued he ink14P, h quried trem w'hich tth was t,.I mlkdt ht yohprof ayedt hd disXA mem wery d &W ,»ysud t-klng Up t, cthat wl a on top,, l'e rtlYO0t ods and sheether were but80oWLgt "Ilt mlg't Ume obeen *skn tfrom Ib& one of oumeiel'e;btpO o.tffg dMMei migh Uic uln l' fro«rnthat wIt W58b ififorme dta1n takingHumPl the ot't lo ne to er&PhMY lips. ,dthshreainder bc .er, ut e oe," or se; ab-ut es, looljc moik etUi the rline dafon croesed Its vfce.y "Sc psotlt --.Hume>%lahm- wotdo! "flcaeld om hy IBavrbm Thme r udndelyol'etek p ter me tebe ]re. G"cenI thed hies ." en~ theutle nd attows me.sd biU- -tS liftin a Potther. !"edam ede10o4nted itsud laidhte dO0 A "o III wttl' the tt,"OPiehenu I,ou tel the shes hett Uct Hwle e ounted hs d tla~id te &Me blowtng snd pauaed. "Eleven 1 %Count agalu," I suggested. .Re o.untel again aud quietIy put thom= auide. I made a mstake," oh- nervedhb. B3ut lie was mot to b. disoouraged. Taklng muotiier baif--quire l'e tbrough witl' the.Mme opert1Sc-4f Vain. Wtth a sigb 0frhfpatele b. fiung St down on the table anld loeked »p. "cHalico r d h le, "~ 8 the * maitter ?" "'flete are but eleven sheets In this package," I said, placlng It luni The exottement LimmedtatelYevluo 06 un cntagIous. Oppreed as 1 1wm could not reumet hime egdMZ 0,beimttlfu1-» le exciainel «01 ieauttl 1me.! the -Ullgt Urne 0<m the lade, th6e'hovy orne on the Outauii ani both lnu positions preotely «16- to ding tb those on UIbis *f09c Xaanab'a >Wlat do you thhb now?7 Do iou wlsh bfot surftl««er procl" "The vmrlost Ioubter omâld a1 D0 mue." -reburned 1. Wtt mmetl'ing mek a cmmadmoeu reg 1ard for my emotoS, he ture Mmy I amn obliged te coreM t 403rmomlf" lad h, "utwliut.nd BO lpâyce the dtmwoery that ]lmm booM WMQ& .tle gso neat novery meat me m cnualve. I doclare I am n.~ *0 lg.Bat what a, omism te r «w oi hm.deny, lu a tSt e 0 bomumelm 1 iwht ereduf 't AT TiE SIGNATURE, 15ON 1TE WRAPPER J - ~Ai4 ivoe a? I v~çruow'orwmm. or JïEBI 3O~ITLE 0F ORIA d alajmp la emd botls.mly. It dai b bulL Dm ou' 1w »Yeu t..OU os ",sm the PW w epromu. 11a I1 à uPM awjfl&s»Ver evury pur- laem sa G44TO--LA OUR ISTOCK 0F UILLINERY 19 LARQRR THAN EVERs FLOWESBAND)NEBW.,-GOODS, suIVing *imoSk emey deay, 'eýsd o almost -bulow cost. -corne and b Zg orDre d Mantie making with pon, as MI do D sdkaulile making in the Isie* sy1e. I you have netý been here why Ove. Opbéll'm tore, Kent P'treet, Linday VITRI LAISMILL 1- hma" juM ecmpleted a aud am nov prep«M td 10trniàh eytblmg for-,houa. finishing in my lune a ouop m the oheapoit. vorthiag guiruteed right or no psy, (U lmaimupoot vo& &dm dglpria.... Twiephons IiM -oîo-tf. j' s n I '4. 44$ j- 4 I I * E i - St- kdvoelim. Iii Tii. Warder. The imat cit fwPaver in the lu ALRS >BK0radm s e e I I i i s d a i I O -I g s I I OhapFUNITURE GO-Tu d..lrak~emsand cabinet Makera ~B w - is* amlebito show INe £gft M U IOEwu& 00 ýl