.g.DR. TAtMAGSE PREACKesA . FMON UNIQUE IptAOTICALty-- gh. TxI SUPPlh br 0. BU aIIsermon IIm tht taté Âlm'v. g 8. O Hlm .tilat makth lb.a 1" otas and Orlon."e  AoountrY farnr rWLe ts t«gmt %wS to Tékb». mi PgloweG an Md th dkd te L by a ïbrashtng macigne fj*t lnVent&. Faia4rY the cattle tffl out the gwýat 0. gatbered 1h. fruIt.Of the hoa ùMe and sa*i1fied It with aM as I PwbeforeStK V»s getina rîp. ) t vos 1 uC555M ad Costomf*rY lu tbat W7tO talce .froax I lba >bitterflia Se -M the son et a' por ab' rG.* tuttered, but mat before the stàmm«t g'g rSic thLe PhuilatlM sd Byrtma IMd phoenloafla and MowAtes, and Am MnflteBs uýd EdismiLtesand IutatOB tremnbld. Mose vuan aaw giver. Danel v as *prince, Isala 0owtlOt, 9and DSVI sking. but Amosr the &anthai Of =y *xt, was a peaant, and.,,«mumlgit be snpt>osed, nee.rly all bi s raàltltbgsrSe pastoral. bis pr-ophecy ful of th aloi af wiwn ~Wlhayand the rettle -Of wueats, and ltheumbor0fcarteswtth gwase, and the ror etwld bta deyonlg the fIck, wtdle Ilie gbePhrd ccme out ln their de0enée. Re tCb- adl the herds by day and by night, n Iobted a booth made ýottOf- buShmelj j» tliat through theme branches hLC eould se the stars aJY nlaUt long, ud wus more famIlier wIth thein th&n ve Who have tlght xoD& to our.hw oiid hardly ever se the starg except ainiong our tan brick jcMmneYs Ofthtie great towns.% But at se*meso e year when thé bords Vere Ilu Pecial amnger. he, wouId qsy omît In the 0Oefl &.1d ail through the darknese, bis only gbeter the curtain of the ,night beav- I.~ wti th~e stellar embrol4derie s ad gijvervd tassels o linar - lWtt Wbrat a life of- soilvude, ail aloite witli hie herds ! Po6r Amos t and at 12 eekc3ck at. niglit. hark to the wolfs l3rk. and the IlOn's test.- andi the bmeg' gr'wl -and the owl's te-whit, te-Who, .a rdthe serpfft'a hiss ae he un- wltttntrly step- tc>near while novkg tbrough the thiekets! ýeAras. llk.e tie nther herdSnen, lot the h abt t Stulyiig th(' map of tIh beaveris le- oeuei vs~ ~ft h He tce lgprtad u-qt bef'ore hlm. Hentlé eme.star,,;advanilfg and others rie oedtng. He a-efIeated their d&wn w«Lt oprtalnnFons flothe yeaLr. HE,,- ed ai pnette nllt-ttl. and be readIi lght bv utht. and mofth by nonth, and yea? by year. the poem of te-ccmat0ellatom~ dMnely rh.vthmii. But two rose-tteuot ou effpec!&ly attzu**ed Ns attetimW vbile qeatecd on the grdand, or lylSif on » tiéck under the open acroîl uC the ,m!n.Ight hee.ens-the. Pielo.des, ot &-ven st-nrs. and Orlon. Tii. fomet. grO¶i), this rustie prophot asecIated vkb spr!flg. as tt rises9 about th-- lat et May'. The latter be arcilatét with the winter. as It cornes 1 the rneitilal lun Jamiary. ,The Pletades or ec"nf stats, connected with ail aweotnfletêxd joy; -Orlon, the heikti of the teua pet. Vhe.anrignts wieot*the r m t p ti stl2dy tlhé -physiognopiy and Juxt*PO0 êtoe of the beveuIy bodies becRuse Cbey thougbt they bad a specil InDlu' ence upon the~ earrh, and perhapi*they wwe riglit. If the moon everY 14w bours llfts snd lets dewn ,thie tbls Of the Atian>tle Ocean and t2" e éetric M>rnm ln the Sun, by:ail etntfte ad- ulluson, affect the eertb, WhY n501. starshave xa*OPortli.*-ecffecol? And there ame aorne "thigw !i- .Make me think tbe~t it may h&ve, been un supers4Jiatn 'aticli connécted lhe nmulents and appear&nce of Ihe hes- vey bodlc«with gxeat mOrs!oventS au earth. IMd fot àa meteor rui> on] ewmgelistle erra.nd on tIté fmat Christ- mmsnlght and desiguate the roiigh matile of our Lord ? Did not the-,estas In their course fIgiit aqaldnoI Siaera7 Waa It rnerely coincidental "ht before m.deeMructim of0<Jetusmlem the mfleof veAhdden for 12 o0aseouthie.figlila?. Dld it mereIy happeii 80 that a hew star appeaed in cémllitOi eso pela, snd-then depeXe uIbeo 0i Charles IX. oit France, wbo was re- MSw-Ible for the St. Bartholoniew -,,- mare. <ied ? Waa it without ignlfr canne that u inchedaye oC the ItOMan Emperor Justinie>'wai' and fâaiIl .vere Preceded by tht dimnnels Of the sun, whieh for neearly a year gave f50 moxe llghl than the 1mooii, elthOugh there were no, cdoud& to obscure Il ? 1Âstrojogy, aller aet in"ey aive bMéf qnmtlng more thai> a brIlUiant hea- ~mtp0f ent Orter* wuaau 10 7m m ui gt Wh, -m nte d nat»w - Md ilu anir dbs1of5maf "a! "Tue GO&i vWh ose OSSO W on, lighl cIrcit for OUN 705W, Ow lally keep a&l the 6984M afra 0<,AU aIs uaid natims n& udo<mabil &S instinent. We had sot ilKUerf55 muoli,for the jeamnt's BgufflOf th1e text weaerighl. If G00eaucasItbu cars cf tiie seven wdh 0< te le ii "ad sd thé foin chie! wori1dae of0,10w! lie mçn probtiy.tebme CBte ofthe oé worM %ve inhubit. 4o If I feel very muçh ms iy fa*bu fdtI oeedai vuen vu vere golug tu the téountryxx" to gel , grist gs'oua OM 1I a boro! syas ysr Mt lab o, back part of the vtooB,.MdO '« axeS Tan. aay, *ttvi %ad a labYrlnthtwiteroitbiougi the '551 go thst I thoght every ný*to vOUld b. Uslanid ta p and I M a teMrble oub"Ofyo!hbt adm father tuirned t b m vti a fra pu. f emtycarn,-a" id aI:"DW Wtt ww ars en eu rylng mýzt? I mUW et, unbroken gstesm t e urummt are tuab AduaA o M, va w aum m lia the . 00irbum naGe ltes wb>pe gruUM..« tble tvaw«tise 4l o! te lihAmes tIath"GQ&law snet ho or thr ouxim nemieBeaks èvfes te i»& balmnosb .tIet cwSoM et CG uwtl% mUkme other groSw-rS6p of osifer grou. Te thse Ploades Re alla Gi Ormý t mee IltsM Goai ed klig0it so Pm thistalea. iseo,. àng Lt OUly n lin lathse uiu esue kOOWsthe Il et saisi, bum. etellar, use- l' OIeaeuoUIS, sa"dtisaI lu the cte- ha stor imaebif- Amd tli»'hbail &Rbeau at lovlaaWy cbrisbene&l. Osoe, amiue «Z as dWtkwtas the neme Af yow étildt- Il r(as. -He telIetis tise. uumber ut lthe stars. liee csJeththonsm M &X y their ni namas." Tise séven Plindus iad namn t giveu bu tbam u'nd t trare ÂAlone, muogue, Osiso, Illutra, Btlope, Ta.y- ' - teandtIL.n But thimk of tise bullins UMd Irlihlus W & 'insgb.ers of saaM UlgM, IbtGol W c&e Is y isnte as tlsy sweep blr Hicsb w114s beaminhg bivw and . Ir- r b mpr»À iaIs, >Iitindl 1a lAgal Mmd ri againla 1 bokhamneaud tr nymuoli- %Utbu-Cbnirt, tise bnl si md menu- tig ~; aeliUust3a, tisedaybreak; tht, redésnngmllude %= k.Min ;î lm rlhtisoNs > itakogwtth bl29ng lasj B is menge. Oh. muïaadWnen. wlth hi -0 mie'Y 9o5rowa Smd m eanSd per- J4 plexities. àK y'evauat lalt aim fort, iglt 0< garn Ii4ý gh t ile2s, Ia ernuest çrxow tburesig '*geck HUmtisat mnketh 'Use oueoSI stars «d ificrlonel Agaks. Aunes @w, a. vo mnt tee. b thttise. GoI w. nîse theft#i f archuelagem et stars mui in e aus pi- chan~g i I. hSe lied been ne change In thé ulellar apeaorSno ib CASbi hodmieu'u IMtiImm. aMIh iefa- t( thér, a oi.e vuerd, reuortel bu hlm th6b i them'e bad be»no change lis 1110 l.!e- lime. And tIlse,é vio ckuters bOng cver lhe eMe.tIML atS aewmat ue.]S tise? soe ie.he-Oet nigt t tb -tiseY ahame an thse Edenic baises; the urne as 'wisen the NEwytemausbufit ue pff- mii. *vm ithe top et wviiais buwtich tlem, *mmm- a au:hutl bftbdmeOask eslce thUe eclipse; th.easie as si *'iaen UIIMI, auctodig«lthe B ock et Job, Ivieut OUI to stûdl tteaMOM u i realla, lthe mami iter Ptolemea »- le tInnandi Oprnican sism theIsé emae ftram Cailuthemss to P7tbsgoem a ar *, <om',Pythagem toi HermhoL.i Sur.ly a cibaxgem Gai miaft bmkver ffehionslltse Ple m .- Cimerio!Obv,ý visaI an Msedyuse ainSIthéeiU5S ad tI dovais oeté aemmltiseflux nMd reflux ti of the ttimet ilprosponlby 10knbw Ubist 0 we bave a ohamgebees <o "tise nm.. yftftenday. tod&ylam el" ar" X.rxe gaMI andeti snd knlgiited the steeomna m4d hi bat lu tise anering b asi b anged hâm In Utche 9Ing et theb I ome day. Filow thousa"ad eopie aboo t teundth ie ti;u. 'et the mtIons! capitoa iustlrwt*enudves boum laI el #bL pesidien uguaulandi la four tl sOsalm go igreat ver, Dt e*aies i 1141 a rla'MaWnpletol In a WMUbixst0 ~apêot expreseeth ie seatiment ce man! al dinappoiDwted offce seeker Thé emrd abS la i Its hai.4t ansid drives tandem, &eul tisehoes ahead la Hnuma, andi . tChe hoi-e behind lu Anaîheme. Lord Cebham, lus Klng Jazmes' limbe, vas apçlauded id a3,000 a a srbut "'1as atter'wara execrateti and iwee on sceaps aboieson tise royal kftciseu. Ae xanter thé Greit aller tiea4h e- ianeuetbIXImeOI for 30 dayw because ,_0 -ose vooid ddotisé horof 0< boyé-, ing him u niter. Thse DIxr' cail.ltng b"x retfusa to have hl* Iron * feffle ir-eraudal becanse lb bad been broken liv an - tuiael OpI ilua s.i hcuT ofMalSal eXiCitenIert, 'Md het lçeft tInl mine thtis1 nui ght leain visat a flrléthlne la humun av SOr-. **But tise memcy o tise Lord 10 from ex'ierlstig tle ve lalng te timintisa ffar Niai, suMeisrwghteousýnm. UMto: tte éhuldreuss clOUltren ofmeshas irégli NEtscovenanst, and tib om wio nasanu- he Bsomap>mdietà te do them.* jeàs moment leek 1Dm th"I urt lise seven stars muti Orlon.», 1 Agalus AosWmv, 1»a 1lfu.i, ktbat ths e d -vio, ud5 tison two txaonSslsctee nestl nWh igt *yuaI b,ý a oQddde.love antikhmury venie.- 1%e Pleimi srieteIng RdlkY Mai 1 iti lb.h berameu man& ioiblmdn *Od ls"u*nwm. -Cgae tMaiMdu«2»1 thse4 ohldwather sm nt'eeYM gar-1 wiuter. vaxernté fiemn10 pS o tenupeflt.AUl isaviUlCS W"u lated by lies t9imoesIeIi om i di m~0 sl~sot me e«w, "B »etxa fr ie'esmmigatber me- ,mmetram ailier iead&5"1Mt Orlon vu lite ft igi mal dmi<eeima 1ail, umke thnge MWor Ot kilO bar- r bs or ge ut' As femtbasre oVet ,wb t ime U - eh&, oi > t MSS - * ~ ~vqerd," ~ . UE piairVis. - to ~' tic ai'. ~9!> ~3 dbsw~~ mer. e e t Z, 1ë0It oeens'u d- ab '0aal.Ls, o te me Mtoe4C sietlV' la - < It1S~iyun outetD or s.il M" tbe auo onnolatlsand ouin leIâ. auoet.m îchrist came tise sWt.et lhe worla e dSmVUQO. of ou o ur bftlqmvps'IIh, joUr soeotlaYom povertim avysr is- auw. y et came a et.r"S Ob., vial amney IL la 11101lu the wtMd :e lup -sud.iawn the Bible ai ladmce lu te, 160k out îoward Lier woelb! mile mstranomy ln lemealaln JZomuma,.un job, la the. PsM tu thb. ,copet ~Major andi miner ; lu St. JoWs'.Apocalypee, predO tkmRy sWpug: "WeSlfs1 ,WordS! VOrls!1 Get ready for th- tu'We bave a nice Ile venulire lIaI VO Wick tase.tbough losiug th&t vu loUe ma. We are a.fr.id ff *&]unsg Olt Ibis Mb raft pf a vorid. We are, efraid Mmàt nme meteorteo ooit WIl 50 lsht assis , and vu vaut eiéfr- tbu lai revlve aroumd iland are dtr, appointed when vu OdUI Iat il re- volves aroundti te sua inu"md of tue sua revqIviug «roud IL. What a fumf wsie maleaboul this 11111e bit Of ,'enld ilsexistence oWy a short lime betw-ý- tw! evosaams.thé paroxYMm by which, 1! waas burletifrom. chace in- to order and the e roOeYu OfI tà de- mo4in. And 1 m <lad thsIm wmany texte ma us tl 00oe.to bother worlds, nsoy of lhe.m larger and grenier . ud ocre Trelntie L"Looli there," sayB Job, "aet Mazaroth aud Arcturuls and bis sns!- "Look there," maya St Fin, -aI lihe mcon mider Chrlst's feet!- -Look therm" ays ioeIius, "a the sun standing «Mii above, Gîbefi!" 'LSek tiers," sayua Mses, "at the ps.rkling firmuInoii± t1" "Look tiiere," sa" Amasnlthe hefdsmn.u,"t the seT- en stars sud Orlon 1" Do net let us be go »A -about thome wh.oyé oveoff from i 11 vend under Christly Pi0t- e4e. Do n>et lel un be sea agitated, about Our own golng Off tus littie bârff or sloop or canai boat of a world to gel où some Great.Essteru o! the heeVtB.DO ot let iIus persisl lu uventing tle stay ln luis bars, this ukCdp :his onthoilse of a. vend, when ail the ~Iine palaces, alrea.dy occupieti by neny of Our bout frientis, are sklnging wIde open tbir gatto 1 lm uslm When.1 Iread : "«uInMY Fl&herSB ]foume are many mua<nsonsm," 1do not, kmow but tba each wvend 19 aruS!> and as Meuyr OunD as Ihere ar'e wrnds, atelier stiru, atelw geCIerle, atellar haelwaYm stellar windowft, ste!' jar aomes.. ov min departeti frienlds mustI plty us shut Up lu theft cnir'pd apertments. lired if we valk 15 Inms wluen they, nOme mornifle. by oné stroke O! ving, cran maire crcuit Of the wt"oe steflar ayStel atnd ho bock In timo for matins!t Perhape ycmder twlnkllflg conatellatloii ln lb. resîdenee of martyrs ;tisaI greiP Of 12 lumîn- aien mayle lteheloSeiasse' 'Of thse avosties. Peéiiaps 11151 st*eP Of lght te bhe dweSbng place of angels olieru- blé. msrphic, erchangellc. A mnsnBl wltlu as mrri ou. as wOrhds,ude an ,fgmon 0td5 humIne.ted frfesblvfty! Glu. bo this vidons, sud lifts and stimujlâtes Our expeotatlets! ov lUt- tle Itl makirsthse prewut, and )i.w mIn- >eqvacus il makies hué future!1 Nov il Cons5oles us *ftOii ur plao5 4de", tiit. Iruteal et being lieset up and'under tlm groM&d.bave btse range of as rruny racina as tharé a«re woelds and -relcome everywohere, fer Il las the Iv.tbér-8 bouse, ln vhleh theré are many maelsins ! O Lord G004-of the seves stars and Orloisohw eau I on-. dire th1e transport, théecsetacyç of sucli e, vigioo-? 1 vil! sek Hiru. 1seelc Hlm nov, for IM-11 lu mind that itl l not the. nmteriai univeTue that ls1' ot vabuable but thée piriumi, sud that eadm cf nE lus a soul vorth rme tha» Ij, tise vorîda WhIdu the inspiréd bords- man saw from ltsbooth On thislls11 «! Tékoa.- IL ba. atudied il hefore, but théý ca' thedral ef COogne, Germaiiy. neyer in- preoeed me as t id oee suuer. IL in aâmittedly 1the gralldeSt Gothie structure lu the worid, ils foundatiefi laid lu 248. enly a fév yewar gO coo pleteti. More than'M 0years la b:ulld, i»5! 1A'h Europe taxed for Ils con- atruction. Its cisapel of theé Magi, vils preclous atones enougis to, parcIsse a; ktngdoM .Itgs chapêt of st Agnes, vlth msterpleces et P91lnfg. Ils spli. eprnig0U,511feet mb othe heav- en&. Il te iod gIs e 1echorus of anl ricis cula s Statues zsolreiUig thse ]Plb&m 5SMd czucreli< anl. Statues gibove $ttl1 until sculpture. cmn do Do niom. but biats sud faish acir againit cauyied a sand domwuoOn Pavemntis over whiob hesék1ngs ad qce lime serztis bmae valketi ta ooe5glOn" L Nâ» ud suesoi«sad fganom pt sad pentala ombLaln<tise sln ofSeSM Ie M sd sunset. In- trseinterfouittOd, lnteréohHflflO graneur.As e stood osolide, leckmu< '~be gré e gilmo bUgu'." w- Mare& Mr. VIwlba, o b U1ts ba -ras. ibé mm *m àM samn -Aud ru ummUmo','0" ai don% m en sVb S bonet tean da1» 40 a J. fl M a,-* m- « 1 M m m Mi & i t b e er, 'Who 'Naem- 4I but te wmms lu m. U cisieh. i*tu go1 b baoula çsS" t3t l84 et. Pmw, ed i . e vm'O or et lm l ha su r - - - - balir las Pub*&, IM% «A tbb U i pro- anf isé lyet «» 710t et Ocar be i B "ue perty 'vasmort arU, i f-*eb.- camuse .11W ma-i brmt- Tim.wkoi exe Iab stmmiare, ciwui snd sarcésu nni uMt aumoteter aamsaiaté: le tffl phenty et vbMega andi cayaue pm.. bu*-tbm mm 'ala-- smonea fiavoret idmulbfreoe ad neig nature.oes *'à smeut catlxg ré- caine tao eford to leSti o e e li-'Tie GeOngua," andti vI e h aood -for Par- liatM eand wvusderm.ted IIy Cmrdmefl anti oemnleq Neate.After ei ct< I-.> leqtereO. 'whel exproseti rq y dkht with hle tbnlbian.l suvceee% 'W t wal," lie »M&. "Ils ligné rwIll m.i -wisen yon al! lectais et Omford" -At that l1ie rmy Dinlhw» stmliiveryý fragmenlarY, send lisre wio un ij a or My Oer etlrng ln Englanoti iîî )mu Of ana' ver bemminng a pm'ofeea"I 'Thie LestLake ACagi L.ke AgmasisW40 a verY large hdy of walu-ru in gsmbb*ea djolalng parts ce Norths Dakota amdii Mbmm~oa. Il bad a sertib and sentisdiegneet0<74A mile&-YV meis-Imager tUaisartvfi the ÛW 9 1 1Tl isescof th* ixesent tàme. luire l asUia 1 Ibs . my: lThe we4koiaMM ch terne Ganistr u Un *ls wm a sres ne graI ghtc.iactatïib'm. ~ee .Itree tuiacasl ome .et t, abUtu. Thse amot isasluLabmrbu, the ascond Ihe tlugishb v.weeut tbie St.L u- Relias BI Md Bnti dw a e wl-as' Bay, ti beirà the mom»Cn magé or Britisi Ceeu*b. Tissé thes <ra fices aifIve reaimed lieU usaximunanè- lent e aI R0f thma 1% icwatl Mise h a im r -,§a bo pro - ie"aWta m - GàfPa fat comb a; tisasi ý@OR 1 qlu r.Com md a amoe a mm - se gra 1iug ea et me but bu Rier v m "- te a ~s9 b m b u Imawn -- 4818 M 'a 'sime r thse ae Oambrme, 37. #mm9ofim, vin 2RÊg daoeiused I~t N i dkiee ao thumdne- t Cie ensasurlm m« Un olie to theémmb&sur, aehallô i aI «Pue iWefl *& offlthe dmb Z su tbelobewwve ruieI &bww tult Uit dire a.1W. cme find ptt tW i« thé id bea lneandi Se<ecitaR etwee'ui-t - lis Te il torrcesud béame UN dume to-av. ssiibese SerélbolId Ce b-s the h ladity shovas. Tie ehàoefk éas't ethé elake, hee be.èn wmai Out NU"pu t enaiu =4 Isyjertai a mi07on Ile Cent&. me cm w». pub !n U euW limas l~ m~ ý4*0ngdon basai 9b ther20. Usne at wrd a 1If vu *m bl ime s ov'« ,ia gve i. Imb a" » s «@ wu « les t flt, tyue Whib*%f imblm -r bem b. Ater mue tom te Unli . em*ougel ati 'àbr-. t bu hili- im6aiZver U mëUdigthp e a>lismble me vem wnbSI sanl al- W"tbga i 1 u m V&WàIrbs then --àq à. Q TUE .00~ GreatO ffe r-ý TheLondon-ir 'Xli. rre Prus, desiring té o i*l%- t Incem a ilgubecripmon lzst. îiîakt.' tii ý 1Iclmen e "t Canada wlirr.ty S.I*b- - scribe>,bleWeekiy Frm Pres wiII ,ZeL One Year's Paper Frec. The. j iProu ban made arr.ueM Ments with the veterin"ry i.jîlwt ipu;lg=A% f*ofor% nuin berof co(pie -;et-r the u twblch lI 824'0. Tli. bmei tma IUY &B lnplan iarice*ze t Anatorny, Dise ses and retl Cz Domnestie Animats and Poulilry.' .011tainlnf a full deperption vf âli.iel and Roc. pt, s that every farmr cni lie hi. own vterinary.z $3.OO R2 SThe weekly Free Fresa and l'rî and Home for one yoar (price $1.00) ad c a cp et the Vetcrinary Science (priv Is2 0 Both %v1il bernailed te ar.v i Sdr"i-.pt0n 1h. rmccipt et Two riollU s. r ho not n i q hance. We e, ' afiordLecnne11ofe neii. Ouer objctil)u makiing it noNviis to scireý ail iminediatp respoxi'e which aI. - -Z libeil oaIfer niigh ,<il te atr.rct..1 lie-Z inenbor by 2e,d iiur $2.00 for tie 1n,'k vnu geltheMA c-AyFree Preq lnt Farni and Home ON4E YEAR Fi. EE. j gents wn<t.vrwecAddresaF au communications 1te I.: Free Dess -rinVig Ce., Fr. Drsa London. Ont.C ài b"-t>k md ~oo., Two special l.inos. at $1125, pair on.. a me oxford sho.,.ot ho a trap button shoot me extra good Yalue,. Girls'a Lace Boots 8& ote. pair are. genuine bargaizis HEogg ,Bros.,, QÂR WOODe ÂADVERbTIBE* linTEWARDEB' <LéIéékéééééééô r ~ '5' 5' ~ -y b DUST SERET of timt tisum WC slaa a -e w cstmdçt *94 "asclyevrequim o ont perfecly tru c b its ovw Learliau, not ton for flttingtismup. Tise babl of thse Lest "Yeaulyriiwndd u o it 1 cm of accidetboveve", eftieprevetive ta dm Tsduat cap on left tise adbuatng of- the berad bc adiutdvitis t ifl adutom-4tdomsaway vi ti. servicesof tise exrt cosyaat"ipe and c meoeuay ta pusbal to cal, lnlect a msd irhen ýi. et unuthse bà Tb&eaOn gaiýs tragit tht blaas it dmi with mu abop to bg doctoc" iust b la came ittu ad«Wulbe £frot ok tulka t s Trbas m IM bol 4OutuUS dg teevlt Coi O ZT rELR 0 AND.(iRIT THE BARZI:GSo RED BIRD BICYCLES. the M dBird& phSenomenal succesa as a bicycle lies in the f act =ot cMeUly ootrctcd bicycle $oud là Caada to-ay. The handau cIooest matmialsaw anploYed 'i ts construction. ltmimp.rtan --at - -- -icyc--ê -tkaiings. Ra an =&" C" ýMhIvean h"IWMwithoot =4, wÀag pred into hubi ftd té a thoro .Sgh tt "~~ aporaty Oum sused uut FotH. &Ma t kept la p&Sc by baideaing vasers, whith steeY bc neoeuay to take mntbalh Thisonly beconxs oecsay l wo eadi Leasing lmas'a doubie dust prool cap thmaï provos a Most itor griL. agaezeeiialyeasy. By mulookig cSe numt thse Learings can ens, vhIsuI, la addiWo to bding a mumotmm sensitive means of [th the neciy of carianeztraà It dta Or callDiml 1wfth patent I Ila. oeusthata -nadin 1m t if :: O= e ctivethea ointot ereon tise '07 etl897 Hall ei al back loto lb original psto.d7Oi ougi thee hub by -var of tie&dic coeya it tobeto tuis tptevented ftoomgal 4al aoundI t4II.lI beote reacIhMg tdu nt mmed .,s wlia ruam à" d aiatak t- te e e "cm tise.Leaskigs osmmg4propoly o0" bo tve fr&Ontwàve IsufanaI4 t» scbei asm ot mra eqStLse Sm lm Ià pnv.tedfsm tuwaMUbyadàowella la1 uo afotp. IIs tuila ti . repistoemla TW *slvon8116 bel ab mila amd vises p alydiusted rua Mosaglyasucarcily tobc heu&d Tiskeat vwhi s *laalmilasto tis. front vIse la Lelag abeo- luklY dtpSociand very "aiY Mo" cd -u-so4 th e a visl la ,quGo, L cLe SrroW4 AFRCA 4~2 il 1oêwmsr~ *1 r IV bi,& drop of ink moàeomillions think."