TH~ Â1~IIÂL I Dr. gIbwh".t tie Cq -he ¶ WhdasmIe a Of eefl,~ thk the optt W Qf t&b t Ott Ot wlwalk OU~W ,MWihhau- àehn b O1~M > in almontautmUrbI% &" tb a ~,st atetihuné.er;p -the1x- POO@ à* ~the ear, of the. m.uireob. sldaim ser and g110Usd) adorzed Witt tb ~pIsof eoquered emp1r". l<b ê. eaxwaves -hie.baud sbêve the ' aiOt gt Bayon that 1 have b , tO âe bouse Ofte iio bl. .len ) rou bis VLimiasfS a ~lo+efat ice.etl : SIng NdebcadueUz, t* -t t le mskenl The.kingdomnila ClePfttu4trou rIae, a'nd they ahail drive thee film and thiy dweilii srnl ho 'vlih the beeteetth~ lel.They shall Make tlhee toeaft grasa as i>feýu tu fo*u .msshah tcss ever thee, aAIto bue" rthat Mon gb hruleth In lb. etgdom flt men, Md si lvth it t* "0 evctliewill onQe bour frosl the time -that be made the bout h. la o the Way t etiii. iea na lrss. a rushiiig inte the forea he'btcoUies oe o! the b»anuto5ceverl with eagle' f eatfr eta fur protection frein the cold, and hie nuls .growlng te birds' claVa -la order tht lie muzht dig the eettlifor rOss .and Cliuib thle trées for &Uta. Ton sep. there la apmat v$sylu the SéripttUrlIIusop.1neaid- cou" v'lokd ' momietais of cclec.but newwe b#>lk do*11 lineI great. dark 'ChantaE ot wlq*etineUS as *e tomie to spck kof Nbu~u0nzuA lu j1j% Word Nets efr$ sthp beautY cf Ïclf.4kflùl. or sobretytçt ilotloU, of collrag. -t tlet lwe sheul sot thoroilghlI! unertiid Ulm eile1trOduc- ed l)4'nit'l snd Pùandud Deboroh au il- lutrntieu, of those vIrtues. 0.4 aimé sin ie Word, as tu, the hateý fuluci t4* rpride, Of f0 o mi ttand ëest w(' shuuld Dot thorughhY tii4S. stand lie iltroduces Nebucb&dueuE5* 5 the juîpersouitiofl et these forme1 of de- ru The formerstyle ofet hariitot ýC aliýtËo s howlsg san a Y 1m a. gite barbor anud the latter' style et cberacter in a black huer, swimmlUhlg on the rocks, toesho*w were vessels wre@lt thtumelvCs.Thanks Unto Ual for botl the buoy and ithe UllghoiiaS 1The hast et Nebuchadfleuàz 11 As uuuérCiE ait te . )f ut lerusaléem. The CIWILorthtt NiCrod City 18 ts &Mkt"rue othe lest bY tue band et Babyloulsh Insolence-. Thle VOS- sels ot the ttemple w/lic/ bail mever been litstecrattod by profane tOucb. were rxitth elclY scciil for, serilege and traniepor tatiou. oh, what a Md t'Our vheu thune Jewà, et thle cosmin or the inyading arwy, are obilgeilte leave the home et their natvitY 1 110W their heuts5Milt bave bcetm wru wlth ang" whvlef, on thle daY tbeY Lp arted, th.y bewerd * trutupet f roi thetop 0f the teangesa, nowuis i h. hur for xupmfsad5iSb and sw t/le suoke of lb *kamsmsm"- lng ar'eund thle /ily big nt y-on 1 loi well they knevgt/lft Ilu & fr dlitant laud tiwy <oul iîC eatCS that trumpeit caU net behold tl't, majestiec SOent ith sacritit,. Behcld these captives ou 1fr rond . frouen Jrugaleux te B&bYlon 1 Worz N way, they d are net hait, for 10115 about are arîîîeýd iie'Mm u tlis with lijot and eabout and blaPbOiS .Aged aien tottereil8>10119 On 11.1 staveîi, eping Untltthey couýl sot lW t x hin at/le sleeping place f* fathers., and childrenu wondred et th leugth e thle waY s"d sO/bed ilisU Séle o sl s'pwhen the Wulgh /l4tO en. it wseeied as If et every teP beart brokeý. Butet atum of te oaS Baby/oit auddebly uprinia upon the. viel o! the *captives, with its grellea u palaes. A about f"- UP y uta%1 ai tlîey be/îol<I iheir native city, btie oe ehuzzah la heard fr001 the CatV These -exiles s09V nO enei thon I it wa$ l git homie. Thle iluphrates .411De hajve t/le wa±eir gicani ot the brook K drnn or the pool of SilcaiS. The w11101> of Babylon,oen w/lic/i ti&.y /uu# the untûnnd bhtrpa, were net as grsoefsl t/le treca whirkh ut the foot or 310e Môria/l sefflnrýi te weep set the delBs glo)ry ot judah, suld ail the fragtlU thant desceuend lf rm ithe baglit au deus upon t/lot grelt 7 ywaa 501 sweet aie oue breath ot 11w acoa s a frankinscense, that the /1gb dwkW comntnder, when PlUMU d ul sonel, but t ewds forth a da* L fown 1 &s. &h rWI to vies on tle i '- sud eifr011t/ b bluligen. Be udtaibe omSail. b with anmiisMt , b* W desceni or the. impUt 1Rmembh t tht ve .M tare- f o rt at b d à o tt1 e a l u J e e mIL O * u Dot le Isu"Sele e s mata llsp- d pontmtemta? U'eso ealchty tube&Ij t/la imafueesif.!sloihtUOu Dia"a on, liole cgIis, u rezatioim e mc urrv M7 »akm anadgsailauqblc suees i br*t oui et Il their dhrg or toms trom J t thi/mithi/m. AI monalUmg i, mK sigit, v/en' tm jour prayer ju m beare lie camusof etjur liaulagvig, Be#i te lbe sivatimet o!ieau'Chist. pralet/le Lordtet is remevale0 t reaMOs. 'oz ansla bis atoY of -Nebue/aine- ar i/e use t/at Qed m"lesor bal men.s T/e actions of lie ieed are Usel as iOstrulmmStç for thes pmaksmeut of vlcle&weosta-others or Sa t/e m- tkon of mie prncple lli e divne gev- crumeut NeuehadSCSfl.tsubserved boi purposea. *Even me I vini gobaek viti iou to tl ie siry or.t*evety rc- prebate t/at lie votl ias »ever secsk, and 111 show ia on bo ea gretl ex* lent hie viekolumeus vas imièln lÎil lestructve-pOer sud heu'Gel gloriA/eld II]mseltfla t/le vert/mev .and lisgrae et Hiseucmety. )3aby/on lm I fui tab>- oMlusiiO5 sund vickedCiras lestreja it pM Érl is lie cup ofIts itiqui. and vile Alexander pute an cul te It. Kaceden-must le (-base sd dblooli Eut/lut dees 1. Tic Bast/leie lte le deRtroyel, and carrupt Napoléon cet- plis/les Il., Even sesee/fis/i ndlwiek"ri men ~are oflcu mal. -te accomplis/iget sud lerous rpeen. lniep/l'm brt/- re11 wveogulity ot sur.'t/itive perfi-ly aud meannesa ien they sne/ i/lm Into M&avey fo abouit $7,. yet hou' they muat have been overwhelmid iti Ithe truth liai G,»l nover forasees t/e rîiteotis v/len t/cy sav he bal lecome t/le Prime inîier eofEgytl Plantihoppresses tieIsaeliteà wllth t/le iet lia/ellec tyani, yet stand fliianul sec the a/- vallon ot Gel.. T/c pngues descend, t/le k«putmi4sud t/e bail, and tic lcutroyiflg angl, /ovnet/at, t/éeileanGol vie yll eeul t/le cause of!Ills People, aud finly Tatonthc Iaraellte have panse-i t/rougi t/le pattel ses, be/l/, ln t/le wreck o! t/c dlrùvacd army, t/at Goda eneailes are e/af la s vhilviud/ In amne -fisancilan maie t/e righteousa u - ferel viti t/e vie/led. Bouses sUd tstores-iaud s/lps lua-nlght teundered en 'I>Ualr wlth pocleta fun of securities ptool sioisling lu t/e deai ca«rs o! b)auko men rus/led down t/le Street%, vitI Pro- testel notes atter t/cmn. T/ose whe lefore fonl It bard te epeul t/dir moue! vere lctI vit/oui mOecy te spen'l. Ià,br*r9 vent home for vaut o! vetk, to-.» echunger Inu udr chair aI the tale - ud upon ùt/le hearli. Winiem 11ev bis bhreat/lofetfrosit/rough i ngerae ofciles aud sierlifs, vith attnchmenta, lux igfoflg tlieimiers ettali/eu atote/o ses, amil w/e/e clles jeined la t/le long funerai, procession, umamC/Ing b tiihe giae t dalfortunes anudaf/c coimmee. Verly. tie riwldteotin suifr- cd w/lb île vicee, bat genera//y the lesIBteSe hat bal corne.toigetier i/rough ftciemlSet «wlelediiess were las/el to pieces /ike a potter'5vemuel, anulGa vroic wih/leltersoft i r.,,amil tic rui sud desituction o!f ptftioulnulan es taIes t/at vew te0gt mpreanabla t/le tashlosel tt/, whbcent es l1( He wrote hnBisblle, Ie vsy oe! il -*iêked -ie .turut/ mpUlédev." Ai ic hestars, o! heaveul are reflecetfrou lie waters et t/e eart/l, even se Gl' great sud magnifieeit purpoMea are rw teetd bock froitthe boling ses oetbh -mani passion ami tunnel!. As lie vole or a aveet mena utterel amena Ih 9 - DIOunlIA5aiY le uticrel back trou th caverimus bomle of w/id beansana, rocks spUt aud ibuliler sesirei, nmeth tgreat harmonies et Gods providence as 8 r-usa baek trou tic larkcat cavemna, a tha adu trul eàrth, enacheril an It AbmleediandulHerol ani Judasa » Nere and Nébue./Blnessar, liugi ilE e truggled Dite beasts unîro/len te t/hele / la ereputlAto a yele, wiere t/ci vai e tempe ÏD .te /lclp: dtav a/cal God grO5t> ýOofi5etmercy. ltus lear t/c lcsen ti Le mneau le gti ty>tpoltint Ihc ac: "à -Vsmelà o!fi/le temple sud qatryhna the Q avato Babylon. T/le nacred resu liniwb. temple aI Jerusalcul vert e' ops -andplates ofet ol sudsilver wv et wich he -iles sud ceremontes wv eO celebrated. T/e Aluago! heat/en/han tu eposli eu sud t/e cryat/ml ma .aolavssuuMon off ens th/theord . ftht/ temple. Tet Nebuée ho nesSar -orinlttdaisb vei7 -sacrhlej ho TbeilS t/at vickel lina la gene,1 es ais h. (ssu&rated val lp sud do, detin stai MI tale lis commua we enp' wv/le 115fr nVeratin asuded neaiéO Iat h s ie dv. lo a.uBi le &Du- *0 iln. he W" moumau1"ta rut, 6. l , IMM - - el a balr ot oloai amgas r ti« aceualtlkr1fujq MW Ms*tsMa 6os ar LapmM «.u là astis1 a idle hardvon 01 -0.u it e, àwý 4 5g9wte y7001 U iy e" ta* otbe Sabbali am certainii me rn1ra&t/al aW my oui e MM rbuât. mattuipt. t. sein emetosalmeculat SdvaEla tro lb.ât Iowd".1 vat 0 7011neyer melleelthe corions tct toUW01 OOSaImm. requmently sceme te ledlluthssc- UvWery veek wv.hae. isI ssiua workgliven uatodolatuiMxi"Y-Ge sales justateg breaks la onm e1- tlaoes occupations te tîruit la the Sebha&tIr !fou have nol betore sotieel observe bereatter liat vh.u Saturda milet comme lier. lnabbalnslvaYs & good atoppina Plaelarutlea".à thla ecular sud =piritn aprqywl enee sud reelthti aceis 0any, 1wS membes' 1h. *Sabbatb lsy te keep It hoy»W/es t/eailada o!creitila h pasmel Gel stoppel ver/lue. Net eren a pure floyer or a white cloua vouil Be maIe. beceause Il va. lhe Sabbatht sud, glvingasu ersiaPle 1e ail future 11111%-He restel. He v/le breaks thle Saîbati net more ertaily roba Gel t/au roba blaseit. Inevitabli centinu» dlecration of the acred day culs In ellier bankruptci or lestroyed bealti. AÀgreat acre/lat said, "BHal il net been for t/e:Sablalli i have ne deubt 1 uhould bave bçÇelaa maclong ago." T/lis remark vaS mdc lu a companyof mereants, u oue et t/cmmad,"T/lat corresponds wt t/c experlenceeto my trieud, a greal importer. H. otten -Mi, 'The Sabbati là t/e lest day o! t/le veek te plan s ue saful voyages.' Be bas for jears lee la au insane hespîtal all v111prol> ab/y lic liere." T/escaise repeBi i/le stm of Nebmh/ld nssar, wv/lalan, way desenrte th, mo/y orles. TLer. are men vh, use lie Word et Gl as an lusftunefl of a" eyotreelg5. Bigots at hear and sealts, lu thle adoeci of licir ta I/abus peculaitles tiey mclet/tet sect witi tic fury of a /ligbvayuian, tirestins tlîem t/rougi aud t/rouni viti v/s t/ci eousidertht/e word et t/e spirit Tt1 a wendeir te me t/at nmre men ver. nc Lmade viti bons te bolk vit/l, sud ho te kA icki, sud viti c/vu te gr wîi. W/at Christ saId te rahPe w/eu he #truckoff the car etfMu/cl ne u5 0 M yav ontrove i aliUt, '13 up Inal t/iy avrd loto Its p/ae. fl 19l t/ciW t/a te t/eavord @ia/I Petil Ii th le $Word." Btev WiliamnZay met a countrYflh vie salI te hlm: "I vas extreme 0 îarmel t/ila n n . in, h v as ve rfeggy- sud I t/log/lt I1ena a 8ranl monster. Il .eemed ilu motion, but cou/I net liscetu its form. 1 dil r lile te tru lack. but mY heari bl and lie more I lookeil tic more 1 w M.atral.But ns I aP.Proacel dI miv v as a sien, nul vi e o yn t/m 9 , w gs'? t' 111 k u o w s e t." " O h .1 1,i t wl a y 19 brother John.,, Tien Mmf. Tay remamkq te «slt wa x c a r/y lu n i he M O rn n g n d v f t 1gg, sd iw otten do ve thon lm tpke et ChistIianl retii'i'i.". 'e jimatlu proportion as sien arc wttn Li mil, ther be b)Oiteroas lu Ibeirr/i etntîtili.The *inmb O! religion Is A ways gent/C. vi/e tiere la no lion an fierce as tie roarngu lies t/tnt- goffs ahq s.eeekisg -n'iouihé naY devoul'. let G, rn/tors belci théir wnr flotme on thé." Snid lie Thîrdanelle5 lnkn lie Hic 90 spont wltth t/le eoke ot their batter bc tfr yi sd ever let t/more le Ir uwli among t/oew/le proete e s jicts o!t/le gospel O! geutirenes- "O' te Gel ln t/e ba/lest sud ou cs l. paee. oo-whll to sien." l uc Wat an embarrîssu t ting te B th nhealren if 'v. have nnt settled t e f r a/il people ot 8/I relig o s te 1 ýn 3elu Favelt's bymun, lushort rmi Re cmoxa'<lu 1772' lut jusi an apprt o! ae In 1897' LnI nfest le thceU titabinAI Uld QUr lîcarttalChlritian love, bey Thc fellowbP of kindreai mnIS,1 Mâ 1 la ie te that aboire. "dI perfect love sud fricndsblp relga Thrngh ailetemtli? 10, a M ediine. Il la te a a1 o!of les ereamn liai' lKaywood, a ]New Jerseymnai,-oves -lite. xaflM d lbeen meiel hIc1o4giansd mollesalail eulil-K ne relief. -Tbh mcougiggotihur Stia day ad lgtand nahy the tors gavé t u atet U115, n net/tmgeoutd prereut lesti. Iair reqiietlat tic? gve hlm a du ieereafi toeat, ud ils1 f ehnds thlat him mih. e ut o0 lsh oIfor -such -..tuff vb* be bal se onm h ovvràm h 5 'et toub:4 lm 57 ues iVhm t/ bat .rd àem~ the wIth vcrs mais ete haI- Me vta >on &in R 1 sNg. been ft vas toc breik def '7te bladder. caus/ng me great ,ufýifg /ngsd.discômfOrt. Appt/te very poor, and muci troub/ed wi/hi . eeplessines at i glt. 1 felt tii-ad and wor u tt n-l tle t/me. Work became a drudgeiy lu twas an effort te do any- thiug. - 1 was lew spiritel ade' d/couarged- 1eming of DOWS swent te Mr. W- T. Etiers gSdrLig storr, London, Ont.,* and ailoe box. Frei t/le first dose I com- menced to 1 0,ve.and noew my back aud are iii ri¶ uri/ e xirnatural in celer; bt tbercd - 1 have no pain itllbuavec gmncl/ug compas u, m s rmt =ew eeat hyhaedn of ak5i ore thauwyorbohs -1 at 1ba' ~ISt i8 /lac auN fwe imein yars 1 nIt rfethtliei bar--ut-loi-Prim lit ab*- VU&as à0 à" bar aie lent it dbe- S'b ,f ainta uhea lb. truti vas maa. know....u_ &êl~ vn tb a lthe.fervor andAV4 taieà I1si dber taI er suspicions is »Y e eb .g lir a b.E TR D VÂL TAMGE o bos g.sdi'.that Truemah Bar- lirg md id miosi. »t. Seifmm: R 0DOOflG veRsdstMa bdwbe .tu >e. BRTB BÂS, .ÂBWAEE. PAUNT, SOU)B Ë fl t e tra to r e t ib is deed b er. B rut E EwA » L & S WAd s Ir do met b- el * a a Meztu b. talea ta Mary-- Ben l. it leW me to ber! 0. take me te hert I uatmi . umd.1g>d cAo ls uriiW abo 1 roaànt breatie or tli liiiI bai ut ls na - la to, u'4 u just on' my umjjsi m .ves ,et elug te set i d is v as i, I O U M , l nt diilte vist tillE 1cmud L, S toesrm a a dle rov. vitw ber 1 (rL '- - frAl atbe br ouut' oe. LY 4 JLY4h. tbelm et tlarT vii siurame;s/le Wli net tro iok tue,-uds/le Winib. rWglt," O K O bos t crie o Ici*s v.rolllavyup t/le v-OA W OD tthgo to 'Am outlag e 1etht. cmnnev2r____________________________ net bwîntye l:etru eforgien. LBut 00d kuova 1 thougit asfef eitasetto mes myseif lutifledlàluMy upcOl.I ____________________________________ coultb.,e.t 1 ## able you ckuev-u 04 584 ~ ~ ~ l 1 wu VSlBmne i do kuo*."1 i terposel, Mary 5-. 1-*»0K-et b- aer» knewledg.S t/lait/i. crcumataiitiai MW *the th v y l le evide ce g na be s sseO rW el - abwain hé = iuWM IW ýj. n&, ah* vas aImoat staggered herbel!, A df - -- Lýý1tAnyk. :Hone O o1 t aaklngmiraIf a/le euid le, gulitîcaSSvt Inua e 1.8 O55l7amen, Mcti lier, "Watt, O wattdlM Mry Y tatQuali fied by epreC and .41. la a suor., bope tey '1o-dy?". T o pass judgm efltt vom1 l b 054 1 h ev e s. j.~ 'u sa h e t opinion o! Pebbled Ted Bic. ïm js lia i M & th e .I'ne5la m areh I_ _trio T ires, a d v e re fe a d t s a d o LÉ1~ere ~~~ d u ai a etu& so 1did net a vet; .I vanted ber t e e alb i nvr ta bo~Vrnsy e 6or byforhereR! e /v geatau entent! But t h m z01* Is i/l /e ua few minutes liter, UiecarB- i pam . i Os nw f 8, an ge stOWPPed a d I hurried vit/l ber R id v ' ftau bilbàbss sdtkey à Into thle bouse, vbich basd been t/le scnof se uuc/l misery, 1 vas hardie awsplal b*ree er i letiO u e v f Pebbled Tread vhse'su ". mooutelilie b the hall ilgbL 0- Eectrie Tires ut i eyu isld i eek er bryesutMhm briv 1tit T tilyo jntexactly how hc fins t/lem her brw Ëftsudeec i h. ha n nt a tale o! perfect Bâtis- bées tre . ve i. a 8w Ye u% &Ba d ta sud free trou s/iadow ; no quickly h c1005o eI 1 t b i e s e m m e h e * w * g o eWh V S i / l t e i c e e ! d e »S a i r m e l t i n t hl e s u i i i h i l e f c i n t . 1 1 . Y t d U e la m a B UCg m à 0m" j T /io u las, W o b ld o p en e d t/le db r, - n a . 4 r . . ~ SsÉ ksovlag hut aybai u WSS somîrel ui'ga tote ec bis mistress 11 w v a e s g a bossb ir =.esI It *é bon barber MMsii M t.h l a again. "lisas LeavenwrLv th la In theA r nol g e ~~~~ Ole B l M. tol-iii tle drat1118 fte'lrtan, hen-M y A r n lo ge e tIna fMml~mntét e t do atsuldnoutrmvtla an experîment te lie oli aI sd wu wats ami "Mary IL ~ ~ t e l o t /s t tM m 0 1 4 o . Ai M L O B " M a r ye l!" B u t a au c O M s o f t/le M p.o t t o ned T r i o t Ute, I 4 0q o. And Mr The i n fto oleeil cÉ--n ture. T hc cry excellenceo t/e'7T r M _C a teb l a 'n d ,I m lis tsic' t e Mud4 yNh tb rng o hoai I o d v r.-dispeis ail p rejudice, ad m a es friend s ôt a dhi.i a*aisSoU S b41pee a f lym, i t>"' iii n t eed to glanfe. that, cen -wher fricuds/lip cernes gru gingli. Rbme v/at /.'d Me .bavesud liaI savi ewnwtadt atere a le t'r ihe ve,~~s m ahimo! a pjaant t he« ,uIn'.feet, u tathrcui_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s udtiuum aaet 6 bal artedv itqy . M n - - i 114. l 4t -1 ht/l o!te aý? OrteSS e te , and need te e r: " y m sgive e!"fy-OU r aiways vAli Il vasthe lasIt tocgrost; y0U cannottafrgueml o.l<p y&? tde Àh -le, e r'b1d hae execttee ~ledelby t/e 1ev:' MY s/lam 19great btthereIfou" enuK)ite ical me te fdeve anythinEl an t/ lz beO W vsIkade le -i0 111ev no that thc 11e-long s/slow le-dO t eut ~~ tveen t/ee tw&lid dissived like a Brantont. ry fri.ndUaus, bt e c e eko bave sCl ud ndthat for thc future brigi- I t lu r e a M i f - II. F o t /l i- da "u of m utual confidence a su y ni- m m e e eqe p b e iv t t ftîis a patby wcre inltor. ot pesr te rePelat f . Tel l/ekhall su heur or ne iter 1 J ~ rI~ @ A~Uk? lN~ S Y ! 88 W el, no v h e m ]r m ra mb Ing &U beard t/le d eer et t/le recep ti n rooWSm~~D s N U I - It over INorth »Mela taling about MY-Ato . whi 5.1 dretired, SOMtY eei, It slf, bet il aUl cone k te ibis: -"Dont sud looklng UP env Mary standiug on My trust te .loch, but trust te jouIsSf, and the t/reshold vith Uie ltg/lt of truc bu- ~.y >oerorlaerthag wlit*lutece n iti on her face, IL owu t/at 1 vas ils- youDr v y" orriner un.sW uriprIsed at t/le citent Oetht/e 1noten- mis- îOuugYvrke/i liad taken place *lu ber ont~ U.tlohIte.k ]R oule§ 4athe- DeerIý. /a.ugty beaLuti. 4'iesse ates/m icu 1t/lt puiAfe," IE murmisteland> advanIC- ,, j Judas i.J . .-UM Ur et La reuce, Kan., n h l ou MY "I d w t a re P c et0 thle National IrrigatiOn C n g, bell euymPtmi bauvtouha r eet jt ust returuel trois Denver, viere ho anIsmah ee /ogl efe uti ~ oarenCe- vith Boot-Tucker O! for bcr agala.. Saia ,osAMi. T/lh /ee Is oT/ler a. se l te tuci e. IT T U T cile s ,atudemer i tlatl ymial.« ha en stBl; UTI E i. tho W ARD B lit,.j«te .sttllugtau1h. amrteuns e! Blus/liug deevly,s/ecmsd eiie. ade YS ,fair.t-., bave mcite b. gratettfe o mat t/tm for hirrgllosit/at bas cicr mua/i I neyer teaised tII te-nigbt; but lov ee pt n oe, "he b1.11cm t/lai 1 canhlot speak or a nov. W/lat I Wis/l&&àA d p Of in Makes millions think.", arhitWnmmaMîtkow11 rmla fer yeu te Cogne lunsana/lelp me Per- ne /u Mi e cal uetflb. mands es. sde I3erete aceept t/la fortune, our bo thT sUkP tbW.t 0f MrfrO1pMy and. Ile 5bers, yu kne ont r tU I~ la M*W _& u ftah. e 1w vhld eber, or vouid bave lecu s n t m e O n a m m q it h e a i d e , W " se.irn i lh9~ 'I OSnotl.55 W t, ailI hevid _repida- epter é6. 5If«ot~ f p- tien wlio/ t/lisappeai to e mc o b dO ieSO . b IShe 0 *&Ob " ibje oreev a acu l Have ~yreie. . cagst! , opOltm et you wveig/ed t/lu mattet vdil? 19laIl teM1 ladieeaoathue 7ou1ld ftj ed pUetOS10tlUfSf ,.' M ie mesoet t/e *Mme' yout fortunte Atojorousls'5 thul?"he : he / slte e i vxlpobt e: --Ah, /0v eMu yQQua selmetmea aila a gtlignue vwo«X dteal th' foflopd IL. ~ttSd i r w tbBeiicwmella3d4 rose. !~~rS1 rSVî" ~ 5! o -M or etered t/le d9 bO US et .-Mr. Raymond.$ adh,"mlg' Li he -'e 'T' a «l. "s thh no bu >1 %l EVERO )ODS 0W coste îg wilih the hy My lino ma ,-,o-tf. Ou. akfl ries -4 DI 'lu ae iý Md 1 ma- ,* si 1