f0 LOA1< OU pis IssultYl egos CASH voiht L0o'ie h àacaum Saue dedans. .t 1 dgll bmail. *oylovu ata.a&ui t orlavel mi on m x0W 'T N oNS!m tas bave the ppoiIUây t7 aboowail ousstitt, bult maelm Tot aaIIW 1Estate 'Bonght and Sld. 8SOOTHER-AN, flanker and Broker, k EfUWARDS &,008 Buàilderï Hardware ,ted. cat Naiss teem Wite Nd% m Door Ujuiges end RoUet', PIKbre. ùding PaeTarred sud 14"t IigPapr, 'ohPela rw ua god timeê1o bulyiW*W b. plemsd tb quote pwli om S. EDWARDS'& CG.,1 Bise-Ban MspïIUS Iroot-Bal mppie "nda fou ..,mi of malueeshilab ]M* msd SWàluaoY Sà Ut fflwumo*"m" -111* whh.fa u TOWN PILOPBRTY: B30WR. OLD A».ENT MUNEYTO LA L 111301 m-aI % halaibs mil Agvmmosàuombe milit gr, misa.11 a"' il àt là oh 1h hflobey: 4la i b M40i a a a di Nutua.104 et o ibeW mii4met ci beqioshtou ~t~Im fo a i.-au m a M . la lm Ob" iapos l d> liam o k 1 b<oR 1h - ào~se osm hi h ugaiaiC h. am,..hmat' ma -1 lu 1 *,arj ý- - -ot n - mm iiM ,aM ae.lom au m ým - hIN M aaeai r apm W-M - - otut.wmImew - èrey quomqmqw Im bu. . T z *55~ OUt- ont .smlmh ~m a . , h - 1 -Oi, S. lIW -0141 d&p"balb5Umi oi *~bm baie e bonabba v eaIm u ui* mi*d Eluoatpén puW. , at, blé boé ibeo.. vSo jmM U u.p Mt mai *9 auhV"mm- bulin~ ydub un l lrut lo@Mibook tehg a âiii ut m mm*» u lm ' - "q Mme oa s emil h ai bau aMd the ihgM. T I il M1 i&atuin me.1 i ARu k bou , Ei UL TMa i.crâlaDu.iaitV lm vu 1h M am*0 uaait lIe Pm ci 11 .101 dmk vulysih II the ads.ot lb.uv. oeil MI6 Th*.omemit mu ftlau i MeWol. snW iurnuome f lié b Ja l. uth . 3snlkhm Un uh ou momiba. Tenucasai ubosil -la àquàuYI ais ~ -h ma.,m tab qu o uly Te vuace iueonam, IWh<l tu uawetenurlt ci. &MuM àleMi mm, *alllé sv in smg h hoeu aosi héa -- al-lui u.Tlx mm Noeuaaslyh ugelhmduauh i Semaameas vu ulinia. vue~ no a l béquet «Mt 1h.h»«% sa la ble p im am-%aa a aahbl~ Volm «MW IMt.ilaa iX.T.J> Sisls. & e *0 o is um et tmibabai e AUW - Issu * mmi laiahimlmai hmosan b euhabail t a im.- mInai l ~ sait lbwmà,1hWd-bà I ceuhi15 Un vmi' -tas I THE . - .- ~ ual by a .isomteij hUm -. .Iy pehisas. - w, eeabottlh n pbpmlchl maIe-up it utampe t. Dr. E. Y., ai psy un. - w - r .u~yos mi baoluiniy 1h teba~,5j .~a ~ 1- . Dlr. Hais.'te * eeteM « ap orr PJ -D tmpfS I** L wiulsPent O 4]PWee 4i ma fi MM. mai. psaiiMausb II*l M . Cf rlieoe.eowml t bu =L laGMin uos us. ThIdI7 1h w iIEu 1Od5m M *MM lTva dinului ad1hmula te bm"allaall t t n l" b. it tm of omams lb.W" ai a uwlayai blui o* o 1. lb lam hmEiplahaéeyv&O"r 1h 1*bop bossMd dives neinu a bid mommosbaaba s toia = ' dmat»wi m* Thlav - m Iu re, ets1 -lFeu"- - h blailié a la M'ah admiet bu 1. -1dm 1hth im SQLr REÂSON wiiy WeMuet Hav the Goods Go: Dissolution of the, Business Qe Remloval to. New Premises Our Big Dissolution Sale wili continue for 30 days longer. -People Wifl realize how neceàsary it is br os to get rid of the goods.. when wo uaythat in addition to, the requirementl cf closing upthe interests )f the late firm there is the imperative cai te clear âtock before removingir W. go to eut new store. Dobson's block, corner cf Kent and William Streeto, as soon as they can i. made ready. Our removai illustrates the growth cf the busiess. Its growth means satisfaction of :ustomers who have brought trade to its doors. The new stor e will fill a larger trade and handie Ia larger stock- Our friends need flot fear that ander the new auspices .Mr. B. J. Gough will be losa able than in the past todoý his share as a successful bayer and seller, for ho stili romains a member of the. buying syndicate of Gough Bros.'-byiflg for eight, stores-the la rgest Clothing syndicate in Canada. COME AND SEE.- The motte will ho:- "Spot cash, and yeur money back if the goods are not as representod." Yen an't judge cf the values we offer unies you corne and sec the. goods for ycurselves. COME AN D SEE. You can find your neighbcrs baying at car counters, and saving money by it. So, too, can yen. COME AND SELý must offer it at the. lowest prices This we do. COME AND SEE. 71pe'# bSel ~Tw~~so4-o~oeh wy autt, uulod. Wiil you stndby m4d me the unloeding doue, sad nt get a s orecfte dvuae? Corne And Se GOIG Successor to Gough4Bros., Etc. BIAIS III a !I'OutU,1 W Veama i ~vi lie r~.mllla ~aNk~ ias la ~s. hW7 -. ~l. US W55Bl7 mi ~ ?miUm - 5L~. PUGNOE KEROKÂNTS. -e- - - inuuuup~UikBflmBI ~nm~! a peu oe. I0SUIDSN c~. RooÊ ~ Il WhiSs et lapai a il khw ou i.. mm kling - v.n&fi C 1p aI n.E0 winumui~piaume 1IL ému:-- oelmgs.-a WR M MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes WftITErFft pRIOe. THE ONTAIO,SEEl PIPE M. .O. eOAIDE *T.U.. ~1'iWAT l.TOI.OP' 1t (.1 I4N-W~at Nkes Tom ~1 ~1uk OhimWS tus 1U.l W utu k ~. U. OALcu1"r L-Ii*. ~t. pimI...' lb. ,sl«" ma ebbrted Detroit ~irismutating vith the grestcst mo eaxmdroic Diseaue Olsar ve wtanervoaS, broie umwbo u&fthe ei il hc *àe, - evork, w , v *001 OmtbIý 'd rm «the excusmo~f mmn-q mm *1. bave faied te -hid a OiiTDlPARvo iîoTGlCM31' mummumom, we ilm