fae bapt laUm4 s w boyt m wont mai e1ot oboots. Mli. 4w adii ab,"tu alda lbt theofs"M rt> .ietu 0 ii awm me ore ~btt. la uSe a au Md* in 1 dorle b 'mam .Itb si s M u oni- ltboufl t e ao .enjag » e fotUelg.1 Aa e b& , bu mmii the. .Sood te a WUX tau te1te11 ~Oe.nu t hM C omelàwu« 46*j eay- ]» »11tewt to Mme 1001, but téamo rMo A h ow«l - 0taken 10 lup!ýIh attint A" the pox àïugwt 10 *O btou st4-0 »e t 'iThe, u sb tn al thoir a Ad John a 4moo 00 ti.rou-O rah. ,lis . ip bis ealouta aUt 4ft 11, te poloted or. the 0 0B- MvUIa agE' Th1e natural 8»t»9 <1<the o oI la rXIATE8T WATER PURYSVOR. ~iyetaiSI.WM th 11 e »ond too Uit tu ulv&uce or the gr"t on,, sud 06 oun54I m <Oc atoul he 101111 t U sIb eue Ofosd e Mi Of theother Ibrue. 54PiNul. gCw the e ahion c091the VOIinte . M'1 àore w**e laoil l>y aroflt tia- a the lroït a" ttaerigoobLSu "lit giso ~~~>Cu Jon t b a ie1.M *7oie ueene adI rig d~eaanabotfli md~_! hilgher priéeInlpotionfltg cout lias sçm a O:.u abaj ma wlmr th WWki* W màbw à la"od in *dUpon 1the other36 wb" mm4dis.1 A Crp 0£ h oon . tsvee éms henXKds d ou ad asoeOOL801 hT Snufug j«. poq»l - « wster per tO teround tee. WbhI uInthe WU dWeltal dyoleun la0£ytha .dmte iboot. follWoloaei9ey ti uiu'hue Of ark %et 2 u &"li et th1e foot, la MUoh ots=c m &et o load copulsainevabS1 look tapon and lla ineailty more eu- - ondocf aRsodg Cooalrs adout gàbtntle11 be ao»ed 0i0f-ISU'elghty-e oi8oVver uhoe. The boot top aboui b. ialgb nxed .iab-emaRmu wblch 18aPr@m tor wdatry weather and rulbaT ffl- on 1the lelds la mmth" lwe U e-ait tel 3'~' wlklg ati ot1niwqw the No mnUW oy d& or vu eured the bal êiaguia kid la tt3ae bout ad Dx0 o02Uand tedds, e ffuaay hb,f&oM Ibe fta. the itgbt Weiht.lt s. R lSevWou 40 Ier's point i0! vie, liev iâi h. vaSr 1 haethe upperd oraf a otr and leu baul ltha ntaemd linte picnt. A U"vy qu&ity, lias tii. vam1nPýIt ton of curod corn fodder cofid 575 nmss roement more e7 and it pounds ofvale, mand veu m"thay mm epertectly wleI u uufl .wiras&7dry diOOUS * bSt 0 4 ~~yl UpzCS" ithr u over IOê Imdtu TULM I. hon 000 thth DU tPouunda of! vam e r ton. The farUMe Mut Ieue i nw timillg 1%0 ~paent >s athâ voilr,mand lie Imore vale ho bugtthor wi werot t U sud look u au msel the >lrger biS W004 - AS & anire- 1147. tngenou ad numli lMa.a« tOkOUntr -.No bcOt lewtowiabe thst la sot mt-hie soi hy 1the pioeuts la a dhvet l)m inte coely ie tatxin 10-.- aille li. Mee. at ileh the crop lh tbt it jons vewéu d h&t th1e stUiV arne fris l re txfo>'od, s w «Ë lesther, up tii. bam* n fr»aght. aplant food, a;s vuSof The soies ahould be tMcôk for street The 8ftt aprot.f heueo &.Ud sehoo1l wesr. wth tun1e oork, te s a eS*0mpnt.tfam te rndeue Mnau tedo a.Wmy W 80frxt'Mr8 nMrepossibtle iopc vbh ierbber,, or ovs 0,hWIUUCf rlWeïr grVa f1011rf st bout are muaI unwhoieniot ?bqidâb increS pmte udunu show et no ventla&tion viatever. ui *andyC b t-taiOon lie faem lui- brtug about,éa prooea 0 of iflif stm e etailnm netoet lmvorttl wbich wlen the fuat arem o in rmtion te market. Witethee rffecroeittim te hoep uap the circulatIon proves 111r- a Mame amount ot! otld mtte lu vo oughly tunhea.ithfiiI. The hbesi hould 'portt1 e e fld Per aoee, lieir ci lie rather la S, beginningg at1he end value l isI aer slb a*el et the boot and ounlng veil under thle .vadmbe a&d te dgestionanmd eS*aln *cut.To keep a .boot 1H-tbOr. In pro-thlintrttous initI n soklton tO a Ver condttion tt -irnld lie frquauitlY large exten±; baee te vater la net a rubbed with BSnte ecit boot creeamn; uaelus sbtaoee tich addis vefigt vhida pommses ,cf ail hiadga ubould ble e but hin sdB&mbAeIn t h tom la avolded..-"=, chit exisuthluheb.plant as the naNt Tbree Arraugepne*ta Patanne. Malt,. ,l0bli» m ,geeuteFor he Hir. e« net, and tliaas u 4tnWoetcma- Te apeak of taahlon luAndrengithe de" ê tilcia mut e ov4erlooked. Irair of a uolaoui girl of tweivOet cortb upla thereaboute souxdra abit1absurd but The ote n<pémChat timer.Puff nevertheleeu there arm lira. dIstinct le a diftcrenS - betwvomn ~oawpls mex modes, and oside &= tamlieao Imas-ajie hcbaeea cdndotd ner Qf arransgement ila mat 110w to 5004 lm vor.Ilhave b. mrwi e ndetablea ta.ute.iInwtr tl b Mm ihegaM . _xipjjcjU-, ttogether Iwth a bending to '»W roota. We eau dry dwm and rend«e the tïi>eof chfld and a tbioght for hîr Ilin - jufryacaiu by ,cooking 111cm la =Mfrt urùg te s,ýd tie, al e- vwter, buà 'vseanot regain the coedi- iomefr un hcSdYtifê ion le whiéb the vater ezisted li th. Nover use th. irun or duimpins pin plant -bélote drylsg or evtpmrtina l. c. en te haàr of gro'wlng girle. on nQ, laMore valuable 111e. hat whieh Id secomat must t.heaior be le! h 100"0O>~ia about her faceý If ea nervous chIli j eets sud eu-rts odiln 1800 pOUnie this e l wIinako bher more 9se. If mot '4d valur e t on. ÂAeop of tuemty sêrvous it wIli e. h er tQbecome ieastous beecs per sere denole tha.t the If th1e tcstures are any way regulax- ,teks.d rof tatre . tvt,an su-.b and the, f omvbÉadg'eud then. by aui1 a ~ed cf ee=ulDot a large oe e co- j-enrt hvea at throieh hos gd;! é à Mreonultreunl baS tue. 1'hln quait .Oh Ys, dds of hetto lpisecru'e, of O a olrarm te the face a.nd- if vorn M Moar li. -matain tut*111e e km vale au a chiid the hir -is sure to 1ashtiabêês iorcarrots. aid potat!>eI aw so»M pxtty outtiue for th.- face. ai good price ecus yearu. ailimongh liera. If th1e hair la -short and iInlined te la about 1M0 ponnde ot vater In everi ouri it may bê t-ed up ln a ptty bu.neh lia. The-peowton of vater lu trutn to ut the napeof tthe neoi- Bhould It beh. srnch gotr siih Iti Ibm, then bruii it meut teeuUy 5.nd .txvbetiles.sud ohaSaku; 1 tae l 'et It issu in crie pléât dowrà lte b.ik. lufruits brings a lilgie prie. lias la Long sund leavy har nmUdà amoO o qbt*imd . for any materal. as a box et bnulng ,and' te bMi intwo plat.s trawberlo, otUuiwat ten cent-q would down 1h.> bad<. show kms than a cent forrtlie moud mat- Never, no uatter how trytng the -tereoolsined. kaving nascets ýfor the toréhead. nlow o. bag hte vont. voter. Toeomeure this crop cet valet, Arrsaie the hair oelY about the hove, lte faxmer uit be onapefled tue. Ineteo.d and -with tastetul traliigg te- use came mi judgmet. I mss Il. may b. nuade to graou uly cooceai frou the clom&. it lu tris. bukthtluueke tb - irnperfectlofl. t riods wbeu-the plants canâot swe le Tbe haïr shauaid b. oa<tully broibed mÊe tbp<ruit &Bd vgtrgbiedo. net for~ tw'enty minutes both nigt and glcv'to perfection and lt annver villi morning; but never wvýlth a 51f b.rh . s p o f et ierop o et tx, wvile Sharn-poo wlht&r Ifir o nce a. meuh. in )Ir, it , gi Up more limai 'The toundatka efor a -comlng trous .th, pxwonate sU1ly ef mIneral mat- of glory la laid n eaily glrihood, 9,d 1ter; The taniaiure net b1e cimeerved any aigri ef poorly nourished bar -usa Umaketme substance- Il inust not shou]d be baeful looked 8510. t la lie stoon away by vicia or allowed te boat careti for during sepn or by being loooely bralfti. bou fewaway beasuse lihéuaw ce ftMU 1% sol!. aIlwi6* greater tvporqhunitlte The young w vite p»i« o Ere. of the sai il i1the cultivator snd utmet shltunea , -2 e.vie pelod e drugh - 'i ileu, d o ou mgod-New Yotk rah wîà Who bapp aines tbey veai. ia am ias .b utikga -l Theoi M pote b Mm Se i abe9m m rngtu e OIt189t, §MU LuOL i. 9aSms!,et..U 3uvVU ' 0005:-AE ornbutla tbe toua hal am diay RU mI~vsgv tmoheJaa ..d.'o.Tné jukvleS IIus L1t *h mimm lSWsame % §BdPen' tb«.b&U & dght lo tie alymi itisby ,v btw dQbW*- *MW"&NUSIV i...L-EV. . L amtumlUEUhf Buaddmtsurno ttbstm. enni1 a. - 0amw. 1>. vulUS gem h.l tea 3êOU. sas mlmwe 0 th hla omeud% ont esFVdim CLIMBING MILLUAWHEEL. Posattiofl bat Make PedolUst UMde and Give Greatest Power. fi e Lt o t .1 t 41 IATS~ I ifl HON E 2n ali d ment Lebare bernacomd duoseMr MUdod "=tv e oe Ça eade my th Iar o efJ uu5 iMy mrpeme <o recel,. a 13m4 I b IS e-m m aav aumem ine: I " StRE AD EU*a dcbmsm t6n mt mte Mmmd deme tho md«tment «f b& Itonatmq ht o reUI Boy Suie ia, 1 amn desfoumc Youths' suite _ MfUmtOtlib h an #511. WU. T. MULIORD, î:;± Sp WPO jFecedSmue of alexand«i, ibn uo m s t .eRémL : a Ou w b.re Wevad for the rrbuc au Engliah W orking e lm t»vb ~UW--U ot Nof 0" the cou s dS M svie l, 100 «cte moto or lam, rame Bf, 8pmme~ uits YJ4S~ NaIbURtm a~ ~ft$a wummc. ocortable Boume. god o oo t.n. u esmt mtbe wound Q H HPKIS In aul b, nd - it-foie fie, m mi WWAA5 J~.LS UIUamai.s .1Veudorx BolIÎ A OBT COMPIaETB ]RANGE OF THRTBU have a large mnupply of firet clasa HBd nd Boft H -ats for Men) À.. for ameR tbi sas N hI Youths and -Boys Bicyyeo Caps, Boating Caps, eso bail Caps and Caps o Largo and Small Hoade «YotaU ]Wq mr CÂPETS, CURTAINSand ]fIDS i a a lày dae. LookINS, Obr Âuortment. LEÂABN OUR PRICE S. It will pirobably be an advantage to you. s .8 Uindeay's Leader cf Low Cash Prie Dry Goods, Hou.. j STOEHOSECORNER LIN~3~ AND INGSTRFE ETSI '~ i at right ptice,. Poea omtmpain byiq tW INDSOR S A vwhiam vii do wn to inspeet- cor vieSia.W. iave mot -been in the Bpecaally preîpured for-chee"r and hut bicyle uaisu 7 yar.witont making. In raper lined ,arre c bli'iD<.hbou l poi 7 tu l ifot ec>.50 i. duck sacks. aluoioofwheLBEST CE MENT is BICYCLE Portlard ard Hvdrao.o telak 11.otàet' thiffl. il may, b. uhoddy. W. value cr repitation PLASTER PARIS, Ico bihl o1 handie mach oodjî4. rS W. haly Homet biycle aet Hêoetpricea. It will py ye o oo rs,()()r[l ouldungs Ptl ou prides. Every wheè ol id snd other inside finiph. by ue la OU RANEEDeough and Dressed Luxîther, by a ellable manufaturer s'd we ~ u~eIote entire uatiafaction. C >1,ii We tacaYou to ride at the. Rink. Egg, Steve, Nut and B1acks2Àth. a ~ ~ TELEPHoNx-Office, No. 77. No. 6 Rent &» No.d78. Il Wanted. AgiwàaW ted bu&isthé BlImaWadhng vir ony hr MNmgoyro MaulasWrie for 9.luulra. I -004. . vaadbtiig, Ont- (JÔMKROL&TA . nduaigamdta *pefaldte banmousy oB ored-maniamm etprouhie»vappflw st jq» 24. . 5aPER CENT. LmndmarkNaiet@ onm onm. tte ii doaI sdo e.~~- ses 8es U V~ . OONNOR A, I 60t do d *........ lSto 5U j Ossdo 4 000%----- o U tLos .J.CrelU Dry oda stae ----------mu 1 dte1 00 reAL IMDLETOI& Ason. Garamè ..... . .....,..... l50101 ce dl.ka eui, murmSLi O= tbo. Palu li.Eli......... 101 l oumePs m- ::i bt .mg.am1itui 5. .umu 0.1 uwbmdb.. i m .. e teo M e o o . i uia und", go.sor SI gàm $st dD Jeu.~~ doie~:.-site* te e a Be.hmC9te il am. Mdam tiks wd* aPO.-. . .. uflte Emeutal ..-.sn... ...... . C0M e 052 . . . .Ps... ..-... .......... tes en Wlnube s s- ss M A 001 ba ..e - -. - .i 51 w0 C5 m .. n - - - - a.a.fa. s teo aft qm;I I v eai UIien,*~n.~ns5 S en SP ts toSbâ i dieu" . %ls1e5whai mi mmd»*a, .snss ps soso ont nIOLLibAn el la se h a n n uiuia a lot of lSd ~ ~ ~ ~ t 6Ue....~o lui goVI ods. moi" or xawa ibeueuldui noetm An ensy 'Nvay ef mounting a fairly stevcp 1billo! à mile lu lengtlê uhen ont. for a fifteen or twenty mile spin ls toi be- gin by maintaining a steady fread on 1111 pedals, Pushing liem over when at the. top, and, more important still, clawing them round pait lb. dead centre et the bottom, sitting ln an easy posture and ln a.alightly forvard position. NOth tlh caret ni aukle action thlbbot reaultin Obtained, and lie firet hait mle or so la compassaed lu comparatively en as tiu ion. A change or position may tben be made lu order te reliae ime muselce. Siting well back in lime addla, heait bock andadms traight, thme rider Pow limass ot forvard tathor than dcua- yard, at the sre ime keeplug tha ateeinsgpsrteetly straighl. A great am- oluit of power in exerted in titis manner by th. lover Ilmi; itla -a complet change from the firit position, snd lime rider soon finds himSmelaithle enmomil, .tRIf resh fer 1the conthkia.tsIonetf is Journey. A oteep bank, If at ail long. simoolalvaasW a valai.but if short mar h. amended vili modeeste esse by takting a. sharp sport nt 1the bothom, w Ih iiea o ul m be bondle., vwwaIulyln4 a Lis rider St 111e top. To alies. sports vilieut unduze strain, a great deal depeuda on lhe po- sition 01 thé rider wvimiust h. veit aboe iebs vork wlth fulplay fer ex-, tenint s limbe. Thoee vii ride witi immal amis, spparestly mateledinaa imllow 1ataese li up on tb. saddie, csanel ezetot utillze tbeie full powers. iIhmee la oas broad rmie vblch uay b. laitea in alrlY deebive on tie questio ofbiH uldPg beag aruful or mot, sud Itla C"S If duwlnAg lbe avent the rider cm ke¶ ie mout cloed he viii. dm eb. mt ovenmhulwag himedt ,but If the exertion en hlm te «@M Set bmeuti tehdbtmbnkg li. uea bar sudela peved te le-au aulau b. for better ho walkc If ereliag laa maniatbcelaal» a mania vkhbna mania. MDNo medm oes bae f alrly skUllulu W« tg b. wheel tias b. la beset villa a desre te ride on the uldepaths thasI h. eu lad. NInety, psr cent, of mil beyels ridersii tell 700 Ibalthbey peefer .ld.peta t. oa- caden ronds,vimen thie aideauhs are amoolli. Wbeulbthe ether bus besa faeabi for a psriod e of ne durallon lb. side- palm la pretty sure to he good ou.lthe surface nw matte hew uww Imay hb. Wblh r=,svett theb. cyctl eaa oertatna tltt a sprnglue.. bat ia Dot ueroel',edon usphaq C oth le beet, macada rondi bat vms evar boult. A nstod al rIp.1 tramsped by pedestri5E5, or nidi mmmcibg the -passage ofbiy cloemen bout an e ax-beint iheal h as u0ythuiCht cas bnaffimai 1Wother eh== of uldpali nidhag la lu Uns îu,'ely. ilt18km a geai oye, à" o! ma thement abutaI steerinu te navi- gole a midepallamSuseflly. Deep de-. iam me to oladeuly, uhere lhe v" aohei a gully ln the. mmd- wey, and lhe cycitim. muatIb. ,eady te b.Cklode on a momentl's arming. Ot- ten M. sare Ianon oeeaide nul a momthe aothea-wth, thtei.narrow- througi. Tien la vien lime Z eylt Ikea t. écue bis êaE tiieMe au moéof ttrame to b. avoMe&d ewlngbg gales Ibat ame to behopen- edait athie muet lucUsiosmoetb lthe vind. bld in dlta ia ae r ed a froatt el, ad mai-mou mrl of ~ova - M--Miniature umyba viemea brook cem u lnilhg douae Tb*rier ecmla tram lhe other di- , ,% am aoum rce otme cosse. Hou rsfoly cc~lsapproacimc cth«am mai thva uevident feeling et satstactlus liq'promsd if bey man- a ou t aeou a pzlehlySin"V lum sbatu.sad"tansd fene! Osa- EBduhlea mut oS '.4 Mm tookeis ât-ffe ela" mai m ki oum is we lti 1__ t lm bu* theia bd hat e am I FO A full1 May 1 JOSM RGSAG TLINDSAY, WE BUlYWO Tii 01 Mu08 OABX, sud sr*ya fil stock et P auaisSheunga Blaket, Yansetc, som vPrime .d*nitte .....r ol ntrd meo je the EXTRA ÂDVÂ&NTAUM* Ma: DRY 0001)8, OTC LP.WAEEc, PAIVMT, SEEDS, iilI goas g old on clm us sgifl'G OAKWC soli ooapsl w A i I ARI in je. I t 14 able choc elegai Mud1 .0 ................