M4 d- e. s- mml W 181 aie" ab.' - - ~ mises I i s. I ou Immd 8 bsh =u y lute lbd»u= "m~hasthi Mdelm TiSsé-s Md 0mi. ibuI wm àia eris, bud aln 1 a e ,B s usae litr ýaw Il «My M S.md JauaNavO nm B b Mr à"Lme.'e am'a iM Wc* do is utt Iu.-We n 0eê b poumai»tueMs- *ppeuulmaTshlL Du KKboraalliaid mot al lI, as use. i.bisbusRt How -To &void Wauuo Time sud Xorie. 44 n * s I PI i i. I I i 'I t 'j I' 'm ~ ..ogea5.eeee..cfouT *bobo"* y ............ #lu81il ~e ~isOsé bDuh08 Khhay 181es b ~i'5 bad $lu.t*n 1.11Kr Nuis ma tmb e" -et.i.w b&nesbèb.m W~~s5 mwubar180Lui us1m mug 1il ldw E haadu tam u oii, lu tuie mi " âob =mi, h.l h95hfl Msa bumm lbem 0 hve dhad. ab uéi i seun mo iseh tu *ba.liki 1milb limai"pos ld.tum md eusOt**00e»b»M wIbo ad Miemmut ul lb. PleuÀ ammutýbO2% bt usmKr.Um M4 M.Amorté sudifma1. h ubhm amy caw *m thielm" l tb* M e tb. hm evilbuy.ommi 1b'emidoi mevâlth- e ,ill 111-evux.p mm he , e -- -sgdm "as la thé = ffl.ust 09th ava unesaimi aamyU.slslamiassu e VA uaila m. Mv.Immmahe orne 0f lao ussai l ýa l bl e tmlOma Ami,. 'Iua ae Ioum oR Aman W.viws rom.aIimi bu I e bonsrI- réidi pcimeutl MciJIhvu tmi. ul loetbubtvhN.Ba ei mmdo lm.Ae. U& k dieru-vu Thmu. 1samu. le mB muh b lulaho md pau. MrAmmlssa mupsi Mi* ullm me tbutpe owa ta lirea vmA mieyom àikle t* ie. OlaunoSa e l Matiui és ba,1Bonemyoehdla l is meat hae my brsomloliom ai ulmeliow"bew.u o ommiim gahm simu"laiélsos tm le wrkvi Msie u tabufie Iemovs h- hao, uh ytamb.als b oago 1lame abss. Bo vm osoAsa. o mi au-wMg BeMdtt» vapaper m Tba'Uraho os imIclum e rop la u a Imsse jt eam«t lIa..6 mm- OUM te popmvbymmd ilam oaevtuli thv* lometf Ii lb guala di o. A.o kdmi. uwsul ilavlIbldn Ev.M" Bemal a rs M rlli v . "Y« M-1 g u1h. onlbu em m ut vtMurbmeaarU e mmivihm aUm 1i aa bomm ovmm a95Una thebai& ulmk m 9 husseMulul imetgSulim.IssNvluhYllm NW mpas1 ouiS liWB&s aiuh b" M4 b~i m eu " m bsis Uam lb.Oumeilee Saom ma; g95 hum ta* -m» vmmi ve.ko sifla mbse uu.1 I a: w. 7U iai 4.Woufa &yUp up m lunés: ibei l LbeSD iéUI Qum a w*@: m Ival. ae MM tua h .~ u posUmh -ML S ab Lmubt esatwh vl a hmbu"d là the. I mm .u l -imm -d. OsOh.Nas lM u - k _ - ý m tOhé mlmaue tie 0101s111@w babbéi luo, a mmsio la usybav béi ieti. the1* vmiuh mai isa emum me Olut*&u Md lbo bi.m 0" eimmi. biqohms mmy me .wuh .ai b Miaaub*Fmlen t iesémSMIS _ tt- tho i. là -M mu.te W«14 Voet *11b aOb bk - ii.t ubM&U hOumlat lMà . 0 . lOb»% is..& nIMseU etml . orb mmim àbie hmmul puh uuMd bb-ba . - f e oono hum lbr t ebosI me *mo i eth tb ir U84 b roko. U *0e 1 Obé ilhicivaul um ooUd by e t ouI...." *0 ph huit0meoue W aIQ6 a m a Win. an " ln theoboçu." ou' he ai a u * di-larluevhhalm F TeCswc. h n ne MM boh. sambas oR pat0(Iaithevuma hOh.la duevniii bla the mai ans oSs.,mmi agan osa- ~o o Md - tnabi. uf lieof dm111, O ouOblM1 ta; a m " eSoolor 9et"Plu,Oh hai .pdam vuImeisas aW isupoii lis-a o.udm b mil Oh.àeu a p suihao of cstanwya lb.skealu0=0e8=1M buesohm;me *0 i; tlOm ooslla0 h. l e doe estre;la i Ohm abil. o tht, as.;md ew ii. I Mng na irslseWt cde . vind b. immtowlsU of » an Îce rangeetof enfl uiaiahr osli oUMav as p&U& me aa ikh, u60nrthe pué U - sope, eppear as. remayy onoff. Quesa o a dlier Coro. The' gecko bua curiousy lobed feet, umuost utrp Ato augies, and es.ds coyered viti rnlcroscoc haire. It la an mu' - 'sagement t.hst servez as a mucker and Baerai mltak o ooouud duulug Ohaeqiate comnrn ýtheimai king- Oh.osruselmmTiiheada e of . tomi.The. Ouitha.t attaches itself to d.pSrmtmus i Do M oi susbknov tisai. h.shsrk bas the sa;n» ptaxclpie. a Tm q M IemerreI bercous- oresU of 5@leulike a Veastian hiud Ibat viU pull op and ovne .suctIaoM poure&M d diBot s»auembnvamadele cisecute owhl I a i.applied, snd Ohouih oneS maieturi boLord Thnua I d!great valus in. holding the tactflat smd nI& "1P»yatebl me uhai Iam to le o, Ot objecta, or releaing thern viss 1 for Oh.,don't kueu." Lord oUaa mm Ieneecee.ry. tnlet go>, 3eokoq -are thus olhy mmu .1 d vd yhable, eiumblad iaIot' W ~sltmpte temanné the -ro"00 a" W safflttepte C% gecko cannot hold on t'> elsp. of U» Ohmm"atedo bar homog. t esu tli asshdIe lalimd vihout valting for a rop iy ux are eo mes m a a ouéa 1dmn., a" à it" 1.Ilàa nu ber ofases, ila aIts mci ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ifnogla iiu. alifmi ul thre skin of the &ni- soalof tam ml i ba amlderr edfo ual»Qfor deduction of the distine- The oauoi ornai wheuOhe choir jAn iat change of color Jego a 44h*a Day," aIs. Tii.people iw on 0the Caucasian race. Ra qililousd"Gi UV* Quse» YIiotIal"Ons. Norwegia.nsd other umb aou tam h.Ohon sd fllvm N1 efKI are charaoteril dby *e"bébp o e ltr.Sh M Lbh eau shiores snd in Southi- «MeMli. cawnmil mpus, mmikuala t. m àuia, people have dark eyeu. AU rsesive Maemn m. h hms vusmâd tis Iight races are gramUsY golug beu ,%mlffl ofrayaliy," mmid eaumad bteO!Ofexlatece-that 18 to amy- tiere Ohe 6huM dmi la ommnia mdu ,va s ,tedcmy for the. Caucmaanrace .1 tÇ became dark, end t1c le ProbblY Buha dwthM h »WO èd onivtheIaaction.onosf the . ve r . th* cOromalOs et QuaenVIcios cMe 10ýNirtierner living la the UMg=ten td» aussi.&-81»sW beau. lu h. Âbber four to torpidlty of the. iver; the. bilXsy loc» Mis&" haihm mbe vas p@rmtblai -eame not properly .lngnated frois bo eslu heu @%&ai0"com breture btI It" s.body.sud commnenceto he depoSit- palme. Rermass aluadheu. .i e i uder tire skin. On th. other bhâ. pélén. ff«Jý"vaied ier &Mtbtla i olcimies 41meilver la very Sh dm evu 0obl10a b ONNvY mmd. ber aMve and the bMW7lsryaits are canulie mlii mole . Wlu.eyuah. bavai 1ev ofiend Rot deposltod lanthe. skia, hair aàkmaludgmusm b lIa epeople h.crevai wi 5755; no- vsbave the lit. long WOUM -1 aR m 1 d oid-Botà baud. O and b 07ee. wu lIa oh mmd sospite, C"â'»< m s mprodilinga trops- am lvuIpmIl orbi aijam4 Océou lmats througiiout the ye~, and Md u tpoerdfww t adutevus vison living ln the. extreme aort.h ths tàpmi ddea.; but Oh. Dubas.0of lu la atemperature of 70to t80ade- 82Buhaad, Wvu VUs 11« at u thIi &Un ithe. Yesr round. Iis cota cauulug e aufhm hes- vi e mn Î. ornLU. r he .liver naît conditions are seami a isvo. Oal er auetygrghuafy jrtvlng out or existence the ma'tsial i, lvi. Ud aIi llgli-halfti and b1m<-eed r ai but ut aam, W f Mber. AitîwÜt"?îe color Ita-if l lu aon-thezs, J&M & wu e",- bt bevre * but by, contractlug certain cr thon humé vas plsai dupon lb plIvMiis @" ipipent oella sud allowlng othere ta mat te esquivIf Lord Rolle vw uifls . -atemfporaiy change cm eai val. ~ ~ ~ 4ut LorftavDe ya tedlufu Th% clsromatophoreo frais edL oaw m fl e l 'bit iu l e ladm un th skia or a trot represent pigment à* rinehabe M"ôt 4l"a, 1clelà.Borne comtreeted degrees of ex'- smi geai usina viiiproprlit Mmd = I wle il grade thseaniumal lu c013r, dPhm lM&vâmâhém hu. ho adusraom ii nui t e t UrnesduIl-brvuet s. meudgte thoua abouti ha.m- Ott greenato i or. RouiTabis. tàe cm lo t*c oato * ~Cles glvblg hem >ueh mrepoveaf a w.Irn.s ! Dym Ceud rick obtro overIraaIor ts 8usSms...4 Maahurt0y vuosmam ean change- t'> the brown et h. mrk. BQkBarolBleiMDii.. pa r '»«ita. 1or te bdaik green c« thseleevea of the wus trublei viii dyssup0luMd wumuu u * hii vIti I la;but la thone aMe usklgM u m 55 Sor«sui ean therodes scarlet. laay. b % Um NuiAb" MMuI 4 ~mk Be~toeI<ai*a. P.PM DL NuaLPENILU.a.m uui Zhag. . W.a. tMý DD. .. LAtEIU Uaimft 9 t u t TWy vvmo UIut o UWMW O oulu t Glomb t non- ne rbymmu MdNsaeous 0*.U COR. OMMlazééDm.m W . 0" Seu auadm ts umto Vhfaly ualo e* wu ~iatp m~01 ri-br enibru ~ --bner oR ifflotul. hiaglia Us. l~1mm « tm.i dý Dub. m T abs auortit UTrI .lS U té,oeIy o umi nimbr ce OILqoo bOuIaa.a.wm.a. OS.o-8ah 1-1 Sertu hhy l ns Imh Tlo @as 1OT- lal11 16soli oDB% UImPStoN.Idy emutTka.sI «oes O»m bomu.. e c 0 1 uLa hmo qofuvi"ty oRT0010% aRL étercl. Nier u§ ou sL b"imaam ugea.n. G.s pbhdM bLuo 1UPlamKa. et -£ al Ob-z.4VU tru pr @m te un * .P. DULII GANDIAN PAGIFIOý RAILWAYS And» ma* av.. Imu"a- - oauM * a ut asu*a. .?UmL - ou.......1L a.. LS u. ea*> ui LS .. 1 - Uwwr...lUa u u * P.atuiuu.... LUp vu Amir Vu.ato.....lUPm I ~0i.s I-as Eu" amas 2=1A3 esse a*. à. lac m ommNd Eu- - u to..wa lv pi smJIUtuVb amg dn% Ma&"ht O unâ D. h.met tmSkusi mem. IliueXtWJau .r ubul whuiplab w iu k. NËolude hmShmlasgiwa the lmai - S poZU... ihout au midut. Neu1l"mmâsm thure h ha olli pl obu*& BUMmUlaiuh & I*,à.M e-ia O1U-..l9wete O&. MR. GROSSE leus Doutai Siugoong, Ont. AHlbach.o DoudWna, luoludln -Ohe Gold and Po>«elb" lu. GOuI.pla ro . i ve yen uebera ci Ibo voey lowest Pimo, smab ot qm on Atxtifi" IT..i, t, I% fulsu mat"eual gMUMruOl. y«th1.n extactin of appliomtbus f«rhWngPo"in, uM numbea ~Fuauxx. Renembr G188,the rell- Mm"UT O AX. nos*muoe Eflagn nioa. uIOIM TO LOAN. ome vair s u a M. boh~Ibo 0M W. f« %=i Immveriuy%$W Amm o d w pl4 l eo b e r . 8O R . Ovrln A. Morae Pup8à rmeod fi rimea, Veoe lery mmm 00% 01e Aen. ugMi .~ Mothe. Po* TR BN Mmoet SubWbole~ t vemfs. ror ] oblaa.o o i wi %r. L~ suoeg-EaJo: John *ataIam ulIpe àIoLwad.. 01a6m'.i , 'AOUi l. Md dhIif& ~I ILLAMSTRUa?, Lin% .s~.am4 DAUi.a ,, &bon ay.JulygItb 18u.-umm. GJ. HOYLE GANIoTo, £lwymhaSe94fllMd 1u~ 4dosmsmm a ul" s, -1496 0. j. ROY4 Put O0". OaSmlu LiINDSAÂY TO BUILDER8, Ravlngm ouut hé expurnai of pluttiq pateut HOT DRY BLAST DRYING k et à "ea of 81,000 w. arnpri.peed ta au automme uO.beaâflt of gooddryt Cmlsd exmiOne ont gooda and gt a AUl kindu of KonidiunuabDoons, 1 Balwu% a HNdlrails, etc.. la atock, 181-1,GEO. ING!2E, The Canadian Office & Sobi Fu.nniture Go.,,Limited, PRBTON4, .1 ONTAR Uuoea. or,50W.Stahl@Chmld% à Go., Nsntwaturoe o Mofe, School. Charch, &ma là Thoe"PNEmo? Âxro»uTrO" School Dd The. LAeS aid buat. Awawid Ote GOd old e a .theJamma eEu I tb Sobool Doaka of thi.o omp.ny om.not be ad Bu Ubuqytb. Umuty ci Deulga, ÂdaptablUt Oomtuttolb a>gcbolar. Simdfer otroulare.0 141 ~LY ~ZIBI FOR ~risect StingDs S'ore ,Eyes . I i A vord et thtlaleea Iden f Cau ia mY I heb.amse t -pattInm eu o thiRogan, ineIbat isUmMd mqmu. met h. vase Ibava aRe ua" hemmd b bsaPun vIrne us-eumhum1 of luge pfti ne save* M tu florla mm*0umne e alte homemî dudaMaisfor th.er»D" "le i u hb Dlamd Dite.. 1%W ladies haveâlennu" tila e mi uim etosmomey tb upunam uatvO vorlom md polmem m areiuala Put 1p le etuli me thé ne mavellsm DUDisi, - IfRt va t 8004i vii je ma"l us. *6 Ian ym . une of lUmi Dp. mie ils stroueds eil nil uit Mmd, meuh eàmommluthe?5ys ie *@IF dymu la *8 0,lIlIat art eaolg ne folOe,vi l ah.mihfaorp sd UolPEroOURnSI - coma met the nd yai J»@e. 1897. oim &Up MIau.oibaimaigrmd Med r I bvEv.NWk.mi. y Ù Stmoy, 11.95 a va iieis SesLr on h Wvammier t 95 1LL. nme.: W.J. MOslIougI, 1uSd 4oci»W maitéla1"abéméles8 68 , lm,51e; labon for 18906 #a- Rlma <img, vom do»n utai19., uni,mmuémo OR aleul bet fo 1MW, #1; Wim.Rot%, vovk dola utea$9, es a 6 s*abule ler lavelle Bam1feê,h 6, 1 W. Beevur, ; Sotvoinlabuma72, essai. 11M ai tute lèb, J Govats fS19, il; mbothluse fSu v"é demala but o.8omsi"faimluaboS Ums Ilu, l4; Rolmi 1bo.1fSh. y lu lest 348, meut uufs t iatue labNsWzow Toile, Sws lm, 11AG; A .10W# erovola umt N.S. omms. Ugoa et -iMatute Imbos, A. fNKq, Stu 1897. 45.U. ChwW lai Dbos bUig oua mev uOlvevIlot o e M 5tO~0.1 D. J. ar"pa, amwanUu4»64uid U osa. Il t 1,à fer 0»m tOMe baMMU - 409k; J- 7F-Eýs lest Pluk ta savon hd*uBhUeid Z~ Punates om is, 7u;Isiea vay, h 1t ,eu ib 8 e& 4, 4; 80108 le L beap ai Suoue sad ekmr- tug Out a e au «Svea pla.,79 mm i acheg ue p* ID j Bnvs f«orSvoi gr ava PIX ; .4 . iL L476;m. A.- L. , ~ ,F.~eu 1dTasi rob5e the1 ~e you e for asist ai arter'S =M-!= [a view Odty ta on tC sseing: NTew Yoi votes cou cabled mdon. ro.oolUiWl RowB:- &Wheu mg a W .,ntdlflim lUgE WAI;1 ohs haîs Mtltffle 1Intont Ldon, de Bi l atm Mg i oblu -eti * vurul Nàto mm1 ru] S1 wi E #bat. meut hl ho Quel r te j ai 4inis.e 1 Oh. bol hie Wu vole ihned a ipub o1 iii Ohe *e taigi lu. Uai il tue Pl 0 mr 6ma, ti "But ti dmijîbe ru. the «MoR]. ru ne Il mDe et uh 1h * rece nu et a 1» naprei mot b,. It riftu ofI à the fia a1. Paul' mainges hm. an id. "But 1 * a a bu que tIe mon ahite Itu vm. %m t teg bé i.""n I j il4 il