To LOÂW 011 O IESiz~t ~~viNCKI) S sa lsli flII CASH Scranton - Ooalý XoLENA~ -00.9 PIROPBTY FOR NSIW&SGU a iigiNWBo NUQKRTOLDAN RNT» n1712.UU O? 5UdTIIU~ wo -au t4*ou et oamglag 11mkb u.. hataàg th* i ImeIMM& 1i0 ho sy ova tal.'le > t h - Imm S gsW TEAT iNNK &= w Estute Bought sMd onComsin JH-asSOOTHERANl jE Banker sd Broker. I *I KENT 81.. LIND8AY.ONT. Ott SmRB8&lGO Buides'Hardwr PaRien SDOWN. ICat llneeelre Sansu, Fm Door ainsd RoIeaibue aidig Piper, Tan-erd -and Plai& ;ldnE Piper, rsPrlm Cerent. rov la a od ime to bay. W. vii be pleasd tb quoe ptiomsm a'm i .EDWARDS &W as8!gn of Lb. mvnwf SBase-Ball OUPPlies cicket supplies. O Lacrosse SUPPlied T Tenni SUspplie8 ANati a foul s4il of ail necasiOIia latb spoutuflg lines fat O GEOA.LITTLE1 O" hloksd ltoi À ft»à " m us&"* 5~ ~~~A rav eaUUea-u. lim.IL .l. MONEY TO LOAN on ul EhSemy LeSSI ý wàm - Tv . . « lomi .Oms - &Mbutet, 0"l -t lu lb - uae. la nani, he b. -ibm ..IU. - WIU b. ummla.vy maul luth nin té Mid-mlii am nom 4 Mt b*1 Tm pet " Oiuimoli«Mmt l l us t voiasa ue .m atuqLhy auo it Te. pue dami -m ri fl dm à% le"im thiad- huA. lm lge cola una leva u Éb étau" leIpli SU L.. M lut mi 16li~ mt ro man 10s.mio hi BdubMa base4m ulum w OAA, o, TAmb. boomae >44 Uma;er via vin fusrn ia. .mam oq, l mlet upemiS Um lev10ed fa i 4. g 1OURImb.ffm i. LO. b. c. MOewlN lb& o-'l Debam PMa.a00 .10 e m 2W îep ima 1eu"a o " Pbb»94. la t 1um'. nU laie osumi m smi mlaftais.l ti -P.lhaQue. MW a t bhaPm. ua Pb m OM 01 mola byabdm e om me u auttu m elew y q - e Ue.aLUI EMt oumm oa9mi pu 1zu10 61tIS éu'ic.h eUu leof oa a b =9=0 0h by l. hie =mU i. tus i a mi to t.lh is.MÙ. A 10% I sam ual iaue bf..ha mev a v lb haies.", glu..»s bull of Me lutbm ala 'a evu 1p êa liih àeola l a" llMdWuu la ah P= bbat" o.fdltu ài. w dmvotlme ese km svi le lue gwmy4 i»« Mud mmet vi-il,a h ha e s eih minuamy qua m metT t 1 teU àmho àmn l lo llr b u le ~ elee evsMMi swe3*.155 mut blOma EVIE mu O 9 9afu uiay an1ý as lliai evoaumte o' la 1* fuiblu b.halha uee l math iehe Ihiegi is al mi losai e boes ha OU omis.. Wuk - lb. a i b.peil evosees Prmhg Ma. . k.'. llm Roue a mme, e' o» luuliy, J ae lfol. 9 edt M blq a i h.u tai là 051 1 b*bM le la'hla Vu&., vbigeiooiia duw - béd mis tu" W lu ZÎ lia aiEte àaà viii udpellm ilylmi b, -lmm îftlhiavoflutm lim Se a avabn AI Tilla& *0lb uq ululaim*6 eo &Mvatoesdbi Uo.. 9» bWmiauevl momeuhg ida uMmpeloekImML 16 vu 0 . àb uel M d su n 4hodo.lm IF.a*6 W omt aumEU mm l I adilb uan?.A bet i a*vu~ .vullbi la 4.1 m ola I i e P J .-, Il dzlve eut thl chmgults I culax powei,,aa ,msue 1P" nei Imml ivom at mn h$ va» aof b"a V lb 8 a >M- m a Wemomelay ai dip epia for buda..eai 4Wy & w ha li" Mu mllb -VO-f. v dm Causelim i Ilii ceebayto Tu-w ltyan$v a muuuonnag T"a OAFa m tee a lI le O R 0et i. W" .laaiyM ~Md aC e pu &mu vileM m e u usi& . paumi sav a b he t ll a.MR satutfày uvamhg. vwu a saliveif peuL. a.s twinvil01w ib. M-e ebtemaitu hiass f *0 be lailMS Ih the aeeliI. lashaiI « à ud d sel m lw ev fiabout tieR. *eemi v mudifl c e im la loffe . lne i a F"»I amiY 1:11%amet Mb Eil.Casýa. etqlu ! = domlvi hem ism lbu- gi MmJe.. Allasmm. Tieuua ainéefor-a, vek * m Wolmeaaymu.ms1on ' * uic tmud. o jomai.zg î W mme. C Luam M ed u lsilios Sot maie Oe Vea"i.. lta.Cas ia a.thel nid fily. uMis lb D i. azaIv *0 gu.eule 80%luasayleu=~ boiea"Mvuibe a s m ai of etee ne. lbt"n fmlutm:Oneme aieu e ,maolgbmil ab nasiay aba* »mas la ah l Mames Rm, hÉWlb Il ~ ~, te Ta.~~~l aansb l.u lui. lme OUma1.1 b. "b b. b.amudi tu - W Imd ai 1 j s v B RFI THEsOLD,' ÂON ýWhy WeMsave the Gooda Go 1.8 Dissolution of the BusinessI 2. Remval téo New Premises »Our Big Dis.ution Sale wIll continue for 30 days l onger. People wil realize how necessary it lu for us t o gt rid of the goodu, wheaw uytat in addition to the requfrements of closing Up the interests of the latee km there is the imperative oeil te clear stock beforerpmoving. W. go. to our new store, Dobso's block,, corner of Kent and William Street, as soon as they. can b. made ready. Our rernoval illustrates the growth of the businss. Its growth means satisfaction of customers who have brought trade to us doors indur the new auspices Mr. B. J. Gough will be lesu able than îi the past to do bis share as a sccessfui byer ad seller, for h. stili remains a member of the buyi gsnia.ofGogBr.'b igfo eight stores-the'la rgest Clothing syndicate in Canada. COME AND SES.'- The motto will b: - "Spot cash, and your money back if the goods are flot as represented." You an't judge of the values we offerunless ycu corne and sec thé goodsfrorele.CM AND SEE. COME AND SEL. We coamnot afford, for the sake of our reputation, to, have any but the best and latest clothing. mnust offer it at the loweut prices. This we do. COkE AND SEL. So toscaWeou Thos he vluuojvou in our Double-Ha -Mle _W sli essons wby ns want to sulad. Wflii yoidyndsoe thé ulading doue, and not get a sbire of the advantages? Corne And See GO IJGIL The Wmd.rfmI Cheap Marna. Suces*sor to GougliBros., Etc. !uInt~mi SIA SOU ruomuai M EROKANTS, ~ B 0u, ~ee~Bhiuewi~W~ g~uai -. voornEIvuN liw b repoeiltt m I e em aiouï - s au I Ivert Pipes' ORTU lER PMkl S Aou.Lao kVA&, KMm*,- - SEVUBchaLpAREIUL TV We le leuvê br wo.p.~iIs ~ hue la O.~I.. Uabeq PUu, Pq.MS 0-~ FOdUIS - _ lii~ uE4i~oaoI - - - gua"DBrik eniuW EXt WA8 CUIR t- 1- we au, W ýmdw . 1