UaUCSSUT' deiets et wis. sl The beau are bubg roud ai hh Thie xmwtn m gti, us sait5 , Iitb br.llnq germa. *rbealfe ,tI~~'~ ' it ueaglait. %With ,Jalty W m pa nd wtS 'T as* bedw are lwisâAit vlth bgum w"i bia Ibthein .wSt pentm The genous A mms etJojour mbolet *nt@s Thie rom buabes are fMilot bai Ami ruse buE,,tos, Ires. ts r"alti upriaifa«m.mer., Ili. Joj'ous tis' etellebore. Amd buddlM hep.. The Ulute loruoinitlParts pes, à son for ejoyïapat keeca, And wbaieon ma>1 6bai 10ila at, dzkl tTAee voust»gruset thek u tthuS Dgvr-Waybin le, air, thàt!s St. There irta peul O .IdaITa nt tatet mohe liii Il u bu It dewn k> hbI gste for tche lb1» Tus1 màt. - 1 de;b lant bis labo4 Letamspeshamacuusle 5*w 5 II the 4W » UMM eM5I *e biglut ieud an alIa s ." g>.t*toam.ongu port aboti vnts, aettlhee7 r&A id he lsrouais et ttfOt et &t 11.- Over b <Ja ~ ~ ~ ~ b long sappbo, hobýisu ho basusamesi. -iM brokéIeli rdurecord &a aU htanhli sdblylbsI~ â»s et work. BM t ektt, a A It vuwaames that Maent jlam is h a ýmmis use Judg Rk-ardCW"ýIr" mddug assai0 M mimAi Il v ave ullAif 51 Atl Juant ircuCit os the Soosirfer thetupn Court. OnesôOC:lte nmont ata~ bl. Aye! t"=' t» *wlu "hM a55a amrer tnla4 u sla prageusa. 1e su r bout 10 vtMdte ii Wfb dome vas effliehlu, iesJadles VueW callud ufon to charge the Jury on U»» _4L .la Thie Ssetate. ddeifflè,sw aml Iteumg lea onlats. Nuw. telie w& a r- INuusT RiES 0F CITIES. thiier. lu this iàatue it wu erya-, ~rtant that every verd Ae upokesh0oW4 corrertly recorded, aAie mc soution- àno~ t@vSflets pST5v ai the etenoiwlla CeussamO The Jdg Uu* bgam. As hb Onu-t chies, uapThe butsaa waraied tp te hie charge b. wu5 eakiilare seldain pre«uinsut for aj w Sca et the rate oC Mo0 vends a minute., Once ter j e, se ng&Uet&ç e. T i ndus- hea glaed tewari -the stenogapher. trie am. > haège -anddivessi idtor That worthy offfiul eeeaed t bbtoits auIt n, ethem t10 *1>1V meb"a- eleeping «ver hlm vork, aW a~ppu~ arnl zoàtýy oves ail New ami tiiau wrWtig very ,4o. s agreat, jedustrir et sme nis ty in tlkes "Mr. -. are 7y« getti gmy wirns tzam ik When ahipu vere madeetOC ooi dowu corrpetlyT' akeithe hala.. L>u,ýnea us te great eipbsiJdiagCm- At, tiç;tis AistenOrRMPher geffed ~>tO lmoC tAe vorid. AIes tran ahiPs Caine yak. up. Wfth tle entier», b. re- întô nue sud lolm4 bus lat ber uiip- "TatsaI rgt.jug. resay * ilding> trs,vhich habeen trams- am abuotlit teen,> varde ahfet y~ o Ned te ht Cjueei.t' yn »dil 1t~OiiO et Nai.The gmft veumel la WhIeh mnt oea 8k Aîdrw Clrk oasone S top ot comïmerce lueu»w crnibave severell air tahidS larku Lw otiftfeted, eatu OC of s c»ports. a el bilin i Lndn adirlir hecities.abat MS ioe rssepwsares o Viviwortthe WreWlg ont.'-a i kM go Mr os auj treU omoat et thus employai b. vas touneelouslte **e au *& e Ia.uemma& Immatd aboulie. by a. 1«I-louainu m^ UShip OfSgmrftoeaWM M ans -Iovly nuemared, t. ltse pu -thsimsl-le Aveu .teBristol and tht e oste meràt.'OC Sir Amrsv "Sir, >1 MaSe Glosa-ntews. Th tsf abuSât .te t1mev je7e0 Oiy" ÀUtIsthe W-Isskuiw cam commerce e cas â te mm a lelaMre, and-the ons ne places, btaecon1r t tpe bulp at hamd, the malter for abhe mo- &runmouth ami CAn<Iiff., Oarffes vers nient axsumed a vyen serions uPé- ormetir-hai daà fer ap. the T'e Fortunately for Sir Audrew, pou- asî*o brdge, but ul£m »l»me aseed ot rare premece of miianIn u hve t to wp etthéAedocks, um.m îh W hanterinstwuj he sidsiii" 'Pboyhat alt.Broesa ose tiaI'. nothing; Siiybody etl tbie'w a Ct~ ol' reta outea mon ff ere Nov y". > in~~ e Goaiitesi.but ber vatr front jW nov 100 romethin;greal. try =ci ne up siiallow ten deep-sea roussis, ami. her be trou tic mnu&"*pot la atBremnerhavem, seperat miles. «'W-cRI. 1 eau do liaI," aai the be, Hamburg, acoas&,ible to aU meanine, for,<mcii e itruveaite le, "anidMagnsof vessais. thougb e m iles foi ïf yùu vill. handlydescend tote a treeth~ e »&,lia. -roe te, b.houat «,Bra- I il prove it." oeeu!a miaortune. vhick.huvo-ever, ba 'With Pies ome," ISu Andrw !qiUS4. sot deprivai th. àaeir cily of a lange aui witb pgrout iecenum tlAe two de- creng as acens ed t te etreet, where the R51180 ¶The aaking of a & v» or, Ciy My wus quiekly.hanici loto custoê Oetthe sosilbsasdepemi upon uhal seemuaet btv.-Harper's RoundTable. Prot ±ytrvaicij manee* nk exv To ns conrstuiated Auway. str"aansare Imrieicomny frac train ka_ "My dean telluw,<' urelaimwi Joese. Dimte. Snm8eui. vonsarebettes -hazi rueit up tebils friami Robinson, -'let etiesufon .lk dayeiugand tht. tuet glace me coograiulate yen.". - L5<ek, Uadm&ti, Mapr"-e-~nceofetomlI l1-tm," returaci -Robinso, 41vbat UtIaeaia iebtfrdea for?, purposelta Europe-. Burto -Ty 'àl "Your teigagmsut.Smit.h toidme anc airio r 0.ils 5150. Ils atiufl=avsIO &bout il. yen kno-" , *for hna'wlng Ppfl5 e t. 1 soie ad- 46H4-dii; ho did -Weil, l'a sot-en, l55tàg ________ ne- a likuhosi-OC buen.ê A MvuR sts port- 8147 dear. teflov," » rdaimaiith, ater lu th.eday, nusaga p te lebla- sont. "Rt me- cougnatulate ye." "'Nov, ses hure, Sih, ewo late me &bout." "Oh. yen thora la," wenitonSmi1thI ~ Fshaklmg Uni srW.y by thi. liai, *Jonm, b as toi# ms ail about 11." t"Lsd whsas A.e toRd jouI" "«1'hat you'rc net eggeate il, -Boston Budget.. Thie Forli. lui ona la Ns"OrltuVm tounal abat teta ve s unek "Fer viNai, ývti s-litaittAie>' bl i i e tiethfe eut oft1wliedii thie forAi, 'wbliitémé bail -1 ha md. Upu,>the. sme dik, ,'aîver ho be . aImi gla cfajOtiens atI mels -Ieiitouait tii.4"lt oa lttgers, rou itilci aIl ut 'tut. ho s-lu 91"ve oesa o th(e eu>upa-ny au iiavttr .k)Wt Ofm fl cd-aMUO%"1 i'tte te ItlatfaIêîo ta&ç. utoasemhiG... Englurai, s ltoe bd mgonce qauippu b? ~tUf55,a *Uarsrdfi Lu-inses Il MWe .bshiossi uIomud Ott a"d. xeilme àr ouE au. va ails bes atour- Fe mleukibeau pie asha lmeu SI3E Liii set Aepes s liaI nmmer enslmSair 150 s ivail lis. s. thsubul lee~ e- sMk e Um-'d durB »* e am muvtls t.g ~' ".' b at?'ta= b"Ia~Me e~ th th e- lt. â: n dtaed power hdulty e loe kiau reaate ý 537 se5a or res a - -- qI nat ym pum betons 4b ssram à"ao goiraidie wa ç pitch OC Protîtr experim.mte butm si. eMt Vitb aca But àtin ast aebeustiborhm . le MM bâs varimusefft.; aoelS t te Mythat st bug* blé tbo 'm ve rerde amil the. tcoloiaiexegat àhmoe ef hie mumoire deeedbes. the. methd" ubicl lie »W auhpW tee ttm. pm:&TT betmfltoe lofUter ipur- vae Imm anmais de ofte I tt he eebe puuin *etu eo.t.a A jsdhg 14 e 4 eut- set d v tbe iay Ics~gqatt ôt abs resah 8OC lb. coruxivt la OMMe t" thect setlea bemade Issu frequentty t the. animais do imt thr've veIL. Quuatîies oC tuaver and etreugl eM Enom e lu twe injeeteit rt olem-MbLY dilataiand tAemore ec.ncetrstM, aad wbm ,the anixni.l 'bave ahesrcmquired a sugliedently ver- 'Mct bimunIty. thie vemom# &douved froiD Us IMMw a nuiuer ot différemt species ot seakesana peusible are Injeeted. Thie duration of thettmmee>t lu of consider- able lewto-at toast fift.en nwmoet- 1 hefore the aertun le suffieat1y active te b. uued for the purposes of tretment"' *During the Pant thre'p yeure au ia- weme number et animais have been vraceinatéd by tht. method at the. Pair leur Inatittute nt Lille. wbere Dr. rOn]- mette las nw a diroctor: andinas paper p ibLoehd a few weeks ago we are told C1141tliey have hermet; thene whtch have yelded for the pa* elghteen months gf-um extrene[y' artiveAgaiuat renom. Thie. horséq nouelvP in. a single In- oculation. withont unffMnrt the toast in- ,,onvenjeu ce, doseq oC rem sufficient to kUl flfty boné« fre'-h ta the tr4mt- uwbt.-Lonma.n-8 magazine. At Jena. in 1806 the Prussian loss was 21,000 out of a total of 105,0(X), and thie Prene> 19,000 out oC a tobtal or 000011-thu.t ta -t»uSay, 40,000 caslaltit*i Dut ot 195,000 engaged, or, roinghly VPeaking. une iu live. At, Eyhi.u, an 1807. thie Rissiaus 4Sot 25,000 mm eut oV)&W:t-ho b'krou" - 20.000 eutoe -M- , 0j e, for hoth aides, the appal- kma proportion oC one wittane! At Wag- ram, in.189. 1-1w Austriau n s.was 25.- out of the mine nunrnber. At Aepern, iwbere Na.pc!eun suffered bis firet. de- tfeat on f4il 21'tt and 22nd ef May, 1800, hAe carnage wui, stili grenIer, for thie il'rench loqt 5.000 M n-t ff of70,000- ie hait thpir nuxnmhe-aiid the Ans- trions 20,001) ont et 4,O00 But even this awful butehe'ry pales befrerk that of Borodino in tl*' MotN[v eseupaigi. fobr on that fiekd thie P'renc-b lotI 50,0(w) dead -and weondrdont uf 132.000 eu- gigM. and thie RiusanR45,000 out of thie ome nuniber--95.000 mcmi siain or mîîtilated ont of 204,000. it in awfui 1-o think oC! And that bloody work %vas dlore in a ahile Setemîber day with the old fiwt-loel, mi*ket snd mmoth- b<-re cannen. aided by bayenet and Nov tic oulY.batte in the latter halt of thie nlnpteenth Century viela 'et eotnpare with Borodino in sinughter In tint t of Kornawu ta. or Sadowa, in16. uhich ended thie Austro-Pnm war. 1Ont ut 400,000 meu naa)il50.000 vere kili(Md or wouuff-40.000 Auistniano and I( (100Prnsa4n*e-u n ieAirbt mv. aon agal meal In éu bree.-Chmbew 'Journal. Quepui Vitoria-aud the rJagot. Duritg the asceut royal rinit. te Shef- feld Queesu Vkctutiaituemedithie roll- ng OC a piae oC ariSorplate for H.M.S Ocoun. "w loondo Grophie'. cere- tipudent usays: AU beimg nov rettdy, the furmaoe deoorswere alo.wly litted like thie Iran ertaIn et a theutre. Ha. sels- sos erm vt brant uth Ae Suif, and foCth came a mont gboneu obJeet, an Ideel] jovail, gowlug and bunsttmg With a ïa- dita. uiilé made ltes. mar Il rai their eres ptluSly vti thein bats, as thongh 0" hald enel s u old-taahaon- ed ehunci. The h W«tvas 1k.àalmap et Turkluix d lgi U éa.e4but it vaà 49-ch l lu UulknIns ai eiglic1-A toms. Ibb 1 loloagisathe e, la- deuerlbsbly 110-lue li tes ambegt fres and veîbg 810oietOCrefugent upleudor. was efl ace.t. tethe Pwat toognt rgs, VéWh otub thubvig mmss Sal fi a ips e IDu&II mparaus&a treed taIlmuch M a prnngiumaehius tzestathe vavar*Mbjêc t.i . ifo- int, pressue. The Que.. watced the ~oeuwlthimmatu I abid1m hm thie eUm aoeM ~re vith a Utt3ebu"ai en et o"mri t elass Sdevie OC vhl& PlIes.Chris- lion snd .Itet. awhâele b Dke OCCon- naugit mime avaffl i tem.hres.ý Tii. e-enaemyvas-bnit 1ukW*I&»__ - THAT THE SIGNATURE 1ON TE i WRAPPER or EVERT ut VUla balL 1>s% a'lw aqm te un th a s .A4-dmT-0-Ei.L I OUR STOCK< 0F MBLUNRY 19 LARQER THAN EVER FLOWERS  NE111WGOODS arriig aIOs1 every dty, ana. u aimost below oost., Corne and briiig yon r Drews and Mand1e -mtkin« with you, s w oIs uau e iainthe lahsfi styles** if you have, not been here whY Ovo A Caapel'8Store, Kent ýreet, Lindsay ViCTRALNNS11 ffniby Us commSece anid ta'wPu. - al ét lb. eteat t gaumi ljy or ced- -.-.~ adi e he» bsviceer, au d i s e e O Bm Ps- b n lei lie a'eehotlt luii 1* si y. bi Q uasI lm m mnte amsb oire ! - t heO i « t o uia m a u vp r fan s . jeb t r o m m e .7 îà* WVÀ&. 0 the montI mot!1 YCOM M sus, r1a a Ie q5 o ae a&U 0e-1 ~ ow tl Wo= var ot 1. il aMautedI L suw (q t40000l O «,0,0) Weil, liere lu Me tbhtu b e u MOsn eut OC be duborel by the et; vs have noeclama Peeiniealu tIbs obims. ~~ l~coud"n." i<ssjsvu ee sacuelreuigkasg. ebla-nithe a duniwb.uthrea or four sogmome opaime OC tse Omtua Nlm-Po, ""ho a freoam."-IilamSdh Amo Fo-Uav- mai mali te D$td e ni ai etabmsaamemî tf*i.Sm ceamuIs ta llmsse «um ,f -jNé BasieS Wai-"'PapIs," aiD minSas, as ie pansa i, puchLa 18570ebad 0 iii slztcC-si, "iow ca jeu make s Gneak am -senaMd at' le Loeom r?"Xeith le concert OC urp mnwbma is.TS yO TlamTLondo t 'e-nr.repIiei Mr. Bua.-Plt tsn enda lis umosTeC tlu-" k - Tslegraph. 000d lad.M (1,011 etdpr &siat« " Wie ayalVUs but?- aboutai thie ban aw fat"rsuaOC ,cot ss(t,00 toune."Ido," replialite uv»mie ehou bepqi asto lt WeiNl, IId rather bhav, an umWpeJuedIci famiS etMme redd nuthe pink le oliat," remkei -the. slUf Injuri or bus. Mdi maot S&I y L dlilsNor'th Amri .W w ido<nhy, atat by twe s coma- 91Idom't know vby the papersabso'îli tri on ammcut et iepredatioau utofaakme gobrghIy OC Gei. Weyles. TiNe the. Alabtamna la oCf esl interest -diepatches paî he vas st thie iusd cf as examplityug lb. itent le vAieh is tm oup. Kt th. last baIlle." Y? elaims -fer cmesa mai b. hbI tup -Wbui hway ver. theî going"e-Cleve-, aMi cul do"r. As glalrput fMr- anidlain Dealer. s-aid, lie Ainoricas mm pra4etictily. "îî muslie awlifulte hobroie awai compriaei vrlene theu b. xpense et out veet," 4"1 dldu't fd ilao. Iliai the van raome n wvicit te Ak. a pretti geai suit ot cktoes,8se pi1 bama. put. to aa. prolngation,«t teuî.i te b. vamting lu inveet li na tie Mr vas a entiri te bernd eatate. NoMt w as te oo" for me." ste, vas ltanrte. responslble fori jadissapolle Journal this, as veili&asfor 1km.sufered bhi Mm e cWitliers (oni the. viy from Ameriesu Àtbnv*lMe tass»e- ub- ",M er r mM fresM nte f axa te W vitsemon vas, a vnuj luluhied e- Grse menaa trIunl, es e>t tort. 19n. De Wierem-It vswbu« d cidai abat asuea n "Mita ~oCr mvivsatudilnyr ol 9erocsly for a moment, andI unsmlmoues a auliamity o rcia lsuaY £3,145,00 asan Valent for the In- jury actfluy ta Amnea lirani- - tRietault or uap me Ct tis eountry. vh air bev Onu suld Javan- _ thie moot receM trtn-Uropea war lnuý_r whAiei a co.uds*mble moe inâeennty vas poli-was l iaelihy lte peae uf Shhmouaosekif= = je eo. By tAie treaty China agirai te psy Japan a smn equivalent s* £M5000,000. la âà- ditioxi, aie Sedilts Island et Formnosa l er em oqueSroreeogsised Corsa as hidépendent, a and ouite open four ev, treal7 port&. las ar betwecu Pr" iaa" mi*"sssla 1M08 as oe ~la Wb" ia Comuirmlle usomnt of lits vas lst, baviuig regardte liaUem psratively Moret duratoa.. t Sadowa lte PrSq- dia loua vas sat> <ovnatai2050kilici snd 14,82M vouil, wvile the Austriie5 ensunalities voua utalsiat 11.000 1<11- ai ani 19.300 Nvôundei. In addition le tthe teruiiton1d agmaimemeat oC Prus- sas, and *lAiecliàm orAnstria trais lte Germa n Buni, the treaty of Prague,- viii lerevinutri il>. var. -proniei for N y odmn o o oayhn lie paimet hi Austuia of au iudeanlty "e.brmy <cedMW m do you d heoeasa of 40.000,"00Prtw4laithtaler. onr£6- ot itS lowilud PTttWmeb.ora 00«,000. i Prom - Ibiaminut. buover., OMy»fiI.,-D~ T deducio inu% Mle oft1%,000.000 lia- ~ .Lb )et.reprtSentinx tlktrin cRJa nos "odSribigetS e« BcilsoiiHolteu. u ,000.000 hlal-es e,.1 ýkaw1nd&WS 554 hast. as au euuxvlent for thie tree macints.-In- ra~dBits. - an ofthePrusaa9n ariy i Austria13Oli easant peufithle i.concielun utorpceice. oleNataSvag Tii.icutes ~- ~ '.ha m inluTuolumne couaty l Thebevint ra idemniy f mden sn m amint OC menai,"Mi&loa limes vwu^0<or =, liaI patd by hote *e of bm, emplofl. ", FranceaSt thte O et hvar wkh aijewoui ti ura areuud and @secif Tht Usat11%eib« es lulci over je a'îmake a ss.viugmenavere.If elgbt mSüts, aMi lhe total CoOl et thie yen eaa lil taie jo salani $50 a van h bhue tbatol at aie millous imni uteauandmai200M00 me&.lThe.Germaia -But spoe Icau't ilake a5.dx loss W.. sut 4.wMat 4&000> Whose e$50 a m"tt?hnI" b nci the. y0=9 vere eite kiled la baSte. or 1 oftes vouais or da leMDages the . e &W W..l'. tiv l tin lout DMY- et Liss n Lhmd, 3naSe lds 1t mIeWtt flinirhre 1 -eaugaVa Oeeaay -aRisas0OCtrames a a emt . I jU cme ru Worth85 talutimaI 'mêl&J oe v~ié ous m~TsmeM.«OS bs 'l hAt si s.L. yes Ism d C uuy * làava ee i e ats.. lje"Uy*te.Mt dewuna minepe s.r*i Meitt , « ta' fr igamth*t bilba saSe lb. -'a aft&.Ir to aa 0< lasFesij elevea lb, .ste 7 te «qJN*e tEEaN Iè_____________ ay ro- YOhI RECALL the stc,7Of thepi'OowhOo o being asked if hoe vu guilyrpld I usIam jadge, but I ouid 1 k.t be b.tried ail:tb M.$$ lNoW,w, ant to, b. bibiàrm by.oybui aIiounty for good, purOs A. HRIGINBOTHEAMJ Druggit, ixIndmayl a~u~IUAETURI ENTL >sAY; I bave lut compReted a ]EL Y and aIBm»w prspared t tarisb&keverything foi houme finiahing iu My une ase ..pas the chnapw. -Efrything gj"nte right orU (U M sd iapoot. work mid get prIoI. Tc~ehone1*8.-2010-tf. id a li de livinig Uomi .athedi after .tsnd ed Or' but th1 by iI.C Wgouk GO vi .Wat My te aDon fODUe foi t distu the t a ss the 1. ro « ter Stenr he* thue to lintel Neh t'O tt 4j- 1A Np TM' ~1Û Wailim k o e. . QUI». OU-et b. solan tà&as Lh