t»wumL-t î*vty4â"ecentsafr ie minute"-*-O*! Wen.I LSUf »M l bard tiMus liko the"e a ".wu it tul bis famlb' tg ecnornle. T" hmb rit I t the oue p myseit. Tet9eo" ile 1 &ou et he àaswor "a Mi o- ê,wa I~tu =é'. ydear. Oobw iWlei. Yeu womniiboat -ortl v- er sof. Tiut"i a ni lmfor bnimeuand sercw-êAli niu Ja.t ItbaZMW.a woncdetiY" Mn. ~ brIst.18à baudsôostheïa. Dat yo u Mme the laat tine ou egot 88117 Ulth e Mt ,pu firod thon at lers the uW rUa- Ming dowa the esUar etepSi CObwlaer-ÂSd ther baye bois deus there gett r ub alus tht? 1 <zi>ect tic- cet te brilni theza te 704- »A Sculd throW tbuiat ber agmI, 4du Oobwinoer--New. don't O*Ie 1.1u youyou. aad«twatt Vou're fu~l.H that stegladder here by thein cn »p trou the coller. Mvie. Oobwluaer <aide-Hcw digereaÈt Henry- was betore we were mcnLrrét Then, he wouldn't let mae carry vc r01 D Cobwliàer (returni£-Â nice huut- 1 bcd for these -tiiuu.-1 coud break thatt cati pneck 1fortallinxthem dorà there. flow, VUilshow YOu h0 o Wa MR a shade. Mrs. Cobwiaiter (aller sa whii)-WhI, .Henry, -ehat areyou aveering About? CohwittmI.-D8I!ftheft icrews ToUe soli have known better thau t. haVe boucht stick tran. The heado cMM burr-r-r!ý Now What bave you (loue? Mm. cobwIW?-It mestut he s Sia rus do'wn. (Jobwimgr-Blk! blmketil bisai! Whv woutËIt holdrt l, ladder ln- stead of -ionkecji1 4ae Now vou'I hav'e to Nwlud 1t... o STurn that whatyoellem y« S e ek tua out, and wheni you get ilt ght l.il uhove in the thingmnbu1 iwith thsesce diver. Mm . obwier-I mal't tara Il &An more, my dear. Naw, quck. (Whir- r-bnrr-rfl 1Cobiggr-OGive It bore and go fu ti other roin and sme if yon eau boC the-, baby. l'il fliih tit job myseif. lAtter, ahe xoeoeîl:-Ah.t.ere t s at lat.1ho thosu' fixture are flot too far &part. H .reo! tiey'rc just riait. There is. noti-* inx lke havlng à good ove for aytlàiag, et this knd. No. wlllthe tint,"ru uo and down cl riait? (Tries 1 , A Uttie ticit. but tht ii il beail rigit lu a -deyor, m. (Glvezs a tua and dovu ceetthe- siade.) M"i. Oobwlge- rilg u-Wu tiat rY", love? NIt wusa 2 prettr abade. ,Houri. I1cotl ait re8ut dora and crrv. T bave nide two bW creases la Il. s" It baIs too boid f« i anythlar. 'I'd ratier mot have auj uhb st aIl té.thi ululaittha bang op mc a thia as this. Ooexter-I thouxht 1 use bantoug .n tiWs mide? tlr,8. obwlgar-ItlokaIs if 700 LubwWiie800 bohe. Il rothave eV meriuusuarsu. Ieue ae it @ for the linos reur motre onu boi. Now. stoedv the laddéW and rit drivre'lu a nail! vieethat seir came oct. (B&a! bisarî »rat tht ast i '. blamd tli' but(Bang lig Mm .Cobwgger-Oi, Reu, . h â-, mW etct tireegbithe panee fgkas! that s l da mi I o eretbf te-é te'arndti voeu lbave bSâ IV-d lou mé. ?I'vo. Obwmgr-;Wàa-t are Pm, la <do about the gses? Tie faàlitrv sne tichesoseut si.". (kibwi«er-.A.ny one but a v«aPa eoold teeo iat ve cnt live la a bouse 1 iti a brohea pane,. roPinsugte>*a Mm .Oobwiggr--OI, 1 tbnegtu ufigt t*y It etut in laoursei. wle yeu'receut yo« migit as vol! stop et lie othor-pleansd gel a newv sha. s <cafeintaller bli). a, Reuwj, yo,'d 1* trr have them tend the min tput t 10, bomt yne thinkl be looceai19«oer tcmaty uiloDm oil ectioa; *1 wsud Uscouargatm tel a&d iu thc IIumlsaaUon et thse beasigtol hcatheu Bmfli. And I MUet sMyth such alotocfmougltgirera Il hbu SvSr before bom rs erice eet A ]godera Iasane. 'WoszyWtkia-debu»a @&v tiat hait de causo e ed ha de ovenonvdW* et de profuaora latu oigphteit t> m teWa.. A INoevIToer-Uoa Io mi.eut Fubkegi avl Skkoiatally hookel a endeavor te, acre t aoe w*el th beot M*rmot afthe 505#imwui e "Ifsu a dresiultuto e *. siaited as Dley DodUes" a. »ec yoasg veina 'Itât ete mir"m m1'doue. Yreserdai *reuib& wbe -iesbeett Iind cane tthe aInsi cir- lut eue et lb. e-telre olm -i My eMau viat vIa à Pdadaerla' on about the abs? Jamie SmSR«'a l bWhss l- la. :but viol lbo'tm as but or ema-PooL MMe came ethe uil. 44Wbh àiausm Mi b« P- PRIZES do 09 m ~ ~ ?t. ubanaue tàtUslhelt a adtof M« aies strngi ponhe o 0»rngtaes. aiebu lem il 'de 10 - -? It~ ~ ~~h beu PWome mouur._rsà MM eiy Vilaiial* prospectivenotien sbol k eo % ?- vut am m v andsteuglita icspaia ora - -----ba-llab b etud l amMuotherh md bkÏa sè1 . miimiki es teg*oS berof baby e Utysathe ad mme %*eWUmW e voi Mmsoi mmar all e is. It e re s cherfu1esiunaIm su euaietlve euergy 1 tivs uoet heaidb .. nstettl orthaeii fl c uth emPli. Itke istiuly prfa e and positielc A s.otm et1@Da ci tmpe viil fo i akes thel and dfcaic ftic r a »d ae 1Qrasimeida andn organisai.e oteran Neb.. te u I writect aduulpoosieaerifg11a .5 anif I6RO moisuI» tMrc. le, ottie f arite Prerp o ,, h i .Cec GT ,ulsi b o thiukathe medicine did ber o worId of godon me »bas ilvutla Ms ululr ,Sht. was coufined thetixth of Pebruary.Wus s!cl <,.,-a- .â..' kibisveri but aShott tilIntftdfidaîs a t un,.d&ughtér. uubas l.m ILU Got atong ujcely afterward. -Looks goodIct. Wmomiilu tibhflous vm b".E pýeein 100ks c1cr, sud Aie aya ahe= yrfeu MM"us. gay atem%. mmiiea" MELON ~ ~xosIlssoi. tic Gau. os., osb"uosie pnoOw«iw u"- e tujaué OM ie Qum, lOeàta- o b 'laaal pl ofhetb.metiodat SuadaY h, Im e a Vue"i iBertonle 1 oWI"% uTay dap piteamer Eaoslleoy. tic Osuateuset Ab«mth"ia. Crudlla e alus vas wes Uelnvm tg er the timmn& ateaded. Tbe 4, as poiteothe«- btic e t ftai. Saai mld ia blma mumon" &Vêlâput a,"" = "auatda:Y Oanimumrmosd la *Jj immis, ld as tas bMoi0f ou imleerlas.,bottes'W@ilavesMd am irnu 2b&as Mdi Tua steamerDea omuaielbeusmala T thehuiVu un iOM" 1o8" amuims te ti»p Iems Ceoomite Llday S Tuiai, t ouales&"l'uis mmi iiiis madims "0. le a out 111115 oaft sud ViII hoa put O euaatoii. beuhpopmfa uns"» m0jpoqi evolm f» ilmtc 501e Co uMomi. "f" URadi lic e -ulas dm ys l Un à" o5 f lBs lapitt o hiCi v1à hfflvàImas « led@r Eumd" llubula à o q smiospot~os lb ofmIs ai M. J a WVi ol" lave bipp"*ul bas ism a I~i o Sasualaos M Xe. - tm . -16 gou. M tic 110hlai Ti eamrOs VS i EI.I8 Iv hsl,178t 0 P. d tis ulolaMW"n otos tuc imi aéq ," iMaujoyabulVe olas ii uflu Who hO nMM uhl ~bleviilslisseit iemaslVusi 1k ai VmlS ivevut&tuot W1les. Tuajntsiaut.ieuetmusatezmlalaatih uSi dm si bu bon Mgohu duttai lite aul faOuha a d ede Ousm-aivsti- Jasetp"eotc eR Eeabla vrai& éqkg mluslob* y O nehiilte MUi am' qui -M et «u" M Uonme astmkuusl oul 11111M. ogyi d Taiit.mis un daims -puh@t84c84 1. . ne" I un sum 84 i ir. hmi »Wod lt t. a lo40:11 Dovn CAur.-lime »Vtet Bs Joui IRia. Jou Aa minspsa kw édos viii nonhns i sY.& Il &.«A. éernhe mp bbi bot verà"for I& .m..... r à meln" m5. min @A P 1010hP"i 1.A.h 1 "Wb-bélaiomme a tgupu et f emiVU IL EA. tu onsad. Titp d.lvu mais il lathors, imBu TMib e lm1bll ait"s t.uoffla. ousb 1.1t mbt TiaisTb@h tg P Fne. . . .j pieuWbsiMTOI& bon ho U5Be pduht» lm"s os 4M mordus te a"l a Orub f a l a - b~-hi pi 0ort 00lo*0Pd#mmh.fr*0lt- notas eek Bs pl mlii ers Im ait *6 i mg W 55ti C u -e utifti*0 vii. Ut Pb ea tuiue lv iIispma = Wie ai lesplul a .p.01lumal Bse Àea if «ibu lees84 W&hbui. Mes4 ailpruat etVSriM-pilas Bs*0cippS lIsitea GT EROsmi u uw mesa tu flp poluima. ar. ?OF, Bs eusse veri ifel msa.M MOosW.esiay eiaàbb Waile i.atmg Ilesà *4h.MM uni viftam mtRMdtofS homhe e ame, %Pesa. bod tuaoS osDoaWhosDury-tic - mi tk b «DUW tlaIBmlii Mclii leM tuula vori if Bsesbul eIo usst fusathe udiet : ap orus f meis. ppesTI» tu tbip1 vu quflelmosuB T »u am of %Wt Bs llsaloumtu.vOrsIpet u«MEt-l'y q -m the bsbiletea'a asu""ist e Lt VI*r t t p1i shomt "% h. mai.eb.abméOsi$0 os Wtdfds Ity i»%,lstdmi u a mm, euti. doeettiwe Md Mesutiaisio aLlaTheTm . Ousms b. it klaatleos fiât la.ttm vas holdta Jodam'a hatllà@OU s e in.mi t te ea u idal. et ÎsaS c Mé 54Y. 0. oO5VSlIL MD, TU MWsec Issa&W1e«M nlat.esos Muit aiw OMaM*% "W01 e mm. il. J. s. as B . stlisemilh LvtI. of Fis aits" vas ilasi OI ýU jg.g»WMgauUm 1 Sa. JamesLltbpg o u Iejeie .t « 4 . d m ou tmat a gib osé Dr' Meu s smay' AI th@ bailvu MMt ta"iee itta* ber nonmdluiSi» meg WUirS. teugh s bilon "a lthe amos . m« st pmmes et;qàeraie ouinàIt.a iq *0Oied smeadjeme l te Iwlro anidms nuito o aim isi vl"vu omfoo &tom hUmé >is.. Mr. J.1. I amee% L Ï 7U..à AsmSiostoDouaiv» cmi bq il lae PeM0. vu deoinuihOi udtlatet rildeoioua8mday, besdotybsm h.sosUa elsotel iv abyoolsmatlon m. ai oveffwdvel hisi th e at, sos. W" w» vu esivol vumimousd mrue vasobbatiamsd ihoca rmwoud lae oUau d iss..Tic meiibageus Oiest*0, oule. Tu dootor My lih" bo êbmi é bMumatu aidroni lie Resus J W. rouvia lgt usoosbut c r ab. Joie4,lK P. P., et Taiê mi E. LRkel las .ai .kacrmvr of- musaoo. Tmh asoa vu a mou 1 oiuwmamjee ouaeme. dsleaOu aR...W llmair Alite. huBg~Uaass,~r. Wm. ut $opea ai &? lauoiuiIjs~i 4ft imevi t. lava. ~i avay ai ils Imiiosmi os Ailsil if verni ~smmd VOs i Sus if ~ vbl* lady Osêlamisi lb Istotieusi os eitoiaeom 'A *À Y te blabu. s. UIC WA1U~~ _ hu a"dafor yopi ma Lots f~ If yom ta lOUit" f ct ut it snd lt. dyou &',book mil about it. nIdea~ mamw w Ageetwmki the oemm ontM. Dabave smlaiV durs"" sasas ban b.uE. STOWO. mm, MP?> ol Sat o a k1vt th gge abniab be 1 bavWhe ab lye i havana. hav 1 P emSS? Oulu 0E, J..w G ove all Nwapapere ehe ave pointsea ins» e 80e, i m a ii s qusmlt emqukod iia ucias 1-»Ud "0ebodo mi»usuu 0-, b $u - i -msb rilm S-if dr lemsau mmdculué bsosiuwek M tite theiha" busMd Ilu ile pape. aie us trus hmer am ous *M mu"u fou 1-Ile e desiBat.uh kgb pou- fl sufm &lé - os - iu omtemi0"i d ko evloss if 4 I te.sai. Wkba au bk palem e o Obila me a-»là vu te ayhm Imilait, tspu64lmte ohipte .aaihssunliw# b. .laaolssvliou Lîud*a0 Maatem - -h --- -- - - -n-. i s ..... ...... sS ~ ~eeee *tout .n..e 1M. Wl 1 Wal eetee e l 8-. n....n.*en~S *105ss ues'ssesee ici8 a o uQS We unoi mb 0 e Orcre lKiii ~ m « U " u, <(Deouas . d Btaad>, deng iiipreseniOatý oder tt tumsblYadiedp rtsoa.rmfu*d»prpmsegviut, tee Pris, lot Prise, k A ATCIl GId fille. eu% àAmerlesa Eeveu.at 2»dPrisse, nllr Gni.emp 1Wbus Nvement Thc aboavep cliib. g.wa ovothe peumm ad mdlpgb lmmi Venus S £%EV"sblaumge liai oa buforned fr,O the W"d COUCH'S C.-REAT uRE.VIOVAL uSALI Osupellîbon Opun to residoubi cf"lisCOUJÇTUIS 07VICTORIA AND HÂLIBURTON ONLY. Co. lom sSI@& July. IBememuber ce are no% gprise (aid Wau.mh ma w vîuhOlohiisg, but Clutbing I'uyaerfare ai ail hibr roqwa VS7huis 8 iing Su mit .1OVeS r W btsy tot%, Snd iVioy 5lling busle iere livl y tvery da. T las a spitud exhangu of Fans Voiluga& straagly ch.sp prie. JKoe-j never bougbt sncb values befort.. We'rt b mus uob as .1 Lludsaprosperiiy. We'roglai toshbaro lun. The <ad tthistmaies ail fver our 8tores are g in sdvaoof prevm" Me"mssnsacieaovkedges &rade leaderiship. Nu "tlg to vonder~ai. miter ail. 1ev stores auy*here woald hogin t'e -lie tisfied with thse profit.s we i88k, i utrchat.. vould dare te bay goode a uc qa"titts. W. bave an u im-te o atiet, an d wu turu iLt toyour adv& in euch Ae titis, Roette nid bLummm'd Save Money MEN'S PRIZES. 380 Mea'î Black sud Navy Blue Serge Suits, 4différent quaiitlos, ab f.70, $25, $315,8&45 . ... ......... 447 Men's Strong Tweed Suite. 8 dufer- ent tterns and quailîes, aS $100, 214 Mon'. Flue Tweed '3cits. 6Suiffernt R rnansd qualiea, at pool $te,, $5Zi............. 287 Men's Fine Worslod Suite, à differ- .................... Worth Double Worth Double Htudruda of Sommer Comte, trom ........*113 srt Huadruda et Pairs et Worklng Poati, tam .50 uadreds et Pair e ofPanta, Irons ......... 7070 Huindreds ef Pair etfWorsiud Pinte, froua,1» fudoe fTounaii d Out4ng Geab .... LU lU Banred ofCheciel and Stripel Lustrefr LO j h Ruadrede of gAca G osas, h t ...i..ln munrus o s& ost.j fahm........ .iLa fim. BOYS' PRIZES 3151 By'Silor6uLts, 4 differe t.quai- AnTLn 217 Boys'2 7.pTweedSuits, Bdfern quhtee a~135 s.o, î.<~"~WORTH 0D SuIt, S patteras, At $2-70,0$3.A, $4 WORTH 35By~.picowoeSuted,~erntWORTH' DOL 811 8 re~tWORTH DOL Huaàdrude et.Ghldren'a Suite, front........$0.47 Randrede et Boys' lAgit Smmer Coate, fr'in.55 Êundreds ef TouthW Ruasel (Jord Coite, fra e.70 urnudrMedaoit Youths'SAli Comte, train...100 Rundrodi olPeirs Boys Serge. Pinte, froan. .25 Esiairedi of Pairn Boys Tweed Pent@4 from .45 , hm~ ~Time )Prici a, Ofteu a oh"p prias memsa ch«epr ual. But nol wo during ibis Great Renoval Sale of FU4E Ciothrnq, I Ibis nsy inoce pu ourboitfoot orvsd tegivo blMoneMd Boys tue BEST tht eau bo gos in Suite. We ms~u s curtaja higi standard cfgooduomTic imaisbaye m otihoqagis oe. The namne f the fita w ho muade dur as knova front BHalifar te Vancou ver asmauufaotermuof a:fine a grade of Clothiug us the trade cau proda.ce. It smm bad polioy to m.il a& the pilos nrkem* e ns mepIOSple sy tiatcuir nethodu tend to over-traiting-thast effil aî rftcieasre"ac od t dluaryvaitiu s bed for basiau fa gosorallsa"scase, Leeer, lu le net OurI les, but iLcemtsim vii bu our omumd per' gLa ~oeoeoe~ .OPH~ Successor to Gough Bros., Etc. MRAIN meD MODE Cook'sCottes footCoom la the liÙb laâd e epead la l&a cieaym d cmee orenuiie olrprb. iuni;swte e »om bc glarit»@ 3-««tsams more, Weddingr IGifts Than Evor ce ow mas, sud Wedimq bye vomis ~gsGilto -tient. W - SEVESaL 1lITuV"L EUE Os MONEY I Woumm te btOrv fie u 1"gie aIbu Sud m4pm Psit.t M@. Iims aiffl 8ai-niss 1o~~ MW te Us -Oih& $ ulM Ie ie The Wonderful Cbeap 1%9 imuade lgm wea sosr b oua u mouy I ?ROI8BOT NOTS w!h approvWâkm U V. O'CONNOR, B' A., eroflO-vor K J. Cuitr'.Dry Gooù lU ECxeutors Notice. Ai R Mary £ lu ae ut the tOwna»hlp A f Voet ==tyOetVWtiooela wtd.>w. i d',ed i ~A ai e nid township of Vrulasu0o th 4 h du 09 oe iad'g nocirors 1a<e OR ~wUofthead de a.-I.on or Wan1t lm day OR JUIF next. 1897. Uboir christmf 0, tia. lasma. Mthe Inaure of thoù le"«* LAd tii nd ergoltuare alio tate t 00 Ie MUd eeuton sbém.it.uter the "sd iih d« 4 JUatu ext, b. apanboesp bit Irunt tbe.u'tI - uaitlud Sheoto,b&74 regard 0on ft w 'ho clm5 WU& *01 noy *40lh have P'OUh. A u nobles lo Mid ammese or an, iparth",fsaf .odUW 1111 iiIto Mr ussm of whetathmWv eh.! nDA tav ad soMtie ai ilsflueOR udi.trlbion- - oie. M teetm Uaêam y la the Ou"ty of I6, SoficI.oafor the caïd luge cILLaSEvmmu, EzeCutoeL amy usa everytbiag la orna tanne stomi cf w-a, .~géI, -~ ~POtl l. WE.MAKEmm..- Sewer and iCulvert pipes- THE ONTARIO S[YI[R pipi 601 ADELAIDE lBT. IL..- *UOTOO AT mut=TopoN 'i I -~ I f i 'i i. :4 I 4'; Il 'r! - I