250 Tro LOAN ON ~Ooa1 a liq i lo TES ouamme i'ledsi il mm" ~ae,.Ul CASH PUOIIU IUm-I.Ulathé1 IICIP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 0wm «W' AISY.~U e at i. mita aeptatlom mem« t CAS imw ametpu »id C CASH omt - to. nom 0ai, mqmwv.lii ra Ilis lmesw et lim ISu he 4~ ete mg bougtlb. m1vmL PIVLGDor IRAY VI I ,, i tc stm dtsdm .obm 't on ta. à L. t Laina made la FermeraMl am taem u ~lil.amiec su is tll ge0deafdmuiof ciag the& r t-&lm and havingi hek u Itoiet. routedu1 a AuaUhi « - e Iepo Il vily lovait rate. The. outof aiamaiIie of hes mt, s. hsihiT. U ahl aieifféoolslby tlé, geilmtotci tâ- uIi lat* tj e a -thmies.lala 1 u aL-uIl! of. d tmg R thaltée4 Onuiaide tit1 - thv, Ih 0potwgfty.ho bo*uow&Il 4% =t 1tii ~hgehe vîaut Mlthe redused rat«.. Dom't viith tisi celuitra Dbasyg. mail setinîte. but maIe veout &pou. -fia. m slon laits. EmdelIv lb. UAMdsy bail IIe p a»lu#Wmli çraf.TI mgteN about 219 etios.fi. douraIlvas - weItprtlv eealfrh.oceaito. . s, .9 u EmgauD .AL., MrD.. puo taitile édurci>.ï Estate Bongtland Sold thasvepisaIigiïpd 0 sur ye as amtierab8m " m se ti OU (JommissiOR, hIm ofisveimiAt theI. lolgroome mter - ~Pator.thée lumtsaelvercosmmittseami hir.d.. 4Babuomm ebrtarmals ER&L tN5-LRNCE AGENITO *lb*orttghe erEmeLq MmLthé lai- aea n r" mn iy eleareeGreybeual t OC~nTUCQA0I1Ou vax BUme. VÂrUas-AU thi. aira. .8 OTR RANIbonaiplylagsrocmd, LWnaaymree.peeally 1 1 uc : aen#. The. mWe i a u ammfor -~kr ana Broker, tan lTi»d aae.ueutheitiyla.amubm tENT 8T. LINDSMYOt4T. ci tal uu*le mlre.e gomg Oit.Prém à5 tSL-l.T. miapirai Is. lmayavith j *ke mah vofev Im bet *te. IEDWARDS co l iviil ae" utuatai au tri latec trale dom. b, l.th* a boita. -Tht. hava ktuimmla lu mvtagmm.xemit 1 tu h hlla m «Mn vpaut et lb. 1 'd doq mvapei Iy atunleat m smmacmi. Pisais nemhuiel maa l~~imai lily tram Bou oe.Ebmqpgo.,Du» Ifai UtussaPtit, Ieim Tlla, Md bon ail pb isêva le"liteai Cluboal. &É la . etmabetmnu ttaites luit a £oad p ma vers M people.ae n m ylaIlypi.sa Buid rsHardwar 1tasal tram Lladmey. Thi e: tt v. eolva PRICESDOWN.Iêvd"ble. TMetrafie n he.lbaiyvatmi la by n uieme6s mmml teaimMY eue vii ed Cat NilSteel Wire Nailste".1 vv a ta0ta may «i'r. asu»W ltI Il' Door Ujuges and Relions, Fibre ij EAyiJW-O h'mnd. ed maI ettIle 0n ,aeTird u li uratl te puture for thi. amer. Terme, ingPèterT*redand Plin50 cIa. pet mai11, ta le pWil vIe aIle ai0 ing Paper, Fresal POitlaid talem aiy. VWiù-ii"reuial s ellima Cethent. tb.easum& èAevss SIpABt, Duiva i. ti good time .te .bu. .Wc viii'Baxa Nonnms--Thbt lva requtme. bah ieaLd to quote Prices au 811 hoeme Lumt réer ig.umlleueuWho lad becn uttotel n ou 1àmti ýbop'i ala, ad&ie. uines. thieM& essal eatir lIta mal utai. fielvii l* elutwevâtlêri t I. Wllb uttabie bath luisee. dt aie véry trsqut vasce G. EDWARPS &CO. e mautMbY dl 100014 bl CfPi ai IrIbainsm ne te Dot avlm eia bou l bof ar e l Igu~~ fth vl but la a Idely utal cet. Emvecair 10 f he alil.Mtow u I.ujo h eWee I vdm aoe las. oWl ais maiea advmIe l alva lii ii Ouii~ iemu mi dboy mlu flav be b le iete j limnof aiSVýtel lmtai. fieTh*Outl etfaustlMo veil b. ama IMd taoým mpml turc m euhl m agWl leeml buleme, er enigltnthrm gupille tail price#s mu, W"ivu M a wt he&0 . mu mes i ehu lm muSj"fer é,ou r th e )P~~Ipa"Ir met 'm« rwtbeis bmn tuey luIl eet as béh m m a et psplelatomae v milvlt re themmapeop#"&HO mgeaI l 0 w"k h uS. ,eelattm aayuaie tt a erai m t m om i i mooka t i 2~ mê@ i atut" , titI. m ],ithéaia 1mmocks St - 2 .00 e iaim is* . J V cornusvo eow oua&t Ymmewà kt amie hem a moomimit. adm of tu*a l la itu Whmal lhy tet l oie. #i ,i pfý aspji bu" "a- ai @* a - a -l u aRuh mut". asyMn maulesa iuz .a.Iy a 1. , , .e ma 44u ekeaef là mullami, i miu lv ai.- n# ig v mi iM l aI ahnW h.bsrl*8 Pau*g .. FIMMe ns nmuo.-Ym tu buet aromaasI M a o bol vmute ier s lI Oak ue lem o Mary 1" Mypliesduesla toa. J. ràluy .Pr.platsL-5.tV. VAS OtaM.-In habo -et Mr. HauY rergum pesme«Ilatai W almemter d evulai. The é »ote*pâmea me eeoké bouat. Amarngtissâmesmat vauodma Oiem of AllamI AI . assouble SU& 1teaa pumat cg h.Xi. Jru uma"e th$ bra s bulme goll.he aulcae PoMintEOoXIMuxU.-Ur. fias. South- vuaéh Olor1 or ferées Mderle M IA t Loemet. a M . Saabesa, aosapamia by Mr. J. IL MeWIIItme anmm of etcvalaidw e, tu "m 15istit %ia val. Tins pille..aue meberaof lie commtaatau appointaIit osuliy iv lii Ontario gavemmmutl ta vecigots ma repot apon I toaftnd souic etaOntau. Bob. mIsgueGlmy, Bulde al Mam ar de plices th.i viol"ell"t vek. A UE*zEI&u am tu MOS I ter'ad .TuA -Det l orgat ta try oui 5. tua. Tonvili le dellgtal vitit. A. 0&xramLL AOOUuEiT.-Ws eremt taJeanthal t Mn Cal MoDoiasl, Pieboo. metlath mn ocident on 12th tait by faI it i a tiea cm by ubmaoac taapeag viltiith*braIsa, btsskg the couplrnga maldaauslg the train te stop. The Col vwu pasiloa ne m cc ctaioterm a e "d.uacientouured. ho b.avoini "klv ihiovuttea erenuit. Foetunly m» borne weie bicha, yst leomataiel me patafl A Loax Orrea'VINITT. -Tii. Ouilla alesmea lrtied s coapahitlea a tov Menhe gomogMoteur photognaPlèe ufor a Pic. =1ie et-it l vrst inuedama.The. pictograpîcti ical to b le cis% allok mîtuts liban vas pcrformed. Tiera vans mmea n. lieds et photca smnt ta. The prise vu avarded -luit veal mIcaT. 0. Baldwin of Rarniton. acenrel lthpisa. hie plcture baing th t a country tosilaur the ambitau ctuy. Rue via a chai..for sMe Llu yphoto. gphr tu immortalsa ê imaitApoIsa omci s ur Lindsay rondaevautî hv v. litai Galbraith, mualo leader, 86 WIiam isut. tva ccdout ai orWeslea laour- TuxmmscuievU-Wo li s letltlon t of r mremmas lt. vallaMr.AIiEt"%l ltter an laI posa e e temteua istrict. Thé lettar taa mly onyena aipubt attto lta béton ry lergaiy orln lt district. Blok ta lie bumaiagilltmil tend, lu forés:a, luaulcrala, fàel ail game,vith laten aaltag cheap, ti th Ualtais lcomgeuel sud bsug o»softhe hltluot t5ort athe worMd tle T@mbcmiaguo distict la a very few y.mr vii usa huadredl ei tcioe population, vii> papulous tovua ati> .Ml thc &"daea u% Moita af Our aider Ontario lavas. To lie wui mgllng faimor, tle weslhy gpeoulatsrumithéi. Iborer, il offéra grest Tais Waax'a Haw oLmAT'.-The pro- cramme for 111. yack'. togulr liiholidy vu au extea" u s ud ILladamylte. lad cv.ry oppoualtv et regaling heae. Théra vu a a tmîel babali match. on lb. -Igillmi groue alultasea Lindsay mad Lford for m Pisai 00.., At Sturgcon Peint tiiere vu sabma day. 'the.coltagera hovisg coua lIaI ètdey toi Ileir civl o llday. Tic pieglmmmouludel bcat race. oe races% valllng grssir pale mal aller acquatlo sports loae iar a ield aite, Thoumata attraction oethe day vwu the alsmboal mmcc la ahtch ail tie impartaltatamernplytai ciM lIheuwatm ersve.bu"teta rées. Tlurédoy vu aito the day7aiflihe8stP?&%W£ eh"mc au the. piccuelmga vue eu tf oirpblies- tion 115. vea aNU trepart vil le glr.i!no Lida onvaroPl àmuHÂv tuOaPetebrugh. alternes. a mv amp ersthmue.sm pamsa e u abto.m PintMlad olt.fe lImlelwu M ysverh1 i vs icouma b, heavi relu and hall. ,A lrthema li Àollmcnh ea"mhm a$ s aveviulu aw os thiegtkllf d.mome att la te-adu à"am a "hulib ai dmusaei I <le p~h t le Immpnu G. ettIebuu Mbb%. mimds nIW, fan vu - Jou Isi, -à .1 finti bp#ss m nts.-or catle, seli g wu~vl A-ici centraier , 1 ea wrecked Ioueor amu anodesty, Wb" h ads ,arIier symptam ux ma s i nfelgfc sops ealmtg rin; hlappueey me&boditedv the ner e4ttreiumdag Ito iad frindc andaia. ityW medicieml ferte ,n t1o-hves Mm& YOtMe fFavori a= e waeai gt. Sh ba nilgf Dr. Pierce's <uit houa Meic iise *r" sent pa receipt be3n c-Crb e tm handsoe ndalothe un op ADr.sa, r. i. . tiece, caO& delicate ~pwer it for. Ibis pur-. au- -pg M. us-u don sa tai bout Ibon s h pay the omIj'. Or, s Xeth.mliuadoldmf t aI botham'a dru e aSn-?hif M'Y mats, "Il aqua hiu~wlieu~ thlug te kl îles e u a-0td The imaubeo vas plm o .1k IasEuil.a.pi route on Momda. te Itolas bai put a lato dryldokaet BobosygoS iheres ai . vM M bé. isgutiecd wmai ueal. Wl>..taise c repair uscoUpltOlSh.veWIU éme o f the iqtut boëte on thin"llast mu The. m"ndlaht sxonim Blythe lautes Friday utabià vue TMiylugély atded. The Grqyhound carrid Itva boat 1 jlà trau M Lb Pma whll iii.heradlla tck la1rgenimbertel tram Iava. àAMenmcosuiful gtls p t vcah.bld on the «asada. ] RadeAdmne-llatIt i p TI. Wilson. 1ftRamILo, y of tht. 11 place, .la ta neal 0.3 m inos Id. master on the late ioE hW a divson aud tiatM, .auy la to le to Ld. RoaaaaaaScieThrostI, Ebtoa Wla et:.-2.65.l Twealy ceatalatethéeprice. a pouaait th pus gessuiné e e Pagm etaIluthamat dru $oeô.-10.tt.i Égal vIat eut G oler hit comblmtm Outarto. Qat. a mer "tal. i tWhabole la twnevaO The Lla.hy ourlien olim ou eil gol mouaâtel aultably I BEfle01thle Canet if le aI Ba lm art lu tii. .ecoul stagefortilQ a Prima. The. ateamboa lau a a ute wee faspctig us e-puasaau bita. On Tuesdav lthéalvatm armsy olebistal tbzoughot tih e old1h. tlty.a.onil "ar ofit îleaaiven. I ar galaatt>ae hava ttalaed- ta sudlrismendoue povetluac cut a lime. AMOODTior.-AflT curneviellai te riait rlvearalde .elsry lutti he *asais, W. Workmau vil b. igepatel todrie Ihsas out maul book for 25ets Aiea Privat. <Irvtsg by 1h. heur. Telephamo N..72.0vo t Di. stia îoff% icenldaay atsl-90tt.t To ilutroy wveia adl expel ti.a* cildrea cor adulte us.Dr L.v'a Worm Syrupl -25. The audeai Party 1hll on the gauado appoallate thecauveut by the ladiésiof t . XMry'a sodalttly, aonfuaay ev.lg wvinl ever? way aaMaucai.. On ?ridai lait Et. Tho&. Bld rée[sMs word ofate la uistlume.et i, macle, lin JO" hla in 1 h. laimaltor isseea ne1 wmu oveeomo by -thé ecentre@atmail 1i lutI husisaI vu lyla la a cd"tl Omo"tla Er. Inle la0- thle .1detaMd MMt iepéeotel eata e01h.NItolmhtp Mr. Y. A. Fax, taller of 1h. Staadu m Erkalaeiltiai r.lm ta, uthie localityé 169-189-fl. umaphl leaodu. N.. 42 i-et the. loyal tr insséea, liaffi y ldomo e auss d poimty u" eeatu Thubuuty. lugeaI121hl, ai. uei , lite Th irm slhg vil b.e mlvtir b lim endm u" dThesiésimleat lassia aMd talutaI salau fom aisttace addiiaiuessi t th. csalage l lta tmuhaPeOT& 1e, 11 aI lbras ail staa*ies»àta aI dv - Ont 4000 boxuwereMatI alI lai NI.set Eu h" 0" ,v effl aaiWI si NualMi 0..1.ulWsplce bienla MM"ta.Nà wI lm béis NWel A*s hissala t» Mm" aTh adaitqsialle be bommisa lersah effc ése hsut9Ie t * Juty, but hveetl es.dehM lagar Starll m oday tii.imai eof uuu oM «BA- .iedu¶ phaa Euw $ ta"le.viiàha" mm ý iedi.Wp W ii hoekel asolagly. fiermaMe14'100 éatisame .nlUs t Plemut Paht poueai t le bveL MM Siter a Ie gre= d teelis "-ar .KOA plala lal ga m a ia fu msss W ~Ahw&éeboë 5 f t lp ttrmn 0@Mi mot âur oe grmd. Tel. pqbk vbes, po"t abos, aevmr, gain M",e.,9»701 tr tievéra a"i igain rail. Vers endeauuah gouh- aler 8» under. gsouipL Feeq[ma tuèe.viiib. founu am. mabe. ont. Mder tle s"o la u I ~a l...,bta tc, ia. Bi 4"s apiaI MresofLonarei'W ~ eMt - HZ Park, The Grecs et. Joh ' ar Battauu pst, rso ls ark, Ragmlt'. park, bieMle mm ai quaree,01 and amI eatlat Opotiod-to tbo of thogremt City. WUi mpremaelthis viellai, -hawveru, vua Mtit 11. lty uuilevgromad railvapa G M hOte" pal.tha rsly Unique Loundon Ighés -cn te h. Westtnmter Abbey, sud *9 Petbmret bufldg., St. Paul'. atierath e Lonlou Policeasd tic London ominbues.North victorI ba rndir naturel parkaIbm an mb.tounal a my allai quartai aoflthe wtth. TMi. ordlaar mind cm comprihoal aitly r&Uilvys uudergreuu&d. Tii la es rigesanud other otdinary voila if immn alar eoouatere laugrestar iagnttudi by tie Canadien. et Niagma 'mlb, manteior Si. But lie varli- Smbined autae.faiEngland cannaIo- aues a Wâtmttr Âlibey ar a St. P u'i Catiiedral.leviry merican boy grava ip witi the praul feeling lIaI one day io may h -prisdt fthiticUnited Shalos But lb.' aipiration uap hi e »fiah. or sadil. Truc lb mai leeuiualiung a"a. But co ont gaig onlthe tombe ald.Me- nmmeasetel by -a grâtfol unationi sud people to ia.hemeimories of lber sud thou harsi& vieller ln var, poitt, llterature, imtuay, religion, ' science, art ai pili>. hropy, l. ifluece uccanaIbut b. fi- cesîvemalexcite the lotst anenbles% senlimnsa thle isu. Tii. menu. mente, 1e, hoiseand lier. ail oer tie et7 te snob ai Neolmn, Welllngtau, King WVillam, Palmeraton and scates mots a! Britain'a -boat mail bravent beracesemsu enuobling effect. But the manor in vhlci tie average .ândaai polliemenmanages aa wl, the.- euae vii v wiciaani rapt lai lh. atriclost order ald dlacpllne tmlaa a marvol. Paria, Borltn, Vienne, aIl lis great citles of Europe are sltudlig lie Làonlon police- amm mui ame trylng le, getl its receipt for usatly koeplng the crovl li peifeot ardur. Thun far the. rocelItlea a scret tram lieu. The publicvil regret ta learn liaI LaySmithilie a&Ce vifs ot Canalas ertby Higi Commlsaloner lu Englmu& la ot tsllin god halli. SirDonald C himelt-he hai= et ltakon hi& litlc af Loerd thougihiev iselect lie ame lu a Y4 e.v laya-ta kept. op by vorklng day ald n Digut. If ho lil edDt lie canstitutien cf a glant lie voul break levi a der lie af geat amenait etvark ho pirtarme. Huai. a dros ef -Canismu oeilet tle offioces um d FI are velcomel. But mach ancVante s-ma 11111e favordmlo tlientsud vbiull urt put tagchher the maunain of vork h: loums up-bedses lie bu hie officiai dtles te pedrir.amealse tic socli a ns. Ho* 8fr Donald Smith sud ths efficient secrétary, Mr. Calmer, gel tircugi thei vaîl ta anotier et Landou'. mymberle.  aummatry et lesdlng Incident@ vil. ho nairmtel; lie detala, miiner avents muid socia gaticrlnge vil l e noat ater. Xvsiy dey brought from six te slxty In- tationis. I the cases et Dr. Ryeisan et Torante muid tIls aiter, a double lot ai inVitations came in, fer tiiy prafitel by thces toe i uillmyc:)on" ansd aIse 10 lices et lb. Bridai Empire Insignae af ahici both lonig havi beeu active vorkers .rv Theu allier Invitmtions come treim poiU. st cal sud peraonal associations. Au example si ef one day's doinga vilii ilustrste hev the a lime .1<11 be apent. Tueaday lutI a -tl amali Enghimi party. Iludli Col. o DeaIsof aiTarante, Dr. Ryoraen oai-1g Torontoanmud Cal Sam. Hughes, on lie ii invitation oethle Dûs etofDevonsire, teck a apecfisitrain tram LIondan'letot Tapliy, about 20 Milet vest; Ibsuce a 'i drive et asiev miles ta Mallnhesd ocatie ii Tismes; lieuea mailiaieode im unches '0 dean lb.Turne. tovards Widar, Putal tic f amouis old oburci et 'Bray, but lie b vioSt ülf ai an nolanger in charge; tlimas a book tu Malidenheal for lunch; tienoe op lié Thames tao ilv.den wIUa 1L a historie 0 voode, aventies, sud !awnt, nov the Pro- a perty -6f YLM. Aulor. Thero MIr. Aaaer & Iwncim t he ti.jubil e etrtdis vu lie lamomproceflalion tic SImd Juas.ý hsogIlI lIe bme of lie mpauh wer oBus Dr. Rycron.,mal ct. Bu. itugIe., N.P., vme -glymu plam an*0 aMd von fàrielelvu Lhotu&s Pnotgcgem affalahmdouIle. mepsbdii" sedéwtu the CaMmalm ws ustitie, wIt itamedleetoetu 4s sm t te mrtun oSes. la, te mdath* dtu o .mtS n.. Jof s.ulldtbSvi"Mc lis &Cos RAY ops. OLD STAND. g diasouts On every Mma.ofi ood.- EvOry department loaded with bariains. Ve age de4ormiued to a.mke this the Greatet Clearing Salp ever held in ndaay. Our BuSfoirthe, past two weeks have been verY large; and na wmWe.rat, th. low prias. we have been uo"ig fr or oo0 BTI I AE 1 »o TINIJE IJITIL M& lDAY OF AIJOiJT nmiu diseounts on every lne ci goodu. Dry Geoda, Millinery, Me'a ad Boys' Clothing, Rate and Cap. eurpet,.Uouse Furniahing;, Boots and shoos, et&. Re B., ALLAN &-C8. The Great Corner Store, Ray a& co's Oh! Stand, AT VISAS 7'NEELL 'S uats sold as 1ev as 5c. Hat and Dress Trimmings sold below cost go as to be able to make riom for Fail goodE4 Câit before it is too late. JWDress "ud Iantie making done liera. MISS MITCHELL PIANOS ýAN.D. ORGANS. Pianos and Organs, manufactured by the Dominion 0Organ and Piano Oompany, Bowmauville, are stili having a Wide >sale. A few weeks ago tvo rry important sales woee made, which are Worth reoording, although the.instru- nenta were plaoed 3000 miles spart. Tbey li eai bspecial honor -of placing one dtheir Cabinet Grand Pinos in' the Crystal Palace at London, Eng., and moither beautiful Cabinet Grand in.Italian vaînut a sold by their agent, Mr. lJeming of Maikham, to Mr. George Parker, ex-Bee"e of Pickering township. li alone ies uffiint, if. it were neoemsay, ta convince the musical public how âghly theme instruments are appreciated uat home and abroati, andi epeake volumes r the energy displayed in -the management of this company. W. W. :LOGAN. General Agent, LiadÀ'ay,. 170 Kent Stru&ý Wests vacant places, over and about ohurcoe,1 by liar. brothor-in-law, Mr. 'joseph stors an privaI. houds.In. short no.e Nevlson on.iose arm ahe entered the spot vonsloft Untsnmuted. Il vas asti-. building. Atter partaldrtg of a weddlng mated tlâa .Ight millions o! people awy breakfast. the happy couple drove to tho tie procso nata Yet no accident1 l tOa 1 catch the train to convey thora oocurred. Itoa a ugit u*ver to, b. for- Itothelir future. home lu Washiagtou allten ad Her Ilajeaty ud ai lwoered Terrltory currylng with them the vory »re rlgtly delghled, béat vishes of a coIrce of friends. Mgls Tbatgitaud Itv tw ollovlng aose Huly vas-ene of, Fonelorg Fallu mont the ettsaviebrM'lantly tlundtuae&ol. pplar younc Iadloe sand viR bc greatly The final ulght, June 22ad, ne cardiages umee and Mr. Camaron Î!, sa a former rare permIttel eout. Millians af people realdenit4* one cf whom the, village finale ralked tii. strgeetaum orderly lot-princes proud& and princesses rnbbed- aibows wîtb the OwilËG to the methodist ebtircli here iumblest and lovest ln the land, but al belug under repaira tiers vas no service Mv the agia.Sondar Idiot. The repairs.are under the The. Sptle revlev vhere eneveulesI contrai of Mr. Gcodwin of Lindsiy. Of tour rama of Brilish mon o ai wrode'M. D. Twromey returned on Mouday et mucher vil agitai b. dccribed, M- n Iomependinq a fev days la Torontio... ». the viait te Wlidar Cal e um. ..Mr. B. Lytle of Cambray op .ent Mon- ilion o thle Quecn, mand thisaubasqueul jday vihh mparent...Mies McIntosh preseation e of is'to tlIetakiug jof Mindeni &pent a fow dupa this veek isit lu lb. jubl .TWmIe a ia ith her triend Miss Nie....M. H. 1e ot aivr t lIo, li ia me of etSenerville returned laut Satuday andl dark blue centre. Il tafl .froua a tva math. rlit ta bis parents lai Sedoncoetfailmodale oxcepî thosegivon Eaglaad. ~~~ar~~~~ *0tnuaa eido uIs1 ai f WEAT people are, sayiag:-Th&t our batisu lla tule ie vain ney omo" all-e.vsare as "holy terrr.-... ..Thab where modua .May b. vain.&ailthe 6"WAazW' "repartrlas voe not ab Mgr. Md MM . Oimbela ' ua>prt lythe -lamit hlsy nght.... Tht to Muet the. Prim, sud losu orWasm ICieron laslas. tomptilu aevr. au v.li as wm0 mao i ilIMUMU il.ta ý... .Timt cen"luparties aie 4 lavest lu fr,)m time ta lgu e iodbe. Mm- & muiie--matfor lthe dog... Ta ime tht.cais M ltr mumier tIbres. iratude le "ai"I tha prodeut day.. - - . . .hattbl dvoteces et Isaac Wallon 75N5Z07 FLLD. Tuamembers ai theC (anadien Order ai ""'n~ '~~'I'Odutlan Iodgo bohre attonded divine Tu a rdes t"pul i e hh l m on: oiahtp t luLidsay latSundmy, aud tie the. grols eot ID. J. Grils. ait Blytho Greyhouaid convoyed tic membera of the on Frlday luit via vegy larl attoudel. 1Lodge up,. returnlng lu the ailernoan. Ths steamer Grsyhboq" " a tvatelp: Tan mlIi at tbe canal muet lbé uearua fram Foelen Fai -thedli. r&abl an compction .for on Ttaesday lie vile trami Llmday, -Md the- boéita vsro veil .ouuided fer th i ft tinie aInce re.buld- filled on cash outon. Th~evaulaa v. lug, end tithfamailier sound vas velcomo, perfect SM,' vwy mch, .mjo7edinsd . t i5YOl eosipla muti>bave laegua tlsfaehry tel ta the. ladi e 1t *e b " bapi drc »ud ICTORIA ROiD. vWhouse lemae Ieafal thple .8&b.Puao& q tmiTgo Vare. Oui aun»Maidal nastit-dc of l*e Coxmge 1.1thefront bttr thn evar la 110 P immu iai md B>te 011eal orinilof île perplê a&bout INorth ch1110ia e on TfflI.y ici, 2Oth Ykt cml.g exhibition-for 1897. The sand p do »M UIE eao viotoxr:a viii be lhe»a vlan the Tii ex.ao.siataço 11010bmpmgla. The uairOuntl. coes am Blrgma pbim tpetor ov eha me.met a ebing anrangel for. in mam deSoS lill meeting aI A. mu M00 blu a UOI ~ taiotel KlrkfL@ld. dame lime ugO on. Ou iil M. im epohe au lest exhdtlljet el11ilabViotoda amI Nes Z I~7ad 0 1.1 yajs.smpdsg v ele utia. hes"p- evait- militaI tut lIer ~ Mme t atisas mide ttu .faoneuWbma la time cd t eMM*atMn erexpert iudC trà= iomw oh»*h vécu-ox -.t sota"festuies sit» gyt - ~Dem'tfotgel eiilmber lUth mal = = b-w mi ts. .$ eseWMmt et TIcOil Imm& Xmk writs 'Wft mr*m ","W am pffloid,4 mmd% 00&4 livmbN-q'4& - - -i litmaea t' -. 30 dales and specials.. at I5C are al ice.. ices. jubilee t AL.O Ibo gente Re nahm .i rtas .-ý R. im aniq, l 9M41 mi1