'Ulagi 14h11ve. Ir S I. ýb aise rueve Dhtru nfaon D»po n d Too Hearty Fa*lg. A per. remedy for DàzIncum, Nasmea Dr"vl Bad Tate inthe Mouth, CostcdToegu in athe SideI, TOP-PMD LVfl. 1' the Boya Pe lyeglbh. mail PiU.. $mmE Doii SïmN PrIe.o Susitution. -tbfandi of tii. dmsi eeyou get Carter's, sk for Carters, Insst and demand, Cartcr's Little Liver PuIs. FRIDAX, JULY 8lm89. The L'aiecaptain J»oyooII The foiloving tetter, whlok po gladlj putImah le a reply le an item taappui, d lu T;; Wl&of et0h1ma. ,la rega 01 he late Csp%. Bejooli. whloh vo pied tram Harper's Wmmity. Thaithe idae ref.rrid Iowvu enjeu ote gemory et ibe laie capS. Bojeoit vbu n rêo *0 coofeass, M rearet Ihai -brougi ioralgb 1itI vu publlmhed VIroeoui.Boa» Pi.. JUIF 2ord, 1897 8114-10 YeUr ime et Jely 101h, enMMi o adlug t "10 ad Poople, " tow mu akof imaginaon or vant et heviuige * te hi-a anr or ohsemler. Yom @pi"?li e ountithé lat «allant Oqain yIt. Im.tsad os ii mmry bing s bjot te l0.ridheute u«uay mailtasit 'odpeople,"bhombouhii b. bcld lu loaer ae maniiWho gallmýntviidab is duly té T Que, Ji@ eeutry M& Ihome for ibom ho aoed Mu agent. sud suffeai tic lWoIsof 0 erihng ribse Ibas %ehi a e dWmoanble ouris, tilt be> imehrnse m Moeulnoy Madme ven lb.h@ymm-Who W la à sens$ mads Martyrs et hlm and ïo braie vite, mol onuy admire hlm buti hto Make hirnM.P., Jaai.hobe lu"eouh to pa hu la â tie. I au mot virib làng airmmimm 1mev Ibm caplaifns hgu bdsair beoolS. -VIihout v, :wn ldtalls I vOXL4 mot eute jeta but for members et tthe ta la k adaWho May M T oupape. IMay jI bave kiovu tour genomranusetich ywhosse &oubtal bOMs vu in-My 0lievillage, et. Ormsaby, Nuorh. atbe vas a oaptaln la the. royal nAvy rp"oddI."On lthe paicrualu iel teser orgeneatlons Virselergymen 'ou. 1h. mlyseau lalu vhlob the vord la "OM lu Englamd, ILe., eOflbn obueeh 01 li Engîn. . on the matermal ide b. vu *aoeudod tram lb. Beevors, bie moibsu b. he 5.daughter eoms@barout, ulte of amothor sud uet of th eusai ome 0. h.oplain luvoalmd scierail teusan ounds sterling lalu ad ipropeeij la aso wu meont mércly an aget aMY moto than ýhe Wua n o"sdi"pel Baed ho bou maed té d.atb or as by oS et ofRoty 0OKooro or MOelly magere e. vouud have beeasuu i o ieiW of Qiadatoea endubei mi geint ment, sot ely. of Irelandibut et tic vhele Br[ti.h ýEane, ai via the bu. Glordon- ai Khartoum. OupI. Borootie omrespondenom vU la dionsai the time shows itoébantliuanaaof the uMme vho rooomly by letter inei tic héMuMi la Londen te mrob il sol vorus the envol of à friondly maien. Gordon ho.lttIo M? them ussun; Boycott hbe eedau Wel a timtotaelmost beggue .. i bimlo.w Io. whml mieRt havs bo;aa lgen My fiogic M. Wlntar, wvetlu-von kaovu te peu, v as Mn. a mm .a hahibone etftthe*Uptlu'i fatbos, am quit. consures ila vhat I baye mati.Thes snloeed aong shomws bo hier papirs bave «ien a Mer orre Mt vhsv. Trut"g te jour eyl imoèmapluIt et 1ai.plmy le inser MaI eYou r h51, bCapkdln Boyoott. vbo ilel lb.heb day aM hlme résdence ai Pixto%. mm Blna, vwu bmhagnt tfer Mir Um Mdaie and other IgWsh-lm" lWbovielwe Qu in.amons duielg thé. lanivieofethé è1d suightsm.Xi vwu airlg hlmrVU&. duce si Loagh Niai, Oouty Maya0, bitheat lI Sea boyotlm"odk ibehn, la Ibmésour hise bho i Md to serve noticoan omre et the tetrpq. Laorefusal le von fo« hlm, Iraka *0cli motl mepply bis vanli, Ma my ,c, Ubng &purt rom soalivesuc vas dont by . esalIve. le drfiée hlm Onit Ibm Country. aHimu mel a hiedb os iihvm ra to sa hs, aMdi biviteam -ho hai le 'dothelr tarmlag thi«Masls !Thmnb boveyer, the tllater mmmosje 14 ressue, mamdiia the vb of *6li-vou be tfluai. Captéa.Boyoitouillai lb Pijlu dis zitei agalnut hlm, sMd W5 %m5e populan oves vilb his oe teuse m q1rok Re àive awldevbul no "a dmeubhmymwiot. ee » Mr b-I aanlaon ti Pou'm net e Vt VIII Ikauboira W À Q . -1 4 7 i t b e um m i M rt I t M I v I 0 » '19 bm beùu-.buî lbelbni 1btIbt butâioubSt Wwbk 30M berce Oum ~M~agac.; ,ummer ~-, m.w~. dom.aslsdhg atemu, mai vii. uplia olsegue. ta Ix lb ibmbm- 5ée oaUj menb~o. l 1ie hmie-peibu mum i=Xmý i Wi uimuilywtae lk ik1 uuhe is wmàigte umhis iumd P". -' vhui 'ytain Mpetow~th, WMit boueuse LUpok- e -yrvi! mealilghai lai kslas kmoaetuhoe.talt.u% * cly àbout lMusor veniy s m. b by atmve lauste tb. un smd aboisplus ilhpretty ulaIm *0 ta il vfl grov luI. 'hm of ac f e o sai erem mmiv exhaueWa la ver, ipelilth lbe omis mi moed 4 tb. Ontarlo gover. le format wealth le@reervo L. Théommuoapome la imahber-eidmutset ,0 govemm #0 le mueb malle. athé lbbadseoftetber mom faorhem presevaloUmi Dur foraiwt vLt-Pisbor paine's Coewy Compu nd iCures Ne. rasttêmua. o» etdieqas10 ami a Timheeof "prlame Usa evouS amek émeesewm lloffl bs ýti l ami u uaOia @miaiy t nnUmm Î.Dlntmes oowaa ttc iikiamuu dmavu fv m Tction exbauu lk ea w "O thtuuuwyawwet umay vl ledà Imami ma pulie niaila Iula 09vilblauU M "Intl. PalmOlMr sutlymmmc le iqeblUretImW. es m« ~ u marse s in edld bison u ue orve, a IRe.M ýutemng t bue et m & ueumft mnpomasra by mi om MOMB isu %Mi se. Km iNsu.*et emue l, vet aita o On iueb PlutO.n t» ui @daaelu- ament.. iaudm nekh ulmmmd l cur,"My 21"lm n v»atoutlis suplulltsu bnmmp"tl»ji o voi l pbesthtoma ir 1» m vL a -ol tw t lmvupue ON a Poa on. Tu"pfS vte- memnu, mu ailu m1~rrb ~tamymr on i Aasa vu i ls à-M o Ev li la RamexB Meg mluml ýW. -GeTà Ut' 14 01 McVii1 Remai tugb Me, bou Thmtek liaiMr y i ou Tieda &Wbi Metho voue, séild,.01 mvoqomM. Tub4 dolaiMd Md Md et youu Vals,, um nai semiOmite Taie a dlai? Ne.,»ml 11Y Ged'ablat, moVer lmI I houé, or teste., or omù$% Hmàul* Md fuMir Valu, swemd m"a, mi oo Dae o mm i dsave e fui -The Moa» A.ivoeate. Âtti ae seemii.tv mr P,.T. Bamuem vua ai ative.«ave mm$ M a oua mtMrldfm bolemavolvicm auMpaitffl ot a mUlotdollars par amnea. Tbudy-fIvs jau av o a via kding of rinlg ptmmaiurelt misud euly as vas a bar d rlier. Not bat lhc limame lntoulet.d. . emu*eydrink, m Oumermm.drui, a grécé dmiof akro g iquer eve" day. lee. tltIntenrvise« Iai ho b.d probibly madau a beverag moreE intoiloallng tiquer la bie Mtilme tht amy otar mm nov livingt la Behdgsport, aliboeab ferrithe put tveniy jurhoehb boeuma a m tulot lia. About tb. Tomu 1841, vhs. bis show buulea hal heome large, ami ho bal làum a ture, b.began Iit toob.mc the ourloas e of t aoobsUéink up the judgment of partouvhoumelIL1 H. »w busin s mnnooamitt reous miutakes wbma oly oaltghly mirlés H. noimi Ih00o0eglais.of tiquer et tan made Mon m»Y Y".ez, *07n tbeyet ou mtpsp tallue .bî saylog No. àAies. bol in 1h. brai. oea maie a prudent mmmà sumgu.. Md ia oomldent mm hal.a No brai. eau, le trmel vhin It la ndir The amuto Yauie ea, Ibis. amiho vuaità uelavare Ibal la the mhow Munu a ingh pistaitb ait brlng relu epon lbt itnerpmle. Hé boen te mimik bie propuliy, àam i tier soma lime stoppuil drlak1lrg altiogethmr. Bottcr B=rthl Oney. The usé of ioxluating tiquera briffa no boneât vhaiever te hlm that Mmait, but hoy mueh monej il uoeuiatly aift oferhi IthIb e rilsvmmsn1 .Iiaov lb. nei ho bu fer 5h... dollar mi etYU i the Countelt ilre théamouni apet juir l a slply app.ilmg. Bo y n veaud k klauomtortabie ukemmaiu but bu élii. MuMaY apeuntk 1 ]NÉ? battaisécdesdli tber buru lb.@mm i The umbonikeffl la lbé har"sil-- mate. The moment people taie h1 pRe etbmy liva. thie.uetfmoney, sMd afttervd Iem te vork fortbiueilvuu sud Bot the aaloonkeepr.-Axobblhop The mmn vie de. om day ha hi ean le veelb a millenet mon wbo dr.aa ot vbat they vould liii te do il they bai -tbé pover.-Tbe Trus RCmm Evey beome oughltolehav" a prohbi. #[on paper. The ebildein .ougbt te le1 edoaaied om thé eptneqato. Trut Rfra. .ah eltizen, on ibe average, oosumuai8 tomte vorth of lntexeu« ic quer aàjar., The Rame average for them ual. 01 IlOIs s"Woeunioenthaibt arc ulglty te drik vine (the drlnieru> and mmn et gmgtb te InutIeamong diuae(umieu isipir.) ai batiiedemo), Ibat jusl thélb VI" omdfr a reviudtsthé vlse). Thas Goi's wold fer eU.-Taee Refoum. l la thé busimous of -the daitetan"d ont dmilyon thé aide oft iim o,s brlsty am iln mmmbeod. Thia 1à omo lolng asis bond la dep l the aeen.teepie'apodu 3.HEL Bb,i Boue klsenhelgsta abI»0 kPue- rouSIl. Dulthle yen 114 »V ami . ms101 avevmobsoemwssmta abuU8 magta tetasnt-1ou aet oufl uIuGusuIss moeu4 - Mb ASI Bamm m h -am im efEmmu1ibn.Bm. a M-hu om lb.,, L m a 4 w w psi aéi4mesQc. M» 7èm&I vu tounai wum i. hé Mhm vead uo Ibmm mi.sm d aPm et. ;i«Dr. 4>lm S mil vu 0bi, *MmI wu %;Î .mtbe ion.. Bises Ihm ustii.1 hai a de oua 1 amo.1tli wfflaMd 1lia iasei hla aeeimnmm bqa0" from M di. md ave »De. "ho ropcot mNm t a" lp hag lI Mr. Dowae,'a vit u^ mone bM »V pro@" àa emSommegu, samghl mbel am laaMT@. . mté8aaFoutg mmnIi. NadsulSotmosono PilimIPowdm wil not Diseolve hélb. 18oretiéabh asuas Kldmmy Dimé. tihb@ Prov e ia a Liquid Kldamp 8 viiidoue% md, Thoumaisa ", lam* u~Azot Iom iamKdsyOi, n i spIollofer Thé umoet of 1.su e Ofth &mmsuaIM Khdm ure te h. tact i à te mclair a idmmj ipeuia, iIl vuthe. aomu wida lu roal thibm c tillUd»y dmis Andi le la ou hsim.moulimturu Md mareile avé ba bs mi muedia" lie @u ygtm "ha 'cm au e bopei for. Pilla Mmd Pavurhi tias umoal «moa amiipelt m e wim pliet commis uneou hurdlj bs io dovhWb"iMe lqui remmiy bu dame. speplemim Immr. tmgt 1. EUmNorma. Coi, ofemioll Out.. ma'u; 11uim trmluspfa powdmeMd Porm Mmd au vus Undi la Valu in. ef-a"hm.0 Kldmey Crcmmp ermmed me tmi bmall."-BMdibygP. .61 ITbaeIframp esin The tiai. Mea mmd mmmi m Woumllm e te blakmumbu. tirougheun h. m*Mgt d tii Oum" Mdi pêiularl> Iog lum e a uer vhs, lis âme id ombisé nem =a =: M~i. oougit. 4mai vlthbifot bm mo on te hics heumiamoiuft sa i sïremé uma th@ sa.o Ptevlde maploimoisi fer theme m vlllg %0 viiiM mm or.tiome Io * Who -moit tii aimmirymuait ma.Thdafh tumà i onm eti kdudgrbo om Of thm tommpo. The w mdrug bib Ioh «Or asquliire. Il imnabut th@ m oispacst thm vllflugmote aocespi t dudescendhsdi ho lui it"travslllug voriMai hi a fou ni'. a ommen nmerj day a Nervay Pines mp ouai (mugaColla, Heirmommam SreThmisiAdm% rna, rosabhla pé"ofiumy Uvoy bars.Yen# dg.& ma iUp roea, m"a, a11 mdu oevoe. Âo.imj "o àa V", Ulm W- tUmm -tfulaics Pd rimon ila vauai fr thé lso h l foi écýimÏ 7m iM t ou c ok od B mmm at jou rir&.am r 4_os Fmgiii ouroks them m m b& m ehrg te mi ht l.j Ymr o - i W jour ~ ~ à ev e fjuaos.OIv ebal m .1 o e St.1Vber-ý. 't xrurod nybal,.V 'F i. d;r-t' c ft"r ail n'hrir.ears f;&u'e.;, g" z.i"'t2iàt rase. Il e>,- * M..CEAS. BUTT. Har1aw, Ozt. * THE HEAo MASTE.R * GEITLMM,-I bave feund great u atigfoctlon ln the use of Dr. Fovler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. sud COU- aider it invaluable in aliI cases off diarrhoea and. sommer complalnt. It ig a pleasure to me to recommend + it ts tht public. +R. B. MASTERTON, Principal, Higb Scbool, River Cbarlo, N.B.4 'i. *1* 4., 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. I FýA NOS [i- ORG-A NS. £Im 0 kumi. ~~ muluas~mam w. -m.....S n se »M su umamme mr um" o I uimc mi abm. bomuM- _-1Md 1 1 09" lée m ."." a - lt et 0 le l;QininteSm .. __ami.l d11-qmL=a ion OnoeUR. au, re- Um la lem S bloc. eUr.INeamlci mi.mtl6s. & pb o4 m. h Ro" ummmlvM- mq mw Mu AA* 30. mlmm.i ~ eu l mo- ri" bmu .W UmumTM aiu iis umu n.g a& 1 le pMM 4 .glua.w o elkoo a écs. Xs ILEmmâmu amaur.Lmmi.hiMsi PAUL p KaIL 1 1150h, a= hird huxiaj ce qrmonlà S. L Phish, L UM. ao m -mo 1. h L. l. frai M mMej oacMISma. O ae la NOYI D m u r U IUIANwl Xôm. Umimipla e2éM» ba.omhiQI en luDomn -m-vîwonEuh. Nu on.thue mo.d m iNgda m" 9.umuh L 0. milmi agee lahIMIL B04U, mmii ofr ma .-ILU E j ah mmi .Ta. u * il l.imowy aiUhufm1k.E cm Wmii hi gamiule Ira hM li, bridg etivai !a .la kvell i os. Mara ThammiWeylSagiW4tu IhlMro; n &W W mmUne. Umde. mu, a. a. t Lii o . 5 de, ofmi ai Ihri Iid jm mmm w1 eldoaou Mon-àb deresa" a bima ascave 0.00... Mm ce. o s.1!.Laa OMMM4«Mwoow lu. MWI-iu Mou& - So i Nia hal, ismai imudadi misai -4am m Dl tmaCdpaahOMMI&aS.W Ymab 8mi Ibb alWasmii et «mm* A Nem miiha==. i meri.ieraz. Bquor kfl .yM Olo se UufauaN*. U mW.vIL ami min m ubnjeU@M s4ol Dm bob.E I IL &.-&oa m.Em tm.mi ma" o imm iig aturre 1 amardm . A ModaS W.-'. . dam ,uClsL ewYmuhI Uuhw* i&t a. otmljmmaa, - lm Vmummesou o mMmi 11!bMli tu &O.L Mm&moV-e lnmdn. Omd £18 à,mium.hmy m ". zi O. L-i; Onprtio Ode antis ' Emi SkI moiav meoa.i un Emummu ou nicau Lm i oUmml rg»MetXd4cmerlt sUud Omb jsin mmobm **immii sid forüaSand nt. owm*i. MWUuourmamd; W. £mm.uviI Us.e, Uumam a the 6.3t5epm. UsaIi.OV rm omette lu Tr71amé,inluff p.m om let .u* momqii et @"m metIi>m onib m U. m à, léoomai Ui.M.M mA Qui Emsuuaca Lomaie1.nmil BINDER TI'INES. RE«D STAR& BL"vUE STARs PURE 1MANILLA, '.PRISON. MANILLA, RED CAP, STANDARDs, BLUE RIEBONt SISAL. Ail the.above brands in 1 tock. Pzicesi the veiry lowest. Hogg B.ros., OAKWOOD Loas te .,..eula uruceWork. 1bs lofloulug are mmphe ahlm am *M t "wl Nul Our o as bih a a Meci In wo..1."Pursg The Oo=ty lalalmay fur oa oiginl aMiM, CL The Csme il;Ïzoi 1Miâa. owl.h LndayPouil OSeai lrs botl va eosi Md vood. CamrigeOLÎIM4o nCub,4 i amalboitaMr. Jurnama and 1 Peaue Ohotal a b ar am ei. Aadrsvi Ohwobal3 OeY bot sir, si l. P =th' Cbrh *2 Gamloiayoi. WO Ward Dahool, 1 Gue ot aMr. oCUi Frmola Si. aheool,1. Buaktatar, osaI souih Woad ftsol, 11Hovarl bai air. amI Ho«uri oJun- .Boiu bot valu oya", ooaL o. Blgoiow, Qumey ot oiair,oi. D. , cInipre urasy.Hàrrsa lhm air, 0sai John "â GCO*J uray.Rar1a hot ir Oi. Umx. Roughton. hoi tt. voo. lia oes, loi i oi Ja.GaaBurrova. stevari a&04MUohat,4ooL. E. D. One, G9sphot air, sil., J.H.Sotberàn.Qu hovaba ar,0sa Jon auedy, aura"p bot air, sOaI Dr. Poole.,Gurney bht ai va Oluss John DabisA, boltvin oser. J. IL.Kavlmoomhot valet. ssii Dr.Wü% ht at er, cul. J. Molmma, hot valer,soaL. riue theribnoa cmblnaitn vod Dai Dunasa. Mai. e alnGuruft hoi ait, usai ciS.. WL a urmey bhoaisv1oi 00es. tUs uns air, vW"i I Thai Adanoa, Garmay boi air, vooi. lirs. musa, Gurnep boltaMr. vsed. Mm NacimIaurnmo a &r-.usai.. Jh. Ud hotoivauai, w 2EWssd. e ibtr od a ru. aOr~ybtvlt od Wiez. eau. Guruey.bat vae, wool. 1. abç . G «Ur yO ot air Wood.' »ra.dbuam Houas, Go noy.Harr!%l1, h,, Woad. Kn. Rfoor* Qumney hotaiCO Uam QG. bikxa, Gr,y hot water, crzl. Dr.àsApine, 00mev coenb taon C. - Tho&. NaWtaleSr., QGr*ey at air. coà]. Dr. Degraul. 0Ouasy hot wâer-, cool. 00o. ienorMa, Balon hot valer, coal. Rugb Workxman Qurney li a~,c"Iz Gap. P"@ile, urney hot uster, co&L. :W,114 s~oGumn*y c6mbinaLn, mal. D. à P. Bri&, Gurney boltai, comL. Wraet & Co., Routadhlo àattcoal. BeuiluaBros., Gum. hot air, cl. Ohm. BrIttoupoaé omblnatizu, ,c.i Bishati d'Krp. liornerbhot air, C'73). rJ. P. a ïer. louta bate a olu. v. m. Eobiom ,Baak's hoi air, cost. Tho, Bou.t volebr ombination. Sco. SaU, hot valez, oomblna.iona. W. v.,Lpgaa, Gurnsp hot voler, ecisL, 80a Bigots w, Guruoy hotair, smai. SAgg Bru * utap ie hiair. coal. W; N .if hut ot ait, ocal. I1. Br' tt.Gurney hot volei?, o' -ohm ruetlres sy hot vale, cool. 0. H....Rfopkinu% O(Uraey hot voler, cal. m tatie rIzkîeld, Guruaplhot umtan vwosi I. MoRbtiz mia" album. nhe iblolaed laum uaolloled iesiMacdalWh" hDr. Poole hlndli handèi me aà1mw days . n a ff »r.fi W .WOOD&, Da" aIm.-4 babve macb plaaimla iiaumg liai01k Suraap Oz ot iWater Sytini~k yenu utia ~ la r bmhuasluiaute lum 0 m 886vai pkt lrm ma ilIlta be.and gare onire saluas.> tito. Thue asus irai, ne m»mske amgu »sImasaM = he air memed pleasaniand agresable te buah, u lia noon. alaosug lup b ums d. 1k aUire viole. NotvitwUtndlng the sevurfty ai luail*Wtu ur houm nua oioiwt" MM »va d lgo ouflale tlu alifthek day wu oold. *hUle iha quaniipoff sait oonmsui vu a.I l@ilamn 1m vs lad brmeitla tormer vlteraioQue large oei mw.i&lm romi lube au"& u m a. vu .aIY BU=magoud vlh ordhz."rycare ,tàm=Z &it0te ah olu ee os bili àu4 i mp sgus ir 1muu oa ealy racornu»nd tua ystera of h«at lu M am »V0 durlug oui Cala im iâ alm ée lojsp at aI un ba4t dacribe m ai Bad Comlori." MIgi.mOs. W. POLE. M.D.., Lmdmap. Give W. G. WOODS the contract; of makig your life a comfort this winter. J OB WORK ol ilduoeiptn ýneatly and 'prornptly do»..af 5lljh* ward'el"office. ha the ierga»t ozaeto any paper inl the t MPIa.NDDISTRICT, Ward& 8"ano %Moorp u u&M by thé- DonmnionOrgan and Piano oe*mfly NBomanvYM% ,m Q havhga -wide al. A few weeks ago cwo very i isba wo males wbieli deï v" à» m réooding, lhough the instr. umts verplaoSdM300 ile.apari.Tbey, ad îLe pocLlhonor of placing one' of their Cabinet Grand P"ian theii.CaOMai PalmataLondon, Eng., anit mnoiber beautiful Cabinet Grand l inian vwalnut wus sold by their agent, Mr. Fleing of Murkham, tb Mr. (leorgo]Parker, «ex-easy of.Pickering township. Thi &isal u uuioimiif it. m ire m.ary, tW convbàce the musical publie how highly tIsas Mingtrumte 0a6. appreuliM ai home snd abroad, and upeaku volumeu for the energy diapimycol aa o M uni t ii.compmny. Gen*ru Agenti, Liràdsty, 1-70 RontStrLet West.