ise PysO lieu tha Of the SEASON liempa t 9c loci. laci le0 Ucnions 130, a8ci 33,30 Wools 45c' Sec# W6o,6- Tapestries a30, 28C, 33c, 450,i Brusses 68c 750, 900, 81.00. Floor iOilcloths 893C, 10350, 504. 7e0 Liftoleums 450, 550,96c,7=0 LAQE OURTAINS 85.V300,350.5set,750%81.0% UL85. 10. MEN', PB OYS' & YOUTijS'e-» SU iTS W. have §mo ohadrd suift in BW~ Mud Yomt sacrifice t Prilou maiiw komi ,5t 15. MN'IS Suits 83-P50, 04.os, , %.oo 6 ; woéb-double the priues shel Tweed .s a,*Sec, 300,510MO; km1M7 apeabi1pcb.. y.' '.7 - ~c. 't w. % June 2,IG~ 254300. ~. *50, P0~ e ma ver .MGÂ *cadumm e C, 30cs 35C. roc, 1mep 15r,.aoc; ail very special. Sr-* 75c, $1. oo. The newest handies and KstosUih a big job at SOC.. worth 75e and tSzoo. ~Ci*orSme, 35r, 98r., 30c, .40c, 45c; are six specials. ~~A5~~3ss*, 35c, 40C, 750. GimOuis 5Sc, 75c. EI* UP 23c., 250, 30r, 38C, C$ r4l>u Gooda--A grand.range commencing at 15c, ranging at noducod pruces to goc. Lae was &-, lrs oc, rwo 1, 8c. Fu>Wbite Spots- 13C. worths= lAma, Sulu, At MsijS, rtonnes, Sateens, are ail W*M( Li*màg,.c, rue. ~~~~and olred I>reusGoods, at halE price. Cap@, HaU4SU, tawo Peit aud llard, at clearng sale prices. Eoyarti elaour lamge eiallhN" entl will be sacrificed. -aama eneouy. We-cancaI mare every article ini CMM Mud b. couiuoed I this fl sale is imd.ed a Jubilai Il" -Plýb8r G oc y.oafqb un A>u- .oI.U1 , 1: FOR THE ~ TABLE...a.n___ K.uin ea Fit in sud ga oo r. the~ I Inumylathis docas umoc lu g uIn, t , sk ~ =magettherth *h. osa Ma 1 1'______ ..V oct la the mawrkt, b l a*I~ h êslaino !ra ouu.. Il is mtnoommy i musIAtoik ~ g .. WES th. mSioet o cud sIvïm sang_______ woean would 1" k. bahve bar "&d m fMd S ma em ,io#h - àI . *aveném . b b J ot qa -MdTe 8s aIbI t .b~ V pl e.b rat ifTm heIA" bfl a i. W4à mw 1 1uil. ~ a ~ t.- .~O. ~___ -ti7 nO Tryit EOONOM IGAL uphhI and 50 ots. perl. t o he moni~ WEST I *1 e. u )RK Itieoizr WE ÂSK vos soIghtLe, ar me dufi OROW 'Tu ,OU UBSI 0 onm vu=o Banu Iected Ou aru Door üRiding1 luilding rowis ag9 b. plesi Elau .At For :arni arni :ami ami MEOI Uabiy. il Sm "a'- e 4&