&. en horseback. Irima lad bcmpns tt riding al berlite. and It vas a 307 U sec bei sweep aiong on- a 1111e l1111 pomy. FearleuandSigmacfti, ýberek ame A..Uad aifrht in ber dmr* 57 as ebeld Berite olier aIde. John nmu tlem aet the gale, and gave 11cm the 44r"ofe the hous,"lhe said. werning Iluein lait ters vwas a Blaebeari'm charaber. ,They _went aIl ever the queerly bullt lîttie cottage, peered lnto D)r. Jehn's ieleton cioset aud hie studio, iwbere lia blg-berflei ovi val neddlng mmd lis -YellW cal ptirred on the table on an open bok upon ans- tcMv. They even peepedInto, e sBlue- ibeard'a chamfber,' agaimat wllcb lhe bail varned them nsd feund Ilta be the ioellSst Ijttis rooin. fltted-up In gold ansd white-a shrIne waltlmg for Ibm ildol. Tley ramblled' ever the li or- chard and peeled late peaches, Sitting on the 10W bouglis or Sm the long grams Tbey came back befoýeý sunset. Tbere 'vers tokens ot s change lu the sky. Cieuds bad gathered, and the sun vas Issttlng lurnlW. But the liglit trom the windows etfLive Oaks .aboesbrightly. SThe drawInÈ-roefl was gay wilb tisaI fiowers. Florence and a yoang girl cousin lad gathered them amnd 1lcie the vases and baskets. Fiorence i dess- ed In wvhite, stood at the parlôr deor te recelve thein., The day's mail lay on the table, and Belle and Bert amd -Dr. John and Miss, Gray vere. soou tsmring open- latters. Faxmnie lad hait a Gesen dalnty, pertamei envelopes ta break. Only finsaba. no ne resttSu th* mail. "MISS brazeale.',- ave nover Inovit YOU to gsi s lettex," Fanie Gray i'ai.ý I rima coloned. I have no correspondenta," aIhe an-. "I- vish I lad none," Bert sai. -"1ere's a tellow writlng that le la cern- Saug lere to& sec me,' te stay, hà dosant say how long -." " What sert et felÏow:t"Ilsi ILiMm GnuY, loeking Up with Inlereut. "Oh. le'. a lever .clap enoagl, a writer, a -nevapaper mnu, a. bru de' teMysv. I tound hlm capital uorn-. pany im Sew Orleansa once, mmd hb. 11141sd me la a mnatter lin'liel bis ai&I'" *HIVe y ud I urdot gMt leM er4nhg Ir, "Nov do I know If le la the kIad ef teUDlioneo would lîke te have domesti- 05104 Sm on's bine, -wheru tlere are verMen foks ? I lad lacheler oms .-nteu.n ven 1IÛlvlbed -lita, I1 m .Irite te hlmaboult te clauge."' "onothli fget l. inG. Let him corne. If lie troveu to lie dapgerous ve cari slip hlm over to John -atGon- beck," saRId Miss GraywitI decalonW. t'And, now, Bert, read. the papstto as b;for tea. I axa glad John la hUving -a fIs aMade, a lîttîs aesthetic wood-fii'e. lit las turned cool, aumd t 19 taiilng. Imn't t ? Bort untolded the newaupaper a.nd be- g au to- ead. Irma wis inot lnterested.' ghS e.vasabout te Slip eut- etfItsereoin, w bsn ber attention was sudd9nly, tsar- fufly arreuted. "*ywhat s - pueer tragdy! redBrt. Papa yeu know Solon Vaniuer-the nich, cranky oid cottoxi- Ierclant.? Well, ho bas lieeu killed by a woman le bad Jut rnarried.. Limen: F 'A BINGULAR TRAGieDY. "'Por soe tinte, oui wed.known. Itollow citizen, Mr. Selon Vanhorn, bas raen iuing frein bis place 01 husi- ness On Levee treet. Il vaas net Imev w bat lad become îet hlm.* Bis frisais Sceulectureil le vascarryung eUt soute l arge business eperalonaiin 1New Teck; b ut ou ccemea the tartlng ews et a s3trange Iragedy oet vhlel Mn. Van-. hr an asbeen the victlm. Fer home lime lbe'hau bain- engagel te a i'oung girl, île.daugîter et eue et bis Cotton -Partaessliving In.BBlak.Bayou. lu the pme r SSt. Siràoni.'Ne laits ete cemaumnmate bhe MarrIAU and I -111ud take Plae UI00tOly ."d Quietlyi when asthe bridegroern- lturnis te kin bis newly zmaie bride.- sIc Md- deui' stabbed lmirn nthé emccl, early severlng tle mrtery. The blood poured frme wîl oundai, - Mmir. Vanhorn lel! -erying that ho vas li.Med. The gir gave e0».lobk at lin mmd Lied trnath bous. Il vas Muppomma mIa «ned lhesesf S Inshebayc>u. A par.t ofber dris as foumi at tle vater's cige. There vas ne boat knowxate laVe Issu et banG Sm whlch she migit lave Maie ber ecaaos 44 'r. Michael Vaem. bovwver, brether of Selon, frOut vl" u at tho paîeardeset11e.Ia îlegir dnwnd bermeif. e h " a W to bers.It. W M tbe tea-bell' i. roue and remoyed ber- rligý- &na trlM t.W"t weedy te go br -appeé.fUIce' meke.* lgge 0019d w tO bae Sbre tueect ber yet. a of goins e otee.. lu loulbt britt rom sud qgeutloflfl U too mach tor ber. But mIe it be «stinay more. A spirit emnm selsed her. Il go and walktii I arn quiet" irew a bood ever ber hem.d and any wrw ahe vent Gow-staitS tiato the yard by a back way. ran dovu the stem',ab* becaMi "u th"t It vas ralnligi-a. soi%, il. she orey thougt: du1 cool M m& ed" ».On wau ne%ée flanmd the ,& lUU tlesoh the veil of MAse ber vagtt be mulberry- il extemded &'rOMM a part of i* .....t.ML itt- H4istandaéf.,m *î& îeariyueteiià- berri ;ie Wrîi a-&- s ewaiked fror n ensd te thcetaler ofet ia ulbeniy colonnade. Fer a time site oould Ibixil et aotling co- ,0 eren-tly. Imags of blood and violonce. ofe expiosure,, isgrace and ImprImon- * ment vIileidlrn axai fast trougb *e bab e'*n Aller a lime, the becarne M osmilom or pissent cenitîon&.ohé, be Iard the soumis ef tal and lagîter o oiag frùonàthel parler. Presemtuy the e sound Qf munle-ot slnglng, Florence Bllamyru vola-loy v-eil te mIsma toulIgt. Au v as met that Bert Fonte- noy Enuinln -itIhber?, la ber famay she could nées.the tva, me lanisome and assurei lu t11cm manmeru-m gent- ly proud--ad'they lai a right to lie. They lad mo dark uecret In theirlilvea. They wce net liulng under a taits nmre.lbey, vers veli SIttei toe es other. -Tbey bad a righlte love ani marr>y. -Ch11 0v gayly tliey vers ail talklng. Nebodi' thought ot ber, ne- * biody' cans. SI. ilil seen te lest ber n4me clsi avlle aie, but t vas doubléesas mitake. Or It vas Mad- die,vIe fleeiled lelp Smnlier French les- seon. Nô ;nobody wanteil ber. Nobodi' but the detecti-vea vIe were bounding lier eut. 510 sbarted as a a lufigure steai be- fore -elo theb.soml-darkneas. In ber slatsetf nervoas excîbement the suidea apparition alimost cvoked s scream et terrer. But, ab soon recogaizai Bent. "1fMr. Fronlenot, I dId net expect le have any eue foliov me lere," aIhe said "Forivome LOi tle intrusion. I was ati'aid you -vead mals i'uraslt Ill. It Sa chlb mmd mluty, sud 1 breuglt You a wnap, the firaI one I could fini." ".You.,are, bind," Arma anees SIc let lilut LaId the saaviareumi ber. "Thanka, and do mot lot me keeP you.eut bers."ý "'But *Il you mot cerne in ? I lal very pbosant Sm Insh parler. We ha i- a Ste ietffragrant cyprens voci thtcamkies merrily."1 I i' I ar .noueb cold, .sad I amnomt fit to se taller or. a Ilitemor to-nilgît." "Tlst mains'that ou do. net sant me bure, mmd I vu go avaiPrenat- y. Let me l aIe one tutu vida you. If evon w pex-st Ilu walklng unier tîcsdark, vet-dropplng eld tises." Res bolk1er band andi mu KS tIro uhiebis am. "T6 uidM you-wSe Mgta"i. Pm fimgeria axe 11kmamutle." "~But my lead la burulma," Ima mULd -le bldpualed the bei bscIcami rings oet '1er dark lair vereshuovlng beneatthle Sutri' rinisen border. Tluougl. an openlng lu lb.' bougls tle urukggfng nonligît car» nemd show- Gd Beit ber abinua s, ber scarlet, lims "Teou are, fl. ;you .mustlit. Mi' brother preacnilbe ton you." . "There Slauehng thie«matter v'lth me," uIc muid Srpatently ; "eau' 1aam a 11111e restiss. Italcs tîat moi mre- limes." Bert was Bient. Tiers vas soe.a tlalng île matter viIhlien, sud le teit surseofet I IWvasmental trouble, tee, net plysîcai. Ho bed Issu vatchimg ber clSeiy for iays. He lad notmi ber clangetul mooda. ber'gililh gay. ety taddenly quencbed as by nmsn launbing ilought, tle uladov of pea *that came mIeb ler eys, lier restlee.- nesB, ber eccasiemal startled look. Ani L t-nîght. uhat waa bIserneauung et bir fi ot suilden agitation la the parler I Ib camrevile le -'vareading et Solon Vanberi'.*tragle v eddlug. But abs touli bhave uethIng to do yul tle mruderous bride et Black Bayou. TIse 'Pas atoasmystery, about bIla girl1-tbis sttange child-quesn gir1, wvIe vas nett Ré looesd aI lIc paie, represusi L am lunion îlheeaalel bei.L "Il la no ecvii mystery." h. tleught. 1 would stakemy lits on erpurityl 1 Il lua amornutful secret, penlsp-. T viol mIe vould, conis ltu me lm' Ne longei te take the cold 1110. band lIatI&iy on lis atm. Ne longci te asi ber tt i m ble ber' trieai. Re lad ne Ibougîl lIaI l* vas Lalfng ln byve. -Ne expected, tonaury FIer- ence Beiiamy smrne e. It wouli gttfy bbs moller, vIe idolisi Mm, 8 and lisais listather's pride. Beuldes,n Flerence loyed hl, mmd .Ic vas con- $clet sta .bai mmy 11mai iene tedrtiMers bretherli' friendSblp. n SI, vas blgh-spinlîsi, les. NeibIurh she nor ber Larnli' vuli brook being trtàed vIII. bat lum nov lhe vas mOeslntetd lu lis 11111 sas t uàle-teacîer. i& -mst le lbe Yai lIaIattracîs i hl Sa'.tllt Plunx-lSe myttsryàami nielancoly,.. or .v*sSt be Vo1e6.? f - Nov' tlnillng vere ils Intonations 309t t mo e Ithae aaMi " %%ey are , lzulmg soinethng tIal soumis vma'y. uveet 1S 00 lnindihear.tc bhers." la omach pleamautte I 1 "Ilatbler aà6lmi thlb.mulbOnry di wal vitia yoe.a] ô"'Bal t lu darnp,- and I am a' dm1 r S1~1E3. id cMwli. o4 Mwe tAo #W set Fou rgi.'I. I baw s. oubt of1 lt" uQi and. itl:a beond otbTe< hSai ed on u]Petalra aSebs 1k m *the erolile of a n* mance." .Miii Gry gsmid. 4t-Wiab tg good-neSsmetblsg trait. woul4 tur up about ber, juat to break tbe mno» tony Of Liv*:O , &lmW* wl aul mtag nate bore. By the W&Y. Bert, you du~ not tel un the mne»oft70o i-n, vited gst' Nla-lanot exaetly ie*wliited, I teli yo. Hlm marne lu Harold Vane."e Harold Vaser' aIe rei>eaed. qulek. iy'. a flush limpIg into ber soft otaeekm "e;but be wwitt. under the nami of Cyril Thorrs. Do you klo'w Ihlm T .For avIfle aIe Wvas meRt-- r8w' tISi vida liber. -wbo te thi. Vane ? Wbere did you pick hlm, up. Bert r"' "Don't Fou remeniber, airt that you.mi journsllat vIe helped us ferret out the fraude ln the cotton-burnIme businesi on the 1'River Qusen '? Ne W« report- er then for The New Orleans - Pca yune, - but lie lu a natural detective, and he told me lie Mfen exerclued. bis talents ln tbat. direction. 1 liked hlrx firat-rate. He la a capital etory-tele. and he- proved bimaeif a sharp one Ln that cottefi buiness."' IlWe pald hlm, 1 reinember. But feel undor obligations te him ail the mine. Write to hlm te corne., I up- pose lie la respectable ?" elI 1 sould sa'y se," utruck In Mis Gray. IlHaroldVlane le a pet ln liter- ary circles. I ceuld endure hlm myseif. He la rude; he puts on airs of ln- differexice." IlTo wornen," sald. Bert .*" I think he lu _nýot nxuch of a lady's mani, good- looklng as lie la." Upatairs Irma%, looklnïg ber fate ln the face, was wonderlIng boy long it would lie betore the end camne, and ber glass bark sghivered on the rocks. "lOh ! te tbink 1 killed hlmn! But I did net mean to. 0f course, they will find me. It will ie. easy to trace me here. If they ladl only belleved I was drowned !" Then, afler a little paume IlThe young man on the bank dld net betray me.- Why. 1 wonder ? I took bis boat ; 1I woXild not let hlm, corne wtth me. They offered a rew-ard for In- formation about me. Wby did he flot upeak ? W" It 'througb puty ?" She recalled bis face ln that one, cUmpee she bad of St by the llghtning- baZWbat If she knew that et thîs xxent ty were discusslng the sains man dowü-sAtair; that lie vas soon to arrive at Live Oaks ;- that le was a born detective, anid that he was otten empleyed lni that fUe! It vas long past mldnight. before Ir- mals exelted braîn feund rest. But y'outh and nature asserted themselves, and she Élept at last. a eveet, dream- les aleep, whicb lasted untll the %un, etreamlngln at the wlndow, u'akstxed ber. A mocklngblrd wonsimnging lu the orange tree below. 8Is threw on a wrapper axid vent te the wlndow. A uingular cavalcade met ber eye. Madeap on ber bob-tallsd pony. a.nd bebind ber. clinglng te ber <b a frigbtened grlp, a sllow mite of a girl, who Iived In a cettage set far from Live Oaks, whern Mmdii. ba tahen under speclm patonage. A litle. netgro t. a ragged jac&et and brlrnles» bat rounted on a tail, bony nule, acted as outrIder, and thé dog Gitup sud two other cura of 10w degree brought uD the rear. The Madcap saw Irma and waved ber band 'lber. '.I'mn taking Pansy eut te ride for ber healtb. She's got tever-cake, and. *iaum Viney says nothlng will cure St but te ride a bard trotting-herse. Goodness knows, Flea Su bard enougli. [e'u a regular churr !I, Irmna laugbed before ebe knew It, a rlerry lîttle laugli. Then ase tarted gulltlY. How Gare uhe laugh ? And vet, wbat was the use of yleldlng te espair býefere the crash camie? Why et take ail the brlghtness lite ofTered,- ,nd then when the night ef misery fell bear it witb wbat courage aIe might 1 .This vas ber philosopby, taught by, er own buoyant Instincts. She act-ed 2Pon St. She thrust back ber gioomy Ipprehenslonu and IYved eniy, Sm the present. There was mucli te divert ber. Ber whool dutles were mot arduous, and fter these elbe mlngled wlth the bouge- eld as one efthern. lira.Fontenoy ould tolerate no uliglit te the daugh- ,r of ber liest triend. Afi yet> Mr&. routenoy watcbed ber sonm lncreaslug ntereSt li Iria, uth no lîttle anxlety. 3he« had met her beart on Bertm marry- ng a womnan ulth tamily position and Ioney. And able bad melected Florence 3ellarny. A new diversion vas at band. Ome r. Green., thes mm ter b a [kly mouStache &aad snga Sm tI hoir. Cousin Famnie lai<lui twueoMthe rama melectIens, amd- Florenc Bel- uwn bas Part, amndILIum Pppou and urt ani- But I amn au out of brèatb* mua ton Fou., t b o am l e. T« bam'tg îea.î 1 * lobhU grand I1las., uuVt . cma- a Th" biyave15M Il 11ecako uonc& a m i. foimi mote ie emh.bo e U140=. po utH.7« p l woiug Sm ot 701L. Abuse rasai. tu mIe ot Mvthiygbw A"ve oTe," d ollt."bt ar my nly nM.looa tuglatt ct- pltet la y*av ari'tepiua mLe.u" TOu bve lsviacene 0't e04M t votl teli e aldreae o = ime., ie B r ve I Bwsael e omte be ubA a ami oldhm." aMor 1rprm a &bodut ierntin 8h.ba aalsimeItoet x2ed fersi mytofmto beis ? Ys arent Inc1er, thogîtetteslm ilMbt yoa andutIer- mae Mlr ni' bave 1ua*edict sethat Iec hy eelllaeeman. ut If I e Dt ber uesuver.ser o As Ifahs B uid 50 ad a 0e- thr."I rnsn bougt im.I Bras1ebe be.I usbeat e ca.m umei»t.M Be0 ispie truln 5. osa mome"rn rf te in lm tbeugas abaved me 1 dr face lgIt - "Tu eublecanet ?berc ae Bt siba l mat ubi.Imt 1 d e1 aveext fo e endelg1rul e avbave t o tmy mut aon l. el e mn.'t fI Te m gît et tul 1c ryent ame mf er utaIe reslt uekl of vuet];l.*enm te . 81. bmo- tber t".bleam couamea aid le provSG-m Sie fo erot me tete veauim le. bl1 a e m enSmr SI. iglbsip bqe halame toIboer aelowut.as l sedainteri1=les md 511- M eut' mn the vIte lSk.'i bThe as vIoflte rvient eae. A fehu oft . boi cmeupoeI itm. bsnve r veu@bom lIaI wci to e eroo luoit m&md aknws he asbsl cutume lb ý eliiyioe.i ed po t h. onusas r'ed to Ma- dbertulap g h be sdoliew...'w« el roBsIe S a scre frunm ami uit z uo;ax tem Iau Vern Mt u l oe ItiUeuglt ao o r le vraa8 Ill-roesWMIns fori w»our e eissaO.." ther lae, rma oul fotlp look-. Ibo tInetvpiare fmmd uI-t bies 74t at . tva,4, otng on ber m clâbutAMadbuatvanlaiaree as a baaiI but t s Mmpeatis. "Oh, 1*1 nglaI'S achol drnc Itm,o lurang vile amiktfaeclyremeotme ingi ail au anedt oret1Tcboet fOh dIt tb oeimut, mut e ot, vIe bd w=ratstoppedaI leoor paeme a- isu uwh0 w .tàk mmdom% lace.n ber dlis e ndtIa tre-la lb ot fo porret or ohrCrtl mu vii pla rma t. Ltme clp look- Imper'.ouS W wolce ga ceand. Blh lutmatelt a thogh the mlîsee eteaa tios Bile ve fatned a ot 1crngon hr ne vasbuabus, elle ha beg UPlas aidatn off10 eas, b im "Oh.I tisat ar' ar esàts tuggemat turnm. "TIe andtter dy e slepbers loit e e peiIItur f11 m ghtf ma vuke. m- ars ev r'wrn "'b 1 tot eon. uet buleot Blet e r Ig to MI» Fontnoy es oii o**srs, ~oa h dIsisve lm lu ptelad fo lace. a «Let e Me t Wlbetin. amt sit Impelou yoce ae comand., utd theBile er tateed botler13e t Wueu ie was.an. Bllie. vilI Ils t. me. iwe e !a1l e ut tos itSM vaug drema AppSebi er t ibma. br. e -u .iMaUGlandtebuemte 00 li u s»IMlalmai«1et the Char- ~~~Mtw wu P~ai o t. em Pm a a lttlé MSite 0show lta" 1 remous- BO bell up.a gold braeflet et I Il ' amaotL"esd I cammot taâl e t, *%lBut Fou muet. It vasM"e -me You e. sth*.bearu orS yourw e i Tm wouk mot b uit me by u 4té ire"rItIr ne took ber roum itt ml, ma aienz" tbe br cM« fp n M. TÂci MM 5moeseobm.fststm X.- t aib .FuMunetm luf b . uaie for the »wMev endu vbo pl b MMato egalber around you.M Belle va cuiine him. Bo burrle4fw pzêmeel Irm's 1und t, te lbMp, s oue. Bbc tod tMsre enag g fflty andi unhapy. ESI.muet put aMd te tb. It wvas ueet . h. W4 hasxPresslbih' set te be loasi 1Vr Ibis ardent. bamome. gracef wMi an; butitvwasailmi teallowl14 &base du aC Ingratitude saamst the people uta iAhs lai, already deoelved, end agalcmt r Ihlu Younig -an, vho tbouglitbeS- E El OPL R »ocent and brus. Wouid lis net abrink sfrOm ber If le knew mIe ws« théI~"ÇiISe tdaughter of an Ignorant and unpriu- aL iidmaxi-if ie mhould iream 11. asevas tbe murdereas ef vhom ho b ai read and for vbom the polIce vuse L lntlng? If lie even kney dia vas lorp- an Imposto.recel'vlng bladmes beèaume o etbbcmanmd ldentlty e lui etelen. he wouid murely deup=s ber. The tbliSl of is kias upori ber band and the beauty ofet isgMi-la- icrIbed w1th tbe nameet Âlmee Bts- seal-v.ere mlxed and marred via ________________ pain; snd Yet vlen aIe Gescended t. the bail below ber celer bail deepened. >and bIe soft glow ln ber eys bai brightened se that jokn Fontenoy wu speechless with surprise as be lookei ut ber. Be tbouglit le bail neyer sem sudh strange, briglit lovelîmess. He stood at tle foot ot the otars, and tock ber band as she came down. ay- ln& as le drew t tbrough bis arrn - "Belle ment me for you. Sh. wanlu yeu to couse behlnd the scenes and hEip ber villi tbe stage maagement, _lu t hu ia andidDl t. Tou know what a tam& It la te manage amateurs. They ame nqyer ready.» Itîsla aflevel baski- te m1="Pti lt vas. lndeed. but mIe bol te Il latuitively. mnd preved a ready assst- ant.. lb requlred ail Betle's ceolnesa a&i Wy. Bb vas much vorried by the non- arrivaie ofttheblonde tenonr. vIe to sing. vit Irma, lhe duet trom "La Favoefta." At dulest imomenat ~ha oda s eMU v. us M50- Ratand Dri aen meexcuse-a more tbrost. . able te Mmk r9om for: PsU 4W welad knewm before, vs maight bave provided s: substituts," mU 0 )li V d à- Belle. "But, nov, vIe viii tale bis 'u m atsaigd Vise The Guet la beautitul. Il lu a eusaI pity te tbrev St eut."* -Some ome mer burn ni," »MiBrt Nsul.3I41 wM Uy te drum amb"iy we bave MaMnepa'ttyh &ImmgurInthe audience." As leoupoke a card vas handed t.'I hIm. ,ne glanced ab It. and then ut *'orn bas coern,"l ie ad. "The feflov os «anet endure-Harold V'ane." "H. lu, bers," as eanawered. and U pin t Iat care ne ao ber cIselas - deeper tha.u Uic roue caler et ber Paut- lue drews-.1Ihavs! "-Me viii write nmre nasty critîciftus about us, or le viii praise us Sm hie arcastlc way. I1vs ie l ad ,stayed off tin to-morrow." vma s uiglt, vel-bulttyoung mmm, vidha s tc. that wouid catch your oye sud arn nov pfflpad tturnaish eVM tua acrowd for Its bnigît. been ceeyclaeap aMt ue oheapeet. gvey and the celer that alnost always burn- ed ln thls dark cIsela.WsdIpetwr g d "*1 ar notnelx regulatIon coftume, (l5diast Ol u e u ,Ie »Ad. "I bai mot tîme te dres. The- bout gel bers only ten minutes ago." He woie an easy-fltting suit et dar*, brown. but bis quiet. well-bre.d man- mer ragde Il seem ail right. -Nelu 5 .d claa-out teatures. but blere wova mobtle, Iidden looklnSmhisees. ý M da iuananeS oneieamshort upper îp, TlpO uo 'sX& John and gtve Fou a eut bemîde hlm," naid Bert. "Neéviiitell1you ube la voen sthIe stage. 1 must go baeb. 1 arn one of tbsm. yoa M*s."mai he giamces ut bis irem. "Don't vtew M' witb a critlc's «.» -r arn lu tee mellifluesa mood te he cotitli" Vans sali."Tour mother te- &,si- me on Roma punch aus oon -as S*vas lntroducei to Dr. John. ma" hai the sat lii' Mm. The cuitat a mi e for e azen -ane afrern athe I O E -eMeh lu eutfi.il- MAk Mme lb U et n th tau tu IPIL HFAT- TH- AC-8 IMILE SIGNATURE 01qNTH WRAPPER Ov I~EMY BOYIE OP' ýCASTOR lA Guagïu i ptt Sp lose-mise botlles on!y. h 1 2"Mo lnd Wl bl. gon't aow sayone to.u « maythlug elleUeou pies or promise that fI a jaul as good sud " vil snswei ryMpur. Om. mmIwo that 7Mu gulO-&-8-T-O-B-I.À. me sl ý . Trimiings ld below cot sosuto be gogds. (JiI before it la-too, late. 10» heme MISS MITCHELL. LAINSM#ILL ,"hin for honse finiahing in my line au thiug guaranteed right or no psy. dom P. HYLI -2010-tf, I »mo fwho, on being asked if- ho Spuu -I am, judge, but I wonld b. mrn. Now, I want to be w in Ib ounly fQr good,.pures m m4 bI»uokPowder. LHIGINBOTHZAM,1 DrugiutLindsuy, cm REITURE TO ENT14 Go. SND8AY. n e i U .- makerd *oabsvII. i 'F i-,- j" f 4, t' 4 - I I - -s -i -44 ~'! dont trouz roke whîi ie oid and in bel roc' lmi elan Mau lobe W'wb vitai thtt i:s the the ]Rn ma cma tbe OI u Tes Lui Cou and me a h Con Ra 'eye~ a d thet MMOFMMW