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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Jul 1897, p. 7

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W. --O7KE ~g.OR. TALMAGE ýpftLMOM" U THIE HEALTM 0F THE BODYr. itrai D.presSolos A». XoutlMM e th ]Rard.Worked CasOilos tet t" or dlnnyLier-R. S476 Taie «M» e ut and Bn@fr.il W.1L Be.Dr. Tahn PO on ftua- a tnlke lrou9hi bls livits" aomn'sa aaoietul and, ïpiyuioe 0t!seles Z5W070Sago <e- at1à4at we asneani »800 posa mi Ze udeticteof li.sday. BeM th 100yeau fre oChrist, ;e;6j!te kw uboultue circulistion et tic blaoii, 'tUzh tian-ey discovenod 1l19 . years aftw griat, for vheu Bloen in luecesffi- stm deocrihiasg lie humain bod34 ffquis of the pilior at tise fountalu, sy danlly menus lie Ibrec canai klg fmm th le Iearîtiat recerte lieN=o1 ike pitciem .We be e peks ln c cWnlfstes of lieilver cord fUh ,jidenliy meaus tis pinaliarnew, abu _Which, ln aur day, IDÉ&.Mayoansd <ar oter and Daiton snd Flint sud Browni- Weauard have exparimented. And!Solo-' mon iec(rded ln lie Bible, thousansudof ymn betore scientiste discevenet! t, ltaI la lais lime tho spinal cord roat! lu *2l age produclng the Iremora ot "at Md hss, *"or thé smuter cent! hobomes." -b tIhe lext ho reveals the ftact tliat ho had slusdied tint langeaI gland etftle Iussu systein, tise lver, uat by. lise, elpetrie lgt at lie modem dlimctlug noe, but- by lie dim.ligisI ai a cons- "ertiveil' dan age, amut! othat! men ils4 important tuu.etions 1nuthe Gol-buiît censle of tie huînan body, lt-a selýeotg sot!secreing power, Il:s curious celle, ls dlongaled branciing tube, as divine 'tor- inanii: l-incentral and igit ant! bot lobs,. andthe -iepalîc arlery lissouel vhbch flow tie crimsoatildes. Oh, 1h18 vital argan la ile lie oye otf Gedlnh tht iilnover leepsi Solomon kmcvofut iansd bat!notiou! ot-ber lu vivisectlion or pool, martem 'tiait s-visaIaltacks sin and dissipation miade upou, Ilintil lethet fAlmmihtY Qed thd le body and seul. separate, sut! tise oeeil commeuds le lie grave and the aller lb sends laejudgmenl. A jave- lin ni retribution, net «Iaieîug off or ujainl a slglit - vouni, but piereiuig Il cifrn '4de lteride "tliian ant tr filis frugh iLq live." G'alen aud Hippe- ucs t.,carribe te -lie liver lie 'most ot jis wa'li~moral depressioand nuth ie WôMd naiv<laoly meaus black hle. 1 pratot yon thé gospel et ieaitl. In takikig a diàgnosis. of disease of lie pim yo u mu aise take a diagnosis of or aestheir body. As if te recag- nztthis aonc viols book oethle Nov. Testunvnrt vus unillexa by' a physicien. Likr'v wis-a medicai doctar, anu! ho dis- courses iirîi at the phyralcal cont!itions, aud he tells ofthtie gond Samantan'a, nieicatin of the voands by pourng lit ol and ivine, and recogulme limger as ahtndrance ta hoarlug hie gookel, » 'tinttheic5(M00 ero ted.RHoamie u- corda -tihe spanse diet et lhe prodige! nwaay- froua hhome. and the extinguliot! eyes'aglit ofthle beggar by the vaYside, and Wts xus knov o eli hciorrisaç ofe tise wnnds af lie dyixsg Chiansd the uirrit-ldus !pesl mortern resunelfatlon. Àny etirnastof'ethle spiritual condition .tat t dora fot conduis aise the pji«Lîa codition is incompletse. Whon tic doonkeeper et OengresMfIl dxii f rom exem.ive,-3oy becauso But- Prne hmd urnenderet at Saratoga, ant! ,PV. of Spaiu dropped deat! thle' neyaofthils couatry's -defeat ln batie, and Cardinal Woësey trsded a'wmy be- causa of lie remilt ot Henry VIIL'ma a- theina, il vas densterated ltaI lie body aud seul are Siamese tviras, Md wien yen tZrilIlieheue wâh Jor or sonrow.you Ihlth le chier ý'ema as 'tel recognW ethe tremendeus faut tist tliere -are. tva xughty tortreme inl teiusiu body, lhe hearl t!d te liver; tbe beart, lie tort-reofe tae s; ~the liver, the fortreas et tie furles. Yeu Imy have thec bout! fied wU! iiai lu- tellsc tiea, sud tis ecar vIth aslmus- exi apjrecation, sud tise meuih villa ail elo)quence, %udtho baud vitis ail indus- trilts andthie heanI vith al genorouities, and jetl'"a dart strie, hrèssithe Firsl, Jet Christians people avfflitise u tk'thittt hey are ai m'oug vith God beca use tbeysuaifer tramn depresslon et açills. Muany a cousec:rateti maplhm t oant! bis spiritual sky befogge! d bisJ hope ef beau-eusblotted out snd hiusaul plugedchin-deep i'lu e le si e t à&ls Moz 'ansd han said: "Mr hernt la net rug, it ltlad 1d Ihink 1 maI ;have rnude a mist-ake, aud hiateud o ebig a -chuldof rlght - I am S a I et. darzs. Neoune. eau réel ase giomy as«If1uiMM an be a lrtin And i h as. gotie le iis tuinister for consolation, and hé* bas eoflected Flaavel's 'books, sat! Oeclb' Na rks, and reand -d an sd read-, sat! pnuyed ai prayeti and prayot!. snd WPt u>d wept and wcvpl.andi groanel and gno.tnd andit!groaned. My.brother, potin truulîh' la not villathse beart., Il' la a gaotxi' !tdsdr or saifflon -efthl*s v- en. Irm eed a piYsieiasmse tau you do0eaelergynssis . Il la net isIbâ thse une ide sud lie Aüfqnss n ètfhe se " iiIaom te tihe latter, th n««ed&uy retreadloeeythep b YkUm a.A descrption et lb. maré et ieu amy la gïies u'tue oweraou «et The- Lon"ougur t~ *r vifmi ~ ugl-wi a beauttst laxu bn~ eo - OM dÏii of th b ta um , buedtarn et intIOiig sl am exctout-MO cet GDotA -Inus l 15ij titatU bâ oteam m %ne . otai, me uwit cma w - b madalct frhl s.B hI agtoth lema . W13 Riata , h ie t~ «oba ft>el-timea OU thie Austiian bise mydear bt«b, t a oîuglong se s-m m -1 ~ t yeungt uas ba us ieat 0 ilarme!. Bxel sohê ow- As It tuas vIà t hoiPot an MAs lewisartIut br a , ths e IQ&Mut.c ot Utti 1tomtaions, itu 01%."or ea sthe sae t tGod, uikt drive ttein ';r&Èona bacibk4 hoh là tovlng tbens to ne- g a he »e50telmtlous, sut! viaI hutaIImmertal de- it un, y yuug brother, do not maike hie ~ ~ 4hM em oew.'khmte 4Lreiigthe mistaire fiat hhoumaut!s are uaakag, piaiv of-tsAriverb ek telhoi opeulag lise battle againsl sina nolaie d)Umt Wee".for liiWvrid tee laIe, and! for lise nd .m2e = 0O m luhtly affe.eI- toecometoù10 laIe. What bringa that* fa f IheOLim u& o. é, 'ria agressl OxptOSs'traifrom S t,. Louis jute J er- DUMetluStrS, allu lte e bidtian Soy City lire. hours late? Tiey hst, p rka, ftGv lie on. ed aItiche IteeIrnues e n thlie route, asud 1100 boti thse e t tis te body sud laI affectes! hem aul tie way eut! tbeY pie eft he ie cml b. osa edminiualer hbatta ho avitched. o«f here su. swIîeied 1both et s, * md tmedicine la ueed- of tiee nsd detalued ions aud detainet! 09il m aie os a , t nd u!if plialtisane, andt!hle mani vie losesstino and. onuxusel la needed ho eau glve hat-Su strenglhIn utise early par, ofthse, ounney earthli' anda-sivine çroscrptlon et thse 0f lite will sufer for Il al l te val Rmre ne-mss! eau -c1> ual euly lhe tirougi-Ihe lrhtoty yeara af lite ?4*&em" or eastIsbut lie uzumc' dausagiug lie feliovnlfty years. O even!1 Ah, êtla thse isioet be- Borne yers 5<0 sscentlie leeturOr lter I vant at my beshide-enu tal eau vent tbiraugh the o 000157 exhibiting. o rot S!y ceet qes.thle niglit xmobler et greal esuvas digèent parla et the hulnan drops, but wtisýem aise Pma. That la body wheu hesltisy sud lie sme parts the inid et I 1trIbave 1515dla MZ isohn diseased. knd viat thse vort! lbeuse visii ii or. ademie came. i viahnov le soeeéloquent uceullat te doi neo vant ow etofour -.Wfli!Mte or go linough lthe country, smoivng le aur aptMudcll dotor. truand my leveti aies Young peple an blasing canvas tRie 51500 the balaises.f<Iflie areslmeiing. dru:L a's ver, theie diersliven, the A doctur wbK> bas «Se u :ru Iclertne'slilver, the gamble' lver. Per- mon)eiou % co m Ueguruoisehiemn kapo lie spectacle migist stop soeoY0oung lma traveraed. thse wver et cthe hus- nan betore ho cornes te the catastrophe n-memchaulu- n sd foeduo God sud tict st mrites through his iver. in any of tise -labynlth i.a asfool, aud My hearer., tha lainte liraI seim,'u canmot dester me, or baIn But, ohi, yen have beard ostise gosel cf iealth, tbie Chistimn dootionsiW"t as coin- and il may bhthe lent y ou wiil ever tort tlx>y have heen lu may et our lheur an tlat ubject, and I charge You, tseuekoial As! tiser cuMulte h ave a lu the naine ai Got! sud Ohri sud une- tarm place lu oui prayers < .as 'vell a un unesanadt eterual destiny, taie belter gease on Or tx>tnes. cane af yaur hoalti. When semae o I bies od liaI thie number eftOints- y00 di, If , our finonda pot on your tien pIy*Ii a do "tplylue in nu!meletombstie a Irulhatul eitapls, i illi et tie alud a etlte sedascal eges rend: "lierse lehévietim aI haleSuap- arebore t.au-, and! 1hall Jusa.d pore"; or ill iih, "Behlsoi! vatloib- erdain yen te the, tender, D5.ltituI, nIer saind t! Imidigit vil do for a iseaven-deaee ' wo C h ristia.n max";- or Il viilieb, 'Tencigare a dai phlgdam, sud 'thOiyS tcke ym>iw di- closet! my eaathly existence'; or il viii tilotas tramthe uelSl caile o tlook ble, "Trheughl I couit! do at 70 what 1 eitE tise periah" bod bail 'o ume a diiint 20, and Iara ere"; or tilaU 1e, te -Ket a dfploua *tra ie skie t look "flore is lie consequence. a! iîting a atter tie Imperxhable »oui. Lel ail liitday vithi olt eed"; or il vill ho, Christianu physielans unile wilb minis- unius la vicre I have stacket! my har- tors et thepouisi lu pert-ncs! Moo vent of wild >at,,"; or lnstead et vends xôpI<.OPCthiti la net beeauae <zO à& tiestouecutterviii chisel fer su epitapla O4jiflt thein tuaI leyoy tnetimies fted ou tie loushalne ttva ligures-amely, ulper.dbttbecasae oah hein diseanett a dart sut! a iver. boedy.: I suppose David, tise pealmisl, 'more is a klud et siekuess liaI ia wffl uomore1>1001 - viols he calod on benutitul vien il' cames tram averwani eVerytlaigln« h M asiiagitie, imiii'te for Gad, or Oamie OUutrY, onraue's.tam- and i nommumte,, cns otr he ie n*w*ake n1.1 . Ihave meen veunda Ilant vere ta, burricane, ta' pralso Qed Ihan vicia giorinus. I have seen an empty siee bc e*àd,'Oust et the depthsaofet luhave liaI vas more beautiful than theie ost I crilet unte Tb»c, O Lord;" or tho! muscular forearm. I naeesnen a Re Jeremiah vas more -pis.vien he unete siade ou'er lie eye, siet oun ubattiee, bila propheoy Ian 'tison ho wnote lis thal vas more beautitul than amY twa "Laenttios;"or Job, vhen ho aaid, eyes liaI baid passed wlthout injrary. 1 1*1 kuo- itaI my Redeemýerlilvetis," han. have accus sn aid misalenary wamn. n'ut "iscve!oen w'th tise putleOs of ith tie malaria of Africau jangles, elpCniSSb as e ot i me aa liaw olaaiod te me more radiant Iban a piee OCpettuy; -e stÂIèzSUII r- ftrgb *eW athngoIra aml den, the cou.oedaw».va ,abetter' mansof ciludren dovu vilh faralet fovy, villa vicu ho compiledth ie book thal bas n glory arount! ber pale and! van face helpedIcu!1000 -1,deuof tise Bible tissu tint surpassed lie sugeiac. It Ailde- vison -uuA. thse Poweet f pirysical lis- ponds an bow yau gel your sicknessud order ' »h.' asaut-cuffod nid mInuit- lu bat baIlle your vounds. wahasteo&fled-in BetuhumGreen Inslane -if wvo muslgel aloi sud voru out ,let Asylum. O «" a«a quxi.Christian Il ho iGod's service sud ln the effort ta IflUaIIs,-none u ougil. , le ow phyacal Makle tawrit! gond. Not anthie ser- dinsrder t l lou bisami. Ho onght Ivire aofgsi. No, ne! Quee o.thle Most 'bu livé 00 r ,mz o GWas b ho aIways «pa ili cenes tint 1 even viluess, sud inuh lia snhne.', Tes, ,taisnlla<eau!ut- 1I 'aien sec it, la tint of men on woiispa vice. But 1 varrant Ihat. yen,tho man 1 converteti lu lie iftieos ixties or sev- vh ise g tve s vice. bua s u nnu11,- enlies wantiug ta be usotul, but loey se Pr. Tliausk Qedor',a bealtisiol hepatie served lie vend sud Satan in tie eaniier condition. fer moeurtaàgy M aspu]ose Ih part at Ibeir lifete laIthoy have ne phY- yo~ ~ ~~ M vi ostueheisiss!li icai euergy loftIfan the service of God. jenreuliuisssd e k owperand Uko Aloi- Tbey sacrlflcet nerves, muscles, iungs, enter OrBO4 ma à»me 0,000 ther lu- heurt and iver on lie troea star. They vafids e, oa..Ws i arion tougialon lie vnong aide and! nov lte auma tAs-e~.y titan their avord là ail haeie ijd pnjaa tt'hem asmmunîllon ail goue, tbey enflis Myole tttspithme nytoe fr Epamannel. WIen tle high mettiMt enoiate tueeecriticisetfthose lu gSdt!cavalry lhorse, wvilci lat main spurred heaitb au~ mt Itm i~u heaitis. but Jute many a cavalry. change viti chamP- t> ahow (hA@Ia».lsu liUe ý%&ue aIra- lng bit and! flamiug oye sud ne'ck lotied bilions 'wbat lls usutOma, viii tiens. ivilla lundor, in von eut sud spavincii Doiat .b cierge-,agaist .lise heut the asut!riughoee!d a pringhasit, hù rides c of's i anothor partleu et pour1 or- up ta lie greal Caplain et our saivation gaanim. *1Do mol eomacude .hooue liste un the: vitebhanseanud offera lis aS'r- 2th - to beaveuil ta ilarbored 'titis asvices. Wien sucb pannons migit bave fie atoit--. or- tib asais heaxtituihy benthrougi lhe peau! habitesofa UI e- siiowed .=t' exqiuisilee 0lUym5iiheo mtmWl lne, crauhilu; their baIlle axe llarough es oiSetintthor o u me00 au sthie e imeted bmaquIlles tiey are npeuding vi'n~i'ed.1~rot il bting Yu0i hein daysansd nighla lu diseussiug the <'rai tRe tifiegae hether yeu vahi beat 't57 of curng indigestion, ansd vil5 lemni! otssatbIote or corne quleting theïr janging nenves, sud roua- op a o nIchas. b&Thousanula <of <hrie nli-t ghoulaggarippatile, andt tylng ta tiens, liorbit! aout tloir orineiiO, extract the dent froua hein outraged eut! nacbit out theïr bukxm snd liver. Botter converleil late lieu nover! morhd'about tle n an m orbht! Oh.,-ye, for tiey viii gel la hbeaven. aiýibit tRie future, noed le sermon Bu't-bey vil go atoout hon liey miglal SanYovçw 11gIxavce ed up lie .teev huiletoftthe Antier mm f Me "s esact aky ia Elijaa'mchariot. Tiereisesai od de fer thli e yuns tmleory inabaro&d jiyn bIet wvo uged lu siug iluthecoIIn- tisI tey uaIAit 5W tieli' ilt as itry Meeting bouse when I vas aby u sudaitrwad <hagti sflt. Let 1 remeinhboy lie ait!ftoka' vaiesf mne traihedelusioxi. wlht! sare tnemhlei i ttiemollan wvile tioy 0s111 geel5ly s.vinLutis &V«r._eau!tiey ftL 1 have lergolten ail but tva hunes, ma inero u lued in. 1beyno crs- Ibut hbose linos are the perorallon Of my occulg' liai oran'tisaI hers tinuno rooxusermon: frtie mplantation of a nlghteous Tw"nl ael fo husn ae co.You nsee gid men about ue aI Ta savi u rÇlgo ou n tmae O~ inOLThe Largest OVIUmq. 0«àý8 A he - . -- -a--11; 1 Et 5<, eauort!lary Jachinite. Tusese cke are ai oer rJ? u pruntooth»Is vory eu!ndl!net breakintil am f onue.isrs, he an bey ams mmlve.The » Mo @ omaie tle vieceos uenss j. -bpewm e 10<tta 5dé;7. Authie duy enu ~~ oil. - 0 GCla e lifroigu-amade pichat l y r85 per t r m " a t e v tiof i t tio e e u b a re f o r l mu t& Ma tl Ràibu'. te uenot m th&. 'tbat aas tt GaI ~~~~t vUft keib,-t. .W A smS.iç Vs z~a1.fWi4 8*wswbau INVES1I<GATIO1WêV4TC)'O M£ m-soIioel. u mospwt TEMê mt6O1 nS= Met t*e Rusian i suml. j h mom*11k a. t tb MRsumii. 1bot- i fm#atàs Geooua sietv coai Most , k- sus' aanendemnt, 15t- ~ ~ IiO <t.I 8 o * ealm ~ Mexploratius un- At twnt-ue. at*8 SdmT eto aiou. h. H#w dé~~~.*ieg"ausices by Rob«t- >1ie lalmi. ter. 11s iu euil ff actsaa *«mmr mçma *dim" -,Umvky âde lnu ne of ihe moSt At _ýet-ntesg ewot 01 ~ 8 e Kobiu10 c hee0t'e The eidéer'. Id a dout otei.- as et z d w ât ions of theea -sur- Te mald et fortys worth a potig, moMMto l h m lu 0.uuSe..'whch aloug the *h«uaau Mo ntains .rearioiretsal C ~~ ~ *p tbe,, orthSast face o et tteay~ i 1vOW D MX-hn.Over this -re- Bweet tUr,neu' iela twenty-one; CS O R l O. F~taOee- 1 Amistant t or 0fdisana dreariness, elevated frorn We kaow it when we!re t*eDy-flV1, RugbtrarcI k. OI., ason 14M *u&7,00tn bove ses eveti It passe»s;qulckly, the» la doue. lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fe 1 to tEgsr a ns c d ever kaino b opass, Rmac1sd rlami.o trvF or Infnu Md Chidrn. MqIaama, 6 ola 1w- au Datiosves et Kaslisris At twenty-ue. thys. e idorieaeOCm lafveUW a saiy mv__ ___ eAh' If noeigegod a glft would 's tet Us&W carie 4 @rfàý a ory Serd it d WhoilI wouid W«alb. :4tlanitasdeIffl atm Gonaen7 SudI nsA,.O& IMMad ert of content? ' basn i érlu4dVbua pocueldIf mas afsture Fast creeplug ae mZesone cousen tii taflstocW-fgB e uwe tacl tie 1 arge part -chinatu, . and vert Toe ty:=Y1. for the hneu19, wi4Bhddlv te liniar te thut wNeh amûes up théise'v if' Berlin sn ieîsasd te several th5- ouif" t tii put and mtddk ie fls- tssyOelfsfo ob potattou' v *tu ats stliirplVaIy nelsesthi. e waold sage.Lâ Go rng ewp .. &S tan tt . uîtû varions scPartie lutlù oessorigiuate sandstorms . of yotsyncsuilk5n a. as teuomeof th prvinia eruile> vAtledotblg e!5d When one'# grandeoxi bas reached tbe .8et terrible beai. pobtssia tiaxe. It appeara from report $tiatpub-, la4ON& volumesI*O Lii.theas tacause 0f twenty-one. « mevepoper4 usé ane frequemty lished 'that s of airegltration of -b 1td~,o34t.being render-.6qie bu n ts r ot e tatie [rCUa the$e u t he 8;11d 85 ed àmgM< et aA NORWEGIAN COAST. Ugue~ bu u s r ol e É5i .T 1sp0 uDti ~1lPr ~*IO55e opla aiae memboek.g till stbuaedlu - 1udude «' don epoilts, deayngThe Houa.ofti.Ctagr A. 1-OuburIbers*ho do mot glve .euroqs Westbli's sud 14r uOsir Âtaof'd roting Mmela odry as. '0< eart 1862n au d 875 areno Actasi of un-whýeh surroýxnds hem, lu the desert queâtly Buî fWi*t RIS* h otay r o.drda versai operation over the whole of the whà mICI m u stb of the Uzutagh and ÂA a rule tueNreiue~ ae hhU 0iuiu sf usepbn German sud Austro-Hungarlszaempires. oéeupies a position upward of IMM iki"dy One. Itae «mironuent or islands- B-If sboedb.rs order adlsoontnue These systeinsareea we re e UnI 11g-b hrdY & at le 9o anail te and fiod makes it a e<al»Ï andi Piesttif* i81dsUfrm h.oi ly, popular. .LIand-oweSm, business men wm5 0 o l ou" a. atinithMidleof Jme lway gruuud, as bugw11h cf 1115075Wil, wMeh u.y are dlreolethey are reapon. (particularly bunkers aud others emPlo-ama is al om a gce- n1 d ut'.tts 'aerIer 3 it>le linâl thebave settled tboir bill ing capital lu Joans en real security), and i tures, coing sacstteingbrokcn-iown c'r- an open, untrüteeted es. sud the coasat; eve layer awarunanih4ous as to its 0Iof ateops whida approadsed i io very da=geroua. The tueroi adoddhe dlonted advintages., Thé systetu is. found to be witiu a fe'w t e t the fravers, SePI ti mor nur. 1 was ltd o th -fsbelesngelt aeu chepieas, mld siple saf. hW ngto e n ta bgay' atteîdon to their but _ceat, andi. wroC.aO. f ec-u% puocofolsfto. tii. ofice whieh hber ehaiý ay ral de te syaec afe. l'ic uPuie, aon al ve lsim d the tide, ay sgta l or tistyin* mest am.:Sac*aiie trallsO titoo. thet builti their houses. It ila ite dlreethetbeare resousible ouil ahe toit, gteasa delu es mtnâopW fe evryaesdraing Du1rin iedUll aes. Ilire shWpq they have setiled their billsud ordezed' selves, lhe majety Of 'w bare quI le i& nowa.I .h th of Drn-teat ae severlal edasla iv d <> n Jne ov fll JUryday eaout ange-came saboieomen wful night, sud anIy . tflI disoetinued. Zngland. 1 . ~~~ valo a17,080 fttthe thermemeter1.Si_4 brtesMv obe pas iStvralex ftat e su calobl e- matOekd l boe hurm luter ils place wea taken lu thia vhithont inforining lbe publisher sud the meu's and contu eti tla 'sestates- 1 long lhe tepressin of thse (212r- dahtraics ' akneiultais Intpwhwo~ rsn h omrad one, comp$shguw ùuia acres 1 ofuaa.ssrkn«o<±at a3'"e thene Case, the rocket vas ueed with thÎye8.h.d reeponsible. town, village, arabie, Pa we, wad ud oKdi thu < ebrieâof tI. e ufl e».buithlu e third thse meni on 5-Tii. sourte have de.lded #hat refu- wasleDilingîwo flio votames0f fli~) tr, the the f the Iver.ho I <>r>babiy stung ta niad- l0gt aeperi ers fron the offi or pages aseco, togotiier Wlbo osheots, overgrown wllh rushes, POPI'i ad ns&by the aigisI of the trecis lifront rsev audl eavfng hem unealled for of the cadastral map. ~ rpete ari*a, sud aouuw knemae nan- oft heM, camp&itey lot hei lea hSUevldoueo i.tentiob te defranl. are subjeet to entais axadwsettlem t benors<f wl amRielcPe-9, wgdmlad. uJIb O mOtoe the 'Ife-vxg SI similar te thon pievaient llkglaud, boars and variou alniler animais. -But f aratra.. leaved on atler the ether luto ibrbiipy uain.Ie and often te charitable d religions tliaces etrecebt dneeaiton am e veIrY- tae ma. Thse ireIta l ump, 8tra.fgelY mes bomtd 'tegive nzioetaithe sud of doles and charges et grest antiquityt her e eCmif, la'"e tracta bemag egsugh, andias strengthemg or the théfr tlame i hey do snot -wleh hocontilue Rud ikiewiae le heavy mortgagt4. On., wh% gb"m trea ftisthe rema LUSOf t heory of madues, was the captain. -He aig lt, o#hbrwbs the publibher ln thc other hand sinail p ropeXties are fair frtih-aàm moluka--tti e xse in- immediately drowned,sund -one otetixobilged to, moud l, snd the subsorîber willl moecommon than with us and give rise aits Ot & Tes a t lae.-Wmhiýngtolun elieed the saine fate-.' I xwthiacn orseh ueostagcin hi l Star.- ________ buried here three davslater i l trve _ b. reponsible uttil a notice witb pay- Austria over 70 per cent. ofthtRe sales arýe tyard that cslose by'thée farm pnw.e ment of *ll Broarages la due te tisa far under £50). Very iow seales et tees A stay i lui a t I ive. W.ben ýtise ext "resi" Suiidai publiher. suffice te psy ail officiai expenses. i ;brauszu, sPart fratu being thse warld'a came the p)ritcat otfliaily complete th te _______________ Iu Prussia, fer instance, tic fecs for mont remous end impregnable fortreuS, a-hujle service that'hati becu biitiover registering sales begin at 5d for a -value à.sa very intereest ino lce 10 viett. There the remeins bv the echoolmaster oftute or £1, et £20tic tee la 28 1;i, et £100 it h s acontaht Leslie and s(ir about theue ote.trmaOania o la 79 3d, at £1000 it LI 10aO, at £3M00place. snd plcutr of coïor and change Bverv y dSxuaoy isa ral one.g £4 5s, aS on0. Wiere d4aali os ut aMont these troeets and liikt ISE.The riet then-Me .* G aoanhn s àmmii etn »&fitteen deys ilatho 'flde ty a"dew*h the EuJ5h 'T1'cmetzuy wn soe isxteu tmiles away aud Con1- 9 usual time oecipiedoyersasiessud Mort- ÂtkiWn ;hu is e d iscket titstalk thei-1ducts seveTal services. 1He wears ' ln heN ACIE o h In «VuPrss. leoefri a m slemia I oS from Barba'ry, wha la 111050 odd dres etbis order, the longblack isdBWIG M CINSo i ~Iserepuehaii a aluite med- jo hepeac0<aj abject Of d5.posinq oet owu. th i 3weuttn nw tfl->o~bout maires ut reduoed prices. atalos egbhrspm&ad la &Mstria Nu lis ienenaUd umarkeot prod'uee. Tien iawn tuffie snd wrintbauds te match. ~mctcaIl UO~kS a bond" laft- s m vDOet7 'W adUMfr~t the"Of- iSiss, therefToe. 6s ,iCtaresque lent- ~il15 fee sr p~UDl bjag&Ins < ls e t" ur couic rla, tflr<ugh ment. wbleb lie wifortunMecy vU erc -ta] pebe us udfeqetly (Io, lse lowa. eaeorbed bu' the latent arrved mars by puttug on, viscu ont ar doors, lok Op jar tnredueing suemabsI*aeuaor h.y sose loély %- a3m n nuordinarv moder n omPiae "it the law7ermwooek tihe more drawing tram lthe nrn-o'-'wsr min a, u h echn eat"ahal li, at I 4.~. ut tbe dbe in country, in Pru- bote in thse street by a troop af low fti "," e wa ebeeause thse even Iihâ la ually vanted, thegis se i 8'aih«s oi n.ly dmv- people bore are. by thse nature af th inga more verbal Of lhe buyer Iu bior ti ebrdcem ulies with mr lnadtvr eeut ia~ a ~~ and nSle, made se the e l Zre8Ws fI1rWlSda", iivegetables. m-crety. a funers 1 lam iame more ,eo '41 itrar, baingnm ta poea an eshate. Thsi4 f You " about lhe bay, there J occasiorn han a weddiag. There as aa 9Me theh stritty arec steaers rÈim te o «I t overy1 wedding thseother day. a Most quiet and gus~'arsst hieerss&&ites IK>ur, cithe. day, souno vitla thdr bina- iunekmetonni affuir. ,Il took puieee lu he L gol emaha an latmresl lu thse or ihamw asseueitrs, homewo.td 1atternn.close jaPonsanw*t Iua long 1 E ___ bdlng ailoel t ed aet t *9 . -boltmd fror m a tidazuiom afror a nrooeSmmam uda trniwind thse bridai ra - 9L re eo m the four-daatrip Party wulked qnk*ly to the eburéi, tise tIbos.a" s eurAly tl'O htie Basfý et Biscy home o t bride aud wroa iain. lthe. briWs P arj ib andP aoatlth.. ud odiere, littie carge boats ents next. and teth he lie grlfriendea of battuta oe Old Warld Port lu thé 1 the bride. Ti'- bride as diatingalbd bRIi t n ri b labvieseuan i Medierraneau te dever a isrnie cargo 1,by a Ionz white. voil. but ln oth*j e- Mud moetsags te triffing an mob eai. LTise,. are pkieat lttle trku s rets lier elothee. were niftely bher th ~ ~iit VOIlahieituer bv amsor aud. A feu hours'darkSu'1'aav Osses. Tc elfflunty a*WE W atates Usat LI b15Mt leefo .10r~mi u ou are lua Ifracco or TaugiIr cieti only a short timte. tati h .ute ~~~ ~ ~ ~ M saoU te la vau4ia fýr tieeu of Droersseion retuimed-at the cau1ck-huTtY ore oseru oo t. è v-m in Ouut on the Afrimnuid. of thse strslts. 'ýp VuCCornerhSdussexland ceeliS Aftntethev Gmmilsa, Je a place ta atny For -a funeérai ail. is diffe1'Ot. Tbe -2orb-IY. Box 415, Lindsay spoke somoe u x ofnet5 a W-a veek lu. ansd SSk JE~whlug .t view lare nt lexat tue or titreé da"s' tetatings yrsRof Ob1 , IS isle ro&kfrouatise deela of 9"r soeam- ..qt the bonne o! lie dcçarledl, te wbici to pa on apurcfle àWO fTabae eV snd o»eonmi leoas or Naples, miss ali 'the nelibo.rbood have prveàou,.y Tbi a roritra f 110boa a Mat dmiOfZetinterstinz peasre. been invilcd. Succlal (andi not delect- preya l a ne dIm*a hlnabl1e) food in Prorvided. ceb hf.qmily coms-IF Y. th èdrwwaeso ra-- t=teThe.Turkey Bos rd.ibu ea xpl.Verv >lt Pr >1oees" L IllIlue, utlu ItsInroue Te arky uzar i mntrepualave 1 sions of câu-rio1es. etoîkjiserres and fo*t I O tion b of bitr, or evoae- roeent li sppearanoe, its featherlesasueck bev-, j mnourners attend and a nirniber ofafnd H A V ~ U snoe part.-th e pro- 149 a pudcd camet wlich no deubt gave custoins ave observed.-Pall, Mail Ga-j Vbiies, b>r in c ueih.111lun omm rime tb lie leeas!here bld. As ils name zette. ______WEAK BACK, lot butoduetlKm. In thse Tyrol lItsla&bout; dextes, lthe huard laetnt untike a LAME BAot t e b ntroduoed. lurkey, but its daaty, unkem pt aippear- ,ie o r tni It has been eomxpassooely sppffl ta tise inluasgrest contralt. a ur well- ý Hortes sud cowa est grass, asud o LAME BACK MWv dbticta tm n i. te linoby 1inis- glnmie, dlgni&d ki. 4.-thebsrnyard: aheeP sud many otier animale, but itB C A HE Ueia pOrrsde y g onerrrl a e d for "~ aieweesas pointu ins zt generally presuned th4 peop4e $ LUMBAGO OR teproeh eea asTh8»-bSut urd wvxýoepit f'eu do. However, Willam a rdner, a Mass- RHEUMATISMU tete t àduizulteires!locafly, in uIstricts ty tisaI duftrves inôoaa-hla flit nle: isaippi oloired man, bas -been living, On aboutthle saaise ameN<iu owmn WOt i ltle enbodiment Of<in fged graceful- 1gram ansd hogs' f at for w» W SSAN'SgoKiDmET PULLS Cou>rt Eefflatrim NO Place le more Ilian le..Heo qmduhie - vitsandDoteWILteleaCURE. ealYrpot- tm or «teen ralu a rom ils loas!l lad unMlugly moitioubess, a bla.ci abject er. WL UEYU regtzy. lunEstien aud Wuzloiubcl agatuat tise ame t lise southeru sky, J'riday afteruocis Gadw vumsespn 0 TOUR BIANDS OR FE"T SWHLL P every commun e bas its Otil ftgist77. ts< fer avray for tie tatcher to note. pmcking isudfnla afi gx s ad jiifming I IF 90 YOU HAVE WIBAK KofDNES. DOMWS Wlsere thse estates ruile evetaldis-lis uglnes. Wliou± ýmotiomiof.thle t Ittuhie meuh, aller whib cis l -s FaLLS W ILL STRONGTKEN TKEM. trIha ieyoeaho eçiterd l aa ame.wing. lb. rimes or amcende ut vill, a ly chewred h lun a ver. olete u ne brge estates iu Austria aren-parodsypnoa restuu i o - et-aatisfied manner. Sejeral persons RAVE Y-OU DROPSY. KIDNEV OR URI.- glitered l inte c0itaist8ed a1 l2a rair. Tou 'tatela him breathlesuiy ' asu hlm, sud ho rau devu lhe street 1i HAR- TRUBLES 0FANY IND? IF se, theim loae l, s This Ue otet>-' untll ho - descenda, wien lie speil ins uM faat as the dilapidated condition of 1OAHS PILLE WIL CURE OI>. cludes titi a detaffled n 61 bn ketforrepuisive sud ungainly ho hies hoffl would permit. *A crond etf moie tureeuO.tnetta! 58 registries stands revealed-the sçavenger et the 200 persomas wve o seauolîowsng in SOUETIM WORTHkNWM -4nclndinse home of Berlin, Yiema aBditropéca. 'Tet tis. orngiy, uugaiuly 1sad >Rie finally îninta th~e arma Lo la &À<bth Bua-P Mm" in-bird hhe- e. ltÎhothm the jpoliceman Brilla. Me "a 1Uss UR H 11115B, BIZUSM, PRIa MTPUL alci, Prufflîoeil m onts v eauhoa sorry vielli ta foeM J,îad ne placele o suad vas hucet!up on 1IIU*flS, DoniSU 8U. . owuu- spectet!lu th.cre = cf tanh~lr. sd diseuses bred tram offai feslenlng 1 thechare im ofagranq'. :w . oentim cL S '00 muemyfute*91 l! e h itmsela v es poing toward . The ,roe Preffs. dbalAlng ta rsty tiesi C ts ur t t p ato u , f r Ijareaso Is subucriptiour usa. m a neýh r- muâuamsB.~ ma.eaia p.v.u.*. tiehea«e Ctait!I. wtisaisud ofor.nggreat olfer ta the fA t.î ersurd lm«liknt he àmmet eeddo rmIal an ofCacu4d& w»luîby szb- E.111 i~~ ~ r ~. , ~~ ~ent,9£. aeibéra te Weekiy Fre. Prees"I ~ *0 le we rMi-the mna o 1Ovo te O epu rm S Pm.Year's Paper Free. Oser.~ WM *ouh pnduce s car wltol~' Mu~sne pt mt i etou Pteroe han made srn~ 1 i0ma ratllncf le I55a IIeM 41 in lu menuWitis tha 'Vete'li« - ' itce b= t w dttrmi o tev Tus d fl rhekuvmm h'-e tose bsaio.or Ubrf.p~o< la lles*,4s ftri forachbéroTh ah , m ui. e w t e th~e Antn.jjuaad fe.nrt.o omre hu-Ne* YSB ne ma- tneOrIC Aiml h <îr bek e*vw te *tdomýaokMh s udt cqneiIS of 11 dc !à; $7.% gicxn tg be sudeReolei tg 50etha 1 l a rner ýc: aut*ebsa'wt unwondthéet- &dsnr -4 -an *slowj il ime Weandv Femtmi mad e F" m, ut"fr*Jt Ul v to be b. t

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