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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Aug 1897, p. 3

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1 or, ipe ~'~IIGK EADI positively cured by, ]Little Pilla. - 'hcy ahso rticve Distmst roaDyppsa .digstionat Too Hcarty Eafing. A pt ka remody for Dizziness, Nausca, Drowsal. 0 fai&,*t ný, BadTaste inlthe Mouth, Coaied Tongue DUCp.ljn in the Side, TORPID IV.Ek Tbey M uavao, è giat the Bovels. Purly Veetabi. $mail Puice. ""~'"' ubsitut on 'Il BOsse misS ~8 ah, mo lup of pulimg a@ a RYING KILI, md lot smala, tDoora, NsuI% -INGLE. Limited5 ONTAIO cannai le @BO AiaptabIun the fra of lb.amy. See you get Carter's, Akfor Carter's, îflsist and demand Carter's* Little. Liver Pis. NUIt FRIDAT. AUGU8T 1, 18W. ewIurem Tell i e TawS mgat l vsit t.O llava ne. tMsus, Who Smompacildm , 0ü»~ 8su~o" o taI4 dbwu t ,* govOiUOhDlluspuds mmon eu .o 141 ie lbthe081mw. OhMs * nmwIa bo shoW by proluoiag, lb. .8111iJ 94« Amoli the odlany ledulhe gommant lSOlis 'moueY -obêshmd fa. g». ale of déboîltns wbloh imamagay 1 sltlan $u oIoVu.- in 1894..................e.....66209<286 ,l 1895 (tuelàug uqwom4debo. in 896 ....... ............ siei;24 o th olbev band ihey bave hheki li, the sanmi szpuxditurec anuts .lnuhd on ciapliul amoouat la 1.115Kg Mêonture u foilow- lu 1894 ....t.................. 4481 77 Ii 185............. 4496U 51 h, 1896 ..................... 18048 72 n. annute-b oapilul Iaveis- âtebers eobouowed sud p.1d auong 1a81895 .......s........ ..17l,820 001 In 1886 ........ ......... 17,730 80 Dduellng frooe *We@mil p7nwte ln 1894- Expenailure -........ 797,53 46 Rooipl.. ........... 8,891,62 41 Deif,1894,... ...... $405,91,05 Expouditrr.. .;..........1,713957 98, Beceipa....... ..e.8,58006 79- Defiit, 1895............. 835798 14 ID iSS- Expenditure .............. $3. 31 Olý Re~t... ............8,38,-466 48 Dofieie, 1896 .......... ...5.446564 58 ibere vae 1o a deorese of drainage debecturos in 1896, allowed b# ouSer lu to'iol (Lqttomen Nô. , pubIlie OOUt of $23424 03e In thre yeire, .18914 b 1896, the» Itoemna otalleolsau olv Deficit 1894 ..ý ..........4.691 O5 Dofii 1895 ... ........... 357,W58 14 Deflot 1896......... .... .. .4465,94- 58 Reductiov of drataigt. deben- tuies 1896 ....... ........ 282403 81U88.632 80 The o eo bp&V ihue .deflettes Reduoction of oupioi la diàlu anl oîe unas. .$111,185 95 Rédution of cautin jubatik... 773,196 15 Botowed on annuiy d*ben- tures 1895 and 1896 .... 34,50 '70 $1,288,68Z 80 In Deeombor, 1898. ltse.o linee had in. daî~ e . .................. 0>,8 29 In Deoember, 1896 th.ue vinees bal lin ali:de bennîu ...... . 881.88 34 Roductions above ........ 111186,.95 In Dec. be, 1898, the pro- vicoe béa la olah là bank .............. goi Iii Dooomber, 1896, oaly... 12"'m86u Rodeol bove*... .... 7.t 189lài Nol Only bas the govmenM " m aitelUpt whaior-vtt temablb. thé iv quel the expendtre dutlngtheutuec yn, but thé. eslhalssfor 1897 en- «. coeuitho..tuw.1896 by more lima$60000 et ises u thlieaouneetlve lula189& For the yoaî 1807 the m..lldelva lpla and ezp.ulhluresau are n weu Bupplimeumy siabsu.. 114,704.0 S8DiAd unpplemoumq auoeil mniaIsa ,* .......... 2100.0 RhIuy o«lfidoes pale 150M.0 &Dlispayable .. ...... 9,w l X.4084 la piopoa*m o 10 biliin butfl.Dmi GaUys.U" .- -Ivu, fw1 Pwi.. lnpl-«get tu tl tbe ta-bm -lbu ..t >t dm s MMM bdli.- l WIom I i 1 *The oonservallve- Programme la is w.oett ptebin lariones puts it lie preulaus mi. Wiîss defined thc posliios'-of ttc ceiotalluipmty ha Ontario ou esece e imtpotatpoUiloal las et lie Iay. Summadzesl t la se tollovtheclie iltes»tai caly belusi tluelil upos: , éWvl ilimi ous cyuiem tsaaubît vitihvOl be. aputeellea tthieesunrp. We vIn lberonghlp liuvesllse tie exheul ad ouadtofe et tilmbsî 1usds otflte peovinuviii a Viuot li W W iii uaUuiC thut etfmramgting lie la«s rilag te te sal.e oflaloîloat' luit liqaus in ihue vili commn ms"e oui publie aouinin, sud viimol silempl W. viii mseomusiveste t te t of husimdbIEiité raom of lie pie- uhs lu aiUpossble dlieslUi-puîtlufla =tteth lmultIplheaimOfa 1mv ofos roueng li ctmrolable expîndllan teoei that lrme l IsmIha y be avoldol. ~ Mw- k&»-- Imînuâ la the M"aO ilIum mu ilui u pecsmeeij ss Mi aes m Md vschullnou mie tMv it .mut b. e oalss sqe.iluBveo demoltua"y a 1 av zismded tee MutOU nue, bu vw. loism i t" lb ut sul It te lie buasélduae. win auma .&bu" sud Iia, ma- W,l i b h lteulueofthéiela- MIm mimaima Mii viib. eméi lore tBe lalesgul5 et9oupealleal quilemlss, M4 »dsalaibei s am or islaseye.piaest sil wu le Imeule. <S vube ëbelsihS rîa Md boul; de avmy ithatomit Mbnet 8Iv. lie Îa" . -mace Isbe t lie ls u admste" oea .~.n.. è .D~m. h ens of luf M i" m09 ah .b aMmàTI ma" qfnl NaiveLa.1 Thie authe w x îppioc mm, aflb. mwed. Woewk de.- labomei »dPbimhilpvull a duovued pouen bas nàd« -hmb...prelsesl afte boute of u.offseto-M,8011u the body lu w.oved fohe voe ter gemove thet loh and umu tue. lithe moutb. iosen au.11patso l.01u 'leihea t&% aie tighl t tebody, bll lUn body m0 mu Io &adt Vinlp1mpe. il lb. guumalalu loplu« tara te pastanà» vai, healowu bih, ses tomedi.b IPu tlini 1hé boul lock JeunomuerIudiiëeath lte belly, lit the bod asbIgla se you awliou Illinh Stebealoff lb.he ouad glue th. body a qulola jerk to usmove lhe aeeuull.gnmeus Iem lte throi Mal <ifusa. thé vindpipe Hll lb. body suapmdel aboulSv*ue ise belon lettéca té lobu. lieut thelbbcjek2 er a Uimm.,WUbeo aeimt thelb.Posiion Pint o the 01%m by î» deolilugou ü »kd tmet Voua flhgèus baloe .I umills huphg yeurIhumbe ove lte Pits or- the ieuien -sMl Mmuthei choit m as b- h pMosa.vlthoul lliugb Be bld e tâlbP.igaMd bmal llm oa eMgh %0oocalhUmes. AIiow ltébody t se"ai. mmmfo lmp-it»peu Lhlb f.beml pm. the bol t Urne** uk »---glieeoet liemouh lt Ia...fe, p. Our eIbeve mgénasl Fou: bu.Mal émtove the lover 1W db.ai iudewu Ve n dloiws.l vut aoehlgtoc h kmeet lm or nomu a Iainut ou mabor 94 l" l éemîusa «Ifl lu a !m ý ae...U& ne t#mgr yla tlisse »vcmmh. Whm ablos cbu pulet b" W",Nefilleusietli m lgn ut m-asicbody »" uosevl- contly la»p*6 paiessam il.b et a ot t Obb nftmhlitomea litu m o t g gl. 01.aitetpdift foée t jaUnI la e si be gu.irn Oeuy ef eh ma ml eehm ue alb Iimees & Fshonêleand. Monsymi uaigWQrk. lqemedy4h lSe »o»eeOf. the truc bomne 'u ailS m-vethtlam8 lu millio, m .es.pte. liat bas beaune.pleast sud fmmhtiiablo e wéeelela eOur oltourn- &tMose vo -Kme heuileatten ton ah. voof et bedvet.g ai&e 1. il a moul Thh. lac resue nurt lu avoine weuk, & ad lie giesi mugomst attes téI, tooaaeu lieu, thé u14e-et lie osiebrèee hrue i to "or, se-pure.*a d illi, seo A seslly weol.e«.&Ukdre.t a b- «Me spouela «laded "0 la aVeuoirshr avay or eoele ta: thesomabaud dIsser beosue et toit Ou dîngelo01.MAS ou%- 1si of hl ton e e wely suIs fou l>lmmol Dybs vii *Vér yey pheS ad Bave ma»y loilmus. If jeu bave mol ysl bogun Ihe esr vot .ofbeonedyelu<ieî aots1mate Teu th&& yeu min & spioseud lose moaoy as voll. LOOýk up ypont 1.1 .d .1dis. coloed garmmalu i eues, -sud usne lh. DhamanlD Iyce o;uyenviibe sutpîbsd vltb yeut saoems. ~Apioeda eoausulteawvas bila Tonma lesaiwest. md l it Ipre- @me Tho ue.olalhon bel mil a peliilsce md lb. e "febjesl issu. el tobeow téoalm -oocidbe but vod e 0bdu dg ehicli 0»ospoilleal paitp. 1S.peomeunol vu tNd@ que%@&-m us olA*moeoethii eewauleshml le toa b e " avber lieu@emsiflovu iïiàdtimvu a bmlteiomiimot math trnmouia vu n»49. Thse slcasms tmos m rafle Mamuagea »4mmv ofths Whe o vieoe psul hdaiaa t ih vas tlie amil#meey v voule te Daim is.elobloau bt.belp bouer ap lie Rsi* mlmuleabla im lbel provol mi îi*im hu Is moIbre »4leupelSD I 061 pêlsEtBiet on" ilS -. inby a &4mf&IIU o tm mem a ..M : r'r0h~ mi ~ ai fa' Noueuse, Bleu. If vos - LUe. - ICTORIA WAEDUR, I IoeBAT, OUY*I@. the.oq eulu& &,. t . loage lrgyrn, " ou , clpeopble îeasntaq. HSI&lut," Us mgtti>ansd it lt111e Woudet liat bé flequenl fll»scoes i ll et umrtou e sabsustlo somnla, oi ,lu Ibis oondihlow Dr. Williams,' PPi u &et mole speedIlu upon lite ser VOUS sysuiom han auj thel Ifldiolue, &Bd promptly restoe tosl.Uer le a normal Biaileot heslit. Bev. WM..Clarkss rlsl uag mathodist "miulaîet aalonel sé Otose, Ont., ap:-Ihave' deuiel grlest bsefil item thte uscf Dr. Wilàs ams' Pluk Pilla., I tonal IbstVhon I simpla ol ls udy I vouid becomeo@wsy sud oouid mot spply myroîlf lomy veut. Ny digeoln vas very bad, uAolmy usivous estm sémoumcl 10b. ouiof geai. At firei I paid but 11*11. attention le the matter, bult onal ujuelf «gwvlu< ouse. AtÂis dîn ie e. IuIlosd ai Fout Stewart. Ont., and vas borlog ai ths home o eto .îou tsee bvo alsisl me te ty Du. WUllim.' Piaki PiUS. I leollol le do go, sud Ibatu blà tis ti.&oldue,. I aD-; agal ruem edto ool be h. Un îs, tb he" nuisoeu I féel $27laij $0 sea scol oul rfor Dr. W"mm' Piut Vu. WOltm's ItPillaM T oin le lie net oet be iésIsse. bey nasw mal build op lie blool, suan ebmqtis lte merue.. Ibus drivlug dla the sy.lema. Avoilmitationus y udhtlm liai evewy boz yen pnbobmus s ocleusu lu aàvîspplug bsadg tolit 1.1 Ide mak, Dr. WIllIm.'Pntkl sfou Pâls People. t punmam- or ml fau"t bu. YMr d w r@MO iugs Wobest.". aOU nsf o". Acomode luies woneps watt01fS h* I sud Yen oau ave Yom u1 'votOS deh@; de I poiesam au s peua i ,l pur I pin U un Iame*.- u mble. W pute tuoymb- Tu Pma . l~ eaie.. O s Ibo bo maio so.dmlq u ;e la I.O IV or 6 boxes for $3.60- At ali druggifft. TAKS pianos sud Organ, ma:iuf&otured by the,'uî- )~ Company, Bowa ville, are atill having a 'vide sale. A fe . eÉkz; îfG £; veryimportaut sales were' made, 'viai are worthi recbdh iin 'iu h' iJr meute were plaoed 3000 miles apar't. They had the pecial hozcr qf pa~~c [Of their Cabinet Grand Pianoq in the Orystal Palace et L-ndc, Eg., n anoth4r beantifui Cabinet Grand in Italian walnut w as so!d by thir < tM. F!eming cf Markham, to Mr. George Parker, àex.Reeve ofPicL--inga townsiL4i, This alone is ufiient, if it orere necesery, to convince the musical publicelho, highly these instruments are appreciated at home andi abroad, and s::3aks vour.-:' for the euergy displayed in te management of this company. c The Moohol Appelate. Jobn B. Gongh vws veont t ilil Ibe héeus t lthe @tory of lte sval porer ofet l iquor appetema h is flually *oofhl sluuqals k gain tbe msstety ef IL CObsles MX Moutonrelates the following soy ot au alobol slave who vu alto live li Me for a gimaïetf "Ne., B. B. Zale, a "ePsimuoe 1e0. turers vau travelling la Neir Hampshiue. WlWbcVallg entday la the ittug- tocsetfau boul fou lhee sulval ot the otag.hial should take im tk atoynas a 1evr mu"es hem th. usiloal, liste saend atelicmlfg mm ays =&Bilpaokmc of elolilug. Golug up I., bar, heoml, 'Lualoul, I amrn ni«m. Glue mesa glées et «là. 4"Ti.lal ludfltuetl te buanma epuel lie dooi. Thon ho ponil to a lima âmuco ehomlk marks o e li le of lic& An. a&IMAI id l0, @ohn$ pou meis tie o aes; peoas'lhbave Maote I cP of g inu ul i il e l u l off ,,1o p s r s h t o n l n fleo.y p thOe mibthen l.bai. mm athal? 'rec b;»- sel MI faim. Yeu have gel My boissMsd My oz"s. Yoa have gel aIL my leohs. Lmulloul. I bave beou*il von t..ay m&B lia I bave loft la th* voiid-liI U"1.bondie et lotis..Il la met voulh, mué. bemnis lie elotiou maee ol, bul liey anillh1 have. ,Oh, laudIosIplae give me fou lien juil eue glamseohglu., 1"Bai lie mm. badmSthe bar vus elsm m»d Sasonssiel. tYon 011 ciolies le mot vaut. You oua bave no mone cauil the umore la palI.' if hshaubal fn lmg "d, lIl snom. t.vwr hlm sud al, 'Wiasb vii jnieu u me foesuongh tle mv lv.glaimesa gi?' . G4ive vint»ami lie ltaahatl.4' hmc olblg t Re g us.eisïI bis 111e b"s 08ieletlhisu. I lemot belleve. jeu 01I»aecjoei have ou joui ffiel a pit gool Pai of beou' .11 3Me. HEde. 41Wlli jie leme jour boots trtou. test ousI?" " 4Tie lmakad ulood, engagel feu s momentlaludesp IhonuR131ÂÀ% let ho 1 sid: "Slfager If I Sialue putle boolu I must go ont lai e oirevbmiefooll. If I ghue pou lie hoeu1Imuet tiosu e Iesb; ifI1do Dot ingl ou me boote I mutI bain tl e ath.Silage r, tIlah hadser t brn thl ebo iéee.sSeoI vhll Cive yje isbaol.' 01H* ai lova sud oormnoaedtl dra the bote. hlm test. Bul Mr. Halo balt no aulenlîcu of foriint hlm vlth mouel for stuone 111mb.. Evas meîeiy expetimentlug tl fiuad hov *uicug the appettéo ucally vaue OeTho eus éucotet iootée uounlti ti atiauge smse. Thîse or font of themi s&allis mmm sionl have bis glu. They tunklhcd lt tu libenal qnthly. US lusk Utilbho oil sud look the rut sayo. Tbi .15<5 omme nmoaftei ead Mr. Haie puusuol bàs joursey. 6<Tbs neil morulng ho isard Ihai tie dtunkatda foure hsd boom îemtzd. Hos ha lof hefIlbat-venu, nohîher knovîne Bor oarlog vbeho va" golng. Whou the Dlghl came bielquor wau Ron. sud b. vent to, sloop in a barn. The frool king csme at mld-alght aud botk thc pool mon lu hie arme.. The Boit morn- !Dg tbeytouna l hlmfrazsa te basth." I wuiy theo ifrne "George Murrsy, the manu found vllb bot. vusdisoiuwged." Sno 5 b e houn ouidg v3tds off lhe London Âdvottlser'i report of tle.tlitai, onvlotiou and sen- tenoe le eighleu moutinuebite vo. maity 01Ob s ontwomau W ho vas tona la lie oompeny of, Murray sud surestel. Thebo ry oi f pounlaheas for the vommu. but movoy for the mua l %a ab ld hy lte AI ver gltie" . "Maggie Carey, a tougvomi. ef istier prcposaessiflq appmei, siood acousel cf vaglsmuV et lie polleoooii li Mmvafl. She vos idai in s Pnk abéilvalu#, sleî bat, asaugo-e. e akrblut alboer-spolblo .ppearsso was nothlng iu ber tavor. Sb. va' fourndinl un old mied viit a mmu glvlng thé Dame of George Muriy yesloidsy morrilnge.by 1P. . Morgan. ou ae floot etci te se v u a letf bnsl ad a lump of sheern. 1Tite vommu sImIlI.1 bauulg boem mcm. Mme o te lien M ousuvfomsloy orlbwes Steirmre t six imeuh. escb -tulce Item Jobdubb«*. mà ieoa W.etabdmimisl "t!u ou A»YMtUiUs 1 - " w s ... a.. 8i et de mmi...U4 1 UVoea, by the U MM«%s.Mdmi omsifr, msab mla o l.. ?EOIiomAL 0"10& lIx lam md un s. IIIM I» ms ..... ..,-... . M0 Loa*b umqiI lu .......... 4111 vam xo tm "@% tirefft oa.t'ý..... . - 0 n ha*bbuqumt lhasUO.......... w0 O ma.l . Uu miUiptUu..4...a Vn oumba, c li.ti.b. reakoami 17he me . &.O&.L A» ID NAL OIU UséS sot bmt Wh? o b am tsi advthfflM"ni by UOmimalsmmmet. Aivuwmwim i whma l wslUmicatios vo be m e"i.imal Iabiii, m-d aimpi aM *nl.t Rfae Wdoathkaauugmadisit amm don"gi i et *. i be ms.isg Plua'0te PM&. SllivsK metb f i.er ulaesiitopou au a' me" embe.ssagivà m . megimIewot oolemell. 'Umm.âuWCapi.s OR1LA. Muée tai*m umti »jmtaKu.umbiok the thwiulVuuya uvoeyornt. &rLat ioek. a m a. me sS sdYMWouui mori. tla MU Rsobé. .1. Osl m ai.>- Loi» h~ Emimuos Iu ubesi.sa oUane uorntb oILveolul. u Saumt. lmlm e. V.z mm.§%1. ii. usam .m Md uSasu L.m dffl ouuMMmmituW»mmw bon lngio1rsdjaoer samntId . V Mr.u balm 11166414om on U foui.the I&M Md t11h Tusmiaof maQUI MORIk tu me Tim M»ehall, ocm.'ou EM" m i Cam- Vham ului, Voséidped lumbun U.. V. EumbkiL 8oLel,. P. . 1i. L sa No. Ué mis midthii hpua ce mm m uatitl ' Hin U. oh &.0 O'. Nsuâdmier UtrVO l. J.a"Wym *0 i.lu, m Vu" Ntes baU, Wàso.' aiMnlo ma rd.ai dqwU08MOLb uumy ci W-ab th.m ~m. 0. b.r. % mM wm *S tu 1mhm I . U.A Ibtffl b~r4tbm Min MM$y.Om rà «""- u, ,si &0mL.11.Hll .'a Mmi sud m Wldg utsm, hà"ISM T ai 09 momtb. IL Sugmi, 0..; Vham. C U iàs6 zoo. e.ry. @mno m maH'o. UI e muaUsimi 1usd Tumîm of iâsaNb - la ShbV. eu i. Ulie omeny Vao.n s.'sis0" mm* osUoo.-,mmfp hold MpU.,M 19 RoutI umtyoi* ad M, lu Aui a ]goIi'. oin M M en Me Chiaà. Hom Cssa-.80tehgs do mssi o..L dayci aablo . Ra il oos tUu bVoarnum usais hiud Intateuima IMU p , oAs, oodVmsu. V. 20 meeb tu he 101,mm y ise ussomi mdo =.utoriaa md miiu oyodaet11«M y.00 7-Oaiu botrona abua Plsada. luut oomu c sanOo&m , Undny TMG N.«3 mmaI temPsUa ahall, oveIimflou- M W.qu. istaU., mpLaMd ai LiofThuudaju ai ovs m.ath. T.ug reibatalwaM vas W, .. aace -0mUidtW. R. mdu t - t. ML. A-IssU, ouome.ofMKat %--d Ommirlig la tmgOamWOOs 14 mu. b % 144.m. thwn XmliT. U.C . oum& S n Tu moamu uou IoomoTRo lfrsm mt u aub. 8.0.1. Hall ovos M aternais Suai9. omalok ep.ue. . louve, W.r,*avv L&MmLO.Mu. EaUo trn ai hSt ,'dOmubxd lmSvu mSOOS tu RAN Bou han~. muet.of Kant %ad Ca~ ata.' tuimth md md mounsela o m mca &m Ic84rdi ucig l poa L mWhm Albbî. lUsa',.'; V. A-rs ioc3- w OAKWOOD. Loadathe preeomesuuulu Furucace Work., À usimable autoum bloornsa tlkmsala. logudmi té ad.'datbby . Itlàl mal le gsev sud bloonis a danly. 1l belong e ltsé »mrne nature o ul se er. but. À ulgitbesagoountriy subii t hoviols a mIaour auticlse u at uroomzlug h Induse ami osetflthe stuossu ate him thmiita sbim Iciltsé sntiment s luter h i usila Tovoulo. hot Gallyton mombo'. are sou luaI go Nss et Commnaos vito wvoie mbeemtv.Iv veu ago; SiCharles Tapp5e 1. ,Eu A4o mu OO34Sir ,Bu Bbard 0uuawwgb4 NusMu. Paterms. Ba". L.mdeskh4.0osu camuses Soriuui, loba Cbultmu.Thm msuabic srved bier country fallitaiy. At ltse lut matod tlteLalature ltsé utttulsa vere amedl au àlitectioulle of mathua Il poidbl* tasme ap ebr tlalis div. talon court for btla t 05î mctgap «litin ta uam astL mut orlateow.Is a mortgae oresdu,0UsMatooguga., a lte O&suuel lauwrmap a litedrricieu curt for that u, pleuls Oamom ena Itu wls tsé liait pesrhsila court. Thé con u inte aIo malhtasbau bou appllsd to te blojola pt e stands la Glae<ov itaving maahinées@a med tbsl thc percéie o hils. teom eauolprIdelhieu eft ulihkodt feuiliug the, s 18t. A P= if gonor ciflie miles, a v0&issiman iqista ta drcp la bld penny aut ils adioftht i iaI mec is teh"refusee luira. Tte T. EBu Co. (IMât.d) bu bhumsmusai for 812b.000 iciritavisu non bllbaiMmd aI- vertlmasents aMdolmu IsIgutet itasif as "11." imuseaet oftavl sielldliUnyorI liieri a iL.Thétsh u ltaI urnes lu asupveueiy astict sud explitll.sud à* coses agalnsrtte ira srn o eol loi. Thse 1 law takes no acousnt cf =@:!pifsgsBosrn o defecire mshogîapbv, Doitb . do rmi t i off âbblevi&t1on. The. ord n5181b ape inl socordtnco vith thebmslsato Niai-asud pro. Bote le vhatteé sditor oi tlî Onadiau Megatziue t biais of ou: macâh prabd sud very modetm Ontario ichool eyeteu."Cur but sehools .ie obbing Ontario c0 hibriitta at 'iGo Itxout the townsard ecies ai th.. U.e d Stt.. mal yen fiaI bight.youag C.o.4-êa osryhmm.Wlmb jet tisax ai t.rG.uh Canadian lovauai attin Msd eun fi .4 thom fillou viii îta$ng «doctors, Ia«OrY@. ad oatgueg, sMd cM aWeue Who too-k &ah its. froua ltse lorth le beh tha machine, mud the. catuter ad*seultishe oncu hos onsumera of veatti lts et cfPria. duoe?I i mfaim ta nutiru tie urne The. oommercill leaty bivesu Great Brissiand athle Goîmuau h1îleein ubli bas bee» tu force sinoesi, Btbg1865, vwu denoumuol bp Greal îitaisn cm Fr1- dey sel oeamu le bu In opiatios s ysa The Qaeooubs nov aely hoessand- sulo--esvemobiltves. tlyiu.s < rand. abildrona, *md iblîty gre*.grndobihmon. Tie quosa lu evmeltyieurs cl, tbc Prince of Wsles fifly.ce, lIe Dotse o Yit thhty4ve. MdPrbnceElvail N.ai mdeu, OnI.,. noait seaible veut oul tu laveshges a eiaugbat .obstuinauvstbebau la th le vaj of blllit. Tb* cenable btmluet rte a vhosl ou lie ocest, et me of ths obelrutouu, beoit is 0011«sr bre m»d nwoivel oltsi lunjrie i emH. u mil le have mde s ilwoQgi mstlgaat tieu sud la ne o tt oovlaed limthéiî ohIstou' oplalt s rclifouse. À Torooepiper éuts ls umo lime put lie fnigbltiXe on 0 lsGmE bas tise Uinlg eoffsuon&* 40". aus & goa dem ih lme bCo vueil 0 vlse 1 ae colu atounal&masthe - f#*bl cmippflugusiat tc st &Mllia "B Ghrad Ttauklu delsérgbingcmlm emsployé« »sd oui mlAmeslsau.Tic 1o o aideuy tle, .Mu up6l7 mmu11M~ OUIp luesbrgeb vhbbtdkO ili »M . aural asEb.istt-. JOB WORK ol il esctDtonuneatly and 'içrompoUy doue a& 5J ar "office TED WAEDJc thes lb. lar et ieciation of 0ny 7 parer61!inth s MIDLAND f]DISTRICT, W'The. Wardce. WB WBLOCANI General Agent, Lin d&iv, >170 Kent Street Wet. -1 4' 1; 1$ j; i L-- 1 l* -~ i - I o -~ s' t A ý i LUIL Tb* f o u g .'emr s. glu cf i.a abilh t 0 o ao 7 m H o ., i ow Pu an U'%b at o 8 :wo Uac vo t "ulal 1 % 0. «. m nsy e t %. O ,ir ." i w a t ar i 8 " 6 « 04 0 0 . M Ya. WvL eh -iiu u u t1 1 a ir. V 'io .. Tu* <>O.e..i éi ff 4c. oou r @i i 8himl mynton, bhot J m -a a...h.,& i , . .i .mêta.4 04<.. cum bnailona. lb-Tb mala. -r w.t* to' . . @N Pia> e> t iuD ., ffm aui ho t vater, o ws Oi O & A.Wjx» C m i. 1,..u % uw b oSaW hu r c, 1 P oée bo t ai tr 1 W 5 .. ag u ,, tn rt t r~, u '..d aa-jmd.1 Puacu Comzbintaatcrbat air mmi A4- t . < ýuu'-t boýy*aIwiàtr .t, t ~,..1... CiitOf. SGUfl5~ Ot fr, as! .. â1> W,.wy Ai.. .. b i ...~C 3,.Pau'w eh art1à 9Gu; é..y bot %r ' 0051. I 4* * li . elýuu ý, 0.-1v &J4B- jio. 't - . , I. Q...., .~.i- q* .C tt F)iait h tàfvO d I4 . " ! 1s a. B - ý.. . wxr.c . l6.. béo.' b m o *> 1 .l i G n m oy bo t aMr, c a . e .M r i. >1 U r , t Là .t r. c 4 . et ar .o, 1 Bck o %rolc. . Bt ti Ï. iut,.'. c-mà ...*.,fin.! set J %t 1 ly..uuno.srmoDrf. usi. U.o *.'ýil. B ... l. ' l~, , J.~ iîC...J, %u ue.Harru bd& twr emi. >.b4. .., I't. i s m ma Ç i u u b ti u u . h &b i . w o n &. O . , L à-U t . * . u - . a . t â. . t é l l - . : . itta,, lo e., ot air, vooi. p ei - . U-t%ý b"& e,. -I . . t a I 'l r w i , G t n e y fl h o t v a t e r ., u s a i , a ; I B r u @ t r ' , . . .C.. . . î , . L a ( r d , G u r b o t i r , c o m i. j * r ü. V .. , '4 a . i i - 1 1 1 s )-f .à t:. MO)tb«"m . eOu Vc h .o l 4 . COOL..- IA ' CI - luo o.îir ux-i. I %, oiuudy, G uuia.y hot air, o ol. 0 816... B ,o,>î Çr...., i - l. .& 4) f ... . G rae rb ot w at.r, oc L Otio.-a.u It,.i - 4.r üu. b. .kair. eCôj , Wu; '~uu bol wwt, ai. SP l4u.e.,,au'.,.,î v, . j à . fL a w iaoai bot v a er. o a . i R . ba u . L '- . b l.. ar, .â.,L. X r .eo ,bot va" t, cool ih*..B ,& , i, .»Il.r.o i' at. . J . W C r.attia l , bh ot v t «s , W .~ A ai* flJ y tiJ**l O int. 0 # % *#l o t B r t h e rt o n, o o m b ln a tio n v o m i. m il s O. g .-e ' & '4 u , às . l h ' t a , j . u ..i.1 » u a oo m . et .. be W u . . <Ou - l - .t g i jasi . l u. C ate ,,G uru ev bo ltagr, vo u4 ' .g< i4 . ..],, sàut âait . .a,. B..' . W Ilsn, Gunaey bot att, oGa. jR.>v"-. le)J ... t W.V . 0-a lohu R elia. O rn y bo l i, v om i. U *at.î. o r, n h : aO , Am, . . b t )u m . G u m ey b ot à1 h , v oo d .Q là.d ito o k ia., .,r «l ,b . % a gio. e ,,~. Go lu se. Gu m ey bo t i, wvom i. '1p '.a rl.,u o*,. . -a, Th@ dâ,Orybot i. vomi. fWâL. Mct UaO 1<1l'.101,Utani Lot h.s1., Wira RA uM I Q ur nY o i .m e &of o o sl z),* sea. i ay ko tb'i& lb.l ,,bjoa dla mtasuua ett d tiu9 m m J vhtolDr. P l'og keudly h'.xded tcia ab' d va.<o "... 1 »A 119 4-. 1 'as,.. m ach bol mm la r.o t hm g t t h ifs O - ziw, O l ft d %ot W &t .' 5 I, l. n %v la . ." . M a la m 4 s Sir o t ea 1 . t . u mC 0 9 l i m " m un a Ï q 'o s i o u Mra p n o t iki L t al ne , ob < m e ï os li .. msa t io n T w is ee a . m i. . 0 m i 'iua N o , 4 , a .lsc o s. a m lb . h e a i r .e -m :t'o p .., q e . u 1 ..lN a ... bi m s bt e . a u, ib . a ,o m u . -b e ,u .- h 1 -j S f h o l W e d u vi . & h o. < a U .'. w lu a 'r M9 l, L bw.q tn , v * e f &at ~er .- mtOaait eoua' e ew ".,bilut"vs li tago out, î,&d d f Ihols assa m ei. a.l . q uo si ?vt ofa " co ! c a im a m l e , m y s a i m m oe th »s W *v a b a i una [j .. iru o .r w iater. l a -l i .sr l *<,.vt- w jou bête a oywmite %àê-a t, u'. »%Lm -ýw buO l., w-<b or £î..ît s* , Ç ., , - &% m"'n e tii. 5', m as * d b-ha et mi .o dagae d got si. - 1 cm boue t', r -a'<,mu nd tht. aa to m -Pt tuDV 0 u ot u riift u t0iiisci.sva W ,iiitmta, M) y wh ft 1o.,.hAt dtsartb m it )I 1 l O"a t s lOge» hOn. M.ua O .ut... ;I,,om~.. Give W. G. WOODS the contract qnf making yor life a comftta thi$ wiflter. BINx»DECR TWINES 1111, ALL BlASONI> AT LOWEST VElUES. JUST RECIVED-' A Sr b.d finet grades -Itedp-atl's %SXËtjS. SPECIAL PRICE.3 BY THE BÂRREL. GLÂSS AND STONE, FRUIT JARS, ALL SIZES. HARVEST TOOLS AND MACHINE OILS. SPECIAL VALUE IN--«l GREY COTT'JON îai Se .a Yardà 1by thepiece. FÂNCY PRINTS, MUSLINS sudZEPHIYR DRESS MÂTE RIAIA LADIES' WAISTS,.COLLÂRS. MEN'S: FINE LACE BOOTS AT $1.75 A PAIR. FANOY TOIL ET S, ODD t>BH1ES AND GLASISWAIE. IDý 8

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