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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Aug 1897, p. 3

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8 810K IIEADI NDm&~. T!aey aiso relieveDsftfom Dyspepsla ~csîoradToHenryEang.Aper- Wcîrcnedy for Dizuesu, Nausea, Drovl.- B.~]ad Taste in the Mouth, Coaei Tongts polOin the Side, TOPD L-VEIL Tbq eelte the BoweLs.1 Poeey Vegetble. $maiaPi PrSa Ds Substitution Pi. the fra of the day. .Sec you get Cartees, Ask, for Carter's, insist and demand Catcr's LittieLiver Pis. 2M.521, 'ocf *cho Mil ERS§ f putllug 'uparud to id dry mai Doct su o umited. ONT.&J Idt à Co.. kueoh, andj soelol Do iu1 bu n 'cua. U jjFA., AUiGU& 1, 18.w The clissa. Indaty. The iuàporance 01 Ihe eoses ladmy te Canada maT bis rsaily udailea wheOfl Il stetit 1 lrsaiy ihs expet cf obuQ WBti aison smon t te<, upe 1 4,O0OO,0.ana a D$n£ 11111e mua ist at hjh bas beau dialrtbuted éluo.g ou aiorymoO end fucran ys ansa bL auge. Ia Juuno-lait vlan lb boisat @,ident thal ih.s.produetioon obuees.la *j, Canada w ould 1s immense, aslit vus ii M rely predlalea tibaia bl% break la priona wu~ asimminent, sud blievIug ihat prmes la Engla confi navet sisai -s» go lbs have donsunudur lb. s svy u- met the% vers pouing labo %bat oounmte ou ( anasad lb. Unid ais, Eagoba bougeou as velas Camadian c001q lsite 101 mais futurs delivsry li lwi rates-dama theb market ha.s seyul lancitai, wM thie jg rmlt 1h.> lave bsau ooupeihé Ite uy lu the coiscs.i hlghsn pbimbm. tbiiy &OI spctcd whoa lIsp madie lb. abou ailes. 'hie, of cours, msy ,have bslped te as- telu prioes, but lb. paramouaeau. naiso th laie aloady marlel in pisse eofldmex- pected decline baisbin-tle pbe»ommly lrge coasumptive icumand from hlm Bil'a bale and-1IearSy milliem. The ( iipmsiils trou Montýei daulsglthe gess05 up ta ihe lai etailutI veek ve 717,526 boxes se cemp Ande- ,llb558,874 botes fatriiho aruapondtin ptoridlust lear, sehowinglt.elarge lteu~ ofet169,- 25~2 boxe. III. uhîpmeanis barthtmsa tita <e rom New Yock vers 27b,654 boxee againut 186,678 boxes laut peut. The eomt'îned exportse. rom, Montréal snd New Yek are iherefore 998,180 boxes againet 744,952 boxes for -the conuepan. - ing pericAdin .1896, being an lucreasa of '248,22I8 .boxes; snd -,et tb. market in Gy~eat Beiftin boldé stead$', We, sIl ad- - boe teithe opnîcu proviousilv siexr ci in these goiumnns ta lb. offet %bat ithe prr'sxat cndition ofithe mstlet fhdu. te tte.b big aburtuge lu Il. Eegllah mals laut peur, and we notie lI#at ou Luidon apacalioreupôndeml ltouchbes npue point in hie lelter this veel.- comas. quuntlv, lie cenniu)tiea Ibitsmemn bas been compelled ta rnaupea the-MeV maka almost exolusively. as thsprenat eeason cooxnenced wtb lb. makseau.c Iartivûiybacc ýof th. Engleh me"s of 1-896, wvilele aformer yjuan *14 aIseu iras an imrprtant tîctot lin tb. supply i'Ighit lo Juneaid july. It fh iras thé Ezyglf;hmakie bas beauIlre. but ltibu meV ùlf net bcen sufficlent $0 ouqiyosute '4 for the heftvy eholage of led st , S he effec4e cf whlohbhave hoa u foi hm the bezlnnng of! uc p-rse emua idûa ibml nowr, and i mry be aeu nmoa buiu. In 'Londov, neicrciüg te estmai ma d jices, s fcw oid Oanim .bheeseamM aa Mgh m% 5~1a Cxl te581 auni, icioh ld iglleh * C'trditae1Ss1:3 198 more Moasy esiuld le c1'%fC t auch a big prominu y t~ J'. kt s'pub!o Ce.biq, -ales '-t tI.jF '. .h',fb.pmtf.w du"- !.tt7~ 4O to 49j. Ass r --- inC'ciadii Lave SOLop _, -'.d nraIr. c a mare or L- - 1 vy F-1int t arîaitheb ;hoo11%rg. ceur l ofd, MPz, ,. elietio "'give 5, enea4~ ta E- !IL g o it rrjjyon.oth gri,<hot t answar world a: 10t the '0 pose- Duri g the.r-eI.. o 1894 %o Otrio- t'h nea103e? in.D g a subrp? ie-hif Vint sis6toi an sisyvion uc gouu4 Ihal oIng e praioa fe1894 het l ilon lOCt trogis rliiu earêi machoolUdi«S Voet l clIe flr leanm le&_ et iï v M 1saTthU aenqiOn u Of p tu *otho large ares thst Vol te ffrnastu b boxpiored, with Ievlry 1-roie of roh r.warà Ite ePros- iý"ra UWeil fs ta the capitlliet sud the wunui n~*attt*bu folloors hi. ln the ç vrk ai devakaping the di2ocverloai sud màafgiugth. natucal wmSill of the connirp avalabl«, for production unudnes. Tàe P ria.ai the Map.19a sdollar, asud overi, piîapeOîOt-at8welfil s aToll oeue Who fi lite«te*in a uiaog12uthe.district- ebouldescoute 1sacnwV I-Golden, B*.. Ers, FWdy.3U'Y'93. 1897. 'buE. No - OUANOEU.5411Corbie-.. 4 I4ube 'u uimuta G.T.U. i~Osi mi E~B 7: mi NeUve Lmi." INS Ignoiut&Dudeiscopsi moihahOoi bambes m end je trlis Oum .toamil- -i i B a u u s. v e sa a e l . o l i 112 les tha e l.vie,'94«nM liv b.7 to uld ha isy ops eigl, i ,. LU N Iemg 110 --"0- guise lu. S ilhI u pbmm l ta rgm baSn a - "Chfm aeye sa"d .mc sm w. ube 1 a go lmu pnwase6i e.- ,-m PM~ MG tewmil th.e xpàosai-et lb. pswlY Md wM bus«Ml te hk bMmaatsof tw'j 1hhrds oft ia eosest f mi. Oumt parti«c lhnc g b lvcviii b. livea as4bfhrd. on aoemhl tbeus lpy I vil oU ea semvffibtio vsy. .The isoa, etpiawSlle ieisprofeslomasi won s lbelawya,5 «Wc.wbile the ex- phase andm ise uS bespî bssY buat- lng for Pu. Whatsyaw he Mais hy the psh5i.aalMeM deOtons ,ligo Sa- WSIS lb.UsrI feuai, sd ai $bu emi af a speaill i Urne ctoWalpioceuis vil ho Th* Get Bernhardt S"nds at i.heead of Her Tmhu morial «Smà rb"poyokea.aihu dlama, admiration and suuloslly whu*,Éer sua aPpeait la re abs pflia, snd bas .Vebaan equal lln *1hiaw of the a"b Uu dlart* MIT appueca hob lSmemma dvautag ofsot ai etemeugle Qe, u l erprofessionïsudne one Imaus beit«teIbm oh. o mieda la artiste e8e00M.ile a viemorou ctons nadMmd Ooammlaluuàwork lu&ili maltn erta slaulg I hec profoi.ion bas ai varients imes laIlber weak ami aar- wous; but whe bàe sa.ptevalled Uçon h.« $0 mse Palas'colury Compenai. ahe réihalisabs hebai bud s bluagsia-a akemglb.me Mininlotalot Ibat §o ommmôt Pr"stasio blghly.eBbc villes as $1I b.g las,. te slsie that, a.earig to roui Instructions, I bave Bud iPaiae'@ Olsiy Compouni end I am 6ooviaesui "iba -_ lu thc mas pi pveiai mecvc sbimg*bsmcw bsi eau ha louai, l la wâhbe bis eatplesance tuai SOeCi Ion Tiseb me.taimg 0f tis Benues. Tha oisaI malbwill ses an extra- ailar ou=la i&mertcam. Brlhlahh and Os*uadn athil. Th foctiy-aixlh moosi0f b.Aminlcan assoelation for the uavsaemsent fmoelnabagls ai Detroit a o n Affl b. aMd laaveeL. The dlul-scyalh sa»Bai me.i ftm tahie British sasolationensetaIToroto on augusl 18, and laib te Atu uai s26. Il te tbe saaoeeL liMe the Briishassociatioa bau heulii a.,nudalmeeting away train boms. Tbletceffluis&go It met at MoutreaL. The limes and plieas. ofthe meetings oi lb. ivo assoelilonm Ibis yesr have beasuse arnad as foi Make Il eay fori members ai -ehb.r ssocia;ica tb b. preei ai bath meetîngo. To the. mem end Is su' arcanem.nt by whleh the metoînu. a, the Buliab auaoealion., la whieh usually on irls own moeb are t admllli, h lleobuoopen ta membetu af thé Amotulesuassuaion om psalment ai Off. tain fusu. About 800 BriSlsh aletilste "0re xp.oluud ai the meeiung -lu Toroaloi -Harpci'aWeekiy. t~rospeiom ffeo. !l'o proupeerstîM&up otiteoriharu Y. 0. Long, lés nov beau publialci. Thi isthlb bo-l uap thal bas ret basa usuel rslatilg laelbheualuig rusoaceas amditk aiof ti bla peovine, The pros. paeu "IAte-ia giace the dlfaeneu auoalse of oresfaona i elîbl the district 0"ia~ usam 1 lThs Ameiosa Rebedaon Vms l ma'MSle the imWord patrit Who VI1 bi"" sUns Iir whtt1*t5i5liomI le pel d.wa lb wattbulbe vu t IhUISI ad'mi ou to buthierla bhs bo. the matis .t bis vaIsuns g, a the ,%nus %.% fredOM mMc aeao. -Ha he ot 1» hi put do»a M à tralior bouecheo e bau th@ sonag o etara baok lb.page ot blstoey sMd radod Ilshewctlg. Ha "Thewv aIof shewrbellon vas iaally a whisky Vau. Y.n, vhisky esuse b rébellion i I vas lua ongrcamprsudilg ihs var. Ilvas whisky lu île moring -tb. moraine acohiai-s bmone a whisky disIste. Then whisky ail day; whisky sud:gàmbllag ail iày. Drinke belote ongres.openeditslemoruai suni=n, luias belote l adjounued. Boareely a commliceuaom wisboni fée demijoha ai whisky, sud the cUnk ci the giosées.contl hobo hard lu the capial corrIdors.The lghls, ithea»U7yspasales, vire.whisky. The atmuspbere vas r.' dointaiwlIh whialy-muvous exiilemerat sceihng relutf la whiskys sud- whiskyi addlng l e l asvouaexollmea i. thlb. Frémch amemblag eroe ta drink sou. mornlng oas.halt th. wbi.lev coumuci la amy oas day bW tbai soagisa Pranne Vauld ite ue aagainalGerma.,' lu swety mimitea." Temoling Ris Boy to DrmIn In the sarly bousg ai a prlmg uoia,ý maa loba B. ClemOel, Wh" ajournal. img on a ralvy ltranta an apponai oervioe toi the Mastar, I touai, as i.llow Iras chers la the ivo siata in front oalthi en@ I oeupli, au slderly -voman, pis.l aumsbli the.grtinotber si a 11111e iellov aif ual moesthon Iwo sumuers vho sal wih ber, while bobtail ibsu vote tb. pauensiofathélboy. Wi, vostezni 1th. sud of th. joas? as the ma tol aflaeh ft.mhis poclet, iraak i'.. 1, smi passil 10 othc aid ama wbo drank, tbe. Thauathh. ibier Itag thc iaskagala, offrsdit IoSathe litIl. lsd who vas augai la -bava a ni»"P vllh tb. rest, vhlal ho didt I quaslilsi t b b th, suithon MY blooi gcev varu wllb Indignation as I thought af vhat Ithe oàter bai deliber- saly doue-preesei lb. "loup of deab" to, the lips oa ieis uIbore, ani hs se Boy My InuoOO bain£ misa oui for nmre zeeirilalag band tla mals frevet . impossible ths repetilion ai an offene 111e Ibis, ami I thougbl af Lineoai roatvIsa eho firsi sa5 th. save Iraei. la aIi li nklny: *"If sisi I Rgeàl anaoi t ta tlit Ihlhing, l'Il biS Il, ami bit Il bard.", May jou do likswlse. The Minister Who Drank In Mocl. eration. A mlualer la tle H4 gblaadm aif8Sao, ladfudoeo i aibîes .Ioxicatsd. The nexi day le ellei ta rue- prove hlm foc Il, Ilisavury wroc o a1 . itet deunl," s ald tb. mîmîmIor. 6I ken tIai," sgala thc man, t"but thon 1 dinza drink sa meikie as jon do." "1Wbahi boy hothal 2" ",WhyI Lat Pies. e,adunsa ypa tae a glass o' whisky wlSh viSer atter dinoor ?" "8Why. 'vo. Jeumy, mocey ta aid digestion." 11And diu Vs toate a glass o' toddy tienv alichtbelote Ye gang Ia bed ?" "1To ba suite, juil la elp me tla ieep." ",Weel, lIai'. jusl lourten glaise. a veek, a' about slity s monit. I oaly t'ui Psu once a monl, au' thon if l'a lake slxty glasmes là vai mare me dai drnaI far a week; nov yje the.Ibu1017 ifersace e by@5 ilgacitbttirtIhan I do." aiskîng Too Much A Youagi1couple wete chiietita oether la a romandSe spot yulh birdos ad flowers &boultbohm, w v hîe lofowlag dialogue enoeds; "hfdy demi, Iltlb' sacrifice of my l'lc voouii pIsse. hes, masé gladly wol I lay là dow s tly ol!" ..Oh, air, onu ae too liai. Butiljai remicis me th&$ I wieh you'd stap usina "Csnc'ttbink of Ibsi.> is's s habil Sa Au aytb 9 aft nami sk . iessE 1*9ladv lîvlug a à ur-dow sekt lu .wuIIss:- m Mmyutyb li ou a.,wi p et hpIf~ a .li lhav ma oe 1 h 0tiedu491àIiupua1w x eaalamed ig. Ibs ouditon fora m bs Immun Whosu Iyvas Sakeu swldamby 111 ami mot. able tbgo about. Car famill deoru &W la suiiid ho.-p!01011110d1 I M. ilissas eblaro*lu(poyeriy or th. blood.) kt lunt bis.t watau.nt appuaed la do me bood, butl or, toalime, andi I thon t'aa1 grow wors.. I eonllnued isakhng odi " f.~~" ort Ibm moniba, uben I ,vs q ý10uues8ainos regailg tmiy beau hthb,.'1 deolalaedtkààg h au longer. I ilb.7'trieda d lquid Medicine aivsue»d to eg,' mie@ 1k. Mine, but dii ual obiala theh. ,!hteetbiteflî. I bai~~ ~~ bsoshnb saiedmsd woak. Thora, vaa a onattonblO ti@Aiq moéluami.bead;,ml foiS a1hwi UDit V5i5 avoilen Mid, I vos as polo na à cop.q. One dey Vbile in thia oudlican my fuiher-brouihi home a box ai Dr. WMilPin k Pill aïmd adi me t0 twy thons. la lies.th" a s eell I ooUid ait up. sud in a couple of wsok I ouid Vlk quit@e sanues wibhoutlé«ilaMr*sd.My appetiS. wc*umed, tbe roaritýg In mi heai oeaaed, I begmu ta gainliicb Md Colore sud bat oie 1 bai uud a hall dozen boxes I vas. su heaiihy s I bai. vsrbou ia my life. MKr twlouds ddi n41 exrpieS me ta rocier aniBSd a n î*re1 qinlg at the1 woudeihai change Dri'. "a'PLUIÉ Pill ha"e wwoughtlalume. My[ t al.-1 meaS viii ha the moaue 0aI éeinlagsomo othet dluoouraged soulurer von are at perfçt.hlberty ta publith IL * The above slatemetat wuM worn butors me ai maplewood. York Oo.i N.B., tii 4th del of Ma?, 1897. TmoTm Wý *n .P. Ta esune goie thn l auneak alwa mfat De. Wlilams'0PIak Pilla lot Paie People, sud refuse ai substitut@@- and mosirume allEgad 10 te just as Laci. Tm Nusw Dis&u.-'Klondiells" h i what a local physuiaa oleu1.-011 V HIYTEiOacL Touopo.-Ii on& ammiii pox oes@causes the>t~o e o VpapOt te siop aver ta ibe 1 '"é ofsven or sigili eolunia sacwh VW 9would happea if a rosi spidemie vIsu h it îyl'-Hswil ton Hérald. ABoussiNG Tntz.-London los, veîy traway aller &Il1' Pipera tramth heart cait1h.e opireas d JUIF15. reaoh. ad ue yestsrdy. ouly vevsud n& ahall dais attes laina. Som4 people bereabouta au reomber wbeu l; ook six mentha Sa uissa Britih bCoIumb frt o and.- 'Vancouver World. Ioiltu.-'eTommy a~ ewhai a festivail w" "Whsl dli yau 101hi.?" I tld 1hLm fI vset co eosiaWhou ebureb peoplue- Cana le apsi iaf iy coute toi a dlsb 0*ttaolg"oen itrawberrlos aud a dab o e l a m."-c Detroit Fiet Piesse. b. au aid lasme af jouro, did abe not" Aîibur-<'Ye,tut ibai wan ubsa I bai moues Io a un"-Pack. TaRsN 3H9TEBA T» asa.-Ho (ASt. hey1 pases it£1-Tbla te au enormous extensive depàiment atore, laet hSb$ - ga ery. body case. I bave never beasu beyoud the lee.eroam ioda dopartuni -Chiago Tribune. BRU xWA8 VIsinLuý.-Fàt; Old ILady- ,"Ca Fouseesmm e arcis the bodl" Offio.t-<'See yp o seathe coad? ,Why, I could ue le ra milsafit"-Judy. Hui»R» Haî O.-ahe-'I Se ibs a jauni lady downa al umewhede vas suied ai hleooughing by eatlng We ore.." H. (wzîh £test ptreuee af mlnd)-."Yes, butFo yen ou the aid .ayina: 'WhasSle. one mulasentue may hba-amother man's pahaao.' "-Cleveland Leader.I A aew andiImportant yack wblob bad aster bossndortakea in Canada befaie del; 'i .1.0 1 .' . .T. . . .-. ':.;o. .. ' M or a sTAKR liAI AND OLIGA NS. PIan.aa~Organs, msnirfacturýed byý the Dominion, Organ and Piano Ooapan, ~aisvile~ re lii baing -A vide sale. A feWw weks- ugo Cwo v" importantulils wsre m~ade, vbich are worth recording, although, the ins tru- monts vers plaoed SM0 mile sa«part. Tliey had the apeciai hionor of placing one of tbeir" Cabinot Or ?co ij n l the Orystal Palace at London, Eng., and gothemr teautitul Oahfnet Glrand ini Itallan walnut was sold by"their agent, Mr. Foleming of Mîrkham, ta Mr. GWorge Pa!rker, vx-Reeve of Pickering t. nhp Th'is aione is sufficient, if it were neOe ary, t-o orivince the musical public ùow highly these insetrumetau appreciat-ed at -h one and abroad, Pnd apiP vo1truc for the'energ-y dispisyed in th man agem.-nt -of Ibis oompany. lu, * tms bmb......... au e. llàte m .e1 ors e Ual lummbut. bu .........SI rate e monéi n red i qà m& ci M a u t OUMoAL D LUAL 1011Cm. fus ua w iufoer# lourtiomn, a arl mosursUe amis au.ese elt par a& ago im. t Swti RI sns i n" Who me am -regain 0A frb msuuatnartlauo"m,,,...f ft* rnau24i*9OR"7i I1Pmu lobs wokoaiuu OO@*4II.bWU=b oi fndMoupulp sab diuoni inur on&.M.msl h u» Mdvertela uImm'by soclalte rmuru c deoIerUi a 1.Bsl. nlg o ltos1 bio.. pt ool or uavsceur.Bc SoIrh »m zwwoie licm ainsés onM «I*yin" onla u.m IHu.es. BoAWGa10 oRRebutN mut. uth.Encul oeerymonia. G. Doinion BokL .EW Tmua mm ïu., a n[u% N. 11 mnte ta lm mlho 9" t lrdmoR mi t ýmoth.l ruM banlent se. ct. C~rnolamet. M IoTh. Bé uunaceIu.aumse ec %lominion Bati=. lort& Nî'g ma P90spe84 R. . eésl, Rogaci tar adyc e oe ein MLToUnehll, ore o lentsmand: !Corne cf OV uut7 netover Doinwon àDgac. lemW VoilasW.N.;E. . Beusd. MiseleR. TanDa uo 0u, ake. ms . sl &.P. »blel no. m - .nies andmUth10rmodusid ohall K*.t i in , oer -a ovsLraier. Ne. Pouce0, .serOess7 L 0.e TIr,Bana Lonen, n olmndngar ecNo. t mos. b.hi mdhr d ar. no. la. sLOI&[ miii 1thuVlleioe in tbae, oretoéSoy hallml bm rds teudet @@oh Bmob. Wssr. Ms Mf. . Batag. smurbwy.ecoé cf saibt m a kua's oeholok. Ne. J elobin. iok. DlWlIlmcn.seua L.0..1..Nano"M laUntth .0-. Is.L ol Ll Mmhud Ca,,mbrets uts reitIeuts Bof hll f aud Se L fusadmys clsaekTont. EoWtsrs.ý M .e.; J. arntmUoery $omu L.nm&mT I. mnoer mmFr MdseNo m museW. 1oe re ms i.cosrfKmmu foot umd fomrh otaha sociio Ralon bolMu ala teo vslcs. iha. A Giths. u. JoneMSular,Clf mentmmd velie aes ,1mlrlon oS svuey ma f«bo sodah .Ngen,08;Tho. 0, aoot Eus, Uàetore. mreMIo--su voue ommm mesteN. 1 ut "eh es mmdtbin aons b aum g..Gs1 anoëms oan theoud muse fowib Tass el euhb mnth, la Anoclao* C. 0. 0. ah ower00 <ib. PU osséOmsnftano. 14, mugeuon afsceudmonh meute in.the monta 10 Aollion la Suozes Blaokvuustore ndanSh Thu MoLs of aewy Umont Vouaxua Dise 1dOflwa liiime ov cw&e. ocis'elofW. I CV we M.CA,*5AUUU np o. fOlmuen and acmi d amfoturaa myaf abmnlhay V1opm.' loek . C. Ir. U.-Oméot am odr y ossa 1,1sd.i V nmus.o lestLaid Ihie eedo fsab maena luthe ro3omsa e Mucat-e Iallu a .0 KutokP.0.Koie ,ru IOQ3e, LldmyTeni o. 0 meubt, lu 1h. 'rent &! om allte rhnoa tiuagors, 8 ed me! ThoThPrada y f eory "monlh iaitintbAsstnta Js eohne WO".. McWaw.cmmadr W .1rnel ror u stier. -aàmTtui , etel fT A.M .117u o cerleund ai! mbridge looa en eoadm1! m.ta o.w . Tnna" ommm locwm.s vCIo». -A; . Jackso, W. se 1h. Y.aumO. A. ro teoml term. f &U finBoenm o fLcMoes utreiBlu oanl enmerilu lent and. allrdgsrea eniesoond yand. p mo .mUnsG. Noces, SeoUeu, ]ROI. minwers, i0ureveyleumeTur7y vn ~-r~---IIGN IJIFBND ON UETTIN ---' BINERTWINES HURE AL SUAN, T LOWEST PRICES. JUST RECEIVED-~ -A car load finest grades Redpath's Sugars. SPE CIAL PRlCDE' -BY THE-BÂRREL.. GLASS AND STONE FRUIT JARS, ALL SIZES., HARVEST TOOLS AND MACHINE OILS. SPECIAL VALUE, IN--D GREY COTTON at 5c. s yard by the piece. FÂNCY PRINTS, MUSLLNS and ZEPHYR DRESS MùATE RiALS LADIES' WAISTS, COLLÂRS. MENIS FINF, LACE BOOTS AT$15 A PAIR. FANCY TOILET SETS, ODD DISHES AND GLASSWARE. OAKWOOD. Loads thse procemson la..Furuace Workr. The foloicvng m.smlaof bis abll it Y10 RcmU your HRome 80 bot that An IectrIO fn vont «"pl'.!a g me ouny lU, urny oi ate Sytea, cO&. Mn.- Wrig, t, Ourney hotna'r. wooJ1. Tho ConyBidns î w rgnleaobot J. ýieInuda, Ourao.rh:jt air, wcod. sIr un e! hot watet oubinti:r&.1Ton. ' S~ adier, bot wat., weod, Linday 'os Offceentrelot valse, coal -ude- woOd& ooa = émbrdRe S.ee= diiClurch, I teaS h ot air W.. 8edleir, OurnOT "et W.'t.4r, W t! Eurnae d 1 Peace Oomblration hot airamd Alez. liesa. Gurnov )>r--tetr, vwo3:d. stesm, c~...llOb Qoay e r ç,qod. i.t. &ndrow'e Chorch, a Gurney h7ot Air, cocai. Jh 1 ±, ':c.vt.' S.Paul@'.Churcia, 20'irney bDt air, cooL. jBrmurn i loui.., Cri6re , 71- t r, rc, Queen St. MothodltChauch *2Quri.ey bot.air, Wood!. R. DT,%exton, Euriow% &S ut& :lea, .LQ rco .\orth Ward Bohool, 1 Qurny bol. I, GêAj. UrM. Hooper, Ge.rney bit air, cool. Prance!u iit. Scbool, 1 Buck'a h-t air, COB. Sam 0. Parttin curry hc* ter ýei Baul.h Ward ISotool, 1i Llowrd bot aiU rAl. I r. M ck. (-. i .:n6v te: ~tt, Pherhf M01.onuan, hlo. ot watèrvream, ccii, jTbos. àatchotý, ir.,-QurnLy bc; a:r, czai, 0. Bageiatv, Gurney hot air. c3al.j Dr. Degrasl, 'àurnty hot W ' .te ,. p~. J. mUcintyre, GurnoyBhrrs ot air, aca' Go. M-tin', E£!too bot i'atcr, e..k. John MeDouaei. Guraey.Hmrris bot *Ir, coM. jHugh Workxnan, Gurn&y bot 'y'ter, ooai. Mus. Bu.ughtou. bolair. wao£d Gec. Little, Gurxiey bot ivster, cejal. EI'aa Boires, hot air, Wood. à Cdd.eacou, Ourney bot wmer, coal. Jap Grabam Burrcwa Stewart MoIlin. bot air, cool. jW9oe.- iareae, Gurney combloation, ccol. dam rulu 4uney ot oter 001.. £P. Brou.> Gurney bo; air, COoIL B. D). Ordo, Guraiy hot air, motl. IW«».- & Co., Howard bot aMr, oasl. J, a-. Sootheran, Gurncv bot alr,.covl. Britton Broa., QOrner bot air. cal. John Kennedy. Glurrioy bot aie, camlý Ch"m. Briton, Peace combination, o".l Dr. Pooie, Qurnay bot W»ter, oa&L . Woaril Kylle, Qorney hotair, ce&!. John Dobson. bot voter, coQ.I J. P. Ayiey. Gurnel hot air, coal. Win. Needier, bot voter, Ccii. IJamesoeIl, urtnerhot air, coal. 1..LKnowlsn, bot voter, ooL. W. X Robson, Buck'@ bot air, coal. rr. W1wln, bot vte, cool. Tho&. Bga, hot voter combmnation., Knowlson Birit.. bot ivr*ter, co. Goa. BeU, hotgvoter comblnation. *J. Mciuan, bot voter, cool. W- W. Los r, Gurn.ey bot wata.r cool. iPather Bretitron.,,cobli .on odi. siBgeio .Grno, t Ir, cool DJavid Dtmoont. R B na.. *Gurnoy bot ai,, cool. Mma. Carter, Ourney oh ivod W inGro ot air, cool. Oso. H. Wilson, Gurney bot air, Wood. B'. SyIv.sster, Qurney bot wate. coi', i JbaoisGireboarvc. MiaotrGrey hot voter, cool. Soea. Rtephen,,, Guraey bot air, wood. > G. a1ilHpkh±nGurie xîe bt-voter, eC.l IGo siue, Gurxey bot air, Wood. < o ase, stsmnm. Thon. Adama, Gurnuy bot air, Wood!. [Wm. lUcRanoe. Kîrkbilei, Qu'ney ot waer, voa., Mms bsGuragy bot R, wuod. IL XMc&1n%--de!MaîLY tin.r The su-ùj3tned la am n aaoioted ltimonial whteb De. ?co ekiniy haftd dme a f. W dç .A. ' W. 0. WOODS@ Daa laI have much pluamure lnustattug that the Gumna 'T P-P, i 'o *C . ~ ,lt set np lu uay boule ln lb' autumu of 18,34 W@va. tuy vbat ion rop:rseo.It Ie . %wu,. Thare vau De dot, iv: amok$, InO guma 1ma lekoe. &a"e ±.o *t ttrrte, ta t DO nô on id àa cublam tini Lt'Vo! qcou' cùL-ý=>'d W@oeraia oaim,ýt ir-i Wtrii.-rd A ,V thuie, 0 - b8 itept t y derlmeore d ;~ d*'t.d. zzy cne. wlio j.iàty C2 .. ±najLa wart«izàts ,'gt .yýc GVe W. G. WPOODS tahe çor.tr>ýt f ik this s~tr i ~done at;I:.i3 ~ ' lias thelargeat ofrctaatio of aflyPa,- -'o s f~vPaper i :- e W'..,LOCAN, 0-eneral Agent, Lindsai,, M7 Kent Stre 't . parcela VInnubored "mrn as your rig, cor- respondlug vitli your cheok: the mani on dt-'ck pute them ltaypur riR, Do rnere'.ttoubie. ýWe chan efor -eiyry hors& ln. Yonuneaubring your ovae fiLtyen chooso, Our ohargou are vsry modrole, and the adoofodatilcttla Veey, very pteod; lb. bMou n @v07e met yh u ntiti part ef zbe coonîri. ALUNT JEWzEiT peopeltor, York atreet, lnu- euxo0!Simpsont Ift »por~t,»-ram Ouism alneVe«Yý ba, #6as i . meIW]ec days.. M-9.0 ar *uï M sai e . wklft ban S.wsMunu -: - ;, t -. '7- 'S I i A 'I fi J i. ~ I ~ I 't 't '1 i I ~ i -' '-I i. i.t -- I $ 'r 1 - iLTTIXTIQqR le laew, -Tirir

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