Iii -t,- Si -t- I I il p - 1? J 'i ~ 4j ' 'When Irma vaine aitihen aurmexi end resunei tire book abe Irad bee reaing. M rs. Fontenoy llstened fti sonie minutes ta tire dean, u'ret volvc, - I thon. aire said: "PFut the book doivu. Almeo, -aidgo sund binug me tlire ockpt tirai bas a pîctune ini it et your.mothon."1 Irma looked up lu surprise, but air * - rose and obeyed Mirs. Fontenoy's bld- ding. , he- always hatod te tonoir Lbe loeket. aud'qh'e couhi net.bear te look at th aii.face Inside. Tire s eet, Berl- ou- eyes seemed toertai ber soul, and~ - .,- rebuke lier for ber deception. But ;)reînr.0'- w 1 dt'if, iekê and looked long and steaifastis ai Lthe -~ - pictured face. of tire fiend sbe irad 1 o-ved bout. "VYos,"ivas lber tiougiri; 'I ought La b e ashamed ever te bave boom ail- Il ug that the Chlàld et riys weoe dead *imee slould becore.me chili b>' mat' nlgm so"Se laid. the leebet on bier knee, and calied în Aimeo: -"Sut clos-e -te me." aire sli. Irma sat down on tire iasseck ai ir foot. "Lok ai me,, Aimee. Lot rn-o se Into -oun es-es. whlle 1I talk to T". AwhuIe ago my son camne Le me. HS vras vory unirapp-. He irai boomn e' jected by tire uls- weman hoe ha ever loved. Vet tirai 'oman irai gtven hlm j; cause te ihin sire 'ras net liffernmt te hlm. Tell me, Aimee, and tell me -: iuls-. for rny bearfi. l IbIs t titg, do you net love Bertraind Foenoyi? Ail the cler diId eut ot Irma'i face. Ber lips iroppod utirtire elder woe zMan's Inteni lok, -and sire talteneit * *"irs. Fontenoy-, lu te net foin me to love:suyetxe.. l là ne part ofthLie pIln Ot my lite. And s-u-yen krrow tLiat ft ls against your bear's wiush that there should be any.love hei'rex en u Mnu ard ime." jI kuew you felt tirai wmy. But. Almce, 1 tell yau tirai I Xlvis my free 'aud full cousent to your marriagé 'rItt miy son. and Mr. Fontenoy- 'il imnk- a I do." e "Itou have corne te thla docisioue be- cause oet your love for s-ur sn, aid your dishîke te see. hlm unirappy. Hec il net be unirappy long. I wmll goý * sway, sud ibis fancy w'i pais lie a cloud. i.eR. iIIretuzite Florence Bel- lam>', sud sou w'll ho fan btter cen- ieuted uhan* If lb.bai marrtet! me." "BHe'Il nover tonget s-on.. To do neti know ithe deep heart- cf my boy6 H.will nover Ilôve-anotirer, aud !f s-eu do p eot l-ecomieis wito le ie'li no-von b. happy." "1 tiiisorry, for I eau ne-ver bhoie "You do neotlove hlm, then ?"l Im'na rosze. w'hite, but caàlta. "If 1 oved hlmi as man neyer 'ras l oved beforé I sheuli sutlli say- Le you and to hlmi. I eaunover ho bis 'rite."1 MrS. .Fonte-nos- iookei at irer In wonm- -der ai-d pain. Her soni's suit 'ras in vain. SI-i. tit h as sire loobei ai tire isad, set face efthtie strange girl ire- * fore bier. Tiie neit moment, Irma's face irad sottee--ansd sire bent ad teck Mis. F'ontenoy's hbaud. - "Dean lady. I appreclate tire sacn- fIce et your fooings iu coneeitlIng te, * >'oulr sona inanriage.wmur a pon and * Uuknown girl, but h e aune->nt bie. * Counsel hlm ne o s.troug, and put me Oui etliris tireugiris. I 'i go a'ray .60en, vers- néen." "'Yeu must flot, s-ou. siral net leMr&. Feu îenoy criod. "Ms-hobee albo e aiwas-s yeurs."9 But tire girl enîy s snled-a ai. nega- tîvo umihe. Sire put thre hani air e ud te bier lips, sud murmnreit "Thanka; you are bind, Iztdeeil, * Sire iroppei Lire baud, bent lhon head, suad %las gene bofore Irs. )Fontenoy ceuhidetalu hon. "There la a m>-ter nhtliig,"tire lady sai te irersetf, sliking bock- agafinat tire -oevet CUmblrne of ber- chair. "«Sireloves hl=, but sIre *wtl net rnarny him. Then lu aone causa 'wr' bhave ne chue te,"l She sali tri, te bon rson tira i agh. Bert iraitire saine ibeugiri. 'There la a mystors- about bert'," ho sal. There niust ho somnetbleg Iu hp p a.et ubat ls saiand strange; but 1l-re 1 no champ about hi. Hon face, Iclis tthat."1 Vecs. -s." lMrs. Fonteney assented. oUr f,,e-iror dalis- actions sud w'rds VVIIIL n for lier thon.." Itold >'ou ail Y011 cOuli s'as- 'ouldi l nitli.i," t-If, ug îîns ai, stdowu. F lined on ýthe table Ilis miirer iookci cat i hm I lsent trlî\ .-" 'nit tolier rmuni and sat r n'î 'ued dreanifly torws.nd, as xn~ : e '<- î Z.V. a adxrk. 'I rniuz-t Put 1It aVas- froui me," l ' thé love ihai my hirat ont tako id rake or pessure ot thre iasi, or murn- g-un o.vation, adreldi:.er retorte- Vu -avodance et ber be- fore«tâ*ýtw"ber no* uufletm R5.e sion itirati t w-s nly te cover bis tue f'eeltrgs, or tiatI t Proeoeded torn the itiierness OZ dInaP7einted love. ýTber hail troquent brio itle moeetigstur thre hbine,lni Lh.gardeu mAi grounds, wheur a look. a. .1gb on -a. word troâ Karodes expresive esos xiiand. 1pssai muore thon loxrg speecheds eoud frem a louas skilled Land subte .acter. Bts Munie, hi$ soaga 'rr. aUlfer ber, ibough- ho noyer leokei to'wrd hon, uoe» it 'ra Le. met.ntorm wt. a, meanngtul glance. Inober cyes 'bon ýn DÉO one rais obnerving m. Maxry )r ttrtrrgm h. sait!te others 'rere, ton ber e, soi andiba'a algaifcance 'riicti- sire eOne atoneoxi a tady'caltai upon tire a Membeofhet bousehold ; upon Masi Gray PatIlcutarly, whoe««"dalng ýe frienIl se irai heen ton a mentirt, -tho WiteioSulpirnSprngs. Vano bai e aIse bnow-a ber ibere.-Aften sire teft k tboy all'roui out on tire plassa fer Uic 1- tresir air and the lght. IL 'ras aUn- ËI sot and gro'rlng dusk lu teUie i.ll Curtainet! parler. tVane- leeked a.ften Lire carniage asuL e irove I.way.- d .eOôshe l in arned-Mistress Evans5. Evans 'ras net tire n&me efthtie goi.' 5. toki»gt, 'oing fcllew 'rire 'asfiying around ber ai thé Spriugs."' «'Ne, tirai 'ras young RI:veniale,'" la -Mnw. Fonteney. "lTiraimatchr 'as breben oir. Be 'ras lndll-ned te b. 'ili, *and ho bai veny ltile mean.. Sire ira madie a muot boiter match. Mn. E-vans la a subsianial., quiet. steady man- iloer by -a goi many years thonl Rivendal-a pilar lu tire churcir, and emlaenUty respectable.'" " Andi-la sho ihappy, do yeu tblnb ?" SSire ougbtte Le h. h. bloks co'n- tented."l "Sbc looksibe a 'roman 'rirela Pal," -r'igte fit ber narro'rod conditions. *Wteng I bnew tirai girl, a sumuner or se ago, there 'ras tire Iligir et lite-tire tineof~ passion lu ber face. It bas «Il dici ouit o' H er face ln gre'rlnS -bhenk. - Inivë'e yars it 'mil ho expros-3 sieuless as a potate. Ber lite 'i hob tire aame--a deaci calmi-anutuuer stag- nration.,. Hen marriage 'rAIlbave doue IL. If sire mariei Ri-verdale it 'roubi bave been alfftent. Tiree nigiri-bave t been -ne stagnation. Sue would have Uivei and grown lu seul. Amrbeur et sucir love as Riverdaie's 'rouhi bave bee o rtiryeara efthtie hîke'rarm ne- gard ef mach a Man as I conceive your n bigbty respectable Mr. E-vans te be. 1 plty tirai girl. Ied ton lite te, a goeiy- * goedI ndlvidual, 'rire iII harien ber mIe ta «'pillar ' iuciras yen say ire l. Sire bai boiter have taken Riverdale, e-vonIf h.oirai broken ber beant. Sho 'wouli havelvd 'bile sire dii ilvo- now sire only. exisis. Dolivon -me frem your gecoi, steady mon, woire nvera bave aerrte Impulse, aidrirebove, 1 sncb love asuIlu, hy nul.aid measure. e 1 'roubi as.soon live 'ritir a green-hback hP uinrun, "For srarne, Harold Vane V" ex- ciairned Mn. Fontenoy, 'lhow ea u ni' iaik se ? :Wiat eau mabe a weiran aS happler than a goed, steaiyirubai- al'vays b ini sud reliabie, always ire jcc sarne . " .' i 'Shlilug on, shlnlng on, by ne shadew S Made ,tender. i TihI love, tallaasieep ln the. sanionesa ef, t quoeiHaroldi. Be seated blmselt by ber, and tirre'r is alt-sniokei cigar 3 oft miet tireabrubbery. " lDean tirs. Fbutenoy, pardon nie. 1 sa 'ras enty alring some et my pet h ibeonies. Let.ime untangie tirai 'orai-e ed. 'I'ou 'ml me. hnwcie-ver. I arn ai such w'ork."I "I bno'r yen ,were net lu earnes'~ sire sali. molilfiei, and yielig te hlm b tire sk eln ettangled zéphyr. gI' But Fannie Gray- knew trai ho 'ras' in. earnesi, and evens- word.sank deep u une lhir ieant.,b IWill mY lite ho eci a bla.nk ?"' ~ige tirougir I. Witl my face g'aw T as oxProssieulesa as 'a potate ? Il teeti -despîge goeiy-gooi mon whe have no V Impulses. I eaunover ho ihappy as I 'John PFeoes 'w'ite. I crave passion, ni ani:anoiy." across ai tire lenier. di burhe figure no'r heaning against one et r tire fluted-piiars, mai smoking a cigar- ln ette. ,Tirai dark face w'mur th irenci flush lanLire cheêea, tire black, brigiri eyes, the lepder black bre'rs and me- bile neuui, ilere 'ras Passion aud 8 -Variets-eour Lirr. -o CIXAPTER 1X. n( Tirot saine atterroon a box iraidcoe ton Miss Gras- frora New Orleans. Ilu Uila he weding flnory tî'ornMa- dame OlymPe'aI" wiispered Made te XIt * as on.e ofM&dcaP's bloud wbisp- ors. Fannie beari lu and cnlmsoed and glanced çquichîs-ai Van.. 'ire 'as sitlng nea". But iris heai 'ras- hent L, overiris> book, and he gave ne slgn aý off having lheiard, uniessu h 'ras a siiht - SEE15 k IL tita b Lb pato he wa.SApi&i3if mam * boO*'Wl* do .sthafU« hie ai aour &er h enc ad .m "Tou are j«.the im;utieatlifla 8h. fred herso f frý om bishclaBp, an hed hlmfr t rtbe. ws ly19 "Jelaus r abe.d, ihscoru onetwbo hold8 ho o alh." "f e you elàeoe of eile, youmeaI hioum do ot loerm. IraWer 6e, you saeh elbe ne one .15e.li belnte no onbe s.Ihodbrb boshe edahretflo reak."cls a Irmsld i thing iere. ytote bersionate 44.wodShmould nao de ,,lof She ywalve aayfling by tieur It asot salways e oelse. for W85 )nt etten hehagl sumie.utburst belo ert; no one udeek hlber eiet thnd rive re; but heald hn dIrmaothinthtsneedn reOn t.tHe wassioatactive inhis ways an istal them brgbest, te most eetlg, ite o! comrdes ;otn s ete ht fit herseif awsbinghe wreindeefri thenO rotehe' cad suhimeif. The wud ycorne on et teoubereaks o passion t hie wulfrgen awaSoiy regard br and mand berioe onhlmer a ah sernt, ;abuaytie sat otin i .tnxtatr-on hese e-t, i Maddatracve In returnlng afrom ia walI tehe brivhe Asthey nteare t ouse Ofddie rade ;ot on aeadcrlg:a Im Jolthn sl whe.he is bi bugg the yronder lhe stanldwing som h peaesinats. H bas rughtenatahei rerond ma lirlok."hna aTerent, bad eted nyte te dria beringeupthewi.Ms rya Teae in the hal eor, hea b io Munse eet dane i a. nitg f al tortessrivar.As tur neardte herma. an graade rarmn.ha ryn "Johis oher nine e t he buedy adg," h e id sDotads, think I had botters htur. up bas brmy lt te ae They hette ered foe Vae n w ,Cone intethe wsitt iesroay. Dr p~erentheshall oWehave a bitofr hrse TheseOcobr veinu r cI tle cly for aks onh te river, Miss Aim. Iloine o in I." d Tey ent inyand Vane. asing to e? sxedwet e hewide t r nia letters bwterefordine ib. Atr rtIl Cmaddie steaid: g-om,' r VoDid yur letters have a nte f r. "Oero! thesummconrevenme awarea rive, Miss Amad.Cap; an, laLive )aks abadnewsn, forVame"sig ob Misusedraywas toten ihe leae e hi aet ythVa. fsadio nogton afs- ýrad, vrer face, buet a.nt on wiath -Der taougb bter fav bines, Mr. "Iks te sumrns forme."ie? u. ýo Msreay iev.o u ?" Mr.e Font of a ned.aal . h okd pqik "Ohairt Vai." as elaid adie ydou et no fagobtsefrenonwed- bir g ts toly nerd sf. Yrs o wi Ilethe pearl pper-cuter sivped -in. yous ray ' flneus.",Mi.Fitio 1No." besolI eane; ."I cnansnet- ;ty. Imut ntgo 500n-eryJons."d Heg i roe udcrumi-ng the letter u in sa han etthe o o.? heolie thtb an e.1 At t s evernblef t bi room, n cm dcwn the. bail. He looked ln at the halt-lighted music-room. His sSwift glance detected a Uittle figure huddied UP On a settee lni a sbadowy corner, but ho Pretended net to have seen it. He went In and Sait down te the piano. The musie-rooni was connected witb the parler by a wide door, curtained vith b eavy damask. Tjsuaily corde Ioped these curtains back, but te- igbt they fell loose. Miss Gray had roPPed them'; she bad a premonition bhat Vane would corne Into the mus!c- com and play. Indeed, ho often did, ln the ovening. He sait downte the open.piano, and 'egan to play. At firat, bis favorite soatas. then b. sang 'fragments ;of ongs that the listener ln the corner believed te be Improvisations, and that vere lndeed froin tue singer's own n-ýi on his "hulq ond bis é(c.z and bent he, in 2shahl ney4r 1 r or a not @ b.* 1 ra 'a.'Tou ri t oC e *m MW* ,. 10h? 'ýý.sz- . I i - - -= -e -, 1 t .m1JE4AA -I- L a 114 ~*Ji~' Tu.ue ~;quit. aurx'b.~u ,,,tem é alen cïù,bu i th r*eý "b. I e OUiS/'ah. anwered, rais- w$i. M "n b r i 7riMydan ttnassured love. coui ob. d < o iaa P=pse vrhefcbtb m urý »4 the" oras were from b.SIGNATrURE ubro tb.""O r-î@-le . Am'glad'that ho does. 1 rusv0 bis wie, LI Ice for a.bs."e t b . eMay' make Yeuhpp" ThonS 'vM s A se fora me éThewarning bell of the sieam-boat ýMextJohn Vpotroy hslf &M» t trourang, Me gave oeolook at the l»Mi biestekt, -but mat #'vn 4a11Ui.A 5or".fiîzre and tean-sain.d face, tbha dpalier oÏMI1g4Î1 9,0i is ey1es eS aught ber te bis brest ~an apreée 1 w refied upoa bi btOtbO& - I %-. Ms upen ber frebea&, a.£t & I onte breke -ihe ileàce. "If you ébould ever neeq4abtA "Fannit.Griyi, yau'are SIMPIly CralyI orne t o: me, Mr ebld," bh.i&salle8h n.You don't know xbat You are saying.1.1citd Dot sgeak te him. As ho turned-O R 1 do knoW," uuSA Miss Gray. I awa.y shMsa"bon thb. qý80MD my sayt dG.bente# bto You &B, that m tbqW1b be hat would break. boee ay b lxi pny eanit dn Ok5 bt [te av Nane's summlons by' letter t. - et u banin ribar fo teks u ea ve *OshAw vAsonty a. ruse onuts LY1have Drot ba c ourag e l k part te bnt maLtera te a. becus, but WAP E cousin. John 'vol eneugh te manry hlm. away brought 'Bert Fontenroy a vert- a& 1 have kno tuai I-I love lm- table summens by mail te corne te Ne@w -FEYB e oîuher ro Orleas on business, but Bert repré. o M shue ooked t antly. aPPeahingly, meateA bis father, In ail matiers et huli- ai Vane, au the bthe hoped ho wouid cas. corne torwound oal#er#utbs Tou muet go on Lb. next do'wn BO Ieyes wr aidv. -NO madO fan eai"Mn. Fontenoy said; and Bert Sr 61bve -atd noaly ail I waxitd id e, ho said te himmoîf: la oCàsla 'y giveness. I dld net mean te dtecove midnWglt or daybreak. and meantjme .Sour Stoweh,,iteB 9-hlm. BHe luail ait1P goed and true, I Alhave one more interview 'it lVwCnugith sftvoejsw-s k.adtue ln worit t a bote rt hn Aime. Brasoale. Her Pale, sad bobs mdld>ss or SLuE 1' ceuhiev o elhlm. Iied bard give nme hope ihat seedoos net cane 'g te love hlm, anjgf ,' for me, If I can o'nly get ber te con-. s.TW.Oiur e 8 h. stopped ruPLhy';to se f ido In me!' I Wil try." e d ber iittilebo with aL douant air. "I knew wha you wiil think ef me, ~ ATR~.1d 4 NEIYL-- D o. luI put up in one-àie boufles only.t but Iyeu wnet lp et ;mand I aldnt. John Fontenoy dii net go bacic te 14 mot soid lnbulk. Don't îshowayons to Bell Ltcars for ItL I vo dont 'riai I feaiLiUvo Oaks atter ho had sa.id goed-bye.yna~bm !ea h iso rms hti te be r~tit.,'te Fa.nnie Gray. He zmounted blu fi"5 asi good" aid "w,.ll sue vr u 8h. rose and atarted te leave the bora. and rode to hie own bomne. Mas "jWuSt ýu&t ue vypr Iroom. Sire felt the bard lobse thai eldgardener was in the front ydPS"'etayueOA8TR wrne upon hr.Mn. Fontenoy's stern watening a. dwarf Cape Jasmins. He_ The- eyes, Beii's sec fui oee, Bert's lu- leeked up. as Dr. Fontenoy approached, UAPCWP UFE.ducéi , dIgnant bb1 ns Fntenoy's, Mad- bhi, es blinklng lu the rayaeofthtieI &l E.fJJ #', 501 îil'., Ohbcr auter ' wen ah. ws.s mid- low sun e !-way lu .tbc noo er tiny figure wav- - Tbere'II b. plonty et blassome here ered a n mght have talien but for for Miss Fannie's nosogay on. yeun 'red. eJohn Foenouy' support. He 'ras at din'-night, Mars John," he said. "IBut ber aide, bis around her-it 'ras yen al't 'reii, hurely,"' ho added, pul- f net -the arm thrai should bave sup- ling bis spectacles down from his tpented ber ln ibis tzl. îfeneheai over bis oye., and -penIng 1 When they reachei é haille her- tbrougb thernai John's face, whichhbi drew frnmbis suppol'& t . aggani, ashen look. Your colr'.. I* 1îbank you," ehelsali. III can go Ç mighty 10w, mars. You la doIn' tee' alone now." Inuch work these sickly fait days. Yeu I Wben John Fonten y ne-entorci the muei give yourself a rosi." - The fickle, braini 8s creaturo: Bbc both drop work and go a-flshing,"D.a e ii ba acted with Ingratitude. Fontenoy sald, kindhy.. Fiehing 'a She-", Uncle Caleb's weakuess. Father," homine upied, *II can i eHo assed ou and entered bis boues;T fltlten you s a such ihingu etf I w. lt breiebd often ssici. A ber. Bb bs cii ter ouaen An ohd bacheor ceuid 'net maire a bonesiy. Sr ol et love me ; shehpe LtoawmanruaclvW i~w >? a 'ras net teobamo r that-and sîre oni a cbihd te maire a perfect borne. M ~ spoke befere iL was laie. She bas: Be went on te bis study. It wae G la s ££&F ha.i a bard«struggh witb hersoîf. I dusky witb sidows, fer. the sin irai saw It.. but I dld neoI1'reuld net, un- iio' net. His Jamale sparrows gave denstand.11 hlm a taini, sleepy twittoe r elcome "Itila ametingi t basoniy corne frern tirir cage. Tire round eyes etHaf u"d as loy as 5o. fRat and Drees Trimmingg sold below cost se as ta be even ber et haie," M * F'ontenoy sai. tire owl, Secrates, shene upon hlm, «She sailhle ved nothor; wbe can tbrougi tire giorn, and tire bird open- able to make r2om for Pall gooda., Cail before it iis tee late. t bar. , ed and, cloeci is bread wings lu a II do net knew I bave net tire noiseleas greettng.- For once be 'ras f E'rs n In1 aigdu os taintest idea," answ red John, gro'ring netrt notlced. Hie master waiked to.e I Dmatirotemkig ou ee palen and turning t the wniew which table and atooi ioekIng at tire manu-'j ho irad thrown opsir. Me stooi there script ef a balf-flnlahed article for a M ISS M ITCHELL. witb hie face tuu'm*d te the iarkness medical journal. FHo liai ft o i ehgr-__________________________________ Oftthe.xaight, netfiroedlng or bearing hercLned and clear-head-rd wben ho be- the commentaet. ,the, othera-tire utc- gan ItLhast nigbt, with the nernory et torances ot amaiement andIindigna- FPainle's good-night kisr ou bis lips.. tien, Belle's coli darcasrn and ber char- Now, eho ai net beart to f nish It. Ho acteristie question as te wbat could lotitirhe roin and M'eut out on the front be donc te stop people from î. allcing. planta. Caleb came u> to hlm from Their frienda 'rere lokn o -tire yard, bis waterlug-pot In one baud, ding. Information bad been givenIn h terafwwit oeJadM L wouli b. ne end et gessip. Hee yu*forms"'hsad At astait'ra quet.Tho ha lei iDeys sweot wid the eveuin' jews. I Ate roorn.an ba i oiet.Teut at etr Iucciyou 'as tee tired to pick 'em 'I bave juat completed. a Miss Grae John stIli stooi by the ousef window Dr. Fontenoy iook the flowera me- Prndw. nson tiy ho feit a pair et cbanically; almeet as mochanlcally ho arma lsea aroniis nc, adci urnei and went Up the broad star- foun It ,wa tebisbreast, and bis case that led. te tire upper reorns. A ltile sitý sebbed: one eft tiese noornu be stopped, anrd Oýéh.JuIaaesoyfo you 1 taklng a bey from bis pocket. unlockeid arn nov. prepared te tfnuish nverythîn for house finishing in my line as ir wasul't good enougir for y'0i, tire door. A vague white glimmer, a oha129i hepa.Eeyhiggaate rgto opy Bhusi; ov1as"fetant peèrfume greeied bis sentes. He B .sh eh said, "Ie n't speak threw bock a beavy white darnask Agalumi ber, Maddie. B3e ktnd te ber. curtaiuand tire paie axuber after-gIow Cali and inspeot 'vork and Cet pnice. 0h hj iegr eba. lit up tire Blue-beani roern, as Maddle _______ bOh,.John, you are tooe goed ; I loe bai cbristened tire pretty boudoir ho Fou, I levé you !', uai fitic up la whiteaid geld for bis Be clasped ber lu bis arms, sud boni' bride. I his ireai te bers. Her simple 'vends. Ne appreaced tire wt'n mrarble 5B I.TY EY 'rore a baira te biseireari. Imantel-plece and stood looking at tireî l Iu thc ruerning Miss Gray dii neo pîcture ibat hung above It.liLt'ras a cerne te breakfast, a4id -ber tea and portate anel o cro-ii ànfnewresntu t e. ter rratofFnieI bracol-il Teephone 1zs. --20I0-tf. unluflu wqe snt p t be. Aterdays. Sire 'ore a baby-waist tnock etof _______________________________ awhilc iwo ieckei andi kbehed irunks white mualin, lgbty'spoited 'mur pale 'ver. brougiri down, an-d Faunie timade bIne. -A'ride bat cluug to e héirad; 1 hon appeatance In a travelling dresse emtrg te bave been pusirei bacb by' aid announcei brrIntention et geing the matset luxuiant blonde ourla. A te bher aunt, la Mississippi., amile 'ras on ber roi lips; a dimpte, 1I shahl aIe tire first. boai," sire sai, deicately iefInei, 'ras lu eitirer cireek. "The CarrblIton la due this morning." Her oye. bai a ite-ib. sparkie Union Ne one askei a question et ber or tirirlong laeires. Sire seemei neaiy maieay eomment, and sire-met thelr te say some saucy tiig.t coud loks 'mur eflar.î ees. H-Ir Uner tie portrait stoei a tait vase trunks vèeement te Liv. Oalcs landing, etf'white marble, carved lu tire shape for a boat. Sire bai net seen Vane base efthtie stem. Thre vase heli nome _________________ ait thre mornlng, but now ire passedi dewers, acarceiy tadei. There 'lre lier Iu tbo hall aidbo'wed. Hoe'roui ul'ays flowera la ire marbie vase. on te tire iibrary. Me bai given ber a Thoy 'rere a- rdally nuwed offeriag r t, i ftNIT~Jk~E cos makeTS- ren it 1 or exu da3 je r nal la-t Ba te cre agi tisr 1'ii Re fisr bet bat isf g-sI îng le boli vat. B iI i Win t'ra ni.-: laiy rat ino te wii fan ga s fran fan( flo1 iel 1it i- win gi-n gton fo r l-il. h i itt but1 nf r se X t lin. ford THÂT- THP