8 TB2 y~oeg~A w orU IMMSBESALE l y v i 'I d l~ 't ' f f 18 THRE WONDERFOL CHEAP MAN, dOURNALISTIO ioe WOU téz.melkoutp noiiorpont 1Jdirola hSiil Aft te la tle aconneelbon sh le tact liaI a great Maury ople Imagine liaI a irriter arrogates tolilmnéelthe poumas of au the virtues whici he latta. Ir 'we apea] viti .enthualaMnof.thle good and pure we are suppoaed tobe phartsalcal eouugi toeclturn ail the goodaes aid purity Of wbich we speak. If we write ef rel!ga Ion and extol Its béeetslnl uplittini the Iludividüul and -exatga nation, iiarruw mmnds pi-eume lial:a1:til, ai in every other case, we are ladividualla. ing and iiiiat necessarily, tD be honest, bc Possessed eofia devoutueus so conspicu- ous as tà desire luo make ourselvesa a exam»Picto the reuîtu ankind. If à reterence is. made tg ionor or manir courage, lie strablame Jee "eftIhose vho saeer -at eVcrrh a ae on lieu a cuàraing lokbol nvniner hwabout the wrlter himueit!1 ýIf a happy orun- liappy borne lite be menthuned, scue po sni canuet conceive of anyone wyul ing about la açt bbch lt and oralu pe a the 1mlidi Re ud !Eurronugot tbec villar bimseif ou berseli. Tli tMdesacy la lmidivldualice rad presume liaI ve ane elwayi lai- trospecüti, lwffligging t.o Ou Memory« e « uatblng 0ut 0*11 secrets ý, udgeosu and muiraaaginfluence Il he rftiff otev«7eqo ra-, amou fris. wbil v. luaovt lat vici v.doeam>t mv. Ros eh baav a oileigsme t ines mature aid W11e bave cutivatd it by itudinlg tieïr telle i, may coneelve of *auD scores of thifgl and *rite of them asIf t.hey wvnu reail Mit ieut touehlag upon licir @Wm 9&reece, Yr intanS, a -an vie buhua a ahappy hâme fb ae ot de- bared ifrom kâ,ovôlng viat an niawpy home lite would ké for unfortunateiy he ia Il la ma of et le houme hila prfegdt un<.-Jhn BOyard Jane Who wroe eHome, IvecI Home neVes liai a horne, yet his peu produPe that, wilci huamade the rudea Weil as tie cuitu=m vophmn, tirau y Erbo om. wi = td, he7 bave heagd -the veÜlm-n batD.. 1him i lt ina Fod rie su ratgu as w a nvrit- mg otteprSu» tblat eesallom or oemposltlm oatMab.couhel la lhe nmurovu vileunmetearlng eur heartie, eto te ejoys vich mai. M gS". If thia be obserred, a. tbousand misappre- henslens mai ho prevetei, .ni obole whlch ve think are ýmaie at us vili leave us unhimed. , ne soller on the battiefieli Wh.vhe ilal tie ela fore et tictheeniy are Kaitiat im .smd endea'voling te coiernhie detth, wiII be wounded in every part and fi- ally die of fright -Wbeîi we get bit fnd hurt it is a vise thing te qutly' ;o to the ho9pital and ve shah create: 1aore sBvmpathy for ourselves by con-1 t. eling our injuries .tiai by parading, thern.-n. i Saturday Nigit. ThlInaset tWes1q. Profes r rY Skluner- ofthle Aea- doemy of Natural Selences lan leettn'lng t. n insect eollfcting recently, said l.hat: A book oit Central Aimerican biology rie'rtiOns 30,114 inslect seiobelenging 1m that loca ity. with 2.0)00,000 inseet sPecies la the ,wnrld, and only 200,00 deccied to Èinate, nt 5600 per innum ili wouid taie 340 years te describe lie remaining mil- Eon-odd; and even theu 'entomology would bec om'Paratively ln Ils infancy, Cor ilsiy n aonlY, PreparatR o it further investigation. In. Central Auerica Oee mail tumily *of beetbes ereeds inu lmber Of upeeles .the entire mammahja. .There' are in thé United States .110 nbpiarian societies, eght Journale devoted to be Cculture, fifteen «atetactories kept.constantly manufactua$ne MaLterials for lie> 300,000 bee cultutlats, and thei annual ProdUet Of hioaeY la lie United States in 63,M9,186 pesais. Accorcling tote eleventh (United States ceaUS li te annual output ot Iaoney and wax vas valued at $7,S,' The presemt estimated value of be products bua*_M000,000 per anlumu. 1Tic e ebimealbug (vhilc suppieso tic coloria malter la carmiué) us no lin, liaI TO,000 eigil only oe ePound. The female cochineal bug la vlugims and lee are 2W0 female. teê oue male. la oýne rear- lie exporta fe o cocila frrnm the CauarY lIsadeamounlsi te 6,310,000 Peunds, 'ulued îaI i,O0O0 -Philadelphia Recoril. A Question -et Deoeaent Tic presenl Mexiea people are oj mixed anealr-Bps Mnhu, Aze an th Chicimees tribea. Tic enigin or tùe Azteb n us hrouded in mysteur. An t. t la knowui of tie people in. lbt t.bey caus from ' the north land sftm er wndrg fia piaS to placefoundeilaln b.Mth cof Tcnociititlau, or MexlcobWbm Cortte iiuvaded Meeo, lat 151% gâ4&wes tbroine vas occupled b meauuzuma. Tic' Atrlcaus belon8 1 o e oflbthealm divisions et liebui*e l I eep Up hope. There r thousands of cases where re covery from, Consumptioi s as been complete.. Plent irof fresh air and a welI-nour. k ished, body will check tii Sprogress ofthe.disease. Nu. tritious foods are well ini thei, 4-woy$,but the best food of ai: > isCod-liver Oil. Whev nus y digeted as in Scott'à ~ E ulsonit oes flot dis- j îurbth stomach and thu bodyecues the whole bene- fit of the amount taken. il iyo u warxt to read more about 'klet us send you a book. j SCOTT & B0W> . Bellevlo. CUL. BeL4deIli Me. la vtem m--t o &w;eoedlme r Wo k»* ut a hndms hadth a t v In vaye, vin. beavy miai»evb.. I0.Ou*t@l amuaiume Mdisit Md 4 Oui th& lb en a.tiedaikuaigu4h; 1 anS voux tfiknthll=»r ladi iffgh., O1yturltbà-Ihaov li olâ My iui, .8 tWbi" a w I a otuiland . And byulihlvahmmlNo » alvays @0; Ohiluca lb biavy ispsterouni me blowv Ami w'aiMy olo isvéeaistai baby. g. IeS'Whor thé Imm biuti luie«l i 1y, AS' Whlpo aa te at1Au, 'l.i la I 1A4buv e i lmpai vii Ii.hm aay, 1 te*eou tii.éiniaus i.. b perfbt dey. la *My tP"euo et tlaeIdluihebmay.1 1 wo.,e tuithesUo. lb balp l ami fr I iol, r a hoemioo aiey, iiso A"'-m %imiev io-ia; t mltaiS ters. Slui B. gice e me bli.bas oi A"i la lb. blait bersatter I ibafil iov Wh1 , RhN visoni, Nsbath lai aseas. Rsphaub tic -groal Italien paintÈr, W~ ebrated BMil Ipielureu &» watt tabuoossumeut lm==e, v us Il a ua man When Yoiung, adeuter- ei moue «ofet icvuclusiliesMietmmi iMM au«hbe gena Oum . vu ra- "cU he » ut tan izS and remainsi iii. Tnabceluh Pew utuPeona at mh »c h le mm and ie nuquesta fer.a aiutuemet gr mocre and mot prumin& 1Flaaiby yoms ÎlutdeQpemllo., initedi oteb Sdevice: iýIHe Setufly pahted upon a tbeh - lie tel a t. a er tin ccdn¶ th~ue tlà effltaei l.i ý'e dabuted, viti aaharil -vaVe etfhie band tesird, tie 4bl, p temy bl i otm bava Im e vartutaMi." s ~lmed bai th aIho mn m ra e a i no j~ 0 ont a d t nd cue bGe maiS a t& bm Beeba ud cma ut v Mea "n la baeai~se ia , r a IMMb. n É l bon,*v nla ~ Imm-& âm- I - Sewer and Cuvert'Pipe 1slesf&oui4 lu. go 241ln. A"s - conneîon».1 WRITrE FÔP PRiOESa THE ONTABG SL!ER PIPEcrM ~4OTRY T Nibe.TORONTO L Wedding Gifts Than Ever During the pat two veeks ,we uoid more W1edding GUist and Wedding Rings lta in any cingle month ini ourhis-1 tory. Gift buyers eeem to know values, and take ad- vantage of the 20 to 50 per cent. discount we are giving. If yen bave a gift wafft and do net ses cornething uiftable in our ýwir2dows, yen wilI certainly find sorne nice thinga inside. We FI M0GARTY, 77 Kent S., Lindsay. ïTane 4@ 87-li TonPaDI.m& ,*ho do wMipuvlli thé pm et band Subsoribe for Tas WAmU. C@mpmwBaitee> re1.but vu sa- .pondutpmluu. i 1ns nq mt he ta the bau l. ____________1897 1T Ir TBLE .1887 c- ow a m oMby Dr. Dh% ew. msaiS'bMr.i rmmni. Bmejoa o, mbnso tS àf i llay. a;urnIgamu o geve uo n oemdL .PausaiCe %a, as"ies Tsaé meiuai thiugi oui ,sdvée Mi. 'L'or OumdgEsd7,J'ulb.Imer bi, di mloas, umd" iflu t, teà@ Ml Dhneuw& ODadul a, Suie., Nus., née@" loo meu Pel1au oilu m elume. MU selbusa pàb t u iaIa=8ai e YIR.H iDs.i-b . owi5mOh"vuho àlte pvnmmmt, i*0 bob aRoue"alVoit set &eM Umay lt tom s OS ii Sali bdiaen 1h. u o the lbDumIaloas u. 1sais»ou litli, thédate Oflui90OT&-sttuDbuLte pvw0w%,OâMo11,eee.DDAOO ETRO - f..1*dtho ,us ommitéls,,j."W- -m A ,R yllm mm. Moirvaai. l'ormatI *et .l.iUlsl~a I ui 55io x 1Fiortageo, Redue ypar interef&.liare PTN mwu utabilhhlala swtiosétaiTfor tlbmu- ai ma êl ib. cim fàmarm md lltmi, j roney.N Any terra dea!red. Business pri- E. bIo lIy bai veli . e~~Â l~pf~p( k 4~ ~fLA~aineaurred, unleu lban la aranted Satisfacin "~ - -r 4; vu . t "W%-guaraateed. or no Lean. Loessarngel KTIUJ bum t $ vu8" lt- 98fned u 00- iti local aets. Agent@ wanted. Cali or Im clittes. Musaivet=àb.taG. ite aoe stamp . &R.LRNYIiOLDR, - PrmA. IL Patte, e%"i ft he G. et th.e 01" MAVictoria Street. U 5j5 *TE&,. th" mors yad »eM vu isquMa ébattiskof, th toitsjrpuiy oomo ODUWlIIg -- -'- bug 1iiia pos f hUis tie1ipidafitésvu baom".e M asil m e ueiteMs 1oomi.es. il tes, and evulunI W0~fhW8E *os moelao ba e u oohnas. un"iivch., Mr.Pele, h omm v u lmi" smee s ilàals tpé 0 ou ta a Touchhur, % oomoseonof *0 MUMï -k -t an f'~aiolloallO ~&iide bMyr satsb 1.libt e mal audothéuhi isoe, 1.)01 iiyismm51 bmthemow i d ft4bt]hot amdPour 00. a i ofhet lb' ndwivm o i~.lb iorth~et Suho adsllarm oab os Unold bufoe, wiilbi GRAIN &NDO IJDJE IMyA LIaeLiée te POrtE bssb Fý h Myaadai ardulm9 lbM£ leva lbun ia m et Dirdav b l@ y,Bu 1gin Bbe »Pt1 »boue 0t b i n haytg e "- 4 Lui P..; eN4t isauris *un, vs. eth lm00"glbfasiim 1 . a bsloga am iisls b.mUs uene bsai, aPm. %mm . &te U»a m dali "mi onffam"uirmi t onta. vsslBmni .a"___________luUeQe ..'.0"Beach f s mtur«iBD" ,et M&.vi mtad dla.metmeaîc oeluge bWrdae b"1yurgocrm .Ceia,.. mbrmu. LPIl O aii sus 0. Te muoomwtb& nelamIl*Um ofR *6 ta Tiobas ut OIma- Buo *tth oll av 9 WmWba utà «wodu w«r an Làouy Be flOUS.n vlaikl dr ug liai a illabb.mis Mharatthe,' t Piasq, for Raouuiouscf fie. 60 . ai s. o of »b oled. pBo ned etvu. v.oi.... .. eiàlw eew obn ff I iU W Vili tesoael*ea" à ieA er.t lb »,r1128? D U M fORD02bu, -e t1100f b. boom proou laoommoý a 11.1fr m a ilto - Poilagaiiresimeuh ain. Hmagog S1le 1 V, 0blet *auaamss. obivoSO M À L BOnd~ et l Woroka. PiJOH tiiruOpNDr vtyu4Mt R es36L ylOém W. O Uoh bs l.ybsoe, )MWi Arnasomi ie.Eu Blg, k uuIg~ ~ . e z~ . RUN r suOss.lva wEO lî z- % oslou.i nghtby 80r Ho a i " hm b inousmi &*trou"Y0V tu. oB1W*nae ban taInms omtls.mimo s. ~ S 000 .m.ln osrva uilu aise b '~.. sY~Pl bu s u~.~-- 5. Au mof lor. IeletmeTo wIt mit e a ov oftbeOou ouft youoo Ims u OU"us27ma% héPovne fOna io. oem.AU&i2traS.. Bod u obeoailen b allà atb a àURB ". hlle rdzeet lbssRi »9 e a fJp e abàoder w.dft Un "m otO g0mitgtlb teaalios tover h am v r ,eud = sldLt ube eu =i b - agfllabsPfl antif, suddv as i lfoar-' -o-b unfi s dý o lt g Ibe wnS u NIS. o eleumLMreTut9asM i fDfmsl e .LS Zju sre. . St mo llW ebr Poilai mn4i oiab i b Uls7a i LiNe e5. ui lsl1IUan Omisnevio te uy ut ai0li C=ar sud 01 <Jonollr oi, ia QuallorSoibra I sasaPm.. thelic oue tng lu prod 1 Branetodonm ut ob,»Wtd îe.. ...... d lbfu theio"ci 0omymllte b Mi8MB"tiie _d_ wT*onwu ubock%0thsie. .M, nde.par& * of ifj 7mUuYtbs.U 5dtjudou * do . ».. .-..-OIleS 0Mi. oothélas vlsisi lflI o anee by aI goinsi b.mng » mth R "'ed-- t lo fris urfubPMsdcodtinMm al riioLVEL& OUM m................. . aile.Il molbm bstlt«W Mlii1iaof s. nce"i 0006pw lmlydomff m olb-.....--- -A040te100 melba vu aim lwdai btuaputm a lis@aaor'am et te omtito.t w-18.9 maB ooeMbLklu w eaiu ommdap el a m bi guma , am.I L lndui" à ut MxSS 011012,01 )m. ____arma___ ____________ Luer noi1b.4............- l'oSte 160 Bol& ui, eli bi t e mno theorM aalls lgou rieu = e tBUs btm..a-=Mn-.-enme Dfda4. --.... . ... Oe 'lami Mf ILLAhooeBok e 1àI om ' a I.7 vhsée aiesotoi on u amitmjbdn iad b. Bot Uym ogm lnljt t4 u IVaUor«l mae y eate-. .-rd. :d: :: l itolaIa.bev amalmu sug t â BeeM= 09 ot hmbr»Sbolm d lu WuudgM t...-.... nd.a. t.l fe 81ot11 POUS lbionisai tb Mg, s. o»M tàm Im orr about 8of lanalevtesIo U - - ... - .*. .0 00aieO Ou «nmoe.bau imoitastS]Kim.tBootbDavid uososdci y lagthe o r Yo te eung Wlii 0 te. jai... Md..4.tatoi de M i= m Wt on theialewBselbaerp e aui*0lzsddé0" m ug Pjdeldbôi . for----. lm. 0i lS Mi. aPoilaéi b aume osei d e iSpisn t ov odr.oaviphePubeltiadnv«>.... ............ 008 Mr. ut i uI.. f i s <tlemme ofCthe8",iaMMeaandl tas.awfitcm ie---o.e of -.. . t muonVIII 0 itole5 moyr t h ubdta btudof i&. Te " h" . weîaauêubttons etmie(8). LD r t OLMAy tuio.------ coeéo moio. Bvurov imusiedias tlb moael au MOUMElocutfS 1% 8-08h0 assileaW fS Uslb is u d »yvabu h O. . . . . flbi~ W f ... ....... ....... 0 Semetel s ated "0 hoVwutoria ksi.,moue tb..AL.A 8 S hO vomiimov iai aUis l *0 p.roxiole of *0 or ilusudtcuc lot Id taartiulaiW.. rsa 0..a té:1 0 le e flb mithe dun e& i lb laDLtilaluioraboutnîve r i Y o u tnsn ghlt r p. LwleUp. a le 0 My riU, sa b oustts., 0. M Information m. ., ... .. ,.2I0914 OU O1 U"ls iisc, %eBis Arte vi. .... 5 5 baura aImii.thetic dop a i s PMU@s..ll a p R sib AN lA bnae. f 11111%01 ith5 . th Wb" naMd svlb "TMe"I sans n u.- ak.Lq &ua%1----4 N0Ilas J.u mue t tic- i o le MNbVITORAN RAmXPSITONauto: m b q b àRr. " te %. L Wrne, q A. Prn"c!ol. t vM8S On 8Sp pam.-----..n. tu bhe duadlmmiks Ollsiie, -i tIfIQTIIa.~i u,.,é~ M S i tOde On o".Ss 6iaet lalslu o,@tb&mmlMy.oai ipStock n ..' lu ~00 la3 Di, hn@umtve vu h le slaté M lbn et"~muTbccsTlDl T ~rà *êe hia a mflo illa, 4MaW i , hq UaISnD a e r..,..., u t iboli a sÎsl bso lb ugeiimhwiaB.Dmsi adANE hT I? Ik m if. u lngfl fer *0 m,,, *cmethé0N Ulb W IMd lt sme la puquithecmaiaSeso ert -l ~blohê.a. lbuuu~Uismi Aepicn Fie Ctu, tauuuf' Mo, lbIa'~MeSPsi has manda S asi O tu . hm .h m TohaI OS illeau "M Molle la be* *0 w* il pim t th bu1111111è*&ruiçart-]Domstic > nd LUas m -FOR IUL-Y AND AUBUSI A 30I 'Oc FC A fuli CoTT( aVe viii not quote prices bur simP!ý aay that evcrytbing ini our large stock of k ill be reduSsd from 10 to 25 POI cent rour repairing trade is colstlý inoueasing. Bring us your repi1 Wien vo puarante. ve meAn.ýW je JPETTY, The?Jewedir Next, the Daly Hanse, Kent St .DUNN'yS BAKINO POWDEIZ Ci lji, "t JpET