iv. 510K niÂiiM rPosîti'vcly cufed lS- tiUfl Liftte PUi& . 'They hIso rclieve Distress from DYSPePsala v~i,cliofl and Too Hcarty Eating. A per. fet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drova. ces i,,ad Taste in thebMouth, Coated Tongue Tain inthe Sie, TORLPID XIVER. They pegulate the Bowels. Pmdey Vegetablo. Sýubstitution . the frad of the day. Sec yoU..get Carter'; t Ask for Carter's,ý insist and demand Cartcr's Little- Liver ,Pulls,. FRIDÂX, ÂUGU8T.27,.7 Ire eà irdtor .etIbm WV~. __ - S1,-To'those vhé«o weulbae bous tsthe hrelaliobtw.n lCema ma oar eigbb@soit be sont4in, r,»olia Dhble Ohwmer, §mgati 1he1 1h01abimdon IW- ,sss.aold IdiSa '5 and"-matitM el roasilv sld. Né doutbl bJo~hn g. duein, b ut unfowlummlel1 a.whore but lu fmnoy, M&d, Mar ve au, a Most fetile tuery, lude. The reamul uPolli,Of emdilustos BPh by h l b. sed SBtais..te iMICI111 dewrimsni 08 the DemIsba*,is mimai Igoal vai.~..,,, W. osano proeesi t lIle hy dms .thâl oue tMouds over theb la" eptop siIffRtu8lid: tolue Il ta no a"odent, but la dons toi a pwqm and proyokel >by a oaus., sudl thut aus. lwaimply the tibthl anadia pb-,.- ,.Md a Vary- mpoi ipu$*-cti * British Empire. ls o ou s but alk thai Umol. Smm's o#atles joutlialy 111tilmod. bdng 1.1t as tboi mr Sai maM n. he 1h. um1M binues a whole là j usinlu b. hamo t W aimUtir ljuq doue 6omETiof W SaibOisLM ne look et lbe liaI. ntas t b Ut slaltu,sMd ve vSii d *lb.m British demande, duutue lb. -7m, M, bc about 887,000 Oor ébouiOS4e par of- h lb oli lunoreese of enport tuais Theme figures up.sk plainer tUas WIio eh@WInu, ": lhsy do, the-hans... sadanlage Brilmin bus by var f episeai. Flso n.luglanl otoulld,éesdutas agiluit &Morea.soisand vbMalMd ai thesanme lira$.Rive preféensce Welb. Osnadian arMoice-whtoh couil a.gta. , l. oîmi.Ths Wvol b. *.double dial Jut cJanadien hauls, fo i vould Il Dot encourage tInde vithif the- EuzPl aM at the.»mre ime teaoh 'Uneai.Sma lemon of meumderaton vhen dsmtg th British Nurth ÂAuxsila-afl Impoulalil inembenet an Empire, vhloh moed lake miher marttal not commrsîsl diulsihe, from a "third rate pwlit, Miuokoka, Âug. 1ltîk,1897.. Wstoli the Volons' ,1515 N-ow lithe lime ton oui Inonada i, ria ont Oniario lIobvanl h Plan 0 Hardy sombinatiuit h. song el tionas - .Hevebotorer wiem -any rn.subw lb. oppuctlion bobe oaftéisivS la 11hgi buI chape vie cilou tlieta bouches by ailaukin. ugotol I6 nioliodo ir arylng on th affaire et province, sund exposdel lie lebs vaste and loompe q'eh5A! vas inlel out for pê Ml le dieat hî,m ducuy ves beauIs is eal, prej adieus vire stirrl ensouaisevotes -againsi hlm,ani av 'ual o!1 mlsr.prnaion va»IS brin& iboul hie llsomigt,* alis The geoîmeul sieppol ai": kuno atoelltisigoulu. or v distln* im pellay-le tflu 1 Pei &uIas lie llberalia"»mof Ont"ai loue lutorner osrnpml.ms hq wu &sale on tiheselInosBi D-!MW- volornetis nov la.U suMs mg"s danger sud .rendée?# I mpossIb $W oîsimmosi le sury Oui -lieli y Lot svTUF somusive etO itaIr la bis polilmg ivim teavuil the to lie utuIild1., f m -a ltom"linosé e eaitro igm Pm l*Me. W. soul Polou omniast" so ma mi uiofaithe coosssvslve el 'Who vin ate ufgb iiobe Iiu ab bitossus listhe, mnsitfuis Od, u urlulie I.u.55U405I or, baivouiler. dImo IdO do heu eIuy by tlia' "e-j I lusienuble nsel M Md Vui v formes vu y MslsWulalI lis ««d The 111e la nunulng vllh um Md ie Isuuagraip) hA"m a vo wu muas te look lato Nio.ls-laiuMd sov's lie hum. mn iam e 'ls.rust élin'. oHr iMaUM. oi Mmgli sel mî evn ut Ta UMMlhyea Torosi MAma eon mnae -Whl D Lv'#eIuqla - - ýwtw na te r.eoupyiug êemM plan u li te euhi sociats. A"Mti mo t oalybut mlpe %sbolag itd for plu»silaie ranksof * oriminml and vidou. Tirugh the aito e bi shtIs e o MMl, vhofe adois brng hlmla osmel viii the aMy sile CI balus tif. Illa saime Mt osofOeur ous gir a"-beat "UIi i elVY ruulud-bdgrMIId th le euatllo n lu us 01 t ie lu Ouen. no répétélee, sua 1blerdisY.a'-iwm iWveste flae M Moab attiaw a Steli seas-aro dula lbos lhe dovnavard vg Mdefl ihth eg rdel asmof l i m vi ue; eo dl p a y I 8 te' 151 a an bt np 1ha roe mu tlsnsomblalsl roaI- lm- " m ) ti oUIsystof li4op -vi b.eh dumr vomumThe suaurallove et eV"y. bls aIiy -saboinaleld , =d1so ,lua e1thlb. MOIt ebarm- la o1ubâhbs he sez-Is aiiovsl D groe# tUa a vomi. vilieul pruaug os stalg. A s a usquos, lu theun- ielii eowbesonai c'r girl, love et hp$av bosm a Passion; ushal ot i"g a muia, ilcosoméesasumau. Au a soqu.utes va o oasie0sc1 irls Puaa- sgei*eo u is atéaenlu, dsssslu hou.psd siowy salervvIsthmi, - kuipbiti thumoas é«Ildy sud nb"oo M temed*16 mluabalty, &a, pioer mea4flbeuu, allempts go mais oLe"I.Iptlthé a. le x i. are, mut MImtlgv o muadib o plers lhe resait. Far var lu mems-es I& Who, vie, 1 eopr guidas. , d afuefty vatshe mmuli bave gueu llue mue ut sa ideum usuisse ofus i remmus.pll tor YOua girls, Md me ap Do me nawluelqd$. puo- ~IÊ.or e su9snelglis b&alu @£*mu&s.W. bave, Il le Wumthesésus. ew bp. l5a sbut PV4r*.S-blO Voo*set èàalsbu Wb W. vautsosm okdr bus.al o pas wilsi tisas l l teà u*lbkrav Oou t gyeuse qui theleihs 14 lmager I*"il1they am.Movlg te b. do.. o«R hIsMmus by eommusl Um- puesàalty. If pomis. ,-vg ettua l*0 uquator nssslawy of *4 muam iI ioli m.tiem 10 6 . ....... éu i A INONA LADY Saved hrm a Lilef Torture. Pain'a. CJ.ley Coupouad (Jonquers Âfter Yes r fFailures -With Other Mediclues Mis. . B. >ar., fWloina, Ont.. vau forn .aghS.eyeaaomptamlyr Wo auu ioalglat imiel 6ma rilea loum.nl.er t iouamudeofol .1Msddyougf lu -aas ýDortag er long geais of ugeur eebal ib4 srvies et wmoeft li boit melloat meu, Mdl ousumel MY quamliy oe- pahout mslhlrn., but il1 ta"d - tW drive off the lyrmtaul la a auklng t1M sahele. «AIt1lut the vu pereadl Sed lest b.paoesum&uitue et P&WUOIS.' ss opud. mal lb. happy s"eis -b rvaded là«. 1>11k hais iserbd isli llolug le.: musuga% i ms vr. mebal liai wrds veutdfi ti edesosb o m. Afmr iavief 1.1.ed e'vknovm nmedy sud diffea phydhIas, sud rsllgne heip, I vau Iovo s mIg o tbe flermmtii.. 1 amnbappi te my liai 1 amn se, a diffusavoans Tm P"u lse OstuagCmpualte suMYim bisaiEwSt ouI bema Worth inadr@4i m ga i uS alm * W vls'. xtrit flhaa~Sue a u i àdb-m* I bave mal oi mSo b gia i bi àm mtuefrli o. augwsi Ilb, 107. Nibes aol PresouL Miaules et luitmlmva A sommuahas tfrocs Mi. 3.éba Blevs u o i eak. ToiosaisI&vWnIg adium eXwteins- Mdal wn0ips to mmd. déoeatu bc le. OuV.MUbM at Toronto, in b. balem Bepi. SOi ud 101h Wt disumi the quitl ci*# "d ofe tu exemption, ivaà= lubew . À Md IS oet$19 t«. damages immialmu itmào Ibng.sal »"J .wagon suêbuy hls km 1 unlie. MeilbUt8ejfàô.byM.' Edwin Mark, thatMr.. Lovîbiough and Mr. Riohbe b. a mudtlleo le vestigale -th. cli ~LWMmShort vitb roersu to aus;ï bnaibregkugmaoblnery, ëb mihe roal iu thé10th ouWoslp,&sd report tW liii so=011 The s V îml SÀt. 8S. No. 14, Muposa Ci.,v1sf t bave Ibei application Wethe 191k y amoded. vbsoe fotlvimg rusolution vas pasas- MoisI by Mr. Biais, seonded by Mrv. fia- ik the bamsuded applisatilof ethlb Iushos cf1vas. No. 14, MaipauMasd Oin, be.nioivl sud lie requelgia£MW by #dJp 50 te théefnisolaiclon. aiaiâ th. vhole amenaI #1.400, and ua sbylaw b. Pa.u"d W liai effoL- Oarled. ' . Moyel hi Mr. Mark, oe-l byMr. Stassy, th&% by.lavr No. 478, being a by. tav le poie1f or lumuug debutures tor the amof181,700 for building a seool- houme lauouo usool sâ.lion No. i1, Maripoma sud Ope lovumbipo, b. ruevel sud nad a firsI lime.-Omnled, By-jaw No. 478 boiug rad'& a seson Mamîd ndlme wuvai ae1, ulged aMd AÂslmilai bylav vau pasasd iaulg dsbenlures tori esoin of 81,400 for building a ohool-beuse lu U-8-8- NO. 14, uwnpemamalOP&, 1Mevel by Mr. Biisi, aeeouded by Mfr. Swain, liai bî.lav No. 4W, belug a iv. la. I. Provlde for levving andl ololng oou rl' aeale poperof *et owpsbie 0056 tieuulvpuipsis. aulalso the atm et #8.850 ftowonsip puipous. oomutl rat e ob. 2.14 mlleion thé dollar Mud the lovuubprane obe 1.8 milleiou tie dollar, be usselvel sud nad a bl Bap'mw se. Au80 oisa udaIa s.omd émd tibrd lime vau finélIr pau.e, sgus ub rle eélu t andoabp tlsspi la le yea .Di 1897, Abe ~m Pt 8,0. 68 for a publie moi s.loneus! rile and tbh ae tW be1.21 anlUsoD ibe ,dollar s iée smnof 4852.55 for publie mobool émoet ae% , <1gw. - HN . U -a-eb-#m me Bn~ilfa-t 2 U 1.1 'sU 3.7 t.4 U .9 14 U. 1.8 17 U 3.0 20U .A 21 U S.0 8 1.2 10195 n 1.1 8 84.4 18 1.0 17 1.7 18 1.4 dd~ 19 2. be veseivel sud rosi à firI lUme.- By.Iaw No. 481 bolcg rnd & a esoal sMd l iâme vas finall'y paisel, ugnel sud sualel. Movel by Mn. Bla»secaoneîo - by N. Mark, liaI th@ elerk b. instulnuel tol gel fie. $ie alenk et Eldon, liheaasel value oft liaipart et Elden mituslel in U.S.S. No 1, lidoWooavllssud Maipoma bmtore uaitmeeting e ounosal iswa, laho hemm of 842.72 b. relurs- ol nal.bety le $hopropwoili obo iter- oleéd l in aî'sdrai, mail sm botat bamlsa u rossunenibandabiler tom- plmiueti 1dnsla.-Oarrlsne Meemvd by Mr. Staoq, esonol by M Mark, lii m hé it *bu tuslmollt6 ualty Johna Spauka sud Joba Tiorbouis Wo mak lt.*î&ad bol* e efor pubieo travol ounlis 4ti soneim, lam 5; aise, loi molltimir 9T»reosiau up lis ilisi liai he dug on lie 51k oom. liai, l a.-Omuni. 1Movel bi Mr. Etaoey, usoadal iM. i. IL lis esve dive M ordueos the Wisasu ta fo cas h ftolloua gss:-WUhM & Wilson, printimg1 2o', 8.5; Jus rPaukon, fer bloaka, lai ~av suaitwlGgr iSanm 988 J as I , #U. 9 8115; Jams " d, smnu = oop.b18, $1.50 16,1.1 3005; jea S roua,ua g lowmio rok, #13.5% ,Samueatls. balli tmsWImg 141, sou.9,81W; ?ios GrMau, niai tofe favssi, teus. tiée, Ops lot 24, isa 9, 1.50; DOWls JoulUaS C g to ...14,020.2W', T o . Itgavsltglot 21 & 22, nu. 14, :19 a m 4psm L26; rtGémoé uai -woîkes aI, a&loi 1, week la amI 1s1. u10, $6.90; D8AECONQUEREDU lo dùn di amdeLWu@ mdm - SAM 07 ADMMUINS. b" Ou"s Dr. Willxazns' Pînk Pills GainPe Auotiier Great ýVictoîy., .. ils j ibm ami ~sae I k- J?,.ms of lulereBi. Rag eie d hbodg lgtea saIM Ibrougi sonnaiof lis adjoint« leva- ihtps mad li @Ruse ititu.£ea& ýj:oior tble p4ma udIlsabails P »Ù aulwuSI bmîo koop tl laubjeslbsa. It la au.Misnoes a nimal VIII OM lé, szsmpt paibaps a bal ahuvel sOies mal il soom somasum 0 ho tlitfy c ie0 Dr. ohus.Pssuy mi Ummie moi WbWb ,living tona>ailesmut etofbotby. vile, mid., baseboom msd mmaY mens gainst telb. visof the y70=g vommu sparnais. r. Poing Issded, lu apilo c ee uts*objecions, le sueur tie yeuug voman, uic vas villiman sd lts WdassdsY. ü hroa srisaI, lie berrypai a Mlle frean bu homo. Puni appeared wllh lic blayelesan sdon tlis be sud bis llmueded bridsesîsilsd Iciards Sb@ ally. Soon bsert. hey boa utoui the, wso surnielte oa hie él report .1 a revolver beblul lhem. Looklng bàci lhey snv Emmas atier ou s bisysi. lu ptuui. Tbey lamuoro lhmir ipeed Md Emmiao ltlinharuassitlis. H. flied, slud pusa rel to.tineetf bm gira vhmL Thia visai was leu abaudeod sud Penn took lie yg ommnon bis owa bievale. Thoy Boom IfaisuecI th. liaie parent, vie ri oa e op et Iseke, sud vus mai. riittellm befoue heoarivol lu leva.L Mnr. Mouy, theovaugil, hbas toltoulaà le .sBay on jouraaUsm :-<'It la ms. of lie mcml snnebllmg sud eduesllsi et profosalenluMY oplabefeuxr tbeeokloisitentlla tl isuegil le Word osaà asmapaps torsà lew a, a voatu orlon taaudy humas nature Md lgala l*0 kuowlolgoliai l la Impossible le isemve lu lis Veiea -, tààeog' "l's, ilus aboi. Tiy don% knov lb. MOU f vhorn ibey aào prsaaiug1 liey bavai a anoviee cf bumm »alun; ,ihé boit vay le sensiet U of W" aUwoek on élis pnu pyen eme. I ama sboli lev lish mevuuSi ml of ipoolprasssa OP st bI egmo.Tom people kssit'uàl, uusme. ss b trdesam lishe rsulte us orespogaidlt ISU"ooBled BiRUIRn @bMik lic 6 ol mi U Sang. Mho Idyppsda. ltbu, dék mlmh *uhauugl aas. aa" i rsvg 11 peités i f 55blosi. hem a Iesmos m-pb %0 lisvom uns UMIlWUsas As u vlmu Mdramiais .18.1 - te qaan oI have l6ma. mubi M 116k hoesh fu isa agy=. la"? J havemil âm Livu PUs. mi à"*"ni bwy h.lpus - tima «W eus moilda1 m I«ve sai 6 Thor m m s:sslMi El etgs p o m UiNHiSuie, i- I - ~ îAE ertDr u " * vusb.......5 i GONIERAlpA» JMAL NotICE Tu mm w 9»fou &batatirucup mmsrm mi vCe. ti sabIssion ail.. s ami. MA«ud, *" m..lloa.. ..... 5a à" mhnquuai lwoa....... .... -0 I t msbmhaqasal lm«Mmttr....... - 05m IM" b uu<utl5ssU5r.............. U tmoeplàm=uwlby salà O i ollDUnouparu. 160a:ollm5la9u04 e lpP du&5 no losmtobl bu tban u habhe Dm cho u.m "l ,ml sivutb m & by - siasagamait buto tosl ebuai .MdSs idtuin e OM RW aalmm oaii.,ma hage ,aiw bu Mtssiai bsEat he I"b@mmbig puelm t a pbi A Emporter BearohlagInvialgaion O ahiub d0on Behait et Tis mIodteFaul Bore "-The Âge. ?rom 1h. Crangom-SilBu. _ in otay -,llité boeas Iulingm mro, lu Ibis towi, lités.i.*John Guaiig, bis vifs aud famly.. Thcy ais IaddshappyI tmily, miitongi a tsi ymaiu sgo.a sadlar housebold woml Wb bard to aId. TAin happicnswuîns ossasiossd bylhe sudîsu obéainulg 0t a fortune. bui by sormklugMu&a i r vite sud molibsa ev««onsu vlper- e1 shiI as utis " d OurCt iporter isond eofin.Mr&IWtlà .illussa mm ure, sud tas lie bmelsi oet ui roessla vesulgaide mu»o, ;wbal holersegl ih imil ot v erimg.ag. A tsijouNp g Mr. Ganllg Jkoplo"Il- k:?p "bos I Cislteiaba i d kaoW ëRfwMw ie t3r bis kiadmols suMd boa= -,uo;bis vifs, We, vus moIsI for ber amlabil. Hotu- @,ver mie vu s itiken vllb a psla alokassa, bhon-isalit failel iapiîly nul trom eue hundrul sud fôtry.sven pound ber welght b.onnes odusel W aai iv. pounds. Painting spelte boeeme fneguisai Ma n "06slasan~l~ be.k ofbu ico il m tri~ e, l i. pdon i vonl liva s ne hope. us &Un sav a soiharbg ber lu 1h. tuas, m"A the toughi t faa4vig bt ientt.bldrsho p onnuI ber m.malai§&Se. Oh. eq aaymoasot80117 I. Waili' Pink PMl but tbougmbiay seuil noà poqiUdg à aeven, "u enos 0 c hp, i roeuoul a aupply, sd woadente Wrelais aie bal maitm bom IagClk Pillalong vhou the ddafu spuo f hot iClam sbogm 110 pu*i a»,F, là&dte.dy aMslà t Ibm S ot boailli. À fe* MORUO mgo Ne. Guull aud tsmilty iemed tleCiugmull, a»d lauv«U vavra ida llour nepmslie UMe.Gmruliy si -Ilmol laivo ~Wy.I la la "« " 1 i aul laepce suffurluEsai v .111hmer iemmdy. We almn» keeP a box 0et ho uP M lîI Zig hougs." HAVE, WEAK BACKP LAME BACK9 <LUMBAG0on lit. KunEYU ms v4um Uas iMmeUrsw@4 pUvyo A t syimmm& »"» 5 fa&vM16J tom «ny, ou -- -v V« Ue or. AMKlSOR en. wmI i, - - ~~ 5 m ALO 11l mr mT av=-Dm ImamHO W PUOli 5SolIS PIAOSNDOLIGA NS. ' ianos and Organ, manfactured bythe Donion Organ ad Piano C ompany, Bowmanvile,-are stili ha;ying a wide ale. A few weeka ago two hTory important sales lare made, which are worth recording, although the inhtru- Imonte were plaoed 3 000 miles apart.. They had the epecial honor of placing JLa of their Cabinet Grand -Piano, tin the- Crystal Palace at London, Eeg., and Sanother beautiful Cabinet Grand in Italian walniit was sold by their agent> Mr. Fleming of Markhaým, to Mr.. George Parker, ex-IReeve of Pickering township. This atone is sufficient, if it ivere neceary, to convince the musical public how highly these instruments are eappreciated* at home and abroad, and speaks volumeà for the energy, displayed in the management of this company. W. WLOCGANI Geéneral.Agent,- Lindsay, 170 Kent Street West. BINDER TWINES IMMY, ALL SEASON, il U>WEST l'E lES. I - 0 JUST RECEIVED--'>, A car Joad finegt gads edpath'l Sugars. SPECIÂL PRICES BY THE BÂRREL. GLASB AND STONE FRUIT'IARSu, ÂLL SIZES. HÂRVEOT TOOLS AND) MACHINE OLLS. SPECIAL, VALUE.I- GREY COTTON at 5c. a yard by the piece. FÂNCY PRINTS, NUBLINS and ZEPHYR DRESS MÂTERIÂLS LADIES' WÂISTS , COLLÂRS. mEN'S FINE LACE BOOTS 4ýAT $1.75 A PAIR. FANCY TOILET SETS, ODD DIBHES AND) GLASSWÂRE. i~oac~ 1911-1 jr-cee OAKWOOD. lIegiuIlM o! eooleues. svurj r. B.Lbt iobhLU Huu B.MIUUMM ou . Il meMa bail Wdsla M& uuk onib la Oraugason. ovu Do Bimu 1b. but lugeai, Prusaplor; Jgo;UlL.Ult. Mm*6om .1 su methove Iouteloa Bank. I v iamW.a.t 8h 1ai uevwy !am ý Ina. IL M% MN.mui. Ibm f u 1%03 1Mai £;;;0au ai go. moih la Vme. am Mdldl 1maiuWo u8 Mé akwdFa a"oM.Mmt han.lms oë% vw uel% om gr LAMT MaW is lokslaor. Et.. tu* TuIu agb, ' i.bIpi Vmt IMd Cam T. huthim buf. P. a IM ]MOs. e., k fI[Msud iiui Fildai mS* rnila . D o*. Er. Joba &0 ". e Uairaabo.hu . NMai 4, maue LawuS. MW ta î» ailavsae bon. lU mis.; J. 1 0. au, oiert aima ud@wiaun5lay ebouas.v.la. Usai ai Calaids 09m , bl hiamut L0 mnlb.1.NuMi, l he0.IhL. G.ouer Mt. IL sNgman ua, mus . mi SE aoba Vag, IN 10, l " mado onu OlU-uiacamp, go. d& nase MW U, voi ..Iods..J. sa 4wp .5 usý a. AsIion xEa umt. Dm oann a Ioi Maih a@ la MU on mis*WEsbsala. lofte..ý% lua s o eu o o*3UU. UA4, ndsyTua o.1 lmmor M Im 'PrOisDoym hall. or mmornu M IMlqalthors, laeDore b hn oradsolesv moqeai. Vutitasudrib su al*a ofem Wml. osUfluommaer;W. R Gimesil ruod kuamur.OM»« W cu-u T.So NO .-Eatgao Ot si u sabi ILe., I.Uedsy p o .tL KMU51sud45 m 8ud.. tmg gaomops m1au. 10 tdo 415 .M. Yotm& bumuasw pu eaulo &m .-A 19 a:son.OMu m. O.T.l may lit.Ai We&asackson. O7 manib»& W. T. U. m ,ont omi of 5p.m m l tuahaeam.o19e- ldOO4 itYO ls t $*mimosa iCMMm 0.. 2 Bl eORUry alirasls mmds a U etlo .m8. Maalstut Oaar&. I oTdoc BumeUEQ 0m LWoaoowaUSIUIma ta10 awMêoL, sore in I sud Mmbrld mnIrsLa, UdBa, evssofalum n bdsàmsvd tmg aSS o'obes Thousu lait, Chmsai avu. tu o4 a TUbin m PrAatt, id glmr. Joh Thom"b .iuurlmn aOa. ntýwe».Jh Im'muEon.iumOu 1ImoA aiuns. BTaMMMM u al arUa i s TMudCMwbtdla alzu* M» on. m er dsudiouh andambrige etr»taon m Sac.andJouru sr;W.ond%" st . oisiari. amu10. l»v &àf.&M leAuIILLIAIY la MBolthd ialas irsieaumaua l tohrm he hall.et aarm o 1gmaisu w ublags m itai n bm oeaai mm Km oubWd uiaiUp ais"motbhaiLoolook p n. LIas A îORbt"tM!ai st, 2»H0eIO* A P ma. -suo isiurv* tz ilim A en o 1mvitMr bosMva e ua s m wavba fl l gv-ladetelvDO, ube aveu mclcu qsi i cool cm ai s » alis aeihas l bai bumtwdra oremat int.taMs reo bmas »- hbu M 0Mo lbe bauslsin TMylos mp m tb rlaysr b sp oftage aiSh bs ountbeev naiWtbb hip w4 Md te gossub" té finmd If by ac.il bàI 10 suy o ime Ou mmiaalMmr ls ba e j0 hai I ida formerura oelrg o. Giire W. G. WOODS the contract of making jour lite a comfort tswiteir. "t WORK QI ail diptous uoatly and piromptly - (éS ioi a lle Wairde omoe. g. t ~Ïi'~ g b~ 1. Ii~qs1c~iuIaonof Bfly paper 'in t'ho KI»IjÂND DISoeBIOT. 0ru PVeri the Le"$s-the »rooosm .m la Furm «,eW ork. MWu ialloelg aampletbui hi. ahIIiyl ui ur Bous-ohmt1hai1 souonlu vaut "ph1as The Oouai S "F Ku m wBo atSaoute.CaiL Kmua.Wright, Gurnoy bot air. eood.L The Mrga 0utovu orqgimal Umu. bolt. . I nee s , u rny hot air;,vomi. valetuouslaiam.I 1oa s.MI, bot vatei ood. bn o wrool end i mi omi. I E. sai.. = elm = = Chetai, i Pumashbeiair WO ai.lilu,, uruqlot ale, vomi. leursom mmd1 P uiaOmblim hot air sud LiloFA. Ounsy bol valetomi. u@OamaML. J. KUfl O, utly bot airvomi. ei. Anime'. Ohuta i n"S atsbot ait, ocu. Jobn . MilleU, Guruuy Lot ester, os. et. Psul'. Oburshi 0.2 u r h' olair, mmml. Eradburn fHoue, G afuey H rri t &Wol ii o&i Qomea Kt. EmIailai urot, I Gurosy hot ir.tt, omi. jL.Texon.BuraoeaSsvralluLoarml NolbWrdSohool, 1 Guru.y bot ai. 00. i H fooper, Gurny bot air,ci. lkucloU t.Saboo4l, 1Bumkm bot aI, s. 1ume G. Parkîn, Gurny hot ester, mcii. Bouib Iaid laboai. IR*wrov tab ai. cal. !, N.MAdîplue, Gurnoycomblnasuo, mmii Shorm MoLeaM»U, oion bol valet uyulum, 008. ITuas. Matobsît, O., Gurey bot air, osl. 0. Elgolov, Gin",bot it, moasL. -.1 ; eraaL uI rney bot ester, o»L D. J. cUdat» Qwn.yBauihot a it. 0041 na. li n"otn bol atst, ami. JobhnEmDaaa& GWuuab nbot ai,&W . M. Hugb UmikSanGurnoy bol valt, .coul. Mis.~~~~~~~~ B glm o mi oi Gso.Litho, Gur!ny bot este, o»L. Ilmm BvD, olt, vomi. -j Coi. Gurney hot vaet, mcii. je& G riuah an Ovà ears t ie. bolt , ei,# . M ula. 5 utn y m mbluahons mmml. nom ltvtnUurUa" bot valtmOML. .& .Brai., Gurusy bol air, 0mL. IL D. Ord, Quray hot air, oiL I voer & 00., Boyard but air, mail. J. H. ooome Grnt olair, m0M..BritisaBrai., Guruy bot air, mal. John Kemiey, Botay bolt,WmaI1 has. Btto, Pmecomblstatiou, oul. Dr. Pools, Guum.y boltesae. oseL Iilmbard Kylla, Gurey hot ait.couL. John Dob@on, bol valetsr. IJ.P.. Rylsy. Gurney bol air, m"m. WOr .oNuels, bolter, al. sueLoreil, Gurus, bot ai, coul. J. B. Knoelaaa. bot el mm.IW'. IL Bobeon, Back's bol air, GoaL. D~r. l'ilon, b aoi4, ou. 'ibos. Bush, bot esimr combtuatoui. Koviabraihbot alt«,,coul. Gua. lUi.hot ester combftalima. J. oLmm, bol valet,sit W. W. Lge, Gurnuy bol valer. mii - atber Brtbmtlmsan bna an osi. I lamBWelabo.. Gurusy -hot air, mcml. Datti Duosa.RBmuBrain Gurnsy bol air, amal. M CarIer Bau vboltait, Wvom. W- 1 IIg. Outsy bot aieoeil. Qom.IL î;;-4surm hotMr. oodI lèe, Gutuuy hot caler mcol JB. Bub UMeY ot t aiiS . -y K m ter Gurney bo ete, oL. c So. ophsrnaOutasbol ait ir . G.. Bpkuu ay bot valetOMcii Tuai. Admu% OMS"eybolail, ecio. ix.enr..KirkIcld, Ourney bt valet, vomi. Kma. lau, Où=" h otai, woid-.L oK teg, sud maur othara. Mmc aubjlasitubasu mbimbiai timbornialàkhobDr. Pool. bindli bsudd mu a 1ew day. sg. -Nul amd Dama Sim,-1 bae bmueursÀ»> élM iaàtheg isi imr Oxford. Botl Wter Uyulem wblab yo% a"ou laur be sa és aintmoe l m. as tiubaistVud lb. ai oammepsav nt irsusis 10 Ilum a teks i LUI ILN A, IO e'o I p. i-a' ski tuemil 117 'sus JOB --- ------- 1 . 1 e. , é