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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Sep 1897, p. 1

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*1Fer hAirlnum ln t J Go aoopy. -4- LINDSAT, OW2sa ySEPTIIMBER 10a 1897.- VOL XL-.WhoIe NO 2112 _______I_ I __________ I lY Will it . Importiug iP I ýpes In "a. Ai lb]Mâ. "ver t two weeku edding Ghis 'ings tIa un à in our hi&. ,ers Semcor Dd labo ad- 20 10 50 pur e are giultg a gift vawut 3 eomethimg rwlndovs [y find Smn e. ARTY, 10". Les .1110 1 1 e - . - Ralers. :y<3oodsj, Mlinery, Mantles, -Man naaiBoys' lothîng MENT ST., UNSA Were ail the Pakn cases we have opsuned this fali placed In front af aur peissyou ooUld not Seo uus. We anticipâte a, large trade thla, fal and have bought ail tihe- temaptatiions offered us. Buyiug in quantities for Cash we gel 'Verv close to the actual comt of production. Belling for Cash Only-we cian1 afford -ho seil at a fimal.advanoe on coatà Coata' beat six oord 200 yard spool Cotton 2 for 5 cents. J.SUETULIFFE &'SUNS&' Buy your Elanketss,,Sheetings and Yarn8 at firatý-coat A special line. of white lamba wool blankets, silky, warm and strong ,warrantea. to wash wbite and çrithout shrinking. Specklcss. sheetiiig, 86 and 72'in. widé,e, laey woven, fine wooi. Thirlly-EBighll différent kinde.of- yarn. May lOtb, 1897.-94-tf. flmsy W.olieu a&L Derby *furn~a m4J.haD 5 Ci--c~iPer OtsePackage. A *sPIoy> TALE. Can b. told" by every house. keeper who ues our spices, There are few spices in the market to.day whioh amr rAlly pure. It s 8 easy *0 adulter- ate them n a4y manufacturerai do this. W. believe however in selling only;A.BS OLUTELY PURE SPIOES. OCmre HERE- for your szÀ.ern-bu in thé meantime- read over the following; BOOTS & 8HOES If you vaut te gel good strong servicable alose ai volesale Prime ciii on us, vo are selling off -G. Hf. Robintson,@ .toeh. Tt@ only a malter cf day. befors 1107 are ail picked up mnocorne early. DRY 000DB tTaderwear in Ladies Gent.'and (Jildreis- remaukable value New Ne]kWear E:mf-howe Main black Cashmere 25 ets. B"ao ind Tan Cottons aiIl prces. Sep our epeial umbrellas ut $1. tlii ligIttems -itrongeet ai mont durable broosa u tba ot S tpe and- ag.. Roylma a Dreslng 30 es per batle A. 11111. book on h., to make Slasfor i "Dkrg. v Mw-w- - w- RR I- -tels-tg West End 3 Stores. BARAIN RBÉAD QUAftBs Re Be AÂN &C%,os - Ar very. busy roivinSln opening new !nnos of Dreuui odMilinery ana Manis also Stmple Dry Goode of everv kind. Advetiso iii T e W arùer.IB Men's, Boys' sud (Jhildrens' Olothing, Rats and Caps, ,he 1 Boots and Shoee. Every lin. is almoat comoete, and wiIl comprise one of the boat ausort.d stocks of goods ever btought *0 Lindsay. Our motto im the bont goods at th. lowest pxdoes. Watel-n de iKd-n dm -PIem keep tbis in mimd,. that B. B. ADýa & Cos. is Waned-n Iea da " e bagain hieadquartm uini every Uine* ruà w--W. hope *0 mû.e a fiMer anuomn etwk ADA III lUT ICEISUS, MAUSTOSA Canadiai:Northut Qood te go on SeptIL 14 rs uNoi ]v. 13.I tri9, SeulISte. Maria,Wiuàtor keu Pamai., apalsir U IL M» ci~s mat 't dm4i * esemus zoomv . e ormuavla jar- iua?.., amenteu . a" id UerSle i ef Su e~MMpiU Loi SaLe. I~NIaeIsern, I meU 5MM ,me",y Ady.,tig. in I ea e we areDU gettiug ready far fUBDld.. I OSts or Ohadwick's Spool Cotton Thread, 2. six"l for ô ots. SRe Bu ALLAN&0981. CIVE USA OALLej _________________IMM va invul IMAT lu4u 1 m~nt 0& «Spue NOuÂT, 1L-Numlhly meaet Home Uié. . Tmsn&y,1&-amthly oaeaine SUPT. 14-4m lVictoria regimt gaes 1ato camp eaI Kingaton. Sur. 2&- 24,ý 25.-Piftsmuta annual central fair unoaIbmthe ptlen ofSouth Victoria mgrieliural aOciet, at Limdaay. W. . T. ÙJ. Noim. On Weadaeaay, lotft mi, the mnuel mut. lug ofthe u»in washeu in the Y. ..À parler. .Qulte a sucs er of membèe mdnt a# rt ersrad by tb. variens oers mmi suerentiants af devertmente. ami lhey prendstobe botb aatiafaotory ami anoouraaing, k Véry lnt«mtag tempueranca .k by Miss WiMmn, formmni, a member of lie union aid et 0»n timesas aul3 empotilnq seerétary, vu blgly appracltotiby tUN audience. The presi, li ra. Mitel. alter tieliver. la a natly voriai attire.,,brought the buslnsaeoftheyelu aloue. Tb*. chair vas then lian by Mma.Whlit. aide amndltheleotion cf officera for tbe imoosa. iag leu vas vroced ti4 iiromlting mas flinvs;-Pesdanl, Mrs. Sharu; vie presi. demiS. Ern Mitchell. Un Weldom, Unr1 wbuiaoie. uSieme.MNu loy le; reemeo.. TguRm&Âr, SuerT16, 1897.-Mariagesails of isinabie properly 1>7 public amotion at thm Bom Roua., Lindaay, nl 2 o'clack lx m. Far pertioniara apply tla-G. iH. Raphias, vendor'sasolicitar, Llndaay, SÂTuEXAy. SEPT, 25th. -At the Banac Bouae, Linday, oommenolng eai 2pm aucti>nau IlAof viluable proportion im LladsY, toumahipeaifCardon. somerville, LaxtonMantiv.ulam. Fat paruloulari of-alm.aply ta Moite&kJackson4, Und- Sà,TWDAT, 5m. 25th. -AI ibm Simpien1 hous, Lindsay, et 2 oclock p.m., au suaienmt building 1lu la i"y, miluted a ona asplendid elon, gead ioupae; aur businespart of toun, vii b.ere lar sale bi public motion. Kc8vmyn à& t j t OLLiICT- A"»Goum%=TE FO T=E 12 TEARNS' BICYCLES and 27WATCHES WHIH RE vuà b bsevm&, Maadap baba -a bulg isat.zopindsrbm e.... Tha isson suaesabil7.30 e'elscandi egmut fa oualr boum. TD.lmas alabout Il. Ismug t emifth@emembeaibe bottet for the gSd BMrofee t .ov. Dr Buros Mi ooàua u Mih avs a hach lasroduulug hrto aluns mey aubjetol ,e*t up in e00a441 ibair opta"..et lb. bmoaf, igîkiý, oairmanGilJendamireavo Toait. but.. Ai tbf.1 meeting ihey talry ouhstripped ail proviens risonde, Mayor 8myth stmîiog. bafoue adjon,aI. a'ho noVer beardlamons uncouteosa Md ungemtlman1y lanage ua "bm bai bien usai ;ht*vendu. The toflkeina"mimim etou* si :- referencete Nuba -Warie, on v i ilvas necyassa, auriWCalopéuaion ahoulti b. per. formed, smlg thee cic enlBo sendiher te Téronto là$' Mayor explaimeti that, la vie* eo Immediate motion being necernaay in Ibis me. ho héa i v6a the.neesry rder. The curue ci lb. Mayor via edorseti by the ouneç-il. the eommwdatom hver, tb go, tathe daac ommnlllae lroem JohnP. Berry, lbl b.ovas nov fIly recoveisi mnd cmiiihatret thélie itime of caretaker et the duampng grenai, »king le b. reintatd. REferneté leova, pipeuty prom Dr. WblaIIe eooe ta o.Charlotte Brooks. a leva patient. la St. jeq>h hoapital trbrg.P li.. Prom I. A. McG ihryk Co., Toronto. la refenenos alb.theier@y fce hey p"ropos ta smlablib bur%,If aatafmry aiangmmli m ta exmptlous, etc., cm be matie.Rofeamu ta fLuance comites.' Prom G. B. Hoilnaà ovasoéisitor, Ihat ho bai beau servai vith noticeof APPemin lb.ce c f Copland Va. thte tova, auggeatmgý thot othez mimicupaliiu b. conterreti yl i aaer th&aI jetai action bu taken mc, a lu aimilar ou@%as, cunlty. ven bave ta b. gie On tbhesugestion of councilor soothera thal potiof e - oammuca. referrg ta joint actio with other musloipaâlise aste aeeurity forcaste, vwu referret thb.eleae ta 11e municipa omvenio ems:i Toronto@ ta bdng"baet hat Masetic«. Prom Noah L, Piper a Son, Toront, as:le smala forlisnov peuh. Plsi.TM ck -t mekaoleiaePtplelettetkr. ricmn eorgea.L Weee. .ingfore tilt for drainage 1 m, 5 asho vWu about mabiin. } EVERY rgrocer for particular's àpost card to LEVECR BROS., Làmitod, scot nt., T«OONT. carbaiThis vas ragaudeti ne B good job. am the unies of concil distic.ntly eaite Ihat la Do mus oau ilhora b more than six membera on thé cammltise. Moved by omuoilor Malien, seconded by councillor Killaby, th*% the mpeofal committea appolnted 10 InveatfRate, re.gardina the expmnditure of the board of works b. authorizei ta uxtendi their investigation ta the yearm 1895 end 1896. (Jamieti. SA motion thaï th. extra expendituire on the estimae"i ooet of th. band stand, $55. 93, ws eareietiby a tvo.thkrdm vote asti refemrd ta the fLamue e.mmttee. Aloo a motion that the membere of th. court oi rivialon ho paid $6- for tUNir aurviea ia carriod. MlKr.ootoran gave notice thst at neit meeting ho vould introdua., a by. law to, appoint a struti oommissicner, altier vb"oha motion wus pssa sxwln the lime for thb. couse. dms o. outalaadtin lsodth Octale. w hea té oouiidil adjourneti. ïaàtec oicitoafor Ibhess"te.~ ~.ie~.mnet .1Ft~ - I lsibouna aIai. lammeecomatiue Prom W. Kifi. s ta a mnesdrai, nsIUv a Qit itit l1-1 Melbourne oairsat. eeen Cimbuigo e seweeBtetQiteDsrit * 4 es ,il Vctora ayaus.Bmd f Bokemamuuvlle. Wssi 1)unhsM ant *iMr. à .G. Gougb, otPeterborough, vu la ImiVcoi pne m tvrevliNeaIi touii. Victoria Rend..: 4115-16 lev Moia, lnyt n Doiintea Agriul"uua 4 16-17 lir. J. C. BEau, gineal eertmrY.M. C. A., uogt oMhuEClle t adpubldi Otaa, Central Canada.,.........17-25 Si la Toronto tiis vek la itmeucet aisanower5te uh.l .Bu tvob l Tovnshp cf Clark.. Fai Pair la asociation esafemei o btilin vomk, maDr Ma ke. u far tg@: Oromo, open. ta UNeprovince ."Il20-21 Mis lai Hnnic lfiIbs1sete tksr"" Eld~oui Wotditlle ..............' 21-22 jou ýâà i»oh@ id " wktotek bte'bux drain, ppemite hie reimeo on. Potufm Central ............." 21-23 ebârget a ochool ai Norh Bay. Wellngton- striai. Boita et voerbem» ..... _ ... 23-25 Prome 3. O bu i i4b*ep pkbla va h l @m"yU rey.......... 2829 The zéagirMu.liDem i cfGlenm wwasa for a drois on lang atume*, sasi carI.Ne" m~Ub&T...... laea eWfiss. woks lhiy, nt Omem» ............. Oct. 4- ..5 lar. WnBroya, ef Wooiuils en i a o jpom J .MCrboelg esi MrbiHstBIa iYr.. 6-8 dyu la tecu l i à k avolooeeme ssi -proprtrestibylb. cann e a h ome asierl faisais.HO mime neit monli te for UNthe Wfer 1,500, preude bm o u, Thvaste son TornfomédialD." acceptai a oui oo.TeWmb ]gr. louis Bay. otChicag% ofgr. motin Mme X. Then. Ceaaelly itulsi Report for the vcek eDna BaStnrday nli, "y,. et tovu. vas fn-lova Montay. ibe guelibhe cauncil, iving lb.he atht inducsi Sept.4t, 1897, toam Lindsay obesavtry:-J etIihtie f1hré,HO wvisedaboteToronto, lit. MoCirthy le mako lb. cf. te sali, aiseIMATMm U[u. Ihd, oetlovasià apedndlthelbveSh 5*urgin tUN connei te ma1kée -saraae.Egem. .... 89 . Sny ....nance..u .i..... - 4a.20.saturdap M$L01al4t o o npclrKli .54, nmirend udacc o te te - i a Wmqaiday. mess oL. 650.25 ......untiay lIst for Toronto Weinmmday tatahe a tires P3itt, er. ruai ne ta t e îe borl Coldeat ' of 561180 ......Friy mmtacour» ila se of tbé busissncolleçeu mttSt bcbt. eOUR.. ibm..I oDM9letLuS wvicho wMviatitend the BeporI ai c"f eastable forAugwsî esiThe week 04 5"<.54 fima anti codts for lb. month $91. 45. Police IPEOIPITATION IN INCR@ Lidaychlgal orBteu oxmudtesGrealsalfillai rain la Iday, 0. 09 ...unday Mr. Frai Wmose, viabas beula Genciva, Report ef mankel olerk rii, veigl fautfr er ila fd on 2 day. N. Y., for lethépua ils vitilng bis pareuti Anual 26.80, manml lts,$86.??; total Total talanltau, 0.10 la iewnt 462.57. Filai, Tuos. BxALL. lit. p. NMcDonaid, ipulp.ruei of Bidon, Treure rérport of necte _MdamiSredi. vu oms ai lbe Baturday 'hilare ta lova. tnria fer Augn',t Mrua ntraférriitae heindyWod Umm uy . J. Ragera. s. munioe . .iercer, finammes ommitise. E. Neill sud E. D. Hamulton, oet Pibboro. Report t m utlr lUglooc, nanitideda eoa eeee uiaeuhi o on pasosai IlOngi tousa atuiy on àa wb.aling ta b. fyIladéa eapprpulaes aefo on trip le Toronto by va, et Neumauhet. The irefs agreement itultle IgRhti, «tyansreaulirly oued in division courte&Ili lita Nule acHrlIant Mie Ponnsuamipover ompenp, extéeila, im ai avenue umta. Thair reporta are favorable McUâsNrlvfeu lb put anUmuom m bi gemut a ai a et aiJi uta tbe plau, for iheir reider. thouRh ea i lai beenty Whoi fneorl itsy *,~,li al nlili otheaiutie llMenthenha"imUoedadmit il la only fair. bous isope ilmo&inylll.dumneurit police cooaltee vasprésented. ètrosthtal nite prfteligh . And large numbor ai WÀxnDnn accuntsarme petHoe ad owmyil% a"retrnd t Prom lie bcanti of bsmti,«U tetherefors belnq placau the l. andaetofntu Tora"alo. conseil teenfone bi.liv No. 4I4 la usTerenes *nfor immédiate collection. W. ara MIia e Eof bitdmyB hm bou te dralnjag litaKm$ aluni mavmr. pJ1.. te gomorataesuch a course, but it mase ylsbuug Xm.0. G. Lln"ayg Cambmiige a4. Report et spacil cmmttisla rfermste Ilte ely vaY of gettinig viii us due us. Misa Miais eDonahi, Norh van, loft improvemmala I e oiemil b. .-r&l Sou. are la armatifrtm ovmtaght rne ftu Tisent.osuon si x train on Witneadap uacmmaaing tht a mmor<ta ote tvram cfrt-ber cau$", but noue eauli feei ey« e gt ae la tb. igite af th. exhibitimn.ment, te msa h lb.nemiy mprouemts, 4offeuittuti atbetmg oud. BU.r, Mai i. N. TullypofetVeakoloft b. pasmi nt lM nifwwei ta the govrmat. eJ KiDil7 kScsaby pmiîiioe 1h. amoon for Tomateon the ix trin i asatîp men- fReport mtiopéédi fpu con ne b ol fl.adro tmg te altendithUNx bi â Couseiller POil Mdsithe report et *8e1 tegitered let5u.to TomaRi u. H5ari r n&%UliM. vwu la lova a -mnlolt@%, tae m visrefermaiteTaWmn requistai lte G.T.E. coompany, Mag for lday.Ont. CotavalL vho 18108Ofoln t lai portion 09aesaui ea. Thé Rev. Mn. Broya, o ai RL ho14Ib thl opn' airremen_-qc-.&. A."Drap 0' Dew"f merdaite àa du teciMn. Je&Karks of lova, tig tRiai -a--' os --b.olesre Ieie Mai vie leanmuciatola. am Broya, bsntvahmuma nlmmf b oaci I hue ailen heard it said- hemliln frsai l loa m euat. an n oohm oethe 00d"na .(But niy woring maybenew) lit. L liuibur a ow im il,.fom of am m ion bois a tepsd.1einy blaeo' rs Lsa ti ei ne rait N om iapvt eoic aie cmenfa els Ils un pure:dapo' dew. sliesla levalb hepamai idaam" aconeulamomangt te This aulti saying I did peu, glr.WilIm ehil, tTÉM I Vnaiamif$8610,jUMd "di miotit. Âêking Jeunie if she k ne w ipmi kvlas t iisvak l. gual.ai~.I 0 I o pauyomum t M& I wu i e bil 1e o'grass, hyaalleirins. S osthe [Ruaiepeiasoh pidtos Wad she be my drapa' dew? Cm,.Os. atdevm., .a»4 twe dsugble, j le tenmbdi« ufer"itbaih lb eier-e'en hem answer came- Miss TeolmaidliasAile lBsim.arrIvu l nitts. 1Thebalama Iii 110r"PMr Sweet andi aaucy, liké my lass: bass uSayafi u sa vil la 19lau- I~"Inthe way o' cDlor, Rob, Reportsu Nue, 15 and 14 of tlb bau>f j Y. are 111e a blade o' igrass, vera erni d i-dopiseL MIme Anm Oapbd. itl. utni81e lponidofpoliceMdMe lhla commills "An' ye're growil in my heurt, VA viW vi lda i~s i thMand mi dpimi-Whee hcauli wind never blewl wC e.N vn sa. bsvekID.Bîeapenls a Dinna *suifer lang wi' thitet; t~laoulbllnsiiilmoàe. li . eui arene abpla'le- . mI Corne aud talc your drap o' dew."- lieaho rsat là i tob lb et . atlie G. Cantielti in Septeamber Ladide' E.DM" iPevern, taaaep epres og weo1e P b' MsRo dcemiJi.tHome Journal. m the ars.lburloai in,»w'" À AmeM"e, llthe Onterlagvema ba1l wMOttava mi B» P10à%. ey0 uki fr imouesn.la teb-he.loaunt la. quiet chat. nm% *4lbpus ae ata %nde*hs "Md u vaau iidealendafter balngMàa t~z Ia a Ussu a h "ievu a w AturruMvaawntlo ouBuba w îty n M d o b wt'a ew to s ua M d a l mé . us a hn t l Ihe e t W à," améte e.cieflviet ~, .i ebesalisciessuiE oD " Bseoufed bSudArnsua l yume re a drerai Bth Oul - I eeeabu ilv bipve loTe"saiB i Arthrla.t ~si.vhsI7~,nl ds.Iu8b ùtow lb % m u rnýte 010 er AntiW sae je"& Bem-la mamlulte e ~ a bewpi WM ebabul ta W1~ M toffl fa mebrwr a phmh U«U*Uy Molgp; éme e roWathe«*ssy0q e geuanu ero um -s Mm O'klm mi Péabol h la~ ssal-*emdisaiei boa. ~lb uai ai ibj ~ bah. vh bas ~ I ~ ~U~* flu1 grnued B'IîAmer a Véry long l Wmîas.l UItbintOM-"S1a7 blonege. Itblk eel)aktP0î*' soinll ua. oasiMdang saIounrohi miistlai lb. uaibonhur théb.morD' bi b ho taup Ma nti anti : NI Ro s cf nov; 1 lhlmk vabav *Mefl mougiL"', seaw.pim #e"lis mnid. "Bfgml' p~qi* timmles la Plm»au DOW!GJLL BLVCIR b Osame a " a t p. r um a. WA~S, eIQu% UYOIB M.« WA dwmeItuT9T PU&E 0 555mbM& e auetnêbs1&ud" CIGARI 19 GIVEN AWAY Sm. ynur or drop a -M

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