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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Sep 1897, p. 4

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~4. A q Mm.eaden, Oataaho's m f Nutagi. lia sut5um p - 1806 luTam M oeo ml115 bitod davegou vilme és, calmues, appoint i hl bo->" a«aaàa , noubalslfgmihalmm .*0 fusi m i6~aihqg.i-l M s pwMdtou UP 1* igatus%=»aMoia&e, hich es tu Bhe oountr h ru eu 1 e. homft sVU* pweebtOrughmaisas, Ont& MA WmIuSeusbLb.lson' bi . ulttlu v ua tasn*0biàkm 0 tasir lo b Me. Gihcon, of Babs~ AZYU, abut mil mvii, mai iamm AjU Bl'esir, il 0 ah«oifmfa.Mr, oWl MIte ba.6 aululbsdemi m»umosoeuf taisn pm c an M èuron, u m 'yM r pe0< hé ms 1. Villa*0 pros. vas B a alaà u m l mi o lt a y e.M Atwe Ycugtmmaspuampe tain orfe' vi111 OR a En 10<511 oIe. pMefu ibo f iski, jisiso aid§@@e, subauqmalyNo.I f. smeq, MeUe .09-d»cf Be la Bs e.stO aurae, mnilag iovn POi SEs live hoto ie. il ai abtlu... 0 Bowmmvils.BsFiIsê Bsui ttlhUb r018 m iewh .1<1. Md estab- hismaonhrodabselfof T«ousse, or gui Vllage accumoS >b.mg la Be Irl a a.0< Mo a suaiibs btS J& lig ihemmelves l taie mit, Mdaller W51 lai.. i oe bhi ill, e de""ui mfVe mesle avem g os 001W bum tPis. ~ ~ oio.ms av gos a g <00a 0 on] tom mé oruhUma VU& (Lu*uam u- ci0tro1 avu dauv qa eq h a aszs b 5 lbsomme v s.lé appoina hI.mm mi %mm,* boya ha" 5BeembSMO m&s *5Bolefhn$00i S u r a" swmasisem#àclm misate.a 11 *6w. PslluIC, Q* a' imneitbeuaexé - me én& . mt *mtubusj à&ene tulia MR& hure lut et Ulai m saa*§Nb. miG.W8. Ià e*6 us 5 t* b ité N.teoelb ViWW 04 ona r- lb,-bob I -7 WHAT i a* Wgig" mu* là tu Uàh* à t»i. wWg tomIa té S Aaulne, umbi heI ion., 1 1 hou U deg e t lagibsivu ou 1hVs - juIIU5 0 ul b s 1010àL taf*dur btWsoa te iio - ha & cs his ea U laB sndm ihUm .0 04* a Dt@t* hiotn ae . pianI Mlu, l() a pum Heteklu., q téa * ...tn mu.-. ,"<An yemi me i nodmoqu mli* l b . ba s v sis tetbutr y oIv e . l . lth eu u el lip =tpobAdwrewM lo ate"Is U W m àtmo untmaoul CI M&oM* ttlmIaUS o smin. Shah B *0< MhktDetrit t lisguarwlnfoni te.lma Wob ea thi d esi for 7»-ita l -uWth e o o uemyte K bauu*a m . a i. ~ m ~ ~ msi - ab a*kb U i.mua0 h i rn pmudr a t ai trriy btwete ut .lan&" e V elom, hehe YU hhtebu o ppth the *0Ami thrse of *0mipu1*&"Im a .ii *mli Iy 01 Vil * lin.dmmd neerlye evos ~boum e (2) fmn0< B dq foiTum A , Tou b* <rgma u dhwUIImdAios lefut y lonprve l , tk Cor ali 4) iubv . Buà à .,for hé o e f lng asjt.67ai m nis Mj, i» . Th ~~ i e lu unltaem ainde m <ihom e.d lu qa M BlY -B&srcod fSaathe nid.ured1m *0 mgOue*guwd. "meni* OS"h U ai te ai tgs m, cf tealam 11 welemewnetiiiYMb. de teihi or em smalWa*0*0*1.. orf" utm dt malnid hetm i86 oln it .mudihos».*h liowlandnaltesteon lu N.wYof. Dt.(ORO« et -the g v guau * ulokar ftselai lii nmss of:-R& 1 bubtlhla la *' ioasnd0Arizona. Theme)lb. limIa .1t se aammupt*,ofgooi mata aThe dmot@amh au thé11110i e ae0 lb. ut wemuon *0 Standad lie ues uote pgevliesos h mutoI ()soi mnte. .f&se* iambei aim à Wua 0»tF O h io1 iués a Wrvse stock o be5nelual% (4) Lnt.Barn i 010kb 0 u. om nlm in un o i fa .te *0 Mi ul, u bal u to f sun eini n, 8 m in. fasl etr ai Km n e. t ùivag a rou aivii.f l et *0a UiS4%m go"Wmlab. .o ç 10 ndutetsive ai Ohco iut i Dnyadqatt 0mi of. -âe buffm Camito. eqI-.ua ma, ue Who l.y boauléà to bfu my al.*0mb teate iS.Lui,8 uatu etra the time of th lioompanyRanala 1M; moie M e U *0 -tali La-hu OiAtud1 MMintstaNew air so mm, Mi fho i. S I.., «&dm ab Un Fr («auoo "la)teOonulllet ia *um berS"e oo ate JteomSla*-R _ re, ébllonlasy e unairi o of i t. u ft . OT pua, mathe mmbmmlor 0<1887 mai 1838.à, Ms,*0untuam tr" & b LlmsaW t the80 mtionBM mai >aDow El*0Mmii u s .stmo mmiii . iha. ~' r wl.n, btMo, En i h diêlas b bisbetkm*0i*0 bstandamre e Ga jale iut aimer. y as*taple siii esof gl.md aele Atn 0 t a t5*I - b a4Min aheseà. boul Blfo body of &r the NaIngWéeyoeoMU fa bmllthe putavs$1 hy0lb1rie H ... lu lb.marlal. 1vii0.en océ... m.~ i ima, Inkm Biamd vA ai se * made«d<mnimmmm "f tu sit bdly t New York, 8sidue- jeeeU M. TebtaJu* »bomflos:obaopo «l EniOulma Mme, n *baMg b. Bare lel dsnue apaivla111 PreL ime Dai Tu sd Sme P~i.uiitm a md ,a" mcmlm, l* a in arktIr. ba cB.oiim mm. o.m Ml«Sm * J En ml0"s t as I lvapez fr miAulerslym er a tae. mummlh fflie Amieoregl*m, M en* b boi oinf lE$ dt IE 14sD Né. aJ Ba vi i i aI e seei q olsly a b.Ro R'nebslla 10Eooiminutesi t audtc. calbmeresiatirAJt cmle Everylh'ng up , ~ ,, çated1 a. uses,1870 taIem lvsft imE-a cu*B0l mi s bi i e m.t Lpu o iutebilutoer .dNo06 W o l Ok 7 1 M niiedt ne r k M ayoi et on. Aibsi ISa tmCity age or0hmnt 0 bisA suit 1115 mnlof, 14Lbusê. Uv ginekaWhu ooorfrdatesmmaWln t*.9ai umaVilat. E 0<tallo m red o lb.caimpt«M. 0 Olveau cmi. Tlspame5.tasn buuLemavinumi&"ouglen Tg"srvies 1th 0 e.uaa of 0 46 lm moua N zSjsyinoi mi oref l o i rniIecle mofl 57 mouang, 1et mfhuet., unie f.. psiv.U le ou tem w Wolamu obemioo s mfm& *0 amh uto acllra al ie c R. B RYA N 8£ moo te taie mseksb aqua tatio ~n tolm mati 18" ye»J a aiemu ndon he assa t téul mila~foaauTecia quyoavilbeplosdpoTi'on BMrgimhnth trenchla aiBetinté isa frivuo mal Ba E9»bs, e MRis ]Onam et Iranlet" Wca ]hl Eard Od ng d sort fcut.cwS a.tMonday eten ing for, but *k1ta 8s5 md mul b.aqu.nily led f. md olu. ugiat plus to» ut ad m oy Wm Rébllionpoflont ofb b11Wgagewlammd hnemrses, mmdW ailu EU I. AlO int e u S.wahsa . oab dAtte8oclc n'to l a < machs syndB s Smmalob. Whlhd ofmlu Ma d ce *llai MU c at ve bt h i a hing , d -rs No. ô Oe bv wlob lng or mmii U - 0onevSéa.pll teOmnvu a* ooosaing be te t he oa lafng e o u ies.l doelnedt Il ari thail. cf im, rin i te an1w e r Pie t m onToamoran. 4 ai. Ab iséInin oadeely dj la tje <C* Q n vus,. W l 5bIa aagtgmma " itd fo. Aletser Iyi"dmit .Abuilin ofU. Laudmer100-&--Ib--'w.oam.nadt ileraad et a orh Weul ambellion ami mm wQ;b do0 »dev a m *Mitmmtaofties a "Ycu', antinked ilah nv i STEKSIP GEOT. I<inl bln tiErnecesel. l a Le u t e eo.Ead Rive »bictoariaaeevbu en M tSsfftm l * on etat k"tdatieJue v xveo. .<. pto ate > ud riî oJ. a tveillboparade eilt oph e ae ai ma .ssquèvouad1i7()* h iom U4éroilos l.è bý r î'u d« H utonhi l'i l a nu u m~o i the e mmiitn otl labe130ilogi. nBamyio COLhnit. iloh ms y otheu a boy n . Huein. AtCl.WI, hei v oomnn mTbu ai*emi Tapan et-.bomiggl 14Oslut.,W. Du.haususilk , o vm u le t hela mola e h .UNPt" Ore u o n o d taler, ho e ou, ne vut ase o iqln ab oaye.aiasuam. flee 0k5 hfronpsaiyvon htoets fro Un»o1nbl eXL mm"M d aho'p uta collrta hsixmi o mur~emioe ~ vuamua. ~ Aabaq.ho e mharketa Caadaumiel.aMbb7.lmi5 Boa emuowlad demainh nebausJobm , Kebe bh a a"WIl'l atrm i ak 11 The0." J Amvml b lo d igasie n ababl csti.xn bmou* hof * thMae otI *1250 d nti taela s if o'clok W ob. nda for the e rneh a-*a alte f oBovia. Bi,h.slap a tc vesk'm "ail rig ci, bucfrthIeame moo lof hlm h fbagen reand H te Juitmcarougbo oPoe aheWÀ >hafroa ta Pg ft." mu i b- on oar e orev8llosuogeon oeUM d"! gtais Iuuuttmsr WrBRMM4 Y l o i l m n ve. 0-peatoný ;MbO laa" 0 Joue. pIucano be r tatio$ éhv on 4 test m o &hall Kennedy, etsn "Non p.gosonou nra toiM..tte %ade. lmy. la * cempmai sui tac of ta Nort letréein an.u shotev"m w o Yenamole te aitr man b MrotgBoom,ànovelhB. 41h.rpulicahaollviihu for ,immene, mai la ________Dow___l * join1ýbr.birsucoumadfn cm u l ajorBoièdr, lmime nv ate fB 48*. dlrsippostionte si agbavuemani b.- t iguu STllsi GMC. ouveai bo, e witveoms a e Lieut. Go . o aw, Vovettboladdmgaomi 1 rooly là *Be fls efficnc IL teenl~o tfa Fortiretete o iomthe ld ura, a" lmffl and it 0 Mao uedgo , o e Bs tuld Stumriii . sdes0<cs Tc ivlepmiievspt* e <dm»oiiee.W -Barbalon, Chitie andfo me major et A ILsmmm etimilteI'11vrete tre elly, wh 1*1. d obt utumeluDtas cmpB-l'dlThMdbeus tai publi. I "COLte 1 ning hn clerkemmo acami a ho d togapl vt r usM. hglo a i .S. Ca .M aononello e , sj ~a postge tazn t Ou hei',ba ds. Ilb. nck ,asueiyn laiam atou u mimk bWu1s Lob aBoce 8ommamile paiesmpoc __ ~iKI lauui. Who mntqs b& drecioncihonosreolaformyshieeFlà--1 IL_ v dstrct eh l , Vband ofhe M o cue îi a vl ae .me. WDhTlt> - . Jco le FIL uRiG TRER P pe .malag mai e poh oM iaaBeTrBoiv meg uif aiEnemln W h pcushewa aouvt 0- mhaBdMésa. iw. or taiai hvas t mppsr En uaei came12.sd50hhand otshow C9 ByDrhe"Ail .ithe LauriI lgoemmomom on it et 01 E54MTHlieZAJ ON. e E . Pe on , B APot0 top B. obsoi a tous m u. Tho , eoug h a r t in t y O . 0 ti ari tmksa aIvlm .co.hOi n Callm Qmlmaeapthibin frn .I a mi UstCo in k eli etofLldp l. kmies.0<BeOf es9b.peJ-u es d at (Jolma 1, lb hagenea codeae ttu, 11 hatay6fBenoe. fei mua ,spcon u and to ai 1 m thea i emal iBommlle a=ok. s .00Éoi aua f taeigaeta i .C m al tiat omuma. ¶'us ztathe collery, aslbe, p on. isait d1. Sic Rchar Oauwrlgt, ~ bel . 11 5540 mai ossh ud e a a osi to a a pr» i. mm Pamauaw W . B at, fOir .. i~, on ir * o B Mro ee I ansno dfo r rPCOmnOvLle n G..R y ad iasCo mpua.,or L .wngee, g wCmih.,t.oo t i age t.ge a ou ppintl <epty4ios M ula, 1 * ait, mth8&u. T osay, Dc.Ba e, sio eg.lc thu46h. li lam atie. R . -** sem a- oiiem Wid illa 1h.O ayBe r eet cir ombsa ion te a positionolu -ha Mouutai Bure b onLa.y 71 ..T e- ouasPL otie.am wo, lios WM Pdbga sibis ormie, tmmppomta lcier mlo edeutf the elive hi. e Poatceoe4kbao.esbsu s oeM , Le t %OaNm I, Esq., o f s- Il . tutmi *0 oheue:IN4Whsm h. murJckOni e as ce Mr.put omams e Mon.oRiohard W.Dowotf tumoul hlh brthr a b.goeauautw _ I biad, .80 e.m -,4Tuosiy, 14* fiai. battlio ores mby o rmrmou a j or. Ubwutasamue mmi *b pi is..tut ro eywe fthe i5elf g EagllmhiLamfora ie < TI u». lubb 1Peqite i kodts lkakime *0on a pahotap ithlao à =l lie eag alb unet à"Euo. S ceWe tu lsa omvfli Oem.;Themli hIapt iW.Mattiae a~o thb Mr. ufl -r b&t farosétagle Gap arbuildin. thsemminly à S" mu ou 's Ja oll n in o em Ut b. s bo ksai Llisay. Dcks, Bama. M Duglis oaise Bu ci *0 lal irecIftasn pniteena go s i oeat h s tiW à uo maa m m Md*""m o lm auaopie of gm @ mit n Mjr .ot,aaDowO Tput-olaI crUg i % ymy hb d Ida voeumommiihi lmbu polud a uige. k.mm àiai4 Cgi e, a usa, é ai Omemieof orJeno- ftlaao. riiglimwon 0*hoWhih loi fer on t as deliery 0 ta. dM .dBi-Doopovtnta.hof father maie lieu.tbed te &UoO mi John Ru oos several Cd thhave -- Be eru ove. FA HPÀGEr xr. Lptr Ju<ýABm ».> p a"mn. r laot, ow» M e.@ s h ai ihfso______ bsmanîgoveala themmitebe. Q mWhouue tasu18kthe si 0 1.1e w Aih ta k en sh Ho vnta is eoli mai a uige tds m n eh. let»amfDr.i b 0 E. 1eNNU Pl' tiintuoeni of, b a samm th Ogegemmi bomsnunrA, Bs.mlx R* . m i4Ioi 0f tombl Ohe very, isbinoa. n cdtheoier 13 tsaémi oet. esscevn naimthe ak emey nEneu oamloe lioneu getshiebsoheibt.Ia e m ol . Jour, dia. ab un. Dysatoab6.16a. m acm 0 agiommas o bang p u e sion » o, ..f.1* vodi fraent ofes Y . ndie i 1s &Im # -1- Q. R. STLVUUJUEhm pi., Jae.S1 %donc- 41.-h0C1o.m ntecflbume ueomm fierfo niléMd àvL t t ibe dma up s.mwb.srh livielaa& et u 1MUt«&la 1fl# hbiMMa dmt et *à" < on i etM if u~Or el ing My duIY saa ImvWhasd 1 O loy Oébom Rh My tytr 1 pliie, IdutYea U ZQs . vI aisysI s ¶ulaiing about whist OUMa fiblke a*'< .er' "Ohla ludrelivafl embus.ý baud a1m$à"To, e ,til as ,thestât mé ihave Cà If lévuneamoil tas Mo tha" it author v ouas.vuerW lIenmmlveau lbav en0"cOIRa' afoilf yu ld't av ame.Te wouldnl S»iW*tber, you liabâtsu certains at-ibiswindows If Céber fô"a dida't have;Iban. Ton vouwlet upsa MOU"y Bfn a hbundrei aMd casaI' thingi limai yoUuloni gl mgIIý l ouiljuslam gau-ne iIf *YOU Mp oi alwa yIu tlng*0pose befar. é ,pua- for saiuvsot dispasi aqu'os lhe suallor, "-it inperbapa s #& m"Y. i. Arm'tyen afraliyou'I b. el. ai the OMM "ibis naorlng? Ami Y« bavun't put cn yeuneobl hé es mous. lng. Igov did yen.cam le iceet IV?" 4 BY Qour' phem uxalalmel esim ai lais *a"e, 4"il'u noaly 8 o'oloSk now. I iamitknov loy I bappe e* tergal u=y miobtie. Wh.rs lu Il? 71Mau "Oh, mvii ia lishe bm u mm- hng" bis.wile ssidi.rY t*ga Clean ahirt Mmd ollar cm. Govithou th. lie." "6Wbatio" shoutsi William Dalqua. ple. "Go dovu *0v vitbont aseshiil -Yen Mu"ai mbI'a oraay. WbhIrli boym liastheoffce voeudguy the> 11h oui orm anmd people venu dtiamb1 idml bave money enogla la beyomie.7 UrBe ju s. Gocihy." TIen Mm us.lryniple est dem m di thouglati wo ive 1111. elulea vutia merry aurve.appeared ai the. canu et0 ber nantI. -Olevelandi Lader. UNUSUAL LEGAL DECISION. But Ih Vs. mphatiealiy iladorued Us- th S,,s.tatom t "'I. beard the laIe Jladge John R. Grâce ef tas court ai appeals et Ken-t tucky set amide ta. verict of-a jury1 once umier clraumstiàma.s theti la myt mini did himunftte credit, " sai Re>. Y res,. Ytatlve John S. Rhea'.cflI tale»to te a Washinguom Post representstivé. vas on. lb. verge of starvation aid vIa was theso" support of fourn*litlohil-- dreD, vent xulaa ueghbor's mmoke- boum and perlohmda plece cf bacon.'. The prçoo vas Épositive, d 1, .ur reluclantly-rétuned a Zveit ltjY Wben the huuuug oethtae jury vas re Judge O~rme, Who at lbal limej preuaj over lhe Ibierbeenth jadieisi dimérlotr rimlng tu bhm ltut m in l&e m'm- pbmtie onms: 6&'The. court ordere Ibat the verdict in Ibis osse e etý aside,. ami I vaut t» dele bere thact luail UCam e airan înfn*uame wmaulaou trial for mIsa-..Y :ugfon, aikn. a eep ber oaru trom stirving, Il vii ffl 8lamen ýo conviaitlber of tae crime la Ibis couni. Erbe lufeudant la diachargei froua ans- j 1olý.. a mnQuncememt vaswu risi villa applame tram the ope etalcoanmd 9 ho gemeral sentimnt wmas laiJudib racosa ba md ois net mlyasboitteda lbival*ou mmm, but. lia ieis ruing te vas righi. TbefIta beskfp innocet bc abus frmuaperimbiug ai huzaer oa carooly hooual a crime." Tho Imp le date voui eau bhS. rmsIf slais m-fortunawt*0o.oa ne. Aua articl, ai jevelry tI.,syn- 1i of seforiug in as popular as ivas a eday. Of timer gruinoihers.Whu IDj àe granimothers vfe sgirls,the .pao-I maîh a i h admma aejeweei ereem at couli is e nu aa pin., a haï rm- e ment ou a locket auacunied amesé le badge cftaristecracy. The loau, ' ndded vita dliamndu ou:Pears, os d tb, were ligbestlin Laver, mas1Ie7 di day. Thie imaionable mn muni bs "RoButesi ting lu de voeud,"answer- 1 lhm L"'A.smos as 1 nemi bis ad- ande palper Êlasw dat hoe suagla dope sticksnomvhal doseu1 but tuk:mee lugera i la urpnine ail eh%. su lu de monindey vus 80 an as a newbom babes. "-Nov M Vai'et SmOking clam. <gurpby-Well, Ibis bates thé divil (n. Mu*hy-FPat deose? Murph.y--Doley tels me* that if 1 maéetà piseuof glau 114dbs able tO i>asthe és on.ltesRUI. SUreaài't 1 xJy hW vii tbryiug te nmbke me PIP@ K*? 'lb lais vaY, l'lu ihjnbing, Iba 55'! 1hav.u'lt theriglat kimi of 9glW O14 bsoley's beau feeling nia. -S' §iUpmrStae -"native and tu 1 Momm bar.Pl" "Te tas Mana 'M ýbb YM oi abe su &Merli0m Thers h n t a " tuleCillE couvha admltea t"rosi is avide behicila mini um u &mai bra "orm. bo a oue XiétivaM S jM ~t ~v-i .11 ~1 j', ~ 3 I j" i k J I i ~ *~iii 1~ b i i .1 ~ .1 * '1 [À III' ~i i tIhI;j I e nSos s. Wsaiai, mm 39tMa ea t Aàgg m0wo g. Aprassercue ma m la ia bis fice l a dew. lov4a 20h structure enterd- the but'¶5~<s er day vie A istubedtîo face. AlthScgh aman wl*hl i.en.a.ini himpli anda.i1acota. nemi as cnuidae oeWdo" jude. slse's lu th, minet, ho , ,doubtftl oflla. reault cf thïe tWC" ýhlm. Ho va in trouble b e hie oie boy bai heft himntud hlie ~ foroei te engage anoîher. Te. boy Wb nad Zone bad. been a prety gOa ne ~ boys 8m Ho bai bosaed the b' sand rua tle.oice for about a yecar and wa "Il righi vben lhe badbis awn wayý but one0 unfornate aiternoon lhe totd the bas ihat he van tcd to get off Ise broter-lu-lav had died ad hed sire4 te go la lbe fumeral. "I' vaut te go le ibe bail garqe M~y. self.," ssii the '"Id mnu" chiuçkha au h. reoalbed bow mauy limes th4t l funeral excusebad been sprurig ça bug -by* office .boy s me us, Jaraos, ,on vil havýe te mind sbap teday."1 Juntes ii't appear ai tho office mert mcaulng, but an iraI. e omu wbo ssid ehs vas hie mother did, and ohé soand- ly- berai the employer for his icn. ananity lu keepiug James away fran i& z brotbor-in-law'safunera. 1T!he bous ried. la explain matteis by maying that he thonght James only vwantsi mn excuse. tu go te tbe bail gatua ,ad that h. did mot know Ihersad bua a ýdeatinhhe b.fmmily, but it wîî 50 gSoi Taie vhole family bramded the oli mm asa a brute ai the deepeait dye, Mdi James did net neturu le bis dut jes. la oonsequemce af Ibis the employer insamel aen adverisemenit in one of thie mevipapsas for an office boy, and ho bad gel deva te the office bafau anout earhsr tban usual te receive the appli. osmîs for lhe place. The vaàs a long lUme af theni in the halvay in front ai bis office, and ha heard much criticisrn, sme favorable and sanie otherwise, on. bis general ap- pearauce as ho pnshed bis way tbrougb the thromg. Ho camdA the boys into bis offie ans by eue an'd subjected ecd of laient te a.searching cexarinatiort as to bis exporieuce, fitness, etc. Ho invaria- bly finished up witb the question, "Do pou smnake cigarettes?" The boys as in- variably declarod thut they dii flot. "Neyer snioked one a' ther dope sticks la me life, " dec lared the fint boy called int the office. "'Didn'l, eh?"' replied the ««old man." Lot me secyour fingers." The young * tar's fingers wer stained a deep dirty .Yelbow caler, and ho was bld ho wàu net wanted. "Dat's net cigarute staiu, dat ain't,". insisted.the second boy called int the afo. "Dalapain* off me faderla The excuse vouldn't wark, howeveu, and he.as usbered out, as were- seveial more young aspirants for office honor. 1 hially a brighl eyed, redheaded yaumgeter enlered the office sud answer- ed all the questions propounded te him in a salisfactory way. " No, my boy," carne the final test, "tell me trüthfnlly, do you smoke cig- arettes?" 'Wbat's Iheru? Those little paper ci- gars?" answered tbe yotb. " Yes, exaclly. " "Nipe. Never drew one uf thera in- br, me« inge in me life," conlinuci the boy.. 1"Lot me me your bauds." The boy poked ot a chubby fiat at lin.. ýThe neau examincditilcrltically, ut fmled to detect taie slightest evi- lonce af tobacco stain. ',You're engaged, " ho finatlly saii. "B,1uIy fer you 1" replied the youth. 6des lu B . haway. rrinÉl nn" mo auE imoiti ,he lvil uý lOW lmu ave tien pro - le al ' 'EENEF Bt 91 KE~ dur ,ct ýkic Ar The goc perfect as tuarantee mmd LOA $ROT,1 goods; spe md CLE G. Gel m rise 1 bd~ dPenc blier Ei k, Bottli iera ... blc ScL naRe EOI (O( lait metý soee > mi Lt Ne

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