walntailof beint og lk of. s the other romns, vere panel, ire dark woodm. the faded purple eu taIns, the carved.damasb cusbion, chairs,thIe, eopled bel wlîb îîý3 ji lowed . laa.e bangings. vere aIl rîc thougl tarnished. and- dust coveré TIée wero sevonal dark-leoktreg pi lunes on 1he wall. but onse bjeet eaug, sud .iveted Imma's loob et once. Rom Ing on the fleor was a massive tamnis] ed glIt framne, inclosing a fufl-leegi portrait o! a womnani.- The face, t: figure, vers. stikIng. A taîl figure1 a leose, long, whtte robe, cenInel tle valut b>'ý a sîlven cord; a facei chiaéel bauty. but colonisas as rnarb witi esyes that bal a strange st:ni laret leok. When ber eyss felI tapon tle pistem mirna stantd ire terrerIu tiat di: liglh v as ifelike. l eebedli1k. beautiful, k«beaU>' veman advancla te meet ibem from thie gicein.., "1lI my inether," the dwarf sali IlWas Erhe net beautitul to «lys bfrt to a monsten?, SIc never loved ni She hied te be kInd. BS-e paid peepl ho raise me; she had ber prient go< father.te teach me, but as coul ni bear të look ait-me. But 1h va. he fauît that 1I was a.thtreg te shulden ai Wl>' cUl she rvtrY when diseuse vi iln hemr eins? 1 camne as ber Iunebi mernt. Shc mariel tiraI for mone3 Shc married FEile Prudhemme teo love, andrel ho teeas ber Neomeslî A stneng, sulben guet ef vinde tr"e the o11 towem. Ih sboeb, Tl groanedl i every tîmben, litseemel te 'letton te It tel!. Irma stood transfixed vîtie terroir Witb a, bound tle dwarf 'eas aI lei aIde, -if it fabîs we -wl!! die tegetber," hg sai lt w'h is bo.-,gurglln-g laugie. Thervindhadnet passel botore i ý.Vld rY assntupe ils breaîl-the samne cry Ima hal beard before, but non' aIe ceuld dIsingulsie thc e rda "'Help mel HelpI".1. The seund seemed just bhinI -them, or 1ht waS.evenleal?- The two lobel ah eacie etber ln awe struck silence. «I9t la ber g«les»thîe- Ivar! mail a 1ai, andrellepointed le the portrait - "Bel»nme "l itwas hem cry - ven lx ktbbed her-there -on that bel," "Whe killed ber?. NetI-1- "ýErnIe Prudhomme," ho muid lua whlspened lias behween bis teetb. Then le looked arourel fearfully. "If you tel!le wlkll kill un bell. lie wil!!Put tle cvi! oye upon us&" "Who aaw hlm blll your molle?"' '*Nb oesexcep thIe devîl. Be vas ue» hore abone withber. Il 'vwas ber free& te lve. Irethle towon insteal et the bouise. I leard ber eneain, thon b. rau tote-laI window and called eut. 'Sbe lau al. muda is bs*1!', Shé s badeiaIs svlI, and lot t al île money te his clild-all the mono>' that carne ibrougie my tath- er. Ith was Gol'a retImbition liaI Eiloe Prudhemme should be puimshed tirough y thai chld-ihat sabs aonl b. a eipple for lite-b>' in>' 1ma." "Your barel?" "It vas Fate, net IL 1 bave noe-re- cellection et pughing her ont of the wlndow. I vas playng yulh ber. 1 leved ber. 'Sbs Io the oui>' tbiug tiat bld net shuller ai algit of! me. Sime was ulttle more thare a baby then. Be twerdI hIkt ln malice. Ho tramplel me te theertI, mb! bleeding from bis lewo-that sean that burns me vIen I tbtnk about hlm. 1 laie lin! I bats hlm! Be leerel ýah me. it vws hs who gave me my naine o! Mort-O"ete d'Mot-Deatl's-hlemî Borne day I vilI kiMIin-bl l li!", ««Rush!" oriel Inyn.,. "fln'l ay sudh awful. %vrds Ire the face. o! baih. 'Ther lu thée vIniagia."1 Another .Bferce «ust lad hurled ita- force egs.inattht over. Agalu lb. tImbers qulveredarel creaked. "Let us mure oui; vs vWili b.eulel.," eied Irmna. But Mort lad sprung pa§h 1er and reacled thl. bar. lHe bad put île bey iln tle lock an tb. ln- side. - Ho tunnel It quickly. "Now," le salI "tiere la noeoecape. I locbed île doer devu-stam.W. vIl die tegeiler.", Leebel -ln an lId dertel -building aften mnidreghi-alerte wvlb a lurntlcl 1ht was a situation, le chilI the blool. Before Irme, ceuid speak tle ghostly frighhenel oer> sounded again Ibrougie the room. 1h seemned te cerne frein the friur walls, or the e lag overbead. Thons ýwas ne stalrway to go up bigler, Dr. Prudiemie balt 1011ber 1h01 lthe 'hall! tery tte twer lad neyer "Wee finîshel. There vas uething up lier'. but baît-roted raflersansd Issus. Ail thers vas neo el, ino ~u-01@À.. Toi tht cry seel -,t e loàfettrou ltae 0, fmWlb.o tis et&$.'Thesa couated for the tact tbliat heroeu h Osemtel Rmaller than lbthe therS, »h. kneIt ldovnandal isened.8 fflaly bsard Dr. Prudimomme bj lur soane abe, Ne anaver vas,- tI ne «ree u ans sud short exei Emettons sud .onesA., eutreaty, It io*ol lu' mesrse. Irma took l h *uUn& n ber vivid mgute ugaigi thme ter vs alIs tléeast k w habitable.-sud ik lad anether Iven * esid-e .o'WlS aud bits. This my terteus staircase bebind the taise vi othéroom led op toi t. TIers 's a buinah belng corfned Ibere, viesth inuor -vein» seceuid net toll; t volce vasfteelbey sud feeble. Ti mu creature- vas bepi a close prIsone Mie visutel et nîgietb>' old Nlek to brir te food- ald vter, aned semetizneu by D Ie Prudhomme, whe bal a separate. a i- o! beys. He bal Isard the cries tI ie4 night, sud bad cerne te quIett îec 'el- The storin excitel tIc prisereer, t Ch, -tiender- and tle. quivcrireg and semble ad* o!fitse lI ioer ire thee 'nd. The ahi lc- >ter -et the round'wtredow bal blo'v rhI away, or île pisoner, l ire sterrer, ha sl- fourel strengtie te wrcnèhIe hoff. Be»c 1h ihai White. skelëton-like face ah th h çwlndow. lie Who was ibis mysierieus prisonon lre 'W'bm vas tle ebjoci t is cruel cci ât finement ? Was Blanch's father, wbor or she bad. ibought a harmîcas, gent!e Je, hearted minua rmorster of cruelty il- h bcosul uot -believe IL, 'l'ere mn be inystenieus ressens for this d»u mre lu lIai looked Bo' Iark. As mIe ahoodlebam la lng againsi the trame o! îhes pichure fi 119 theIntense darkness o! the morn,-wtt liesse vild ibougîts andl surmfilse cori hîreugh ber braire, ils heurý th the lig!t footcps of Dr. Prudhornn, freni lin as Ce, came min e sreoi are le flashod bis light upon ber face? Whai d- would le do te ber ? Ir e l ew igl ot ire wbicb sîs nov aaw lim, ho seened e-capable of suY dbed. Hoeniight sien t. ber., tee, up ire ibis lonely 011 iowor aswfthitiehe maldwarf andl the pnisoneo à- tue the hep:- shut ber Up for ber lite-trne. Y. Escape was Impossible, for ho bal look- r cd thledber behind hlm. True, the eL .warf had- hIe beys ho lad siolen. As lime tbeugh lasbel mie ober minI ahe à calel te hlm ln. a wbis»er: [n "Mort, the bey-île bey.! Unlock. the sz bon;, lot us escape. He la colng!" '. Thc theught. carne hoo 'lato. The r teohsteps on the Inreer staIncase sourel. 1 d close et banid.1 A flash of lighhnlng, oe gllmmenIng ibrougi e.ebrokere blinda, showed ber tle dwarf creuching bchind a. the bel irembling iln mental terrer., a. TIc nextIinstant, Uic hall pichurs- ýt franis vas movel baek a 11h15e frein Ils leanlng position, andl Emile Prud- homme steel before ber. CHAPTER XVL - At Birsi hohid not ses Irma. HIs & bmev vas kuit: ho bhad a gloomny, pie- L -ccupiedlobok.. Be mecieanicaily ne- * laced 1the picture iln position againut the Wall . Thon as though movol by a muids» 'Impulse, ho bl tle lanhea 16 opirefroit i-be portrai andel oobed ai. hI. 1*1 woulî te Heaven I lad neyer seen you!" le muhierel. Ro tunnel areurel and was face to face yul Irm. .Re stantd, sud thon stoell. The ligît o! the laretemu strearnel obliqnely ovýer hon motlenlesa. darb figure, hon white, ahil! face. Ho siared ai ber vithout uttering a seurel. Hoeconlndt believe'iln île realit>' o! the apparition. lie advaniced a stop, and touched ber arn, as theugie te as- ure.bimafinibat aIe ws réeml. *Miisa Brazeale bore-la 1h possible" le*- ssid. ire'a, ow voie. «It l1s V'Irina answerel quietly. 'How Iln ils levil's naine came jeu home at thîs bour, iln Ibis Dlace"' '41 came hene for miester frein the sthem. 'Il came upen me auldenIy wblle I vas walbing ln ties grounda." . Buthîe beiym? DII 011Nlck lare-"l A gurgling, cbebing sound, lb. ilul et a .beavy'-failicul bis qusioning short. "Ah! I se ew I1h vas,! Thai wrethed hurnpbackt" oriel M. Prudhome.ei volée banswitb rage. Hie Wprung, vite the 1cm» of a tiger, te the aide o! Ment, who lay wbere bad Iroppel, behind. the b.d. île beys Sllche. ln hie band, is face purpîs anmd diatoriel. ""'eddlesome éwneicb!" M. Prudhomme exlalinel, ràasng bis bandI t aibe * *lrýWrltblnrgcréature. "Toncie hlm if you lare!" cr101 Irma lfllinrtby. *"Don't vou ses ho la Iy- treg? Býiel» hum! Help me min.lie RePtber bacb roughbj. "NXe 19 nôt dylng-piij ho ian't. He ha sunO»îîsptitclit; bé las bad a thou- Band likte it "P# cB ýEpibepîSyf *.riet terrible wr z Ulained thi btvd palIer et tis unbappy s --iidlsordered fancies. tbe lu-, Jury ho bal dons Blanche. DII hfimèe explalâ that alugular lobk lu the syena e! tle wvemare o!tee. enrai? alà o su rlabIM*j ." et o be se secrt abut !' ohma j Secretl dbing vrogi00. lSAÏROd1 we.~Ye Wh bave 1,"?.s xp'1 $ wu good, ueo2htg fom Yen. To0 vwe ae- a secret Y'eu wenald dis raVier t15aa $* a à"I bave e«poa5d.Do yenuu k Ibavemat b, net tonal ot that secrt ? D'0>'ou lbe tblnk -I1vas aatfed wltb tbe Paîtr? mai réeauon ,OU gave me for lbhi< te en"bo in bury yourSeltinu&a ildOi'1e55? 1ni ,r- yen tbink Z vould net bilft your h«eciet ' l-out until 1 .tOUÏd il "'«èdx t tel- 11ev the yellow spmrk ucintillated iDn sa'U« 55 butelaues bie contracted pupils amLe fasutened bis fi[0 ber h~t re 1.ftona l t ics, eyes upon ber! Bbc tfelt berself o d»P»8 ,hr- tb. slck aad faint under ithat look; but mIe tU Û ad Y fr» irO o! kept ber self-control. DId ho rosi!? 1 i l noVer Isardof his as know lier secret?. Railb h o 0wfl il n te. er 41sease,; b 1er ~ ~ ~ ~~, fm e rto41hoonly coniocture dwab" M nsW"v ttle plty for lb ys- shes lad nmie guilty reaseil for wantig fl5é bad atI11m Ut ef ber igi rail te seclude bersel!? 8he deterinfed at iyimn hlM in c o! a prient, vie vs ail events te keeP a brave front antd 1 bave no time tbougimt vasl lir betray ne weâkiie5. de- ftthOr. The vas dea-, tho "Yeu see It la secret fer secret, miade- M.-ýtbe De %13 ead& vas livl Che moiselle," ho centinued. "Tours ta as hffs vith ezly tbiê irOes wbeni or, dark as mine conre oIfju refuse camp- i pîtiel>lai t first. sud Wg te bec» concealed wbat Yeu have pUV- reaIl-me vitI dis ke sand puspicic Dr. fairly found out to-rright. I Witt ne Then my chilI ydl a creatix 1 Ot longer keep back what I knew Cencerfi-h=r t- ireg your past lite. Aned you are aware graie su eand , bsauty. W W.. wbat the conséquences wil!!lbe te Yeu. cruSbed by bis w betieer Ilude ýh New, will yen swear te betraY te ne ftflah malie or. lu uncensclonum ng one jubat Yen bave heand and score thI5 o! a litI do Pot k» w. 1 thought i lit- nticht-' former, but 1i may ng tbe ercatui iii Thore was amoment's silence. whitee Yt tbought bout confine hlm as ad botie looked Into eaech ethers 5Y55. v oul a dangerous rts. -Afterwa tec Irma detected a taint minetfa.nxietl 1 gave lii» liberty nigbt, witho lein hiebs face. (N!ck te watce h lm. h ates me, i ?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b tomoane nwm sce. bs h e te disobey e.The magnet r ? He dotseitbo ere t"a he pover gives me thi contral over hii O- tbought. "A etiHhr sacac e lepartly deme ed. "Hlsmomth M that he des net." bad exhbbted stro signa of lrma.nit le- " "she said, resolutsly. "Ir n Y vr. braie &z me l '? lfe I bave donc a wrong te a fello*- mrSper more Yi* eut. One et h, lu being; I may expliate tliis by keepln ng rai. vas te More te this old tuil ed another. wreng from bcing dons ar lmg sud te lit Up thl roem as yeu ag porsisted in. I wl!! nbt swear te keep Il, ifor ber occupatie Here aIe wa]l lu o t udae es h flor heur by our like a cagE tri IlDo yo daresay this t e V?"lhe tigros, 1MI the carpe wam worn as y th ried, stepping close ta lber and grasP- se, by bier test. Th re sbc at aitIL en Irg her arm witl bis long fingers. -Do piano and played s atches et mus rd you dare tell me YOU Wl!! net pro- and suug fragments songe. Herec ie mise as I ask you ? De you realiz, tb4t bed she dIed- ed. tearny bitt ri ow wvholly -Yeu arc Ire my. power ut regret, under ties inentre Influence. id tlis moment ? I can punlsh you, for used at bier roques bier insistani, it your meddlesomeness as I please. I iwieen abe fei tle tack- coming ci ýd can shut yen ln ibis old tower. iln thiî She b.d made aàiiglving ber foi It roor witl lis gloom and its dor etf tune ta Blanche. aned pointing meà rdeaili, and kcep you here until jour the trusteof the Ilii. And I-s Sdylng heur. No one wi!l come te re- God, 1 bave been fafi lesa ta the trus le ase jeu. 'Yeu may scream .yeursOl yclpe hl eI eabli hoat'se;. If the sound reaches any bu- beggar-unoq.. *~~~~~~~~~~~~ maia eh il htlscr esarte.u. wl *i agrainst It ire superstitieus tear. Tes, 1 j "on bave net p lsed net ta bf e cari shut you up hore torever ! Aret tray tbe, secret y dlscovered tt I w!!!r'nIgit. Ten muet p Ise 11. Swear l "Yeu will net," Irma said, meeting' for my chil'.sak"e. wear lit ncw. To his eye calmly, tbnu-h lier heart quali- alan i'.' a ed. He> leoked attlier ln wondcr. 1 .Irna was now pe 'ctly calin. ASi I <an do more," hie %%euet on. *lnk- j met lis eutbrsak In th cemposure l tig his v'eice te an ImpresqIve unde'- lok and tonse. trne. Il I can take a%,. ay your ability Iwill net avoar,' she saîd. I cd to reslst-te struggle. everi. i bave & net know wIat that nystcry overbeai mysterieus power-yeu, nee it exernpli- ineans. I could nel be surs wbat Slied there." vaS swearireg net t do. I mustib, * He poInted te tbe uncoresclous figure trusted vitb the s me trutb. 'To on~~a th c.tsY eu bave myste tln your pou "can subdue you as I have subdued esosu a o i vrm h!lm-as I have mastcrod many bcsides 1 ways. Lot that uati e.Âeb hl."iconsidration; I au o rs wbero I mi Irma shivered, for bis eye. bis tones neor.Oneotaldeye bousebol, r n had a strange effect 'upon ber. A 0tamg e po yeur thresbold *numb sensation eemed -stealiuig overr yme b ie r . H i s e y e s e e m e d a t i n g e n d o w e 4 . p n d o n t & . a 1 )e r t n 1 y b v rwlth separate lle--wlth a maglinant te betray your Tre .?II 1 re stectl-lh.ltseodt e-lntience ef its own. Curening anl "'ditlu truc,". isnltterod. IlAný re-atcb ur magnetlc tentacles frem Its dt lt re," sh# int rrupte.Il "And Intense centre and fasten thein about I nov unleck the UejTesoi be ll.1 over,. I ibiek; au i 1 veary. I ap- She rouqed herself. She conconirat- Deal te jour hchor, your mantio- ed ail the strcr.gtb that ,%-as inelber to Treat me as becemesz your gentie lr- StrUggie against this. paralyzirt.Influ- stinets, use no viol ce teward me, ence. ekte bind, me by n4 oatb. Open ti II amn net Mort. the half-demented,' Ssek and lot me ge ta my roem. I am she sai. ** I arn not afraid that you Ili. My bead thrmbs itt pain." - will mrnster my wlll." liHe startod up an 7!ooked at ber As she siieke. bier powcr te dsfy an earuestly. bshe as v pule, bier oy1es rcslst seenied te grow, stronger. Sbe bumued feverlshly. rose superior te fear and te lis subtle Id orgi enme,"e. d eossul Inflluence. Ho saw It. and bis face I ou do Io k fil. Ton must go ia darkened with b)affied rage and shametsialh onc" tder bier cool. condcrnning eye. iH unloèkedte ef a Can this be yen," qbe said slovly, -f '0Wl! Yen beave bnbere l Iima "you whom I thought an honorable. aked, painting tae orm on ile lrlndly, .sireple-bearted gentleman.bc.vhe aI!Iy Monee s0b worthy of a weman's trust ? Hew I urebreshhing dend. bave been mîstakere !" 1"I1 Wl!! leavo hlm itere. To-mnorrow Ho winced, but lhe tried tea neer. I vIl! caeand rsm4i'T the magneihe Il ou thought me a foot. and 1 have'IsPeli. HP 'eilI wak.. rofroshed. But turried out a kiuave. People have made liewil!! net leave thl4 again, net snce sncbh mistakes before. Weil, I: proton ut auta. He wil!! n scorebave su- IM.epistopheles wth- IWiib grcy baïn, and a child that kekes up te yen-ber faiber,"1 Inierrupt- CHAPTIE xviI. cd mm enhyDey broke, freal a cris» after thé His face clareged. He struck lis shorin. Thc swellen ayon bore many bands together with a gesture o! Pas-1 a 'broken tree-bran on Its mudde I ioae spair. current, and tle )late_ wbite roses ieung Id am a. wretch." ho salI. "But lt itiecir mud-dashsd a woureîed beals. Ila destirey. I bave been île football , Irma !okcd akire te one efthtose et faite. Liste» te me. Aimes Brazeale, drlmeping l'Oea. a lay on bier blir, I Výa" net always whaî yeunésesme. Jold-tasbioned bcd. , 11taIII ese. T e The blond o! are honorable race rus f lgbt's exciteme t, supcradded ta ait ire my veins. Sit bore ared listen te that bldgoes Cfea bad -tbrown ber me. I wl!! net harm you. It la ain- astrongphysmeial»jsm ont cf balance ingr stillI; yeu cari net Icave bore I~f sud epened the.Ionr, te a sharp musacl qhould lot Yen. Sit bore on ibis faded ofe malarlal foyer. old sofa iln front et that weman, wbse fAu ber pulse rosejigler. delirium et was my evil destiny. Always iîta a a mild kind stira Dnsky, whe lad ,woman whe makes or mars a mare. 1 conatitutoemmî le nurse, became mOEUAuaia7--Q to uii' lWe t1 ~ W t i 1 o te e ir vloe nt M1 u o 1,îe-m . r fe e t r j gase o a nas .1 e «CI *15r -the A SI~E =W4TânerAT Tn r to A"«W@ vno- >ky. Loo àFAC- IGNATU 1h PM rz bcto 1 4lnkeitChM and dt â Ir1 s-' -0 - tbm .4e Burt""00d the uooos MY WrL *Mon't wlj>e away My tare.- ou %. hed them iif they wouX wsah ken 90go o Uqwh tn a dab Ofthbandkerce. she bh" grown hat f r attirug alIrua v ht ti £mîiiiar with.thé%e noms 0< for onte-.0 w taik--a tender refrain.' tTnder Duskymuothlng. the Melk om N a e.'MeUInto a Stful ledp. A suden»1 noiNAsCôe 1C li rênselbAr. Ihe started 'a», crying: ..T~ A ~ ~ . lin. "Oh ï ne me, Bort, gave me! Dou% .t let tbem bang me! Don't let thein Pm UwiIf lom f» ln that dark Oeil. I did noe mea te RP E lis "kW !hlm. Nào, n auI -"'[u iM ft sehr# là. Bert. DO U F maR , and lie down,"DuEI!:y interposzd, brsmth- he lessly. She thrui, hersel! between Dr. Prudiomme and bis patient, and MSth- 1013. ored Irmna's face ln a wet towel. she an went on soothing ber, a.nd gave ne elgun SOf having noted Dr. ?rudhomme's quick o é tart and sager look .when he hea.rd petmndrrCosp- [u Irma's exclamation. the "Sick folks do have the erauldeouatmàh re. noifa'she aid. "When Ilied a nOfV1ionls'Fy~I A 1 0l 1 ý#iêer they tefl me- I thought 1 was a ouammsspLxj ad turkle dove and tried to l1, d."A a ojj "I t'ink you was more like Jay-blrt; sýSgou~o but&IIVe irn chtte, cittrand jumin»c:il. fntuéo ffe bout, YOU littie devI1,11 crIed Dr Prud- ni. homme, angriiy. hr1But DuskY- was leanIn«' over Ira, NEW * Y'O]RK.CiofaX u pi n-febtk i.X [ty. w ettifg her lip s ,W tb cold w ter, and..i t old la put uk.lnon'- zbt t l o n:.z t el idl the sick girl W«s talkng agaIn of the faioant sld ng elk.on t H laor po S onha f ber lover she ad given up. she Iaaced le j uythi s o n" thed pie!s. rmie ery pi Id t Wam bis kimses se cool on ber hot "Jt S*,,1'M "wilane eey w là- month. she said. 111 can'T lu. ed never be youre, Bert. Go with yoî=ucpyv'RPER ~C to a far country? oh! tbat would b. e7C the aweet, but I muet flot let you make 7r aethat Sacrifice for me."_____________________________________ This was the criais of the disease. t' It was past midnig'ht on the third day ;er atter the attack. *'Go to bed. I wil! watcb bers," Dr. ce, Prudhomme commanded: but Duuk.y Dn stoutly refused- to obey.t r- "I aJn't sleepy a bit. and I ain't going as te leave ber 'tbought I'm 'dragged j !IY a"way," she said, with a snap of ber e.black eyes. "Yeu go te bed. I ain't afraid of the ghost ln the. old Grena- d~ m & d..i e-dier's, head. Some day "11l get some- Oi * ~ IU O j~JAI& J body. to go up- there on ladders and finit$ldf!11 e ut about him." to- f ever ),ou speak of the gbost, as It, You cal! i t, to anybody under the sun,! OU l'Il mnurder yf>u," Dr. Prudhomme ex- AT claimed. be Dùsky shook her head smilingly. She lne always Dretended flot to understm.nd AUNFEL'S French, though she comprehended per- u i l ( F I do fectly wbat was astd. She seemed neot iLi to 'notice bis stern looks. She wam I busy pulling down the mualin sleevez be over Irmg's beautiful, restîesoîy tossing Ratesuold as 10lw#A 5c. Rat and Dreas Triminingeaold below cost su as to be :U Imi v ersmtlgt able. b make rWorn for F.all goode. Cali before it is too late. ~-ber,'* Dr. Prudhomme said presely. er ' e mixed a emnai! pinch of white pew- W'Drm and ManIe making, donc, here. ee der ln a little cup and gave -It te ber. 10 He carried the cup bock to the mantle- M ,8 M lr E L d. piece and net it down. Then ho stoop- I S M T H L . a-. ed au Instant. lifted: the 114 of the e!- fee-pot that stood eounmie coale ad drouved a conviderable ouantity of ' ll A I> A t1~ < whvite powder Into It. Dusky mode the coffee. She ceunted upon it to keep la ber a.wake. A schtme was shaping lnItzelf ln ber active littie brain: she thought the coffees weuld brighten iher fui. dropped Inte it a blg lump. of suga, and drank It. Ste.1ogtt aepu oesgrii It;. I wsmighty bitter," she ma.id to I have fest completed a .r She mat dewn te her task of keeping 'T T rcool clothes on Irmna's forebead, but in a littie whie ber lido were creepiug E)*\T .C~- together, oh* nedded a few minutes, and then ber bead drepped bock ame.n" isud am -nov propared tb fur" o". erthijng for liotise finiabing in my line si asC> D th"hi uho~ n h vsfsiop am the cheapeet. Everything guaranteed rîght or no pay. When ohé opened ber eyes an.bour a later, she maw Irme.uslying witb shut 0.11 and inspe#t work and geprics. ,e 1idm and coruposed limbe, zeemiflg faat e asleep. Yet -ber lips were nmoving, au tbough she bail Juut been apeaking. VDusky looed quickxyý at Dr. Prud- 1 L ehommne. What was the nmeaning of t bat strange gleam n lbihl eyes-ht5 P YH. ilpale, startled look? "d ho ifund t-eut Irma's secret? B.d ho bewltcbod r1 .-2 0tf 2 ber Into betraying it? Dusky was Tiopaa m fl 8.-014 troubled., She got up a.nd boutý over "«It la a strange sleep," sbe msl ok- éIng at the marble like face and move- leus limbi. te5h u 1"She bas paasedth criais. Sewl begin te convaleece,"1 Dr. Prudhomme' answered.I LIHe looked sarply e.t Irma. tbrougb' bis oyeglaaaes. Then ho rose and loft. thme room. Day broke. The Ugbt broadened r in the east, the birds sungire the aor& ge-treee close by Irma's window.V r t. saIle a bO mdu ou e al otter l1e e lu beput la Wlab e layu 1>4asiyL. rewubngbrlt I n>G q V NITU RE OMM màu i ~ .GENT,L o LIND8AY. soww li. if xa»rà