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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Oct 1897, p. 6

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À %iffl U twetduete t- tadri-g fa tu whicabe Itllerthere la no hope." ho lit t&wy are bere te trrest ber. Dale My propqxoefofl~r the Iit uf he agrées, 1I*111 uiP i* off sefcret storYi £e t efoyer. This 11, nev ? earcli. If IdÏ refuses. hien? f lî ao althe r_ b: u graite-" .au fi -I I shoulti hesu» icslslc should...-c1?9APOOi'ba tounti lu U<d tm He suddenlY rem ee 't tat ne ai on the buneb tky eht le Dot bave clc keytLe Iegut lu bifs, elirthl, sveet faisettO. bidtlng hlm corne quuckly. He hourd the guiffing foot U V copgIuUp the cr-eakiggaire, anti ho lad stoPxed fleore :fle, jacketdoo but an instant betfee icnegmoe a:ar et,. "TIc keys," Dr.' PrutilornesaIt.. "-W-hy dit Yeu net bring them letaore? -1 aln't geLt e kcys. 1 aln't liatine chance fa teir yeu haw dte-." "lWiere are fie keys?" Dr. Pruti- J * lhomme Interuptcti, stemnly. "For de Lor'Bs ske don't lok at me dtat way ! De gaie gof de keys! "Iotan-atbelieve Yeu ave the rosiaiuetbîie" rina Welr lu this bouse." ho salîd *Thekho - sharplY. 1* I belleve cie Ile testad nd ou seeat'bem yourselt. Tatu Inoveti burlet. long sînce. Yeu wyul fut Youi'- he-cii. Jes' waîket outer. de picter cci! mitakea. and, Vanhon i vîll e and tolowet me ta de door, anti says fumioun, ut havlng beon toolet." sic, !Gl've me deM keys'-anti te keys Dr. 1Prudhlii'Cs e-,-es flasheti. but jus' trop-pet outer my lend like I buen lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l oHeltbs paddsmsei~ stmuck wid hîgltin.' Date de-"e bye a hauz;hty ivave of the hant-. Be "olî"criet DÉ. ]Prudhoamme. Ift -tumnet bau i nt,) the roani. Vaii'il m-asno, gîost at. al. If vas a plot, e was. star.diu' in i-he rnidle o! Lhe trick ta geLtic-h keys. Burst tic toor r. om, waitlr'g for hun, Hoetouceetopen." tic doctor'5 at-m. The squat glat abeyed him. Be. " came out on fbhe porci, Prux- tlireW.'bis broati ciaulter againet flic hommne.' isq eaid. *41 have afew tioor-eone.-tvice. Thé door gave.way words Lte58 y ta yobu." andi Dr. Prudhommrie enferedtheti roomn. "But first, as l.e aur 'business«." ln- Te hie aÉtonisîmefit ho fount Ift empty. temposeti the buulY sh-riff. " The W(-4lio lit a. cantile anti scarcieti evcry mtan w-'ve got Lhe warrant ton-ls Ut uook aut recensa! et litcuty. Be tfi-lo t5afe ?". fIe windowi andt oundtheticblinde stili "Si. le hoee lnthe lieuse." ' locked, ..$Andi cie doesnýt suspect ver are "Yeu sec ne.w viat flic ghicef ant aibot Lta nab hèer 1l',vifl fIe key." le said.tiLoNlc k. *"Tia "Shc Is quiet la hem roamn. Ivlg agD!" B utdv go Up anti sec i- *1 First. I muet hive a word w-th Yeu, staire. 1 say" ilntetrult)hdVaîîhorn,traw- IrmaWeir le gene!" licexclaltuot, ir.g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rw hl ogl w i îteburstlng Intô teLic stLinÉ room. F'renchw.an cieL a nialignant giautie -Ah. lia! ý This le your doîng. Tata bave lot lier sccupe !" cniet Vauhoma.- at tic icrafty-oyed Hebrew, antimoved springing tram bis seat... 'iff îeluctantiy with hlm. Ho wanted "IL t Is -e I Sic bat lopet Nviti lier .-o liave a last interview viLli Irmma iver-Fontenïoy. 1 bat toeuat out thoir .Welr. -and inform lier fiat.flic offlee plan. Ilocketi ler up, but sie have ivaited down-stairs wjij1 a warrant fort got ouf, cie lia! gone wlLhh ilm." ber arrebt,'arnd fiat lhe voulti cave .Cant wvofoiioNv thon ?"Ilcried ho'î on tie terme ho hat before, affereti. Varie. recoveing t*ram bis amnazemeat. 3üt hoe obeyed the colt oye anti voice "BOw long bave they bec" gone ? ' )f Var.horn. 1and followed iîm fteflthe I'Onya-httie wile., Sicvas Liere piazÉa. fnot an iuut- ugo." l'An now" bgan he Jw, lantg "Thon follow thoin, overtake thoin." bis gaunt fomm andti , siarp -visage rain'c shotrnti îîssîingtha îlencar, ,betore hilshost, " ili >You bave the "orn's fie oul o!ndMssi nis vînt ~~idest"> teýllien-towhat you mean by .e, yo the p boluia of-cckses Lie!" in yor at" conduct?" * d r.Pud Cerne on," ct-led Harald., "Show us * "Wat cndu "sat r P th fe way they vont. .?ihénîgli ta luear; 3,ou me sul uplt.a' %-e cin follav Lhom.. Onter herses ut. wretched girl. brougif lier.heme,-et ail once ! udIl'mïnotut-nt ta Nd a' Places la the world, anti prmitteti ler DcImeeetihm. nta iad te ireesani ta M'Y tinte a secret that le of lite dbriagfei Lmtadc foto ieoresiand. andi deathI-Importance ta obath a! us "' 'r ht eflctle ootolite r ie ve It .was ail accident. I %rote yol tat1f,"h pceîi. "Fo tey iva Lt .t1at." te n-ef moye soalo. "otnyws liLt %aq a want f a!ordinary. sen.".cSO aýevnocëk1 and caution. W bat business iad Yeul *,nSv"eix'cket 1.aot ta tn ta bring any womnan heme, viene floe i ex aIedmHarldu. o gf asa secret to.keepý? Andtiîs vo- I -s h a eJs o oe inuthe very. anc e -lut ei'etctiln ~Wo ina>'vet tIere befoeeyic drive .expaslng the secret. Yeu have lot her off. Camne !" ý. iln ot.or couxse cie *Iin exposer Be hurt-led ouf, follovoti by fhe IL. -She would do If If icir lite depended theq heewsa rit tr 1 or ber d ofng t horwiso. Tiere la nothî-1 ait* oveo, .for a cirisp vînt bat lng -now- but :ta cent lier ta Lie peib snwePt saway flic cloute. Dr. Pi-ud- . tntarynd e se LiâtthLe top store> hommie anti Harod vero Ira tic lesi. fntaeiorynds a 800wh nlttgInTrifI'e 'minutes fiey liil eachedth Le seàrcied,, If searched It Wchouoldh 'be. IInth shdo o wantet ievr fe heur o!ftcU, rlag l.;tic ,gi-caftrocs fie>' saw s velile uith 't wpe in hopes sice was test anti a large black homme attaciot. A muan but-led, or gone out f o! tnler hear- J tcod beeide flichanse. Wien flic> n'.ae geat Came bvin t'>0 hlm, ho steppot ofa!the Vou aegra h aoihvn brsadow, anti afoot bufome tliom. hunteid w.Royýard, détective, and Wc vaut Irma Wei." sait the ail1 that !-' pauting rIhcrlff., Bort Foutenoy' looket Yu kmox- wîy I dld that. At first af hlm baugitily ardtid Iti Lspeak. IL was thougit my brother ivoult ive. - 'Wioro -là Irma Velr Il asketiDr. 1 knew -If wouîd gratify hlm fa have Prudhlimmne. bis woud-be mnurdemoca punisîcti." Bert Nwi-eeltd' upon him fiencely. Ah, l'es ! It wouid ce gratify. hlm be - "ee, whcrc le sie ?" lie ecliocti-'"I *would take his bankrupt limaflier &_ ask fiat question o! Yeu. IL le yoU parther o! hic mdibeentiess. liewoua whoviahave.,kept hem tram coming fe me. ha! no -tt e as partner of!ble nu Wi'atilght hati you _fa do if ?"I bai no ivife and chIds tae bir fa hie Il e'e* Just blufflag," . uterposedthfe roportoe. IL would ail go ta îls- Yaung- dteuf. "Tbe gIrltle iding somewict-O . r brthoýr-you.'l-Monseuir Vanhomn. it la these Woods. l'Il cali my dog, and i- I yusne nistocsasd we'l soon bave miss>' af la>" lande. Tiese very' house sud lands. '"Dog YoIUSelf!T" cilotiBort. iutg- here-' knaw.'..nantlY. 'l tI each you fa speali vith - cuo w fiat lu naL no. 1I gave More respect- o! a lady fogoati fan Y(ou tle motgage on file place lu c-- Yu te niarne !1 sideratian fiat you would d...>'u He. <augt Up his rltil .g-whip andi know -viaf." riased if teto ililet a 110w on the fat "«Toc. .Iknow 'o compact. T vIol shouiders,-etthfe ti.puty. But Vanhorn mnaxi- fîmes and mare it nevaire h catught bic arm:- beeti made. But it l aoebaLe uov-toc Il Stop." lie aId. 4"Tis man ie au late ! Anti I muet do somethin' for ..V officr ot' the 1ev. :It ta his businese to cblld's cake. 1 vaut ta go away froll trace an.d finti andt ako Into cuefti>' tis place. Monsieur Vauhou'n. -I wlU 1ary via bav-e broken fiat law. Irme Fcli it fe You for on-fourth partý et Ifs V'l ha,% broken iL.. Sic 15 .5 fugitiv e value-ailtfils t'oùsant acres et eo frein justice. 'feu me> as elli.fclb rici lands anti splendid f lmber., ' vIene tie tg hiiden ; ft iii le ueeies "«We Winli Lu!o!fiat atterwands 'for her fo try te escape."P "()w for the mater lu liant. This girl 'I have toIt yau I do nef knaw haS turned t)U: wti your uouai pro- vbcre sé icl.* f1 d tlt, do Yeu suppose .pénsit>' for bat Iuck Yeu lave managed 11¶woutell 011Yeu ? 'ou-,have ne i'eal,j ta uneartihbem. I w'ouîd have paîti ber vhatever legel, .ight, te uarreut Irmai fat keep ouf of the *ay; lut bure Yeu Weir."1 have allovoti lier fa fiat ouf a. secret Il"Do yoknow her star>'? .Ras e that t IL as yaur vital .interesf f0 fld IL fa eu ?"' Mket Vane, vl-h guard. Sh ivi lo t keep tfilasecret, cvident. cagernees. c'veen If siecoe-mit e bnîbeti te do If. I "5h»asttiMe ber .star>'," Bort Women cannat keep.secrets., Shecbasansvereti, turnIng a sceimful loou 'probably e lover wiom sdo in sure tebIls queeiflouer. *,"ý I nov, fi hepr commualcate laitI. e lt se» tak-c lu If. bler pretendeti brother. It < duV te rolu . Th&s" es i~~ydjn beeIkqo him Thsxrk Ql vamt miî waflh o'. e ý r v e I W * o f t h e = nutu *0totue tO- CM take a uapy- the r e t fthe M .e l asiu Ourmod .14 trap 10a good ing fp Âte ti i tldor, ait 'the.top -Of the tower. ue w e 1*helitre perda face, tads mk h scured it for an inpstoflt, but whefl thiâ cleàred« a-way, they recognhbed the facOe of Irmia Welr. White and giphit-IikS loked lier face in the glare and wreat ifg sm14,oe She dld not cry for hel>. 'cdh Q stretch hler arme to those bEh0W. knew vthey -couid flot helP lher- iTo' ladder eOUld reacli h*if-'WAYto ler- The sta.ircase, thte 11ooM and WO&US be- neatl2 lier were linfDames. She Wall leÈok!ng dowfl at the branches of a pecaflirce sorne feet below lier. 1 - ump, catch the limbs; it la your only chance !" eream'fed Dusky. But elie turtied a«w&y. For a mo- ment she w&8 flot seen. The fiaxnes leaped higlier. One. more grecdy, lYck- ed the window that liad just frameol Irrnf's face. Bert groaned a.nd feit despair ln his heart. .iThere she is !-, nome one cried. He uncovered hie face and looked uP. She was again ait the window.; but wihat fraSeNWas thait wihshowed aver lier sl2oulder ? Was lit a lving thing- that gliantly face? 'Yeti. there was lfe ln the biollow eyes. Wid, eager, .they ahane lin the strolW Illumnination. Boiy. hands were locked tightly around Irma'S ivaist. Thce keleton vas ding- Ing tolier ! S1Shake hlm off ! Try to cave your- sýelf." shuuted Pert.. He stood- below witli outatretched arme In the fai'it hope o! aviig lier by catching lier and breaklflg the fail. H She ma.de no reply. er white face was set andi deterined. She stooti in the window. She gatered lierseit up for a spr;ng down amrong the branches of the pecan-tree. It was just a chance iliat she miglit catch one of these as sic went down. The huge trunk of the tree w-as twenty feet be- yond thc Iower, but sorne of Its bouglis extended ln the direction of the build- ing reaching to the window a.nd beyord It. 1She raised lier eyes ln a mute pray- er. Shespoke ta the creature elinging to Wer. " Have courage ! Hold fast !" those below heard ber say. Thea she leap-,d( fi am the window. Her exterided handls cluteied at tie limbo. Bbc mlssed th(c flrst one; but the leafy boughs hait Vunoyed her for a second, *ard sh,> caupght a 11mb lower down. It bent under, the double we!ght-bent iUs whole length down. and semeed ready to snap as sic swung from il. dcing- Ing desperately with bolh hands. Be- lew her was a larger limb ; if she coulu but reach iltw'itli ber feet ! But no, lit wva- net directly bcneath lier ; it was a littie distance 'beyond. A volumýý o! black smoke poured out from 'the wiadows. hiding hcer for an -instant. Those below heard a terrible sound- the crackir.g of Lhe 11mb. and a cry of anxious dread cccaped their Ilps. The enioke clcareàt aiay. She ivas Qee-i boldly to swing herself l'y the break- ln-- lmb until ber feet toiiched arA. clung tc, the larger 11mb. Stilli ding- lgto the haif-split bougli to eteady herself, slue plant.ed bath feet firmly upon the othcr. and moved along it a step) or two until she reaclied a fork of the limbs, wlierc cie- sank down ex- liausted ln the seat thue afforded. A shout of relief and applause werit up fram bellow. Bort did not join in1t. He had no breath ta spare. Saie ne 'lad brought a laddcr. Ia an Instant Bert hiad planted it againet tic trec. Snatching the rope whiecb Dusky had been holding ail the while. lie, praflg up the ladder and began ta climb the trec. I-Pc i-w'hlmselt up from 11mb to 111-b ivith the activlty of a squirrel. until he reached the one that lield Ir- ma. lie threw ov-er ber. a noose ot the rope. Hc drew il arciund tie bodie of the tw.o. and bracing himself against the trunk of the treoc. h'ý called ta Irmaif to lower herseâf froîi the 11mb cie sot upon anO trust. to Lie rope. The sinoke and heat werc suffocating. the leaves were ehrlveling &round ber, but she eUhl hat trength andi presence of mnld enougi to obey hlm. Holding ta i.lie 11mb. sie let hersel! gently dowfl, an<1 lnoscping ber grasp hung suspendcd by Lie rape ln the hands of ber lover. Carefully lielowered the double weighl to the graund ncarly forty feet below. Tliey gathered around them. Dtcky, always ready, had a gourd of- fresh water, and the scorched and half-faint- ing girl çvas revived. The bony liant! stili clung to lier, thougi thelr owner wnunconsclous. He. had swoQlone through the heat and suffocation. Tt %vas now ceeu tiat rie had bound im. ta lier. She hati to.r a strong strlp of thé sheet, passed lit around hisc %vaist arld liors andi knotted ltILrflmly no that lie would flot have fallen If bis bol! had relaxeti. Haroldi quickly unfast- ci-ed the knot-anti relcasedi Irma. He '-MII .4 .41.4 1 AT THE 4IMIL-E SIGNATURE 'nJ~ I 18. ON H WRAPPER 0FVi 1;VERY1 MOTULE 0F r iciti t os akinu fQu va haa tett. ro~udr la hointit U y mu Mofir'lu s ee I hm co'umetadMe e tbis det1 propet ; o. lidce ty pe- ti and SaonVahony t f e ace plae. Te or4 ath fyertOb. eluo mmd sbu bod B h bdlîe isd1-dt. -litcontiutlhat icmpel. W,&-olieepoebi rther? Haseret conficme t rH ke flcbbew tIa clanimhussthirlslon . 0fohtie lucptaic3t0exposet e ye. auy 0f theolong-oiSt îttake' place eliiwthtpae f eet hîs tesetihlm oya kQe. On.l t ach "'liatva .yar1n 'ehor fdle uRgt rng lce o! dccc ou.ad rmVan- Iol ha exos"ien rT'rl Tic rere ectHe , ine thme Hbces slaiaolnuon -hl. o'oua sti aIdandperl tety. Ilerasons lrivante ossos-' eneyz ofihel, skulking l. c shdowbe- 'plae d te bushesples ise.oThs feeln ou tld bis ey urpohn fae- maWhoeareou?" le ketprieeently. your brher tya hut oê Ima. ei flas ras eir mt vde frto-lt Wlrane le ceo"ec r.Vn Théck o!surrise. Bme urfed ie en Ishol t-rnge htsrngmt.geee louat a inrtu o he«tan ta anaL ber th oit befaric lo**I- hf blooz-l ces va osons.c ro ie.Sh a eMicael, hatiulsg ie seeti. Sema savin tlth o! fi. flan he hati fi- anrd-tis ean hahuwrngtilir Berlhn till aiey u r onve.le tichoar ok vii ee ed pes ender- 'IeIs.aHoteletciv 4e tmpyas velI. buot ferte vas oueIrmaubt laI wasImad.Be eirt at dt me 4 not. I ke heae i. abe 1okful eat ldin Ih sthreî re o flose br uaL had se onge 'clgiod upn e.~tIti foteel letha wnw. miehtncet anou va Butive sic vas hic t se. Tie r jel anefor e. Teilod feeloo-Ui tl- geucy o!soial lava aterpoer a tiic'ate othtIcmpuart.e edl. couit ad Paedzctht I thes o bc ole tan bueong le an odyh toeu nsu uelier lced tano thlern aer;. baIm. re ez s."h h H etr the look dvth oe fee ai atendere- mt et. e e te m Ite hacp, ant wele bu herat l.wastudo ierln he tookfie bnfingt te it coet saeItm. In e oyfu." lie sat it. "Yo Wîîloulo I f to e fr-for iat Ion I ,,lge dit er?" ldmo f J or ht onfButlukmyoulnraIgno- anceofLie uoung felu th a ioc- le'aft the urlng o-aeandthaU J tateou f Rthe'il friv e .oul mt i t une ta me wsaisilefohefute. - e lgInottfe o an thitede mhe r buaad lb o tia selfrny egd eant"r Hermet.coma eeddrd nt1rit Sh fa da he baud fmocaisgadp. Bute t tiBueton fenepe tiglitee rlsê,IL. j IL? Yaun 'e r y bo eing kIgtaed 1a SolnNanh antioo before tihle nimtI tHers; I ouli tahave vte he."n lurit glae o te bmngLover, bute ils shmi.pglkcyagafdoth *1Irsbaya s Bnw bc stoe atibloreiu arusaebrant ibrl f-cyavd mti.e. I1 kisei ylet teavtoe o-orw 1ifer'Ima7r"lid e1bu L hougli asicarlad he.Ad athae ue tund te bervifeet "ntoavt o? No, I lof t iat. I vrig flot b. that " te 1You But h'11yfurtive f. Yu'Iybau- t te meon areany len aithfue. WI anili otWt iveounsthatfae meckte- Hodas yh o chsud yteau nMt her. yuhl rmbse.m" He rt, le.thria strie rSedndfIxe t. thererUwg, ape*i-ightenekuronlier sud 111ffrguetihathly trust," i sald'pII flOsjut uawplovpe fet -wscli It ? Yeula-taue sy a b t bigksei no sscandbyoungate pietndth "tesI u ber marrtse wvt y va r fééle an emacatedU."M IMe* n twD fJse lc Ie setslke an M. r fera h nth t liou rltofthe fo uni oebt f i uamall, hp b,~sibo4f t gIl euya *hs do ot leore 701, ..Te ; 1 utteb ve aaefor 1' ki s e MY U tl t. He e ir W e sud echut hic eyes, B ert l ti âî*a ý u.ay. Haold i w tdhe4 theUin a hy MOVed off, Dîcappoluteti ard Joafuibmas le, vas. i. couti not bel»p ptylmg the girl for flecwviLe.. MUMteY 1ha mv hlnber fac. eut she v-as cali n sd teatlesa. She salid to Bort: "If It mustf l e o iii have ta bear tf-li ceaaton. I wlll go on fhe bot to-night, tom 1 wantta get away frin fluas place. But I viii' nt go as bis vite. *I will nover buhis vite, I *11l ne-rer lîve wîtl i hm. or take any ot hils ioriey. I wlll love you alwaYs-« -you aniy, aut I wili' 'watt. Prliap some way; may bu openeti for us.. wo muet bu patient.' " 1Nat If I. eau finit any way te break that unhoiy bond. IL la ne marrilage," lie sali, bitforly. "AU flic im, al fleic oney I can commandi shahll e given ta that"put." II for you wili auly waste yaur tîrne and maney, tearest," sic sait, sadly. 'II do net know about such tliings, but money ceems ta go sucli a great way lunflic world, anti le lias so muci of If He can îvomk against us., anti brlng evcrything ta hicsaide. Tien. lits viilese noetrong-even uow, vien he la se veak lu body. Tou muet net let me bliglif and cramp your lite. A lout, cashiug noise brako lu upen ber yards. The roof oft fhe Itowem liîtd -talIon ln, amiti dense cloude of emake anti au asceudiug tountaIu of iiery sParks. A about wcrit Up tram thie negrocu vIe bat. locked uptram flic quarter, ano stooti lu groupe, watciing tic progresu of fhe fire, thc cd lîglit wolrdly Iliuminlng thelr tiark faces. 'De Graunytear's heati doue gone ! fliey exclaimeti. I Ihearti tic ump- back ecresin," sait anatier. "Na;, It warn'f he. Be donc deati long aga. 'Twae de ghas'. 1I ecetide gios' Lirougli de amoke." ..1De Grannydcar's sf111 a ctantin' an is legs' crieti anc. alluti- lnig fa fie four large cypress pillars vhlci supportedth Le tower. n'bette ere stîll uncansumetfhaugli tic dlames liat now fasteneti upon thcrn. andtihti lvy fiat muffledti tem chriveicti anti droppeti away. One- ater another o!fLiceataut. tael posas vawreatiedthlaflames ; Lihe licadîce body o! Lie Grenadier Lotter- ced, eud the burning mass Loppleti andi fe11 overwîfi an echoing crash. Dm. Prudhomme stoat anti wafcliet tie flaning tower untîl Lt fell ta fie grounti a flerg min ; Lhen le vaiket away la Lhe ilmrectlon o! Lie bayoua.I Ho' etooti on Lie -bank, looking davu on tie dark ido below. Was lie con- templating a suicidai plunge lu iLs d&pthi? His face vas gloorny aud hopeless enaugi, as seen la Lie fading glearno e lcconsumiflg Vile. Ho, fao, bail playeti a tesperate game sud kest, anti hie nature vas farmomre sen- sitive anti leus hartieued flian Michiael "Papa! Opapa!" Tic sveet voice vas ebrill anti plere- Ing witt pain anti terror. It was a passIonate. patlietlc appeal. Be fumnedtotward fie hbuse. A swift change passeti over bic tamk face. B is teatures worked with emation. - My cbilit! My poar, helples aonce!' lic muttereti." I muet live for lier. I have beggared her. I muet live te vo omiar lier!T" Tva baume later, fie I"Bayou Belle' blev bcr wlieezy witle, moveti out. tmcrn the lautiing. andti umet hlirrbeati down-stream.j Beqlde ber crew, captalu. sud clcrk., she bat six pasengei'8. Tiree. of them vere the mon wvi aldsteppet tram I lier'laver dock af Prutiiomme's Lend- lug, a few boums betare; ticeaLlier threeI were Solon Vanhamn. hise iîe, anti ler i attendgnt. Selon Vanlioru, ln a neat., dark drcssing-govIl. vas carniet tiow antidlaflite bet berti flic boat afforteti. Tbe tve Iroflicre lied ad a short privU.te Interview andi cere te an undemsta&idng, if ceomet. Thc appearauceof !Salon Vaniorn. camlng as tram flic grave, excîteti the Iprofaunti ainaernent o! tic captaIn anti clerk o!fihe *Belle." "What the deuce tocs IL mean ? .the ferme raketi ot Michael. Be shmugget i bld boulticre. *I ca't fell you myccît." licsaid. "If le just eue of! Solo's eccentrl' freaks. Tataknov lie was aiways att. Ho. seemna . fahave vanfedti te ppear as deati. thaf lie mîglifsees-what sert ef sensation If 'would rnake. Then If wouli brîng hie creditors te ferme vithout lita iavIng ta prose thein hilm- self. Yes ; alvays Selon was queer. If vas a cranky notion that. etfrnarryii. a, young savage train flese vilda." "Tata mean the girl tha.t utabbet inl on ber vedig-day?7 la that flic marne girl-ash. flaf's dovu bulov nov«, net lu his atste-rooin, fhougb ? Bbc seketi me te Ulve ber another roin. Sle's nef the voins fa th"riedtotekil hlm ' 4.The samm. If turne out If vas a sort e! accldeuf. TIey mate up, anti bers fheYve tbeen hldîng UP bers, RIA Oaefelà laPut sL a oe-ideIUafes only. If W 2Mt so- i abzUllDon't ashowayone ta sel pos aaytldng eue on fhe pies or promise that It laIiu goou" ma Il V:11 axer overypar. Psm.' Du beoat z y eolO-B---IA g.s li- elals ~"IÇ Z7~ lOM 'rale MI[SSMI!TCH ELL. Oommenoing sept. 21et, and following days. àiss muiohefl i iUOW propared tb satisfy berm unuerous patrons ini style, -beauty sud varicty. Her stock or Miilinery.was nover se largo and valuable befone. 8h. bas a beautifal stock of Dree G»ods andi Triîmiags of every description. New Stylos ila Mantl;, &ase lroasand mnMau fiking donc in latest styles. Belling at edeoed prime. Be sure snd cail; if, yoti doni'L you viii cet.' tainly misssoeing tlie Most beautifiil Millinery Opening ever choya. MISS 39MITCHELL 01Or mUnpbuil'u Grom e tuu, VITORIA PLANIN mI i have jmm t omlpleted a sud amn ow poepared tt uraieli verytbiug for lieuse finisihiug lu mY line a$ olieap s the coheapest Everythiug guaranteed night or ne psy.. Cail sud inipeot work snd gef pdSo&. Telephone las. -oîo-tfe WR HV juil morei up ini paokage,ý Dym, isach as Diamofldi Turkisand Germâa. With the latlt you 00n dye Oethe vOolor otoowith the one, paokage, asithr z a mple Of 1olor on oaoh piokage. AJJH1GINBOTHÂMi flrat, .Lindfas CIU A NITUIRE 3ENTL Co. UNDSAY. .m"00 *suI~wIis v~4~cOPrUV WRAWER. - '1 i~ I~ ka dolo a ail pIe ApelfectUemedy torCoastipa- tionSomr Stom&chDiaoelx>ea. WOTUlSC0flVlAISiQflSYOV~fS117 - andLOSS ot SL~BE 1ac5iai~I. Signature et fort wr a, cOn in joît co pri. l'au sali, peti Of dot] fie of Clio colT hat sett an%] lift- inig enid or t1 gre. -Lin u beel il i, pLit whi we 1 b al f depi that a gai Pers mue tro Xneri nuilt ofg The~ v'hcî or t] wirdî dredl try ing iL bc si.ca lbya coni from ilito a NY is 110 ed f If y. 'oüul Il e t icu clit n t.h and "we

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