ï ËBRTfl '.WHZRFOIFÔk£ 00"A COMPLAIN I wse Iwos Tnt 5w. IM» ý Pbreaciseauotheb149vuI& tt CureTmroublesb. on Sanda>' 1ev. DUs. Tuabge it, cd fremin Amentatlil.113%*S4"?Tete fore doti a lîvlag Miat ., A -cico-rtil utlu heogia ,nlancioly book et B blSI iereulUb wrote se many nad Ihings tint ve havt a vord narned affer blua, and wvia anythiig las mreharged vi grief amd camplant vo cill i Ifa jorelulmd. But lu my lext Jeremi, as b>' a Sudieu jolI, vaiens tus bu a thatkfut spirit. Ous bleseluga are me mach more num- eroùu tians udesertnt hob lu ans- prsed tint anybody sbould oves flac fauit._ Hnving lite, and mit itila thon- snnd bleesinge, if ougitte h ha lintper petuai silence evor>thiig Uké eriblism ot tic dealinga of, God. "Wherefâr doth, a living nia» complain ?' Wie everyhiug In. our national fnce la brlgiteniag, fte iclast'few yeurs e land bas bet mclte t atua of "am. These bas 'boon bore utd these n cheesftl sololet, but,'the. grand chorus bae.been uneot- lamntation ane compauied b>'dirges oves qicelsatei comeresilent mn totseuneni- pboed îeealem and mli tisse 15%çr dceý3described b>' lie bo et Word-% iar< limes-"." tic tact le tint *1 have been praying for lie bboody luxury et a vas mure tiaun 30 yeuru mge. Thone veto grent national differcace, and va had fol enougi Christian charactes f seftle thein b>'aritrallo» and Ironty, and se vo vont inte bilttle, oxpeuding, ite ad Iscasre aîud mou nigi uvasp- lmg the national finances, and norti and] seti, -oast and veel, bave oversinee ileen pn>ing for. tiese, fous jyea.rsa'lul- gene lu barba riezu.. Batthle lime ibacone viciahile de- pr'esion ought; toened-yen, mien la vil end i thela people are vwilling te do ltWo os lhree luinge b>' va> 0f financelimedl. cament, ftu, lie peope as well au Con- gress must lou inlutle vork ef recape:. ation. Tie boules political ecouemists tell .u tint liore leno good reson for ccou- tinned prostrahion. Pleut>' ef money auwating investment. The national henîthivithinoter su stroug an nstflor se clens a brai». Vet re go un grenu. iugrgonning, groanlng, as thougi GC"l lai put this nation upon gruel and al- lowed us but uned<ceont brakfast luns irontie. ?Tic tact is lte habit of con'- plaiinîg ha becoîne 7ieronie lu this country'. aud atter nl liese rcar# of whliper -andiwaiing nand objurgation 'me are ander suci a mouaeulnm 'o1 unIvel tint, me cannel Éel),. 1tere are bhroc preecriptions b>' iii I believe tbat ounsinditiduni and natiton. al finances mn>' be cared ut their presenl deprsuulun. The firel le cheerful toe- versalien and beinvior. I haro nnolise. tintthfe peeple 'w.huaire zmout. veciferous ugainst tihe &Ylu inwieb me lite lare tîtose mhu are lu conifrlaile cireumn- âetanel. I have niAide inquls>' et thtese persone wio a re violent*,lu ticir -jere' salade againet bliese lintesanid1I'bave muske< lieux, "Noîv, ailes ali,' arc you pot mnkiug a living.'?' Attesone hesi- tallon sud coagiing and elennlng' liri tiroalthiree or four limes tic>' sny s5m- meringh>', "Y-e-s." SeBotint Nviti a groat mualitude of pi.oýple il le net a question of etting n litobabood, but lie>' are di-s. sutisfied cause lie>' canaut maie as mach mouene lite>' ouhd flic f0 maie, Tie>' have oul>' $2000 inthe batik, %viere lie>' voald ie t ae 40 Thc ea ebeatr lua- pstr v'bere lie>' would lie' lu' chas O0O ur tiagecamte'-out mat ee..Os lu them trade lie>' gel $8 -a day vhen they Nvs el lecouid maie $4 or $5. "h saya ioule une. "'are jon nol -avare of. thfie ttt lere ila ngreat population out et -empluyment, jand fhere are han- dreof thle god familles oftfils coua- try vie are aI Iheis vite' end, mt kuair- mag viciva>' l u In?" Vos, 1 know il bettes than au>' man lu private lite eau kuev tht i d tact, furilterones eon- aianîl>' le my oye and cuar, but wio'13le respousible for tfie stat* cf tbings? Muc of tbat responsibilil>' 1 put apon menion lcomtostnblc circuinstances Who, by an evcl stinggovl, keep publie confidenceoe depresse< aud'nov entenrise froin tartiag eut and nev bouses tr>Dm Le-ing- ut. You mev' tovry moltint ame despotadelnt pana eau tati 50 men iute despondencj,wvile ene cheerful Physiciau cuux maie ap jute exhilinration a viele as>lum utfhypocirondrines. l ls ne kiindiaes ho tie pour os anemiplO>-: -ed for yoa lu luin lu Iheir deploraticn.- It yu ihave nulthic vit .an l tcecom- ma ou selé toihii of something cheenfult te say, lieu kcep clIent. Thèse le 1n0 man liat eau ho ludepeaclent of depresa- <ail conversation.: Tic medieul journals are oves ilnustratiag il. I mas readiug. oi five maen who resolved' liaIlie>' voul< maie an expenamont and sec vint te>' coual<do iluthe va>'of depressiu4 s tout, icaîf>' ma, and. tc>' resolve luo meet hlmaI different pointe luis acn nead as ho stcppcd eut frurn hls thselule morniug. lu robustl lealth onue ufthelicIe nmen mot hlm, and sid- 'Wh>', eu uaookvry sick le-da>'. Wiat laz lie maîtler?' ie said: "t nm 1in ex- hnn lrougi le day froun the eavee'* tic hoae ejo resbdf L'ait vinter 'mai eouu»g, ma:ti uald: "We minI! bave uuPsaUeieàw- fering smoug tie1eor ,Il vile s dreadtu W *iter." use cbqlgit iw à cold vinter, but lbceftvWere"Mr Ifl hcarted charmles tlump *n cd ouf on the euntre, macle- for the poore, o bee» scores et 'mm tcs w had a barder lmdbs i < winter. Some people'are se ovlt doloronaness vitk t"i may vo yl have. Vrance, Idemcf dues nof ru. Ie>' Te s ,'Do Buie, ne God la e.40& nIl tiose defeames for Ow' p Ie,- and public mu' ia eptim «, ~lug brea4 b eài MB ~ ,7 - le IIWB Ufl1II7.lw M MW inftuWmd, çMfl uuo et l80b, MWbpç- or amo puebeg the ftaI effl M *M0"t î lem tfrh V egqw te thatér r mince huabeca It slfmt dyt omue rlut i berWn he e h&** 7Ul sren colufortaliee,& ocu a uncso korpion coît- bu& iIM a" joe)= L P0 it 4&r d thb, br-e'd hecuotea" euWg auto blhfr leiniiu otsl]sart eooi e. n00ere1hWkwhe weùer litleiyi I aiont disteà ibutPropr meke menhdoradsoe u utamenairin thm, du taVr wtand aeanwomha h aitaS.gr n r evey Y vouî, tae, »-àd nat iace-t , rnohuetanbiIj ont rofthenden aiTeous fr econaly as Iwor.OW I ~ ~ &l tanpoprinorter >,oe ta" < ruhtlin uil~io inacr :Mr. chwuma theoridîosn hc oom Inai ao u hevcil rth IIUbtDg I ae prsionons Wekep bckë»~ Psiiiduf ee ael " toi* ici o cn ve"tit Ve aileru ri0Mwer u uretotdy W n.mî.s r hd wr uiusIfs. -unlbmvedoml'.ZIU dI lie ak mre. »ie -t adsi ysoro JutanEurd fotmpou, vhenetbe agi hich it o-dthe can't g ý etsthu 0 cesht ld- 00-sAnd a Infr bsoeàéent it be sicîneeos, yandkru ptcy, y ? ' The mlu th ewi%9 D T.he mefBakng berr0 te daeead tlamtUc e Yrofheromu-laaenui hparis Ialaa i loeA S-oT O R~O U uB u oaefetc nt omm aeuiulet--.tai luntehe day 0 Dr.Gria 0 ixat h pae M aifu bal b na luh ptogcoucher, an vtordtisa rileb r apleoonII usC a. reaisoU areoruld labu etanelethae w>rL wih emotroe and mli tin morliaeaIlrte.T srblD, ÎWS Mt-helothajinltng. es e kitcenclote ciighwheqetoe înie fvubtbyaedrse le r up Forve nvsrieandfthe esoor hs-Toue ee hoeobusinse n.ie o u u or oeaodmne aelf'pU o tet.Toitnt engldren o th]wy&Iesombjets ti tiangur osî. Yu p»ya aet i cutywol onlu.Yusie frvdosaduuare ofen, p-a ail *Mstoe an medse-n w b e r elemethryechooml aI theigo, amdtcu-misotltejhv eme us , 4o ie l reamot> nsui e ti nrmy d ataakte.in e a a nfune ritr o icrg t bla a- tic ue ess tonag ensl ,ewand mwere herewe ved. Wequo tuoe o a. ïoei rabat an soi nusd p b, quon flnd ont tiDtenla apopratigfie tae worid. I bu o as 'verticinot urinslu taermtfi 8-f Ubsdlbis eeuabaca.elb ye jorm diweedstc aay 1vî t dretwunfutence niMn Àthe vva cass. arn tht 11sf or votters. That diebes. in cforet letee man'ofvat otidé cotiet s. aec-1sslt, of thpait kind. Wc a ch mor e old ia e, grs Mn fstdle r mpall ui doil nbt ftien? c yl dhacarge ; ad wl stkndallebn k u rarueCi-I e flv u eter iia tl&ceelpeaiotiytip"le vey iol-1sev0_ Liest mand rWli -fSIlbn nV eebpe liewil trv soe efnaca i- tu et'dsoe <doesiol aal r esctG fhoe mredol oa.e six cetsma packae. whlci em y ros vhei, rwt ea llit mam. Iepbihe m * asters and a the trusteaw Valfrom cloTnp fr o eee add utingtob aleunerlndthirlmot-On pckgélittIo epl uasy nhpinon"e by0ftofuid hu ppss r muhhoOi esie ada us. Tuen reason tha ntmlidsbtatted u tc ublc orsli 0nAIdlie a rdèi naisad citam1ns. The tirce u1eke. I e le uhole or dWeilbng,whic he sy r ni? 90d.i miaio rôulifby ad jon esha nve lite ni e Stav eMe o for s e weurw wto t em. Sn e tieDo- ei nud tic lub fr o as ebraskld avte wrM cdiin-as,uagdt el *itad: i e l aeblmso lo edf * more buttadyounstr. Ininf ulI u m int ic e ocre bthyavedennalg'iee fu aybaee ou.buzaln oe, or prds. Aeugnrn nvrvis -f uerbrapyl dvnels *~~~~~~~~~~~c 1857it.i anwovs e6p. oîotpt urne4n euaphay, onwortld l j l te Î wlaser, bic unu apoieh "Ticloins lte artlaie rotheS 'Lie le bantifur th opptLt ted fotby iminamnc? eorn nesîd uicusn l otyureera afir u n n ~fseuiles0 oti, m rom ruDami anpedluugl," ndd uet faeclde i I em S ienls I1.sdo LI 'Yeinng ha d otter ve Yomr pockel'>uok rtaI oed pee. 1 a evbigl aionaSc y orWoadso faet n hmu i, hal e foo I ae aetu e$15ogtlt ieli ee0 eil'i iE Im fls on1 m ecn * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wt on;i i e e. N, adh, gii oe.Tcmr oe o1hv oeuafIrîa ie brouIf amoui. Alrtinm othve md fýul n AIle. Tle p uestin,"Wit u ; te lolvlnmoge iepibhhr e ocanaout Malw nrlievavegel ic etes, 'if it cme nuttyaandicomte iaslag anubroPrAlgie tbu; u, s ee or woofdet?"mayrelidneutvey ep* boata l nd l ai i sbeube vt vitievcrîiijg. Imantb couec atesosnfll . FoeUite d o f rli - tloay Mas e mo, the zîtiofau- lu- n,1v sared ml s einc ar lum. rau ic irs. V ery eaudfi uyb sbeum!anle iip The prsetond aseiptIGo. dî on e h leie iuvtolmdiie m u teratinal Th14 tir neit montin.in ade a terial rmieuo. IebyatdIepeounn0 i hiaiof a baiîeltdisWal e 'viq pt er fueCist hu a 'audiectptenbread te Tat viblaaceie en oll idesonwsbuaad l re 0nu ntaeeuaee:"Duii mn halarergsludel i tIts ounryismor bptsedpokc- ad akdnea hiersfo cobe aJ oe areardinostc irit f ieuary ac&ilinte lieraidesy wr, e vore aiare piit le jboddre u; 11Th*111 PbidiShae.ol yChitareivevesness sce m-n lIre. Ilthlîand a tr ad t .E agadmandut am a wcnsan rot in odule mo: s impleneca aud te 11111 wu& as or moves nos fels."amNif eeyIndvda,éae an ato at r ney n M e nitIlhed ustpradctiue, icaaettccniae. ftc'osil.d"117I p eieei. Aoir o tegt er aé *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cdt efiig oeales n hr hnIha uaidiîgi tmks mn aruenmare puat' onro lthen assemoreforil no sudd raI u lunuive boFEriND oDpuar super-&ou adtbt r arle ad erlngvsbtei, mre ii fiebt aentshmvo lleh Vrnea, bat rechwmu oed, ck ary lplanrougin thacn it <idof he o: Dail atugtitve *ron~iI nyi Ng hlm. o ual e u eosastyI poohulaae. utee Wroe mg i thoeems tme dhaît claeeru er eresa. li eplsmfot"ntirbyfegh' Ud tue ay and beosalteGdiuitndhave anedincthic se acounysbuntvleadrmetb hane, ~ "eldle vaios ood, e ind alingeof mdical kaovrl dem andb h d otg *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e s otoeu iim bu oehn.ieamttn.w ntas di a itervam c0f Egistictoea he eti monriulng, aud ve ove n ele:"el eve neu ueuSWN ÂHNSo I elev Ilivn' gve eogilali l an tsliyti el ii lucaheua beca par i sç c ftu lltefo cx getluanrthlag noba olan t ldrlia4 dgeetf oerMAn*e eau13 sf Chist." And utere y n lie py or nrf r- Filayr i uda m.'i of Bas "amsans, an în theewtiYo r.pTe re. Vgeabetrer' s ai: Dat e higba nenve u to uacte ai r ud eu ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ kn toiotîeceqeoksdwot t<ai ha tcuu nlc egt tiluth ie orepnelees's Icopi Pn.W oudb> ughra-Te ginvr ag ain."d Tios bequs- f h lar enhoe for a lsoar> ecie ut he, »vln for oas iortDr.sui. sridyater Phbl ie.'M.y av ail>' lues lu a a ch foor ucent. on tues jltins arn atai yDr.0f dyiug?" Lion' - 1 usrescadraimo 4 Ia lemly dmeThra vue tI cd urnaa SYtothe ware mnd vh o t stanali ciaugellie dtiouut tico Coplns e O5e capfor.I eooi aya tial hunilîdren.idnso i eu,-avnu epJel0y.";Moi o h e r poin l en y buieis vein custieu hpocku orau t meada a" -vurtgngatoal e arde i Tiill, iepo r Be e coultd oieep up hs teud ailivnset eixty-twhofviom evedn r e t orls, s»e-OW th, r Ihave be eonetseosous.ron oftin vry Inacthoffor uetbsness l hen awl a of i d là isd moeetee nutînîiu » igi l o res lu d yens u ntnu n le ag hiden on tail li et s tit auisnt e tit an ge ." And, s'Y ueple ng. et tiaont r l escom m p ou l4a taey oît-cion ai nofriedead me beo- ase ilso fe inc latIon usof-egîclare lut ton, co v i oîl-t-du a des avueeétie e o ive onnlgaered onabfoalru n. naseavemwents etî it. kS lvilon Dy natrs o arei thelus>' ande'mauvaiss-. theun uludeul sud ns teenr to ndu leNîver: " eeIvarn nl aI il atraîde uf dre tff iu"u T Ic oui>not vtenlat tpitimng the icais le wold a1vtloyn. teasre Je.' i lle carthais 10of loes hiprl tdiè cdesa*bl eth rcpr e myl b iens . an lrut livein"ar h ilbs n b younusaiets rdeste slarhie casiect Ihnflenae uli e ouI' 'norruptible 3vdoeli>a tnld nepoednce,Thefosda erve vu ud tnIn ws, oryqutopsus replaed intle fboswlug heOM eV a- yeChit. I do iarain i.r.n aser- re are o ti. Have yua -ove regontof- usahliao nn fute. ontorinetnt aiyof h e -ineb>'agnd viole- c e Iarbol tonfra i rls.yin, be ae ,d'anet. od puteor nHo u al Cit in nai foc s ue ai usiat sh aain foe1tf ragc vonn veomorpid ougnec butt he ud n fode >y$ O>caus e iut l seo neyparets ani 1:cei ntil o fes ilPaeti e li 1te blood, s t fr e <»g' AndOi amy w<oular iie ole »oué, or auenefacs aticles aeHes arn- tat r<ut d>'îuginbecas t e d in etA eybv »éldti b ef n-r lante eWSupposhe. éuelfioa fe pa groin . wt e in u "cutryeatibilonhateobe n rolableom l lce giofom is codrn tinntoiy ofGuine . boy o vlepiod; fOb crai, esannd mIv i eVati cover nerusil, ndmil ate il lk adrsg.H suneacin-berof e tnily. ' ' dIteeaIl 0 lepaGisnCubHo s e matatlu- , r nuý l ité0 iane, obe roae ss arns o s hoe vili gel n fun>' ar t ianroialdi- ut rnier a tbsanedeoffice h"Ti i ic r brang qestonet hme- eine nb>' MS. Wh i c entsad cagoter.I hli on avcrnut Wilu. orAothr:a ihMiiain b ul - asteres an d aek lrustad ash o f ine hud or w u obwes oanvile l0thi uic t e unife deat qu esi ffrageprt- One pakaTo n s.ted beovle.>'ates- "IaPinntsaidA beaof euI arn slrong aéom. éth tu laU."Tevili meaft inudutitdesbctaetndaente 'bluid:shp o"II feus <catik. I labocasoesad ila iniwhcila Ove mo vo r tgh-fuedwi ee t Asrainau railssug u n crje posbea irntanI eautuifull' am Thencii cakes are alue n f 1h "bl l eno grvit fiels iness etsitory cnpt are nultverti uhoa ahiumachas- liaI aitainsluthc Ciien Long due le enu. 'Tus'fo pa nrvst a oc ane ar: IÀg la gopull my e ea-tU proltbl, alilstadngahthirpa- ie n the rntpceaVnd o r e m.em*beh r, gfae.tmumer ams bîonlint<iahs fi er dn t h ier 11111noe rd: "LIain fa niibe Z:; esbaedf becimon t. ' Baveait. Su<hden lu iI î auli i- lnbl'of beiaud rsun ov lbi a>'hoe866. iestdi, 'n dat, ec-ii s e nthtil enyI~BsaxmdPo t miniterýIlbeal 1ly nd yn shil nve te lfé tat n- laasieereilresfor Ves lstaud'takas ile thn, o- jandlhe loliefraceviooui hav wad 'cndAtonirl ofghtelaieven.te a 0 moeî a dm is âteerybI ag lugull wrong. whu ie Cetral AericuAtteMy mIen Ladyidd p we Irmin a frl1lv toir lsser los.woen,1ho i.pa adevidAei>' been bldsome ginet- B frenwgeerl nserwüt - If75-1>'. 415, Liladsay 1-lis icuti th all, o iw.rasunte e - du meon patgla ess el Tc ars t nwrpd l d b Sl >ian sujoo ut a'ocr upTh ulsns ithe t a sscet.$81*Li elied:ùl," unrthefraoi f<a lii imm s emshiassoe imie siàm, Uceci as duet own etrag fi tic90trgnde ee l that aga of t he alumettquré etonabout2viet' lav latn oto h hlrae edI'gv o tt r U.o a mduigiter hade our sumeîîlku os nd. aent itesyNtoa oa, rfrmnui athue fodlI ae ifr and con- becausei e the ulaee fy'we-otW 0i hyd o iht ont drop u wis sgeula*aet. N, ahienI- aitche, u he men mauaey ynLadyve r>'Somaffaie inatheiroa irLa onace ôt gr ii arle fel . fari-les.d onte u;opestion Wasud' If t.OWM hepb my pes etyanlaticl ter? bAd mdlus <ct ahrlei ic foend ou lier met vf er vioi he aret amon hef ae ~ aid: gaI h olntd tfhernd n gae huatba bc waing hm filsed imWalî-ioaneshi. ja uts fnianTicptciing f lie licaball, h(aaerg timnt n 'di. a om for wagl anudedmor e anuse." v'sâse:"eahl aaato & tergs u das.ýutluiat Gore, ad Gud wossletad adeasàtioiesIo lol<bnd noearbegfrdotfrthe siiof ge ty, rtt teladywrkua oeaspr prt teboddie p n eth.pbl h.aSulatieero le busipes ts le- mounn. asTh i lao fe in u a l >ek- enne p thvoe aenidaeds.uIvothepsbnanle.A uaisc. Il i1 m i con- 'Anolier boy uf egt yas a"Iarn ed t b filng Hrea.Io, ndthre whIe. hearlo ng ouinulie sein iplpokes oe ar î ue ul o ontr iet:icton moet rt atdetespeialtiteansraid o dng benseI ouid naer-,> ternIoelg.nrosi ol>'. W ie>'o Re tb n îing ut ng pd ou e aeý. -o hl e W tic oet e cf.îl e usu if ic av e ah ienY Ilin otee ol-odob>'sid I i arde cd $ ouelie audse ut Chri mst ave 2 ws a peandous e ctz une,ie b1uîtî tvileiain lre vii eebps. t n a e t lo helu reo n dsge viedn d a>'iug e ofnu e ie une le dea de t a o lovesyu be mru bo ut nd oml er>' s. iai t nl g clwnvithaiseadmt s trug "Tog heaa ti m o me, fi e ie>' talo licîr <agil eersn go lu canuot 80ïsli e n ne an moeticBEliaAM NE ause tfCtrust.bnciAgn. Ho a: Tipasserng errig oste sodiJln iordot 'PrmsoeeLoge' a adia e anmen'e ania pruoetes.nad nnttcned. Ter ic out utaad a n>' at nie thngu."etmke t dpi he, a tmn» ouis ceio teand mune.olu ail thitn nou unuued te gtIbe, aledti on' wcorrepov e ore'As- nlcheias.oue uldoo rd - in a gr neer aAIîto ogu i asweed:"thea Horg sil ave frmure le ad ieAty.l f ing *fr or.I cit Roi.lobsieNov Ynh orondelient.d aes r en<bA recayeI ah d flot ho boLwn un liocu 1hpr:prlyat ras on cturi g Yeunli are en ha nver soutrghme forcibl>th1!ienmonfthi dppartitw bato Éesy httn n hlrn alby, aen.rpy son n y uds nbonstit irs nl vonce th ileuasalocale lnstgt.eep orpps-.ettbostifluece. oe ranivin'la ailut le cmaraerif80 hlicx-nevrslu ie qestonirolsavat l 'i~~~~~~~~~ak goff, butliedmut ent coudom.an tec f telniml e, oe »pandb'D ans uTih, i rved? oel i eaie 1 haaer. nn tic upoungFonu t a vret O ap g f fav arc l hevs nl a il asd oe ftéisittos-- aog erinadya otntp-d e rey alteohrs tli techane.!'con.eu le edougl th larga sne ndw ere 1 a 8 omnd î'àtt- bslf-cotrol, m noButrieformand e aI-me u le ofte nclingratirn Tic Axacnican vegitoof tte of y ult-aoineare au- -t-i tiu.' a in e gthils aortse.. a S hraaemnveg u ieaha a>.so. Ldmoiavr ii n stueilnts ad tnti Ac e bTri- tvease : "I -oumnet a l e rôaid o niak pavmen% ofit aIvatlo Dy atuallya eory nd ýmauaià lie héLatin qat oer. dTi. Ofh ou s e .oc ywor, bnnd i1ig mt <led of lbaige." AU The ôvay ot fmilin io esse hltam.n hroyag e u>' are naion.traut il.JAil milte oan, ioe ansigî teelpf i mle ule idu lc edd u'eas hud aen teil onCerit..fa e man lud e o a sec r eretad i e Havesom en rocdo u be su foutumrelatio ufac utreBported tn t ist atnemoul troua lie stdos, angd l l e nalee:li1o1grlam unet said "o, yixbes hondaes o fortne He 4e1are mca < hatinchs coms apndhemainvand lie> o agtiongnd bas failoen wluto'mrPi on it n h n foddb l5 as,1wn escm aet gi. seme oldere benvuman luHer matoeshr anl et n cui h'"Ma bav 'b e l n ti.bssyfsns ine o a Gd $100 RS15srevu vihi hietet h te in o e th , quion O, hef orbev n iepsufrtagl e i l l tol eher Clubth oes und iamnood gils fad t c in gI, sayin'1"am The>' havactitraneeaierslungel it, l al icusri e u roperî> gesusand. bemnacdb>tureon.n<co el>'Ms ltea edad te 9 he il fan et oasiuaerprfitng'uttral n esa go Ohu!ave melebem 'Thae ven' atisanueie on ftmasr- nergeeahomoh. ilttiand av noldbae vitouttr: toieue t aid -t liola bceiuard Iash m'u-hese uluopoenssofie.inathsbset icstuton 'o vs,'bg ovmor eàiadeed e nd moo ry fer- 6"No, enaeI aibeagI>'1am," o g ut~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sc lila eeboktoe aea agr irtgoe.d dl tlgun at u o eth . B nofuta tcanet.oes tero lj»ctGrearebleid n.dlue thy.gsowl e gr:udcfu-v bih. on tol melint irisian gner- dilf i te r b.At th e ryutmie" o vMle m e a il i au a li ie to 1 oulmssi rv lcored I.u o. Abysnd Vs u itI;ih onil>' pays in e'tpic ollt on. Ibl i timert ierck vl bruoadftle xlauo erida u ttefe, hie entsc ndotla e s ar nd i>' go "lu P arise"Anbieas ut t n jseG OLO HO E A C O E nien Whoiareerapicacat.> whotsaebote.'polita-iaband euezin sixulu pn snescar-utdhieors-bleiut:f"rosIbesaàse ItsiolldrbayeFrencshcakesARRHOais gt ong l pays nov paysins l hrdceiadfemaînn ueUcmatad'it ings te Ieeabihit>'. Somelmehestlie dartour-ecomefnioalaildpullhes." Wen "Au-e psînGoveueu ecuilce Vn uthe cl oglaeaiinle Yugiienl ber-ci, on . frti gntlme1 h gens ay e oreba btheeursto udisn etbcuden itceinsu lit" msî e -TENMY mn's belie ve ? iti 1unt vafiep rlcI spe. sed ii ae asgodte min>'of thnbltfBlan fsoi ew h rfehetamuain heutring5 ti ciiren vese ve>' m glodleea <d adm SUmUeR andPlIT bàci14 v 'udn et ele-uc th.we dck, f i th e rs eut et i e bot ikCiSe a iddlal f t b emin a b>' ie terdne or»wohdéietybe od oegat 274,B x45 - i Te 'vfiol or l nnd Con lasten um creon tc'ar esnov slepInrg les us colnies. Nto the subeai of aud utr u re b e t e a qustion bo uber at n togivesva>'ed'ho amyai.ofd vok egn u asov sul ee a>: Shpuec e avoldI soti>'ar nt or bdi' ovme l i c luof etirend>' frie cm hicienar ett uyadei esnadi dle lu e ou ssl n d un bis s i-, ow mc a' sil go Thoen? am.on eu e l f ave h by er 1 vea ntolte pS fo ic l ass.Wr:c ad . Mn'pu iîrnvlidtn i> U. eaee mttos ness., What l thgirlttfrequen'l>' makeaEnglgre t mgt hlivet"ouBnrf and gbred, "on nad~ ~ ~~~~1 auyu raaprte Cosfu thvisiliI e waanoue c la hetate al"2 &e, md1e . tdluofc, n eA hoe aforngiraed 10 so ure, ons lot hn' lieforhiesnalslndednst;.; vautr hothoghsuifer lep a neld e nic rOi baugeurero."r A rBut,"sed teeteue, and Gd rtelivemonai millionsae! o hmsan'mlllrosck-nseuence. womeu ae odtansow tta ntiges.Itl yfr o-Aohrbo fegtýsl:" n blin- S tha on et he ecips fr th vetfie ne itattdenvntsleea > l t eit di n>' faie 1 coda notr Au osro ndiLve ena l ou ug oue>' for beecs.Te alonyes va of thepasteant ies.o lodler, 1mntln e o eun fu t; eci s 'Ti vairnc s rai rng' Or oýwthier pu ser yettn idmre."I uohad ' lu more WeeitybecaWhut icyn estow nigThe hisso wig lie bd ut tc es- he tEiahuv l ot yb>' tate i- hreaie ti u nsiberpty.es aîng on îes, welltien Ioy an ham."Aches ofs~Im. -on. thers cauTen o pris ot. int do aliiglt or sul o Io rdhe canOh vdiaotetsofabiucr's pîcaheare-'Ticscow nrion i badTi aster e y et leueten lnet1>' ovu bone ('la en te bde lusferdand e lveY asa t uennt, sveyesotae.Eu is"n a i cn n h atm,-thethan o inseion. uH nter og ec___sete e ahrigtebr t__________He_______Th ton laid:toodin onI inionli 'Pimree tagubave the*WoenIEfeà You s>'tma yns sono v Iibanale e .refbhF 1 0 infbu enes i et ic ond vin a:in lfS at uitte b eo nm of ixanwrdho"I i you~in *50 ve>'ybrasloglu uali ut ndwe Pure Brtee+.(.il. boie derieaof France re apprent- asbee Yorecan thelicdsnertsvaoei ati beasen'Idsecal net m or, an- He sha lbenan' "momysuestaouteahueofleaennale."'laCalet mpp> fedAnd ue otporrssbepyenilletn anI inawat tlkig. er'fe u11~~yurmlf o o;ly e mybredrs wil baea adsrge spualcid efloitith menall Pra 'brer. ey bt ne lurim ho it i, oxpoe avis l Te mofav n aera f ver- a inte lumpe. at yo ongive antic pprucles wteb>' s tic vIli mli 5000 arrelu toh home ot cinb edwt- feae netntlemse eonie oe nc:"Isol Uetit ih mareun. osa re off:"le vo or pr-e awcile aple. haninigt ev as-eot eelinfl epneThe Gand Os.l n i t.heamaaer>ipe suommun vox swriatenthoaqueton " A aite dae.and ho hemonthcmalalu aalut ynorth rn.Ter r a bidpv-Th nmilac r i bl-ia m>-icunefer DusMuierunl l rv,'dis- 0f mix ycare re i thnaie A "Paie l nl aiugcae f e. i cd > reedeoffrbuttlui rctrmend n. ," n u t< Orus, t ariitowu il o rml in od, dlecorgde a il>'The hocanmele ve I clsedboyomai ave aréatni- n ' to r mn .5 cnts eocnet dola n. drawTes ase nevillespotan a reler. lde f<g t>e o en 1.Bu reorav-am la kuow tte it f bois datheAre <odeT n i wrd: ¶"I buj la tlike .lte gôwmd he Ldo e $pr, 00d e yens." of Youpsro- t gotes dereotmeusiho oo n lviafle w S a csso..Lady.ie e ai herseavcii fmlniol.Mtes hui o n aku."A111gr tan doule he 'vaJuiee t up u. on ol. Tee ofe ia>ihae aroêab. elor. fin , ram < f plae e e nef a T cue stion" humv e o entlu-e bn a fasllo Gdbses ov amul,: nntofsupe:l sepr,! -oe$i cUa d Ltuarteb.cohe. ins home laj andnvrnd migdie of an ers." Fe ab vanebu. i nf odproid fr s wtic marnoeeuarold-medfbuies futurreaedlelaboneooreucent, bdl.' le aive frqueîl> aiuic ir lie past aadther studiosgoandihieuf ua-e ]tfi>ilyofle Aidboy .eo six s -l:" tie te ma n i n l d uttaeet tind lb.\prse-annrm ubasar£alleauA r mnto 1 g e tnt O5Jocve.T hef0 art strn ntvitevor,, aboli lii.te drlabd vfi ' o-444 '~s,~tghïd ' ila rght Irse? jn esrm urose f un>, - - -OU meay>13uelve 1 tc assetu-e" (One ef ten answercd: "' eI ould > more *ABYO ada îtMWa* bit &«* r lat * mt4atmoaplere feels sure tbat t tc die at eh<gr ..e >'r,, yti My e mPron ,detrng ta estl Bbiýk,% theft, s, alamee fer God.aEnnt-lBaye ISI t b tter to " j*mu*ai berty la nul a good -thiug. A prnt ym b>'Oeby re- ggo ofr t h fre Io Wrbb«11ta ta&la %eB"Bcd>' et*enyItheb ýsak, wIM& « bm b fi-at 's a happy' medium belveen woiMUl4 flo 10 <i ik pu hvef i tr<iekmm" gra oCaerte lie riera n nov mess- la oeol~~~~ Tboolu.e Zedom an c::et:;;disciplineiOlt~t Oa Ya'sPae eut ~f 300 oh pu vie oves Ua*n, ~i* The TRI" l b it l ocsa>,ad laiboy paetits i : "I m nd iei ic auborh teWeely FPrsswi Ont e oa'pu' go effl roluabout -Oak, wË&-troua-neajous ta. o e PM- I aoulete c - ll fl who iseultoe bon tie fieU i liCkm* PS las made amsne tub a NEItéla bbW, pi -iwo <ta e menu wft thelbVetarlnary flcec ____ umul . P. musvaef taele f d,- torsudMhesbhlshlnngyi o fora numberof copiesu *,IM14teoi te- gro* .11 ieaum ey iqvouki have ho "heVteaaroSinc, 0<ai >IMM'k d v*ttuÉelapieuftof etice ul>'diamoni ryse rvleay, T':or th vale uish w of et içcidla $.O). This o1 __________ Um h mmêl. O il ceabo, cen- ~ ~ ~ N fle fuera.» ~n~tntnliuy and là Plain latigageth la commoBSlIk bftO iola,.,Ave «« . ». r<to 'oft»me oim.-1 ehomid»aii se and Tra~t t n4 ed àtU pld ew. eaue ago Te ftevoiti fie JiS ord " aftuldescriptionout edicn moe 2 Ws D0llars tw~~~~~W cannottr oeq"-»ao Mn. tlest- ou. >ad, a -a ge, ~ le I 17î 4 ai t~ j 'j~'~ I h 't rs j lys 4r ,,l i~' .1 1'~'~ ttc