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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Oct 1897, p. 6

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ma fbtiounsua tRie .m6-d-ê sud Rb6 twowned ufua ho bia m oco n i, but ueh . -19W bçhl ardlMm e. bsface =n e.nd ho saI, t1Wlat la il, MY I*6610 maldr I gave hlm the paperis, and! lie vas about ta stick lem la a bole in 6he top part ai bis desi, Sifter Ris l ba loked to, sec vbat tliey vas, but 1 Vlcked eut yaur note sud Mr. Bets - jtten sud sali You awantiei an answer riglit say.B Se Re rostheni, sud srbeu le saw Mr. Bon.. usnme Rie quit 0oknfm don't-care sud tireS, sud lie okntolci me t. aove . thîhngsan sd cema. baeci ln hait an hour.. I went. ami *wben I came back he Was Juit finishln' reallu' one of the pleeca eut loaite a 116610 ieod diel-up >rna-witRi groonm w pectacles on-theY tati me afterva*rl b. vas the heai man. They idIdut ao une at tRie dooan iithey vere braggl on the piece anid 6h., Burylu' zman ssii, 'Bret BaTte couldn't do. muai botter. -Htieouglitte have tpa> ion that.' But old spectaelem 'bo'wed, no -, you haci sent the -pleces as ire. gtas suid specimens. but lie vauld lhie te have something of thtt- "lme sert nov sud thon, sud tho vouidn't mina p&yiu' for It-'gving. somethin'. Thle ethen zman's moustache gave a. curl. He's gai a heavy brown moustache sud beard ani a bhue oye, kéen ase litin' but *uin sd'te. ' And 6he piece was thIe «'Tràd Bout Sketch.' I dclr 1 na sai. 'Theplece wai t he very ane yen *thaught was tniflin'. .They, likodI t prne. Tliey aeceptedoeet ithc pe sud oeeofith. glanies. and- senit b ail tRIe olliers, if yen write noeo mre things bî-ke the 1 Traie Boat,, th.y'l pay :for lem. -¶'lecan 1feus ie 30methin' thut maies tliem laugli or cry better'n what makes 'ce tinLuk1 stalied a long ti me, didnt 17 But, I illeci two bird. wlth caffo aie. Wheli 1 veut offt t walt until th mau coula! loai at Your Pleces, I vent to aii.ther 1Dtreet sud walied abong uotlua thingsl I BawawsJOllY olci fellow vitRi & hit round faces staudin' lu the. dool of 5& bake-sbop. 'Be-liai a. vhito tovel 61.4- * hOtre hlm sud laq bue M4 bgail. Re usmlbed sud hoddeý ad'atkgieettf e fjt.« ilua * bauiy 116610 irl. -esaldi " e '%iev5 ho &dinot. Re waA a Dutçher. .ust then, a sbarp-faceîvou"nac«Morn ut vlth a.tray ai cakes :te puti thie elow-case on -the mdswli,.Be* USw« *Putin' tRIem lu, 'vlen a drunies man Btaggered.' againut lier sud the tray * 1ev out af hemrisuild. 1 cauglit 16 le- fol tare 1.1.11 and tRen I put thec iakes, ln for ber; he vw«aalof a tremble -aud mli.sala Irvas smart. 00 I toRd ber .I coula cook cake fnt for the I>re* deh ont at ad. u me anilierbUshsani sali Icauli corne Ihext a& ÂpaRe]> lem, sud they -woubd psy rme&adI tais Ime rogubar If they liked "me, 'In. lt. go eut for -a valk or a rIde ln the hanse-cars.,Ivm funaut tbdig-de hsppen bore, sud there are some of thes q~ueerest peaplé. TOoucla siueolotst 'Ot thlngs ta write about., Write smre nmonesksetches lie thée-'Traie Bosa'i eue, And lot me taie tbem Lup. I vant td go there agalu. -Ma-y -ho t can get -A JOb thone.. I pepec into a Rang zoom -where tliere wasaîlot ofmen and beys' etandin' #kt hzigWitables una pekiiup Borne 116610 bits er thilugu lke boikini sud sottIn' them uitralglt ;inlu ittIe Iron boxes. There vas a. goal-naturel- boakîn' aid man unIon evergoola' tRam, and I. asieci. 'lit1 a garne tRIey ami Pîsylu' ?' sud lie mii 'O(h ! yes.; tiey .n ar lyln',' sud Isugliol. Thon -Re teld ime tliey vas wveni nsd 16 vw settini' type ta pnlnt 6he papier, aud that they gat gooci pay for 16 ; aud I uIc. 'I can do tRat' Be saIli e lie- Iieved I couid aiter a ubile; bhél e ta ee rme try. Da'tmufe esh 4P, Irms. Mn. Bert: hase't coiee te the city yet.". "*No, -but Harold 'a119bhoe; I do net vaut hlm t* necegnîze me, or ta kinow where I arn stayiug."1 . The next day vas Satumday. Duskiy 'Was bUsy nealy ail 4ay at the liakery. She 'eould be brsy anby haîf aOremeR day exce>t Wedn esdaygansd Sathinisy* ln thé lato bavely attenneon mie sud IrMa 600k a wsîî sud a ngaride au thé cars. SundaY Mronîns.for tRie flirt tlieuIrma.sa-w hbeolu Inprnt. brar-ders were unfodint aud neading th,, morning papers. laid besi4e their plates while they valtel 60 b. servei,. A, ba-headed. vbite-vajstcoated rmo a6 the head ai the table lauged p. Joly, j.ebiy- .1ke chuckle and sii: WehI, thatm a capital 116615 *tory Ifthere's auything lunLthé paper Wcrhrea ding, I laven't levai a," ,said bis gàu-nt, dympeptie elglibor. "Why, theres gseaveryge Rms shap Rt ha6 aI the auwtry amIttee, ion instauce. Eut t» ethlulg an tpump>os te have lap- pened ana lisyOutraie boat,l .. "Oh, I have lustit neIt1,., Mas' aW- Young lady, " I'lie 16 oee- »,mach. The negro dlalect eud th, gs b F'rench are geaI. Teans »avÉüht NM. Wh j" jst bemsbd rutsty butte vas a Wvd bis iirazmt] aido el sed lier =sua berieMa b.barricade befone blMI - Inznk )ia &akoon pep tleUn of th iudierous ,omd thie meus Impemsi he no0 dyl. thitt mie vrOte a ie-lk accoilt ce 16. AftRiouggli mi lin reuWaieduetoado. lier osnly etudy 0 SliskeobmP -iO da ter«t6he béat 014 masters oi languaggOliai glven hi wondonful richnues of.det ion. Bu ber sketch veuhd net have lisen 6h, sucema 16 proved, liaiDot a lucky dzr oumetanco made 16 a iaOppilocal biti I6 chauced tliat the mWhtari P«0b11a81 -who iai" oxhilitol auch ocevadice vas t tha" tme a -candidate iorn close]>' corift. etctyeflico. Andith vas runaiulu lzWglyou him ar record TRIe lady ho lia se noIbanItlY eIou trencebin uelt behini wos bis flou- cee. witRi mics moaey lioexpoti 6< dfraY thé OxpenseOfi bWs lectien Al tieIs asukuovu ta 'Irma, but $i pliotographoi thes mail te tRio 11. Ani one eul recoguanie hlm s.t once. Thie clrcum»twiie gave pîquiucy ta the sketch. Berrien broie luta a laugb wheu lie ros it1. «*o"CO duoten te tRl," ho oald te hi@.cotl. uostooi lu the deor thal ocneted ."er office roanis. rellectivo- ly picklng bis teeth.Re.Hores 6he sketch aol The totRers sterootypýeil ignity 0re- -laxel. sud bào dréy. cbose-ohave o t motioned for a smage. "lPretti' goo>," lie aId. Who wnote "'The mame vie sat the traie boat sketch. . Mo loa uthe tebowls peu- naine,, and la a private note lie celle h1mmehl r'Wei.' I bave neyer oeeu hlmn. He seud iliscontributions by tilibttbe messenger," opiutlug to. Dusiy. "sle bam't taRd -me whether Whe lu bis daugbter. hA i&ster, or bies wetheart, WRIoR lalu 6amer57Ir" Jtt'a neltior. I ai lust hi. pour RlýIf yuenIasb" Duaky mal.d, rop- pint a grave caurtesi. 1"wo autccnme trom Adam and: Eve, and n w. are ait kin;, th.Bible, mair e ." the adiol ta hermelf. ta quiet blitnconscience. ,'*Yo that' a takIl 1166. brochure," thie chiot candeueded ta say. I t's amuslag. suad net amahîclu-at leaat, the apîe etfMalice la not ll-nsatured. ,U.,cames at 6h. rigit Urne. Seul 16 dowe at once. I suppose 16 la gnatui- tous ? The others vers."1 ," If Fou mnié" 6'.meut ulve you free, 1then 16 aln't se, If you please," spoe I p Dusky. 4"Mni. Weln Can't vritp. for nethiw n'sy mmr." WHum lt"rIa',anothen thilng 1r -grUintol the chef.«"W. only psy our regular iritons." 1.IlThenTlI taie this ta anothen pa- pler." Dusiy sai, i aying ber bond ion thIe bmninpi "Stop ! Wlst dlas. ho mmi for i16 T" "Ton dollars," aneeci Dumly pramitlitough 16 vas se muai agalu as he bait been taite am. "Tonle dollars la tea much. Six le as much as I vil psyir on 16." Dusiy healtated. "Ilm làghtY 11610.e,* he ail et lcngth; "'but May' b. lie'lltaie 16 if you uil acceptlm pleces aiter 6h18, and psyr fo r thle." " We vîit tak vitR i hm about that. Tel l m toe enesudame us. yau are Dot a fît businessfor ambassador," thIe chef said, au le waliei aw&y. ]Dusky lookeci ater hliii W.ltl ittIe I4Madalnfui tomsof -ber retrousse nom Eermie wtçh ei nlu msment. *6 tlMe taie. the, pleco dowu. I 1 >nOw uhere thée work-room le." mis sald. Ro gave » be Rig nnucrlbt. oud she vas turnlng av-ay, when the tolephone ln 6he corner«ave 1 itgnal attIM, and Berrien rose tàoearthIe-, Lsag,.DUS- iY liai heof : ettRie t=eleonq, but 1hail hever msecu 16lu ozertlou. 8h. looked sud lanten" . vith wondeËng luteroat. The nmae 'vasbshrt Ber- rien tureel rouband saw the eagonr eyes. "D. id yau e ver bean tb. telephone taRlkseOr. 1" RIe askel. .. Never dl&i,." ý1 etWhY. uliere ver o u ralsel?" "lu lthe vacis. ii. tho ralbitu, brol ael boru lu theo thlcket's " lBut nOt #'te ho scared by a cricket,' tbat's plain," Bennli quated. smlliug. "And )&n. Welr. vas lie brol- sactbom lu a thîciet. tee ?- ( I r- Wlm:'Duky slwth sud- witli hem rz:amnsd lit Bernien vlth thie ImpDresiou that the nov cautribu- tanr lia seon lie union mauy skies. DuskY maie lien vs>'otei.cern- PosIng-room. She wasuto teme again tRIe 11661. frludly oh _fareman, vwitli the wliuter-apple face,.sud thie ravi ai Prluters lu mlrt-teeveu. b1ls at thein high dbais., .The foreman vas lftiug blocia of set-typeita the farim. Be wbifftIed as lie 'veked. sud pro- a'~su, suai av a - gtumble-dovn bous vhi1 Icmii thé PO& 'Tou soe the. paint ? There'; oely MeW sud my Wilfe-t4v dry cou z% o ten tbel h.e poi ; &anard îiîeta bave YOU or erlR spad for coompsny"I Poe=i cliap, imy frie uudme? aie' 4M Oney e psy . tloutrona»«t, ebea litle . 1t. Ëve yen gi eue 0" the rfour. one &alfunalah- ed-tw adalsy;-,but tRIs .14 lady1 'ý4 viL hat dom ,. - -- a' - '-w- - 'rah. &-i', -hlm 1ýt.4Uer-heWr I2~~W kui*W O2iOU of4on boms Ud Or. at bep,4 I.eft h!ý ném keirencurý' ; s wilàMdof bte l4 0*01pho tlaoked st hlm; jaw- ud sM9efflof th 'W T3-A- sTth o hm.olu IfG before 'tho world; thereWeil 6f et her ish.do.Seke d eptanshe suc h ae P a l &II ln iimt hapou.d ai .e; a ý.sar, wio mg t t, o hl ait PiS*ho Was ee ba t aniee maganle I gat insF e ded*xl* Ofmt]ddinlmppi,*eup bk ~ a bard fat wand b ers! bi'li0kthrm-tuh ugh t tsos n alsto bger re *heo5 lad waidf Dui L. he rl bu t i nt thepaeo f e em y of eaîu.-aau . d eiV hithe I Wre usky bh >f- h r o a bre ese. B er t S la id swthe baak-lfl l hiodSei hde ute erh h ue M -4ýtéhibt flyb ort lad red 6Sucone, r.e Di béat thaoutit. at dio &n tii Emeh*y b Uet sletfrlihlm st to hlm-mn*eaatl, ses er t- lot hlmW uow-SIMee te brug t uas fo t d gale r ad>sa. Ho u l iad gene te t e s r Bietod o te rt ndai r b Poaac cw. " §e e non ae off Yarriviteqet on i rTH - teg formte wo, a b hlarn pon1 e, _i "nu~~ dis oies lu o a;bho tbrudafunGATR t. thea plae lu tho Po. i 6 h l e «O b b1,a e u t gve hl Moud a1 .r the ltk aCh6.1ud M t Or Peas llked kbl*. d a o na" wbake-au irmaazing rfor er- .1 et toeaak aïüet&iem. U.JJ EVouas1 pssat he o st.il take wte sitei."he aid. "Ho i tRi .pqý . Z ë n buntwe RIU ad 0»or EVEET nduhap, olok a h dru:* rdnPme "le lfrmet MieIra tp it, s e mdl au meetga s te rok e t ui on beo tuime ano. otactl me irlyursInicr010 thr ion." olsar oiggm, hiUSHr articl e t im, W lihet l ie 11k.? N Up1r.Pa1'mliuf ad nmehste dSt tct Z on lysthfrc- kg lmet f il siel.I avntB0kII'ewF r rr rc.o ehzhd panne d t a be sbill Z»ur i e informau te tipa r meeymomythog t I L ore f euy nth placedw nt eý ce o oltedfro , oug erhtma adtr.s ? frm peing lt frntai alwalersafldtIse u ab ft nta.e e h* wOB<l. H hmxlzone or theE- mu. à hose, wlthfabr t.ounsoyai motuldre ittRosrnhb nThe bedi- aneod f t he ranblies han gingMr.Paui "*ent rler th * o r sHe rconterharivua i t boquesin Ib0 q T 6h. hi window . n der lnue atbth se tdc be'e eeobs h biatrtbe a tt e r; f o thers have cone s-eWosit ae -uvr ntebem.Ç JU ucrl ftiiothaveu ln me u:ert he Uvel.d'We a Ingfo 6healndaovWsooci marnea. lri o167ue extei b » P tgo gpsylhgeabout..'ashe a n 5. 51 abl Dutmlwmaos6 h i thé na lase lthie riotouf re ken ve ti.nMu 0 in"sdtoai eei h, ri W idt eple thfookiage t drNouOuter.ssud ikdres"NvOrns"Te ketch am ienttya cre. 11ZAliePPIPRItie 2 thelork o tho Ins lak f arnlb. Wl u srlang trksy 6. «hane, dth ten er-d pig«en ad t g ere aliod e. A flandigie tcrolle t rda uldlokdaeerwa e har ensol Dryoen tpssdu oti r auln t, eee. o$ - rt uhpIcRi Foneniypaated. Oce D ky f laec pa atret. I wil sonbemlmetogobLet0"laoeln thy ,liauh l mb ut ho deici flot naw ier, nme flsk hntcifo ador-el. oul hemiansu; e tGenaier, c hgim vand sh t leuanhe waTy H ànout san rappe sharply outtho l iaokcorne bcktw. fr tied bu 1sh e ae ler oncte l=; by hi u t open . ed t e d o usTee adt a petthe 6.la rlng hta& u ch, a et- e aIn l dayutfor ssera 1uceveI b fadm e bdil ady hi a bae .hu e alice l wred tho kueli ta maiy amb tieu i ys nelmYaleior uky vi cme f% I g.an. She vasuslawly rocklng et-a ahopes, "Decllue& e laid t midefoe ees e diaci n kut .4 sUr%. cdriverabban -chalir. ltpo lice erfthey te aim le 6odtria er. dr1app os uMr e ko e's laedN I i E L anafattalund'a gey ctloalie.a rs Eu at e lglfne ra.y Wid bXiond takeou t alunybyttIrI teeap the smodthe bky et . tophuroraitt-wiu h C e pfror itep ae sping rn atabb e whuo he realier ibOebta te*ofnat dye l onouy Isat Brt grew lieat-slck. H bouse" nthavel. Shes n lest u l u thttlie Iroot, b nth e e lu- hr u nr lhIm. 5 e~ tne rst ronhat Dus attl he oor- l "&tathe wd ol ftReie ogsitxR-IOeui nt caronrhlmtion@wr e o iii akua u atioe oin. tee tI atontlou tht lc ootng thJee oMe . Theouirl tud In the Mmm. Paome a?'odnm a v lstl l erl infr s. ite y Stan leu ml bout'laRdet aai ne a Zl aLDatalwajmou tureta sayst Ileli. TRIeaeh ay oet1k ine aokshpesuiie# &tcugt lmay Sers if art-thaveili . x omm7Mu Bplt u*4flzStpluoaing dauta WAtrup drping thvee stesunle I n it ee mm lUmte, fawoner ifsa la bttr iedatiler ?tl 16 swc*"M "Msw ew u spetaclesousaiath th ituos reen- tian talaob luer lutaira. 1tRI isat sau, " Be de yu bae WU él-h w rssodh tifylir uyru aos n sl,4 0eaut fla. "A eat I him ni I mm.Thratd bat uer éneath a« ne"anu t h*d -.wm et petht rmacut e ou suyJaug eru M stom ry a rnd e yv rin s 50, I Iof dries I ew fleu. iD"T e sktchw asity lita ere t. ward he ghuuld - 86b . ns sufImokMDosG o u Tm- n ao vrydsrpin .p iens-or myhesade. AehelieutI'vo îf ore sheandept 6hn g t-ttrud aItLutRe haf- te lt, tougli 16M 02 , nraci yet; but Im afrapld.6 gap t.I1 aler onr , rtthe as lu tlien lodbeofwlt em.er wnm SNga sus ios .sr u a;i e o' a ilc eRici~ ~ ~~~~~ire baan00e9ecy.Ioreln Uihi6.outliesoe On tieb assegrov Onceiduy lambsudoh perhe liaue ht em dcael i bU.d l d'w096 16e fhough iii. . dbu t s ud ut po u bert notbatiu iliey pnugee sa ai uckei maefral. rB whoat the IdieI nice-ter t delbaru. hange athe bmoess nthe MTCH LL nc oun akmie hr. te seo sur aid cma 1561t fOmte from U oreber-aonc et-sy rl ' waeà6twLoapd" kom k komafkleme Ingdon't ueonvsiteh erk bR U to 16th W5h"sent f luItsg 5Heb atch aieaong- "W. camte ao heeat a riy ebe tbO 05y..m 16 th"i01«@it . baytfor euerai ses.v havet ent. Mahlay n.a omme olus alot m&gste knel t a" attie rppe us taliSelyse obr .Duagaoluat tRie om me t l a u ha.t b efe t and4h. lqeo f lug folioeuh o r . b rl t er . T Heo id nwt lreeii. h. buiest.I' y igIsre~ Mare.IR ný S', sudo oll e a*'m *h ber ln Ms. an seoed MIStMI CHEL ony por bo!sud ae'1 lieornn ber nte ralm.". w 'o nt benTR.oudenlcilekluati sea. ha ote thean ckofgtne nud h.? ors»vdo00PRisrbidet.to-Isteli ace le ta mareigt cro hiss ahlm; I seer aise1111001f? wiiiet l oe et et quAla iuit Bstp ru p h.airsn. R Ilu leaie IIey ea . eengry ys no tut l n thbis ib eli?' am a, prett anMrp. n- W"lih uro lied t tgrasp b rma.iSui thady Ftatrn usthe * lenilat he . r-ltizt fhe wld vol-bertpet sud pun- î hBt ae for h yor at lait !" ali" FîIlIemi-MmShe'l o an hl Imt a ve -mt0fO n ber lms ton.for along Vouas fute-ake coulce. "lyoutlil yn Ihaejt.oo19ted flo a hi.e wo ay, a e'RI ca he ldt nuadynime, toohkI. ierIe Shlm," btide yers f frm e-foedour a- tre lii , ro Saelit ndVar p e p t rt ate -marou-Inotea.sTbley r; e aIld reIy t a Bpetcesund lie daes rne, mîsi»I abptothtse Ini er rain. thie ln a g e odbe;yuaIm:wpe« t aW e umru arn i tlba canlerd bue not otte ofrom >d r . aTle tr 0f 16 ta t twsamt hw orefculadbr. n D R YK L leI emIami M m ng . "Is 1he srdetm etera bun h 1upesdmplengthlm, ]O h u a, dohah Icar orI e - rd,. 1 ý1 len. talma I tl6h icnk 1a&M. Thtat 5fl Hie I la ntorigiak,.sud ne Oreu werloug volce" t?"'eyvunvws hf m alalebf scoy arlet li d myi.a.?no, 1iq0« ue s lm s l il led weurardte te fail sublid suuo prpsed ebu a oi vr Go&lnd for hoasinshif luy cition. sdn' lok s.th if ra uesbtcatg "Then hMO ce ly mhaw'et cm. 1 aitIt aulilIrmaea doby ut umNw ment ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ otr 1ttheu ned a't e pelsn hmtt qOU là mRIk I dORI I liii? Ho came at tRinie moment wbs me, liew 1o my.6. I Pase wîberabave y vorah> uybiy iRis uLa temai su bropectuoH be- <>11i%'M - s - hoea lu a mnute, sufrad ne auppe _______.________ t " n h àdl t itr.HrromB m nda l i.yu o' yuwllct etnd areand thon cy.I otit o- Bulthouelî Coneitei! tte tRie prfess Mina"eh. bailflXlieyCinngee son "l'l iep ougetth sppr, Du- ighotfil.me W pu bt'iehe. b tononhl euh e lan lu ruo te the sici1.madeifo dnnieuaashit b e, mply &fetfel elin ud azltea.Sed al een5Y LT But tclerem na ereetwa sud nos omrowfuly. anri 4. doi:arsngThefor lia M manlmt. ad aMITC ELL tes."oun f"lk»u megtoite an elda etyeustrmtsu=Itelec.anit iet-ia. Vane ol gcbpdaoo t woman lkeu esudt ewhb naI arhytehae iq wrslppd ar i i su attrat f orlon.gh -aî-f boi a e e o looknedtRieagrl. o l ai. au avItb ont sud e im ot l t* oe oful 16 t eeml ~e bck y te tme yu areeta et ud wuulg wy*-ah!t wInuel1-u *Weanod 16einri. oataie thes usihae t. If euly youliai Qicerltyausndeiilath luexplà-abierabb ati ndRier. us 1110i m'hen Mn.boy cn e d l"Pl " ai piWposO. sud- Cb&ia9ftt-br h egr suddf pORSa su 'O hait a hatewm he'sfounuer "und" ijuerruteidoa"uhOidee suner. h meiber Iagiui- neysdwliree rit faces ar1neitadoerbr. eutshae ttOeacliacivenaM ture, sud aheout m ahndO DENL S 6h. lbe avalen-r tabl stlie ta e. ImouI a e Ym I da UID - àhat a gurat bnt thlm urserll anysd La'ycFneutecin'em thIe *roand, ofmmet uD gohid e-blI pedtiandthero- hj on o ttn P saii. bSett or h aitl rpt hm uhvet-efr 44ail m ge ai inlus" withlbitter Bbc liate- r o e u gae Whlm honr*" S plte eds eyrandm. "I comulin'k hou16.abey Ïptseink"lsie e ivemeâa ilci. bad ud sel rioulsse k ie rox ler - to ire oeanc.sd 16. euela t e lt mu e r e elîper shouil bmiera160 h aait on6h. to sud Lot ntret heromfrm o r atFoofrtt Irah a d , mi . IlelI- hefcm ra. Belng doou bel> n ; flOh.deWIi beS ido lez. po i "] IL 2 l'bot s themae th adthffe 16 I s m e. luanarigna adirom bu ta aner. l ie Th smaebs l. hvaes aVA'y, 6 uI nh.uerappbis 11b sr eouflan a làniglit la tee bovely ta orb. hld by pîsatner- ine i lI nans.sdbaia a st herom ockai g"Thliandmout usamai frklsng tes usnba nglt aiV tlasteils-lu arth4gumwdrilt r opa bnlc kcat" Ifh o u dded " but can't ý l« y, beemyblceliauneil oangegraveaa.'1u111 reaytoigit t." t neë cnt.Dar PMn hi fo rm3t oru," 1cold Wlincudermau e f t m oss ie me, hws ateinp.Ai la htReas ain beber oehe caulil ish odr owoam? e ceur a e momde nat bism .md l:epu "M.Ii hoeu l a i ue and. no. su Imma a u t-,Salc, h boli iaudte6. >a. a g satdan ertm Bla He Bayu Duskyad îept luteaboutw it. The oMsud ign ta playtele' a insal h 6 a, ul yoen;h e nreaàloteat Yareit arrangeent. -Rth sppre"Du..In be fll r& tps; ut egazs ars W -yo e bs n g hin kyh igli aedOno-.bem Sphi atllg tnel af ffeving anambivone. re ag tat l'But ellng rsu rd anno, 14-I r pOm15, yadea» d bugr orte-hlilUoMpo Yuh iseblno nmltr, as p eamut T ouitv0< tRi bl es RIe aio ei, d Iele ct . sAnd. -tlie m arne h" al 'Tougb.1 ada ge emetlwhi I aiie o avleb n - woshbippbeilu 60 led bl"a attrac.tionforbar.dau los t tek rthlng relmthg. *1o1,11 oI To hae ttliat CONDITION PLI nt ndrstndtUBR.;&h they bckuîd pta Urnyou gam obî e t an igway tuet.fr l w1i5C1 udlie? 1-uaoo l;ater-a fugitaIe lutRio sdnaitor havesud ,ous f #ntS 1 00k 5414 DW0W wtandsrngt Inexpliabletractionve meWte Mr. Pense ntered be . Podlentf anW-ge, Riam ofhi grces t e mO ant get st andcaffeeouse outhacaeetg0-Il uer-do-nd 4tip naureand te m sme ber the oreet Dusy wa proiqel~yoband, vees. *1uplouet Jlti t pwreach 0iagio hU I~- ll thers lulthevRittabe.Dtt me. -1 kn ew 1 'a .ad dog. and-î tat Touret etsthave is unielwawe.itoean Ilbyv rynheemaj Zte rd hI eawe. , lvu, oadwill>~elLBlsaondb.alsluli bi asehi r tvituiwethr Ia heopeal ln rptonsubms la o "tqtU e lm»Sh W8pOIhait vromnd Tge ae h.d ther bessos temaRi enaub tesupprt fort 0416 godands bIl(i; bit er Ib.1i ai vl ouhu i5 th.ebath. Dusk1p eulugm muap t g Rte eh. désir e ta.out lera icka- AL Am bau mlfl t et it 7U e PEeTrIIR L ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ý1 on"ighe u lths nl alu er. tý,&*Abnll5~ thon 0111th&. Otteri@a corae i rie oe4.th sne!btSY<mi U5f li3,0Druggiet,Lindsay', ahlu dh pse sd tobu *vras Duh E bSe *tour______________________the_____ mal. Mte aglit'er7 t*ute uut, k tIsm: e la leu Uepsy v a WXjtOemd o mno hou ai t . , t line UmmeugRI. ITU±is ,NT, 80,0. mako Il ,,~ $~- 1* 1-hi~ ~t I i ilI-i b, if i ~i~I 41v; i Il' 'i ~1 ~'t ~,i- ~ tri w~fj iii ' r 4 i-tii P 1, jk f r ai h. vin(C bat abeel bea, phol Skel i1! lu ti liav( mlan ashr Save isin - I tliiy buzz capt sho'. j(>i i or 1 of .a «N a z lias 'Nap of) herc bati brai 11a! to , a p niai we waq] the, bnn a ri besi til ofsli pc "w. man thnl H-i$ pwi ai 1ed Pr' -i' Che thea Hi5ý and ani and hay tc hua h £Y r7ý ".

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