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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Oct 1897, p. 7

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Ch 15 jeiooked at frOm »~ p,stdp0Îf by Dr. Talma -,eom dayxirn>iDsermon. lxilà àmre aha ,,ise prophc.t lived in. a tiark ,,Oie three thou4and. jeareth bei etting Wurné. Knd ub sWen and pershd. A avesse in diétreaa 'mees ld -,fl 8C5thse Water, je tW, tise itermy, timea i tihe tel«eseOp f PrOPkScy t. i 0 law i50 lears aheaad one s 041 la5to thse rescue. I wnt ta sm- tdicflIsaiais called OChrist the Wos*iO- 01i lie spelie wisely. in moit bounes tiere il a itere <> lith face effemin t m . .. face deapotic. I-b _gen rasnd sketch or the rejeotlm O 10' havebeenthe face of- Christ.aM emê la an emerald, said te be by oimUgan of Tiberiusà Caesar, anti 3et I ja yjinced that -1 shall neyer bmW >w - leams looked untal, on that VWet ' bath. moruing, 1I, shaHU *a"thse l sieep trom my ejes lin tise MI 0M ÔÊd heaven. I take up tis book or Uv1aIe photograPihs, .sad 1 1, 4k a% ' sketch, andd I aay, vith is "Vý e 1 think 'that you are ail Interentsal In the.-tory of Christ.- Tou feul t!st He !a thse ossiy one wiseCea, bell> yoa. TOU bave nssbounded admiration fur the com- mander Whio helpeti Elam a"»m &amre. while hie himaeif perlastid, but bave yen no admiration for Hlm wb» pestiied our seule, Himef fallilug bâir into th#-* waters from Xlslch He hati saved uns? Christ -wnu onderful in'the magait- isn of Hia persoas. Alter the, battie of- Autietain, Wbhena general rode along the linès, althoiigh thse soiiers irere lylu: dows exhausted, they 1re>%e wlth grent enthusagnansd huzzaed. As Naîpoléon returneil frOmi@ i esptivity his first tep on thée wharf shooic aili the kingdoms, and 230,000> men joned hiq stansdard. It took 3M0 trooPun to watch 1dmi in bis exile. goe there bave been men of vouderful rnaguetism or person, but hear ime Wfrle I tel 70' of a pooýr yoi man hisecame up trous Nazareth to produc!e a thrlll vêh a ..kas iever -been excited bY ans' other; Napolcos isnd aroùnd iimthise mOrfles1 of. Austerlits ýnad Jena andi Badajos, but here was .1 man Who isedhatfoght sno batties, 'Who wore no enaulets, viii bndigheti no a9rord. H 135 itno tl.et rian ofthtie achoohi, for Esi neyer 'w A t,> eol lie hiad probably nel*r .." .1 prine' or xsha iken -banda vlith a motu mran. The' only« extrûordinaryý perso ire knnw of as being in His -eomPanY watt ilig own mother. and ihe iras 80 poor that iu tise mont délicate and soeieln boar tlh.Lt eVer COrneS te a wonian'a 80111 use tqs obligeti to lie dom suxli cinel drivers s roonriing tise beansaof btarden- I imagine Christ one day standing in tise streets of Jer1U~.IeW.ý A mal de- seendeti front- igli lineage in ôtumiing beide hM, aud Basys: "347father Waas a inerehant printe. He hud a cate on thse beach ut Gaiilee. .WhVo vas your father?" Christ ans-WCr", "JOiePi tise erpenlter." A man from  tYisua laâ standiing there unroIlint bis Paréhmei of graduation, anti Mr -Wbhere did 7011-g0 tO seioolr 511 anshversell 'never graduiLtetý" -.AisdL Thée idea of suchb n U nheraitiet Young man attempting te, cotmandth ie attti- tion of tise ioridl As vel snome lttis fiahing viillge on Long Island shore St- tempt to arTrigà Ne-w York. Yet no nooner doea lbe set foot in tise to-mus or cltites 6r Judea than everything la hi commlotion. Tise peuPle go eut on- a pirnie, taking ony- food enough for tise day, yet are so fascinatedti eY foI10W Him ont ità tise wilderness. A noble- man f.illa (lown fiat before Him,- andi sa, , Lord, that mir cyes meY b.oPes- et.". A poo)r, siek, pautlug Vm111an,> pre,,.ing through 'tise crowd, snys, "I mflst touch tise hem of! Ris garmeut." Childreni. -whlo love their motier better than nny one else, struggle te get Inte His arms. .and to kias His ceek, mýkd to mUn thvir fingers tisough isas air, and for ail fine puttiîsg Jeans no jI love with the littie eues.that tisere la hardie «t aurseryr in Christeudoin trom. wviic ILI docS not take one, -saying, "I mnust have thcm. 1 I li fil!baven mitis these, for eývery cedur that I Pbint In hea veon 1I wili bave 50 white files. In the hiour whien I wag a poor man n ýJulea theéy were notasahamed i ofme, andi nom that 1 havéecorne te a ilironë, 1 do no;t despise tbem. ý RoM it not hiek, oh, weepin otherl Lay it on My warrn heurt. f snùcb la tise klngdorn of heaven."1 What is, this eomlng <own tise rond?î A triampiamit procession. Hinl seate1 on? 'Why aleep on this 151ië He owuèd tise palaoM «eteltw» etch fis for 1Hlm0breltafst U" beach in thse chili mornIg weath ismgranateà are Ris, and a4 vlle Yrds His, sud ail tise MCae all tise partrldges lSt tissu weaeansd i. feet WtissuHe might havel4 moveti irtis hersesand 'Why beg a drink <rom b lie-poured théis hrtffl Pl and -tise Aae*4 anu thei ha&king ttia ad iwer the lips of EHlm e' laies and lth e = a Ioird by ail, iiiiti t' t "It gEV'DR.TAI UNIQUE Vil tg va te a b IL &< re mye nets- mght. Wmuet g MW "t. mmaengées. me a"l tiis br bs jas tisS ahoremhi ,devis «t deilct. mlAt j at kati t resim ai, " nom ainen~s us vame sut ye:n g out your ûi» o t, he vosiibave emue tth liseboou. Thse merk ot a rnohil u eie 'le- b ýiwm Wan .âA .LL1 1- - lwwu .[ ummm baudUIO E~aefothb the torth. he dd«Uri a rcenéorteterniby. "Goi-byl" me sai, smai lauped labaud, A tear, rebéne'VU, Su, a sigi; Butviesa e 'a ubyd TisaI patinss's' Uoêb's Ws match aur dea n ees as liey pas. Prom msur short ulgist, but, hbopefl smLi, We bidgeetW noe'IiInvmudtsa Aid nthz,«Lng Irii But yul bas eft tise tise-roi Sou 0fritedoth cesse, inn iov'4 ose. di- Tey hae ne more to fond embrace, Thyicr ne more 6*0od-bY.' sImsenan LIES th~ éUvery sas'of GOOd-by 0, brake% oroluf heant, grammaa onît b. siappeti u in t ides-- ssken voice ti, ,t esye; tallas,muid lisere hie aathlng but'airS- oagat ia uet èerntly vardeu anti bluuderlug in tise mode, Love nIIons ne sod"-T!ji -ail hall t. tise mu whvisases a seUl. h AprgsBd Chist, in ieI.preaig, eanalTi«ASUwBd eailee.land w«mostitly nal eti . Au asparagus bcd la (onrseouit b.) a e' came driO n 'lai enit teism en.W.-permanent institution, .90 lisat dis le- conuot drive them lunmiit ise. butl end calitY lu tise ganden Or Ou 15e tarm ut a estechia. W. ve.ste o-un drue ln shoulit be select-u t lh Ibis la vie-w. tiYliq to caI M"Les ils a"cinsteat tise bot cunuiot b. mate tuee icis by ot the amuI t buosogeu !tise geapei. barnyard manure. -Il i. nul nù* (u We v te maisSe s apuks do thse verS tormeriy, theugIs necessary) the praclice et peiN$mautie..to ilg eut lise b.d several felt deep, Affsis, Je$= s $,s iWe'ul luHis anti thon lay fBa toumes aItishe-bottOU, airma. Thet - iue. Hlm sind the etc. 1Certaiuly by the oit methot sasse cicit ehRW Dl, thet IAMihueltdHlm, snchbebos have asee longer t-ban a haîf ltit Ver ]wI1q lu uqffeziustat- huatred yeara.But bY lise auna edý1 k = x-PX591% slaIO andtiréguler applcation et pieuly et ma- to Mte M? Ois q VM O etiam s ure tise new (if It b. us-w) method i mii bvMkedte aiseb.,SiiI eovere ilprotuce lbhétisiet resulla. gitas is. siguisAiNo, for tiaI ecmnetlmu Pleirvery deep; get tise fertiliser et Aurora.leo» or iehoniti b. t-runI lise battais; apply cOsPOa t tesetop Iý tiZul our temnle, ynFou ltMItfintsoi!, andi. be ure jeur 5011 CeI I~ ~ i 1m er as siole crovu matis trom thetains considrable et Band., If net r haxunus, or *spinaslat--amil, sbarp, î'ait11nll. thon artlfclctly proviieti. ei Inging thoras.'Thse mois naises a We 'taulti do tIbs Ibis autIUnhis8setisaI andti t. they festen a sorler boom. froat--asalstinlatise thoreugis tisintegza- Gel Rlima'at lent. 1hoe haïds, tisat lion oethtie sOil Buere palasg, -have beca doig ,ldtueasat m un ncsaand Iti nulOld O be dou e until Pudt a-sI a-e'- t isI te isammer tniving sprng, me moult pro-ite compost- or tise epiSes tbrousghs thon. Tisonstest, ricisneir soi! for tise coverlng of tise tisat -have bien ge* i u n iministra pilat, tise.te b. 1aulti- uinroaafour liens o! suercy-dmttene egeIa tlhe felt apart, mIthplants tva; or thre -r ci.' Ten tise.v UIltlt u. LookS, lois, fiel lunlise rom. i landi b. pleuly tise - vii hse t H »m 7 ? Ouisdistauces bli uneI l.Tise.roats eof k-u :lý6" tise plants mùai b. fègulnysra n brouht t lif, seS Hi healedin.hlu binaturel ferus. Tissucuver mii 'tise il l sup viho M e tise soitse tisaItise soitabeve lise plants -vesççm « othtie sahlins? Nôn oiseh eI wmilb. 10 ta 12 incises deep. Eariy is Ravina- carsled suais a criss for*-= 0"11dtsespring, w'tisuhe asparagus iplants we refuse te taeseur cross for Hlm? have bueu snet, ratisses, spinuacis, let- -Sisuil Jeans bous' -thee cs alose tuce, eanly bees anti onlous muy be f n As ail tic mrt g0 free? , groin t adavantage, anti midieut tam- No'; there'is a cross for erery Oee age to tise asparagus. Do ual eut tise Andthes.u. tenosa for nie. Iasparagus for. tisefinal lire yeara. Ton *Suowth1e goeess aoi Iuiraft-lng. FeiaSra oSo To brsaIslelto a Ineand Psut i uIn feedigag 51w t t iseI h Ilie braisaietf anoier tee. Tis a res of te i eg traw l e iteed iiit-a thse cronssvas bard *mi rougis, but lute lSgan<e-aolt a uaeudalt thse hoiesaw-ore tise a" ws ent thr tii, «M tht-th e two shoulti be no mixe-t have.becu graited, branches of dis tree tiat bolS W-111b. a'elished. Very foi ut it tba- os ber s'ltio <ii aton. niaamdmu ili en-,I mucis lean atrav. Tahey Ot.1le hatnowbea frit Cr el ntios.-preTbhy. Cul thesetawmfine-witba Tise originl Irees vas bitter, but th L utter, moist-eu it aUsittle au~nd ux fbranrhes ligratet vewersaus, and 50lise gnim ttI l. Brau, ase mud II ai th malens hieltisefrui- a 1 rel sal are tise best-fotonéismixture,. Fcet Chrst-wa vetrrullu Hlm Ibis to-th«ni rffukaiy, anfi keep ail thse A4li Chls " rehase.aai wbue0wetbMrnthey F ieéil er is ois atnaI e.Tish e m ,n Ihbsont cveuy day anti sec mea lJOa ayta' euliu'.Il emailowed I1h21 afreali, aweet auppi'le i- nt tie.Centrai Aixienc, tise Prosidettand thmu. WhMie beintd ou at-rauw, ia Y I~~~~~~~~~ Il.«MdhAmaaa s* sauyfy<~~C eo aikq.s)motl= i le S et, n-av% lithe nsflAradauia. Tstnast ie rons lieus. ¶Ise e ould blasalternated tmer fasterrnIbL e ieirmaies. t'ica. mesS. iHorsos visen no-t att ar1e liias risse in a tomseeei ra- I "work ili thive on this feeti, &sie Gaile hul, ni jet ina etormi -eb.t n lYsa tle tir w o es eofcGRe sumd - wHI.esiing a yt cst est.a lice 'Md. Mi1lh uiras 8" yuung groewg ma reene Ma-i- d- fes niwat Me.Wl animale wil5 n Usai !uO55 18a01Mai talks- He bekon d,- ii' e. When lRe Local market foir Xgi. ý iTa.tieBoike tIse - .ItIl neut alma lunliceiarge markets mvade n. âMets'.Ounsthe 'toiisî litat the iigst prices are ebtainoti for <atr. t - ascirenmtc me anTOgtieggs. Oue neason 'tSi'0seMauy fer="s greabdmtflin he tIe mu ehe rs shlp their eggs te a distant market dàmeed iqod, u o btth u cler la bocause itla isaien te do so tisas c. rm estons theM, anti vieu a 11mb lale si enrhne bnalt ues deaditin test. But hmin la aua-e;ggs eau b.sent- away ini s crate te »eI ie bsi land Hlfeiems.(XisUt at oieta b. soit by an agent tise mark la doue, àà " Stretchis orth »7.' lan,"and h. -anud wissuBsoInluthse eare'at loin more àkethesit, ôrt- ' ' 1lime menI b. givm ,If ths lomna 'tere In theb.eye Mr h o-v M'sy dis- 1 btter suppliet prit-es 'teulti le bigiser eess Q ait d eliOM.e orgas ve beeninthse lange marketslnd utl ino uobt eus-et. But Jésus q' ta oe eboras bilntipay thuit up a local cuslom for ëggm, ý-e pI au - i t et hI agi better ps-ies téabta inet iait- rB I ttro ud gè w et avene -von Çaa er than b aippng te dis cilles isree lies u iel. 'Ilsfront or axe j1atri, butl Jem m ntes one Usen Tour Honey ai Home. 5 - a-od : 1Push yoursalies et honey at- home as cii46* 0A7 v odertufishmah es èosible. If. dc i m ace re nul ab u!ew4,ratlvei'lsast TaismuetI'oeil ,s(rodm t <v.el t O»~sap, oeil at bosse, givhng orng- ~ 1.~ju6~' eutelz frelgu ussruSaIt om- 0I r hsr119 ea'l*s" 1hat k uts' cualsomens, muid nomneetofliese mI tl 'rati _ * -egula purebsmnevnI plc hee he t49wEithe et, Prime. ryotten eomaml ~ gUEé lt4l. me ansblemet for 10v pnicea, <u vises, by reawn stbe issfl dom tiebeCoht 011 tb. nMM break. 1Widott he lie thrneIfae im« t.The levers, ma~t lwmndUU. He w«. theilbl h snumoa; tasen -hnH " ~ ,U06r M ffit m-h3 * « $ "wwa " Sas. wam taoàw %q"ekat me Il ,a àB Son utt ben W sa 18 ~ I - t muâtnbe ru.voné 006trife; eg tft "f 0 bm= And ase ires yber So# ssavabout ~ is~'l~î~ M I4s Md g antit picarebassseo! ISla trgesthevarkafflemrtu matis;im 17 ~es1meut m Abd, eTus we for mor tbaudla Outtsmm ftas bsi lk haetreot£ ie e vcat utiMr:. ilsmaais s Imra- £ARL.Y u&M iehtaL W1ieI Th"e- Id the h efee itse oe's Tis e lat , au n«s iMd stioâsr àà iIm av "tl fOiy y «oeta.t lt- familawvilforthe taIsnsuti worke Iwo~meu *-ou"eaertieomue la a iisThe-he « wvilS t&(is'ts o futr-vlt cPel»t atul ou i - uie nt rseey 1 ltre. Veaadlm.a n aumhnu sloyle wotnhguIearo dc ùt te tjjtiseetroundArt X at&bU*bet sa e. a tabls te .0 Auierb l tsron et i <ss1lonant ihle t ae**roias ati uomiâ.at setit.Is v r tm tit I ner min u, dà à0 r it e gen the-krmeiee ieat nisi~s.l Cloie ý5 Md' hfteat Tcer oit. ant meatwayotise huoa. VetSli laanufey t hi IiICn0~ vlu n MI upot se tiseflus coheetzi atinemr e.a vek moinn itisa t e 2784 oer o ï,trei h viistse pat B amten irit o h avus re cord ther ie thodAra tisat laoto Us eg" tdvucvrn sgepr ts one-ttaools oIlerQAnitiesrt bad thotai alec! 0f tise ~~~~~ ~~ md la t"tise = â eâyenteraliS ut th~.at<m.emaceithratudisEgpin- f~~~~~~hv br tts an i iys uEe "I «Ptbablyts hae m oviii b. umeful .d cr hthe a uetise"0f herst aiumuumbviscau tise estmetaote eMW u mer d oinpuble osaetoa, as temaplea 0ftheir glhe-olng sud1 luEgat,- m the 1 gibieai, 12 ci <ta tise ms eti e atteac e ora mir- ear - ipsetcbroe. MMGeli Caulture- luchs lngirascd llhoas utimiste Out.et an euatenepmsnt lu Cly uedaI uan ly peioti-s elmenow(1 agaasîa. npprt ndpreureapplei t1-eowtvan th i s tise qetu hef lnge sdfrom . tec.,a'eùmd fsripn 4 ~o iseothr m. tbe omescti ile, nh a ite&Ti Lieut. Wise mbieh g uo er etarneniessa veeigun- @te 1 ofes , o f ovderab l *mnr onJauste'y21, e897, o o ubalnc e. an tceluses oler tis 480~>po 01517 _Çtimaa .raoï lesiat, a vottsoae cud b. mt tie prthIs, »m ail aute froma7te oüay ve n rlgitlya esr e ha t4 anofthtisalotoudpaeit nt *u tthse cOla o wl0f tsxtyce te ar tM eie exemplen Of fer itp* ep o vtube ' lne t labwsi. ulag e . ista. t h e b e d oerueteMtiomiietteiY ofsaItey mutm7ua et nenot nf a sa 1 fetelàlu le wapt, -sdncaail naqaaao il founi l~oiU tN* 15 55iUti5 ar . ati mesreord tis" e M Sue b0. smguon Iwo 7 of 5 wî TtY iteegi-ie ene todùpatI, fractur mas cos»j tiforgeimoncatshau e r cqsthaande <hm a e-crrm a tuo >iser e Polmas I iothepMe19meitiscutisdéisiutore udts mle ai ae aboute'fct voaIlt.etnvi» covemng aIlarge a tthse-re bt j ahulity -fmlals. tai% anhpuricacit leane larko thelu ma âml ie einc ln turerri Howiseir arprtive théPeoYpte da, st ftar h, u e u very11e en- ai tsse n iruneagrat si.. 1j[sud nea, partnicu Wny 'fe heyle toee h vcle - - - -I 0-relea lth is a 'e if l e oful- uaoalaniletoie fnt egp maiti 1Teeamperamts<> téti vsemlib.terodeaonatpuetlis eminsas h ain et-erglsbow n isn ra peaue I- th entea ire e me dnuuilciçiie5nésw - 'ug Mearyiculuet'titis tiepdoy, ln nt"4. o 4etl,12 nÉteth mathndan, t dscrntisougis, c.m, as encdtsol aud drklong, asti ed Iisoend wie ttev u ieem naietlaIusd neÈ 4nn ai at af csupdertlle - partne atis fo tieplot ar. - oit t e umese of-lamiaer df5r M is .siteestiscenuy.soe or trias ,is.,d b. 15 nulglepera-iractyelrlb.andi itgéniecux 'ere me teute or iecl o: artcles qites, m bys tiste Lienst . WHseat Apj num. tetfo aipyie b. 1téa tempeofa- <istbirng isalnuar0ye21,nu on lfe ud'Noubutise&bav etiesvet at. ur au. iaPOt o tse ndot, buta u me euati ybs e e.bea be sntthD r amdeden.Y ae- fo. iyt grecs Fabreuisail. D oreès .îtez-lu atidIleuM p tee Islnnlra m o1siTall emntuisbck.hveeepe for inftanOne of rallatisu re ndlesetau 7,00 rs 0f yirie-, lureng nig finmnuens arihe every- sisoulet e givnaI tubiea s, M.ku elofa su sugaunsantie nateil - ine aepamap onrteil gar tti.ley m 12stesdt madqie heabountcq éht -wb a supratsSt.eu ' Tde ere laThe ody ýntà inatkvmre fatur a Werlus-t CIt 0de env uul e oe ! l a tita.tanforgebodyatts a e lyaceverybody. tremein bigiS or reme av tepe-er ry leotauiti isooned by tis Hh- Negin elate aaodtie mlletisa an arosr ao e ae, e o tbanIn te )s hewetehNte mono re hailig corrds imeugal br es rs iie. salhrmfui i esalho Mi pi. ou I lu:inobexierncd e op in Sieroora 1, Feî he. e ypiiie'epeds- Cring a sSOdtegWres, uOer t Os., Blseateil-the eda stretsvr h melters ntiolvtr =Ualgt bv n uhtWla s u±, nn a &Ygbt Tise, hoaveaethoenhaftie uati ita mor" tisu 6 ;nti ie l an co N d amte md.uxr buids ae - ad0f patevi- u lson.tr leyl beat at (5 degros ue at 50; on in hened rae ther si. vi eemtscanetrceela-case; 1t beo attis leestteme hro iloe nt 100e udaltiseames mlBe Oemloyewh toal'eavd en ie-Aioiand egg eaid but houti ut b tal coder iss iiitis huner vood su mil. WeumTe re e facrecoulwth b. 4 de re. mmrat e at i a aisuthemagitioï neet t inîm ary; tisu-ieonted hte a ie eau denee ilS theonalde coitstOUm o 1e e.sup»aiam<,tMre egesmisen Itl ii .o1tluhve TrS thet abeig o the reti I Ga- liholenulugasla sca ndaeotsng tede rome..hi gtaoemZtuTe, owntwmmi, uisnotieme Drndeorts otiePei ft a o cosidrabe ranc tht anod expottuiion e te. imnse timb rring; t ieenhlloir mganoiat or rîk beU e rgh lupra as qurthera, anit wich. ly u re- t ai.-oe tae orbn e ople oit xxtiEues laird vi he te peope politiciensati it a d p, floto!gra si etICfood ap510*8 oe-atepra dritise admt 30l huar de gooadiNonfes. rbut tebutvet liltie thfui,--lu tueaor aitho -h Au btuanu. j fe tiai trae.his ee ucs hefcml- Drydaen. nt iniesaniemi forenfetls i leaernxtpranar ise lnosslce tetasg70 acresyfih e , Cun olgratin.gie - iainsflyare -visaI bhulrlhe ie acrispaiîdby trandather Dolue ande 1o-k as reere alisepbert t ecàure nfe- sutedetiaNapoout sockvE clert e-smi oe 51taCO~ i athe' iole Sre e. eboyDavy. mre tastaempueons4Ps 0, t l e7ie- edetu"ai'asmd alrof dy 100 o! If yn icutiapen hmou eeybecasme mreeiPb. tise Dos t popular, ven more in addeieion e »ieenride mret eilss oIfrayprps tyu m.Wb tlrsa eoBuasus, . are s m o ate gr ivsita Ne t asaroone o r Thelatter co rrd ens fo h il claierbeTon »lut -a hIal wen let. l. Dink- in bfninti mae sutcemypenyour ou Slnd TisebuilisiT au ie as mot u' Aetiseon. radet tise e ate DuesaThéIf yge beghu eros e f11 fn tiss alosî nytisin s d o-e aigh- àâvbe e a g od u tm. enratl re tPa agnl n etes and tyil a t isuere n siiu, 15eny m latin i pti e mce-e he______o_____ ad_-he__ ]yma rmsu anvd be slnnet dib cola Theiiseeratere aoetE -Jilt- aonsUn.hEri,' besut0 e nliet st e n itgls" ciss'on ailents any.Te tis5nscmpfome cues n lis flfyeet We s nar e uWtdsor Dis e't elot spplrt gbho Ml a sau, sr'ho n tte as rm ehampagne la theveileti luve bisopulatvontamisbo!t béa uttheloe tmpetur alowd, nd iltheen illbeemPOYe wht e hsc ase usoAstaisnes Ilt poseesne tygal ativantae th<iduit ~er tieland ill.1W I ienw anyw oudb 45feiiemndi anseessy led cor- ,marritr;we tSe coeue . t, et a- be take u tcto rmolt .105xtteli Fne 12sud Tgdeinet beuittiaao ury ceulti resiHaath possible a teCle ir e.ti he B tosur ofthel u kme lan W ees Iuf Ais e lanueciosM.la an ti ous t ng mde tatyleireludak lads atie-ha veiYokl ich I e.1iessFais edRu as- eaetsi soeocso e'*scr thse iniesan a m i ole.Tie iougist eut 'iiisdher ute mea,it-hDrik dho , ba tantte mo t 'ierhast shalt le eR CclEt teFO Nîmat ut mOl at ifte a lbare lacingatultstheeyimrasiond n i argevison lermn' matc tis mants ilS isiis lseyure ay Ana exa l oftise tly u eC- sur ieohr uyfsmutfle Foe o r . - utmm uberydm eintti -utdou t tis e a renor hés.bu f ite hn ýi Tis aeondon-laled oy a smai- gresdeted -a ts ius theelok blg atonticenIbat the Yýar wat u The le Utv fi afor etpon aet h s tda ncel, as pesents t heeuGa ~ g i bsr~irt il nsands u cfort fattoetle a plainheauo dioby aitpufy 11 tÉemFilstseeer Dif .Tis e m o a aug s Stio re a vgy. 1 pec I o et kll4 U beth msn e.. Ihreen o re 5telua b. im aim Ca n . 1 'ter.lotssu 1* seesse oft. lauas. oueti;h. tmud eipRea nt lnue 1ksuW ie C oreràous T he let e cel ge d toiseltigebck a ien, th bil tsi> bIBmaa1 . att Me, 0*P areMme- Yu le ereL i esbaswlsÈ i ing 1. t a-adevia s. isemy b git wa luco- tht 3051 aT et lE~Pt~nUnsait mf te s "Rof teauoy"bi euh ptoe ierers.. Tht ussuh Theuter boy ___ al atmentaunuathe Yr 6If an a tUa- liras. f ytteg yi'tloat teto tis iecoIes ffLr -ia d oh e . ht;cunr, and nffn bi betlty Iosetls-e .mioe et Ib i. 'ts Le1esta. efstas'2ed inm r tie . I nhk ~ reay la I. th g-nue bud f a 1 t e raphriea eetu d a s amftuàie." b- m Falm o r lsavein h rte s tis 'mth a , it e-ls tring P wth r i ce ss. wn ai e rtsan andl "Cath e tiae uam sen ua g atl t edsse noesu s t ntass ied ivDoe wlu failse uss pi, ltsoughet ai do e Lw-a.uonlsyodeste <bs ust ttflufet te o f as'ilS - i ndsor-.m elnisgt ls Uiia i- hbn 'i[y n.aie 1namt i -tow ,o - boi ba mnd,IAinll ailte or baruaIntetrofethee! ail lis bouses ut faeed la In.tact . oul n ft eo Ida -r n Tllr113 b ad ht, 6jr.éudrss i possible ted tiaotherw. u h e EW tise lnoilecti, -o n uiththe 1. t iscoeüorg.. Lachand a isr areaisit OSi7 isi i t ci Psidt oPlns A. etelsXum ae - . at on -onecasssionu Pals er I aliu ti n ww l e d ail-O tbs' UngÏeout e*udila tie smàahie s r ai e had sâstgtte ai the ISIsht aguue ise AIs.êtesste etrantand t and3 ,latmens1et udaleaky out e ba iprs sioêln on tet., est iousan"i ttor al pimtpmd. 4 . la 0*ç ubahe Fre isse, hv nom <Miatthso a..mis et eq~el-U~ ~ - =tg .re t B-leu Tse sW- ( isgi hsrcltan ayae Yn UPý ý% wo aeoo.onphdtd edà e Grnd hese kin of hisspech t omfenat fattnedla aqWnband1 eOàg, ét 4 la aof the odns t o.sy W~ a OYltl1we é*sendmnIqWud wup a jour Sp a w Wy Dm. WlIlhsma' PIu4 ~bu ksd bueU~osgL 'r advustb..d uta4u>~o- j aS tise mrgeai zequssi o 4 bMdd. edeulded to, <lve the pilla kb4 w su esortllg #oM. O'Brien wau a lmày vete».. Aiter the firmO box b.d 10m uak«euâtom.r.u olsdtie hauge, »d whsm thsieboxes bd hea i Iahsbe bs-rssISvu mv.ilus Rh stuleagth lid ntlabid, 1mpôvusfrh.d blood rsus- *de miÉsha devlopsd, îb.umatlm il- Mont dlsappsarsd, barrlg * .ighl .ffl- a m m kae '>ofàti, wbleb la gpad »Ul taim d hr thé lut sixmotabi. as~a4-glm tw mm, asualo h e 1 ~eiibave abalc msdie*in s eaet jear otbeit thim Br. Wlam.'Pik Pill, tbefo 1 dBtabutê aiprpst adlton soI.Iy le tbdt tie. :?biy bal musnobgood o11 Id &VIwg îb.uaniafâ ou% êt I!Y 5IeU su uidgupmy aaltoisd omaittullon Ibai My wité vWho» b.alth vas mot aM; 10e g..d also 1,1. l the'Pilu@. a lev boxs zemoâdle ber lileanad th,tos, la uloid laboerpréiseof tsm mIam Mm.*- ot mp soemmeza anal Mimds vb .llu"asthé . f. .5 61 the pilleon mr m m** " o omm e e t mt hmneI s , ma al t s lraté, the em. ulWy M I bave Sold. y... 1 ua v a s m à viiI vwula Dr.William.' Pink Pilla ours by golng le l. "oet of the. dusses. Thsy rsnov and balid. op the blood, ad ulgemgftien thé mao. s, limdrlvlug dises..from thse opuulm. Avoi i mitatons b, luelatig hat svey box jon peohas tleenslissa in a' vrapng beariag lthe fuil <rade, mailt, P. WiJllam.' PinksPilla Lor Pale For In" ats andi Childen. Organs, Pianos Mud SEWING K&OIrNE of thse bMi usakesat reduced pricea CSrer uusxand Pool Bts., _Ir5J. B ox 415, Linduay IF YOU HAVE WEAK BACKr LAME BACKr DACKACIIEP -LUMBAGO OR RI.EUMATISM, IL CURE You. II4SOR FeET SWLL P LmwAs.ONDys. DOAN's umS 0Fm oit t Ws s wuJ. *Pm yOLi ~UR1tKUIflNI I .S9 ellye k km I beait~ 'a- L. lins as -tf. BP 'l.a il 1,1,ý "Y, ý nomm

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