ÂPOW R.RUNt0G te thUc aIUghàtur." 'erl no;hng luint>ae Y of the 1>itebeÏ tu adîcatse tO the va *sI £brt j dent h alead. The -e x th*lik j, Seing onl tù, a rIkh pt8tuite ~i clo)v(r where .*A àay e .wail reveli rb brbace) uuxa,ýriauce, but after £*Ug &W, mcli anu& the boaCloue in km, ~jith sticks oiMoSand011 A aiv him th q ltamand int WUY whrem»n fataemed, and WM a Wel-aiIaed st*oke the ax telles~ 0the. ati ~t1on Ob the redoleut IpUe tore ie> la ph el2disappolaitSd& îl b>' teniptaition to what h. hutwmu be paradisigei -enjoynen,lImt~P jwbile inluences witb dukr u7 à%arthier- arui. close i upoï *tiid*." heý fands that Anstead ofe-t nhI&1g"'a carinon lintu a. gîrden lie bas bteu eadinu "as an. ox te the .Lîutht4r. "' We are apt to umaîe yug ms .-ue beiig destroyed when we oug)t tQ libM the influenes thnt destray hb-ii.ý So- city slaughters a great mn$ .yopagtuie* b)y the bebest: "Yeu muet keep op. ap- ptlirii ces. Whiat ever lie your s.arv, you miuet d resaua well at.othe5, yen iiiist give wline an>d brandy tê asa friendfs,, yon Muet samoke ne coty .loroi you iiiist gille as e xptensive ctertain- 11,1mcul and Von Milet live in as fashion- able a * boaidil boue. If *yot haive't the nmoîîy borrow.. If you can't borew. ma:ke a fti Ise entry «r eubtraet br-A thvr'e a bill from a bulé f ut bý Y.-I %Nll ouly-have to make the deeeptton liti V1î1ic.la a- tuv iv muthS or ln Iyen r- or two you u annike k. u-right Nabiy willieh hurt hy t, 4Qbody will. I1 the wiser. Yoim yourself wil lt lie .i:nnl'By-ilt awful prtleêB à hua- drel t!..ind mn. n have W1 h i mugter- t i rtiîn ii)v mî,hcrdfor eternty. - Sti4hm o. i: bunhýrr' ýw..Thiyro je mthlng wrong, aloit horroing molley. TKhere le hardly a nuuuu who lias nt11,ti borwe iaoney. Vmst .emêltea bve beea i blit on n. borrîîwedl dollar. But fûe mue twmî kjmîlsof ut orri)wtd.mwwy [vnny borrowcd 'or the Imupose ut stit- ingm or keu4piîg up Iveltimnat4'e eterpeie. a.l expemit and inoiy borrowed to'get duit wlîich yon van (do' wthout. The firqt IN right, the éthier je wrong. If yoin Ilîive, xaomey enotigli e-ux ou to bily ma omt, Iuîweyer plain, ind"'Ëte&f you horrow nioiev for a a blmçWxqto4 you have tqken the firet revouton of the~ whettil d ngrade. Brr. o litecesst ;t tnay Jb. 1.l r (-i' u ilIiucîle; thattlps your prop 'a'er ini the îvrong direction, The Bible distinctly eays the md ~ -s çervanft of the lender. It hlei bd stmte f t thig4. when yollî have te go lown see ther estreet to escape. meet- ing someone whom yen owe.. Ilipng ilen knew whàt là tht e t*tl Jillzlindebt, more et ý*m 1dk ont of it. -Wlint did debit do for Lord, Bacon. with a mmmd Y*eéng :ntove the eýenturié-;? It jnduiced hlm.to take bribes and conviet himîw;lf ixa . a rd, b0 mli agee. Whqt did delit'd f«t Scott, hrokenhearted at bh Kept hlm writing* n-til his h ont in pmralysis, t tran> kWlePkletu for hiui if lie lad - n >ed wblch %e lad.èbiseid ve 0 nt Abliotsford, 'Wa .t - twaà*t 1The trouble le, my 1r.eudaG t e> pie (Io nt understand. the ethies of go- ing In delit, and thât if yon pur'hae gouda witl no expectation of iiyig for them or go Into delit whlch yon c<fnot Mpet *Yoeu teal juqt no much. moiey. If 1 go90into aà grocers store alad 1-Iu sugars ,sad' coffees and meats wlth no- cmpacty to pay for. them and no inteit' tion -of psving for thpm, 1 arnm = 4l- hnnegt than if 1ireo into the St r7a ap when the grocer' face le turiTu# thu1 cther way, IMIl my poekete witii the articles of inerehandise snd carrY o00 a hpm. In the one casle I take -the merch- ant'i% timne and T take thet ime of bis meo;senger to transfer the géode te My bonse, while lut the éther case I take noue et the tinie of the merebant, aind 1 wit upon mysèlf, sud I tranufer the goode without nny trouble te h.la- other Words, a sneak thief le Dot m al as a man who rontracte debta lie uevem. etxpecte té, psy. Yet in aIl our cities there are tmàlei who move every May daày te 8M itO prt-ximity to other ,rcers andd eal qhops * nd apotheca ie.. -TbeY- Owe ereçrybody wlthin a hait a mile.of wIIere they now lire, and neit MmY tbur wik more lato s distant: Part 01 tht cltY, finding a new lot o! victime. MÈa.whiie you, the honeet ftmlly la the new house ire bothered day .by d&W by the kuoëlt- iîîg at the doer of dilààMnplte4 'baker'g mli d bateliere and dry goode deales and onl the sbarp edgee«4(dL>b t mnany tliingt3-yon hae t 4 friende. -Yeu shal Jha& have patience aud hon Cetain uines or cendut tacertain eucceseq which controasif speenihaphasard. I have b thoee who bave ob*eOva P Sible te calculate Pum how -wilI b sent tethe deallttft -re 'through niidee5a affile to enieulate mugtirow wiii be dctairied- for 'limpe through theï senders, .sad tbat Itt meit how ma»y peW~e treets bi awbIinaOb In other words, gr heard 0< le the M*k tlem..th, eteailty t- Owally Ot ghe Il bu. and et . MW s u e u * e i "i au M y or m DM ur 1 -89eny9 ars ta6 ejos ar hemite S* s oa fta44s bosimmlibreedsm W'?aes.jt t ýwb1R m<r~~melarge iM lratIerecoarseeblîoeauatr nilqMW a havePmtm*ibmtMo'ibracaues whieh esait vi ttetmtttooeI* Ibdksv la.net, but.,on îhe l.>mwn ~~~ef7luin*nmi be Ai Vee-iM»at se tte e let B .ýefore marriage evey woiUau asle l ~ -v iab.Dr.214 1'8lt wli be muperer. te esUber Éldi aor daon. Owîî ide..,as nete the bout way by wih lu i eptl i. fu y More' IId tq> a bumêbmîd - May b. miadit bqpwp. A6pe. q aart..'8esiAs ho bIis *aqcIa tcitlo Wiý Z .a r,, Uriae cage in to. apt te ecoure **llt 0 eas urs. hdiei ha tehI w nmhe o'er itue spirit et her dyounis. lu ta"1 lb tep.t iméd bg a tye -et1 ] £n iiie dy-Maour e>,,is-ftp us ou vi eciphla ray casces se feels privileged te look or ous I m nt er= l nrius K P Lois g a ble- ashraksale ludth at pebe % all rtig with 1er better. half-exc't t rM ÏW ae- o o-n a notbyeau etoefl ici '1-l ' 4-< aarakhn enimi sein'--firtthe price et au Eseter, bonnet out lhe viiea o ane at we oldertum1oai*. dMach, ttakor his pack Ysy tot or ou# àmbemmeye 1. t 1t 0 ,Ury neipee îlants (étil-lx' mn) *an exqtaielmrofhe okt-àeeW àmore apt te cou- bi uf.Te e lies, te -- me e henwppei h t et sn111 mir eivet, wlilch le aider flirtahion wlth hlm as incomnpatible n i he ithe -churel<i have ejtet owU has I amarsux- &r de.i eiré, 883M. there were aeîlyal¶df>'~~with 1er idoset true wifely duty. than ~h# W*flt Mof tet htbanl. louxe :about. e b-brejOl avts>18 eh Se ».d b y 1I tamngeor, jcets, . -v teraiytt n.to set about hwttItlgton 'hty corne iat hlm trom Ibis aide"-and mueh hote ik amillose or gain. average otf as .We douit ve- vlise h esn h ogc ofetpontafleity vhieh alerte ciiigive 1h fgoll that si bfr ad Ter eno celas 0< àWoUs tIlat se ther, et theiai e eah caee inlie reofethe mth rTeongot ."»>,s ors. x.ry l 5htnorist; but Ici' bo+ite or. ib<dra ýo hoar .myon I ae atdSftcî~~humer on tbis muestion relis a souad andie el ai~mmlx m e Y"esgmenIn lu"acdtutaa lii &R althoulh they are straighlabufrout.- philosophy. Rer triple extraçt of cou- ned ewom et upt.mf veto r %a 11 ht tembt&umetha.t puper. In qew eicityaloue Overî ________jglhpieeuth lt rv n emJeeror "t eltIÊrlt5don al yer, wil vriabiy succeStril; but it Q<un4a, cIflt,ý ralga, gls f184 'iIti tneu MW peopleutdoeh. titedonai every r, vhlle V on la tiheCowb*Use. b rcm 1nddas burmlese. tndeed, rlist ie mpatsie-heurt bande te drink, aid titeïr cxhauettd nerly 1500 axw edor scalded te Acnbn i bndn upyÇ fehreclomnemltdtehuide dbMtI*oas. et osvujai*e dieu-der, gets 'i">~ ~ mo>~ig~> ~ disdcloue ta5M persene mooti frée air is recngnized as an essenti'iI et flirtiluL vhieh nee"stoh.admiultr- ou 'i e tm lu. 'hi eiincaectrdb hfru ytlaootklnd or suother. factr in unitatieru of te owha'ue. To od wiîh caution, aIe might have beeii u.1lt"0ÇWepwm te wW Àet hu ie. " .Iemr atdedek u GoesdOBI the- et 0<200 lighiung eeure this deederatum here must lie a credited'with s formula for hs*lee neté u foi~>lt t~leceate udetoe>'. telaIbes fr1th e- country vIllithe sirifielent eftbie c.qpscity aid ventilaîtion. wrîyt ereemended h10 lil et -gmz6ýteé " wtwa eTerpd ftemptation and deth aoecrdls for euYork eity, wyul Dairy eut horities. preqc w rm 0 olerthy e aigemevfasmzed 'ar au nluecssay rab.rigagainsit tht youugmani 40 mi les is total ef nearly accidental deathe 1000 cuble fet dper cow. The former 5__la_____ expenees et tht obsequie, 1t ee vîciher 9Ie leur, and le iu a fr-ail boat headed _________ 7_ Ihere le auj u.eleua.,uandlt on the ceeket, petrai'wth nothinebut- a broken eey ear, 'Il vil meehowvground- te Bes whciler te la,"'si tt etl flightuiug. 1Int. no1,uniessecvutitoujleukei'Aphbt .y s w urpîleuso p dh them Wit. yl»kmgo tuider-of et emughvntltinlaady pacas on the .irud, ta am whether the h>.ears ~'> . ea h 6y lsa a suvivait an 'edsuperstition., ry uhbotter thse>.it slte îegroah Apple$:luadr laea Ko God heoletap o et heheeîe h~e w ~i g u dr But lIer. la auoonpoint lu conce- c>Jrity orf cwheu»M IntuhIe effort ta as possible n treezing. .Braoms: U0W'Ei bot .lU liecasket have bee oisl u lsncs'e eI en tion vith ibis m rwhich ought 1telupev he vn,îe naeih H-plute elawa h eep soi a bonglt by thc famlly, or douaied, te sec buiiImeux e ret eedupel aheual o tng ta cltjy dil- cGw-owner shlOw tee litti or, e Iepint.Celraubhrre: Kcep nevt la vorn nem lI dec teîle rav ~thug»frentto, io a e dedis- c rs, albeit counitr-y weilers may net beelicuv sud make the ca'whouees tee nearlyerruciirchnewtrmtly mi& Oeut. aolved i thec feani e bcwdme cup or sftcted lladke m er, and ttlal,thuat j airtight. As s. consequence, thc purity Diholtvarmcluoepeet* TIen th" r"eseltht bereft bouse- meay be blown out >.ith Ut i ret guet Ot matistion show the Ie nuoer lgltning of thce airle sacrificed te secure wr>th.ucae, het frd eins sudiig. Hoseze Wh os h leiures, the gsi-peta, tentatieu. Hfre in tht e bet. the I. ve lune. i-ste iu tht country eleIvnu t ud fu.Nw.tnehathadmenadyud the ar,ý1suitlthe. btyeWho or t y.s i .mn reyair tlàeoftai- giester importance eyer beg. lour Ke o, dya ttpiano, the mat- sword et the Lard (lad Ahn*ghiy. Clotho uttct.fe ethl iii urtbtar rc eni tacwucriycvrd li:%ean wihb Me treses tbplilow on which he died. jOief in that psaply, and yen shallfer city dwellers i net fer te gmeel. hmuint breathe oither foui air- or cold air, quart of vater, mlxedwi n tab epon ÇCxrSme .debt.For. hIc sale et yow>. =o14put to confuflie. Sinpays wel leladoubiens.due te ~e predamlnaneof it vonki irbncnuhbetter for lier te také of emmeula. H3erb Gatber vIesle- qWw àppumsht Ie u ake ef jour riefther Iu tis wom nSierhIe neri, but Mt m tt a* I. il-grounded vater-le i i.Bu tl aeynecessar.v Iginning ta blosseen,-keep,'Iu Pa 1.beis.- eof jour linm 8i hkf<~i -~tbloikl5i pipes la bonnes, ptal a uhhuat a goal cow aeed be toi-ccd te suel lnk stains: Wet vi prl upule ci6ÊSoeaiê,Yeung inuigît artiug vii1 tffle »u l atetj ù âtythb4nIlteét'tpropcienetvoul saclulet. ît la quite practicale te after thre bure, eubh w.».. JimsiUqI 0f it. thTough thls lieand' in 'trabnsort ot orerkenidecr Ie pfal k»inds burld crem thet vWUi secure corn-I prevemit, al*"@u ke* joUMwiýtt. y , à e re- throue thîlenei. 1 neyer .1.11 fori*t a îTht popular bll!a o,,êe ô!rlght- tort yul ventation. Cown ay ey anaccodft at !5àipia'th 1- gl>.Take çéymIler eugmr u e ilng l nvarlabyta1 le aise net berne lÈpt lun perfect heaIhI snd comfor-t viith e- uzCit, a y 4 usieîusdyn15 jeuaroe. m'es ae.ry e*Ot out by tacts. nd aone record upec- out belug in a bileouse ailthue tue. caretully vheïkyeu eýevchia .i<ui tutit 55 ~ mndos i~e: aj drotd 1 ti faueshows lIat butthIey cannet lie kepi luInhail ee:P-cIwh aiifaiI go.o h g re e Wc il 'n , Lord. bpu el 1iadI t au riy e 1 erosar ouy7 c-e11 ey are lept as hbioeseplanta, bre-sI iIiu u.Oag m eio.e t tt ela Ic ulypetectsyscm asy te (do wreug sidu lard te do e&. Taklug It ailil lce eeine"to lng.air that ha. been inaled' over and d1ry, pouud and keep l cin êblls ot mor-ale. .vIf tou vunt toidesti-oy right. Lord, help u&"Thttprayer, 1 le no more gaund po ur* hau vrean ekn u oiodorusu d Paraula: .Keep lun1thé ouduntil ft ma'smrmuet hie Bible <warmirt jou, icelied the eur ot God ogb1 slnng 1céfiàu* lb revertuce toi- the a inudned men vho have foand et--a g-Cy m. til death uey Bulletin. Sltlar gge,*stroub4lub le liyàeatfié ni buad'ouung ie- erap wo ae ,loek; eld rice u>ay have InsetgL.,Suga!r dc ~ ~ ~ b ettcB hc a made reund qat tirai very tiun.I as yptcnt.ig, la e eslb Ti Ilt ImL*Fer family use, -the'rauttéd lu tIc mi r-4lhonec- n.. e d wîî.an cilrd e o eight et ,statisics ie Iil on lte j n ancas g, a -tm oa ilcaricature et-r* lit l' il greneare asp»omasapl. eenttiudau4or lenbetchrs, eta l te one r o n mi meda lard! Wte - do es MetU:gi teueturd (Ott a .IAIa beut. ea:ofqnlaw. t $*pu ùî r shd rd t - eetfre er ow seh ex" the Nor-wWa wtrfor crace usveVa -I ten, teiu'yodvil pans offu jour owu grai , vllch Iabli rlad: t,11 enue mhaclutyti arguments against "Devins oved sevund "seneat, IlOS1ierm.lb ay3eal56el ay anitlwch are as old seTou lave non scrbesan7mY oung mca o!fI- et etase ims Mati-tPeyehloglcal Tht eOld tif ltais>a u>* bacjardprof olasui. effigeuco, enduit Irdruatter Abat "i esy .<,al Ij oüe mndt e, u Itre 1<8>oMÙ lleÏt Ivas a ed . iet me of tle imet la mn etonerVoi >fiSweglg3 eM u iti ý etpcurg q - e u ayunw==epmmtae oîsie*rb ave btbem SpStd, TeeZine-liued sinîs- are atr ioDn aidtuu deqpa r am Western oesdT e ci- mt __te >New York, vItre lbeladnéoacqumat- ecdeelparlicuîart-ypoverlu e standEurope, w e-onet wadaehusbsnd'à. -mt Lvie âim eoteu eehart suevihbeey~tite5iJ~i* ateepbï,mi hi mor-e elese affect.e imeonsus -eulio!'lie.eesinbe th corne u sud rive 1Mdet-e ton act êSe. sbuii e &r-moat-pIe M it u dng a dia- 0>.nliinaiDieluheaud-_______ {tc rei ýperbhape, 1 ohô* to tii-lance lu tueavere ctical En- bl iiln h oe mlyathde "-gl Iýg w» nolts tend te ei cesathe i0»(Itmie.TIhe eu Very n><jgt »miteru at.é r pue 10 ro».u ~ bsliving end tound kt .î'uss' die'.Der, a Ii-osu ne" rs. Ag tu j lis a~UPxte.Ide e o ltt uit te get au>' positon tlet le0va; T e ht.. Eu Races, an rd hve. fd~teQi5iWiiYado e twbt su "dam clcapable etf 111wn. Afîe nan>' vain et u t IoL sile ~an type luIcaale eof llglitbut 1h eau kic'z take a- roI81hlY beided batlugl Ïekk 50 gallons thuelour le.bet- forts .lu tue een be Mri liecipa a Lai h tejfftanY111119 imb en yen sl u nds'4e1 havitii alubtbe., à' tPt st frO i vlthte ugi t fa etule, sud u's vIiel« ,- rbe m ff .8 Have oyen Or du Ça ditinct, at a ll ofie ifla each, du e lsi ~4 il ta- ni>curh î but $3 lti eet 4 9Oi i th e' apure.~ te sar:graisetfl shape 7« 9. tsl m~l th hlewituot apial Pdedseemed to Justor tIsou u c et-btu tc n I pr.hIe upper suerfane t t îla " em*deari a i llâe withautuohetîlUg teoffe 4omàion Producl, POP prteal Isis M"H .m 0 e & d guM itin-'lq- *e'- t&-y.Iatos e Auml Boug e nmttdanI- Pente I or cr attacl a * cernet J meaneT bleu cd tego In sud eu ieir n aii d estO I i-dj.1!Ibsie nin EatAB - ver an th or erden ae bw e xiedcin taeine to a th unoi*th y ~ ppylmeutO et urrept Xmou LaIe, Imd.,wvIe la eoeking a hnsband, iilornaflu ii -ile-o ffa tde Wlv perula u i-n peint plu lis lité, for whcu le vent into,.e-t; all vela dvrThmdbrvu ua reen îe e Rttvl fl e ~wo-at eu jucthule texe vto ~ l.~ther a suique usinier. TIe New Yoi- Ieupitdll.Ttdei.t ti h te i cr ettel aid edolluemmd oand EDhumt i- llcr imebutip 5I fr pac ha iiec1an6t andHboen thet<jO art ad eu wuW ' Ma tou e ci t a ê iblé t Of i l ýa ltem 'lug t T UT'Ua i t er ei-nor l e" H . Id telle that A. W egeurtl, a coac& arpce, s d tc a n u cm 1 . uc deàu l e o e 1 e a U ] èw. b it hua nat re-ou i t tha l s erne . 1u t rid m e bat I ra e . S UP OIRInlit ra et e e t b ougrh tan t o W g e - o bl i a , s epoken lIat vith m e tle y qo aid rngusrii>ue bv~r-~~roui- oemntna lIedeptl> et he hean Europorn ggue thheettvitr uonyoneet 11mUPP-u île filovi*'tu-@0 »miwt hoil- ýffi-a de been en4tuh at aientbng mant bu ime taI te îgbi eOs a 4»owttediItiiviiic iipipe l. Iar (I chju wla -hebilu iteig t- Sf11>'boagee lto! Viun.t 1 lv tu ut vthit& pretty, dsfry maid, et Indisna, snd w ele. e odý et fitebeets 'a"takn Yla irle cdeimuliiiýude. 1a rea-Eno ean -sos ppulation 111e te get a youug laudseme lnsband. nw eue) wvIl euud tgefrte vent litas ecparn extau a àdwiid u e&e »tta dng u u5».5Ibu1 t a g r-d ast tu faccoat. Au' jel ih lutee eaniy Wil exç an ge hU,.Mss Mary et the eutiful vcrj tmdiWt, Use il 1 oé ntad1m t uh people, iK. ,ricodiesa yeunmnan!O lies Ii rnt ttt ltr- i eceSlvu aIkegIndv#itI cniumen Saeï, fastes àa dastér et __'»~ rodigal younnqman! O brelcu Ieaurted issl-mt;Uht iiclake oui- attention -Mi. Wegenoi-Ih atuhi las the egg, butIs mu uca tealunh eofm r rustor tim.> t . saser4 t. ce :jung man, ascou OI<man, 1 p* t szt bi:,le le a mai-ledmani, las neouefor 1h. a tew apers ost est. ho ose aide, »si BIblu -eal07 e th o aveles ir-uit joug rna,Icau=yn nndte yn oreu e 1thtc rdU7 business, sud viiiteck osét,et-0<the - briur vii s te the: Bybdee mud f ra j l avel hit"d. ateit. rieo, man ohu~. psiam t. cr- reo tve th iit ludain bwan t, îereylae , it 0 f eleved oses sud bave toli tuat the»r.e e litle he y, tt a mnme' Pi«L 1rjte..crrepnd i*ert Ihiu vu1v n.lseyeaewt on sabbadu àw_ . lmw.weaetheci... bedet r-en~cIu tht service II mw a gold aiwtmeh orthîe ~tl h ltu ons lnr. .vI tha.t Chist ver-id ruaarncd naid deeplj lmented Ioreiîsrum Kept lafi Gras. n Mst e am t ' b emanit ea UfWe O Nie oqkRsbSAeSerae tnet thé li budeiiu axi h talrallt IeBl.YnAIt le po»Miby ~hesrP' uuuleliitgor-1 Tht-nue et a5ers, sud> eh umm h"ve the w e tIoved,1uidit eb iCdil dé Isimlan '«le b .. omt19 Teeawn Isot. edigu-k cu 1fun te tl heutenthey viiibave iii W -NSevaj. That gold vtllehd Tt olvug"tti cdlg*oom.iei-e gr-ase la eifoeed ta ph>1w sud violets, tu fci»l *5v uio lr. < j ~g,>hi st nneeut appueslu au NltTeunOe- rnuete rfam moit inad oI fei-n'l.. >i-yauitujt 1* TW4 e'>eMeamnektM yenuev r- dey a ter da oin- set exlangre: 6"Ma-red 'aht.FIlEatatmIe ua gla is dose'no f y a; retdlu à m111e , and thé eo- I b cf, go 4ev Yeu testt i nn, «à"WÇi o, jq ~b.tt e.Wluaiue., Mr. Nobemia" ect uu vi r ound tirai thet naa *Te recerved V" mué tfavr. au longd meyonuef I 1cari, asu'datt, ien wI ssii DhtestonéMdBW _ib1ba Bonaid-ir.mots i-ln thon, ht suracIam ert ove! ~~~l 8h oi a5Sr ib#e lku10w. I aijyu ta kéop it vound up etone, lotI f etlntone.' Thuis in cet e lwhygo te r-ocac >tnrc sudnid L liedIt5 af hetoettua qtoes109 RddDr. uas- ig*a tientn la ldw~100mle oS- tuie ultte h l < r-y 4>y intar freemrug. h lu approved iimiue teS amd miem be<1ox0< 1. utles. aid j> Ybrkoe suda t eis- mlts mel o!land vté tltfte thb14à10t d %[w;i x atil lib it e la douW sud then heUai-t' e ultivatete ufaeesoli te thIe vidm e va* lIe Ms,. mJroctiot ehallaseans-frOanÎD bei- 0 te vSétefI leu OU, liMcannubai çl. udstne - 0< cent om uem.ase lIai Tbt lateti a ýobt. u l4ey u ak y11vii idUi .oqiaih"~ skl~a fvô<Ie.bi, i»m * t maicl, and ali se n la thaItavfi~ em of M geit - uueian wIo more tiri> t *5 tmernt.lu ar'lIeauruace. But theumizu. b OUIY eS atiet lad made tle viouai 'yuerb W-MM -etetrin1h Minlewloer fo t. indecth iitiis sbly hope for lin- and wu ai c Isd iilrest j0Tethe mianésuii oerthleîata le Qed 'kilt~*. ue co-m»M e wM muse theoiti»»twxawM a - < o r u t t e e tm e d a - l e n l e d r - e vw ' I a n s don te w l e l i bith l-as-te sW u mot Mach Uuaihoerçm, i II ï - à" M"bt tItIet e .i-.,ii-sldvanshiverdain a liasdortfues m»[sj bar. gie ost 1t 1ner5lprocesion t caoeMIlsdedne r__________ t, ut i la- _ ihe'e 1r-c 50%,0 at1 WqIttu- 2 j h4i nwee orme Taaphi the laIet lenUpe0- lu eau, iowè,o-ff 1 ".m porhifl~±e-a ruarin stir u* lobe mom feuulute > D r_ éi om .M e e el -'w Sý - -p itenmwe M.- ki -2 ly li sUt5-l eau bilgllY ecorn- Dr., YOWWee ,-ote Wldj lotaotpr-aise. ise~o- bal li>uN]0.plaintC. 4+ be. s On retI umlfDr; OFI. UMI gim t ii ast. kL*. lino *ot memdhowà* ale w*ore Swe uv.' lieingla aMedes Z *»waêbout lv. yeurgof ag. tn"abo&mmgr> 1vot. on l ia on. -Wýrquýmatesu mu 0.1 y min, ho goum m ls.. I etom vnt MW qlmi atho vuamuchele moaiil a, idbolus .ummoned m-uv "aOurI h11. boy hlIte pa'p. AUl atlenaton ma idoutors esnld do wu dé»mdiltheattaok pmned off, tut lb. golifm pdag whâi la Pterbero b. %< pi ie id viOL the. ai diures *49- &aela su.le tasutie dl.1 the gSa. sd. MnW he lb vai lIerosm a~lu . rllinibut vm a«v yack and only a oLmdov off bis ~ self.Douille .1 ve 0001d do b. mut geatmUai la til. uex4eapg.. MR buhbi on m: uçedg* m ethe oolthm Ü0 bai for Ibre. mentho, sud bis bsà,l vas dcmgomly ffed. 1118 ufuluguf mele.cdil vawu pilaite.je» m ,foodi-tehi.e MMUL. masOPIA q vau.. rn*. ua -Mdbli onset mftmie he * lU et-es orMdnthe Mm vhs. ~o ~dkg m âne ýsbd c#7 luy vhm he, go bai uùth '~o seprn~té seudsdne imtbepe*my eoli vEr nt fo - bits oury , 4 pesesut t. ubsugbut Pluk Pille, msud 1 &uusrn- :,U "ujmbumoiset thb. hisseo oefIiuohouepI. *wN~eWUD~a'»PIUkPilla.Thor pgi~~ ~~~ W * W0.abo.o sxbxe o eikss(a.,Be*eds. *Ont. J)o Moi i.~~t pUSéd tak* mou 5ubsits ~~~md ~~o the KO!NBcf1. i 4' v a' f4 "'I 4-)