r5 q nu huai yack- bei 9bO~ WOWIWS fia utie .1* id i. Mpm bat 1.-c',,. T, A ou 1111 l 19 'Huo? 1cm Ct ATI1 DEI muetf pal DRYING I oifgoodàq la sudRa Mai, Dot, 'NTA qohffl àa&9 ,, mi. T'ai ~cm gMe~ 810K NU poêltlvely cuueIltmtr LUitl*hoPre%" b&digstiofl and ToS Hea r tyý;. p,. wac renedy for. DCizzhsems*4auDe *& Dess, WadTust* fithe >oub, CoaltuIM Piin in the fSid; TOEPID LvWVIIqT Substitution Seyou get Cartes, Ask for, Cartes, Insist 'and demand Carters. Little Liver Pl S. ]IIDAY. OOTOBER 29. Iii. Dur.. vina 1 would net kmé.v Il I plu" d ou ou lb. cWtreet no long end longsud long q Arcithe d0i wiouvue =t@amut. Thot Isomvikc ouittc;bu That nov sud thi Itâiil Thstat athé u ie vmi wop éwethéSI. l 48 I,- thé.atlir lysspah. Sombdy =Ps4 on. My £Mve f Or ome sUkn"lout et doses t I osunot tell 1 Thème. èrc ghomeist ii l à bit of the lo"e list ocums a A.change 14eeh4. T h.o sada ,Purmera'Smutmclée ip th Prsent govrmmi ni Outat erlo f n i, ing gmbie - s m oler BktOlive Kout osanot be suid ta hive becs a caunu YThe suhcrplu ofooàdsmashilf millin. flui by Sandflold Madonald hbu long edmads. sappsid. smd au ladebtodueu eof ty Ive millions hbu bec. lucurrul The. scf mum of Sir Oliver.& tenu of poweruvau hie akilfal au n atrou«*. hh. somon~ b ha fa>mhb puerorocuastwwua. xxcmt. 'm .oiol icecierap.lecM134 t, be and ma.mois ho boRd tic sppisuto iln 1 tic excuilve sud ad.ltstùMst lEaemthéi Provinoc. clatrsue, hevae uoeonkii. orown attoina, nevu wousl, cobe &udf su 3M Wtao wod. gra. Re lnd saions. susulmu amiiapmtor trathemuelvea *«UnMelay of perd ionsoInieresimuti havébousm largly exortcd to kaep choir -patron in~oc WhB i Ollvcw hua« aouiultisoiv agents ilu ery puît oet1h provinos.. ho mm> ibly affostcdttd Ii.ldqiic aithe 1glulal ure by keeping before the .wubom *be e aof fiocs. Nov hat ho Is gonc li wuok et deotral!sallou muet bg u.faor ualcid povcî la01o0 dangevoflat. bmee bsiy thé poltiolane whowd1Ilf.Uow il. >' lb.paRt. clai*hio hvt oliowcd i OeNU la thé. cntrol of proviuakl afaira me ai mauteiiy, the people. Thep rdloke ic tocsskO sud vhoI1y okreoai vet l=1Mmeng a they p3 iprttcd ta driw hi l .1 misué protide for their fila ud «rlatIve. tich epia. aitic heprootace. àA. usaummt coime ton qulckly for tetic tbsuite09 Ontario. Tou ar.la VIOUM xLdlosl a*" osProveutliameupt if 0 Etsiy HuairdMi r.TaluteS Wi atnh. Arysvoit eof lie mfgtW? lI «Ibnca praina over tichest. dnoppi« l cnthroët sa uduaha eaae t n LReY lias ijuptoila! pr. APMuevahS *d nover disappolmte lu a cura $-pary'FunI1vu a «ieUM et niants oshsrk. I b.dtria mt uis c etma bei >"e ttai b biunices nf i dii but no au a ut. iela-bl!1I bai'Pnom"r sud sotd Dr. ,Aguev'a senu Tec "ht -aâppltoea avre M esimut tut relief, ailua aoruiilobly sout tiseI wus * baoluteiy aunai Ira1 tuibheslng ab N.Y. .Baud lby P. igm+.-1l. Tic ,Wbillby Qroulole sp a s unam.is et: "YeTui maania11Mm oe il mommt ud de our bout carultbut bmisa UW", ateait ul veuie mteumi a1' meut.. PaFr sMaMue., "ebeve dm 3Mi ihymo vii 'Io"&,, Mamif i Idalm eu" lmc the Me shymo uméla *My mm end mai ont pactri assa IvléilW"e afeord sa gput ptOMne abt mmamu% Rlràlag mUaes, asi li.*demilittle ume vie lm th e avay wetrai,101t01ic Min uik be appflcita ucunnial vn. .ta .e"i ual vrille ti,. tebwacmsnima wba tu la the. Ris. timtlate aIn, Mviu & Pasi yla maulu a xuIya «.la th. mo ea$% a ma sam.ndi$ Ide- have te ho subeali te tic ê romuSif UlItua, pIry(o.mii)f etC *0 tunersof paiig.amis.Wiy - r I m knov, but a ouut maby pmadq~S 'lm athitI le d" let aca iveSM fi h c'sev hcdlip u , , th vvoeciGoaiiy alibi fia*vu mmaies mmlj; ma tihe_ publIé 110010101at. a am - m b 101t 00lu*110 M te lav sud oem. a$nu 10.uiteAmiipi oss"ua a Esai labhi.aitials ky, a Lmi"-upoefs hmb..mcm -é pwwurmt. Ev i iQuma as mt Ila tehatf a homiy. 1oloclyté mîeovu 1..1hs EotlERU. 1 " M r. aLasa ob è anym asic. UN. Mva, mMost My evf tic..Ameia kt h"iai et Iguoaet le alvaje Thie &PPr«I&aU» «Thuk «To.." sO n ve, bel esc hunVt l60'5*1te set 'liii y..4"'Fil0as dva---W. Boh on b um aSsucHe 3ousat .44Ivendur snom lte If sans eopls'rèàmlly imov how l1111h et vistaë mma ths a éthé id. sud ilit.,1 eni how me*olis of-eotaaos ta tlba live Mdi es.iTice "Mimjodliyoe thhua elsic urnela mo c m taelvas1 iy eofftw. Ad*id bulie¶a "ih Ne soltia ibiauh oveve " ht, écmu m mau ullal.à 'mSma s' l. tas "ip#i. mauta m; té;iWquires bal*.1ev unuâti te I i. lt ut 1% ohtmn mi mci; i Mess e plibg »a m0ta tic rodomlv116 I. laccswas asevai fteJÎ lumia aature, ta.c-me«M-'A W"orde Uueuk4 e umov a% Bé e wv«sîl.Ir, il ameiasa amas la b. lut spa. tic peanse 16,ia il hianmbe&Mal *cxfèPà0tabas Dot bm lut spcn sM e«»0*W Wov u Ilst Il la omutaWmoleRst i pem nurnueveaTic mont etfsmetcquUsimousaitlathmni aue o»n vie dom S s 305sevice.But miesinsu cootrtyb juetg 'resiam tie large sevies lu resllty, vao .vcneck 'hIeesn'citaea1 voil villa la Rive etienhafMr "mun tiuga, À" ye lst veuld voie e ta day, ami.viiere, vouli vmof tmu bb mtfor the Uoartesicof* fli 1The meiratalm*$i ite vorth i bita 0 * It je lvW" vel te bave Uolut Tbnsiv of Mc eaiNveaiciut spart mus dey or ThmntkqhwigB ut Il veudhbcfer baller 9 a Met asuy ofum A m 'itic spiri0te dey tbe s ai e oua daya, Pcnpiea f va dlc e. Wsmi*#hi bave me . au t a b. thmiafl fer on Imkaalvlg ILsp* * De sot W% lie s*P" lcf i is stap vil igt- ta on Thagitimu day. Lot nae xtonitI; td au the le e l@ofy5taheii. ur, 1ticnepeople wiuuc ivas tcooun. W&M a oreciu a faver allthe bandaeaI amp coq, ne malter iov OaS15é ai bsopltmsUT lie votaIs 'Thack pou.' If thep alionli h vrilleRlot ua villa tien. Lot nemnet d.lay ti.i, but take ad-~ vauee oe insatant *heu aur huat lt' taucici. lât Ulineo ra Oimnk voua' id iy .evffbeiy--th5a5di of tis Anditic weld viii be s botter. Mihcisd happler plagela te Jju %bèomuesothia.," A WOKAN'8 TRI'UMPH muile h lvimvmlioaiébatpyvomOM *0 oei ohmgibpprofoala aloryeselu *t et»= d"pebonae, Vêt llier. asyb. ucua ph laVie deuil lie pawmoML byiln MmL J. Gernc.0f1vi "!h. msla mont ué»evagala tram bm ous ab«»uac Iailug-afcr aIo lb.osl.D"c humc t 0lois Of et a Mai. ef £aam"s ami eo"ic. bal jui le."S Ibm lausam@ pods tiai I ic" dy" iMvi iman Dya, aMd show- .iblmlatle@u o ileeivarî a.n Myv dm houes. ]34boueeity Aittei liai I vas rugit aoimg, Swoi vi Diamà iDyos. »y le teoaee, h ats avas lic beia o u vilm vot es, Md muat ycuuIeule, pch eondML" t t f2emavaSntsl. At * psmt a st ~Mmittt bisa .the maim'i elotm mus l - mi ho amb'ii " p b -----s à- bas"aWNlm timmc bý â m - >ý Ia iOlelclaimd1 Me lu a a m mm ci M, à- -h.m g.' viq~oi*k ~ w ~ ~ *w . -w-. as' IJ Twmmm, annu el ove TL" ,,Fm 14Vla il a , UAL12 b!u iumuwduuT'sNUMUA iA EATEE . 1005 tlai 501!, CLlS 1 M U;EoVm TPoo Bnos KEB - *k a»,cut n, lionmlFOUlSa bau toubel eruelu ntue I 7. buem al7icl 1iuorend luuicimperl*ee. Ibàt pivo auMv"Dti ii eov a 0a mav, long put a ui à"o e psbut ehcmmofai" MIle.pent -ene um e. 130e lbds 0,beta l» gdéhp V84 ue aruynm»sMasurla vugdbsibaat lm fow 1 liai meus bing a peami.lestbai grovalusb li ieoecpld uvslid, thon 1M1ofetbinai Ibu 111e sudvigr, hba uoui by lhe deati baed 09ol n n beelier.Tic Ppegs 0 thé psut li indeali.Paials basi ve t Imln beli1% reel liai bodei ei for lhe future; #su',litherer libaI lsw bina va ts aréad of ulseail, 1-malber s ikn trolie avI blcli nos of the loveielfl entuy ,avoi vithoul Qeod ort 0O-a 1v Itésamo about 1 iaow mot, lutIblietrong mm, wio esorcéel1Gai Md i gooebI a c0,omenatof vhiIl makoo orne ashdud to tbluk, essai tho vay for liaibuasum toboggan. vitii s temMbl airittgi dov oive, bltaI aislua102#8 utalihe, abpu 09 eteinl nigil. 130Wamy thouasai baye prammi a mother or theic, a viu, or chli. ta mai hem lu :Heavcu, sud bave touai ail lb. future morépCged toa Dev ovue, Y ly liI sc pledie? But 1his Mmspramlasi hil dylng broth horlaI he voM imehim lu beut If ever mitéetiae *"SOI aurlent- ug, a»V hésitation, lvau nove avaow, su "iniaual a« oreaSmaigoily = %iuduoziustci enlucaies agia U. monts, bedo» an mavet for aIL aud lIres moulu e&go ho pacaciaval 10 kecp big trysi Si. other aide oft ua "£re îicriuil@torultront the lipa of the 1d1bod s.find, &dun i t 1.1on ay spiritae .a o yïT rein. Ail day aboies et isrnea B3UT LIGET EAU 0Coma. Doma lie ibougit fli avo iii horrar ? jeass u te oued; y.. vould flot thuua lie Worth living vitieut nie aveol fîleudeiip, and la von ibis rookleu &Mola ro*pcllt, awtoL.Yet liere tla aspelo or eou»£ge a i deUuty lasucaaOumee; If pou santreal Il vitibetatf lie man via oicilabma hope et fanalimIvatita, vile ho make. a businesis of vulnibg lie, "image divine" oui ci tic foulaeaofilu feilowacu, by meano of lie diuk traffis, Il @ine@ by vay.aiot ompatlaon. Tii. BiraI, doome is owu coul; tie scond, makes a suah profit out of lie doom cf eibera. Tic moreo oe searhue Ihua lie ' he toue inwainon cit lii laffié Sud bains the dspthsa otmis.y la bieh il 1enhplg s bvictime, aBd lbe cire!. of deupsirinia flonde ina alles attacisi ta lie., tbe more ioea oni'@ bourt mai ea- "soeo rottagainal li e eina Snd heartîsus pIes. adtenoei an li ioalf. Tsars egahouven lilgbilwua dim. tlier wcrra gooi mou lu the liquor business ani opilibi I%. Tioes aretl. 1kind-bhaut- ad goerous people ditlag viii Ibis tidedly ie, but viii thé nooaday inow. k ledue-of 1897 vsasaucot belleve Ontauio 10 la edulakaei.tor one drink *volo- ItS crmno f î dlastrous resolts of e 'l rais, or quit@ blini ta thcehadev cf Sls oominc anltilofl. The ligit Ès breaiai la on every aide. k'-aii Dow te gon, but Nual Day'. lie v asa seson aitvw" toen ilosam laer etamt e e iadîiProibtiou lé 'àuulvc<Sl isi Ise vitilime. voeab kt s tin the o. ieald it if trn B~~u»i Ti ieMe l teeef oqmi «I *mato * um ulg e=@Ma' i *d th*bo ,lwtm# lae *6 s e Im ALI mass a-a0bonma@*at body. I il ta.- mms et.. li i.bv MBe tésè t. uras émue ut ir a Mu@ Mec. lom la laM4Inmezloioi8. togelie.' i n d thl e * aii qu la .a ."ep li0en v viiso.' o lrt pg.sluboit p li . eu m WBv.pem Du uli su1irudoà1 msklug thc ammu mIa liaiO tisffule iff M bcep la ,li lieom Ciy amd tatceav" 1 ve bave lsicalc li tram lIa Most paient bus of"a neocli= aul.ikve Isieoi bas beea moverci or et péoo, viens is wouli hb ave amous Goi. T i s ai. not a ra lesé, buet af a desade hma beau .vavm a OMlI .! la ise - w - ~Ib.elqu1 bugucailes. ~hollc~ * * oud la o e- lusu viii Si lic lb,b 'a*uocia. I easgl of 'l.jiman xt. ve baui bimve e ladObyblI$ t1ev Oidets -teKlidm .P udmr ebokr. SiCstempéor i t bave ieW. W hutîhe SOt GI, is ehesp 01 Petersud -lie ailier pealler lis dey ai POumaos, lC n ogr osiac aaet vilsTrul vciciicbui op- On lia e ople uni bre th ssd ii auiborile iésp cl @aveba iecie SW. lbave beugit oxpcueSdoary, lieneorili lot us rema ber list lie c ove.matembg Po vili vhcm, vo muat 0k#@p lu" IM vauli ever oeé prohiition, la lie of Nstions, lua -Wuo issi. oiu f"hn TEm ONt Hl Ta laie up, n. ade ,the coauremose of thé poit vinlor va b. unnoeusar bemuet thé vii publWcty slresip giron lieu,,sud , Id te Impossibe aving tho limitaeo 0peots ls, the prcsdent'a anbs rosasoapposai ta bo a ohionlole et t yes aippsaugsL Vievai ltrougi tom rnceglssasa, vs muai t"a oirisi que basivurd, Whou vo met aI t s, jem]Pambroke, we veto lu posesulo f84liai ulalls privy sommel eUdhi W. bai becs gîaolnmlp elu Premier Bard peulsi aver a oser Igu) la fom*of teusuntliRgistla-Er Olive ovta' prem ad thlispluilu allem.dtiY-had i» ben llvei viuibont sacot aicmnt. We bai aullinsi aver 18 umeaiments te lie proeant liseuse lav, ani ere avait. I IIng romulla viii dup mecrunid à ttemblg hope. Wooli lie germt be tut soumriiug ltie pattera? it 31Olivertkowai'O larme iU uomebat*indlaiele iureacula, loa given hope af su ample robe, ani premir sarides umplia of blsPie- deues ' ilihos b ai amlafiraoi 1h51i hope. Tihelieues mol. Govermsat Oarguas vire luli af iampenuhsrso. but vies lie poor lituo amift odléIa% Rani, pro- poaia laagala aéire ' th es rtpro- ibi"onSntiment a ofmphduelua baby robe, vas tmci Ont thélielbs Istivovon sbop. vs le»ur on1416 riyeed, nue-thu S ani hla question, but ou lhc proalasMd plsafcieuaua ap bia iai lu-maivs e r. blterIY O0»ebundreld il nry Race Rieuas- ve, mi moi men etio l iriy.adi seboou; lme, asuexpecici, re bch s«Mary drugglowts estolons ual ves mlot - Moussé Ouireléuca, but veolu. oludel l sligéOuerdeateto'1i08, M reporte& b p ffl 1b uuai provids fclo eriéulg iUn Oumbte r iSeec, ba.poeei iv sncb vezatioci j eamdiong su te mae licao appies of I Soi. .Ton asid oyen nialu 1 von o'looi eloming. cur.d t1w,5 Osais. gDxZ Âge..'. OlatMe% rit el lo» dsueiy Mdeai ves halb.ut ilium, pl.,aci oal 0 plsaorle l, Il la C e un qdnbg mi àbMet amaUic amc uetdma1 fmby humais. 36 orna, . lad ',?. Kaigmu -l -îL WWVrla. (0..2ht1 immo; oumelliai a, Bunrvo PsmmSoeten01Grqbaisud-Hoa mi moumigal!mai sumune ersrs""cietlis evmal viul ldbqmk A" - aâs - hi ~ bÊ 1" m sim gmua mmoicut M!U ONADY!UU oi-m»w«beddl4Mddmod *=*tntýw iff*- MR ana e.uc" iSi l Edt w a. 0 -*o**, i 0 là ifs 1 ai UAL otes laSM eamie EaU, k Na block, *e tàhriThumay ai LibsMaL 1è. ma. i. elk iii msS i-à" Pamcy 0oMaima.b. la meas' .bsé . . MiO asIuswot.rg lavas t M& fl Ku a smu ,ffuetsosoa Bouds ausai m Su snt. EaU, ov OU vu'msioetDoululos Bmnk. J. W. Wallace W.;IR. IL Bon., b.d. i8ecreiary. humBSnLoemBskel4 No. 8% MMono &Mi am zit ondau oE i hmoSti la TrueeBine -- lest @bu% , vér UIskW@sI l st.E Vos. ls, sse »Otuii IAMuMv 1098E3,m Ls Giaoulg uidnot mmu*BS M M Mtialti Tuuday OR m mli. tu the Ttu ue bon, eOmar c EAU iMa in- Mgifgaont4 «« er Elsokaicis iw.Mm nomi wonsMrtg. Ww*tiphdNoires; un. '.A&. . LassaN. 5=-,'fixaS cl ird"hdby asai" MM*la '% Rock. Er. John L 0.0. if., vo. u18cmesa'evu Emisy stusla, lrtos's block. EM! WlammUOaeetsr. 0O 0.1.P Emoe Uat1w, Ne.lu. Loyal Lyc t" Vd»Y. om l iemPrenuiasBoy.' hall. let ami Ucd !ussdq aoi "moathW. EcWaftsra, ,e1 la B*lirme BRue hall.Omof £Mlet aoi- Osmbeiiip ons., aoi rBlakwell'asMom, on ths saami cati LourtiTcesdy of -ehmoiti. vlitg bribm moale aMa"# aiaM. E. A. L. 0. yomnama, msais l a 8 .0.I i. a, amer a! Kos Md OmbrItigOvui-ta, "la it 9 ve mmath.i. E. NuGoaL, 08Thm . .g iweca sSetssa. lam ou lamm No, 10, masbSaMfi ud cti lAr Tousais af usai monti la bak4r'.hock. Uri go"n WSY' Ssetay. Ion~~r«p asu-GaplaCmp, No0. £0, usais touob IRdeteSm mli, aAmodiation lotoi oba Euejm a, MLi ENe.U1,UOSUU m i os eem o. *~c'esi aBB a calias Kil, ovw Ulm EV RMsets aoi Md M2hmmiiil Ora BU,ooe Vodi.'otan. W. J.Ml IovA&AmmU Il noi. oul, sisnom tihesoatiand kurtiTuss&yuloi momti La Viola'bloolr. AIf.I Naoiis, oe»wetar . 0. 0. 1.-comallaOrlw ai09ous FrYimada gaulssasm BM adi 111h Tut ci oi "montA lMromig - atm tn' Iutti Kaunsa ar lUE Necoamxa, Llama7 TEt lNo. Ms, motuetBS 'Pausi e ai'hall.,««Oum=%ns' masti. Tvidentf beetrea 'wyuveeltu Vu. Eaaiiws. sommandet; W. . reuweIl, Uts, OiulaY.P.mfUalay. 4.16 p... ise. * mus alla Swd50m5.-A. Isakion. eau-aM. W. CL . le. mmes hiWedasdofay 1 on*aSu ouSy. K.O. tromab UP... »MomU0 m ai Laaaollve PAremosut la MW.S LIbo Hall eyatenucê had jepi.10 Vop..pi. S. uNasnuSomty. lm mmflm W-LOOOOia a mt làk &0.1.I. Ellr a ofNenMd alabuidga ob«M' vealgwnmes Tiuuolay oeus bc mai ý ? oLss Prat, o ta lgm *0 S em mitour* 5ma,~ @Mêe *a. oý merW. La.'Imm". anB rêsot iUlra *~ ~~ IeLk obe4i, NiaIse NlMa A. Derùy OIMÂETTES Ots. P., Package. " ~ viorates the whole system s0 that the nutrimenti s ail drawu fronu the food. It takes just thre sane trouble to care for a cow when ulie gives only threc quarts as when she gives ýa plDlck's Blood Purifier wil pay backc Its cost wlth good f.terestla a. tow weeks. LiEU 1KGi, M-ILES 60-., DoCEN TS 01CR &Co., BÂRGAINS.. Âfter anDual stocktaking there are a number of RKemnanLt S AND ineey eaîmn hd r ingElae 's Iargain PrIces. Take a look overlaur BARGAIN TABLES this week, We havae decided to go ont CLOTHINGI andare Sacrifioding Prioes iný Men's Suits, Ohildren's Suits, Overcoats and. Pants, TO CLEÂR OUT THE STOCK. Yen eau save money by- buying while tbis clearing ont sale la on. OAKWOOD. 1579-1 il-sot w. CUBIES ORB3US, 9 RICA DYSENTE&It, Ad at UIM R COUPLAII.3, ai obidruti or. Adultr. M5CR. 38r- e Setters f tatloaz. Loada the pr«olax umnaceWork. lh. cauniy. rin. umeyMi Vi, Sa1 Goacl. NMa. Vilgt. Qui»,yh t . WOOML- Tbe OamiapilagO.u em orujual ais, otJ.NeladhmOrahot ar, ooi m m o Rmeamblsail. ' li as.ulebot vaien.yd F" 0 m lm n bi n w mnvoIL .Vaê ~.a ~ huosiIisca batbt a aier, ooti. io o a , 1 rmal.m m ot r d M. u - m y otal o iïîvo hmré.8s:sm O mt looaaD. ~vss. au»,sv;terlu, ial. NUIt(Nob S bSi, Oaa.COiusUua, bawatrlsu ar Woeo& Gana.EshaisShaé.I Sany aiait mi.E.D.ThextasLua ai&IeLiliOO lalbud ai1Mm v M aisOcI t Hue, mybot air, Sda. hna S. ou. 1 sa'h ,eoL. M O lti OrasY h lari r ouL bai hoaéiut-ool. wmaeaoL I Jhn ,Dsaatl Ag.a mHU bot abi 0,84oal. u oltonk n hums ot tr, goal. Un ou., lai au à*ukii. C.!. b seoGar ot Mh!a, osa8. àùm suâa. bn bi OOLceD. LmOaurmbt hi ciODSL Dv.Pui, Omo baMtw . E"&i Kyumet ot ar ol Wàk ,*ias. Sost atrebo , bvais , om a t Vt .KILuas, sé'.hot air, cas!. ILýX Miciýbtt' lici B S o vater cobisum. hi.. . LamW. ae»y bot vais, ece0. B S t aSt i . *@& bot, ti irao! UseZ.MrUn hm bei 4* v ei Eà"hemS re lo a t, 0cu. Juin~qk, bai wum. - ute, saihotli vaer, eceL. btIÉ4, vasa. Sgfaii rff bt vaSe, ocnt M e mr feltiarshuvin a MmfI a bm auimap»k"bmo. aen&lOS 31 à IbLsni e.esItua ne u ui Minou -as Icu is."NuEssW lai.-*.-. .t.sf mùisg yoî Md Ps70 MMe absl ke o? u oui, Umct uliSe a comfêmu! ! WÂBDF~U The Flow: of MiIk wIl be Increased.i Wh lg o ws aldte toule aoft hai the milk they should produoe. iIWKS BLOOT) PURIFIER