HOW ABOUT PEt OH ILD REN'S EYES Sohoolmancstatpplai. jorim mo re. 7 AÂW liiocam ay -prevont dm tram vearing glasau i"tmr Hf* itl cotnohngto bavOthe eUS examined. le ay caseaguuid"t if they are mot ozaaiined. We are orefi mdcumt in ý» mad mout. omfbeorla le .t 1purse. Eamzalloq B~1To~P~là Jewelieras Llidq. 'WEST END PmaarGoal aa * Dry gHarcwdvoo, Long md shw t; . olar.Stove, Nulent 1 Osd S aimath ebotBlatmmiih 0011 la ethe markei.. PreahLlme, Driù Tilt and SeVer Pipe A Lfu lias Of Lumber ana hiagi for Bttildeiu EIVerytlagup te datesand Primcot muil the ilusu Ulve u a o&IL Teleplama. Si, RBRYANB*&cos MONET TO LOiN. fuMEL AllN iSTEU, oloudm & v Mohlage u M M ou -b bwrâ 09 ,MlIab. boowu. Uie d mmot Dominion EuMd iLma"@*ou. O0a"oumoa bhum m me i. tu iiue nave Yom laqutaitauisOur.psbal% mi. mus mot? ord eur nem y -I8-Iy.0. IL. vDI1ale, um 0*@&Bi FRIDAY, OCTOBEIR 29,.1897. io eu mrs Maaueethbug# A uiamoue sasmsu; à union, 01 bounm Md a U"l et là"i NEGd2'75 NI 2 u QiT1o,. In lu .,. sphère luta'uma lifte eximi negative oharct.ue. ,T.he Caaio * uilla té Do, exco to te oaboie * Some lulme ugo, irwg aMi previom t thé Juil.,tlhé 48tb HWludm c Toronto., vwtîh ommendlablepuos Over ta England a pIoked team te oupsa' Ilu certain miftairy oompetlons. *El» thaazgh h. venture bi Cigi imtsut _70te shouhi the 48th regimnme Ocs a Mon, retelvgroe et odilefrei aul Oam ians fer hoir fiarleua all.Be i tor tthe pimok ln rainimg a&#dgCaux,1 adai dthe tactthai th.yvi oêm r cmafl, emi, et r e u t m ir Y veypaie et Qiose Erliaa suti "D184- iCaai.ahouli a nosimta tuo bh.mmis orival, Whovoeujm from eh.ipt rhm hff a? o "W4uLL DONS GALLA" ,48ruMoauum Woocjsous mini.oo k aivamisu et j.aeu jurl n i sugi m«t t. bamb thevlsory dtriuph fto Rwdm * e.. Saabnatures are lm ho despisdam plied. on jubiles day the GiGevmesalW vooi Ouar&a, Cough teesieav asud eook puart h. ev"eof I f ooasln.The tau eth"asà" ohmONas umforam soctoue mmnsoklisi vie 10761anloalte6 Canada aM hé bdei Whbe n naiybolui000"su umate d mi dis- fer eh. ais .hie, .Md vi vi o t MM pmable *" aem irem .01gbvklt C. gammo lseslisehb directe uthe of ime .mial Gmme la.,enptli e hi.ei«Cie gaiMe. At Amouàm 04the od e S pailv' é te .jubiles, Ches nmu", put Wb IlléeMajesîy aiios0 0" strou aul puw ts*6 t j offma tWi~ k Ih nomfier*$0amime i.1tb amw1nhami.ihsvOm Mt ât t .i ta les" d viiiBaliki olile eh h aast loib e OM 0618 luth ua gas ii t vu aa Vhbm m mGam fuili buIM t"i ov. vitsbma UmNse m Y mias v111g.t B. Camailm Masom due hauiélps ami fague bav. es.e q MI - -la e9. mmed otir matss, Md Mot mepaiusi pbr. vy bm vlBk *1. bwm d *Bd" 11mbempli. Th@ là" Rebw" Ofim;u usra me? isa mmU lahte Bsetor mmovaMid1«4 gots asoughs M lp, ami d'e d"a. hi mis main Aof agak" Mm o- h)-i , eva agolusith* mml; fn erDt een eh. faum maai of Kmsapbcmadl bis 10,00Gu.m bouh nu mmi mam b llcsieiiff modluil mmli..ascamadkanofet *0.iaybane gorssu, -mta b ls u mimm ...l al eoir éàm té ov -~~bd algb aiBs Qrîm *9ee 11th@dre vlih ap& ues - uu the humn m g Bai lete uli auk mai hase sixneofhi be. aama ids M ibeob Wklpi, Qysa mit aes e, dia oai e tthe.ib M"et ehiwmtoom the -thGaida m iMy 8 me etaOuaa,,ehai6m enewai mief th* bai vs othé banfomt fo188 " ..uh.odi os cou. t"Vdayàs' ouce, iqi ai shal vlinu e 11k. aoî.g imaia iàuiet th tborm or acorlo- tre lm héânt» gcu e roadptheltenu v, as as eh. AftAeri"..ho anm he cvaiti.... bor e. marnas*fo ma.é etuposmtIon mhai anilnaveua mès fothMd uxanug bofox.for 1 . ua ao» «OMh. bto pe ai Wai"--o aud bila taseu rmenthe fwon e*.mtaim 4édbo fsBiean om'tar e mrabheI. h Pteo umi of erth. ld vh ,11hmaion, h 8umlla vir ni l hte mt utu ag ami i s.he G rv i itl by Utleusm r heram.u.mlmgan o ofui 0 amibx" al1k ai Its olet tho ib ienth ulto temt.G.i. OU PàtitfN» îACNortSHOP OLMAY IN 2'IOUBRLI. Reabo mstelapWhoai cit grea0 onut, as bmliosmali ai th. .weciag et a pit ady frIsa t. a piotesiami leryan k a Ki ngetam protsiemnechurI. Cor <oid bi Ambrohlep Oiewy on learng et 0 t aoism oitsu Saow avih a cx ub o ép&ot"csal eitr" ou de4mulâg snob onduit aM hovlng thbi 0 I à ontiry te te.dogmofs et erenia caiholi. sk -"e s * ttiendproteseant emabrriegrqe rfunaumis, exortlmrvls. te vilt 0lmt a oherches.The s<ood l1arcbbiabop Item tuiin midpomevejy for"li a recurrsu e t aMy suai Imnt. Ami ihereat oue protestau anaMIy madiabdlog m.&,Semo jeoumbapowe g or' Ris Grasoeas &b, meeating that h l 14 MdtbatuhaIIho l ouamd 4 b hk spuh4 u..Th. ouralvui v tuo à Mbai--v. have laimas ailume ixii sp meatiy-*atum. voxi et osmm» spl to e auluyvl deir why bsuli4"éb,.omi Il ai patins bau INA*e k0" B biim Ntý orB tllh.e. rohhih-q sla th dabb mmisA"&*haa r ~ ~ ~ h en*taevaiba a p.oef B. learnu h tavoua * i *0 pisléeai"Mnai wn boa P1. > auwesh.e of ah .am nMM a-m btu »el,iah. ieu AR.IMgigtSi l but~~nmm - rWss owa tussf ' 1 ik ai, . ii. Th oeu" De,~~~~~ maos- uI Simm ami tM oa mIe tiqaea tls lici vet h. popes -ma to pu" h amydostnisaoihn i" e 0Mas hlm a" * pums.ébis siuha dosoke ka Im&eulx.ty... T'he me»demuappeukla meib OiNu Y ozorLto vri Ab m, sio x eetoro emom taibm persnefaiWn. Lo.beough cf Oakvod ham boomappolmtei la 148"1a. Te eh. ref otn Party th. eeg amsrilyboeicoau neocmnale oomiplkng. lniei, Me. lovsabsucO Sa fair, aveage olilun, butho bu m groater abliuy tet ast uevoribm hunmi e bohr nerms sib tis ooay. HmamdeciIon fox the placeévas due to hi. baving on iveoconu mbu. a andidats for pasiammtawyhomosand loau dot st- ai., aimaiYam euh.. for mer ouold have be boomblmd sais slarge najorluls. ami scors et refSeesu<o -or dîne, anid eeiaofetusmor- molmey eh." dliMr, Lensbrougm. As mury reformera bave Oab ml:" vorked ai bard durm« hos. ulseolns as di Mr. ILovnohough; 1 polimil my s«- pen088 ses scuand mioèhnvl.s; tho. at0t..e. oeaticuIjut uy hai d d my pooket t*0par oI eh.bis onbtois by Mur. Lovnabrouoh ami te.Party. and mmay aMother reformert dlte.MM. Whenln la Mr. Lovnabwougb, uhoefraei, mneiid éùaonuld.xatlon over am orne of scoras etfnu. IndoMti" sY lubsie a4 ""Mx. Lovnabxaugbla dsboito eh.epaie .for glvlmg hlm mxoumenS ami Moi th. Party bis debtor." IRMI r0formers are desply-lmnscd, boa, et te. lan. aioptei te ibvait scoi wotkem as.Elam Baves, Job. 1y.Oam. log% Theomas Blok, 0. chleuhh, w. gevare, W. Neodl.r, W. Y. OBoJIs, Janes Eaui, WM Canoa, IL Yom, D). Soully mai othors havu ma ga laina te consldsratloa am badi x. Lovabouh.> Bat tshai laEth. Party that deftbartalsli fabliruese oh cotch provsrb, 1"O . a noboheup amiblav." Thoy.osadoeih- wsly hOciwluk theix frisai. botter bhauamy Ot f mon who havs appa"M lu publia lit. for agmu. Wh.uher te. PovOr l» ieu th e.ring or th. tauii wlth thes icolvedl h e.question. 0f ibis the refouna ring mal ruti assursd, very aany et their on. une felleveisbave thoelSs vii. open te the syseen- and an folloven no longer. Petson*ly, thia journal cangraulaesi Mr. Lovasbxough on h.comlna coflecor, though tb.èrs auny vho bileve thone oouii havs beau av* or six botter, cbolcem made, by te.pawiy trom ubeir vekw Y.u, Mr. Lovnmluuogh shei uaks aU i"oncollecter. Thor* l.a isoual tournai -The Miti. -Gantes-pmbllahii la menurea, vbase idltAr billev ive hmesita "sme- viai oupsilor persa" vl.wsi througb bis ewn mihiary pectales .1 Iappeau. the efoser commandimg the 45tb4 VA WivuI aSmmny*cihor, bus haurim *0. dsphsursofete.Puantamu jox Whe .its ibat, la MMuy rempecs, var goid journaL. Thse ffenos of CoI. Hugbe m la hlm havW i.. u lathke. ibus pro pioceion aMi recsv is u.4.mmavlig vlni» mm tU ram OCUW1va, . he.ple. prie 0,et B.Qasss, hemgh mpaum t. bave exbamesi eveiypassible u -of rligkt. ojubiW prousom m uepsvisgt»i oomqum.m be e m*W~~ haIo iatta is .desimi . pw *0 epaulam1s "mi umss - n ;z a-& is, oumskm aiee. la rume il elft ohrvî. eh." àhEPhe lmàg k atsa kLoudom paism-ths Bd« s~govermeut cm màsa aemifa asW. combek, hM voel ud mi ae uaoMM h4ogbly iieug h e f lbBd" Pl cg -s neé mi Mr Vi spell asssu M»klB. aplatim of Mr utasklaehoclaamuof a ~ ~ O ouis apr mis on"~~T* avion ib tu Md b wmi ilm Tb 0mb ou oW Wsc .1*0Sa-- vio"bs*0eMJO usd I ml t i mtai mcci. lis 0»tbreu b lbfS vbu The oat«e mla stiu The mcii amblo Oci sfevra pe le, jmdgfor h. B. mj".l Wsh Mde letvas Euse «ba Oh , vu. s auto *0 s Vqa" shit This m4 a * maokt W*her ey ma sg a I WlTh o» g b i.yd Ho.» sot cias eh7 ey teu.t ib...mhe ivhm Wl **W1- aie. bu ns, I Om Tond kihaéisa.m oocci.mmsd ouuter. 1 siokci a16wmo mmi ppei 11ovw" iran Isaside tB. ethie ovu inimitable daisies as msmomio et the là"ie Bobbl's ens epiMpb tfS là Mt on ée.tombe bueB mm ipevd oce's à s §The po aalaebl Wui q"lckt. ema"mi *0kSe Soa m ay'm i ts I *0i h.pole, lu le. purut- Kuev, pruden% t, autl. sfcmtrol la vision'. roc& " Learmg eh. "gaceoetBai. mi hi. tamiy, allexvievheunl. ommba, te. ob..rvatory, ltbo Xlthtami ail duseoe lutterat in Mam ra iDumfris, I r. ,P#lrsi te the eh Qlobe hotél where Roîhi. vas vonu to q.emd ltu taomuai et bi lm"$. Thsn a84 exhlb là obs ld chair, drinklng havi,ami mamy oeh. relies,,onuoe eet t4 evla eines.le Mome wrlilngai U MalIo la th ke.poetI an baiud. Oni e lumnmbsue Gîa bdy mis a léWal l inna" do but hrm.", I askid -the.hamng bMy ho pokesi lu ont te me S v W" a.ibis"ulitlmg fias the tain,"bue 1 have asly aau" recoliaeom 0et*0tAe -i. ~r as »Oinm premaosvus maie. Withitn 0oleain aime ummmtas et Boin.eI1ashi me mecbantéaih.oa»Y tucli foxrmal. "'NaBumaslaeisai amgr th=n a hunirsi yun &« 1i I vauthim mas malt o' hlm"WU '9ew.disciple et l a àmlgbty il"ecorps." suradite saues bi. aMi h. loekuied ni et. he gbes The groat &muka poiàs. Vedon e anlvom.arofet h.aelspoes b hrth- dayoucam. ymimd: "AÀ spiri bass bisoon io slght A faim cf"mt Maidb WOoome b..aim t a reoi elmisO Dow ostam, hs. hbumdîet *ausortib. Mmtii f e'b ana4ebie 1~si aW ui4~mnuv, EL hhv 1wur- - - qfl h buua~busisasi ald, mmmli cis psq h *$mJielk Stmmi ýell az mi L~~"~' sma i0apekm ~s4.4 Oofismi bWa; a sua" the m e- ai- ev i umf t.adjg i W.~eIomlis.nuis..l Ihm, i. usis nb"Dt4b.upu Imm Md 6., lut. aw O uyb asmIsèsiibuftheiclboomWu. asus nd~M"ni avi bu" ~J "Mx vula. f a k w.,et isé< fg a"t-i viii. h..n «»M &e. b troeuv i se asuui,Ibus .11 deskmg ai eh. ungart klhemmd hi. W*bImmh fal'wuet s. t a"aeORa. mis.." k el vil. ahovTe. hu11m i h. roommd ih bud wte mfeh. y.. eOm uin boy dat. ball lUt. ImvihIsrommeea,,ty 8i0.. b. gAsel. Au si.M viile leh tuk L" btir eh.lSdiom eur. ho" ofcetth omfanaitohéla" amlly th eol *1.sangbO vm t d.Mi..& lut 1 ai Osai k vmm tbelr.magu.e savn se ffuàM ai la a0. ýý ammà te uat.dh.ft km nac f thé giaro"W anaomilng co.ld. t" 'butday luart coli ni i oaet »Ver u Dea," cx l'h n. a mai4. et 4 o» "Tse gave berAyx Staeway bxuhe of etheal dmov dt Seuths.esm .n ot ote fromh th e y aiou ftui ump veus pI Wbo buebi ovi e hinasif c&M igbut m &atl gandehsng. The a-dnhumib to3aM Doever vrais4The wod., blolad Usait of 4weh. Aa.gfmiloraowothe 6h. ml r avi hebuoe bvel.- vins b l.aemba uat mtatel frio éba n .o. Who be baihai ardetay!.' The -1w élc.g te. atin7y'. aidé Ba" ath e. meklngcannon. Brai. boîrs fxom Sevrauram d Ami trou te bh no' Shannen."ldl "'They nsag etlovc sami net et am., Foigot vas Brit0nns gloy- Bahboarb resaflo a dlfferant mmre But mil sang "Anal auri." "4And Irish NOtam ye an dmn Who smofe 'Mui Lus"U I4"Oh aeliis teyour hememi rui Yomr eruth emi valor boaag The heavsiran th. tender.. e, The loving ane thedarlng." Relikg cote. metful fAr oappei bhi overloekln1 the dellmbtual watersof Baam ksa lkla taahop., ifft Victria, ta this osty, rsslis Captain Wn. WOI814a Culmean vetoran. Cape. We.ab bslo.gei t.e h. oM mm of airi"Landon" ai vbom te.doige«ouver o muted »shors kaB.mCrlmes i Vas Id. good foutuns to be giea iomrnmi eofN o. 1 gua battery. At nlghté, afin ebrthiegmand dangers of te day, the embrasuresothe esamo von esioo, anithe min ire ailte. ourps gathirsi la the batrlo.ami peu"s *0. heurs-làsogiagsnom, splnalngyawS§ vrWabg letsis ste. This mlghi a fine, yomn flle., ai bo mat on te.cmn carlag. la Oapt. Whs bâtlewybai san %SAm-islau"." aMd, forsa*encoehaî bogua moeha', i.hou aaesll te Raglansbouai tbrouth ée. mbuasrs doxl 2" tor e gslant alm.t.e soi& As bis urades pete bu hg ie ramim te so.g "Asmia Laurle,'bogus 1 the brav taiov vu. cugit up nmomp te. top for amsu adens i0s lopsm iiaway evinhmgh.,MOU1 bule «" Bd"h Im tUPI. e. ayaiUMMylMdupm Bai baulis bascupoi .Iat »MbsILI. tariklve Mmi buf u oisi l Mver m ai ai u*n17 tyeuseiwbla y a lus lamai. j -LX You eau.Kep Upto Date. ..---S BJTI4~Yeu R-. Nanties, Drees Goode Olothing and Purs En [W. MGAFFEY. LADIES', .MISSES' ANI;D.CHILDRE' MANTLES AND COATS Our Ladies'Blak and Clored (iboth Mantles commence at $2.50 for nie sightiy.goodm, in pie rangià from $3.00 to $7.OO., We show a la rge range. Thon they upward move titi $20.,00 is reacheti. You are tboroughlv volcome te me these itooda at any ime . You wili Possibly say with othersi thaà our amorimont in moat complet6, in miny féatures not euvpassed. Ladies' Capes, with the nov brick from 82.50, 8.3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 bo '815.00; atsm haudome Fur lined goode thit îhouId interest you. Racoon Ceai., ÂiAoîha Jackets, for Lidies-of ail sizes, wilth an assortment of Capes, Caponnes, CollarsRaifs andi Tîes. In the newes.t and choicest Furs. Tho udlistUve featur e eteuu, lo the nierange,0f etmedium'. prices, Heavy Tweed:Rffects iSo, 18c, 20c,,25'r. A omplote spread of ahades st 25c, 30c, 95c; both in Serge and Broche designa W. bave another sbipt ùent of these verv desira!le -PàiidsR at 10c. for cbildren and hougewear; very prtfty Târtans 25a, 350, 50,-, 60e. Our Black andi Cuored Serges are c.>mpler.e in- foibowingc, lr -oa Myrtie, Sea, Navy Bliae, Pink; Light Grepen, Ci'rdînai1, and several de8ignh in Black at 25c, al vool, andi pomibly tvo luches wider than usuaIly sold at 25c. Black and Coloreti Cashmere are more in demnd than ever. Our Blacksata 20c, 25c, 30e, 35c. aboulti b.umen andi bandied to te oappreciated. Our Trimmings are se. variMait~t yS n match. almost any sihade in either braid, je or bidemomt effeels Litaum' m laa'DsursGu. LaW dies atiOdren'. Ooored Cashmere Gloves at 10c Blaok Cashmere Glores 150, 200, 25C. W001 I Govesai 200, 25b$ 3Oc. Blackand Colord.Kid Glove. SOc, 75ç, 81.00, $1.25; a fine range cf Ladies' and Gentlemen's, suitable feri weddingý reoeptlon vea!r. Ladies' Wool Rase, extra beavy, 20c. a pair. LàdiWs Ribbed Wool Hae, 25&. a pair.. Ladies Ribbui Cashmere Hose, 25e a Pair. Childrem'm lOoj, l2e V18e, o,22c, la Wool and C ashmere, ribbed. Grand value 1. LadUe.'and hildren's. Flannoiette Night Gowns, Chemise and Dravra indm 2.sS3. 4, 5,6'7,8.. LÂDIU AND CM(IHLDRRN'4 KNITTED. UNDERWE AR- Veste 10, 1* 5%26 25é, 45c, 50%, are al ,specials in these grades. DravoraOoimuiloand. Btoogers TABLE INEN 18 A ftTURE EERE-. 20, 2s,'3, 3 l1mbleaohsti, and 45. 50, 60, 75 inch pure 'white; a very extra specla MENS OAE>IQA. 5% Ie, 1.0, SIO, -1.50. ME!W DýPRWXAR »l,c c 8c0, Ué~5.,6e ]FLANCI M3ic44e, Ss, O6e.,% 8e, 10c. DRUSGtl PLuoeuCLum 10., 12co15m T-AVICOÇU AM 25oU, SO, l75%81.00 op. ]BLUMS 28% 30% 3 5c, 40a.,50&. SHOU E~ AWLSSOc 75. 8100. -Mit' «OVRCAT '.0 ~U &U ê #CM, t~7 .00 are four upeciale. Non'.a& 75c, 1.00, 1.5 mer, for 1, 15,*.0 WhkAc otions hve lvaji 1e.- esui; Oihes ntaIke,0a oal p"& ~1 L ~1 r il TES rAN VED "JR, MIIL pz triht L: ho are dest ani d ha bvsry lou mortgage i b. savfng ef wt. a OW TIR n Waszt a' crastuna mn Pl'rreromp NER&L Hi1 Si n ch e Th e these mos- rtridges, Doois, LE WU2iS al G. El Haar3.u zior Cunx ch Croh rior Crc IowDeN ýst Hleir ima rcheesi EOI B~ook an Oppm kit. co flIMM 1