Iy T- Dr. AIMAGE OM AN E8GAir. *unique T-K 1e).Dr. Ta-Image.PrWlC «, truJob xix, U Ira',-in ofmtéery .41b hall it bard. ;Wbat withbo* w rtC btrvIvrnflSand baukruptq 4a toûl 4et a wife hie wished lie wa M - du> fot Mblle hîm. Ria and bis boues. were ir aale aay nutil nothint #b1-ý» am narnl eenie et t.. -BELéci.0tt ami ecaped with hl;bt6i-bB opinion about thits -Ugp i ,Z Iie and Sehultens 'aud n eAt= -1id el and Barnes .have -alk tried thei *ÉOO on Job's teetb. Yen dem tation aud ny, 'Iat ire"bbw »*oeO aVorq about the exarnl,Wthe eeii.a ý@ h hj owo è«OM knew elerytiaâit. cry lsalmat a u. t% je -ob.fli l " 'uinrn e logi o n dieu. jQ& ba ve to ol,àefound t lb f-11 luti their .tethand d sud thâbsern Solomon and Moqesa .wrote a at'ieký mlitatebeané at <hn7 1llard ~hgl imnportant factors o e i. b- elob 1 8 sPgiflU *tau Aiueilca obi>. »- almtu er provoking, oipllunte j 'Ubk,1la time ttwe 4rmrwa Il.bel'"De hall added an vuwera * 0 foO ;»- ., rm i., t <à itiau sM s weut 8 rndputting hIe.-baubd = M.tbo I1 raom t t", = fiaMed face, leh.eillys IAiM "l pswlth a»Dece ne ee! tthat cltaeIli ý7 à *Iuý b e êvo On the skia où My tt12katlutWoI ireve$n A very farrow eeave, y«Q ayl forJob'a 1e- worid hanslever el ? îo cu ho topsy tarw~jqy ou a tie body and soul,,but there are tho-iauda y book tjst as au-mae&-.aM flilsid . Tii., w. 0f men Who rnak,k . ]t as uarr0w escapi~ nt'~ PPe.iqe 'ySt-ha'à4 r-3 a154om1btitl for their soul. There iras at*ire a nnteecint Ic rne a ofe a rgumeta te le t heitheo the partition between tilern and tilla was to -O wth lt bnd etndtruwrd llilf Chrla ,tiultyet therut H o!mo no thiceker thon a:tooti's eia.el, but theo*ftbad 1 hve no'ibl me, 1 anh"ng .m -1ouelitenuwie noHeur as Job finaily esie bae t .-wbdh have olta1yTh. lt il SUh 159.I Jlme aî ahi Thnn!k Godl T * ..d'1 »l n elehand I Winl txýri'rfOr- IEliS OtMS1 1 'ni lexpresses the S.îr a4u 1~egot jst - t. ; 90othen'baud e andbu lihe mYou on yQOnrUhoalà- ~ r& t fiure hen w i l~odt ie yen eus put a bl twa . beltr 1rsdivt o nod >aec f. iure sae s ftir " et eue II#. hW a k btoe-is oeo d- the gospel. Here la & rock ou whlch d n aoio se sain homs. ou Aov le 1tInviie rtglnCtYe lter-the _ýornay stand aim, thougli the vaves itm t h vaes. -lu. X&at -te> jite oe d migoiautey urlet the Bible d;ah aganst Itharder *than'tb. Âtls"±c &t dh ut, leu, i, in bSt haveýy Woihlpd,- t the ible tching itq surf lar aboie Eddyotkoùeue d sl tdoffth .e l.m s dane Y n they meil, te thepromihsson wbich they un Dose 1 ont Cam upon Qed ail, dril <atU , ('111:- li'heat utno 1i'îig.,r en jour ieaned , te the crass on wbich they bu g lith toubls hare sona fae. Yo ~~t'dowfl , m i huade of tir eternl expeetations. .Yoù have oretoulse hevn.Asln sthell l'v.seanîd hold on witik y,r flugers not been happj a day siuoe you awuug tewrl tckt ed Go sel cfit tîxîjithef.ct4tonueut Ik.e begus off. Ton. vil net lbe happy a minuteth olbthearisedefem nv te lick th'l, tc our odsd o uilynsinbak is government sand hélice ail thesle Out- sx feel th~t)II nîust fall, wheu -ont of Aantesa im. e smrne w Inluthe rages and ailtes os IGdls goo-.The te tiivt y( 1 b , ndli as-ttempt mtera Christian lite Will have For iuany hundreds of years hehbasbeen iluW] svgî ~ytay lu he aeSom t m giatpier aiosatap iexng the worid t. corne back te him, Chain fo)r (1,., r. I't'w1,1,ug u*irpetites. Peiliap t la a disposition te biotethe m ebas caindthe moreet- b yen. Y(u drop intlo it-yon ar, vd.auger' that yon have te conteud agalnat, violnth have l beenalu thelrrmnt u .îý0 nuitarupursaed bý.- tempajtatbus Sud perbapa, while. in a very sel onsanc, sd they bave te haedrepped s r untit lhey o yo h' r om ethlug tha.t makesmtpebcku tlteýrail g,. tt À~v1 .&. ou ftel ha, j. muet evear orS<die. I Tinthi uewb v iit the il But 1 i lik' te ligure ot Job a l11111e ow a Obrigth maniwho vas -once meo Trb'ibiàhus God, e 1 o n havehav te aluc bette thn tha et aul, caus~ th ex).eraed that lhe said te a mean eus- bloodnds f teejuadib aeau pulpt lins net iorn it put,. and 1i vont tomer, l'I canhot sirear at yen mysel.fblnthoug e l ithat eort en ye. Try et c te, show yoni, if Ued %vill help, thnt some for 1 am a niember et ths eharch, but hlma and mel if ie Win, fnothepryen. Try sud 1 mien Makte arreir escape for their seuls if yen vHI igo do;wù ttira my partuer bim sud seeif ho iine»tpardn.Theryrd a.nd are saved as "vith the skin éuftbefr lu buuInem w viwoear aut vo." Ail fhl ndose if bhavino net aveo. Te friei teeth." jOur good résolutions beretofore have asotea o sring Obav ie ble 50 S5 shorv It i9 as easqy for Sarnepeepeo liben tluto mer by exlosion oW tem- The slii. fl oireiiig th Obtm5 iffCiipherd te te cr'tsa~ fr ye tale oI!t. k par. Newthers hsne harr n lagettingTh nbahewrntcoaedihau put. ldgethe e aiffra<utalok e rn Itynedy elnhdImi..Yethe glow or bis helrt.Thi.waters have abl yen pett h ld el ate lome C:îngui neefi te bnidts snid saddle thosbuht- 1no rèfreshmsiitlike 1h. fou ttheat dvi you g e tethle st)koe ud a rl breathed pROsions sud-vitb them ride will slack the thirst et thY su.A h hi donjouc lte hucbyeterday.", your demi injustice sud vreng. There are le nd.moetrithrsin he andovl Ml s p n busine-s orad' ay That is JumI whpt lousaatMUS, lu dis verdavenogh el o tltbxt ut e »lmtîi ur miglit bave beeta expected; bl ieaways t- e bmrad at. There I§e ham n -thorent.the thunkter ay eucorng ama was of that turma of mid." lun youtb tlng red hot if yen onlY briDg te thes tirouh tetiekletWtoes cackig a ina this personwiomIn 1deserib, Wa-; i- tWg tbat vblch- needs bammering. AÀtieklunde i foot, ltore close by lu i way god. e nvei brke hin an holias -no -po-mer et ighteous i dn- tg am isgndrv ii.triger j lic y rg4". Hu nel r rok hngs ~pue . ao halmbc i u e sure il saddishépoer thing rears in ie citmoto tehe lagi A .hen. ud t iau hpeur diaiglijeoua nigneelet = -ndnt w~and talle back-wards ltâ autiers - He c urh ne'rvctly'qu1t, ' o risi p tna ncy ht blg udn aUandnra el tud a sbng on the rocks, but the pauting wit uinthrte h igitbu uet, -looig deun ey diho. lamnd. pernns beént that drinks from the mater brooks chum leIbt trîtrt ie hess.o a i e A~ Itlre tGdspoise shall neyer lbe fatallY Cap& mint, ut tt lt uto htle uneraoleeb iMlswo ae.11 uern appetites wouuded sud shall neyer die. ag irble iscssin aouttheetenal~ tvers aro"n uearly rnanheod lit This morld ls, a poor portion for Yeur o croles. si on abo -ust thine eral de- silime vien -h.7 poidsd themMeyeu seul. O business mani Au sasteru king « l then. iell'-.tet jte hekiado ~ c beugMIltI fat, "bzblir, ». hanmgraven on bis to'mb tiro fiagers, Pe" ced s e g ati-vvelly -th l i l Dur 08t btle , i &f lo r h 4 re pe entng se ou uding on each other lea it juet tbet tt lmalercert-i lu"fiée- with a nap, and ua4er thern the Mottl just we i n wa ter eiratm telld h it Uht« trlieusthej' coellt Ail là net verdtht." Apicius inell S m an -uneotrollalel spili Helic ept dihefeu 20 je= a*go. Soute of yare t y hanged himsielf because bhl twr l- 5 nursery !lu nuuproar. Ris imethelr lun 1<>escape, adynm buetvr onadhmIhth cdel 8OOOoa foun hlmwalkng o the W ti. -,aaffevly -un vitlitdis sl Oe' jour lefI. Ail oet dis world's riches mairebu a bouse ree! to seseif he cout9. ballance teeth." èo4 and jour c-va meut euiyasm»uertneerael.Rb-de lumsif 'Teî va nehese hathéf ko'wvht le arugiela.Omipo- pierre atternpted te Win -dis applause utfirhil dard nt ide, nu Irelie cl ent iIgrace bas pufled'Out Maly a seul the vuerd, but whuhh ras dying a d dlub.Bis o yhetvsalogmrls that vas deeçer In dis mire than jeu eancmmshntrog'tetod, ia et predisarnents; bis àcu ongvasre-I£s. hjln i eah-thne, crying te hlm, 6"Murderer of My iindréd, eau orledsa b i is mayirc Md umltitude vbom Qed bas - rescued frontdescend olenl, covered ili the cuïses lut îew l-i iielt cuVeriadyen g ut e er tiil ef suicidai habite. If yen Ibis ofeery mother in Fiance!" lnie (o Witt te(> le sor' antd ay,"nkirrigo tjeierd dUl t=W back Oenlthe Wrotg sud art bave, expec dthe pcudits et t W rvedvi Ék*rglt oied. b ave'died unider itsa anathema. shift the chureli yenterday." Yonr f riends Oan ev, ed ii heeuofhn. bli e.N afa ok A joking"ItY u apossible; You telIe-t te vii 'sympahise for ea while, andi then stroug pull for belvn ohlia oi . tmuth. lIeoi a,1Nciltellhurch."the-tni e f. If yen asi for their par- iii de il. There sometimes coules a holem tuh th~ Te e mhufr £317 het-n tetiigv lan a byvi ime on sbipbard iren evérythiug murtme us if old Arkwright bas" besoins a <hrls ty YUa yene nbul o yo agi.; but falling away again be acriicedtemaethe1 segg ersoi. neca han!" l other ord~ vsviii ad i uer the paver eftlemptatien they centcagjeotigti.rgngotn.eu tith ilis ordifile womsins ameit e f oeie u e orie ee-The captain p uts the tumpet te his hp te"u te apt th ope il tonf« o the n, 13' limet evu euce undred and shonle, "Cnt amay the mast." Sonsme a4 1 may N' preaching te seme who havejt9es, en. , tbeugh Ibis lb. the te# thQn- eyen ave en o e or drive e u c1 eut loose friaaa clurcbss and Bibles am and nýdtb ime,.,be in more earnest, mers eu bave in your ffort te icel> theet Sunuys aind rli hae n inenton t smpatheti ,more beiptul Ibis ast lime world weigli etyu oiI ni i beoS ug hitamteevs nd rot han irben you toc-k your fBrut misîep. yen haVe deciethsmtrIIevy-ef yéen may l(,ita ous hel esand bet ejif ilth ail te influences fvrbe~rtbing es ego. Overboard wth iail the cm.f yen leve ias bus as "m i te kin iiht it me m ie efaoya mis-orother auxieties and budette. Yen vili Wtt yo! yeetellbou"eI-ao net expeet Le takes, boy mucli barder le t irben, fer bave tle dmp dma is o! oeurne rîd ud a 4 ofaouteih. ILhavdo n o ets ofuistac-,sone appelite tba'ustas i on cut away dsthe ihoe aus cyfa frot Cpe ay r Lng b la off an st npoie te. t tdslogesdfor help put yeur Calse mb the hbao ç dromp e,%»i -ots an m iteftiecom plsanpddo lb ads ot destrne- of hlm iwbe helped Paul eut et the Oft ashore pulliag lu e netsvitheuabem-l ,e? fvder ncb- ulrurnstaa, hebreakeeseof Mela, suad ho, abeve the nam iu cngt inie1m. ifhvo t abrkaa ihr vi . osor usbrill blail t ofthe vmatbiesttepetIbatm g s ee da iligor t he Debareetkheawtal 5i t3 S, e li ae no jsy rten, ever tlackeued the siy or sheai the ol ibd ot a net, bu;t ire expeet no Citi<geluvic tewrs fe~ orca. u eardsfinetiporto exuso ody The vater Ils full ot mote troua aide te Mad udbend aud for mci'cloe 1 grlifl t ai h exrio the widx u i lgt4ret twist and vatcb for iu opportunity to hhcoetn emnfeigta h the gspel netl terg.Othodiet s fahutr too ni.vtionne mre o! yen Who have cosidered Yeur MOI the kl Sintlcuitrn.w t sho w mdt tin eafor, hieh dte muscle5s are cage as hopeieuse viiitaie heart again, TIbe - nshem e cst ds n th de lil aie -distended and lte velus stand out, aand btvliabodrdsnettsT itl i ote s heet onj *e lolod »dets, the svartby habit falîs m c ala bv ovrep nie d be- ?u -ou teé yon etn e e ii udrhi ue t h ictor-esc-apet st fore. von viin tarI for the ge900 d e 0 havete utaagnnsI iepica - otins. et a tlh neIohe y e he sth" th, gçntpel, at. Iast te lok baci, scying: It4 Ill uees oel to y ha> 4d TeWhiina bnn fen oten "h3*k m! iee lst à '1~ - - Jal " :r=m-ymi May à. . 6e19. lece Planteam Im mlea w buerudi ta~ ~ ~ x a sl < o even -tet a». igktothur vo ilues 01Ms *Wthenar" my te 8OteC iL a isla éikldo0n zo -eté ia - eu-tems. A nigd necumelybIn -e aai lc the >ef yu"thatslate IN --nt. Tii .o car'riez s Mr Meonoi, aearryang, stsel sud ý geang >mieanu eofmmie m bita are -pgama te COai. cl bas kil, lonialte sti vhicJ auces ths u chain until a cul or seveu-t bas been made. diagrmnCI aaisthe mannuSu whaic this i1 cnaoplihed- Thte an ha errang te taie dires shaps kils, eaceh fte uttinag goores one a haïf *uch dee' aepaated troin next. g ooe b a ofgeet cohb rehe d tne ink. Titis cut ec-ut four lac hgband tlt-i ie vide, a machine eit ut 40 pou and Its total dei eut lad mx t Te manalturn m il ,i1 eut ,tuhlldept i n u feui e hait mmin ad mn hec readi madjuutuent » eulIn tatty soeenm, athbs lime ea-t teite di spd . a lhait intnt bacin u sdn under tavon conditions. Techain, vhice' Il ren byaproet vbscls recelviln ir over a electrie moer cel dand em dietîy te de ami e t f, rav at dis ratsetof2V~ pe. lanOIs I soietrnis eftdil beea pove mtlg le ltense the amntii mchanism nse dia aid ouien e haorradedtli tor vîI stop, sand lu odier forma i F revuhutona tbe-chai. are mati ionl terme motion. Thesema ma are butât ïI aien5 herse-poire Mcity, but q rerjuentîy the avr e werk: dose -me- greeler titan is-powelr v e at-dm«In t may ri& high raepwer. ,Generali: uk!g due vercouumptlet il utt th ofe g tthe cul ang rmiea U duully until tde maxÇ m fa reaië-ied.at-*s et-tle ceUt. kimentlleaiscMiOclateste-et acti ttila-orhmghwa'- hat tiwe anti W_ toumetor ereet tde voi !ribed vidi coa npion et les LU one-horse-poawerliei per ton t LI iinet inuapabe o toing, dis ir te came timet 0ien. But en rater lu requfreti e acit machinf th theaid uit a lalpr te mae Il lus sud te more ilt rm romr .fter the undercut lbas besu mai] les aen d iled lu lb. face 'efthde ce n by measa c-telgetie drills. Il pcbie et dnlllng six fthale1 eminute, Inu dis onuetlouIl la il msntnote t dalshundercut i tejnery dos netlruire as pover! rtrid ges ha disthea nas ceainde by! ba d tdieridity villi hii L.boleaare drilflet >eledtric clut a great savlmgand )Iar 1~" sasd ouput. flue veigbî etf dis dril th' 0oat for a sixftS rein Of ew ,n'Iy 152 pc-unisd. "Io c .ea sasiiy à uiel by éte mnan.1 The drilli van qarickly tliIl aiss hesvton pa eM alme te attend tle e er " a lua rm n a n s d p cklt ces frth. ales tyeh"e m aninmplacm e Mly le bas finish e edig bote a - luready .le vid T*ûo* mn ey quimky Mc ed'&Isud théget lu startedef lu Machine bai -dnilti ;ý tes em ste "shoot"Orbiset do" 0 t»M o eW in llua neveu fuol vo cotuMils «bout tires homâes-averý a j duy Ieti ecairs ylich -s ttheredtogther by ths aid et au .elselil oOmo4ive, ad Ourna to long tnai bu, wi mme bauled .le I potaStml -e amn b mai » - wh i eq a ami u i to rs-ol aog Tr"F. 10 ee -Md gestrn' mt«ty AU lb. Mmcmeo!thee, l'nu id£Y - ~ the star .t ae soser aMY P&t - ' . "d- da.. .., *fr'ai. 1frAh eer tihi lite e nmSly eisI4 xi CRU terget 1ev deux tho at me; Meonu, nom, sud alt, wbaeeu i1 a u' o wmo ,v. b nfu xb t- Yromiiyrmt *emj'mg oft tm-. Bàsd e i um tthets ver et thee , iien s ta dl b u , ~ ~ ~: ~ Waud'rig star mni eu oy'd te aveu, - - Ahi!t*en 1I f.l I1054Ies -0517UI - Ai ueee( ~t le hautore uRet$oêl# l b f N E FW gP A P ER 8 . .T e a r s h a v e no tt lla i t hi. l e1 C « 1014 7 _________Tme #s thie .S1BbahMr heart bsn te j~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b lb Dila Xaxi laUyli ileteB= 1,uM teu- hellyBly, NeUW ly, bring de broini aleug usunWe'li sweep e irbenan1% Wd4mr. MCebêtun, .sud il iu expected tai sad b a alit1ie sons. - The.vork la nov broglt dowu frouth e jre hurla oUtlent dates tge i t'ar*18K4.Thia iAnd wvile 1 laiedebu O4Pa91 àtmons thât 34,M8 ponderou volames de MuI a' Intu. hi» eenéarrag exminé, ad .3,- XIhelgiNelIy,, het Neily, *201 tilles witv . hde th e dsneye- Listen, lu% le me; pen are index-ci up te date, 189, 1111 mina for ynlil play for Yeu, menré th"8700 volumes viii bave been A dulceni melOd. etahinrul Md nuc- t Is u eu 114,000 elByisaavlsheteursdoe tiles vmitteim.l Byhba oc ik h url ûe 'Amareoee t lieue ludexed paper eau .lisera il In de meadow sud I hears Itlut bnc orrs i m u hWn fmbemiuestt, d rv; b. enillule. dn ysmiuI.,or Nely Bly hba lisant Warm as a cap 0ab auaneweer given et once vhen a neye- tes piper bas net besu received. The vol- And4 biger dan de aveet potate devula uméas. being nubereti entaide, andi bar- Tennessee. t Il lu easy te lafid the pipera required. NelIy Biy abuta ber ee Site gees te,' IN flu ltles.lndeft et a glances heu the ssel>; y qr asetoflhechng tt.icWIi5nshe wakens np, agein ber eyebals, 5 au bOB I1m5BUE& The M u5W5B De way nie valis, hé its ber feot, m *pers *à*e;boen et-p àe eStdiiig'to 4denmime brInge Il dn, __a *~ ~~ aim, oisalllna exceptins the Ad vien i l Ugite 1er' niue dahIn ludeL- Si i.jIrepectiv et ;eàà7ti? or&em i port ub de"tovu. bt Te dfflexe tuc ree dstniset f Eg Nely Bly, Nelly BWyl nehben, nebber ulgi, trlè previnacfia rehowste ane f etNebiber brlug de tea rtp te de cornetre limhprevnsils sows impotane etForyour eye; a. catalogue, for while ths Indexeti pa-Fo de pie lu made oh- punpilua,ý and de , pers eau bs tound se quickhy, il takes zmusb la mals ob corna ,d tram tteen minutes te halftail heur te And der's cern sud pumpkiu plentr, mb, 1 t in i a p per frn a year unindexed. Win' lu de hm!' Le oi rvIif London sd provinciai a -uewspapersduAlngdisQueen'a reiga la' eteAus lé xtraordinairy. adon newpaperw lu We liît roamel sud eved mid ltas boeres 1M the Mueumn fer 1837 niumer ,en When thy downi cheelis were lu bloeifl cr bundreti, utile tor 1896 dere a ttare j. Now 1 tm ,a toe 'mil -the evers e 12 4. W ite hey mingle Ibeir pertamiOs o'eD - The vinlai e aeefor1887 nuin- tYtmb ~ he 3S, b voumes bu fo Biai! me never tmore bsehld licOl ee 19 tersaen ls hn20ny- Neyer heur tby winlu iroeS eagalin !y papers. When tbe spilngtfise cornes4,gentifeAnlelS la 1 d -lh s yUd 1o verS.a rme ,scates e ' ki 1 o a ieke a'c s hkrit. tie plain. J_ George- Dolby, manage? ef Charles0fl.uesgowedvleInme Dickesa on -osas et hic rendilug tours li n 1 tet be mitnt ow9wte 1 -PiOf eu el til Ibis country, lsailIri nsd the And my beert bews lewn wvite 1 irandeï . Louden correspndentet The Chicago Byisteeeallemavuler rk Record reports- ut liglt morne0Dolby'a vs s trared. k, emlnleem Ameonor thinga diseB$hai! e never moersbehol lb.? re -quontiain manager maya: '*Re vas the Neyer biear tby mlunnng rotces agaif, ~s kiudet beartd man 1 ever have huov.w beIla pintm e. gnîe me, or Msny sud mauy a tine irben on a lotir the fdleesae dterlo ik vs came serons old ssocates ut bis dspan e irb e es dovn u heir Inci. Dices The Tide. Po rn v <ltiOfl. e, vonld sy te me aftter die readingl Itlualwysdirerling te voIch hbey be 'Jeey,. let me bave £20 in crisp, n iav e sna te bsuk notes, sud I vcat te be aioe. te- a wvetm i int"lhetual refonlu vili morrôw frosi 12 te 2.' I nev irat freu, ime t-ime.wesp ver a "*et" or a e Ii»s ment. Res bd inviteti is od community, er, 1 ndeeti, an entire local-- ai t riends, te al upn him aetdiat har, ity, say5 The New Yorn Sn. lt le me la and sucli frieda didn't go - avay c tchilu& se neitble. Iverybdy ' goes Éan peorer. * * * ovn before Lt. ÂnYtbing nevel Or-eut "Dickess as fond et reading is evu et e inluexpresson !le dsppaia4r y be k . Once lu Liverpool, irbere vs infeci n eut. no v. F r e a m l, " a il bail su off nigit, I vas obliged te louve aîi oi"ii5dct"atps u, er- hlm te bimselt ton an erening. Be keen" tfon "quici" or "elger" anti"de- ~h esk te m eleta a bookeher'a snd lectable" fer a frem "nice" t qS send blm soeuthing te rend. I asked "e e ~f~lTY*bn.- i- hlm vwhat lie veuld i le, and hle replied, This fashion has, hoever, leu te ceai il, 'Anydiana etSir Walter Sot e sdmy -mend il in tdat itleisnet 8seh e tri- al, evu.' I purchameti 'Old (Jriosity Sbop' bute te goi Engliih as -te <ily. Âmeni- be and tei 'l te irn myself, vhereat he caus--nameb3, the Anglomaiacse. im was dehlghted, ua.ying be bad net reati Pronunciation - affordlS:a flue listance rt thei bo ofe ers,. I vasurios te of the val' thât alveen follov suit i sam dis sfee et o ise c-vu boi ou hm, like a o v of bricks on a- ck of shesi it sd aoa .7retnu vas amusi te îi dor anyting élos thal mSymb6#2iluebar- e him laugiking irumoderateli t Certain l- flony ami aed. Just lot sa club Pvss h. cde nto ln dise bok. esexplinet, o y 1dten t or W Skno*ledged leader.etgati Ie evear, dhat te vas net laughiua et bis if by sajeing. appetiteYtis or c6-qtietrt, Or Ldowner~eations as niuch as aI dte rezol- anythng éiue tereign te the aippendiceebluin b.lestions oethle circumstances uder ibiliOn cequetry ttt dey havealbenmyî So ertain assagesd incidents ail been for se msy jeansd preste ite ligt- ilm vr1tIe.R> et-baudman cooldu't maie quicier work des ef t i. AU i di. iu't saayiug diat It Ian' ,Vu j Binai. roM 4"am's iforn." hbighly landable sud weil-inteiitioned. i. 1p.rejudice in deemiord et fools. Lbue verything élue, culturs ei& hate r o.s iegoealpm unshine.. bave a start ud net unlke eersytitia the 1. g:, 55s15 ummdussnicinanisi.els ta apt te b. fouua vhsit'Wusesute- am Kuwweige vili gruv until tdehatteligy5. ale ,schela ledm. Ce The eting ot vice yull li*-e alter lhe WiS lm t the Plenum. s ledeati. kr l afl* e vftwisi heIf omhy good minuceulti mmrry disuiany elone-tifl&peopâe,unudet '..be vn veubu full fIde ptmails. pesureetcane a«d wok, voulide b. le 8vpromissmake die best lime. vilte- ley ho heurt: -'?hê ummI hoî cmI Nature laetde superneaturai partlally 1 oughYiy wad 0etml i âthet - u >0« . nveilai. W h!& --,*uebs àI .iàafe.-:itiahu bI R lavey n utrtîuate dt b asno, oflei eu. ,swthm t ~Uel Whb trubé Pm. avau saiohawaolid-,d polt e kk auio Hets l awasýcba1,al*.ýààéA dtt* é. i«h., eniabS vpu- jThe. ums vIntrgvela lbth saine resnd jiesb,»m st1 é»4i. 9 venday sencesses te admire tha ma- 'a. ysLth e emtny"fe élmu. lmllm eMgU~by ometnig the. iw ad~br con~tAievermbat et W&1 li e75 g '-I à buldg p lis p« box Usa, reuwuu&; 1 v-Wý n Umm w ý -W -- - -, - - . "111.! adkum travel, en ýiiýmadm *wàw XWe b"Ut., wbtth lut lm Qi M. wm er Mn mal vem Uiil H» *e tut mf ft able in old reiauve to the fauh in mow qw*-akt*"'- BRYO. «I «M be beannior il 1 lit « tuai" miy a-~ ~~~» en #vs*gsdwOihows ato h ~mg*u<ua~ ~pmmId.p , he re.wl i~4b ~od.%Wh. as mppubanll lu tie ~4theIli. " nesouule a Isquwn ' ýOh. cea., Iam, muet botter thm for bubbeomv jwu tbocght abqut la fwfflme »aont »,? mid the-eporter. -Wsll, tllhe 4thé i ibmbglnnl," maiu t~fmwl , 'topidtee bard *>w4et -Q; tg édue sulf for #h"t' m the tbécosIéM mutem tro1ublé IIla1p.hiiwu vI bd*@ i mpri dmu9011oi#yashOMO ~~p~>pgoi.nnonnaggs"..oial'My IM ft à# in as hi aal ut Ibi ihaiÎi, 'u n Ié tw-as tors yWle my L5. ý10*o .n smiedt efoui my om, b" mw b . w-atily eceI bom là _*uI m Owé mmiilest feu &lvd iktit daste,., but moud *ii me r èe.Professer, Bovinan, via Io m- tursioience, 1014 mue of sqLa es k Dr. Wilm.' Fink PIU* »r Pale. Peopleamsu gel meoto UW W a ra, basaQse they bai bous- t à; i tg àumilax os, suda. dum41. tmp thora "Tir. lui box helped me,aMidlthe eeuda gava pemi relief, snob se I boa 0 noer exorensifromein d s etient of ua palelm. ,Mien usina mlx boxe# ef thsm.mmdage 1 vasensinelv oured., To- idey 1 u &-penfatly vell. I(mfootere >Mmd tolareeàa for res». I oninly e Queai De. Wsilàis' F ink PMllate ýt iOme ag$Qu midover.vonked people. ~Or Pianaos ~ mm BIINGMÂCHflTei of the ,t boss nakes et reduoed pnes. '- -1* ~ ~ e 54. 'Bo 1, idm wýO la papitil s hrbbing or ~~bO5hiflffdhtineu5,shorct irsati, ~~ cfeokigIg sensiSoni, poinu in ~~êgubou~t.. if se, your heart us 6" wm a tumaffect your ~ ndrbMauxioaufeelng, deiihity.